Index ¶
- type UnsafeWaypointServer
- type WaypointClient
- func (_m *WaypointClient) AdoptRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.AdoptRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) BootstrapToken(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) CancelJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CancelJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) CompleteOIDCAuth(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CompleteOIDCAuthRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.CompleteOIDCAuthResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ConvertInviteToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConvertInviteTokenRequest, ...) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) CreateHostname(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CreateHostnameRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.CreateHostnameResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) DecodeToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DecodeTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.DecodeTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteHostname(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteHostnameRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.EntrypointConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointExecStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointLogStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ExpediteStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ExpediteStatusReportRequest, ...) (*gen.ExpediteStatusReportResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ForgetRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ForgetRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateInviteToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.InviteTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateLoginToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.LoginTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateRunnerToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GenerateRunnerTokenRequest, ...) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetApplication(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetApplicationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetApplicationResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetAuthMethodResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Build, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConfigGetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ConfigGetResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetConfigSource(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetConfigSourceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetConfigSourceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetDeploymentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Job, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetJobStream(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetJobStreamRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Build, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestPushedArtifactRequest, ...) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Release, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestStatusReportRequest, ...) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLogStream(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLogStreamRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetOIDCAuthURL(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetOIDCAuthURLRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetOIDCAuthURLResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest, ...) (*gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetPushedArtifactRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Release, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Runner, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetServerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetServerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetStatusReportRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetUserResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetVersionInfo(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetVersionInfoResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) GetWorkspace(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetWorkspaceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetWorkspaceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListAuthMethods(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListAuthMethodsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListBuilds(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListBuildsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListBuildsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListDeploymentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListHostnames(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListHostnamesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListHostnamesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListInstances(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListInstancesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListInstancesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListJobsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListJobsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListOIDCAuthMethods(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListOIDCAuthMethodsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListOnDemandRunnerConfigsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListProjectsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListPushedArtifacts(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListPushedArtifactsRequest, ...) (*gen.ListPushedArtifactsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListReleases(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListReleasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListReleasesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListRunners(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListRunnersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListRunnersResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListStatusReports(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListStatusReportsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListStatusReportsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListTriggers(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListUsersResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ListWorkspaces(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListWorkspacesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListWorkspacesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) NoAuthRunTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) QueueJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.QueueJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.QueueJobResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RestoreSnapshot(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RunTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigRequest, ...) (*gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerJobStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunnerTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunnerTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) SetConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConfigSetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ConfigSetResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) SetConfigSource(ctx context.Context, in *gen.SetConfigSourceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) SetServerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.SetServerConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) StartExecStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_GetProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_GetProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UI_GetProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_ListDeploymentsRequest, ...) (*gen.UI_ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_ListReleases(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_ListReleasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UI_ListReleasesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpdateUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpdateUserResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertApplication(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertApplicationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertApplicationResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertAuthMethodResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertBuildResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertDeployment(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertDeploymentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest, ...) (*gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertPushedArtifactRequest, ...) (*gen.UpsertPushedArtifactResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertReleaseResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertStatusReportRequest, ...) (*gen.UpsertStatusReportResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertWorkspace(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertWorkspaceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertWorkspaceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) ValidateJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ValidateJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ValidateJobResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointClient) WaypointHclFmt(ctx context.Context, in *gen.WaypointHclFmtRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.WaypointHclFmtResponse, error)
