Exisitng Kong configuration to a YAML configuration file
This can be used to backup Kong's configuration.
Kong's database can be populated using the exported or a hand written config
Diff and sync capabilities
decK can diff the configuration in the config file and
the configuration in Kong's DB and then sync it as well.
This can be used to detect config drifts or manual interventions.
Reverse sync:
decK supports a sync the other way as well, meaning if an
entity is created in Kong and doesn't add it to the config file,
decK will detect the change.
This can be used to drops all entities in Kong's DB.
Parallel operations
All Admin API calls to Kong are executed in parallel using threads to
speed up the sync.
Supported entities
Routes and services
Upstreams and targets
Certificates and SNIs
Plugins (Global, per route, per service and per consumer)
Authentication with Kong
Custom HTTP headers can be injected in requests to Kong's Admin API
for authentication/authorization purposes.
decK is compatible with Kong 1.x.
Tag entities in Kong for distributed config management.
Default attributes
Support filling in defaults for entities and configs of plugins
for cases when the config file doesn't contain the attribute.
Complete end to end integration tests with Kong.
Add support for credentials in Kong
Certificate encryption
Support in decK to fetch certificate from Vault or a cloud
secret storage and then sync it to Kong.
decK is licensed with Apache License Version 2.0. Please read the LICENSE
file for more details.