This project was created in the Relaxdays Code Challenge Vol. 1. See for more information. My participant ID in the challenge was: CC-VOL1-7
How to run this project
You can get a running version of this code by using:
git clone
cd relaxdays-hackathon-cc-vol1-7-backend-storage
docker build -t relaxdays-hackathon-cc-vol1-7-backend-storage .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it relaxdays-hackathon-cc-vol1-7-backend-storage
Afterwards you can access which will redirect you to the swagger UI.
By default, data is stored in a SQLite database in memory. To persist data you can provide a DSN:
docker run -v "$(pwd)/output:/output" -p 8080:8080 -it relaxdays-hackathon-cc-vol1-7-backend-storage -dsn "file:/output/output.sqlite?cache=shared"
OpenAPI definitions
OpenAPI definitions are available as YAML and JSON.