Index ¶
- type APIToken
- type Action
- type ActionToWorker
- type AddStepParentsParams
- type AddWorkflowTagParams
- type ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRunParams
- type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerParams
- type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerRow
- type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerParams
- type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerRow
- type AssignStepRunToWorkerParams
- type AssignStepRunToWorkerRow
- type ConcurrencyLimitStrategy
- type CountEventsParams
- type CountLogLinesParams
- type CountRoundRobinGroupKeysParams
- type CountWorkflowRunsParams
- type CountWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams
- type CountWorkflowsParams
- type CreateAPITokenParams
- type CreateEventParams
- type CreateGetGroupKeyRunParams
- type CreateJobParams
- type CreateJobRunLookupDataParams
- type CreateJobRunsParams
- type CreateLogLineParams
- type CreateSchedulesParams
- type CreateStepParams
- type CreateStepRateLimitParams
- type CreateStepRunEventParams
- type CreateStepRunsParams
- type CreateStreamEventParams
- type CreateWorkerParams
- type CreateWorkerSemaphoreParams
- type CreateWorkflowConcurrencyParams
- type CreateWorkflowParams
- type CreateWorkflowRunParams
- type CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredByParams
- type CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRefParams
- type CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRefParams
- type CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRefParams
- type CreateWorkflowTriggersParams
- type CreateWorkflowVersionParams
- type DBTX
- type Dispatcher
- type Event
- type GetChildWorkflowRunParams
- type GetEventsForRangeRow
- type GetGroupKeyRun
- type GetGroupKeyRunForEngineParams
- type GetGroupKeyRunForEngineRow
- type GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdParams
- type GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdRow
- type GetLaterStepRunsForReplayParams
- type GetScheduledChildWorkflowRunParams
- type GetStepRunForEngineParams
- type GetStepRunForEngineRow
- type GetStepRunParams
- type GetStreamEventParams
- type GetTotalSlotsParams
- type GetTotalSlotsRow
- type GetWorkerForEngineParams
- type GetWorkerForEngineRow
- type GetWorkflowByNameParams
- type GetWorkflowRunParams
- type GetWorkflowRunRow
- type GetWorkflowVersionForEngineParams
- type GetWorkflowVersionForEngineRow
- type GithubAppInstallation
- type GithubAppInstallationToGithubWebhook
- type GithubAppOAuth
- type GithubAppOAuthToUser
- type GithubPullRequest
- type GithubPullRequestComment
- type GithubPullRequestToWorkflowRun
- type GithubWebhook
- type InviteLinkStatus
- type Job
- type JobKind
- type JobRun
- type JobRunLookupData
- type JobRunStatus
- type LinkActionsToWorkerParams
- type LinkOnFailureJobParams
- type LinkServicesToWorkerParams
- type ListActiveDispatchersRow
- type ListActiveTickersRow
- type ListDispatchersRow
- type ListEventsByIDsParams
- type ListEventsParams
- type ListEventsRow
- type ListJobRunsForWorkflowRunRow
- type ListLogLinesParams
- type ListNewlyStaleTickersRow
- type ListNonFinalChildStepRunsParams
- type ListStaleDispatchersRow
- type ListStartableStepRunsParams
- type ListStepRunEventsParams
- type ListStepRunsParams
- type ListTickersParams
- type ListWorkersWithStepCountParams
- type ListWorkersWithStepCountRow
- type ListWorkflowRunsParams
- type ListWorkflowRunsRow
- type ListWorkflowsForEventParams
- type ListWorkflowsLatestRunsParams
- type ListWorkflowsLatestRunsRow
- type ListWorkflowsParams
- type ListWorkflowsRow
- type LogLine
- type LogLineLevel
- type NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy
- type NullInviteLinkStatus
- type NullJobKind
- type NullJobRunStatus
- type NullLogLineLevel
- type NullStepRunEventReason
- type NullStepRunEventSeverity
- type NullStepRunStatus
- type NullTenantMemberRole
- type NullVcsProvider
- type NullWorkflowRunStatus
- type PollCronSchedulesRow
- type PollScheduledWorkflowsRow
- type PollTenantAlertsRow
- type PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams
- type Queries
- func (q *Queries) AddStepParents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AddStepParentsParams) error
- func (q *Queries) AddWorkflowTag(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AddWorkflowTagParams) error
- func (q *Queries) ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRunParams) (*StepRunResultArchive, error)
- func (q *Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTicker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerParams) (*AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerParams) (*AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) AssignStepRunToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignStepRunToWorkerParams) (*AssignStepRunToWorkerRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) CleanupStreamEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) error
- func (q *Queries) CountEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountEventsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountLogLines(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountLogLinesParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountRoundRobinGroupKeys(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountRoundRobinGroupKeysParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountStepRunEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, steprunid pgtype.UUID) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountWorkflowRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountWorkflowRunsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountWorkflowRunsRoundRobin(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CountWorkflows(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CountWorkflowsParams) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateAPIToken(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateAPITokenParams) (*APIToken, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateDispatcher(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Dispatcher, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateEventParams) (*Event, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateGetGroupKeyRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateGetGroupKeyRunParams) (*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateJobParams) (*Job, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateJobRunLookupData(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateJobRunLookupDataParams) (*JobRunLookupData, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateJobRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateJobRunsParams) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateLogLine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateLogLineParams) (*LogLine, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateSchedules(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateSchedulesParams) ([]*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateStep(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStepParams) (*Step, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateStepRateLimit(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStepRateLimitParams) (*StepRateLimit, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateStepRunEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStepRunEventParams) error
- func (q *Queries) CreateStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStepRunsParams) error
- func (q *Queries) CreateStreamEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStreamEventParams) (*StreamEvent, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateTicker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Ticker, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkerParams) (*Worker, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkerSemaphore(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkerSemaphoreParams) (*WorkerSemaphore, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflow(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowParams) (*Workflow, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowConcurrency(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowConcurrencyParams) (*WorkflowConcurrency, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredBy(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredByParams) (*WorkflowRunTriggeredBy, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerCronRef, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerEventRef, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggersParams) (*WorkflowTriggers, error)
- func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowVersion(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowVersionParams) (*WorkflowVersion, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteDispatcher(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Dispatcher, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteTicker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Ticker, error)
