Index ¶
- Constants
- type ASN
- type ASNParam
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogAction
- type AuditLogActor
- type AuditLogActorType
- type AuditLogOwner
- type AuditLogResource
- type CertificateCA
- type CertificateRequestType
- type CloudflareTunnel
- type CloudflareTunnelConnection
- type CloudflareTunnelStatus
- type CloudflareTunnelTunType
- type Error
- type ErrorData
- type Image
- type ImageService
- type Key
- type Member
- type MemberPoliciesAccess
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
- type MemberPolicy
- type MemberStatus
- type MemberUser
- type Permission
- type PermissionGrant
- type PermissionGrantParam
- type RatePlan
- type RatePlanParam
- type ResponseInfo
- type Role
- type RoleParam
- type RolePermissions
- type RolePermissionsParam
- type SortDirection
- type Stat
- type StatCount
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionFrequency
- type SubscriptionParam
- type SubscriptionState
- type Token
- type TokenCondition
- type TokenConditionCIDRList
- type TokenConditionCIDRListParam
- type TokenConditionParam
- type TokenConditionRequestIP
- type TokenConditionRequestIPParam
- type TokenParam
- type TokenPolicy
- type TokenPolicyEffect
- type TokenPolicyParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
- type TokenStatus
- type TokenValue
- type V1BlobGetParams
- type V1BlobService
- type V1DeleteParams
- type V1DeleteResponseEnvelope
- type V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1EditParams
- type V1EditResponseEnvelope
- type V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1GetParams
- type V1GetResponseEnvelope
- type V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1KeyDeleteParams
- type V1KeyDeleteResponse
- type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1KeyListParams
- type V1KeyListResponse
- type V1KeyListResponseEnvelope
- type V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1KeyService
- func (r *V1KeyService) Delete(ctx context.Context, signingKeyName string, body V1KeyDeleteParams, ...) (res *V1KeyDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *V1KeyService) List(ctx context.Context, query V1KeyListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1KeyListResponse, err error)
- func (r *V1KeyService) Update(ctx context.Context, signingKeyName string, body V1KeyUpdateParams, ...) (res *V1KeyUpdateResponse, err error)
- type V1KeyUpdateParams
- type V1KeyUpdateResponse
- type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1ListParams
- type V1ListResponse
- type V1NewParams
- type V1NewResponseEnvelope
- type V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1Service
- func (r *V1Service) Delete(ctx context.Context, imageID string, body V1DeleteParams, ...) (res *interface{}, err error)
- func (r *V1Service) Edit(ctx context.Context, imageID string, params V1EditParams, ...) (res *Image, err error)
- func (r *V1Service) Get(ctx context.Context, imageID string, query V1GetParams, ...) (res *Image, err error)
- func (r *V1Service) List(ctx context.Context, params V1ListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePagination[V1ListResponse], err error)
- func (r *V1Service) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params V1ListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationAutoPager[V1ListResponse]
- func (r *V1Service) New(ctx context.Context, params V1NewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Image, err error)
- type V1StatGetParams
- type V1StatGetResponseEnvelope
- type V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1StatService
- type V1VariantDeleteParams
- type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1VariantEditParams
- type V1VariantEditParamsOptions
- type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit
- type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata
- type V1VariantEditResponse
- type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelope
- type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1VariantEditResponseVariant
- type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions
- type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit
- type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata
- type V1VariantGetParams
- type V1VariantGetResponse
- type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelope
- type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1VariantGetResponseVariant
- type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions
- type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit
- type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata
- type V1VariantListParams
- type V1VariantListResponseEnvelope
- type V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1VariantNewParams
- type V1VariantNewParamsOptions
- type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit
- type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata
- type V1VariantNewResponse
- type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelope
- type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V1VariantNewResponseVariant
- type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions
- type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit
- type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata
- type V1VariantService
- func (r *V1VariantService) Delete(ctx context.Context, variantID string, body V1VariantDeleteParams, ...) (res *interface{}, err error)
- func (r *V1VariantService) Edit(ctx context.Context, variantID string, params V1VariantEditParams, ...) (res *V1VariantEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *V1VariantService) Get(ctx context.Context, variantID string, query V1VariantGetParams, ...) (res *V1VariantGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *V1VariantService) List(ctx context.Context, query V1VariantListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Variant, err error)
- func (r *V1VariantService) New(ctx context.Context, params V1VariantNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1VariantNewResponse, err error)
- type V2DirectUploadNewParams
- type V2DirectUploadNewResponse
