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Published: Mar 29, 2024 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 1




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const (
	// KeyInjectStatus is the key of the annotation that is added to
	// a pod after an injection is done.
	KeyInjectStatus = ""

	// KeyTransparentProxyStatus is the key of the annotation that is added to
	// a pod when transparent proxy is done.
	KeyTransparentProxyStatus = ""

	// KeyManagedBy is the key of the label that is added to pods managed
	// by the Endpoints controller. This is to support upgrading from consul-k8s
	// without Endpoints controller to consul-k8s with Endpoints controller
	// without disrupting services managed the old way.
	KeyManagedBy = ""

	// AnnotationInject is the key of the annotation that controls whether
	// injection is explicitly enabled or disabled for a pod. This should
	// be set to a truthy or falsy value, as parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
	AnnotationInject = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayKind is the key of the annotation that indicates pods
	// that represent Consul Connect Gateways. This should be set to a
	// value that is either "mesh-gateway", "ingress-gateway", "terminating-gateway",
	// or "api-gateway".
	AnnotationGatewayKind = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayConsulServiceName is the key of the annotation whose value
	// is the service name with which the mesh gateway is registered.
	AnnotationGatewayConsulServiceName = ""

	// AnnotationMeshGatewayContainerPort is the key of the annotation whose value is
	// used as the port and also registered as the LAN port when the mesh-gateway
	// service is registered.
	AnnotationMeshGatewayContainerPort = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayWANSource is the key of the annotation that determines which
	// source to use to determine the wan address and wan port for the mesh-gateway
	// service registration.
	AnnotationGatewayWANSource = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayWANAddress is the key of the annotation that when the source
	// of the mesh-gateway is 'Static', is the value of the WAN address for the gateway.
	AnnotationGatewayWANAddress = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayWANPort is the key of the annotation whose value is the
	// WAN port for the mesh-gateway service registration.
	AnnotationGatewayWANPort = ""

	// AnnotationGatewayNamespace is the key of the annotation that indicates the
	// Consul namespace where a Terminating or Ingress Gateway pod is deployed.
	AnnotationGatewayNamespace = ""

	// AnnotationInjectMountVolumes is the key of the annotation that controls whether
	// the data volume that connect inject uses to store data including the Consul ACL token
	// is mounted to other containers in the pod. It is a comma-separated list of container names
	// to mount the volume on. It will be mounted at the path `/consul/connect-inject`.
	AnnotationInjectMountVolumes = ""

	// AnnotationService is the name of the service to proxy.
	// This defaults to the name of the Kubernetes service associated with the pod.
	AnnotationService = ""

	// AnnotationKubernetesService is the name of the Kubernetes service to register.
	// This allows a pod to specify what Kubernetes service should trigger a Consul
	// service registration in the case of multiple services referencing a deployment.
	AnnotationKubernetesService = ""

	// AnnotationPort is the name or value of the port to proxy incoming
	// connections to.
	AnnotationPort = ""

	// AnnotationProxyConfigMap allows for default values to be set in the opaque config map
	// during proxy registration. The value for this annotation is expected to be valid json.
	// Other annotations / configuration may overwrite the values in the map.
	AnnotationProxyConfigMap = ""

	// AnnotationUpstreams is a list of upstreams to register with the
	// proxy in the format of `<service-name>:<local-port>,...`. The
	// service name should map to a Consul service name and the local port
	// is the local port in the pod that the listener will bind to. It can
	// be a named port.
	AnnotationUpstreams = ""

	// AnnotationTags is a list of tags to register with the service
	// this is specified as a comma separated list e.g. abc,123.
	AnnotationTags = ""

	// AnnotationMeta is a list of metadata key/value pairs to add to the service
	// registration. This is specified in the format `<key>:<value>`
	// e.g.
	AnnotationMeta = ""

	// AnnotationUseProxyHealthCheck creates a readiness listener on the sidecar proxy and
	// queries this instead of the application health check for the status of the application.
	// Enable this only if the application does not support health checks.
	AnnotationUseProxyHealthCheck = ""

	// AnnotationSidecarProxyStartupFailureSeconds configures how long the k8s startup probe will wait for
	// success before the proxy is considered to be unhealthy and the container is restarted.
	AnnotationSidecarProxyStartupFailureSeconds = ""

	// AnnotationSidecarProxyLivenessFailureSeconds configures how long the k8s liveness probe will wait for
	// before the proxy is considered to be unhealthy and the container is restarted.
	AnnotationSidecarProxyLivenessFailureSeconds = ""

	// annotations for sidecar proxy resource limits.
	AnnotationSidecarProxyCPULimit      = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyCPURequest    = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyMemoryLimit   = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyMemoryRequest = ""