- func (q *Queries) DeleteWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Worker, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetAPITokenById(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*APIToken, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetChildWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetChildWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetEmailGroups(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]*TenantAlertEmailGroup, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetEventForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Event, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetEventsForRange(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*GetEventsForRangeRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetGroupKeyRunForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetGroupKeyRunForEngineParams) ([]*GetGroupKeyRunForEngineRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobId(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdParams) (*GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetLaterStepRunsForReplay(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetLaterStepRunsForReplayParams) ([]*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetScheduledChildWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetScheduledChildWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetSlackWebhooks(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]*SlackAppWebhook, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetStepRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetStepRunParams) (*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetStepRunForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetStepRunForEngineParams) ([]*GetStepRunForEngineRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetStreamEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetStreamEventParams) (*StreamEvent, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTenantAlertingSettings(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) (*TenantAlertingSettings, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTenantByID(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, id pgtype.UUID) (*Tenant, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetTotalSlots(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetTotalSlotsParams) ([]*GetTotalSlotsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetWorkerForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkerForEngineParams) (*GetWorkerForEngineRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowByName(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkflowByNameParams) (*Workflow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowLatestVersion(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, workflowid pgtype.UUID) (pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkflowRunParams) ([]*GetWorkflowRunRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowVersionForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkflowVersionForEngineParams) ([]*GetWorkflowVersionForEngineRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) Health(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) LinkActionsToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg LinkActionsToWorkerParams) error
- func (q *Queries) LinkOnFailureJob(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg LinkOnFailureJobParams) (*WorkflowVersion, error)
- func (q *Queries) LinkServicesToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg LinkServicesToWorkerParams) error
- func (q *Queries) LinkStepRunParents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, jobrunid pgtype.UUID) error
- func (q *Queries) ListActiveDispatchers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*ListActiveDispatchersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListActiveTickers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*ListActiveTickersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListDispatchers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*ListDispatchersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListEventsParams) ([]*ListEventsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListEventsByIDs(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListEventsByIDsParams) ([]*Event, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListGetGroupKeyRunsToReassign(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListGetGroupKeyRunsToRequeue(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListJobRunsForWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, workflowrunid pgtype.UUID) ([]*ListJobRunsForWorkflowRunRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListLogLines(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListLogLinesParams) ([]*LogLine, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListNewlyStaleTickers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*ListNewlyStaleTickersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListNonFinalChildStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListNonFinalChildStepRunsParams) ([]*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStaleDispatchers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*ListStaleDispatchersRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStartableStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListStartableStepRunsParams) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStepRunEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListStepRunEventsParams) ([]*StepRunEvent, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListStepRunsParams) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStepRunsToReassign(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListStepRunsToRequeue(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListTenants(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) ([]*Tenant, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListTickers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListTickersParams) ([]*Ticker, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListWorkersWithStepCount(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkersWithStepCountParams) ([]*ListWorkersWithStepCountRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListWorkflowRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowRunsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowRunsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListWorkflows(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListWorkflowsForEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowsForEventParams) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
- func (q *Queries) ListWorkflowsLatestRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowsLatestRunsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowsLatestRunsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) PollCronSchedules(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*PollCronSchedulesRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) PollGetGroupKeyRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) PollScheduledWorkflows(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*PollScheduledWorkflowsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) PollStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) PollTenantAlerts(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*PollTenantAlertsRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobin(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams) ([]*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) RefreshTimeoutBy(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg RefreshTimeoutByParams) (*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ReplayStepRunResetJobRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, jobrunid pgtype.UUID) (*JobRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ReplayStepRunResetLaterStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ReplayStepRunResetLaterStepRunsParams) ([]*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ReplayStepRunResetWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, jobrunid pgtype.UUID) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ResolveJobRunStatus(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ResolveJobRunStatusParams) (*JobRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ResolveLaterStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ResolveLaterStepRunsParams) ([]*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) ResolveWorkerSemaphoreSlots(ctx context.Context, db DBTX) (int64, error)
- func (q *Queries) ResolveWorkflowRunStatus(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ResolveWorkflowRunStatusParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) SetDispatchersInactive(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, ids []pgtype.UUID) ([]*SetDispatchersInactiveRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) SetTickersInactive(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, ids []pgtype.UUID) ([]*SetTickersInactiveRow, error)
- func (q *Queries) UnlinkStepRunFromWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UnlinkStepRunFromWorkerParams) (*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateDispatcher(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateDispatcherParams) (*Dispatcher, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateGetGroupKeyRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateGetGroupKeyRunParams) (*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateJobRunLookupDataWithStepRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateJobRunLookupDataWithStepRunParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpdateJobRunStatus(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateJobRunStatusParams) (*JobRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateManyWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateManyWorkflowRunParams) ([]*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateStepRateLimits(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateStepRateLimitsParams) ([]*RateLimit, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateStepRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateStepRunParams) (*StepRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateStepRunInputSchema(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateStepRunInputSchemaParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateStepRunOverridesData(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateStepRunOverridesDataParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTenantAlertingSettings(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateTenantAlertingSettingsParams) (*TenantAlertingSettings, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateTickerParams) (*Ticker, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkerParams) (*Worker, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkerActiveStatus(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkerActiveStatusParams) (*Worker, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkerSemaphore(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkerSemaphoreParams) (*WorkerSemaphore, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKey(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKeyParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertAction(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpsertActionParams) (*Action, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertJobRunLookupData(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpsertJobRunLookupDataParams) error
- func (q *Queries) UpsertRateLimit(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpsertRateLimitParams) (*RateLimit, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertService(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpsertServiceParams) (*Service, error)
- func (q *Queries) UpsertWorkflowTag(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpsertWorkflowTagParams) error
- func (q *Queries) WorkflowRunsMetricsCount(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg WorkflowRunsMetricsCountParams) (*WorkflowRunsMetricsCountRow, error)
- type RateLimit
- type RefreshTimeoutByParams
- type ReplayStepRunResetLaterStepRunsParams
- type ResolveJobRunStatusParams
- type ResolveLaterStepRunsParams
- type ResolveWorkflowRunStatusParams
- type SNSIntegration
- type Service
- type ServiceToWorker
- type SetDispatchersInactiveRow
- type SetTickersInactiveRow
- type SlackAppWebhook
- type Step
- type StepOrder
- type StepRateLimit
- type StepRun
- type StepRunEvent
- type StepRunEventReason
- type StepRunEventSeverity
- type StepRunOrder
- type StepRunResultArchive
- type StepRunStatus
- type StreamEvent
- type Tenant
- type TenantAlertEmailGroup
- type TenantAlertingSettings
- type TenantInviteLink
- type TenantMember
- type TenantMemberRole
- type TenantVcsProvider
- type Ticker
- type UnlinkStepRunFromWorkerParams
- type UpdateDispatcherParams
- type UpdateGetGroupKeyRunParams
- type UpdateJobRunLookupDataWithStepRunParams
- type UpdateJobRunStatusParams
- type UpdateManyWorkflowRunParams
- type UpdateStepRateLimitsParams
- type UpdateStepRunInputSchemaParams
- type UpdateStepRunOverridesDataParams
- type UpdateStepRunParams
- type UpdateTenantAlertingSettingsParams
- type UpdateTickerParams
- type UpdateWorkerActiveStatusParams
- type UpdateWorkerParams
- type UpdateWorkerSemaphoreParams
- type UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKeyParams
- type UpdateWorkflowRunParams
- type UpsertActionParams
- type UpsertJobRunLookupDataParams
- type UpsertRateLimitParams
- type UpsertServiceParams
- type UpsertWorkflowTagParams
- type User
- type UserOAuth
- type UserPassword
- type UserSession
- type VcsProvider
- type Worker
- type WorkerSemaphore
- type Workflow
- type WorkflowConcurrency
- type WorkflowDeploymentConfig
- type WorkflowRun
- type WorkflowRunStatus
- type WorkflowRunTriggeredBy
- type WorkflowRunsMetricsCountParams
- type WorkflowRunsMetricsCountRow
- type WorkflowTag
- type WorkflowToWorkflowTag
- type WorkflowTriggerCronRef
- type WorkflowTriggerEventRef
- type WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef
- type WorkflowTriggers
- type WorkflowVersion
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ActionToWorker ¶
type AddStepParentsParams ¶
type AddWorkflowTagParams ¶
type ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRunParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AssignStepRunToWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type AssignStepRunToWorkerRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type ConcurrencyLimitStrategy ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ConcurrencyLimitStrategy string
const ( ConcurrencyLimitStrategyCANCELINPROGRESS ConcurrencyLimitStrategy = "CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS" ConcurrencyLimitStrategyDROPNEWEST ConcurrencyLimitStrategy = "DROP_NEWEST" ConcurrencyLimitStrategyQUEUENEWEST ConcurrencyLimitStrategy = "QUEUE_NEWEST" ConcurrencyLimitStrategyGROUPROUNDROBIN ConcurrencyLimitStrategy = "GROUP_ROUND_ROBIN" )
func (*ConcurrencyLimitStrategy) Scan ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (e *ConcurrencyLimitStrategy) Scan(src interface{}) error
type CountEventsParams ¶
type CountLogLinesParams ¶ added in v0.14.0
type CountRoundRobinGroupKeysParams ¶ added in v0.19.3
type CountRoundRobinGroupKeysParams struct { Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` Status NullWorkflowRunStatus `json:"status"` Workflowid pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowid"` }
type CountWorkflowRunsParams ¶
type CountWorkflowRunsParams struct { TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` Ids []pgtype.UUID `json:"ids"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` EventId pgtype.UUID `json:"eventId"` GroupKey pgtype.Text `json:"groupKey"` Statuses []string `json:"statuses"` CreatedAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAfter"` FinishedAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAfter"` }
type CountWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams ¶ added in v0.19.3
type CountWorkflowsParams ¶
type CreateAPITokenParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type CreateEventParams ¶
type CreateEventParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Deletedat pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedat"` Key string `json:"key"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` ReplayedFromId pgtype.UUID `json:"replayedFromId"` Data []byte `json:"data"` Additionalmetadata []byte `json:"additionalmetadata"` }
type CreateGetGroupKeyRunParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateJobParams ¶
type CreateJobParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Deletedat pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedat"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` Workflowversionid pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowversionid"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Timeout string `json:"timeout"` Kind NullJobKind `json:"kind"` }
type CreateJobRunsParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CreateLogLineParams ¶ added in v0.14.0
type CreateSchedulesParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type CreateStepParams ¶
type CreateStepParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Deletedat pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedat"` Readableid string `json:"readableid"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` Jobid pgtype.UUID `json:"jobid"` Actionid string `json:"actionid"` Timeout pgtype.Text `json:"timeout"` CustomUserData []byte `json:"customUserData"` Retries pgtype.Int4 `json:"retries"` ScheduleTimeout pgtype.Text `json:"scheduleTimeout"` }
type CreateStepRateLimitParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CreateStepRunEventParams ¶ added in v0.26.0
type CreateStepRunEventParams struct { Steprunid pgtype.UUID `json:"steprunid"` Reason StepRunEventReason `json:"reason"` Severity StepRunEventSeverity `json:"severity"` Message string `json:"message"` Data []byte `json:"data"` }
type CreateStepRunsParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type CreateStreamEventParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type CreateWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type CreateWorkerSemaphoreParams ¶ added in v0.18.1
type CreateWorkflowConcurrencyParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateWorkflowConcurrencyParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Workflowversionid pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowversionid"` Getconcurrencygroupid pgtype.UUID `json:"getconcurrencygroupid"` MaxRuns pgtype.Int4 `json:"maxRuns"` LimitStrategy NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy `json:"limitStrategy"` }
type CreateWorkflowParams ¶
type CreateWorkflowParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Deletedat pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedat"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` }
type CreateWorkflowRunParams ¶
type CreateWorkflowRunParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` DisplayName pgtype.Text `json:"displayName"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` Workflowversionid pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowversionid"` ChildIndex pgtype.Int4 `json:"childIndex"` ChildKey pgtype.Text `json:"childKey"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` Additionalmetadata []byte `json:"additionalmetadata"` }
type CreateWorkflowVersionParams ¶
type CreateWorkflowVersionParams struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` Deletedat pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedat"` Checksum string `json:"checksum"` Version pgtype.Text `json:"version"` Workflowid pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowid"` ScheduleTimeout pgtype.Text `json:"scheduleTimeout"` }
type Dispatcher ¶
type Event ¶
type Event struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` Key string `json:"key"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` ReplayedFromId pgtype.UUID `json:"replayedFromId"` Data []byte `json:"data"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` }
type GetChildWorkflowRunParams ¶ added in v0.18.0
type GetEventsForRangeRow ¶
type GetGroupKeyRun ¶ added in v0.8.0
type GetGroupKeyRun struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` WorkerId pgtype.UUID `json:"workerId"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` Status StepRunStatus `json:"status"` Input []byte `json:"input"` Output pgtype.Text `json:"output"` RequeueAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"requeueAfter"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` TimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeoutAt"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` CancelledError pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledError"` WorkflowRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowRunId"` ScheduleTimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"scheduleTimeoutAt"` }
type GetGroupKeyRunForEngineParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetGroupKeyRunForEngineRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdParams ¶ added in v0.25.0
type GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdRow ¶ added in v0.25.0
type GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdRow struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` JobId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobId"` Status JobRunStatus `json:"status"` }
type GetLaterStepRunsForReplayParams ¶ added in v0.28.1
type GetScheduledChildWorkflowRunParams ¶ added in v0.18.0
type GetStepRunForEngineParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetStepRunForEngineRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetStepRunForEngineRow struct { StepRun StepRun `json:"step_run"` JobRunLookupData []byte `json:"jobRunLookupData"` JobRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobRunId"` WorkflowRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowRunId"` StepId pgtype.UUID `json:"stepId"` StepRetries int32 `json:"stepRetries"` StepTimeout pgtype.Text `json:"stepTimeout"` StepScheduleTimeout string `json:"stepScheduleTimeout"` StepReadableId pgtype.Text `json:"stepReadableId"` StepCustomUserData []byte `json:"stepCustomUserData"` JobName string `json:"jobName"` JobId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobId"` JobKind JobKind `json:"jobKind"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` WorkflowName string `json:"workflowName"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` ActionId string `json:"actionId"` }
type GetStepRunParams ¶
type GetStreamEventParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type GetTotalSlotsParams ¶ added in v0.21.1
type GetTotalSlotsRow ¶ added in v0.21.1
type GetWorkerForEngineParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetWorkerForEngineRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetWorkflowByNameParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GetWorkflowRunParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GetWorkflowRunRow ¶ added in v0.17.0
type GetWorkflowRunRow struct { WorkflowRun WorkflowRun `json:"workflow_run"` WorkflowRunTriggeredBy WorkflowRunTriggeredBy `json:"workflow_run_triggered_by"` WorkflowVersion WorkflowVersion `json:"workflow_version"` WorkflowName pgtype.Text `json:"workflowName"` ConcurrencyLimitStrategy NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy `json:"concurrencyLimitStrategy"` ConcurrencyMaxRuns pgtype.Int4 `json:"concurrencyMaxRuns"` GetGroupKeyRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"getGroupKeyRunId"` }
type GetWorkflowVersionForEngineParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetWorkflowVersionForEngineRow ¶ added in v0.16.0
type GetWorkflowVersionForEngineRow struct { WorkflowVersion WorkflowVersion `json:"workflow_version"` WorkflowName string `json:"workflowName"` ConcurrencyLimitStrategy NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy `json:"concurrencyLimitStrategy"` ConcurrencyMaxRuns pgtype.Int4 `json:"concurrencyMaxRuns"` }
type GithubAppInstallation ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubAppInstallation struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` GithubAppOAuthId pgtype.UUID `json:"githubAppOAuthId"` InstallationId int32 `json:"installationId"` AccountName string `json:"accountName"` AccountId int32 `json:"accountId"` AccountAvatarURL pgtype.Text `json:"accountAvatarURL"` InstallationSettingsURL pgtype.Text `json:"installationSettingsURL"` Config []byte `json:"config"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` TenantVcsProviderId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantVcsProviderId"` }
type GithubAppInstallationToGithubWebhook ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubAppOAuth ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubAppOAuth struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` GithubUserID int32 `json:"githubUserID"` AccessToken []byte `json:"accessToken"` RefreshToken []byte `json:"refreshToken"` ExpiresAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"expiresAt"` }
type GithubAppOAuthToUser ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubPullRequest ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubPullRequest struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` RepositoryOwner string `json:"repositoryOwner"` RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` PullRequestID int32 `json:"pullRequestID"` PullRequestTitle string `json:"pullRequestTitle"` PullRequestNumber int32 `json:"pullRequestNumber"` PullRequestHeadBranch string `json:"pullRequestHeadBranch"` PullRequestBaseBranch string `json:"pullRequestBaseBranch"` PullRequestState string `json:"pullRequestState"` }
type GithubPullRequestComment ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubPullRequestComment struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` PullRequestID pgtype.UUID `json:"pullRequestID"` ModuleID string `json:"moduleID"` CommentID int32 `json:"commentID"` }
type GithubPullRequestToWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubWebhook ¶ added in v0.11.0
type GithubWebhook struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` RepositoryOwner string `json:"repositoryOwner"` RepositoryName string `json:"repositoryName"` SigningSecret []byte `json:"signingSecret"` }
type InviteLinkStatus ¶
type InviteLinkStatus string
const ( InviteLinkStatusPENDING InviteLinkStatus = "PENDING" InviteLinkStatusACCEPTED InviteLinkStatus = "ACCEPTED" InviteLinkStatusREJECTED InviteLinkStatus = "REJECTED" )
func (*InviteLinkStatus) Scan ¶
func (e *InviteLinkStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error
type Job ¶
type Job struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` Name string `json:"name"` Description pgtype.Text `json:"description"` Timeout pgtype.Text `json:"timeout"` Kind JobKind `json:"kind"` }
type JobRun ¶
type JobRun struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` JobId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobId"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` Status JobRunStatus `json:"status"` Result []byte `json:"result"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` TimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeoutAt"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` CancelledError pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledError"` WorkflowRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowRunId"` }
type JobRunLookupData ¶
type JobRunLookupData struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` JobRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobRunId"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` Data []byte `json:"data"` }
type JobRunStatus ¶
type JobRunStatus string
const ( JobRunStatusPENDING JobRunStatus = "PENDING" JobRunStatusRUNNING JobRunStatus = "RUNNING" JobRunStatusSUCCEEDED JobRunStatus = "SUCCEEDED" JobRunStatusFAILED JobRunStatus = "FAILED" JobRunStatusCANCELLED JobRunStatus = "CANCELLED" )
func (*JobRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (e *JobRunStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error
type LinkActionsToWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type LinkOnFailureJobParams ¶ added in v0.25.0
type LinkServicesToWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ListActiveDispatchersRow ¶
type ListActiveDispatchersRow struct {
Dispatcher Dispatcher `json:"dispatcher"`
type ListActiveTickersRow ¶
type ListActiveTickersRow struct {
Ticker Ticker `json:"ticker"`
type ListDispatchersRow ¶
type ListDispatchersRow struct {
Dispatcher Dispatcher `json:"dispatcher"`
type ListEventsByIDsParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ListEventsParams ¶
type ListEventsParams struct { TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` Keys []string `json:"keys"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` Workflows []string `json:"workflows"` Search pgtype.Text `json:"search"` Statuses []string `json:"statuses"` Orderby interface{} `json:"orderby"` Offset interface{} `json:"offset"` Limit interface{} `json:"limit"` }
type ListEventsRow ¶
type ListJobRunsForWorkflowRunRow ¶ added in v0.25.0
type ListLogLinesParams ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ListNewlyStaleTickersRow ¶
type ListNewlyStaleTickersRow struct {
Ticker Ticker `json:"ticker"`
type ListNonFinalChildStepRunsParams ¶ added in v0.28.1
type ListStaleDispatchersRow ¶
type ListStaleDispatchersRow struct {
Dispatcher Dispatcher `json:"dispatcher"`
type ListStepRunEventsParams ¶ added in v0.26.0
type ListStepRunsParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ListTickersParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ListWorkersWithStepCountParams ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ListWorkersWithStepCountRow ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ListWorkflowRunsParams ¶
type ListWorkflowRunsParams struct { TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` Ids []pgtype.UUID `json:"ids"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` EventId pgtype.UUID `json:"eventId"` GroupKey pgtype.Text `json:"groupKey"` Statuses []string `json:"statuses"` CreatedAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAfter"` FinishedAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAfter"` Orderby interface{} `json:"orderby"` Offset interface{} `json:"offset"` Limit interface{} `json:"limit"` }
type ListWorkflowRunsRow ¶
type ListWorkflowRunsRow struct { WorkflowRun WorkflowRun `json:"workflow_run"` Workflow Workflow `json:"workflow"` WorkflowRunTriggeredBy WorkflowRunTriggeredBy `json:"workflow_run_triggered_by"` WorkflowVersion WorkflowVersion `json:"workflow_version"` ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` Key pgtype.Text `json:"key"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` }
type ListWorkflowsForEventParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type ListWorkflowsLatestRunsRow ¶
type ListWorkflowsLatestRunsRow struct { WorkflowRun WorkflowRun `json:"workflow_run"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` }
type ListWorkflowsParams ¶
type ListWorkflowsRow ¶
type ListWorkflowsRow struct {
Workflow Workflow `json:"workflow"`
type LogLineLevel ¶ added in v0.14.0
type LogLineLevel string
const ( LogLineLevelDEBUG LogLineLevel = "DEBUG" LogLineLevelINFO LogLineLevel = "INFO" LogLineLevelWARN LogLineLevel = "WARN" LogLineLevelERROR LogLineLevel = "ERROR" )
func (*LogLineLevel) Scan ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (e *LogLineLevel) Scan(src interface{}) error
type NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy ¶ added in v0.8.0
type NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy struct { ConcurrencyLimitStrategy ConcurrencyLimitStrategy `json:"ConcurrencyLimitStrategy"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if ConcurrencyLimitStrategy is not NULL }
func (*NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy) Scan ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ns *NullConcurrencyLimitStrategy) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullInviteLinkStatus ¶
type NullInviteLinkStatus struct { InviteLinkStatus InviteLinkStatus `json:"InviteLinkStatus"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if InviteLinkStatus is not NULL }
func (*NullInviteLinkStatus) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullInviteLinkStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullJobKind ¶ added in v0.25.0
type NullJobKind struct { JobKind JobKind `json:"JobKind"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if JobKind is not NULL }
func (*NullJobKind) Scan ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (ns *NullJobKind) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullJobRunStatus ¶
type NullJobRunStatus struct { JobRunStatus JobRunStatus `json:"JobRunStatus"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if JobRunStatus is not NULL }
func (*NullJobRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullJobRunStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullLogLineLevel ¶ added in v0.14.0
type NullLogLineLevel struct { LogLineLevel LogLineLevel `json:"LogLineLevel"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if LogLineLevel is not NULL }
func (*NullLogLineLevel) Scan ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (ns *NullLogLineLevel) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullStepRunEventReason ¶ added in v0.26.0
type NullStepRunEventReason struct { StepRunEventReason StepRunEventReason `json:"StepRunEventReason"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if StepRunEventReason is not NULL }
func (*NullStepRunEventReason) Scan ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (ns *NullStepRunEventReason) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullStepRunEventSeverity ¶ added in v0.26.0
type NullStepRunEventSeverity struct { StepRunEventSeverity StepRunEventSeverity `json:"StepRunEventSeverity"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if StepRunEventSeverity is not NULL }
func (*NullStepRunEventSeverity) Scan ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (ns *NullStepRunEventSeverity) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullStepRunStatus ¶
type NullStepRunStatus struct { StepRunStatus StepRunStatus `json:"StepRunStatus"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if StepRunStatus is not NULL }
func (*NullStepRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullStepRunStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullTenantMemberRole ¶
type NullTenantMemberRole struct { TenantMemberRole TenantMemberRole `json:"TenantMemberRole"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if TenantMemberRole is not NULL }
func (*NullTenantMemberRole) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullTenantMemberRole) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullVcsProvider ¶ added in v0.11.0
type NullVcsProvider struct { VcsProvider VcsProvider `json:"VcsProvider"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if VcsProvider is not NULL }
func (*NullVcsProvider) Scan ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (ns *NullVcsProvider) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type NullWorkflowRunStatus ¶
type NullWorkflowRunStatus struct { WorkflowRunStatus WorkflowRunStatus `json:"WorkflowRunStatus"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` // Valid is true if WorkflowRunStatus is not NULL }
func (*NullWorkflowRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (ns *NullWorkflowRunStatus) Scan(value interface{}) error
Scan implements the Scanner interface.
type PollCronSchedulesRow ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PollScheduledWorkflowsRow ¶ added in v0.17.0
type PollScheduledWorkflowsRow struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` TriggerAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"triggerAt"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` Input []byte `json:"input"` ChildIndex pgtype.Int4 `json:"childIndex"` ChildKey pgtype.Text `json:"childKey"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` ParentWorkflowRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentWorkflowRunId"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` }
type PollTenantAlertsRow ¶ added in v0.25.0
type PollTenantAlertsRow struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` MaxFrequency string `json:"maxFrequency"` LastAlertedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"lastAlertedAt"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` PrevLastAlertedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"prevLastAlertedAt"` }
type PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Queries ¶
type Queries struct { }
func (*Queries) AddStepParents ¶
func (*Queries) AddWorkflowTag ¶
func (*Queries) ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRun ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (q *Queries) ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ArchiveStepRunResultFromStepRunParams) (*StepRunResultArchive, error)
func (*Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTicker ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTicker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerParams) (*AssignGetGroupKeyRunToTickerRow, error)
func (*Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorker ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerParams) (*AssignGetGroupKeyRunToWorkerRow, error)
func (*Queries) AssignStepRunToWorker ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) AssignStepRunToWorker(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg AssignStepRunToWorkerParams) (*AssignStepRunToWorkerRow, error)
func (*Queries) CleanupStreamEvents ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Queries) CountEvents ¶
func (*Queries) CountLogLines ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*Queries) CountRoundRobinGroupKeys ¶ added in v0.19.3
func (*Queries) CountStepRunEvents ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*Queries) CountWorkflowRuns ¶
func (*Queries) CountWorkflowRunsRoundRobin ¶ added in v0.19.3
