CLI Task Manager
Implementation of CLI Task Manager from Gophercises by Jon Calhoun, including the bonus section.
Building a CLI tool that can be used to manage your TODOs in the terminal. The basic usage of the tool is going to look roughly like this:
$ task
task is a CLI for managing your TODOs.
task [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a new task to your TODO list
do Mark a task on your TODO list as complete
list List all of your incomplete tasks
Use "task [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ task add review talk proposal
Added "review talk proposal" to your task list.
$ task add clean dishes
Added "clean dishes" to your task list.
$ task list
You have the following tasks:
1. review talk proposal
2. some task description
$ task do 1
You have completed the "review talk proposal" task.
$ task list
You have the following tasks:
1. some task description
- adds a new task to our list
- lists all of our incomplete tasks
- marks a task as complete
$ task rm 1
You have deleted the "review talk proposal" task.
$ task completed
You have finished the following tasks today:
- wash the dishes
- clean the car
Run Commands:
- go install .
- go build -o tasks.exe .
- .\tasks
- building a command line application using cobra framework
- creating a central database to store and retrieve tasks
- performing some basic crud operations on boltdb
Packages explored:
- encoding/binary - to convert int types into byte stream
- time - set timeout on wait period to get database instance
- log - to simply log application generated errors
- strconv - to convert strings to their integer counterpart
- - detect user's home directory
- - database for project
- - library for creating cli applications
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> go build -o tasks.exe .
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks
Task is a CLI Task Manager
task [command]
Available Commands:
add Adds a task to your task list.
do Marks a task as completed.
done List all completed tasks
help Help about any command
list Lists all of your tasks.
rm Remove the task from list.
-h, --help help for task
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks list
Nothing to see here, try adding some... 🙂
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks do
You have no tasks to complete, why not take a vacation? ⛵
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks done
You haven't completed any tasks yet, why not do them instead? 🙃
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks rm
You have no tasks to remove, start adding some... 📜
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks add try doing some exercise
Added 'try doing some exercise' to your task list.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks add read some books
Added 'read some books' to your task list.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks add complete gophercises
Added 'complete gophercises' to your task list.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks add solve cses problem set
Added 'solve cses problem set' to your task list.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks add explore flutter cookbook
Added 'explore flutter cookbook' to your task list.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks list
Pending tasks...
1. try doing some exercise
2. read some books
3. complete gophercises
4. solve cses problem set
5. explore flutter cookbook
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks do 1 one 1 two 2 2 10
'one' is not a valid ID
'two' is not a valid ID
id: '10' out of bounds: '1-5'
You have completed the 'try doing some exercise' task.
You have completed the 'read some books' task.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks done
Completed tasks...
1. try doing some exercise
2. read some books
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks list
Pending tasks...
1. complete gophercises
2. solve cses problem set
3. explore flutter cookbook
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks rm two 0 2
'two' is not a valid ID
id: '0' out of bounds: '1-3'
Task 'solve cses problem set' has been deleted successfully.
PS D:\gophercises\task-manager> .\tasks list
Pending tasks...
1. complete gophercises
2. explore flutter cookbook