ES Manager
Look for, and optionally remove, unnecessary Elastic Search indexes (or indices if you prefer).
Unnecessary indexes include:
- Empty indexes
- Future indexes (default, based on a pattern of *-YYYY-MM-dd. i.e. "kpi-2018-10-11")
- Old indexes (indexes older than the given date)
Technology Stack
* Go
* Elastic Search
$ go build
$ es-manager -v [6|2] -url=<> -ip=<ind1,ind2> [-lt=YYYY-MM-dd|n] [-d]
-v Version of ES at target URL (currently only 6 or 2 are supported)
-url ES URL (e.g. -url=
-ip Comma eparated list of index name prefixes (e.g. -ip=kpi-,data-)
-lt Look for indexes before this cut-off date (not inclusive), or n number of days prior to today.
-d If given, delete the unnecessary indexes, else just look for them
* Go 1.8+ (
~~*Elastic Search 1.4.4~~
* Elastic Search 6.*
Development Pre-requisites
* Go compiler
* GoLand (or IDE of choice hopefully capable of Go syntax awareness)