func (*Queries) CountWorkflows ¶
func (*Queries) CreateAPIToken ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) CreateDispatcher ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) CreateEvent ¶
func (*Queries) CreateGetGroupKeyRun ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (q *Queries) CreateGetGroupKeyRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateGetGroupKeyRunParams) (*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
func (*Queries) CreateJobRunLookupData ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateJobRunLookupData(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateJobRunLookupDataParams) (*JobRunLookupData, error)
func (*Queries) CreateJobRuns ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) CreateLogLine ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*Queries) CreateSchedules ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (q *Queries) CreateSchedules(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateSchedulesParams) ([]*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
func (*Queries) CreateStep ¶
func (*Queries) CreateStepRateLimit ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (q *Queries) CreateStepRateLimit(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStepRateLimitParams) (*StepRateLimit, error)
func (*Queries) CreateStepRunEvent ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (*Queries) CreateStepRuns ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) CreateStreamEvent ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (q *Queries) CreateStreamEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateStreamEventParams) (*StreamEvent, error)
func (*Queries) CreateTicker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) CreateWorker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) CreateWorkerSemaphore ¶ added in v0.18.1
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkerSemaphore(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkerSemaphoreParams) (*WorkerSemaphore, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflow ¶
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowConcurrency ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowConcurrency(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowConcurrencyParams) (*WorkflowConcurrency, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowRun ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredBy ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredBy(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowRunTriggeredByParams) (*WorkflowRunTriggeredBy, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRef ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerCronRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerCronRef, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRef ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerEventRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerEventRef, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRef ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRef(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggerScheduledRefParams) (*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggers ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowTriggers(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowTriggersParams) (*WorkflowTriggers, error)
func (*Queries) CreateWorkflowVersion ¶
func (q *Queries) CreateWorkflowVersion(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg CreateWorkflowVersionParams) (*WorkflowVersion, error)
func (*Queries) DeleteDispatcher ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) DeleteTicker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) DeleteWorker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) GetAPITokenById ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) GetChildWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (q *Queries) GetChildWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetChildWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) GetEmailGroups ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (*Queries) GetEventForEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) GetEventsForRange ¶
func (*Queries) GetGroupKeyRunForEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) GetGroupKeyRunForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetGroupKeyRunForEngineParams) ([]*GetGroupKeyRunForEngineRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobId ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (q *Queries) GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobId(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdParams) (*GetJobRunByWorkflowRunIdAndJobIdRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetLaterStepRunsForReplay ¶ added in v0.28.1
func (*Queries) GetScheduledChildWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (q *Queries) GetScheduledChildWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetScheduledChildWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef, error)
func (*Queries) GetSlackWebhooks ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (*Queries) GetStepRun ¶
func (*Queries) GetStepRunForEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) GetStepRunForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetStepRunForEngineParams) ([]*GetStepRunForEngineRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetStreamEvent ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (q *Queries) GetStreamEvent(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetStreamEventParams) (*StreamEvent, error)
func (*Queries) GetTenantAlertingSettings ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (*Queries) GetTenantByID ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) GetTotalSlots ¶ added in v0.21.1
func (q *Queries) GetTotalSlots(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetTotalSlotsParams) ([]*GetTotalSlotsRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetWorkerForEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) GetWorkerForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkerForEngineParams) (*GetWorkerForEngineRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetWorkflowByName ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) GetWorkflowLatestVersion ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) GetWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkflowRunParams) ([]*GetWorkflowRunRow, error)
func (*Queries) GetWorkflowVersionForEngine ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (q *Queries) GetWorkflowVersionForEngine(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg GetWorkflowVersionForEngineParams) ([]*GetWorkflowVersionForEngineRow, error)
func (*Queries) LinkActionsToWorker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) LinkOnFailureJob ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (q *Queries) LinkOnFailureJob(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg LinkOnFailureJobParams) (*WorkflowVersion, error)
func (*Queries) LinkServicesToWorker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) LinkStepRunParents ¶
func (*Queries) ListActiveDispatchers ¶
func (*Queries) ListActiveTickers ¶
func (*Queries) ListDispatchers ¶
func (*Queries) ListEvents ¶
func (q *Queries) ListEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListEventsParams) ([]*ListEventsRow, error)
func (*Queries) ListEventsByIDs ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) ListGetGroupKeyRunsToReassign ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) ListGetGroupKeyRunsToRequeue ¶ added in v0.13.2
func (*Queries) ListJobRunsForWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) ListLogLines ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (*Queries) ListNewlyStaleTickers ¶
func (*Queries) ListNonFinalChildStepRuns ¶ added in v0.28.1
func (q *Queries) ListNonFinalChildStepRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListNonFinalChildStepRunsParams) ([]*StepRun, error)
Select all child step runs that are not in a final state
func (*Queries) ListStaleDispatchers ¶
func (*Queries) ListStartableStepRuns ¶
func (*Queries) ListStepRunEvents ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (q *Queries) ListStepRunEvents(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListStepRunEventsParams) ([]*StepRunEvent, error)
func (*Queries) ListStepRuns ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) ListStepRunsToReassign ¶ added in v0.14.2
func (q *Queries) ListStepRunsToReassign(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
Count the total number of slots across all workers
func (*Queries) ListStepRunsToRequeue ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (q *Queries) ListStepRunsToRequeue(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tenantid pgtype.UUID) ([]pgtype.UUID, error)
Count the total number of maxRuns - runningStepRuns across all workers
func (*Queries) ListTenants ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) ListTickers ¶
func (*Queries) ListWorkersWithStepCount ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (q *Queries) ListWorkersWithStepCount(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkersWithStepCountParams) ([]*ListWorkersWithStepCountRow, error)
func (*Queries) ListWorkflowRuns ¶
func (q *Queries) ListWorkflowRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowRunsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowRunsRow, error)
func (*Queries) ListWorkflows ¶
