Flags test
# complex case:
go run -tags=delve ./examples/flags f -f64 7.32 -f 9.9 quick -u 72 fox -c64 2.718+5.71i jumps -i 073 -u 065 -f64 3e+7
The expected result:
[--bool] false,
[--int] 59,
[--int64] 81,
[--uint] 53,
[--uint64] 4,
[--float32] 9.9,
[--float64] 3e+07,
[--complex64] (2.718+5.71i),
[--complex128] (3.14+9i),
Combining Short Flags
TRACE=1 go run -tags=delve ./examples/flags f -f64 7.32 -f 9.9 quick -u 72 fox -c64 2.718+5.71i jumps -i 073 -i64 81 -u 065 -nwsm -f64 3e+7
The expected result:
[--single] true,
[--double] false,
[--norway] true,
[--mongo] true,
TRACE=1 go run -tags=delve ./examples/flags f -sv"t80k" -sv=zjfk -sv fjksdl -tdv 6s
The expected result:
[--string-value] fjksdl,
[--time-duration-value] 6s,
III: Array
TRACE=1 go run -tags=delve ./examples/flags f -ssv"aa" -ssv bb -ssv cc,dd,ee
The expected result:
[--string-slice-value] [aa bb cc dd ee],
For int slice:
TRACE=1 go run -tags=delve ./examples/flags f -isv11 -isv 22 -isv 33,44,55
The expected result:
[--int-slice-value] [11 22 33 44 55],
The New Features for cmdr
Pluggable Extensions
Copy <project-dir>/ci/local/share/flags
as $HOME/.local/share/flags
, and run:
cp -R ./ci/local/share/flags $HOME/.local/share/
go run ./examples/flags
For your final deploy, extensions (shell scripts, elf binary, ...) should be put into $HOME/.local/share/<appname>/ext/
, with linux executable permissions (chmod +x
For debugging in developing, just put the extensions into <project-dir>/ci/local/share/<appname>/ext
and cmdr
will find out it.
And three extensions will be plugged into Sub-commands group Extensions

And of course it can be invoked: