
package module
v0.13.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 23, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 252



Unit tests

Preface: This is a fork of with extended features (subscription client, named operation)

The subscription client follows Apollo client specification, using WebSocket protocol with, a minimal and idiomatic WebSocket library for Go.

Package graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.

For more information, see package, which is a specialized version targeting GitHub GraphQL API v4. That package is driving the feature development.

Note: Before v0.8.0, QueryRaw, MutateRaw, and Subscribe methods return *json.RawMessage. This output type is redundant to be decoded. From v0.8.0, the output type is changed to []byte.


go-graphql-client requires Go version 1.20 or later. For older Go versions:

  • >= 1.16 < 1.20: downgrade the library to version v0.9.x
  • < 1.16: downgrade the library version below v0.7.1.
go get -u


Construct a GraphQL client, specifying the GraphQL server URL. Then, you can use it to make GraphQL queries and mutations.

client := graphql.NewClient("", nil)
// Use client...

Some GraphQL servers may require authentication. The graphql package does not directly handle authentication. Instead, when creating a new client, you're expected to pass an http.Client that performs authentication. The easiest and recommended way to do this is to use the package. You'll need an OAuth token with the right scopes. Then:

import ""

func main() {
	src := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(
		&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: os.Getenv("GRAPHQL_TOKEN")},
	httpClient := oauth2.NewClient(context.Background(), src)

	client := graphql.NewClient("", httpClient)
	// Use client...
Simple Query

To make a GraphQL query, you need to define a corresponding Go type. Variable names must be upper case, see here

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

query {
	me {

You can define this variable:

var query struct {
	Me struct {
		Name string

Then call client.Query, passing a pointer to it:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &query, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// Output: Luke Skywalker
Arguments and Variables

Often, you'll want to specify arguments on some fields. You can use the graphql struct field tag for this.

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

	human(id: "1000") {
		height(unit: METER)

You can define this variable:

var q struct {
	Human struct {
		Name   string
		Height float64 `graphql:"height(unit: METER)"`
	} `graphql:"human(id: \"1000\")"`

Then call client.Query:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// Output:
// Luke Skywalker
// 1.72

However, that'll only work if the arguments are constant and known in advance. Otherwise, you will need to make use of variables. Replace the constants in the struct field tag with variable names:

var q struct {
	Human struct {
		Name   string
		Height float64 `graphql:"height(unit: $unit)"`
	} `graphql:"human(id: $id)"`

Then, define a variables map with their values:

variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"id":   graphql.ID(id),
	"unit": starwars.LengthUnit("METER"),

Finally, call client.Query providing variables:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, variables)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

Variables get encoded as normal JSON. So if you supply a struct for a variable and want to rename fields, you can do this like this:

type Dimensions struct {
	Width int `json:"ship_width"`,
	Height int `json:"ship_height"`

var myDimensions = Dimensions{
	Width : 10,
	Height : 6,

var mutation struct {
  CreateDimensions struct {
     ID string `graphql:"id"`
  } `graphql:"create_dimensions(ship_dimensions: $ship_dimensions)"`

variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"ship_dimensions":  myDimensions,

err := client.Mutate(context.TODO(), &mutation, variables)

which will set ship_dimensions to an object with the properties ship_width and ship_height.

Custom scalar tag

Because the generator reflects recursively struct objects, it can't know if the struct is a custom scalar such as JSON. To avoid expansion of the field during query generation, let's add the tag scalar:"true" to the custom scalar. If the scalar implements the JSON decoder interface, it will be automatically decoded.

struct {
	Viewer struct {
		ID         interface{}
		Login      string
		CreatedAt  time.Time
		DatabaseID int

// Output:
// {
//   viewer {
//	   id
//		 login
//		 createdAt
//		 databaseId
//   }
// }

struct {
	Viewer struct {
		ID         interface{}
		Login      string
		CreatedAt  time.Time
		DatabaseID int
	} `scalar:"true"`

// Output
// { viewer }
Skip GraphQL field
struct {
  Viewer struct {
		ID         interface{} `graphql:"-"`
		Login      string
		CreatedAt  time.Time `graphql:"-"`
		DatabaseID int

// Output
// {viewer{login,databaseId}}
Inline Fragments

Some GraphQL queries contain inline fragments. You can use the graphql struct field tag to express them.

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

	hero(episode: "JEDI") {
		... on Droid {
		... on Human {

You can define this variable:

var q struct {
	Hero struct {
		Name  string
		Droid struct {
			PrimaryFunction string
		} `graphql:"... on Droid"`
		Human struct {
			Height float64
		} `graphql:"... on Human"`
	} `graphql:"hero(episode: \"JEDI\")"`

Alternatively, you can define the struct types corresponding to inline fragments, and use them as embedded fields in your query:

type (
	DroidFragment struct {
		PrimaryFunction string
	HumanFragment struct {
		Height float64

var q struct {
	Hero struct {
		Name          string
		DroidFragment `graphql:"... on Droid"`
		HumanFragment `graphql:"... on Human"`
	} `graphql:"hero(episode: \"JEDI\")"`

Then call client.Query:

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, nil)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// Output:
// R2-D2
// Astromech
// 0
Specify GraphQL type name

The GraphQL type is automatically inferred from Go type by reflection. However, it's cumbersome in some use cases, e.g. lowercase names. In Go, a type name with a first lowercase letter is considered private. If we need to reuse it for other packages, there are 2 approaches: type alias or implement GetGraphQLType method.

type UserReviewInput struct {
	Review string
	UserID string

// type alias
type user_review_input UserReviewInput
// or implement GetGraphQLType method
func (u UserReviewInput) GetGraphQLType() string { return "user_review_input" }

variables := map[string]interface{}{
  "input": UserReviewInput{}

//query arguments without GetGraphQLType() defined
//($input: UserReviewInput!)
//query arguments with GetGraphQLType() defined:w
//($input: user_review_input!)

Mutations often require information that you can only find out by performing a query first. Let's suppose you've already done that.

For example, to make the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation($ep: Episode!, $review: ReviewInput!) {
	createReview(episode: $ep, review: $review) {
variables {
	"ep": "JEDI",
	"review": {
		"stars": 5,
		"commentary": "This is a great movie!"

You can define:

var m struct {
	CreateReview struct {
		Stars      int
		Commentary string
	} `graphql:"createReview(episode: $ep, review: $review)"`
variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"ep": starwars.Episode("JEDI"),
	"review": starwars.ReviewInput{
		Stars:      5,
		Commentary: "This is a great movie!",

Then call client.Mutate:

err := client.Mutate(context.Background(), &m, variables)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.
fmt.Printf("Created a %v star review: %v\n", m.CreateReview.Stars, m.CreateReview.Commentary)

// Output:
// Created a 5 star review: This is a great movie!
Mutations Without Fields

Sometimes, you don't need any fields returned from a mutation. Doing that is easy.

For example, to make the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation($ep: Episode!, $review: ReviewInput!) {
	createReview(episode: $ep, review: $review)
variables {
	"ep": "JEDI",
	"review": {
		"stars": 5,
		"commentary": "This is a great movie!"

You can define:

var m struct {
	CreateReview string `graphql:"createReview(episode: $ep, review: $review)"`
variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"ep": starwars.Episode("JEDI"),
	"review": starwars.ReviewInput{
		Stars:      5,
		Commentary: "This is a great movie!",

Then call client.Mutate:

err := client.Mutate(context.Background(), &m, variables)
if err != nil {
	// Handle error.
fmt.Printf("Created a review: %s.\n", m.CreateReview)

// Output:
// Created a review: .

Construct a Subscription client, specifying the GraphQL server URL.

client := graphql.NewSubscriptionClient("wss://")
defer client.Close()

// Subscribe subscriptions
// ...
// finally run the client

To make a GraphQL subscription, you need to define a corresponding Go type.

For example, to make the following GraphQL query:

subscription {
	me {

You can define this variable:

var subscription struct {
	Me struct {
		Name string

Then call client.Subscribe, passing a pointer to it:

subscriptionId, err := client.Subscribe(&query, nil, func(dataValue []byte, errValue error) error {
	if errValue != nil {
		// handle error
		// if returns error, it will failback to `onError` event
		return nil
	data := query{}
	// use the package
	err := jsonutil.UnmarshalGraphQL(dataValue, &data)


	// Output: Luke Skywalker
	return nil

if err != nil {
	// Handle error.
Stop the subscription

You can programmatically stop the subscription while the client is running by using the Unsubscribe method or returning a special error to stop it in the callback.

subscriptionId, err := client.Subscribe(&query, nil, func(dataValue []byte, errValue error) error {
	// ...
	// return this error to stop the subscription in the callback
	return graphql.ErrSubscriptionStopped

if err != nil {
	// Handle error.

// unsubscribe the subscription while the client is running with the subscription ID

The subscription client is authenticated with GraphQL server through connection params:

client := graphql.NewSubscriptionClient("wss://").
		"headers": map[string]string{
				"authentication": "...",
	// or lazy parameters with function
  WithConnectionParamsFn(func () map[string]interface{} {
		return map[string]interface{} {
			"headers": map[string]string{
  				"authentication": "...",

Some servers validate custom auth tokens on the header instead. To authenticate with headers, use WebsocketOptions:

client := graphql.NewSubscriptionClient(serverEndpoint).
        HTTPHeader: http.Header{
            "Authorization": []string{"Bearer random-secret"},
	//  write timeout of websocket client
	// When the websocket server was stopped, the client will retry connecting every second until timeout
	// sets loging function to print out received messages. By default, nothing is printed
	// max size of response message
	// these operation event logs won't be printed
	WithoutLogTypes(graphql.GQLData, graphql.GQLConnectionKeepAlive).
	// the client should exit when all subscriptions were closed, default true
	// WithRetryStatusCodes allow retry the subscription connection when receiving one of these codes
	// the input parameter can be number string or range, e.g 4000-5000
	WithRetryStatusCodes("4000", "4000-4050").
	// WithSyncMode subscription messages are executed in sequence (without goroutine)
Subscription Protocols

The subscription client supports 2 protocols:

The protocol can be switchable by the WithProtocol function.

Handle connection error

GraphQL servers can define custom WebSocket error codes in the 3000-4999 range. For example, in the graphql-ws protocol, the server sends the invalid message error with status 4400. In this case, the subscription client should let the user handle the error through the OnError event.

client := graphql.NewSubscriptionClient(serverEndpoint).
  OnError(func(sc *graphql.SubscriptionClient, err error) error {
  	if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "invalid x-hasura-admin-secret/x-hasura-access-key") {
			// exit the subscription client due to unauthorized error
  		return err
		// otherwise ignore the error and the client continues to run
  	return nil
// OnConnected event is triggered when the websocket connected to GraphQL server sucessfully
client.OnConnected(fn func())

// OnDisconnected event is triggered when the websocket client was disconnected
client.OnDisconnected(fn func())

// OnError event is triggered when there is any connection error. This is bottom exception handler level
// If this function is empty, or returns nil, the error is ignored
// If returns error, the websocket connection will be terminated
client.OnError(onError func(sc *SubscriptionClient, err error) error)

// OnConnectionAlive event is triggered when the websocket receive a connection alive message (differs per protocol)
client.OnConnectionAlive(fn func())

// OnSubscriptionComplete event is triggered when the subscription receives a terminated message from the server
client.OnSubscriptionComplete(fn func(sub Subscription))
Custom HTTP Client

Use WithWebSocketOptions to customize the HTTP client which is used by the subscription client.

	HTTPClient: &http.Client{
		Transport: http.DefaultTransport,
		Timeout: time.Minute,
Custom WebSocket client

By default, the subscription client uses coder WebSocket client. If you need to customize the client or prefer using Gorilla WebSocket, let's follow the WebSocket interface and replace the constructor with WithWebSocket method:

// WebsocketHandler abstracts WebSocket connection functions
// ReadJSON and WriteJSON data of a frame from the WebSocket connection.
// Close the WebSocket connection.
type WebsocketConn interface {
	ReadJSON(v interface{}) error
	WriteJSON(v interface{}) error
	Close() error
	// SetReadLimit sets the maximum size in bytes for a message read from the peer. If a
	// message exceeds the limit, the connection sends a close message to the peer
	// and returns ErrReadLimit to the application.
	SetReadLimit(limit int64)

// WithWebSocket replaces customized websocket client constructor
func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithWebSocket(fn func(sc *SubscriptionClient) (WebsocketConn, error)) *SubscriptionClient


// the default websocket constructor
func newWebsocketConn(sc *SubscriptionClient) (WebsocketConn, error) {
	options := &websocket.DialOptions{
		Subprotocols: []string{"graphql-ws"},
	c, _, err := websocket.Dial(sc.GetContext(), sc.GetURL(), options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// The default WebsocketHandler implementation using coder's
	return &WebsocketHandler{
		ctx:     sc.GetContext(),
		Conn:    c,
		timeout: sc.GetTimeout(),
	}, nil

client := graphql.NewSubscriptionClient("wss://")
defer client.Close()



There are extensible parts in the GraphQL query that we sometimes use. They are optional so we shouldn't require them in the method. To make it flexible, we can abstract these options as optional arguments that follow this interface.

type Option interface {
	Type() OptionType
	String() string

client.Query(ctx context.Context, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) error

Currently, there are 3 option types:

  • operation_name
  • operation_directive
  • bind_extensions

The operation name option is built-in because it is unique. We can use the option directly with OperationName.

// query MyQuery {
//	...
// }
client.Query(ctx, &q, variables, graphql.OperationName("MyQuery"))

In contrast, operation directives are various and customizable on different GraphQL servers. There isn't any built-in directive in the library. You need to define yourself. For example:

// define @cached directive for Hasura queries
type cachedDirective struct {
	ttl int

func (cd cachedDirective) Type() OptionType {
	// operation_directive
	return graphql.OptionTypeOperationDirective

func (cd cachedDirective) String() string {
	if cd.ttl <= 0 {
		return "@cached"
	return fmt.Sprintf("@cached(ttl: %d)", cd.ttl)

// query MyQuery @cached {
//	...
// }
client.Query(ctx, &q, variables, graphql.OperationName("MyQuery"), cachedDirective{})
Execute pre-built query

The Exec function allows you to execute pre-built queries. While using reflection to build queries is convenient as you get some resemblance of type safety, it gets very cumbersome when you need to create queries semi-dynamically. For instance, imagine you are building a CLI tool to query data from a graphql endpoint and you want users to be able to narrow down the query by passing CLI flags or something.

// filters would be built dynamically somehow from the command line flags
filters := []string{
   `fieldA: {subfieldA: {_eq: "a"}}`,
   `fieldB: {_eq: "b"}`,

query := "query{something(where: {" + strings.Join(filters, ", ") + "}){id}}"
res := struct {
	Somethings []Something

if err := client.Exec(ctx, query, &res, map[string]any{}); err != nil {

subscription := "subscription{something(where: {" + strings.Join(filters, ", ") + "}){id}}"
subscriptionId, err := subscriptionClient.Exec(subscription, nil, func(dataValue []byte, errValue error) error {
	if errValue != nil {
		// handle error
		// if returns error, it will failback to `onError` event
		return nil
	data := query{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(dataValue, &data)
	// ...

If you prefer decoding JSON yourself, use ExecRaw instead.

query := `query{something(where: { foo: { _eq: "bar" }}){id}}`
var res struct {
	Somethings []Something `json:"something"`

raw, err := client.ExecRaw(ctx, query, map[string]any{})
if err != nil {

err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &res)
Get extensions from response

The response map may also contain an entry with the extensions key. To decode this field you need to bind a struct or map pointer. The client will optionally unmarshal the field using JSON decoder.

var q struct {
	User struct {
		ID   string `graphql:"id"`
		Name string `graphql:"name"`

var ext struct {
	ID     int    `json:"id"`
	Domain string `json:"domain"`

err := client.Query(context.Background(), &q, map[string]interface{}{}, graphql.BindExtensions(&ext))
if err != nil {

Additionally, if you need information about the extensions returned in the response use ExecRawWithExtensions. This function returns a map with extensions as the second variable.

query := `query{something(where: { foo: { _eq: "bar" }}){id}}`

data, extensions, err := client.ExecRawWithExtensions(ctx, query, map[string]any{})
if err != nil {

// You can now use the `extensions` variable to access the extensions data
fmt.Println("Extensions:", extensions)
With operation name (deprecated)
func (c *Client) NamedQuery(ctx context.Context, name string, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) error

func (c *Client) NamedMutate(ctx context.Context, name string, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) error

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) NamedSubscribe(name string, v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, handler func(message []byte, err error) error) (string, error)
Raw bytes response

In the case when we developers want to decode JSON response ourselves. Moreover, the default UnmarshalGraphQL function isn't ideal with complicated nested interfaces

func (c *Client) QueryRaw(ctx context.Context, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func (c *Client) MutateRaw(ctx context.Context, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func (c *Client) NamedQueryRaw(ctx context.Context, name string, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func (c *Client) NamedMutateRaw(ctx context.Context, name string, q interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Multiple mutations with ordered map

You might need to make multiple mutations in a single query. It's not very convenient with structs so you can use ordered map [][2]interface{} instead.

For example, to make the following GraphQL mutation:

mutation($login1: String!, $login2: String!, $login3: String!) {
	createUser(login: $login1) { login }
	createUser(login: $login2) { login }
	createUser(login: $login3) { login }
variables {
	"login1": "grihabor",
	"login2": "diman",
	"login3": "indigo"

You can define:

type CreateUser struct {
	Login string
m := [][2]interface{}{
	{"createUser(login: $login1)", &CreateUser{}},
	{"createUser(login: $login2)", &CreateUser{}},
	{"createUser(login: $login3)", &CreateUser{}},
variables := map[string]interface{}{
	"login1": "grihabor",
	"login2": "diman",
	"login3": "indigo",
Debugging and Unit test

Enable debug mode with the WithDebug function. If the request fails, the request and response information will be included in extensions[].internal property.