func (q *Queries) ListWorkflows(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowsRow, error)
func (*Queries) ListWorkflowsForEvent ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) ListWorkflowsLatestRuns ¶
func (q *Queries) ListWorkflowsLatestRuns(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ListWorkflowsLatestRunsParams) ([]*ListWorkflowsLatestRunsRow, error)
func (*Queries) PollCronSchedules ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) PollGetGroupKeyRuns ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) PollScheduledWorkflows ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (q *Queries) PollScheduledWorkflows(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*PollScheduledWorkflowsRow, error)
Finds workflows that are either past their execution time or will be in the next 5 seconds and assigns them to a ticker, or finds workflows that were assigned to a ticker that is no longer active
func (*Queries) PollStepRuns ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) PollTenantAlerts ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (q *Queries) PollTenantAlerts(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, tickerid pgtype.UUID) ([]*PollTenantAlertsRow, error)
Finds tenant alerts which haven't alerted since their frequency and assigns them to a ticker
func (*Queries) PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobin ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (q *Queries) PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobin(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg PopWorkflowRunsRoundRobinParams) ([]*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) RefreshTimeoutBy ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (*Queries) ReplayStepRunResetJobRun ¶ added in v0.28.1
func (*Queries) ReplayStepRunResetLaterStepRuns ¶ added in v0.28.1
func (*Queries) ReplayStepRunResetWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.28.1
func (*Queries) ResolveJobRunStatus ¶
func (*Queries) ResolveLaterStepRuns ¶
func (*Queries) ResolveWorkerSemaphoreSlots ¶ added in v0.27.0
func (*Queries) ResolveWorkflowRunStatus ¶
func (q *Queries) ResolveWorkflowRunStatus(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg ResolveWorkflowRunStatusParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) SetDispatchersInactive ¶
func (*Queries) SetTickersInactive ¶
func (*Queries) UnlinkStepRunFromWorker ¶ added in v0.22.4
func (*Queries) UpdateDispatcher ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateDispatcher(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateDispatcherParams) (*Dispatcher, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateGetGroupKeyRun ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateGetGroupKeyRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateGetGroupKeyRunParams) (*GetGroupKeyRun, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateJobRunLookupDataWithStepRun ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateJobRunStatus ¶ added in v0.16.0
func (*Queries) UpdateManyWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateManyWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateManyWorkflowRunParams) ([]*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateStepRateLimits ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Queries) UpdateStepRun ¶
func (*Queries) UpdateStepRunInputSchema ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Queries) UpdateStepRunOverridesData ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Queries) UpdateTenantAlertingSettings ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateTenantAlertingSettings(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateTenantAlertingSettingsParams) (*TenantAlertingSettings, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateTicker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) UpdateWorker ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) UpdateWorkerActiveStatus ¶ added in v0.28.3
func (*Queries) UpdateWorkerSemaphore ¶ added in v0.18.1
func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkerSemaphore(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkerSemaphoreParams) (*WorkerSemaphore, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateWorkflowRun ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkflowRun(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkflowRunParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (q *Queries) UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKey(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKeyParams) (*WorkflowRun, error)
func (*Queries) UpsertAction ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertJobRunLookupData ¶
func (*Queries) UpsertRateLimit ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (*Queries) UpsertService ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (*Queries) UpsertWorkflowTag ¶
func (*Queries) WorkflowRunsMetricsCount ¶ added in v0.22.0
func (q *Queries) WorkflowRunsMetricsCount(ctx context.Context, db DBTX, arg WorkflowRunsMetricsCountParams) (*WorkflowRunsMetricsCountRow, error)
type RefreshTimeoutByParams ¶ added in v0.28.0
type ReplayStepRunResetLaterStepRunsParams ¶ added in v0.28.1
type SNSIntegration ¶ added in v0.15.0
type ServiceToWorker ¶
type SetDispatchersInactiveRow ¶
type SetDispatchersInactiveRow struct {
Dispatcher Dispatcher `json:"dispatcher"`
type SetTickersInactiveRow ¶
type SetTickersInactiveRow struct {
Ticker Ticker `json:"ticker"`
type SlackAppWebhook ¶ added in v0.25.0
type SlackAppWebhook struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` TeamId string `json:"teamId"` TeamName string `json:"teamName"` ChannelId string `json:"channelId"` ChannelName string `json:"channelName"` WebhookURL []byte `json:"webhookURL"` }
type Step ¶
type Step struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` ReadableId pgtype.Text `json:"readableId"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` JobId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobId"` ActionId string `json:"actionId"` Timeout pgtype.Text `json:"timeout"` CustomUserData []byte `json:"customUserData"` Retries int32 `json:"retries"` ScheduleTimeout string `json:"scheduleTimeout"` }
type StepRateLimit ¶ added in v0.19.0
type StepRun ¶
type StepRun struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` JobRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"jobRunId"` StepId pgtype.UUID `json:"stepId"` Order int64 `json:"order"` WorkerId pgtype.UUID `json:"workerId"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` Status StepRunStatus `json:"status"` Input []byte `json:"input"` Output []byte `json:"output"` RequeueAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"requeueAfter"` ScheduleTimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"scheduleTimeoutAt"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` TimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeoutAt"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` CancelledError pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledError"` InputSchema []byte `json:"inputSchema"` CallerFiles []byte `json:"callerFiles"` GitRepoBranch pgtype.Text `json:"gitRepoBranch"` RetryCount int32 `json:"retryCount"` SemaphoreReleased bool `json:"semaphoreReleased"` }
type StepRunEvent ¶ added in v0.26.0
type StepRunEvent struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` TimeFirstSeen pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeFirstSeen"` TimeLastSeen pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeLastSeen"` StepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"stepRunId"` Reason StepRunEventReason `json:"reason"` Severity StepRunEventSeverity `json:"severity"` Message string `json:"message"` Count int32 `json:"count"` Data []byte `json:"data"` }
type StepRunEventReason ¶ added in v0.26.0
type StepRunEventReason string
const ( StepRunEventReasonREQUEUEDNOWORKER StepRunEventReason = "REQUEUED_NO_WORKER" StepRunEventReasonREQUEUEDRATELIMIT StepRunEventReason = "REQUEUED_RATE_LIMIT" StepRunEventReasonSCHEDULINGTIMEDOUT StepRunEventReason = "SCHEDULING_TIMED_OUT" StepRunEventReasonASSIGNED StepRunEventReason = "ASSIGNED" StepRunEventReasonSTARTED StepRunEventReason = "STARTED" StepRunEventReasonFINISHED StepRunEventReason = "FINISHED" StepRunEventReasonFAILED StepRunEventReason = "FAILED" StepRunEventReasonRETRYING StepRunEventReason = "RETRYING" StepRunEventReasonCANCELLED StepRunEventReason = "CANCELLED" StepRunEventReasonTIMEDOUT StepRunEventReason = "TIMED_OUT" StepRunEventReasonREASSIGNED StepRunEventReason = "REASSIGNED" StepRunEventReasonSLOTRELEASED StepRunEventReason = "SLOT_RELEASED" StepRunEventReasonTIMEOUTREFRESHED StepRunEventReason = "TIMEOUT_REFRESHED" StepRunEventReasonRETRIEDBYUSER StepRunEventReason = "RETRIED_BY_USER" )
func (*StepRunEventReason) Scan ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (e *StepRunEventReason) Scan(src interface{}) error
type StepRunEventSeverity ¶ added in v0.26.0
type StepRunEventSeverity string
const ( StepRunEventSeverityINFO StepRunEventSeverity = "INFO" StepRunEventSeverityWARNING StepRunEventSeverity = "WARNING" StepRunEventSeverityCRITICAL StepRunEventSeverity = "CRITICAL" )
func (*StepRunEventSeverity) Scan ¶ added in v0.26.0
func (e *StepRunEventSeverity) Scan(src interface{}) error
type StepRunResultArchive ¶ added in v0.11.0
type StepRunResultArchive struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` StepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"stepRunId"` Order int64 `json:"order"` Input []byte `json:"input"` Output []byte `json:"output"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` TimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"timeoutAt"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` CancelledError pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledError"` }
type StepRunStatus ¶
type StepRunStatus string
const ( StepRunStatusPENDING StepRunStatus = "PENDING" StepRunStatusPENDINGASSIGNMENT StepRunStatus = "PENDING_ASSIGNMENT" StepRunStatusASSIGNED StepRunStatus = "ASSIGNED" StepRunStatusRUNNING StepRunStatus = "RUNNING" StepRunStatusSUCCEEDED StepRunStatus = "SUCCEEDED" StepRunStatusFAILED StepRunStatus = "FAILED" StepRunStatusCANCELLED StepRunStatus = "CANCELLED" )
func (*StepRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (e *StepRunStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error
type StreamEvent ¶ added in v0.19.0
type TenantAlertEmailGroup ¶ added in v0.25.0
type TenantAlertingSettings ¶ added in v0.25.0
type TenantAlertingSettings struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` MaxFrequency string `json:"maxFrequency"` LastAlertedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"lastAlertedAt"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` }
type TenantInviteLink ¶
type TenantInviteLink struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` InviterEmail string `json:"inviterEmail"` InviteeEmail string `json:"inviteeEmail"` Expires pgtype.Timestamp `json:"expires"` Status InviteLinkStatus `json:"status"` Role TenantMemberRole `json:"role"` }
type TenantMember ¶
type TenantMemberRole ¶
type TenantMemberRole string
const ( TenantMemberRoleOWNER TenantMemberRole = "OWNER" TenantMemberRoleADMIN TenantMemberRole = "ADMIN" TenantMemberRoleMEMBER TenantMemberRole = "MEMBER" )
func (*TenantMemberRole) Scan ¶
func (e *TenantMemberRole) Scan(src interface{}) error
type TenantVcsProvider ¶ added in v0.11.0
type TenantVcsProvider struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` VcsProvider VcsProvider `json:"vcsProvider"` Config []byte `json:"config"` }
type UnlinkStepRunFromWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.22.4
type UpdateDispatcherParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type UpdateGetGroupKeyRunParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type UpdateGetGroupKeyRunParams struct { RequeueAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"requeueAfter"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` ScheduleTimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"scheduleTimeoutAt"` Status NullStepRunStatus `json:"status"` Input []byte `json:"input"` Output pgtype.Text `json:"output"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` }
type UpdateJobRunStatusParams ¶ added in v0.16.0
type UpdateJobRunStatusParams struct { Status JobRunStatus `json:"status"` ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` }
type UpdateManyWorkflowRunParams ¶ added in v0.12.0
type UpdateStepRateLimitsParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type UpdateStepRunInputSchemaParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type UpdateStepRunOverridesDataParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type UpdateStepRunParams ¶
type UpdateStepRunParams struct { RequeueAfter pgtype.Timestamp `json:"requeueAfter"` ScheduleTimeoutAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"scheduleTimeoutAt"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` Rerun pgtype.Bool `json:"rerun"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` Status NullStepRunStatus `json:"status"` Input []byte `json:"input"` Output []byte `json:"output"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` CancelledAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"cancelledAt"` CancelledReason pgtype.Text `json:"cancelledReason"` RetryCount pgtype.Int4 `json:"retryCount"` SemaphoreReleased pgtype.Bool `json:"semaphoreReleased"` ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` }
type UpdateTenantAlertingSettingsParams ¶ added in v0.25.0
type UpdateTickerParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type UpdateWorkerActiveStatusParams ¶ added in v0.28.3
type UpdateWorkerParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type UpdateWorkerSemaphoreParams ¶ added in v0.18.1
type UpdateWorkflowRunGroupKeyParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type UpdateWorkflowRunParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type UpsertActionParams ¶
type UpsertRateLimitParams ¶ added in v0.19.0
type UpsertServiceParams ¶ added in v0.17.0
type UpsertWorkflowTagParams ¶
type UserOAuth ¶
type UserOAuth struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` UserId pgtype.UUID `json:"userId"` Provider string `json:"provider"` ProviderUserId string `json:"providerUserId"` ExpiresAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"expiresAt"` AccessToken []byte `json:"accessToken"` RefreshToken []byte `json:"refreshToken"` }
type UserPassword ¶
type UserSession ¶
type VcsProvider ¶ added in v0.11.0
type VcsProvider string
const (
VcsProviderGITHUB VcsProvider = "GITHUB"
func (*VcsProvider) Scan ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (e *VcsProvider) Scan(src interface{}) error
type Worker ¶
type Worker struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` LastHeartbeatAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"lastHeartbeatAt"` Name string `json:"name"` DispatcherId pgtype.UUID `json:"dispatcherId"` MaxRuns pgtype.Int4 `json:"maxRuns"` IsActive bool `json:"isActive"` LastListenerEstablished pgtype.Timestamp `json:"lastListenerEstablished"` }
type WorkerSemaphore ¶ added in v0.18.1
type WorkflowConcurrency ¶ added in v0.8.0
type WorkflowConcurrency struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` GetConcurrencyGroupId pgtype.UUID `json:"getConcurrencyGroupId"` MaxRuns int32 `json:"maxRuns"` LimitStrategy ConcurrencyLimitStrategy `json:"limitStrategy"` }
type WorkflowDeploymentConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
type WorkflowDeploymentConfig struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` GitRepoName string `json:"gitRepoName"` GitRepoOwner string `json:"gitRepoOwner"` GitRepoBranch string `json:"gitRepoBranch"` GithubAppInstallationId pgtype.UUID `json:"githubAppInstallationId"` }
type WorkflowRun ¶
type WorkflowRun struct { CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` WorkflowVersionId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowVersionId"` Status WorkflowRunStatus `json:"status"` Error pgtype.Text `json:"error"` StartedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"startedAt"` FinishedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"finishedAt"` ConcurrencyGroupId pgtype.Text `json:"concurrencyGroupId"` DisplayName pgtype.Text `json:"displayName"` ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` GitRepoBranch pgtype.Text `json:"gitRepoBranch"` ChildIndex pgtype.Int4 `json:"childIndex"` ChildKey pgtype.Text `json:"childKey"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` }
type WorkflowRunStatus ¶
type WorkflowRunStatus string
const ( WorkflowRunStatusPENDING WorkflowRunStatus = "PENDING" WorkflowRunStatusRUNNING WorkflowRunStatus = "RUNNING" WorkflowRunStatusSUCCEEDED WorkflowRunStatus = "SUCCEEDED" WorkflowRunStatusFAILED WorkflowRunStatus = "FAILED" WorkflowRunStatusQUEUED WorkflowRunStatus = "QUEUED" )
func (*WorkflowRunStatus) Scan ¶
func (e *WorkflowRunStatus) Scan(src interface{}) error
type WorkflowRunTriggeredBy ¶
type WorkflowRunTriggeredBy struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` TenantId pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantId"` EventId pgtype.UUID `json:"eventId"` CronParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"cronParentId"` CronSchedule pgtype.Text `json:"cronSchedule"` ScheduledId pgtype.UUID `json:"scheduledId"` Input []byte `json:"input"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` }
type WorkflowRunsMetricsCountParams ¶ added in v0.22.0
type WorkflowRunsMetricsCountParams struct { Tenantid pgtype.UUID `json:"tenantid"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` AdditionalMetadata []byte `json:"additionalMetadata"` EventId pgtype.UUID `json:"eventId"` }
type WorkflowRunsMetricsCountRow ¶ added in v0.22.0
type WorkflowTag ¶
type WorkflowToWorkflowTag ¶
type WorkflowTriggerCronRef ¶
type WorkflowTriggerEventRef ¶
type WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef ¶
type WorkflowTriggerScheduledRef struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` ParentId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentId"` TriggerAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"triggerAt"` TickerId pgtype.UUID `json:"tickerId"` Input []byte `json:"input"` ChildIndex pgtype.Int4 `json:"childIndex"` ChildKey pgtype.Text `json:"childKey"` ParentStepRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentStepRunId"` ParentWorkflowRunId pgtype.UUID `json:"parentWorkflowRunId"` }
type WorkflowTriggers ¶
type WorkflowVersion ¶
type WorkflowVersion struct { ID pgtype.UUID `json:"id"` CreatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"updatedAt"` DeletedAt pgtype.Timestamp `json:"deletedAt"` Version pgtype.Text `json:"version"` Order int64 `json:"order"` WorkflowId pgtype.UUID `json:"workflowId"` Checksum string `json:"checksum"` ScheduleTimeout string `json:"scheduleTimeout"` OnFailureJobId pgtype.UUID `json:"onFailureJobId"` }