Overview ¶
Code generated by internal/generate/namesconsts/main.go; DO NOT EDIT.
Package names provides constants for AWS service names that are used as keys for the endpoints slice in internal/conns/conns.go. The package also exposes access to data found in the data/names_data.hcl file, which provides additional service-related name information.
Consumers of the names package include the conns package (internal/conn/conns.go), the provider package (internal/provider/provider.go), generators, and the skaff tool.
It is very important that information in the data/names_data.hcl be exactly correct because the Terrform AWS Provider relies on the information to function correctly.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Aliases() []string
- func FullHumanFriendly(service string) (string, error)
- func HumanFriendly(service string) (string, error)
- func PartitionForRegion(region string) endpoints.Partition
- func ProviderNameUpper(service string) (string, error)
- func ProviderPackageForAlias(serviceAlias string) (string, error)
- func ProviderPackages() []string
- func ToSnakeCase(in string) string
Constants ¶
const ( AttrARN = "arn" AttrARNs = "arns" AttrAWSAccountID = "aws_account_id" AttrAccessKey = "access_key" AttrAccountID = "account_id" AttrAction = "action" AttrActions = "actions" AttrAddress = "address" AttrAlias = "alias" AttrAllocatedStorage = "allocated_storage" AttrAllowMajorVersionUpgrade = "allow_major_version_upgrade" AttrApplicationID = "application_id" AttrApplyImmediately = "apply_immediately" AttrAssociationID = "association_id" AttrAttributes = "attributes" AttrAutoMinorVersionUpgrade = "auto_minor_version_upgrade" AttrAvailabilityZone = "availability_zone" AttrAvailabilityZones = "availability_zones" AttrBucket = "bucket" AttrBucketName = "bucket_name" AttrBucketPrefix = "bucket_prefix" AttrCIDRBlock = "cidr_block" AttrCapacityProviderStrategy = "capacity_provider_strategy" AttrCatalogID = "catalog_id" AttrCertificate = "certificate" AttrCertificateARN = "certificate_arn" AttrCertificateChain = "certificate_chain" AttrClientID = "client_id" AttrClientSecret = "client_secret" AttrCloudWatchLogGroupARN = "cloudwatch_log_group_arn" AttrCloudWatchLogs = "cloudwatch_logs" AttrClusterIdentifier = "cluster_identifier" AttrClusterName = "cluster_name" AttrComment = "comment" AttrCondition = "condition" AttrConfiguration = "configuration" AttrConnectionID = "connection_id" AttrContent = "content" AttrContentType = "content_type" AttrCreateTime = "create_time" AttrCreatedAt = "created_at" AttrCreatedDate = "created_date" AttrCreatedTime = "created_time" AttrCreationDate = "creation_date" AttrCreationTime = "creation_time" AttrDNSName = "dns_name" AttrDatabase = "database" AttrDatabaseName = "database_name" AttrDefaultAction = "default_action" AttrDefaultValue = "default_value" AttrDeleteOnTermination = "delete_on_termination" AttrDeletionProtection = "deletion_protection" AttrDescription = "description" AttrDestination = "destination" AttrDestinationARN = "destination_arn" AttrDeviceName = "device_name" AttrDisplayName = "display_name" AttrDomain = "domain" AttrDomainName = "domain_name" AttrDuration = "duration" AttrEmail = "email" AttrEnabled = "enabled" AttrEncrypted = "encrypted" AttrEncryptionConfiguration = "encryption_configuration" AttrEndpoint = "endpoint" AttrEndpointType = "endpoint_type" AttrEndpoints = "endpoints" AttrEngine = "engine" AttrEngineVersion = "engine_version" AttrEnvironment = "environment" AttrExecutionRoleARN = "execution_role_arn" AttrExpectedBucketOwner = "expected_bucket_owner" AttrExpression = "expression" AttrExternalID = "external_id" AttrFamily = "family" AttrField = "field" AttrFileSystemID = "file_system_id" AttrFilter = "filter" AttrFinalSnapshotIdentifier = "final_snapshot_identifier" AttrForceDelete = "force_delete" AttrForceDestroy = "force_destroy" AttrFormat = "format" AttrFunctionARN = "function_arn" AttrGroupName = "group_name" AttrHeader = "header" AttrHealthCheck = "health_check" AttrHostedZoneID = "hosted_zone_id" AttrIAMRoleARN = "iam_role_arn" AttrID = "id" AttrIDs = "ids" AttrIOPS = "iops" AttrIPAddress = "ip_address" AttrIPAddressType = "ip_address_type" AttrIPAddresses = "ip_addresses" AttrIdentifier = "identifier" AttrInstanceCount = "instance_count" AttrInstanceID = "instance_id" AttrInstanceType = "instance_type" AttrInterval = "interval" AttrIssuer = "issuer" AttrJSON = "json" AttrKMSKey = "kms_key" AttrKMSKeyARN = "kms_key_arn" AttrKMSKeyID = "kms_key_id" AttrKey = "key" AttrKeyID = "key_id" AttrLanguageCode = "language_code" AttrLastUpdatedDate = "last_updated_date" AttrLastUpdatedTime = "last_updated_time" AttrLaunchTemplate = "launch_template" AttrLocation = "location" AttrLogGroupName = "log_group_name" AttrLoggingConfiguration = "logging_configuration" AttrMax = "max" AttrMaxCapacity = "max_capacity" AttrMessage = "message" AttrMetricName = "metric_name" AttrMin = "min" AttrMode = "mode" AttrMostRecent = "most_recent" AttrName = "name" AttrNamePrefix = "name_prefix" AttrNames = "names" AttrNamespace = "namespace" AttrNetworkConfiguration = "network_configuration" AttrNetworkInterfaceID = "network_interface_id" AttrOwner = "owner" AttrOwnerAccountID = "owner_account_id" AttrOwnerID = "owner_id" AttrParameter = "parameter" AttrParameterGroupName = "parameter_group_name" AttrParameters = "parameters" AttrPassword = "password" AttrPath = "path" AttrPermissions = "permissions" AttrPolicy = "policy" AttrPort = "port" AttrPreferredMaintenanceWindow = "preferred_maintenance_window" AttrPrefix = "prefix" AttrPrincipal = "principal" AttrPriority = "priority" AttrPrivateKey = "private_key" AttrProfile = "profile" AttrPropagateTags = "propagate_tags" AttrProperties = "properties" AttrProtocol = "protocol" AttrProviderName = "provider_name" AttrPublicKey = "public_key" AttrPubliclyAccessible = "publicly_accessible" AttrRegion = "region" AttrRepositoryName = "repository_name" AttrResourceARN = "resource_arn" AttrResourceID = "resource_id" AttrResourceOwner = "resource_owner" AttrResourceTags = "resource_tags" AttrResourceType = "resource_type" AttrResources = "resources" AttrRetentionPeriod = "retention_period" AttrRole = "role" AttrRoleARN = "role_arn" AttrRule = "rule" AttrS3Bucket = "s3_bucket" AttrS3BucketName = "s3_bucket_name" AttrS3KeyPrefix = "s3_key_prefix" AttrSNSTopicARN = "sns_topic_arn" AttrSchedule = "schedule" AttrScheduleExpression = "schedule_expression" AttrSchema = "schema" AttrScope = "scope" AttrSecretKey = "secret_key" AttrSecurityGroupIDs = "security_group_ids" AttrSecurityGroups = "security_groups" AttrServiceName = "service_name" AttrServiceRole = "service_role" AttrServiceRoleARN = "service_role_arn" AttrSession = "session" AttrSize = "size" AttrSkipCredentialsValidation = "skip_credentials_validation" AttrSkipDestroy = "skip_destroy" AttrSkipRequestingAccountID = "skip_requesting_account_id" AttrSnapshotID = "snapshot_id" AttrSource = "source" AttrSourceType = "source_type" AttrStage = "stage" AttrStartTime = "start_time" AttrState = "state" AttrStatus = "status" AttrStatusCode = "status_code" AttrStatusMessage = "status_message" AttrStatusReason = "status_reason" AttrStorageClass = "storage_class" AttrStorageEncrypted = "storage_encrypted" AttrStorageType = "storage_type" AttrStreamARN = "stream_arn" AttrSubnetID = "subnet_id" AttrSubnetIDs = "subnet_ids" AttrSubnets = "subnets" AttrTableName = "table_name" AttrTags = "tags" AttrTagsAll = "tags_all" AttrTarget = "target" AttrTargetARN = "target_arn" AttrThroughput = "throughput" AttrTimeout = "timeout" AttrTimeouts = "timeouts" AttrTopicARN = "topic_arn" AttrTransitGatewayAttachmentID = "transit_gateway_attachment_id" AttrTransitGatewayID = "transit_gateway_id" AttrTriggers = "triggers" AttrType = "type" AttrURI = "uri" AttrURL = "url" AttrUnit = "unit" AttrUserName = "user_name" AttrUserPoolID = "user_pool_id" AttrUsername = "username" AttrVPCConfig = "vpc_config" AttrVPCConfiguration = "vpc_configuration" AttrVPCEndpointID = "vpc_endpoint_id" AttrVPCID = "vpc_id" AttrVPCSecurityGroupIDs = "vpc_security_group_ids" AttrValue = "value" AttrValues = "values" AttrVersion = "version" AttrVirtualName = "virtual_name" AttrVolumeSize = "volume_size" AttrVolumeType = "volume_type" AttrWeight = "weight" )
const ( ACM = "acm" ACMPCA = "acmpca" AMP = "amp" APIGateway = "apigateway" APIGatewayV2 = "apigatewayv2" AccessAnalyzer = "accessanalyzer" Account = "account" Amplify = "amplify" AppAutoScaling = "appautoscaling" AppConfig = "appconfig" AppFabric = "appfabric" AppFlow = "appflow" AppIntegrations = "appintegrations" AppMesh = "appmesh" AppRunner = "apprunner" AppStream = "appstream" AppSync = "appsync" ApplicationInsights = "applicationinsights" ApplicationSignals = "applicationsignals" Athena = "athena" AuditManager = "auditmanager" AutoScaling = "autoscaling" AutoScalingPlans = "autoscalingplans" BCMDataExports = "bcmdataexports" Backup = "backup" Batch = "batch" Bedrock = "bedrock" BedrockAgent = "bedrockagent" Billing = "billing" Budgets = "budgets" CE = "ce" CUR = "cur" Chatbot = "chatbot" Chime = "chime" ChimeSDKMediaPipelines = "chimesdkmediapipelines" ChimeSDKVoice = "chimesdkvoice" CleanRooms = "cleanrooms" Cloud9 = "cloud9" CloudControl = "cloudcontrol" CloudFormation = "cloudformation" CloudFront = "cloudfront" CloudFrontKeyValueStore = "cloudfrontkeyvaluestore" CloudHSMV2 = "cloudhsmv2" CloudSearch = "cloudsearch" CloudTrail = "cloudtrail" CloudWatch = "cloudwatch" CodeArtifact = "codeartifact" CodeBuild = "codebuild" CodeCatalyst = "codecatalyst" CodeCommit = "codecommit" CodeConnections = "codeconnections" CodeGuruProfiler = "codeguruprofiler" CodeGuruReviewer = "codegurureviewer" CodePipeline = "codepipeline" CodeStarConnections = "codestarconnections" CodeStarNotifications = "codestarnotifications" CognitoIDP = "cognitoidp" CognitoIdentity = "cognitoidentity" Comprehend = "comprehend" ComputeOptimizer = "computeoptimizer" ConfigService = "configservice" Connect = "connect" ConnectCases = "connectcases" ControlTower = "controltower" CostOptimizationHub = "costoptimizationhub" CustomerProfiles = "customerprofiles" DAX = "dax" DLM = "dlm" DMS = "dms" DRS = "drs" DS = "ds" DataBrew = "databrew" DataExchange = "dataexchange" DataPipeline = "datapipeline" DataSync = "datasync" DataZone = "datazone" Deploy = "deploy" Detective = "detective" DevOpsGuru = "devopsguru" DeviceFarm = "devicefarm" DirectConnect = "directconnect" DocDB = "docdb" DocDBElastic = "docdbelastic" DynamoDB = "dynamodb" EC2 = "ec2" ECR = "ecr" ECRPublic = "ecrpublic" ECS = "ecs" EFS = "efs" EKS = "eks" ELB = "elb" ELBV2 = "elbv2" EMR = "emr" EMRContainers = "emrcontainers" EMRServerless = "emrserverless" ElastiCache = "elasticache" ElasticBeanstalk = "elasticbeanstalk" ElasticTranscoder = "elastictranscoder" Elasticsearch = "elasticsearch" Events = "events" Evidently = "evidently" FIS = "fis" FMS = "fms" FSx = "fsx" FinSpace = "finspace" Firehose = "firehose" GameLift = "gamelift" Glacier = "glacier" GlobalAccelerator = "globalaccelerator" Glue = "glue" Grafana = "grafana" Greengrass = "greengrass" GroundStation = "groundstation" GuardDuty = "guardduty" HealthLake = "healthlake" IAM = "iam" IVS = "ivs" IVSChat = "ivschat" IdentityStore = "identitystore" ImageBuilder = "imagebuilder" Inspector = "inspector" Inspector2 = "inspector2" InternetMonitor = "internetmonitor" Invoicing = "invoicing" IoT = "iot" IoTAnalytics = "iotanalytics" IoTEvents = "iotevents" KMS = "kms" Kafka = "kafka" KafkaConnect = "kafkaconnect" Kendra = "kendra" Keyspaces = "keyspaces" Kinesis = "kinesis" KinesisAnalytics = "kinesisanalytics" KinesisAnalyticsV2 = "kinesisanalyticsv2" KinesisVideo = "kinesisvideo" LakeFormation = "lakeformation" Lambda = "lambda" LaunchWizard = "launchwizard" LexModels = "lexmodels" LexV2Models = "lexv2models" LicenseManager = "licensemanager" Lightsail = "lightsail" Location = "location" Logs = "logs" LookoutMetrics = "lookoutmetrics" M2 = "m2" MQ = "mq" MWAA = "mwaa" Macie2 = "macie2" MediaConnect = "mediaconnect" MediaConvert = "mediaconvert" MediaLive = "medialive" MediaPackage = "mediapackage" MediaPackageV2 = "mediapackagev2" MediaStore = "mediastore" MemoryDB = "memorydb" Mgn = "mgn" Neptune = "neptune" NeptuneGraph = "neptunegraph" NetworkFirewall = "networkfirewall" NetworkManager = "networkmanager" NetworkMonitor = "networkmonitor" ObservabilityAccessManager = "oam" OpenSearch = "opensearch" OpenSearchIngestion = "osis" OpenSearchServerless = "opensearchserverless" OpsWorks = "opsworks" Organizations = "organizations" Outposts = "outposts" PCAConnectorAD = "pcaconnectorad" PCS = "pcs" PaymentCryptography = "paymentcryptography" Pinpoint = "pinpoint" PinpointSMSVoiceV2 = "pinpointsmsvoicev2" Pipes = "pipes" Polly = "polly" Pricing = "pricing" QBusiness = "qbusiness" QLDB = "qldb" QuickSight = "quicksight" RAM = "ram" RBin = "rbin" RDS = "rds" RUM = "rum" Redshift = "redshift" RedshiftData = "redshiftdata" RedshiftServerless = "redshiftserverless" Rekognition = "rekognition" ResilienceHub = "resiliencehub" ResourceExplorer2 = "resourceexplorer2" ResourceGroups = "resourcegroups" ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI = "resourcegroupstaggingapi" RolesAnywhere = "rolesanywhere" Route53 = "route53" Route53Domains = "route53domains" Route53Profiles = "route53profiles" Route53RecoveryControlConfig = "route53recoverycontrolconfig" Route53RecoveryReadiness = "route53recoveryreadiness" Route53Resolver = "route53resolver" S3 = "s3" S3Control = "s3control" S3Outposts = "s3outposts" S3Tables = "s3tables" SES = "ses" SESV2 = "sesv2" SFN = "sfn" SNS = "sns" SQS = "sqs" SSM = "ssm" SSMContacts = "ssmcontacts" SSMIncidents = "ssmincidents" SSMQuickSetup = "ssmquicksetup" SSMSAP = "ssmsap" SSO = "sso" SSOAdmin = "ssoadmin" STS = "sts" SWF = "swf" SageMaker = "sagemaker" Scheduler = "scheduler" Schemas = "schemas" SecretsManager = "secretsmanager" SecurityHub = "securityhub" SecurityLake = "securitylake" ServerlessRepo = "serverlessrepo" ServiceCatalog = "servicecatalog" ServiceCatalogAppRegistry = "servicecatalogappregistry" ServiceDiscovery = "servicediscovery" ServiceQuotas = "servicequotas" Shield = "shield" Signer = "signer" SimpleDB = "simpledb" StorageGateway = "storagegateway" Synthetics = "synthetics" TaxSettings = "taxsettings" TimestreamInfluxDB = "timestreaminfluxdb" TimestreamQuery = "timestreamquery" TimestreamWrite = "timestreamwrite" Transcribe = "transcribe" Transfer = "transfer" VPCLattice = "vpclattice" VerifiedPermissions = "verifiedpermissions" WAF = "waf" WAFRegional = "wafregional" WAFV2 = "wafv2" WellArchitected = "wellarchitected" WorkLink = "worklink" WorkSpaces = "workspaces" WorkSpacesWeb = "workspacesweb" XRay = "xray" )
const ( ACMServiceID = "ACM" ACMPCAServiceID = "ACM PCA" AMPServiceID = "amp" APIGatewayServiceID = "API Gateway" APIGatewayV2ServiceID = "ApiGatewayV2" AccessAnalyzerServiceID = "AccessAnalyzer" AccountServiceID = "Account" AmplifyServiceID = "Amplify" AppAutoScalingServiceID = "Application Auto Scaling" AppConfigServiceID = "AppConfig" AppFabricServiceID = "AppFabric" AppFlowServiceID = "Appflow" AppIntegrationsServiceID = "AppIntegrations" AppMeshServiceID = "App Mesh" AppRunnerServiceID = "AppRunner" AppStreamServiceID = "AppStream" AppSyncServiceID = "AppSync" ApplicationInsightsServiceID = "Application Insights" ApplicationSignalsServiceID = "Application Signals" AthenaServiceID = "Athena" AuditManagerServiceID = "AuditManager" AutoScalingServiceID = "Auto Scaling" AutoScalingPlansServiceID = "Auto Scaling Plans" BCMDataExportsServiceID = "BCM Data Exports" BackupServiceID = "Backup" BatchServiceID = "Batch" BedrockServiceID = "Bedrock" BedrockAgentServiceID = "Bedrock Agent" BillingServiceID = "Billing" BudgetsServiceID = "Budgets" CEServiceID = "Cost Explorer" CURServiceID = "Cost and Usage Report Service" ChatbotServiceID = "Chatbot" ChimeServiceID = "Chime" ChimeSDKMediaPipelinesServiceID = "Chime SDK Media Pipelines" ChimeSDKVoiceServiceID = "Chime SDK Voice" CleanRoomsServiceID = "CleanRooms" Cloud9ServiceID = "Cloud9" CloudControlServiceID = "CloudControl" CloudFormationServiceID = "CloudFormation" CloudFrontServiceID = "CloudFront" CloudFrontKeyValueStoreServiceID = "CloudFront KeyValueStore" CloudHSMV2ServiceID = "CloudHSM V2" CloudSearchServiceID = "CloudSearch" CloudTrailServiceID = "CloudTrail" CloudWatchServiceID = "CloudWatch" CodeArtifactServiceID = "codeartifact" CodeBuildServiceID = "CodeBuild" CodeCatalystServiceID = "CodeCatalyst" CodeCommitServiceID = "CodeCommit" CodeConnectionsServiceID = "CodeConnections" CodeGuruProfilerServiceID = "CodeGuruProfiler" CodeGuruReviewerServiceID = "CodeGuru Reviewer" CodePipelineServiceID = "CodePipeline" CodeStarConnectionsServiceID = "CodeStar connections" CodeStarNotificationsServiceID = "codestar notifications" CognitoIDPServiceID = "Cognito Identity Provider" CognitoIdentityServiceID = "Cognito Identity" ComprehendServiceID = "Comprehend" ComputeOptimizerServiceID = "Compute Optimizer" ConfigServiceServiceID = "Config Service" ConnectServiceID = "Connect" ConnectCasesServiceID = "ConnectCases" ControlTowerServiceID = "ControlTower" CostOptimizationHubServiceID = "Cost Optimization Hub" CustomerProfilesServiceID = "Customer Profiles" DAXServiceID = "DAX" DLMServiceID = "DLM" DMSServiceID = "Database Migration Service" DRSServiceID = "DRS" DSServiceID = "Directory Service" DataBrewServiceID = "DataBrew" DataExchangeServiceID = "DataExchange" DataPipelineServiceID = "Data Pipeline" DataSyncServiceID = "DataSync" DataZoneServiceID = "DataZone" DeployServiceID = "CodeDeploy" DetectiveServiceID = "Detective" DevOpsGuruServiceID = "DevOps Guru" DeviceFarmServiceID = "Device Farm" DirectConnectServiceID = "Direct Connect" DocDBServiceID = "DocDB" DocDBElasticServiceID = "DocDB Elastic" DynamoDBServiceID = "DynamoDB" EC2ServiceID = "EC2" ECRServiceID = "ECR" ECRPublicServiceID = "ECR PUBLIC" ECSServiceID = "ECS" EFSServiceID = "EFS" EKSServiceID = "EKS" ELBServiceID = "Elastic Load Balancing" ELBV2ServiceID = "Elastic Load Balancing v2" EMRServiceID = "EMR" EMRContainersServiceID = "EMR containers" EMRServerlessServiceID = "EMR Serverless" ElastiCacheServiceID = "ElastiCache" ElasticBeanstalkServiceID = "Elastic Beanstalk" ElasticTranscoderServiceID = "Elastic Transcoder" ElasticsearchServiceID = "Elasticsearch Service" EventsServiceID = "EventBridge" EvidentlyServiceID = "Evidently" FISServiceID = "fis" FMSServiceID = "FMS" FSxServiceID = "FSx" FinSpaceServiceID = "finspace" FirehoseServiceID = "Firehose" GameLiftServiceID = "GameLift" GlacierServiceID = "Glacier" GlobalAcceleratorServiceID = "Global Accelerator" GlueServiceID = "Glue" GrafanaServiceID = "grafana" GreengrassServiceID = "Greengrass" GroundStationServiceID = "GroundStation" GuardDutyServiceID = "GuardDuty" HealthLakeServiceID = "HealthLake" IAMServiceID = "IAM" IVSServiceID = "ivs" IVSChatServiceID = "ivschat" IdentityStoreServiceID = "identitystore" ImageBuilderServiceID = "imagebuilder" InspectorServiceID = "Inspector" Inspector2ServiceID = "Inspector2" InternetMonitorServiceID = "InternetMonitor" InvoicingServiceID = "Invoicing" IoTServiceID = "IoT" IoTAnalyticsServiceID = "IoTAnalytics" IoTEventsServiceID = "IoT Events" KMSServiceID = "KMS" KafkaServiceID = "Kafka" KafkaConnectServiceID = "KafkaConnect" KendraServiceID = "kendra" KeyspacesServiceID = "Keyspaces" KinesisServiceID = "Kinesis" KinesisAnalyticsServiceID = "Kinesis Analytics" KinesisAnalyticsV2ServiceID = "Kinesis Analytics V2" KinesisVideoServiceID = "Kinesis Video" LakeFormationServiceID = "LakeFormation" LambdaServiceID = "Lambda" LaunchWizardServiceID = "Launch Wizard" LexModelsServiceID = "Lex Model Building Service" LexV2ModelsServiceID = "Lex Models V2" LicenseManagerServiceID = "License Manager" LightsailServiceID = "Lightsail" LocationServiceID = "Location" LogsServiceID = "CloudWatch Logs" LookoutMetricsServiceID = "LookoutMetrics" M2ServiceID = "m2" MQServiceID = "mq" MWAAServiceID = "MWAA" Macie2ServiceID = "Macie2" MediaConnectServiceID = "MediaConnect" MediaConvertServiceID = "MediaConvert" MediaLiveServiceID = "MediaLive" MediaPackageServiceID = "MediaPackage" MediaPackageV2ServiceID = "MediaPackageV2" MediaStoreServiceID = "MediaStore" MemoryDBServiceID = "MemoryDB" MgnServiceID = "mgn" NeptuneServiceID = "Neptune" NeptuneGraphServiceID = "Neptune Graph" NetworkFirewallServiceID = "Network Firewall" NetworkManagerServiceID = "NetworkManager" NetworkMonitorServiceID = "NetworkMonitor" ObservabilityAccessManagerServiceID = "OAM" OpenSearchServiceID = "OpenSearch" OpenSearchIngestionServiceID = "OSIS" OpenSearchServerlessServiceID = "OpenSearchServerless" OpsWorksServiceID = "OpsWorks" OrganizationsServiceID = "Organizations" OutpostsServiceID = "Outposts" PCAConnectorADServiceID = "Pca Connector Ad" PCSServiceID = "PCS" PaymentCryptographyServiceID = "PaymentCryptography" PinpointServiceID = "Pinpoint" PinpointSMSVoiceV2ServiceID = "Pinpoint SMS Voice v2" PipesServiceID = "Pipes" PollyServiceID = "Polly" PricingServiceID = "Pricing" QBusinessServiceID = "QBusiness" QLDBServiceID = "QLDB" QuickSightServiceID = "QuickSight" RAMServiceID = "RAM" RBinServiceID = "rbin" RDSServiceID = "RDS" RUMServiceID = "RUM" RedshiftServiceID = "Redshift" RedshiftDataServiceID = "Redshift Data" RedshiftServerlessServiceID = "Redshift Serverless" RekognitionServiceID = "Rekognition" ResilienceHubServiceID = "resiliencehub" ResourceExplorer2ServiceID = "Resource Explorer 2" ResourceGroupsServiceID = "Resource Groups" ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIServiceID = "Resource Groups Tagging API" RolesAnywhereServiceID = "RolesAnywhere" Route53ServiceID = "Route 53" Route53DomainsServiceID = "Route 53 Domains" Route53ProfilesServiceID = "Route 53 Profiles" Route53RecoveryControlConfigServiceID = "Route53 Recovery Control Config" Route53RecoveryReadinessServiceID = "Route53 Recovery Readiness" Route53ResolverServiceID = "Route53Resolver" S3ServiceID = "S3" S3ControlServiceID = "S3 Control" S3OutpostsServiceID = "S3Outposts" S3TablesServiceID = "S3Tables" SESServiceID = "SES" SESV2ServiceID = "SESv2" SFNServiceID = "SFN" SNSServiceID = "SNS" SQSServiceID = "SQS" SSMServiceID = "SSM" SSMContactsServiceID = "SSM Contacts" SSMIncidentsServiceID = "SSM Incidents" SSMQuickSetupServiceID = "SSM QuickSetup" SSMSAPServiceID = "Ssm Sap" SSOServiceID = "SSO" SSOAdminServiceID = "SSO Admin" STSServiceID = "STS" SWFServiceID = "SWF" SageMakerServiceID = "SageMaker" SchedulerServiceID = "Scheduler" SchemasServiceID = "schemas" SecretsManagerServiceID = "Secrets Manager" SecurityHubServiceID = "SecurityHub" SecurityLakeServiceID = "SecurityLake" ServerlessRepoServiceID = "ServerlessApplicationRepository" ServiceCatalogServiceID = "Service Catalog" ServiceCatalogAppRegistryServiceID = "Service Catalog AppRegistry" ServiceDiscoveryServiceID = "ServiceDiscovery" ServiceQuotasServiceID = "Service Quotas" ShieldServiceID = "Shield" SignerServiceID = "signer" SimpleDBServiceID = "SimpleDB" StorageGatewayServiceID = "Storage Gateway" SyntheticsServiceID = "synthetics" TaxSettingsServiceID = "TaxSettings" TimestreamInfluxDBServiceID = "Timestream InfluxDB" TimestreamQueryServiceID = "Timestream Query" TimestreamWriteServiceID = "Timestream Write" TranscribeServiceID = "Transcribe" TransferServiceID = "Transfer" VPCLatticeServiceID = "VPC Lattice" VerifiedPermissionsServiceID = "VerifiedPermissions" WAFServiceID = "WAF" WAFRegionalServiceID = "WAF Regional" WAFV2ServiceID = "WAFV2" WellArchitectedServiceID = "WellArchitected" WorkLinkServiceID = "WorkLink" WorkSpacesServiceID = "WorkSpaces" WorkSpacesWebServiceID = "WorkSpaces Web" XRayServiceID = "XRay" )
Copied from AWS SDK v2 Equivalent to <service>.ServiceID
const ( ACMPCAEndpointID = "acm-pca" AMPEndpointID = "aps" APIGatewayID = "apigateway" APIGatewayV2EndpointID = "apigateway" AccessAnalyzerEndpointID = "access-analyzer" AmplifyEndpointID = "amplify" AppConfigEndpointID = "appconfig" AppFabricEndpointID = "appfabric" AppIntegrationsEndpointID = "app-integrations" AppMeshEndpointID = "appmesh" AppStreamEndpointID = "appstream2" AppSyncEndpointID = "appsync" ApplicationAutoscalingEndpointID = "application-autoscaling" ApplicationInsightsEndpointID = "applicationinsights" AthenaEndpointID = "athena" AuditManagerEndpointID = "auditmanager" AutoScalingPlansEndpointID = "autoscaling-plans" BCMDataExportsEndpointID = "bcm-data-exports" BackupEndpointID = "backup" BatchEndpointID = "batch" BedrockAgentEndpointID = "bedrockagent" BedrockEndpointID = "bedrock" BudgetsEndpointID = "budgets" ChimeEndpointID = "chime" ChimeSDKMediaPipelinesEndpointID = "media-pipelines-chime" ChimeSDKVoiceEndpointID = "voice-chime" Cloud9EndpointID = "cloud9" CloudControlEndpointID = "cloudcontrol" CloudFormationEndpointID = "cloudformation" CloudFrontEndpointID = "cloudfront" CloudSearchEndpointID = "cloudsearch" CloudWatchEndpointID = "monitoring" CodeArtifactEndpointID = "codeartifact" CodeGuruReviewerEndpointID = "codeguru-reviewer" CodeStarConnectionsEndpointID = "codestar-connections" CognitoIdentityEndpointID = "cognito-identity" ComprehendEndpointID = "comprehend" ComputeOptimizerEndpointID = "compute-optimizer" ConfigServiceEndpointID = "config" ConnectEndpointID = "connect" DataExchangeEndpointID = "dataexchange" DataPipelineEndpointID = "datapipeline" DataZoneEndpointID = "datazone" DetectiveEndpointID = "api.detective" DeviceFarmEndpointID = "devicefarm" DevOpsGuruEndpointID = "devops-guru" DirectConnectEndpointID = "directconnect" DLMEndpointID = "dlm" ECREndpointID = "api.ecr" ECSEndpointID = "ecs" EFSEndpointID = "elasticfilesystem" EKSEndpointID = "eks" ELBEndpointID = "elasticloadbalancing" EMREndpointID = "elasticmapreduce" ElasticsearchEndpointID = "es" ElasticTranscoderEndpointID = "elastictranscoder" ElastiCacheEndpointID = "elasticache" EventsEndpointID = "events" EvidentlyEndpointID = "evidently" FMSEndpointID = "fms" FSxEndpointID = "fsx" GameLiftEndpointID = "gamelift" GrafanaEndpointID = "grafana" GlueEndpointID = "glue" IVSEndpointID = "ivs" IVSChatEndpointID = "ivschat" IdentityStoreEndpointID = "identitystore" ImageBuilderEndpointID = "imagebuilder" Inspector2EndpointID = "inspector2" InternetMonitorEndpointID = "internetmonitor" KMSEndpointID = "kms" KafkaConnectEndpointID = "kafkaconnect" KendraEndpointID = "kendra" KinesisVideoEndpointID = "kinesisvideo" LambdaEndpointID = "lambda" LexModelBuildingServiceEndpointID = "models.lex" LexV2ModelsEndpointID = "models-v2-lex" LocationEndpointID = "location" M2EndpointID = "m2" MQEndpointID = "mq" Macie2EndpointID = "macie2" MediaConvertEndpointID = "mediaconvert" MediaLiveEndpointID = "medialive" ObservabilityAccessManagerEndpointID = "oam" OpenSearchIngestionEndpointID = "osis" OpenSearchServerlessEndpointID = "aoss" PaymentCryptographyEndpointID = "paymentcryptography" PipesEndpointID = "pipes" PollyEndpointID = "polly" QLDBEndpointID = "qldb" QuickSightEndpointID = "quicksight" RUMEndpointID = "rum" RedshiftEndpointID = "redshift" RedshiftServerlessEndpointID = "redshift-serverless" RekognitionEndpointID = "rekognition" ResourceExplorer2EndpointID = "resource-explorer-2" RolesAnywhereEndpointID = "rolesanywhere" Route53DomainsEndpointID = "route53domains" Route53RecoveryControlConfigEndpointID = "route53-recovery-control-config" ServiceCatalogEndpointID = "servicecatalog" SSMEndpointID = "ssm" SSMIncidentsEndpointID = "ssm-incidents" SSMQuickSetupEndpointID = "ssm-quicksetup" SSOAdminEndpointID = "sso" STSEndpointID = "sts" SchedulerEndpointID = "scheduler" SchemasEndpointID = "schemas" ServiceCatalogAppRegistryEndpointID = "servicecatalog-appregistry" ServiceDiscoveryEndpointID = "servicediscovery" ServiceQuotasEndpointID = "servicequotas" SESEndpointID = "email" ShieldEndpointID = "shield" TranscribeEndpointID = "transcribe" TransferEndpointID = "transfer" VPCLatticeEndpointID = "vpc-lattice" VerifiedPermissionsEndpointID = "verifiedpermissions" WAFEndpointID = "waf" WAFRegionalEndpointID = "waf-regional" )
Endpoint constants defined by the AWS SDK v1 but not defined in the AWS SDK v2.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func FullHumanFriendly ¶
func HumanFriendly ¶
func PartitionForRegion ¶
PartitionForRegion returns the partition for the given Region. Returns the empty partition if the Region is empty. Returns the standard partition if no known partition includes the Region.
func ProviderNameUpper ¶
func ProviderPackageForAlias ¶
func ProviderPackages ¶
func ProviderPackages() []string
Types ¶
This section is empty.