- type WaypointServer
- func (_m *WaypointServer) AdoptRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.AdoptRunnerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) BootstrapToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) CancelJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CancelJobRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) CompleteOIDCAuth(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CompleteOIDCAuthRequest) (*gen.CompleteOIDCAuthResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ConvertInviteToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConvertInviteTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) CreateHostname(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CreateHostnameRequest) (*gen.CreateHostnameResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) CreateSnapshot(_a0 *emptypb.Empty, _a1 gen.Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) DecodeToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DecodeTokenRequest) (*gen.DecodeTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteAuthMethodRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteHostname(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteHostnameRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteTriggerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteUserRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointConfig(_a0 *gen.EntrypointConfigRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointExecStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointLogStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ExpediteStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ExpediteStatusReportRequest) (*gen.ExpediteStatusReportResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ForgetRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ForgetRunnerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateInviteToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.InviteTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateLoginToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.LoginTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateRunnerToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GenerateRunnerTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetApplication(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetApplicationRequest) (*gen.GetApplicationResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetAuthMethodRequest) (*gen.GetAuthMethodResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetBuildRequest) (*gen.Build, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConfigGetRequest) (*gen.ConfigGetResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetConfigSource(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetConfigSourceRequest) (*gen.GetConfigSourceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetDeployment(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetDeploymentRequest) (*gen.Deployment, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetJobRequest) (*gen.Job, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetJobStream(_a0 *gen.GetJobStreamRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestBuildRequest) (*gen.Build, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestReleaseRequest) (*gen.Release, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestStatusReportRequest) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLogStream(_a0 *gen.GetLogStreamRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetOIDCAuthURL(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetOIDCAuthURLRequest) (*gen.GetOIDCAuthURLResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest) (*gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetProjectRequest) (*gen.GetProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetReleaseRequest) (*gen.Release, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetRunnerRequest) (*gen.Runner, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetServerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.GetServerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetStatusReportRequest) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetTriggerRequest) (*gen.GetTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetUserRequest) (*gen.GetUserResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetVersionInfo(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.GetVersionInfoResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) GetWorkspace(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetWorkspaceRequest) (*gen.GetWorkspaceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListAuthMethods(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListAuthMethodsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListBuilds(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListBuildsRequest) (*gen.ListBuildsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListDeployments(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListDeploymentsRequest) (*gen.ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListHostnames(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListHostnamesRequest) (*gen.ListHostnamesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListInstances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListInstancesRequest) (*gen.ListInstancesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListJobs(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListJobsRequest) (*gen.ListJobsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListOIDCAuthMethods(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListOIDCAuthMethodsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListOnDemandRunnerConfigsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListProjects(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListProjectsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListPushedArtifacts(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListPushedArtifactsRequest) (*gen.ListPushedArtifactsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListReleases(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListReleasesRequest) (*gen.ListReleasesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListRunners(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListRunnersRequest) (*gen.ListRunnersResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListStatusReports(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListStatusReportsRequest) (*gen.ListStatusReportsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListTriggers(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListTriggerRequest) (*gen.ListTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListUsers(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListUsersResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ListWorkspaces(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListWorkspacesRequest) (*gen.ListWorkspacesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) NoAuthRunTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunTriggerRequest) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) QueueJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.QueueJobRequest) (*gen.QueueJobResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RestoreSnapshot(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RunTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunTriggerRequest) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerConfig(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigRequest) (*gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerJobStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunnerTokenRequest) (*gen.RunnerTokenResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) SetConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConfigSetRequest) (*gen.ConfigSetResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) SetConfigSource(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.SetConfigSourceRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) SetServerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.SetServerConfigRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) StartExecStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) error