  "errors": [
      "message": "Field 'user' is missing required arguments: login",
      "extensions": {
        "internal": {
          "request": {
            "body": "{\"query\":\"{user{name}}\"}",
            "headers": {
              "Content-Type": ["application/json"]
          "response": {
            "body": "{\"errors\": [{\"message\": \"Field 'user' is missing required arguments: login\",\"locations\": [{\"line\": 7,\"column\": 3}]}]}",
            "headers": {
              "Content-Type": ["application/json"]
      "locations": [
          "line": 7,
          "column": 3

For debugging queries, you can use Construct* functions to see what the generated query looks like:

// ConstructQuery build GraphQL query string from struct and variables
func ConstructQuery(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, error)

// ConstructMutation build GraphQL mutation string from struct and variables
func ConstructMutation(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, error)

// ConstructSubscription build GraphQL subscription string from struct and variables
func ConstructSubscription(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, string, error)

// UnmarshalGraphQL parses the JSON-encoded GraphQL response data and stores
// the result in the GraphQL query data structure pointed to by v.
func UnmarshalGraphQL(data []byte, v interface{}) error

Because the GraphQL query string is generated in runtime using reflection, it isn't really safe. To ensure the GraphQL query is expected, it's necessary to write some unit tests for query construction.


Path Synopsis
example/graphqldev graphqldev is a test program currently being used for developing graphql package.
ident Package ident provides functions for parsing and converting identifier names between various naming conventions.
internal/jsonutil Package jsonutil provides a function for decoding JSON into a GraphQL query data structure.





Package graphql provides a GraphQL client implementation.

For more information, see package

For now, see README for more details.



View Source
const (
	ErrRequestError            = "request_error"
	ErrJsonEncode              = "json_encode_error"
	ErrJsonDecode              = "json_decode_error"
	ErrGraphQLEncode           = "graphql_encode_error"
	ErrGraphQLDecode           = "graphql_decode_error"
	ErrGraphQLExtensionsDecode = "graphql_extensions_decode_error"
View Source
const (

	// SubscriptionWaiting the subscription hasn't been registered to the server
	SubscriptionWaiting SubscriptionStatus = 0
	// SubscriptionRunning the subscription is up and running
	SubscriptionRunning SubscriptionStatus = 1
	// SubscriptionUnsubscribed the subscription was manually unsubscribed by the user
	SubscriptionUnsubscribed SubscriptionStatus = 2

	// SubscriptionsTransportWS the enum implements the subscription transport that follows Apollo's subscriptions-transport-ws protocol specification
	SubscriptionsTransportWS SubscriptionProtocolType = "subscriptions-transport-ws"

	// GraphQLWS enum implements GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol (graphql-ws)
	GraphQLWS SubscriptionProtocolType = "graphql-ws"

	// Receiving a message of a type or format which is not specified in this document
	// The <error-message> can be vaguely descriptive on why the received message is invalid.
	StatusInvalidMessage websocket.StatusCode = 4400
	// if the connection is not acknowledged, the socket will be closed immediately with the event 4401: Unauthorized
	StatusUnauthorized websocket.StatusCode = 4401
	// Connection initialisation timeout
	StatusConnectionInitialisationTimeout websocket.StatusCode = 4408
	// Subscriber for <generated-id> already exists
	StatusSubscriberAlreadyExists websocket.StatusCode = 4409
	// Too many initialisation requests
	StatusTooManyInitialisationRequests websocket.StatusCode = 4429
View Source
const (
	// Unknown operation type, for logging only
	GQLUnknown OperationMessageType = "unknown"
	// Internal status, for logging only
	GQLInternal OperationMessageType = "internal"

	// @deprecated: use GQLUnknown instead
	// @deprecated: use GQLInternal instead
View Source
const (
	// The server may responses with this message to the GQL_CONNECTION_INIT from client, indicates the server rejected the connection.
	GQLConnectionError OperationMessageType = "connection_error"
	// Client sends this message to execute GraphQL operation
	GQLStart OperationMessageType = "start"
	// Client sends this message in order to stop a running GraphQL operation execution (for example: unsubscribe)
	GQLStop OperationMessageType = "stop"
	// Client sends this message in order to stop a running GraphQL operation execution (for example: unsubscribe)
	GQLData OperationMessageType = "data"
	// Server message that should be sent right after each GQL_CONNECTION_ACK processed and then periodically to keep the client connection alive.
	// The client starts to consider the keep alive message only upon the first received keep alive message from the server.
	GQLConnectionKeepAlive OperationMessageType = "ka"
	// Client sends this message to terminate the connection.
	GQLConnectionTerminate OperationMessageType = "connection_terminate"

	// Client sends this message after plain websocket connection to start the communication with the server
	// @deprecated: use GQLConnectionInit instead
	// The server may responses with this message to the GQL_CONNECTION_INIT from client, indicates the server rejected the connection.
	// @deprecated: use GQLConnectionError instead
	// Client sends this message to execute GraphQL operation
	// @deprecated: use GQLStart instead
	// Client sends this message in order to stop a running GraphQL operation execution (for example: unsubscribe)
	// @deprecated: use GQLStop instead
	// Server sends this message upon a failing operation, before the GraphQL execution, usually due to GraphQL validation errors (resolver errors are part of GQL_DATA message, and will be added as errors array)
	// @deprecated: use GQLError instead
	// The server sends this message to transfer the GraphQL execution result from the server to the client, this message is a response for GQL_START message.
	// @deprecated: use GQLData instead
	// Server sends this message to indicate that a GraphQL operation is done, and no more data will arrive for the specific operation.
	// @deprecated: use GQLComplete instead
	// Server message that should be sent right after each GQL_CONNECTION_ACK processed and then periodically to keep the client connection alive.
	// The client starts to consider the keep alive message only upon the first received keep alive message from the server.
	// @deprecated: use GQLConnectionKeepAlive instead
	// The server may responses with this message to the GQL_CONNECTION_INIT from client, indicates the server accepted the connection. May optionally include a payload.
	// @deprecated: use GQLConnectionAck instead
	// Client sends this message to terminate the connection.
	// @deprecated: use GQLConnectionTerminate instead


