AWS CloudFormation Resource Schema Downloader
Download and verify AWS CloudFormation resource schemas.
This tool
- Reads an HCL configuration file listing the CloudFormation resource type schemas included in the provider
- Checks whether a local copy of each configured schema is available and if not, downloads the schema from the CloudFormation registry and stores it locally
- Verifies that each schema conforms to the correct meta-schema
- Generates a Go source file that contains instructions for
go generate
to drive the Terraform Resource Schema Generator
Run go run internal/provider/generators/schema/main.go --help
to see all options.
Note that valid AWS credentials must be available via standard mechanisms to download a resource type schema from the CloudFormation registry.
Configuration File
The -config
command-line argument specifies a configuration file.
The file contains 3 types of block.
The defaults
block specifies defaults which can be overriden by each resource schema.
Each configuration file must contain a single defaults
defaults {
# Schema cache directory. Required.
schema_cache_directory = "../service/cloudformation/schemas"
# Prefix for Terraform type names. Optional.
# The default is to use the label from the resource_schema block as the type name.
terraform_type_name_prefix = "awscc"
The meta_schema
block specifies the details of the CloudFormation resource meta-schema.
Each configuration file must contain a single meta_schema
meta_schema {
# Path to the meta-schema file. Required.
path = "../service/cloudformation/meta-schemas/provider.definition.schema.v1.json"
Each resource_schema
block specifies the details of a single CloudFormation resource schema.
Each configuration file contains zero or more resource_schema
resource_schema "aws_ec2_instance" {
# CloudFormation type name. Required.
cloudformation_type_name = "AWS::EC2::Instance"
# Path to the CloudFormation schema file.
# Optional.
# The default value combines the `defaults.schema_cache_directory` value with the CloudFormation type name.
cloudformation_schema_path = "../service/cloudformation/schemas/ec2-instance.json"
# Whether or not to suppress Terraform resource generation.
# Optional.
# The default value is false - A Terraform resource is generated.
suppress_resource_generation = true
There is no documentation for this package.