HTML Link Parser
Create a package that makes it easy to parse an HTML file and extract all of the links (<a href="">...</a>
tags). For each extracted link you should return a data structure that includes both the href, as well as the text inside the link. Any HTML inside of the link can be stripped out, along with any extra whitespace including newlines, back-to-back spaces, etc.
Implementation of HTML Link Parser from gophercises, including the bonus section.
Gophercises by Jon Calhoun
Run Commands:
- go run examples\ex1\main.go
- go run examples\ex2\main.go
- go run examples\ex3\main.go
- go run examples\ex4\main.go
- creating io.Reader from string type
- using depth first search to traverse html document
- extracting relevant information from html document
Packages explored:
- fmt
- strings - to create io.Reader and format relevant data
- - to parse the html document into Tree structure
D:\gophercises\link-parser>go run examples\ex1\main.go
/other-page : A link to another page some span
/page-two : A link to second page
D:\gophercises\link-parser>go run examples\ex2\main.go : Check me out on twitter : Gophercises is on Github!
D:\gophercises\link-parser>go run examples\ex3\main.go
# : Login
/lost : Lost? Need help? : @marcusolsson
D:\gophercises\link-parser>go run examples\ex4\main.go
/dog-cat : dog cat