A quick little utility to randomly generate cyphers for the Cypher RPG game. Note that, at present,
this utilitly only generates sublte cyphers.
Adding new cyphers
This project embeds the Cypher data into the executable. It does this by converting text files into Go source files. When the command "go generate" is used, It will look at any text file in the cypher-data subdirectory and attempt to convert this to a similarly named Go source code file, with xxxx.txt being named xxxxCypher.go in the types package. So to add new cyphers, "go generate" will have to be executed and the project then rebuilt.
In addition to the normal go build/install
commands, this project will require two additional steps to build from scratch.
- When doing the final build, i.e.,
build install
, add -ldflags -H=windowsgui
go make it a Windows executable: go install -ldflags -H=windowsgui
- To update the list of cyphers, use
go generate
to convert from the text data to the Go files (only needed for Numenera cyphers at this point)
- When including binary resources (e.g., clip.png), use
fyne bundle <resource> > bundle.go
, then copy the resultant static resource into another file (e.g., main.go)
Building on Linux
Linux does not by default come with the C header and library files that
fyne requires. To resolve this you must do the following:
sudo apt install xorg-dev
- Convert subtle cyphers from Go source into a text file (which would then generate a Go file), hopefully making this easier to add to
- The unique functionality does not actually work
- Fix formatting for Roll20 text output, if possible
- Automatic rolling on subtables in cyphers
- If conditions (e.g., if cypher level <4 output this, else output that)