- type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelope
- type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V2DirectUploadService
- type V2ListParams
- type V2ListParamsSortOrder
- type V2ListResponse
- type V2ListResponseEnvelope
- type V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type V2Service
- type Variant
- type VariantVariants
- type VariantVariantsHero
- type VariantVariantsHeroOptions
- type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit
- type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata
Constants ¶
const AuditLogActorTypeAdmin = shared.AuditLogActorTypeAdmin
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare = shared.AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeUser = shared.AuditLogActorTypeUser
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCADigicert = shared.CertificateCADigicert
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCAGoogle = shared.CertificateCAGoogle
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCALetsEncrypt = shared.CertificateCALetsEncrypt
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCASSLCom = shared.CertificateCASSLCom
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate = shared.CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDown = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDown
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessAllow = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessDeny = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusAccepted = shared.MemberStatusAccepted
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusPending = shared.MemberStatusPending
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionAsc = shared.SortDirectionAsc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionDesc = shared.SortDirectionDesc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyYearly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyYearly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment = shared.SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateCancelled = shared.SubscriptionStateCancelled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateExpired = shared.SubscriptionStateExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateFailed = shared.SubscriptionStateFailed
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStatePaid = shared.SubscriptionStatePaid
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateProvisioned = shared.SubscriptionStateProvisioned
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateTrial = shared.SubscriptionStateTrial
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectAllow = shared.TokenPolicyEffectAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectDeny = shared.TokenPolicyEffectDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusActive = shared.TokenStatusActive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusDisabled = shared.TokenStatusDisabled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusExpired = shared.TokenStatusExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuditLogAction ¶
type AuditLogAction = shared.AuditLogAction
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActor ¶
type AuditLogActor = shared.AuditLogActor
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActorType ¶
type AuditLogActorType = shared.AuditLogActorType
The type of actor, whether a User, Cloudflare Admin, or an Automated System.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogOwner ¶
type AuditLogOwner = shared.AuditLogOwner
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogResource ¶
type AuditLogResource = shared.AuditLogResource
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateCA ¶
type CertificateCA = shared.CertificateCA
The Certificate Authority that will issue the certificate
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateRequestType ¶
type CertificateRequestType = shared.CertificateRequestType
Signature type desired on certificate ("origin-rsa" (rsa), "origin-ecc" (ecdsa), or "keyless-certificate" (for Keyless SSL servers).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnel ¶
type CloudflareTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnel
A Cloudflare Tunnel that connects your origin to Cloudflare's edge.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelConnection ¶
type CloudflareTunnelConnection = shared.CloudflareTunnelConnection
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelStatus ¶
type CloudflareTunnelStatus = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatus
The status of the tunnel. Valid values are `inactive` (tunnel has never been run), `degraded` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic but in an unhealthy state), `healthy` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic), or `down` (tunnel can not serve traffic as it has no connections to the Cloudflare Edge).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelTunType ¶
type CloudflareTunnelTunType = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunType
The type of tunnel.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type Image ¶
type Image struct { // Image unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Image file name. Filename string `json:"filename"` // User modifiable key-value store. Can be used for keeping references to another // system of record for managing images. Metadata must not exceed 1024 bytes. Meta interface{} `json:"meta"` // Indicates whether the image can be a accessed only using it's UID. If set to // true, a signed token needs to be generated with a signing key to view the image. RequireSignedURLs bool `json:"requireSignedURLs"` // When the media item was uploaded. Uploaded time.Time `json:"uploaded" format:"date-time"` // Object specifying available variants for an image. Variants []string `json:"variants" format:"uri"` JSON imageJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Image) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ImageService ¶
type ImageService struct { Options []option.RequestOption V1 *V1Service V2 *V2Service }
ImageService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewImageService method instead.
func NewImageService ¶
func NewImageService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ImageService)
NewImageService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
type Key ¶
type Key struct { // Key name. Name string `json:"name"` // Key value. Value string `json:"value"` JSON keyJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Key) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MemberPoliciesAccess ¶
type MemberPoliciesAccess = shared.MemberPoliciesAccess
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
A group of scoped resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the resource group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
A scope is a combination of scope objects which provides additional context.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
A scope object represents any resource that can have actions applied against invite.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberStatus ¶
type MemberStatus = shared.MemberStatus
A member's status in the account.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberUser ¶
type MemberUser = shared.MemberUser
Details of the user associated to the membership.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrant ¶
type PermissionGrant = shared.PermissionGrant
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrantParam ¶
type PermissionGrantParam = shared.PermissionGrantParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RatePlanParam ¶
type RatePlanParam = shared.RatePlanParam
The rate plan applied to the subscription.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RolePermissions ¶
type RolePermissions = shared.RolePermissions
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RolePermissionsParam ¶
type RolePermissionsParam = shared.RolePermissionsParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection = shared.SortDirection
Direction to order DNS records in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type Stat ¶
type Stat struct { Count StatCount `json:"count"` JSON statJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Stat) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StatCount ¶
type StatCount struct { // Cloudflare Images allowed usage. Allowed float64 `json:"allowed"` // Cloudflare Images current usage. Current float64 `json:"current"` JSON statCountJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*StatCount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SubscriptionFrequency ¶
type SubscriptionFrequency = shared.SubscriptionFrequency
How often the subscription is renewed automatically.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionParam ¶
type SubscriptionParam = shared.SubscriptionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionState ¶
type SubscriptionState = shared.SubscriptionState
The state that the subscription is in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenCondition ¶
type TokenCondition = shared.TokenCondition
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRList ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRList = shared.TokenConditionCIDRList
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam = shared.TokenConditionCIDRListParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionParam ¶
type TokenConditionParam = shared.TokenConditionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIP ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIP = shared.TokenConditionRequestIP
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam = shared.TokenConditionRequestIPParam
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyEffect ¶
type TokenPolicyEffect = shared.TokenPolicyEffect
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyParam ¶
type TokenPolicyParam = shared.TokenPolicyParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenStatus ¶
type TokenStatus = shared.TokenStatus
Status of the token.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenValue ¶
type TokenValue = shared.TokenValue
The token value.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type V1BlobGetParams ¶
type V1BlobService ¶
type V1BlobService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
V1BlobService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV1BlobService method instead.
func NewV1BlobService ¶
func NewV1BlobService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V1BlobService)
NewV1BlobService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V1BlobService) Get ¶
func (r *V1BlobService) Get(ctx context.Context, imageID string, query V1BlobGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *http.Response, err error)
Fetch base image. For most images this will be the originally uploaded file. For larger images it can be a near-lossless version of the original.
type V1DeleteParams ¶
type V1DeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1DeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result interface{} `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1DeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1DeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1DeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1DeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1EditParams ¶
type V1EditParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // User modifiable key-value store. Can be used for keeping references to another // system of record for managing images. No change if not specified. Metadata param.Field[interface{}] `json:"metadata"` // Indicates whether the image can be accessed using only its UID. If set to // `true`, a signed token needs to be generated with a signing key to view the // image. Returns a new UID on a change. No change if not specified. RequireSignedURLs param.Field[bool] `json:"requireSignedURLs"` }
func (V1EditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r V1EditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type V1EditResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1EditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Image `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1EditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1EditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1EditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1EditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1GetParams ¶
type V1GetResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1GetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Image `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1GetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1GetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1GetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1GetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1KeyDeleteParams ¶
type V1KeyDeleteResponse ¶
type V1KeyDeleteResponse struct { Keys []Key `json:"keys"` JSON v1KeyDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1KeyDeleteResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1KeyDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1KeyListParams ¶
type V1KeyListResponse ¶
type V1KeyListResponse struct { Keys []Key `json:"keys"` JSON v1KeyListResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyListResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1KeyListResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1KeyListResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1KeyListResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1KeyListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1KeyService ¶
type V1KeyService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
V1KeyService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV1KeyService method instead.
func NewV1KeyService ¶
func NewV1KeyService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V1KeyService)
NewV1KeyService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V1KeyService) Delete ¶
func (r *V1KeyService) Delete(ctx context.Context, signingKeyName string, body V1KeyDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1KeyDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete signing key with specified name. Returns all keys available. When last key is removed, a new default signing key will be generated.
func (*V1KeyService) List ¶
func (r *V1KeyService) List(ctx context.Context, query V1KeyListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1KeyListResponse, err error)
Lists your signing keys. These can be found on your Cloudflare Images dashboard.
func (*V1KeyService) Update ¶
func (r *V1KeyService) Update(ctx context.Context, signingKeyName string, body V1KeyUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1KeyUpdateResponse, err error)
Create a new signing key with specified name. Returns all keys available.
type V1KeyUpdateParams ¶
type V1KeyUpdateResponse ¶
type V1KeyUpdateResponse struct { Keys []Key `json:"keys"` JSON v1KeyUpdateResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1KeyUpdateResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1KeyUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1ListParams ¶
type V1ListParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // Number of items per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` }
func (V1ListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r V1ListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes V1ListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type V1ListResponse ¶
type V1ListResponse struct { Images []Image `json:"images"` JSON v1ListResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1ListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1ListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1NewParams ¶
type V1NewParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // An image binary data. Only needed when type is uploading a file. File param.Field[interface{}] `json:"file"` // User modifiable key-value store. Can use used for keeping references to another // system of record for managing images. Metadata param.Field[interface{}] `json:"metadata"` // Indicates whether the image requires a signature token for the access. RequireSignedURLs param.Field[bool] `json:"requireSignedURLs"` // A URL to fetch an image from origin. Only needed when type is uploading from a // URL. URL param.Field[string] `json:"url"` }
func (V1NewParams) MarshalMultipart ¶
func (r V1NewParams) MarshalMultipart() (data []byte, contentType string, err error)
type V1NewResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1NewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Image `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1NewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1NewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1NewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1NewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1Service ¶
type V1Service struct { Options []option.RequestOption Keys *V1KeyService Stats *V1StatService Variants *V1VariantService Blobs *V1BlobService }
V1Service contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV1Service method instead.
func NewV1Service ¶
func NewV1Service(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V1Service)
NewV1Service generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V1Service) Delete ¶
func (r *V1Service) Delete(ctx context.Context, imageID string, body V1DeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *interface{}, err error)
Delete an image on Cloudflare Images. On success, all copies of the image are deleted and purged from cache.
func (*V1Service) Edit ¶
func (r *V1Service) Edit(ctx context.Context, imageID string, params V1EditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Image, err error)
Update image access control. On access control change, all copies of the image are purged from cache.
func (*V1Service) Get ¶
func (r *V1Service) Get(ctx context.Context, imageID string, query V1GetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Image, err error)
Fetch details for a single image.
func (*V1Service) List ¶
func (r *V1Service) List(ctx context.Context, params V1ListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePagination[V1ListResponse], err error)
List up to 100 images with one request. Use the optional parameters below to get a specific range of images.
func (*V1Service) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *V1Service) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params V1ListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationAutoPager[V1ListResponse]
List up to 100 images with one request. Use the optional parameters below to get a specific range of images.
func (*V1Service) New ¶
func (r *V1Service) New(ctx context.Context, params V1NewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Image, err error)
Upload an image with up to 10 Megabytes using a single HTTP POST (multipart/form-data) request. An image can be uploaded by sending an image file or passing an accessible to an API url.
type V1StatGetParams ¶
type V1StatGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1StatGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Stat `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1StatGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1StatGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1StatGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1StatGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1StatService ¶
type V1StatService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
V1StatService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV1StatService method instead.
func NewV1StatService ¶
func NewV1StatService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V1StatService)
NewV1StatService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V1StatService) Get ¶
func (r *V1StatService) Get(ctx context.Context, query V1StatGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Stat, err error)
Fetch usage statistics details for Cloudflare Images.
type V1VariantDeleteParams ¶
type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result interface{} `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantEditParams ¶
type V1VariantEditParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options param.Field[V1VariantEditParamsOptions] `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs param.Field[bool] `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` }
func (V1VariantEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r V1VariantEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type V1VariantEditParamsOptions ¶
type V1VariantEditParamsOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit param.Field[V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit] `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height param.Field[float64] `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata param.Field[V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata] `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width param.Field[float64] `json:"width,required"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (V1VariantEditParamsOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r V1VariantEditParamsOptions) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit ¶
type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFitScaleDown V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit = "scale-down" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFitContain V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit = "contain" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFitCover V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit = "cover" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFitCrop V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit = "crop" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFitPad V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantEditParamsOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata ¶
type V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadataKeep V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata = "keep" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadataCopyright V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata = "copyright" V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadataNone V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantEditParamsOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantEditResponse ¶
type V1VariantEditResponse struct { Variant V1VariantEditResponseVariant `json:"variant"` JSON v1VariantEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1VariantEditResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantEditResponseVariant ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseVariant struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs bool `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` JSON v1VariantEditResponseVariantJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantEditResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantEditResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height float64 `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width float64 `json:"width,required"` JSON v1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsJSON `json:"-"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (*V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFitScaleDown V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit = "scale-down" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFitContain V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit = "contain" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFitCover V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit = "cover" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFitCrop V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit = "crop" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFitPad V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata ¶
type V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadataKeep V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "keep" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadataCopyright V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "copyright" V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadataNone V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantEditResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantGetParams ¶
type V1VariantGetResponse ¶