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_GetProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_GetProjectRequest) (*gen.UI_GetProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_ListDeployments(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_ListDeploymentsRequest) (*gen.UI_ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_ListReleases(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_ListReleasesRequest) (*gen.UI_ListReleasesResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpdateUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpdateUserRequest) (*gen.UpdateUserResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertApplication(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertApplicationRequest) (*gen.UpsertApplicationResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertAuthMethodRequest) (*gen.UpsertAuthMethodResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertBuildRequest) (*gen.UpsertBuildResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertDeployment(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertDeploymentRequest) (*gen.UpsertDeploymentResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest) (*gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertProjectRequest) (*gen.UpsertProjectResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.UpsertPushedArtifactResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertReleaseRequest) (*gen.UpsertReleaseResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertStatusReportRequest) (*gen.UpsertStatusReportResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertTriggerRequest) (*gen.UpsertTriggerResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertWorkspace(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertWorkspaceRequest) (*gen.UpsertWorkspaceResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) ValidateJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ValidateJobRequest) (*gen.ValidateJobResponse, error)
- func (_m *WaypointServer) WaypointHclFmt(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.WaypointHclFmtRequest) (*gen.WaypointHclFmtResponse, error)
- type Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Recv() (*gen.CreateSnapshotResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Send(_a0 *gen.CreateSnapshotResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointConfigResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointExecResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointExecRequest) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointExecRequest, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointExecResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseAndRecv() (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointLogBatch) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointLogBatch, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendAndClose(_a0 *emptypb.Empty) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.GetJobStreamResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.GetJobStreamResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.LogBatch, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.LogBatch) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseAndRecv() (*emptypb.Empty, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RestoreSnapshotRequest) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Recv() (*gen.RestoreSnapshotRequest, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendAndClose(_a0 *emptypb.Empty) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Recv() (*gen.RunnerConfigResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerConfigRequest) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Recv() (*gen.RunnerConfigRequest, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerConfigResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.RunnerJobStreamResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerJobStreamRequest) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.RunnerJobStreamRequest, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerJobStreamResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
- type Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) CloseSend() error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.ExecStreamResponse, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.ExecStreamRequest) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
- type Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Context() context.Context
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.ExecStreamRequest, error)
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.ExecStreamResponse) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
- func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type UnsafeWaypointServer ¶
UnsafeWaypointServer is an autogenerated mock type for the UnsafeWaypointServer type
type WaypointClient ¶
WaypointClient is an autogenerated mock type for the WaypointClient type
func (*WaypointClient) AdoptRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) AdoptRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.AdoptRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
AdoptRunner provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) BootstrapToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) BootstrapToken(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
BootstrapToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) CancelJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) CancelJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CancelJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
CancelJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) CompleteOIDCAuth ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) CompleteOIDCAuth(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CompleteOIDCAuthRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.CompleteOIDCAuthResponse, error)
CompleteOIDCAuth provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ConvertInviteToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ConvertInviteToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConvertInviteTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
ConvertInviteToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) CreateHostname ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) CreateHostname(ctx context.Context, in *gen.CreateHostnameRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.CreateHostnameResponse, error)
CreateHostname provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) CreateSnapshot ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) CreateSnapshot(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient, error)
CreateSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) DecodeToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) DecodeToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DecodeTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.DecodeTokenResponse, error)
DecodeToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) DeleteAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) DeleteHostname ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteHostname(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteHostnameRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteHostname provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) DeleteTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) DeleteUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.DeleteUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) EntrypointConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.EntrypointConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient, error)
EntrypointConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) EntrypointExecStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointExecStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient, error)
EntrypointExecStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) EntrypointLogStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) EntrypointLogStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient, error)
EntrypointLogStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ExpediteStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ExpediteStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ExpediteStatusReportRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ExpediteStatusReportResponse, error)
ExpediteStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ForgetRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ForgetRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ForgetRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
