Quiz Game
Create a program to run timed quizzes via the command line.
Implementation of Quiz Game from gophercises, including the bonus section.
Gophercises by Jon Calhoun
Run Commands:
- go build .
- quiz-game.exe (executes application with default flags)
- go build. && quiz-game.exe
- quiz-game.exe -h or --help: gives information about cmd flags
- quiz-game.exe --csv file.csv -limit=10 -shuffle=true (flag format: -flag=value | --flag value)
- for file names with whitespaces: --csv "file name.csv"
- command-line flags
- timer
- file handling
- reading user input
- go routines & channels
Packages explored:
- fmt
- flag: to set command line flags
- os: to open file from system and to exit app with a status code
- encoding/csv: to read data from .csv files
- strings: to format and clean user input
- time: to set expiry for quiz
- rand: to shuffle the problem set
D:\gophercises\quiz-game>go run main.go -h
Usage of C:\Users\hauntarl\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build2300610919\b001\exe\main.exe:
-csv string
csv file format: 'question,answer' (default "problems.csv")
-limit int
the time limit for quiz in seconds (default 30)
shuffles quiz problems: 'true/false'
D:\gophercises\quiz-game>go run main.go --limit 10 -shuffle=true
Problem #1 : 1+2 = 3
Problem #2 : 2+4 = 6
Problem #3 : 5+1 = 6
Problem #4 : 1+1 = 2
Problem #5 : 3+1 = 4
Problem #6 : 1+4 = 5
Problem #7 : 8+3 = 1
You got 6/12 correct!
There is no documentation for this package.
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