
Package semerr
helps to work with errors in Golang.
Status errors
Those errors are based on HTTP status names, but they are designed to be
transport-independent. For example semerr.NewNotFoundError(err)
that something is not found
(and it is possible to extract HTTP status -> 404
and gRPC status -> 5
if required).
Small example:
// Repository layer.
type RedisUserRepo struct {}
func (r RedisUserRepo) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (entity.User, error) {
u, err := r.client.Get(id)
switch {
case err == nil:
return u, nil
case errors.Is(err, redis.ErrNil):
return entity.User{}, semerr.NewNotFoundError(err)
return entity.User{}, fmt.Errorf("getting user: %w", err)
// Domain layer.
func (c *Core) CreateOrder(ctx context.Context, order entity.Order) (err error)
user, err := c.userRepo.GetCurrentUser(ctx)
switch {
case err == nil:
// OK. Go on.
case errors.As(err, &semerr.NotFoundError{}):
// Repository can have any implementation and we should NOT know about
// `sql.ErrNoRows`, `redis.Nil`, `mongo.NoKey`, so we just compare the `err` to
// `semerr.NotFoundError`.
// We still can check `errors.Is(err, redis.Nil)` if we want,
// because the `err` is just wrapped without any modifications!
// Also we can change meaning by rewrapping the `err`. Check the next line:
return fmt.Errorf("getting user: %w", semerr.NewUnauthorizedError(err))
return fmt.Errorf("getting user: %w" ,err)
// ...
// Transport layer.
func (s *Server) handleCreateOrder(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
/* ... */
err := s.core.CreateOrder(ctx, order)
if err != nil {
// Respond with the correct status.
// It is better to organize a helper for `err` responding.
errOriginal := errors.New("some error")
errWrapped := semerr.NewBadRequestError(errOriginal) // The text will be the same.
fmt.Println(errWrapped) // "some error"
fmt.Println(httperr.Code(errWrapped)) // http.StatusBadRequest
fmt.Println(grpcerr.Code(errWrapped)) // codes.InvalidArgument
fmt.Println(errors.Is(err, errOriginal)) // true
fmt.Println(semerr.NewBadRequestError(nil)) // nil
fmt.Println(httperr.Wrap(errOriginal, http.StatusBadRequest)) // = semerr.NewBadRequestError(errOriginal)
Const error
An error that can be defined as const
var errMutable error = errors.New("mutable error") // Do not like this?
const errImmutable semerr.Error = "immutable error" // So use this.
Also see
err := errors.New("some error")
// It indicates that the server did not receive a complete request
// message within the time that it was prepared to wait.
// HTTP: Request Timeout (408); GRPC: Canceled (1).
err = semerr.NewStatusRequestTimeoutError(err)
// It indicates that the server encountered an unexpected
// condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
// HTTP: Internal Server Error (500); GRPC: Unknown (2).
err = semerr.NewInternalServerError(err)
// It indicates that the server cannot or will not process the
// request due to something that is perceived to be a client error.
// HTTP: Bad Request (400); GRPC: InvalidArgument (3).
err = semerr.NewBadRequestError(err)
// It indicates indicates that the origin server is refusing
// to service the request because the content is in a format
// not supported by this method on the target resource.
// HTTP: Unsupported Media Type (415); GRPC: InvalidArgument (3).
err = semerr.NewUnsupportedMediaTypeError(err)
// It indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or
// proxy, did not receive a timely response from an upstream
// server it needed to access in order to complete the request.
// HTTP: Gateway Timeout (504); GRPC: DeadlineExceeded (4).
err = semerr.NewStatusGatewayTimeoutError(err)
// It indicates that the origin server did not find a current
// representation for the target resource or is not willing to
// disclose that one exists.
// HTTP: Not Found (404); GRPC: NotFound (5).
err = semerr.NewNotFoundError(err)
// It indicates that the request could not be completed due to
// a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
// HTTP: Conflict (409); GRPC: AlreadyExists (6).
err = semerr.NewConflictError(err)
// It indicates that the server understood the request but
// refuses to fulfill it.
// HTTP: Forbidden (403); GRPC: PermissionDenied (7).
err = semerr.NewForbiddenError(err)
// It indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given
// amount of time.
// HTTP: Too Many Requests (429); GRPC: ResourceExhausted (8).
err = semerr.NewTooManyRequestsError(err)
// It indicates that the server is refusing to process
// a request because the request content is larger than
// the server
// HTTP: Request Entity Too Large (413); GRPC: OutOfRange (11).
err = semerr.NewRequestEntityTooLargeError(err)
// It indicates that the server does not support
// the functionality required to fulfill the request.
// HTTP: Not Implemented (501); GRPC: Unimplemented (12).
err = semerr.NewUnimplementedError(err)
// It indicates that the server is not ready to handle
// the request.
// HTTP: Service Unavailable (503); GRPC: Unavailable (14).
err = semerr.NewServiceUnavailableError(err)
// It indicates that the request has not been applied because
// it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target
// resource.
// HTTP: Unauthorized (401); GRPC: Unauthenticated (16).
err = semerr.NewUnauthorizedError(err)
Pull requests are welcomed. If you want to add a new meaning error then
edit the file
and generate a new code, for this run make