type V1VariantGetResponse struct { Variant V1VariantGetResponseVariant `json:"variant"` JSON v1VariantGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1VariantGetResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantGetResponseVariant ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseVariant struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs bool `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` JSON v1VariantGetResponseVariantJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantGetResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantGetResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height float64 `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width float64 `json:"width,required"` JSON v1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsJSON `json:"-"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (*V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFitScaleDown V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit = "scale-down" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFitContain V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit = "contain" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFitCover V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit = "cover" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFitCrop V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit = "crop" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFitPad V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata ¶
type V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadataKeep V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "keep" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadataCopyright V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "copyright" V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadataNone V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantGetResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantListParams ¶
type V1VariantListResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1VariantListResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result Variant `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1VariantListResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantNewParams ¶
type V1VariantNewParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options param.Field[V1VariantNewParamsOptions] `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs param.Field[bool] `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` }
func (V1VariantNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r V1VariantNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type V1VariantNewParamsOptions ¶
type V1VariantNewParamsOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit param.Field[V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit] `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height param.Field[float64] `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata param.Field[V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata] `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width param.Field[float64] `json:"width,required"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (V1VariantNewParamsOptions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r V1VariantNewParamsOptions) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit ¶
type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFitScaleDown V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit = "scale-down" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFitContain V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit = "contain" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFitCover V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit = "cover" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFitCrop V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit = "crop" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFitPad V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantNewParamsOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata ¶
type V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadataKeep V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata = "keep" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadataCopyright V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata = "copyright" V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadataNone V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantNewParamsOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantNewResponse ¶
type V1VariantNewResponse struct { Variant V1VariantNewResponseVariant `json:"variant"` JSON v1VariantNewResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V1VariantNewResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantNewResponseVariant ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseVariant struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs bool `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` JSON v1VariantNewResponseVariantJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V1VariantNewResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantNewResponseVariant) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height float64 `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width float64 `json:"width,required"` JSON v1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsJSON `json:"-"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (*V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFitScaleDown V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit = "scale-down" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFitContain V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit = "contain" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFitCover V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit = "cover" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFitCrop V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit = "crop" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFitPad V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata ¶
type V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadataKeep V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "keep" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadataCopyright V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "copyright" V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadataNone V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r V1VariantNewResponseVariantOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool
type V1VariantService ¶
type V1VariantService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
V1VariantService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV1VariantService method instead.
func NewV1VariantService ¶
func NewV1VariantService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V1VariantService)
NewV1VariantService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V1VariantService) Delete ¶
func (r *V1VariantService) Delete(ctx context.Context, variantID string, body V1VariantDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *interface{}, err error)
Deleting a variant purges the cache for all images associated with the variant.
func (*V1VariantService) Edit ¶
func (r *V1VariantService) Edit(ctx context.Context, variantID string, params V1VariantEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1VariantEditResponse, err error)
Updating a variant purges the cache for all images associated with the variant.
func (*V1VariantService) Get ¶
func (r *V1VariantService) Get(ctx context.Context, variantID string, query V1VariantGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1VariantGetResponse, err error)
Fetch details for a single variant.
func (*V1VariantService) List ¶
func (r *V1VariantService) List(ctx context.Context, query V1VariantListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Variant, err error)
Lists existing variants.
func (*V1VariantService) New ¶
func (r *V1VariantService) New(ctx context.Context, params V1VariantNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V1VariantNewResponse, err error)
Specify variants that allow you to resize images for different use cases.
type V2DirectUploadNewParams ¶
type V2DirectUploadNewParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Optional Image Custom ID. Up to 1024 chars. Can include any number of subpaths, // and utf8 characters. Cannot start nor end with a / (forward slash). Cannot be a // UUID. ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` // The date after which the upload will not be accepted. Minimum: Now + 2 minutes. // Maximum: Now + 6 hours. Expiry param.Field[time.Time] `json:"expiry" format:"date-time"` // User modifiable key-value store. Can be used for keeping references to another // system of record, for managing images. Metadata param.Field[interface{}] `json:"metadata"` // Indicates whether the image requires a signature token to be accessed. RequireSignedURLs param.Field[bool] `json:"requireSignedURLs"` }
func (V2DirectUploadNewParams) MarshalMultipart ¶
func (r V2DirectUploadNewParams) MarshalMultipart() (data []byte, contentType string, err error)
type V2DirectUploadNewResponse ¶
type V2DirectUploadNewResponse struct { // Image unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The URL the unauthenticated upload can be performed to using a single HTTP POST // (multipart/form-data) request. UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"` JSON v2DirectUploadNewResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V2DirectUploadNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V2DirectUploadNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V2DirectUploadNewResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V2DirectUploadNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V2DirectUploadService ¶
type V2DirectUploadService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
V2DirectUploadService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV2DirectUploadService method instead.
