terraform-plugin-go provides low-level Go bindings for the Terraform
plugin protocol, for integrations to be built upon. It strives to be a
minimal possible abstraction on top of the protocol, only hiding the
implementation details of the protocol while leaving its semantics
terraform-plugin-go is a Go module
versioned using semantic versioning.
The module is currently on a v0 major version, indicating our lack of
confidence in the stability of its exported API. Developers depending on it
should do so with an explicit understanding that the API may change and shift
until we hit v1.0.0, as we learn more about the needs and expectations of
developers working with the module.
We are confident in the correctness of the code and it is safe to build on so
long as the developer understands that the API may change in backwards
incompatible ways and they are expected to be tracking these changes.
Providers built on terraform-plugin-go will only be usable with Terraform
v0.12.0 and later. Developing providers for versions of Terraform below 0.12.0
is unsupported by the Terraform Plugin SDK team.
Getting Started
terraform-plugin-go is targeted towards experienced Terraform developers.
Familiarity with the Resource Instance Change
is required, and it is the provider developer's responsibility to ensure that
Terraform's requirements and invariants for responses are honored.
Provider developers are expected to create a type that implements the
interface. This type should be passed to
along with the name (like "hashicorp/time"
Resources and data sources can be handled in resource-specific or data
source-specific functions by using
as embedded values in their tfprotov5.ProviderServer
implementation type,
falling back on their implementations of the
interfaces to split resource and data source requests into single-purpose
functions based on which resource or data source the request is for.
When handling requests,
types should always have their
methods called; their properties should not be inspected directly. The
returned from Unmarshal
can be inspected to check whether it is
and subsequently converted to a plain Go type using its
method. As
will return an error if the Value
is not known.
The Terraform Plugin SDK's helper/resource
package can be used to test providers written using terraform-plugin-go. While we are working on a testing framework for terraform-plugin-go providers that is independent of the Plugin SDK, this may take some time, so we recommend writing tests in the meantime using the plugin SDK, which will not be a runtime dependency of your provider.
You must supply a factory for your provider server by setting ProtoV5ProviderFactories
on each TestCase
. For example:
package myprovider
import (
func TestAccDataSourceFoo(t *testing.T) {
resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
ProtoV5ProviderFactories: map[string]func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error){
"myprovider": func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error) {
return Server(), nil
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: `"data" "myprovider_foo" "bar" {}`,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestMatchResourceAttr("data.myprovider_foo.bar", "current", regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]+`)),
Documentation is a work in progress. The GoDoc for packages, types, functions,
and methods should have complete information, but we're working to add a
section to terraform.io with more information about
the module, its common uses, and patterns developers may wish to take advantage
Please bear with us as we work to get this information published, and please
with requests for the kind of documentation you would find useful.
This module is intentionally limited in its scope. It serves as the foundation
for the provider ecosystem, so major breaking changes are incredibly expensive.
By limiting the scope of the project, we're limiting the choices it needs to
make, making it less likely that breaking changes will be required once we've
hit version 1.0.0.
To that end, terraform-plugin-go's scope is limited to providing a common gRPC
server interface and an implementation of Terraform's type system. It
specifically is not trying to be a framework, nor is it attempting to provide
any utility or helper functions that only a subset of provider developers will
rely on. Its litmus test for whether something should be included is "will
every Terraform provider need this functionality or can this functionality only
be added if it's in this module?" All other functionality should be considered
out of scope and should live in a separate module.
Please see .github/CONTRIBUTING.md
This module is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0.