ForgetRunner provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GenerateInviteToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateInviteToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.InviteTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateInviteToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GenerateLoginToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateLoginToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.LoginTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateLoginToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GenerateRunnerToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GenerateRunnerToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GenerateRunnerTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateRunnerToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetApplication ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetApplication(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetApplicationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetApplicationResponse, error)
GetApplication provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetAuthMethodResponse, error)
GetAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Build, error)
GetBuild provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConfigGetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ConfigGetResponse, error)
GetConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetConfigSource ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetConfigSource(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetConfigSourceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetConfigSourceResponse, error)
GetConfigSource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetDeployment ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetDeployment(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetDeploymentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Deployment, error)
GetDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Job, error)
GetJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetJobStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetJobStream(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetJobStreamRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient, error)
GetJobStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetLatestBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Build, error)
GetLatestBuild provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetLatestPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestPushedArtifactRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
GetLatestPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetLatestRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Release, error)
GetLatestRelease provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetLatestStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLatestStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLatestStatusReportRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
GetLatestStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetLogStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetLogStream(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetLogStreamRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient, error)
GetLogStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetOIDCAuthURL ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetOIDCAuthURL(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetOIDCAuthURLRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetOIDCAuthURLResponse, error)
GetOIDCAuthURL provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
GetOnDemandRunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetProjectResponse, error)
GetProject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetPushedArtifactRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
GetPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Release, error)
GetRelease provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetRunner(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetRunnerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.Runner, error)
GetRunner provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetServerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetServerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetServerConfigResponse, error)
GetServerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetStatusReportRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
GetStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetTriggerResponse, error)
GetTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetUserResponse, error)
GetUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetVersionInfo ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetVersionInfo(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetVersionInfoResponse, error)
GetVersionInfo provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) GetWorkspace ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) GetWorkspace(ctx context.Context, in *gen.GetWorkspaceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.GetWorkspaceResponse, error)
GetWorkspace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListAuthMethods ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListAuthMethods(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListAuthMethodsResponse, error)
ListAuthMethods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListBuilds ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListBuilds(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListBuildsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListBuildsResponse, error)
ListBuilds provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListDeploymentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListHostnames ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListHostnames(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListHostnamesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListHostnamesResponse, error)
ListHostnames provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListInstances ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListInstances(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListInstancesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListInstancesResponse, error)
ListInstances provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListJobs ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListJobsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListJobsResponse, error)
ListJobs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListOIDCAuthMethods ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListOIDCAuthMethods(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListOIDCAuthMethodsResponse, error)
ListOIDCAuthMethods provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListOnDemandRunnerConfigsResponse, error)
ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListProjects ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListProjectsResponse, error)
ListProjects provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListPushedArtifacts ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListPushedArtifacts(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListPushedArtifactsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListPushedArtifactsResponse, error)
ListPushedArtifacts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListReleases ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListReleases(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListReleasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListReleasesResponse, error)
ListReleases provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListRunners ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListRunners(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListRunnersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListRunnersResponse, error)
ListRunners provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListStatusReports ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListStatusReports(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListStatusReportsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListStatusReportsResponse, error)
ListStatusReports provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListTriggers ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListTriggers(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListTriggerResponse, error)
ListTriggers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListUsers ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListUsers(ctx context.Context, in *emptypb.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListUsersResponse, error)