func NewV2DirectUploadService ¶
func NewV2DirectUploadService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V2DirectUploadService)
NewV2DirectUploadService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V2DirectUploadService) New ¶
func (r *V2DirectUploadService) New(ctx context.Context, params V2DirectUploadNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V2DirectUploadNewResponse, err error)
Direct uploads allow users to upload images without API keys. A common use case are web apps, client-side applications, or mobile devices where users upload content directly to Cloudflare Images. This method creates a draft record for a future image. It returns an upload URL and an image identifier. To verify if the image itself has been uploaded, send an image details request (accounts/:account_identifier/images/v1/:identifier), and check that the `draft: true` property is not present.
type V2ListParams ¶
type V2ListParams struct { // Account identifier tag. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Continuation token for a next page. List images V2 returns continuation_token ContinuationToken param.Field[string] `query:"continuation_token"` // Number of items per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // Sorting order by upload time. SortOrder param.Field[V2ListParamsSortOrder] `query:"sort_order"` }
func (V2ListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r V2ListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes V2ListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type V2ListParamsSortOrder ¶
type V2ListParamsSortOrder string
Sorting order by upload time.
const ( V2ListParamsSortOrderAsc V2ListParamsSortOrder = "asc" V2ListParamsSortOrderDesc V2ListParamsSortOrder = "desc" )
func (V2ListParamsSortOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r V2ListParamsSortOrder) IsKnown() bool
type V2ListResponse ¶
type V2ListResponse struct { // Continuation token to fetch next page. Passed as a query param when requesting // List V2 api endpoint. ContinuationToken string `json:"continuation_token,nullable"` Images []Image `json:"images"` JSON v2ListResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V2ListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V2ListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V2ListResponseEnvelope ¶
type V2ListResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` Result V2ListResponse `json:"result,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` JSON v2ListResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*V2ListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *V2ListResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r V2ListResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type V2Service ¶
type V2Service struct { Options []option.RequestOption DirectUploads *V2DirectUploadService }
V2Service contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewV2Service method instead.
func NewV2Service ¶
func NewV2Service(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *V2Service)
NewV2Service generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*V2Service) List ¶
func (r *V2Service) List(ctx context.Context, params V2ListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *V2ListResponse, err error)
List up to 10000 images with one request. Use the optional parameters below to get a specific range of images. Endpoint returns continuation_token if more images are present.
type Variant ¶
type Variant struct { Variants VariantVariants `json:"variants"` JSON variantJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Variant) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type VariantVariants ¶
type VariantVariants struct { Hero VariantVariantsHero `json:"hero"` JSON variantVariantsJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantVariants) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantVariants) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantVariantsHero ¶
type VariantVariantsHero struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases. Options VariantVariantsHeroOptions `json:"options,required"` // Indicates whether the variant can access an image without a signature, // regardless of image access control. NeverRequireSignedURLs bool `json:"neverRequireSignedURLs"` JSON variantVariantsHeroJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantVariantsHero) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantVariantsHero) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantVariantsHeroOptions ¶
type VariantVariantsHeroOptions struct { // The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be // interpreted. Fit VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit `json:"fit,required"` // Maximum height in image pixels. Height float64 `json:"height,required"` // What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image. Metadata VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata `json:"metadata,required"` // Maximum width in image pixels. Width float64 `json:"width,required"` JSON variantVariantsHeroOptionsJSON `json:"-"` }
Allows you to define image resizing sizes for different use cases.
func (*VariantVariantsHeroOptions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantVariantsHeroOptions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit ¶
type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit string
The fit property describes how the width and height dimensions should be interpreted.
const ( VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFitScaleDown VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit = "scale-down" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFitContain VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit = "contain" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFitCover VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit = "cover" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFitCrop VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit = "crop" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFitPad VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit = "pad" )
func (VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantVariantsHeroOptionsFit) IsKnown() bool
type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata ¶
type VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata string
What EXIF data should be preserved in the output image.
const ( VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadataKeep VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata = "keep" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadataCopyright VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata = "copyright" VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadataNone VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata = "none" )
func (VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantVariantsHeroOptionsMetadata) IsKnown() bool