// U go underlying type data
type U struct {
// Has unexported fields.
// Unpack unpacks i to go underlying type data.
func Unpack(i interface{}) U
// From gets go underlying type data from reflect.Value.
func From(v reflect.Value) U
// RuntimeTypeID gets the underlying type ID in current runtime from reflect.Type.
// NOTE:
// *A and A gets the same runtime type ID;
// It is 10 times performance of t.String().
func RuntimeTypeID(t reflect.Type) int32
// RuntimeTypeID gets the underlying type ID in current runtime.
// NOTE:
// *A and A gets the same runtime type ID;
// It is 10 times performance of reflect.TypeOf(i).String().
func (u U) RuntimeTypeID() int32
// Kind gets the reflect.Kind fastly.
func (u U) Kind() reflect.Kind
// Elem returns the U that the interface i contains
// or that the pointer i points to.
func (u U) Elem() U
// UnderlyingElem returns the underlying U that the interface i contains
// or that the pointer i points to.
func (u U) UnderlyingElem() U
// Pointer gets the pointer of i.
// NOTE:
// *T and T, gets diffrent pointer
func (u U) Pointer() uintptr
// IsNil reports whether its argument i is nil.
func (u U) IsNil() bool
// FuncForPC returns a *Func describing the function that contains the
// given program counter address, or else nil.
// If pc represents multiple functions because of inlining, it returns
// the a *Func describing the innermost function, but with an entry
// of the outermost function.
// NOTE: Its kind must be a reflect.Func, otherwise it returns nil
func (u U) FuncForPC() *runtime.Func