Directories ¶ Show internal Expand all Path Synopsis acctest aws accessanalyzer acmpca amplify apigateway appflow appintegrations applicationinsights apprunner aps athena auditmanager autoscaling backup budgets cassandra ce certificatemanager chatbot cloudformation cloudfront cloudtrail cloudwatch codeartifact codeguruprofiler codegurureviewer codestarconnections codestarnotifications config connect customerprofiles databrew datasync detective devopsguru dynamodb ec2 ecr ecs efs eks elasticache emr emrcontainers events eventschemas finspace fis fms frauddetector gamelift globalaccelerator glue greengrassv2 groundstation healthlake iam imagebuilder iot iotcoredeviceadvisor iotevents iotfleethub iotsitewise iotwireless ivs kendra kinesis kinesisfirehose kms lambda licensemanager location logs lookoutmetrics lookoutvision macie mediaconnect mediapackage mwaa networkfirewall networkmanager nimblestudio qldb quicksight rds resourcegroups robomaker route53 route53recoverycontrol route53recoveryreadiness route53resolver s3 s3objectlambda s3outposts sagemaker servicecatalog servicecatalogappregistry ses signer ssm ssmcontacts ssmincidents sso stepfunctions timestream wafv2 workspaces xray generic naming provider generators/allschemas generators/schema generators/shared generators/shared/codegen registry service cloudcontrol strings tfresource validate Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories.