This is a server for processing NANO payments in conjunction with a node.
go get -u
-cb string
Callback URL when payment is fulfilled
-db string
Path to DB (default "./data.db")
-p int
Listen port (default 7080)
-pow string
RPC Proof-of-Work URL
-rpc string
RPC URL (default "http://[::1]:7076")
-ws string
WebSocket URL (default "ws://[::1]:7078")
Mode of operation
The operator's regular server software (perhaps an e-commerce platform) will send a request to this server (/payment/new
) with a JSON body containing the NANO account
to receive on and the amount
receivable. In response they will receive a payment id
. The payment URL which should be sent to the payer will then be /payment/pay?id=<id>
. The payer's wallet should POST
in JSON format a signed block (minus proof-of-work) to this URL. This server will then validate the block, calculate the proof-of-work and send the block on the network. The operator's server can be notified of successful payment via a callback URL.
Running the demo
- Run the payment server:
go run .
- Compile the frontend:
cd demo && GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o public/main.wasm ./frontend && gzip -f public/main.wasm
- Run the demo server (from directory
): go run .
- The server can be accessed from a web browser on port