View Source
var (
	// ErrSubscriptionStopped a special error which forces the subscription stop
	ErrSubscriptionStopped = errors.New("subscription stopped")
	// ErrSubscriptionNotExists an error denoting that subscription does not exist
	ErrSubscriptionNotExists = errors.New("subscription does not exist")


func ConstructMutation added in v0.6.4

func ConstructMutation(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, error)

ConstructMutation build GraphQL mutation string from struct and variables

func ConstructQuery added in v0.6.4

func ConstructQuery(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, error)

ConstructQuery build GraphQL query string from struct and variables

func ConstructSubscription added in v0.6.4

func ConstructSubscription(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, options ...Option) (string, string, error)

ConstructSubscription build GraphQL subscription string from struct and variables

func ElemSafe added in v0.5.0

func ElemSafe(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value

func FieldSafe added in v0.5.0

func FieldSafe(valStruct reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value

func IndexSafe added in v0.5.0

func IndexSafe(v reflect.Value, i int) reflect.Value

func UnmarshalGraphQL added in v0.6.4

func UnmarshalGraphQL(data []byte, v any) error

UnmarshalGraphQL parses the JSON-encoded GraphQL response data and stores the result in the GraphQL query data structure pointed to by v.

The implementation is created on top of the JSON tokenizer available in "encoding/json".Decoder. This function is re-exported from the internal package


type Boolean

type Boolean bool

Boolean represents true or false values. Deprecated.

func NewBoolean

func NewBoolean(v Boolean) *Boolean

NewBoolean is a helper to make a new *Boolean. Deprecated.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is a GraphQL client.

func NewClient

func NewClient(url string, httpClient Doer) *Client

NewClient creates a GraphQL client targeting the specified GraphQL server URL. If httpClient is nil, then http.DefaultClient is used.

func (*Client) Exec added in v0.7.0

func (c *Client) Exec(ctx context.Context, query string, v any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) error

Executes a pre-built query and unmarshals the response into v. Unlike the Query method you have to specify in the query the fields that you want to receive as they are not inferred from v. This method is useful if you need to build the query dynamically.

func (*Client) ExecRaw added in v0.8.0

func (c *Client) ExecRaw(ctx context.Context, query string, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, error)

Executes a pre-built query and returns the raw json message. Unlike the Query method you have to specify in the query the fields that you want to receive as they are not inferred from the interface. This method is useful if you need to build the query dynamically.

func (*Client) ExecRawWithExtensions added in v0.13.0

func (c *Client) ExecRawWithExtensions(ctx context.Context, query string, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, []byte, error)

ExecRawWithExtensions execute a pre-built query and returns the raw json message and a map with extensions (values also as raw json objects). Unlike the Query method you have to specify in the query the fields that you want to receive as they are not inferred from the interface. This method is useful if you need to build the query dynamically.

func (*Client) Mutate

func (c *Client) Mutate(ctx context.Context, m any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) error

Mutate executes a single GraphQL mutation request, with a mutation derived from m, populating the response into it. m should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GraphQL schema.

func (*Client) MutateRaw added in v0.2.0

func (c *Client) MutateRaw(ctx context.Context, m any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, error)

MutateRaw executes a single GraphQL mutation request, with a mutation derived from m, populating the response into it. m should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GraphQL schema. return raw bytes message.

func (*Client) NamedMutate deprecated

func (c *Client) NamedMutate(ctx context.Context, name string, m any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) error

NamedMutate executes a single GraphQL mutation request, with operation name

Deprecated: this is the shortcut of Mutate method, with NewOperationName option

func (*Client) NamedMutateRaw added in v0.2.0

func (c *Client) NamedMutateRaw(ctx context.Context, name string, m any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, error)

NamedMutateRaw executes a single GraphQL mutation request, with operation name return raw bytes message.

func (*Client) NamedQuery deprecated

func (c *Client) NamedQuery(ctx context.Context, name string, q any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) error

NamedQuery executes a single GraphQL query request, with operation name

Deprecated: this is the shortcut of Query method, with NewOperationName option

func (*Client) NamedQueryRaw added in v0.2.0

func (c *Client) NamedQueryRaw(ctx context.Context, name string, q any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, error)

NamedQueryRaw executes a single GraphQL query request, with operation name return raw bytes message.

func (*Client) Query

func (c *Client) Query(ctx context.Context, q any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) error

Query executes a single GraphQL query request, with a query derived from q, populating the response into it. q should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GraphQL schema.

func (*Client) QueryRaw added in v0.2.0

func (c *Client) QueryRaw(ctx context.Context, q any, variables map[string]any, options ...Option) ([]byte, error)

Query executes a single GraphQL query request, with a query derived from q, populating the response into it. q should be a pointer to struct that corresponds to the GraphQL schema. return raw bytes message.

func (*Client) WithDebug added in v0.6.4

func (c *Client) WithDebug(debug bool) *Client

WithDebug enable debug mode to print internal error detail

func (*Client) WithRequestModifier added in v0.6.0

func (c *Client) WithRequestModifier(f RequestModifier) *Client

Returns a copy of the client with the request modifier set. This allows you to reuse the same TCP connection for multiple slightly different requests to the same server (i.e. different authentication headers for multitenant applications)

type Doer added in v0.9.0

type Doer interface {
	Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

Doer interface has the method required to use a type as custom http client. The net/*http.Client type satisfies this interface.

type Error added in v0.6.4

type Error struct {
	Message    string         `json:"message"`
	Extensions map[string]any `json:"extensions"`
	Locations  []struct {
		Line   int `json:"line"`
		Column int `json:"column"`
	} `json:"locations"`
	Path []any `json:"path"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Error) Error added in v0.6.4

func (e Error) Error() string

Error implements error interface.

func (Error) Unwrap added in v0.12.0

func (e Error) Unwrap() error

Unwrap implement the unwrap interface.

type Errors added in v0.5.2

type Errors []Error

errors represents the "errors" array in a response from a GraphQL server. If returned via error interface, the slice is expected to contain at least 1 element.


func (Errors) Error added in v0.5.2

func (e Errors) Error() string

Error implements error interface.

func (Errors) Unwrap added in v0.12.0

func (e Errors) Unwrap() []error

Unwrap implements the error unwrap interface.

type Float

type Float float64

Float represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754. Deprecated.

func NewFloat

func NewFloat(v Float) *Float

NewFloat is a helper to make a new *Float. Deprecated.

type GraphQLRequestPayload added in v0.9.0

type GraphQLRequestPayload struct {
	Query         string                 `json:"query"`
	Variables     map[string]interface{} `json:"variables,omitempty"`
	OperationName string                 `json:"operationName,omitempty"`

GraphQLRequestPayload represents the graphql JSON-encoded request body

type GraphQLType added in v0.7.0

type GraphQLType interface {
	GetGraphQLType() string

GraphQLType interface is used to specify the GraphQL type associated with a particular type. If a type implements this interface, the name of the variable used while creating the GraphQL query will be the output of the function defined below.

