This package is used to discover the available API Definitions for a given Service/API Version combination.
The API Definitions within the Azure/azure-rest-api-specs
repository are structured in multiple ways - and as such this structure identifies the files for a given Service/API Version combination and then surfaces the absolute paths to them.
Most API Definitions are structured under: /specification/{serviceName}/resource-manager/{ResourceProvider}/(stable|preview)/{apiVersion}
Example: /specification/addons/resource-manager/Microsoft.Addons/preview/2017-05-15-preview
These are either hand maintained, generated via some means, or (for more recent API Versions) generated from the TypeSpec housed within /specification/{serviceName}/{ResourceProvider}
(e.g. /specification/containerservice/Fleet.Management
At this point in time we don't compile the TypeSpec definitions to ensure the OpenAPI Definitions are up-to-date - but that's probably something to consider doing in the future.
Whilst most of the API Definitions use the patterns defined above, there are two other scenarios to mention:
Firstly, some Services which contain a larger Resource Provider can be split up into smaller chunks, which Microsoft calls a Service Group
- this is now LEGACY and DEPRECATED - however we still need to parse API Versions using this.
From our side we merge the different Service Groups together into a single Service / APIVersion - since this makes sense for our use-case - arguably we could merge these together by generating a new Service named Service{ServiceGroup}
- but this has been fine for now.
These are housed using the structure /specification/{serviceName}/resource-manager/{resourceProvider}/{serviceGroup}/(preview|stable)/{apiVersion}
(e.g. /specification/mediaservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.Media/Accounts/stable/2023-01-01
Finally, some Services contain information from multiple Resource Providers, so these need to be similarly flattened into a single set of data.
This can be combined with a Service Group, which uses the structure ./specification/compute/resource-manager/{ResourceProvider}/(Grouping)/(stable|preview)/{apiVersion}
(e.g. ./specification/compute/resource-manager/Microsoft.Compute/CloudserviceRP/stable/2022-09-04