ListUsers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ListWorkspaces ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ListWorkspaces(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ListWorkspacesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ListWorkspacesResponse, error)
ListWorkspaces provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) NoAuthRunTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) NoAuthRunTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
NoAuthRunTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) QueueJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) QueueJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.QueueJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.QueueJobResponse, error)
QueueJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RestoreSnapshot ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RestoreSnapshot(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient, error)
RestoreSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RunTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RunTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
RunTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient, error)
RunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigResponse, error)
RunnerGetDeploymentConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RunnerJobStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerJobStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient, error)
RunnerJobStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) RunnerToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) RunnerToken(ctx context.Context, in *gen.RunnerTokenRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.RunnerTokenResponse, error)
RunnerToken provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) SetConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) SetConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ConfigSetRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ConfigSetResponse, error)
SetConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) SetConfigSource ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) SetConfigSource(ctx context.Context, in *gen.SetConfigSourceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
SetConfigSource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) SetServerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) SetServerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.SetServerConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
SetServerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) StartExecStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) StartExecStream(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (gen.Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient, error)
StartExecStream provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UI_GetProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_GetProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_GetProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UI_GetProjectResponse, error)
UI_GetProject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UI_ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_ListDeployments(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_ListDeploymentsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UI_ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
UI_ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UI_ListReleases ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UI_ListReleases(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UI_ListReleasesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UI_ListReleasesResponse, error)
UI_ListReleases provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpdateUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpdateUserRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpdateUserResponse, error)
UpdateUser provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertApplication ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertApplication(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertApplicationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertApplicationResponse, error)
UpsertApplication provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertAuthMethod(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertAuthMethodRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertAuthMethodResponse, error)
UpsertAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertBuild(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertBuildRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertBuildResponse, error)
UpsertBuild provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertDeployment ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertDeployment(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertDeploymentRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertDeploymentResponse, error)
UpsertDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertProject(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertProjectRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertProjectResponse, error)
UpsertProject provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertPushedArtifact(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertPushedArtifactRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertPushedArtifactResponse, error)
UpsertPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertRelease(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertReleaseRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertReleaseResponse, error)
UpsertRelease provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertStatusReport(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertStatusReportRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertStatusReportResponse, error)
UpsertStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertTrigger(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertTriggerRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertTriggerResponse, error)
UpsertTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) UpsertWorkspace ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) UpsertWorkspace(ctx context.Context, in *gen.UpsertWorkspaceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.UpsertWorkspaceResponse, error)
UpsertWorkspace provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) ValidateJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) ValidateJob(ctx context.Context, in *gen.ValidateJobRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.ValidateJobResponse, error)
ValidateJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
func (*WaypointClient) WaypointHclFmt ¶
func (_m *WaypointClient) WaypointHclFmt(ctx context.Context, in *gen.WaypointHclFmtRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*gen.WaypointHclFmtResponse, error)
WaypointHclFmt provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, in, opts
type WaypointServer ¶
WaypointServer is an autogenerated mock type for the WaypointServer type
func (*WaypointServer) AdoptRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) AdoptRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.AdoptRunnerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
AdoptRunner provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) BootstrapToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) BootstrapToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
BootstrapToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) CancelJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) CancelJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CancelJobRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
CancelJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) CompleteOIDCAuth ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) CompleteOIDCAuth(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CompleteOIDCAuthRequest) (*gen.CompleteOIDCAuthResponse, error)
CompleteOIDCAuth provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ConvertInviteToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ConvertInviteToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConvertInviteTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
ConvertInviteToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) CreateHostname ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) CreateHostname(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.CreateHostnameRequest) (*gen.CreateHostnameResponse, error)
CreateHostname provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) CreateSnapshot ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) CreateSnapshot(_a0 *emptypb.Empty, _a1 gen.Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) error
CreateSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) DecodeToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) DecodeToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DecodeTokenRequest) (*gen.DecodeTokenResponse, error)
DecodeToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) DeleteAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteAuthMethodRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) DeleteHostname ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteHostname(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteHostnameRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteHostname provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) DeleteTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteTriggerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) DeleteUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) DeleteUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.DeleteUserRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
DeleteUser provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) EntrypointConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointConfig(_a0 *gen.EntrypointConfigRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) error
EntrypointConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) EntrypointExecStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointExecStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) error
EntrypointExecStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) EntrypointLogStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) EntrypointLogStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) error
EntrypointLogStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) ExpediteStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ExpediteStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ExpediteStatusReportRequest) (*gen.ExpediteStatusReportResponse, error)
ExpediteStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ForgetRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ForgetRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ForgetRunnerRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
ForgetRunner provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GenerateInviteToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateInviteToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.InviteTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateInviteToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GenerateLoginToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateLoginToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.LoginTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateLoginToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GenerateRunnerToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GenerateRunnerToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GenerateRunnerTokenRequest) (*gen.NewTokenResponse, error)
GenerateRunnerToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetApplication ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetApplication(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetApplicationRequest) (*gen.GetApplicationResponse, error)
GetApplication provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetAuthMethodRequest) (*gen.GetAuthMethodResponse, error)
GetAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetBuildRequest) (*gen.Build, error)
GetBuild provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConfigGetRequest) (*gen.ConfigGetResponse, error)
GetConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetConfigSource ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetConfigSource(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetConfigSourceRequest) (*gen.GetConfigSourceResponse, error)
GetConfigSource provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetDeployment ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetDeployment(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetDeploymentRequest) (*gen.Deployment, error)
GetDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetJobRequest) (*gen.Job, error)
GetJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetJobStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetJobStream(_a0 *gen.GetJobStreamRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) error
GetJobStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetLatestBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestBuildRequest) (*gen.Build, error)
GetLatestBuild provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetLatestPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
GetLatestPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetLatestRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestReleaseRequest) (*gen.Release, error)
GetLatestRelease provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetLatestStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLatestStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetLatestStatusReportRequest) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
GetLatestStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetLogStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetLogStream(_a0 *gen.GetLogStreamRequest, _a1 gen.Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) error
GetLogStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetOIDCAuthURL ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetOIDCAuthURL(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetOIDCAuthURLRequest) (*gen.GetOIDCAuthURLResponse, error)
GetOIDCAuthURL provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetOnDemandRunnerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest) (*gen.GetOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
GetOnDemandRunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetProjectRequest) (*gen.GetProjectResponse, error)
GetProject provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.PushedArtifact, error)
GetPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetReleaseRequest) (*gen.Release, error)
GetRelease provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetRunner ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetRunner(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetRunnerRequest) (*gen.Runner, error)
GetRunner provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetServerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetServerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.GetServerConfigResponse, error)
GetServerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetStatusReportRequest) (*gen.StatusReport, error)
GetStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetTriggerRequest) (*gen.GetTriggerResponse, error)
GetTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetUserRequest) (*gen.GetUserResponse, error)
GetUser provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetVersionInfo ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetVersionInfo(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.GetVersionInfoResponse, error)
GetVersionInfo provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) GetWorkspace ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) GetWorkspace(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.GetWorkspaceRequest) (*gen.GetWorkspaceResponse, error)
GetWorkspace provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListAuthMethods ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListAuthMethods(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListAuthMethodsResponse, error)
ListAuthMethods provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListBuilds ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListBuilds(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListBuildsRequest) (*gen.ListBuildsResponse, error)
ListBuilds provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListDeployments(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListDeploymentsRequest) (*gen.ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListHostnames ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListHostnames(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListHostnamesRequest) (*gen.ListHostnamesResponse, error)
ListHostnames provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListInstances ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListInstances(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListInstancesRequest) (*gen.ListInstancesResponse, error)
ListInstances provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListJobs ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListJobs(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListJobsRequest) (*gen.ListJobsResponse, error)
ListJobs provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListOIDCAuthMethods ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListOIDCAuthMethods(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListOIDCAuthMethodsResponse, error)
ListOIDCAuthMethods provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListOnDemandRunnerConfigsResponse, error)
ListOnDemandRunnerConfigs provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListProjects ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListProjects(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListProjectsResponse, error)
ListProjects provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListPushedArtifacts ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListPushedArtifacts(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListPushedArtifactsRequest) (*gen.ListPushedArtifactsResponse, error)
ListPushedArtifacts provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListReleases ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListReleases(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListReleasesRequest) (*gen.ListReleasesResponse, error)
ListReleases provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListRunners ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListRunners(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListRunnersRequest) (*gen.ListRunnersResponse, error)
ListRunners provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListStatusReports ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListStatusReports(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListStatusReportsRequest) (*gen.ListStatusReportsResponse, error)
ListStatusReports provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListTriggers ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListTriggers(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListTriggerRequest) (*gen.ListTriggerResponse, error)
ListTriggers provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListUsers ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListUsers(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *emptypb.Empty) (*gen.ListUsersResponse, error)
ListUsers provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ListWorkspaces ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ListWorkspaces(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ListWorkspacesRequest) (*gen.ListWorkspacesResponse, error)
ListWorkspaces provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) NoAuthRunTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) NoAuthRunTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunTriggerRequest) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
NoAuthRunTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) QueueJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) QueueJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.QueueJobRequest) (*gen.QueueJobResponse, error)
QueueJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) RestoreSnapshot ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RestoreSnapshot(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) error
RestoreSnapshot provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) RunTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RunTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunTriggerRequest) (*gen.RunTriggerResponse, error)
RunTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) RunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerConfig(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) error
RunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerGetDeploymentConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigRequest) (*gen.RunnerGetDeploymentConfigResponse, error)
RunnerGetDeploymentConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) RunnerJobStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerJobStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) error
RunnerJobStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) RunnerToken ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) RunnerToken(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.RunnerTokenRequest) (*gen.RunnerTokenResponse, error)
RunnerToken provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) SetConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) SetConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ConfigSetRequest) (*gen.ConfigSetResponse, error)
SetConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) SetConfigSource ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) SetConfigSource(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.SetConfigSourceRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
SetConfigSource provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) SetServerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) SetServerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.SetServerConfigRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error)
SetServerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) StartExecStream ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) StartExecStream(_a0 gen.Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) error
StartExecStream provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*WaypointServer) UI_GetProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_GetProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_GetProjectRequest) (*gen.UI_GetProjectResponse, error)
UI_GetProject provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UI_ListDeployments ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_ListDeployments(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_ListDeploymentsRequest) (*gen.UI_ListDeploymentsResponse, error)
UI_ListDeployments provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UI_ListReleases ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UI_ListReleases(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UI_ListReleasesRequest) (*gen.UI_ListReleasesResponse, error)
UI_ListReleases provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpdateUser ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpdateUser(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpdateUserRequest) (*gen.UpdateUserResponse, error)
UpdateUser provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertApplication ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertApplication(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertApplicationRequest) (*gen.UpsertApplicationResponse, error)
UpsertApplication provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertAuthMethod ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertAuthMethod(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertAuthMethodRequest) (*gen.UpsertAuthMethodResponse, error)
UpsertAuthMethod provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertBuild ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertBuild(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertBuildRequest) (*gen.UpsertBuildResponse, error)
UpsertBuild provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertDeployment ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertDeployment(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertDeploymentRequest) (*gen.UpsertDeploymentResponse, error)
UpsertDeployment provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigRequest) (*gen.UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfigResponse, error)
UpsertOnDemandRunnerConfig provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertProject ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertProject(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertProjectRequest) (*gen.UpsertProjectResponse, error)
UpsertProject provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertPushedArtifact ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertPushedArtifact(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertPushedArtifactRequest) (*gen.UpsertPushedArtifactResponse, error)
UpsertPushedArtifact provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertRelease ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertRelease(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertReleaseRequest) (*gen.UpsertReleaseResponse, error)
UpsertRelease provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertStatusReport ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertStatusReport(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertStatusReportRequest) (*gen.UpsertStatusReportResponse, error)
UpsertStatusReport provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertTrigger ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertTrigger(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertTriggerRequest) (*gen.UpsertTriggerResponse, error)
UpsertTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) UpsertWorkspace ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) UpsertWorkspace(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.UpsertWorkspaceRequest) (*gen.UpsertWorkspaceResponse, error)
UpsertWorkspace provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) ValidateJob ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) ValidateJob(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.ValidateJobRequest) (*gen.ValidateJobResponse, error)
ValidateJob provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
func (*WaypointServer) WaypointHclFmt ¶
func (_m *WaypointServer) WaypointHclFmt(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *gen.WaypointHclFmtRequest) (*gen.WaypointHclFmtResponse, error)
WaypointHclFmt provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
type Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient ¶
Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient type
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Recv() (*gen.CreateSnapshotResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer ¶
Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer type
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) Send(_a0 *gen.CreateSnapshotResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_CreateSnapshotServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointConfigResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointConfigResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointConfigServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointExecResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointExecRequest) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointExecRequest, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointExecResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointExecStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseAndRecv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseAndRecv() (*emptypb.Empty, error)
CloseAndRecv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.EntrypointLogBatch) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.EntrypointLogBatch, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendAndClose ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendAndClose(_a0 *emptypb.Empty) error
SendAndClose provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_EntrypointLogStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.GetJobStreamResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.GetJobStreamResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetJobStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.LogBatch, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.LogBatch) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_GetLogStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient ¶
Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient type
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseAndRecv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseAndRecv() (*emptypb.Empty, error)
CloseAndRecv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RestoreSnapshotRequest) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer ¶
Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer type
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) Recv() (*gen.RestoreSnapshotRequest, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendAndClose ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendAndClose(_a0 *emptypb.Empty) error
SendAndClose provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RestoreSnapshotServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient ¶
Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient type
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Recv() (*gen.RunnerConfigResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerConfigRequest) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer ¶
Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer type
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Recv() (*gen.RunnerConfigRequest, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerConfigResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerConfigServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.RunnerJobStreamResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerJobStreamRequest) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.RunnerJobStreamRequest, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.RunnerJobStreamResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_RunnerJobStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient ¶
Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient type
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) CloseSend ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) CloseSend() error
CloseSend provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Header ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Header() (metadata.MD, error)
Header provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Recv() (*gen.ExecStreamResponse, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Send(_a0 *gen.ExecStreamRequest) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Trailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamClient) Trailer() metadata.MD
Trailer provides a mock function with given fields:
type Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer ¶
Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer is an autogenerated mock type for the Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer type
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Context ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Context() context.Context
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Recv ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Recv() (*gen.ExecStreamRequest, error)
Recv provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) RecvMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) RecvMsg(m interface{}) error
RecvMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Send ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) Send(_a0 *gen.ExecStreamResponse) error
Send provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SendHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendMsg ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SendMsg(m interface{}) error
SendMsg provides a mock function with given fields: m
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetHeader ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetHeader(_a0 metadata.MD) error
SetHeader provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetTrailer ¶
func (_m *Waypoint_StartExecStreamServer) SetTrailer(_a0 metadata.MD)
SetTrailer provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
Source Files
- is_auth_method__method.go
- is_config_get_request__scope.go
- is_config_source__scope.go
- is_config_var__target__app_scope.go
- is_config_var__unused_scope.go
- is_config_var__value.go
- is_create_snapshot_response__event.go
- is_entrypoint_exec_request__event.go
- is_entrypoint_exec_response__event.go
- is_exec_stream_request__event.go
- is_exec_stream_request__start__target.go
- is_exec_stream_response__event.go
- is_expedite_status_report_request__target.go
- is_get_config_source_request__scope.go
- is_get_job_stream_response__event.go
- is_get_job_stream_response__terminal__event__event.go
- is_get_latest_status_report_request__target.go
- is_get_log_stream_request__scope.go
- is_hostname__target__target.go
- is_job__data_source__ref__ref.go
- is_job__data_source__source.go
- is_job__destroy_op__target.go
- is_job__git__auth.go
- is_job__operation.go
- is_job__status_report_op__target.go
- is_job__stop_task_launch_op__state.go
- is_list_instances_request__scope.go
- is_list_status_reports_request__target.go
- is_list_workspaces_request__scope.go
- is_ref__operation__target.go
- is_ref__runner__target.go
- is_ref__task__ref.go
- is_ref__user__ref.go
- is_restore_snapshot_request__event.go
- is_runner__kind.go
- is_runner_config_request__event.go
- is_runner_job_stream_request__event.go
- is_runner_job_stream_response__event.go
- is_snapshot__trailer__checksum.go
- is_status_filter__filter__filter.go
- is_status_report__target_id.go
- is_token__kind.go
- is_trigger__operation.go
- is_user__link__method.go
- is_variable__final_value__value.go
- is_variable__source.go
- is_variable__value.go
- unsafe_waypoint_server.go
- waypoint__create_snapshot_client.go
- waypoint__create_snapshot_server.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_config_client.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_config_server.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_exec_stream_client.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_exec_stream_server.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_log_stream_client.go
- waypoint__entrypoint_log_stream_server.go
- waypoint__get_job_stream_client.go
- waypoint__get_job_stream_server.go
- waypoint__get_log_stream_client.go
- waypoint__get_log_stream_server.go
- waypoint__restore_snapshot_client.go
- waypoint__restore_snapshot_server.go
- waypoint__runner_config_client.go
- waypoint__runner_config_server.go
- waypoint__runner_job_stream_client.go
- waypoint__runner_job_stream_server.go
- waypoint__start_exec_stream_client.go
- waypoint__start_exec_stream_server.go
- waypoint_client.go
- waypoint_server.go