In the current implementation, the GetGraphQLType function is applied to the zero value of the type to get the GraphQL type. So those who are implementing the function should avoid referencing the value of the type inside the function. Further, by this design, the output of the GetGraphQLType function will be a constant.

type ID

type ID string

ID represents a unique identifier that is Base64 obfuscated. It is often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "VXNlci0xMA==") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

func NewID

func NewID(v interface{}) *ID

NewID is a helper to make a new *ID.

func ToID added in v0.8.1

func ToID(v interface{}) ID

ToID is a helper for if you need to get the string version of an integer or a string for the id.

type Int

type Int int32

Int represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. Deprecated.

func NewInt

func NewInt(v Int) *Int

NewInt is a helper to make a new *Int. Deprecated.

type NetworkError added in v0.13.0

type NetworkError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NetworkError) Body added in v0.13.0

func (e NetworkError) Body() string

func (NetworkError) Error added in v0.13.0

func (e NetworkError) Error() string

func (NetworkError) StatusCode added in v0.13.0

func (e NetworkError) StatusCode() int

type OperationMessage

type OperationMessage struct {
	ID      string               `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Type    OperationMessageType `json:"type"`
	Payload json.RawMessage      `json:"payload,omitempty"`

OperationMessage represents a subscription operation message

func (OperationMessage) String

func (om OperationMessage) String() string

String overrides the default Stringer to return json string for debugging

type OperationMessageType

type OperationMessageType string

OperationMessageType represents a subscription message enum type

const (
	// Indicates that the client wants to establish a connection within the existing socket.
	// This connection is not the actual WebSocket communication channel, but is rather a frame within it asking the server to allow future operation requests.
	GQLConnectionInit OperationMessageType = "connection_init"
	// Expected response to the ConnectionInit message from the client acknowledging a successful connection with the server.
	GQLConnectionAck OperationMessageType = "connection_ack"
	// The Ping message can be sent at any time within the established socket.
	GQLPing OperationMessageType = "ping"
	// The response to the Ping message. Must be sent as soon as the Ping message is received.
	GQLPong OperationMessageType = "pong"
	// Requests an operation specified in the message payload. This message provides a unique ID field to connect published messages to the operation requested by this message.
	GQLSubscribe OperationMessageType = "subscribe"
	// Operation execution result(s) from the source stream created by the binding Subscribe message. After all results have been emitted, the Complete message will follow indicating stream completion.
	GQLNext OperationMessageType = "next"
	// Operation execution error(s) in response to the Subscribe message.
	// This can occur before execution starts, usually due to validation errors, or during the execution of the request.
	GQLError OperationMessageType = "error"
	// indicates that the requested operation execution has completed. If the server dispatched the Error message relative to the original Subscribe message, no Complete message will be emitted.
	GQLComplete OperationMessageType = "complete"

type Option added in v0.4.0

type Option interface {
	// Type returns the supported type of the renderer
	// available types: operation_name and operation_directive
	Type() OptionType

Option abstracts an extra render interface for the query string They are optional parts. By default GraphQL queries can request data without them

func BindExtensions added in v0.13.0

func BindExtensions(value any) Option

BindExtensions bind the struct pointer to decode extensions from json response

func OperationName added in v0.4.0

func OperationName(name string) Option

OperationName creates the operation name option

type OptionType added in v0.4.0

type OptionType string

OptionType represents the logic of graphql query construction

const (
	OptionTypeOperationDirective OptionType = "operation_directive"

type RequestModifier added in v0.6.0

type RequestModifier func(*http.Request)

This function allows you to tweak the HTTP request. It might be useful to set authentication headers amongst other things

type String

type String string

String represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. Deprecated.

func NewString

func NewString(v String) *String

NewString is a helper to make a new *String. Deprecated.

type Subscription added in v0.9.0

type Subscription struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Subscription stores the subscription declaration and its state

func (Subscription) GetHandler added in v0.9.0

func (s Subscription) GetHandler() func(data []byte, err error)

GetHandler a public getter for the subscription handler

func (Subscription) GetID added in v0.9.2

func (s Subscription) GetID() string

GetID returns the subscription ID

func (Subscription) GetKey added in v0.9.2

func (s Subscription) GetKey() string

GetKey returns the unique key of the subscription map Key is the immutable id of the subscription that is generated the first time It is used for searching because the subscription id is refreshed whenever the client reset

func (Subscription) GetPayload added in v0.9.0

func (s Subscription) GetPayload() GraphQLRequestPayload

GetPayload returns the graphql request payload

func (Subscription) GetStatus added in v0.9.2

func (s Subscription) GetStatus() SubscriptionStatus

GetStatus a public getter for the subscription status

func (*Subscription) SetStatus added in v0.9.2

func (s *Subscription) SetStatus(status SubscriptionStatus)

SetStatus a public getter for the subscription status

type SubscriptionClient

type SubscriptionClient struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SubscriptionClient is a GraphQL subscription client.

func NewSubscriptionClient

func NewSubscriptionClient(url string) *SubscriptionClient

NewSubscriptionClient constructs new subscription client

func (*SubscriptionClient) Close

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) Close() (err error)

Close closes all subscription channel and websocket as well

func (*SubscriptionClient) Exec added in v0.7.1

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) Exec(query string, variables map[string]interface{}, handler func(message []byte, err error) error) (string, error)

Exec sends start message to server and open a channel to receive data, with raw query

func (*SubscriptionClient) GetContext

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) GetContext() context.Context

GetContext returns current context of subscription client

func (*SubscriptionClient) GetSubscription added in v0.12.0

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) GetSubscription(id string) *Subscription

GetSubscription get the subscription state by id

func (*SubscriptionClient) GetSubscriptions added in v0.12.1

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) GetSubscriptions() map[string]Subscription

GetSubscriptions get the list of active subscriptions

func (*SubscriptionClient) GetTimeout

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) GetTimeout() time.Duration

GetTimeout returns write timeout of websocket client

func (*SubscriptionClient) GetURL

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) GetURL() string

GetURL returns GraphQL server's URL

func (*SubscriptionClient) NamedSubscribe deprecated

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) NamedSubscribe(name string, v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, handler func(message []byte, err error) error, options ...Option) (string, error)

NamedSubscribe sends start message to server and open a channel to receive data, with operation name

Deprecated: this is the shortcut of Subscribe method, with NewOperationName option

func (*SubscriptionClient) OnConnected

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) OnConnected(fn func()) *SubscriptionClient

OnConnected event is triggered when the websocket connected to GraphQL server successfully

func (*SubscriptionClient) OnConnectionAlive added in v0.9.2

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) OnConnectionAlive(fn func()) *SubscriptionClient

OnConnectionAlive event is triggered when the websocket receive a connection alive message (differs per protocol)

func (*SubscriptionClient) OnDisconnected

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) OnDisconnected(fn func()) *SubscriptionClient

OnDisconnected event is triggered when the websocket client was disconnected

func (*SubscriptionClient) OnError

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) OnError(onError func(sc *SubscriptionClient, err error) error) *SubscriptionClient

OnError event is triggered when there is any connection error. This is bottom exception handler level If this function is empty, or returns nil, the client restarts the connection If returns error, the websocket connection will be terminated

func (*SubscriptionClient) OnSubscriptionComplete added in v0.9.2

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) OnSubscriptionComplete(fn func(sub Subscription)) *SubscriptionClient

OnSubscriptionComplete event is triggered when the subscription receives a terminated message from the server

func (*SubscriptionClient) Run

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) Run() error

Run start the WebSocket client and subscriptions. If the client is running, recalling this function will restart all registered subscriptions If this function is run with goroutine, it can be stopped after closed

func (*SubscriptionClient) Subscribe

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) Subscribe(v interface{}, variables map[string]interface{}, handler func(message []byte, err error) error, options ...Option) (string, error)

Subscribe sends start message to server and open a channel to receive data. The handler callback function will receive raw message data or error. If the call return error, onError event will be triggered The function returns subscription ID and error. You can use subscription ID to unsubscribe the subscription

func (*SubscriptionClient) SubscribeRaw added in v0.3.0

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) SubscribeRaw(query string, variables map[string]interface{}, handler func(message []byte, err error) error) (string, error)

SubscribeRaw sends start message to server and open a channel to receive data, with raw query Deprecated: use Exec instead

func (*SubscriptionClient) Unsubscribe

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) Unsubscribe(id string) error

Unsubscribe sends stop message to server and close subscription channel The input parameter is subscription ID that is returned from Subscribe function

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithConnectionParams

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithConnectionParams(params map[string]interface{}) *SubscriptionClient

WithConnectionParams updates connection params for sending to server through GQL_CONNECTION_INIT event It's usually used for authentication handshake

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithConnectionParamsFn added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithConnectionParamsFn(fn func() map[string]interface{}) *SubscriptionClient

WithConnectionParamsFn set a function that returns connection params for sending to server through GQL_CONNECTION_INIT event It's suitable for short-lived access tokens that need to be refreshed frequently

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithExitWhenNoSubscription added in v0.9.2

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithExitWhenNoSubscription(value bool) *SubscriptionClient

WithExitWhenNoSubscription the client should exit when all subscriptions were closed

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithKeepAlive added in v0.10.1

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithKeepAlive(interval time.Duration) *SubscriptionClient

WithKeepAlive programs the websocket to ping on the specified interval

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithLog

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithLog(logger func(args ...interface{})) *SubscriptionClient

WithLog sets logging function to print out received messages. By default, nothing is printed

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithProtocol added in v0.9.0

WithProtocol changes the subscription protocol implementation By default the subscription client uses the subscriptions-transport-ws protocol

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithReadLimit

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithReadLimit(limit int64) *SubscriptionClient

WithReadLimit set max size of response message

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithRetryDelay added in v0.10.1

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithRetryDelay(delay time.Duration) *SubscriptionClient

WithRetryDelay set the delay time before retrying the connection

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithRetryStatusCodes added in v0.9.2

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithRetryStatusCodes(codes ...string) *SubscriptionClient

WithRetryStatusCodes allow retry the subscription connection when receiving one of these codes the input parameter can be number string or range, e.g 4000-5000

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithRetryTimeout

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithRetryTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *SubscriptionClient

WithRetryTimeout updates reconnecting timeout. When the websocket server was stopped, the client will retry connecting every second until timeout The zero value means unlimited timeout

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithSyncMode added in v0.10.1

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithSyncMode(value bool) *SubscriptionClient

WithSyncMode subscription messages are executed in sequence (without goroutine)

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithTimeout

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *SubscriptionClient

WithTimeout updates read and write timeout of websocket client

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithWebSocket

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithWebSocket(fn func(sc *SubscriptionClient) (WebsocketConn, error)) *SubscriptionClient

WithWebSocket replaces customized websocket client constructor In default, subscription client uses

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithWebSocketOptions added in v0.6.4

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithWebSocketOptions(options WebsocketOptions) *SubscriptionClient

WithWebSocketOptions provides options to the websocket client

func (*SubscriptionClient) WithoutLogTypes

func (sc *SubscriptionClient) WithoutLogTypes(types ...OperationMessageType) *SubscriptionClient

WithoutLogTypes these operation types won't be printed

type SubscriptionContext added in v0.9.0

type SubscriptionContext struct {

	OnConnected            func()
	OnDisconnected         func()
	OnConnectionAlive      func()
	OnSubscriptionComplete func(sub Subscription)
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SubscriptionContext represents a shared context for protocol implementations with the websocket connection inside

func (*SubscriptionContext) Cancel added in v0.9.1

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) Cancel()

SetCancel set the cancel function of the inner context

func (*SubscriptionContext) Close added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) Close() error

Close closes the context and the inner websocket connection if exists

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetAcknowledge added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetAcknowledge() bool

GetAcknowledge get the acknowledge status

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetContext added in v0.9.1

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetContext() context.Context

GetContext get the inner context

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetSubscription added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetSubscription(id string) *Subscription

GetSubscription get the subscription state by id

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetSubscriptions added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetSubscriptions() map[string]Subscription

GetSubscription get all available subscriptions in the context

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetSubscriptionsLength added in v0.9.1

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetSubscriptionsLength(status []SubscriptionStatus) int

GetSubscriptionsLength returns the length of subscriptions by status

func (*SubscriptionContext) GetWebsocketConn added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) GetWebsocketConn() WebsocketConn

GetWebsocketConn get the current websocket connection

func (*SubscriptionContext) Log added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) Log(message interface{}, source string, opType OperationMessageType)

Log prints condition logging with message type filters

func (*SubscriptionContext) NewContext added in v0.9.1

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) NewContext()

GetContext set the inner context

func (*SubscriptionContext) Send added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) Send(message interface{}, opType OperationMessageType) error

Send emits a message to the graphql server

func (*SubscriptionContext) SetAcknowledge added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) SetAcknowledge(value bool)

SetAcknowledge set the acknowledge status

func (*SubscriptionContext) SetSubscription added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) SetSubscription(key string, sub *Subscription)

SetSubscription set the input subscription state into the context if subscription is nil, removes the subscription from the map

func (*SubscriptionContext) SetWebsocketConn added in v0.9.0

func (sc *SubscriptionContext) SetWebsocketConn(conn WebsocketConn)

SetWebsocketConn set the current websocket connection

type SubscriptionProtocol added in v0.9.0

type SubscriptionProtocol interface {
	// GetSubprotocols returns subprotocol names of the subscription transport
	// The graphql server depends on the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header to return the correct message specification
	GetSubprotocols() []string
	// ConnectionInit sends a initial request to establish a connection within the existing socket
	ConnectionInit(ctx *SubscriptionContext, connectionParams map[string]interface{}) error
	// Subscribe requests an graphql operation specified in the payload message
	Subscribe(ctx *SubscriptionContext, sub Subscription) error
	// Unsubscribe sends a request to stop listening and complete the subscription
	Unsubscribe(ctx *SubscriptionContext, sub Subscription) error
	// OnMessage listens ongoing messages from server
	OnMessage(ctx *SubscriptionContext, subscription Subscription, message OperationMessage) error
	// Close terminates all subscriptions of the current websocket
	Close(ctx *SubscriptionContext) error

SubscriptionProtocol abstracts the life-cycle of subscription protocol implementation for a specific transport protocol

type SubscriptionProtocolType added in v0.9.0

type SubscriptionProtocolType string

SubscriptionProtocolType represents the protocol specification enum of the subscription

type SubscriptionStatus added in v0.9.2

type SubscriptionStatus int32

internal subscription status

type WebsocketConn

type WebsocketConn interface {
	ReadJSON(v interface{}) error
	WriteJSON(v interface{}) error
	Ping() error
	Close() error
	// SetReadLimit sets the maximum size in bytes for a message read from the peer. If a
	// message exceeds the limit, the connection sends a close message to the peer
	// and returns ErrReadLimit to the application.
	SetReadLimit(limit int64)
	// GetCloseStatus tries to get WebSocket close status from error
	// return -1 if the error is unknown
	GetCloseStatus(error) int32

WebsocketHandler abstracts WebSocket connection functions ReadJSON and WriteJSON data of a frame from the WebSocket connection. Close the WebSocket connection.

type WebsocketHandler added in v0.3.0

type WebsocketHandler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

default websocket handler implementation using

func (*WebsocketHandler) Close added in v0.3.0

func (wh *WebsocketHandler) Close() error

Close implements the function to close the websocket connection

func (*WebsocketHandler) GetCloseStatus added in v0.9.2

func (wh *WebsocketHandler) GetCloseStatus(err error) int32

GetCloseStatus tries to get WebSocket close status from error

func (*WebsocketHandler) Ping added in v0.10.1

func (wh *WebsocketHandler) Ping() error

Ping sends a ping to the peer and waits for a pong

func (*WebsocketHandler) ReadJSON added in v0.3.0

func (wh *WebsocketHandler) ReadJSON(v interface{}) error

ReadJSON implements the function to decode the json message from the server

func (*WebsocketHandler) WriteJSON added in v0.3.0

func (wh *WebsocketHandler) WriteJSON(v interface{}) error

WriteJSON implements the function to encode and send message in json format to the server

type WebsocketOptions added in v0.6.4

type WebsocketOptions struct {
	// HTTPClient is used for the connection.
	// Its Transport must return writable bodies for WebSocket handshakes.
	// http.Transport does beginning with Go 1.12.
	HTTPClient *http.Client

	// HTTPHeader specifies the HTTP headers included in the handshake request.
	HTTPHeader http.Header

	// Host optionally overrides the Host HTTP header to send. If empty, the value
	// of URL.Host will be used.
	Host string

	// CompressionMode controls the compression mode.
	// Defaults to CompressionDisabled.
	// See docs on CompressionMode for details.
	CompressionMode websocket.CompressionMode

	// CompressionThreshold controls the minimum size of a message before compression is applied.
	// Defaults to 512 bytes for CompressionNoContextTakeover and 128 bytes
	// for CompressionContextTakeover.
	CompressionThreshold int

WebsocketOptions allows implementation agnostic configuration of the websocket client


Path Synopsis
subscription is a test program currently being used for developing graphql package.
subscription is a test program currently being used for developing graphql package.
graphqldev Module
subscription Module
Package ident provides functions for parsing and converting identifier names between various naming convention.
Package ident provides functions for parsing and converting identifier names between various naming convention.
Package jsonutil provides a function for decoding JSON into a GraphQL query data structure.
Package jsonutil provides a function for decoding JSON into a GraphQL query data structure.

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