	// annotations for sidecar proxy lifecycle configuration.
	AnnotationEnableSidecarProxyLifecycle                       = ""
	AnnotationEnableSidecarProxyLifecycleShutdownDrainListeners = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyLifecycleShutdownGracePeriodSeconds   = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyLifecycleGracefulPort                 = ""
	AnnotationSidecarProxyLifecycleGracefulShutdownPath         = ""

	// annotations for sidecar volumes.
	AnnotationConsulSidecarUserVolume      = ""
	AnnotationConsulSidecarUserVolumeMount = ""

	// annotations for sidecar concurrency.
	AnnotationEnvoyProxyConcurrency = ""

	// annotations for metrics to configure where Prometheus scrapes
	// metrics from, whether to run a merged metrics endpoint on the consul
	// sidecar, and configure the connect service metrics.
	AnnotationEnableMetrics        = ""
	AnnotationEnableMetricsMerging = ""
	AnnotationMergedMetricsPort    = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusScrapePort = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusScrapePath = ""
	AnnotationServiceMetricsPort   = ""
	AnnotationServiceMetricsPath   = ""

	// annotations for configuring TLS for Prometheus.
	AnnotationPrometheusCAFile   = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusCAPath   = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusCertFile = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusKeyFile  = ""

	// AnnotationEnvoyExtraArgs is a space-separated list of arguments to be passed to the
	// envoy binary. See list of args here:
	// e.g. "--log-level debug --disable-hot-restart"
	// The arguments passed in via this annotation will take precendence over arguments
	// passed via the -envoy-extra-args flag.
	AnnotationEnvoyExtraArgs = ""

	// AnnotationConsulNamespace is the Consul namespace the service is registered into.
	AnnotationConsulNamespace = ""

	// KeyConsulDNS enables or disables Consul DNS for a given pod. It can also be set as a label
	// on a namespace to define the default behaviour for connect-injected pods which do not otherwise override this setting
	// with their own annotation.
	// This annotation/label takes a boolean value (true/false).
	KeyConsulDNS = ""

	// KeyTransparentProxy enables or disables transparent proxy for a given pod. It can also be set as a label
	// on a namespace to define the default behaviour for connect-injected pods which do not otherwise override this setting
	// with their own annotation.
	// This annotation/label takes a boolean value (true/false).
	KeyTransparentProxy = ""

	// AnnotationTProxyExcludeInboundPorts is a comma-separated list of inbound ports to exclude from traffic redirection.
	AnnotationTProxyExcludeInboundPorts = ""

	// AnnotationTProxyExcludeOutboundPorts is a comma-separated list of outbound ports to exclude from traffic redirection.
	AnnotationTProxyExcludeOutboundPorts = ""

	// AnnotationTProxyExcludeOutboundCIDRs is a comma-separated list of outbound CIDRs to exclude from traffic redirection.
	AnnotationTProxyExcludeOutboundCIDRs = ""

	// AnnotationTProxyExcludeUIDs is a comma-separated list of additional user IDs to exclude from traffic redirection.
	AnnotationTProxyExcludeUIDs = ""

	// AnnotationTransparentProxyOverwriteProbes controls whether the Kubernetes probes should be overwritten
	// to point to the Envoy proxy when running in Transparent Proxy mode.
	AnnotationTransparentProxyOverwriteProbes = ""

	// AnnotationRedirectTraffic stores iptables.Config information so that the CNI plugin can use it to apply
	// iptables rules.
	AnnotationRedirectTraffic = ""

	// AnnotationOriginalPod is the value of the pod before being overwritten by the consul
	// webhook/meshWebhook.
	AnnotationOriginalPod = ""

	// AnnotationPeeringVersion is the version of the peering resource and can be utilized
	// to explicitly perform the peering operation again.
	AnnotationPeeringVersion = ""

	// LegacyAnnotationConsulK8sVersion is the current version of this binary.
	// TODO: remove this annotation in a future release.
	LegacyAnnotationConsulK8sVersion = ""

	// AnnotationConsulK8sVersion is the current version of this binary.
	AnnotationConsulK8sVersion = ""

	// LabelServiceIgnore is a label that can be added to a service to prevent it from being
	// registered with Consul.
	LabelServiceIgnore = ""

	// LabelPeeringToken is a label that can be added to a secret to allow it to be watched
	// by the peering controllers.
	LabelPeeringToken = ""

	// LabelTelemetryCollector is a label signaling the pod is associated with the deployment of a Consul Telemetry
	// Collector. If this is set, during connect-inject, the endpoints-controller ensures the deployed Namespace exists in Consul and create it if it does not.
	// This is only meant to be used by Deployment/consul-telemetry-collector.
	LabelTelemetryCollector = ""

	// Injected is used as the annotation value for keyInjectStatus and annotationInjected.
	Injected = "injected"

	// Enabled is used as the annotation value for keyTransparentProxyStatus.
	Enabled = "enabled"

	// ManagedByValue is the value for keyManagedBy.
	//TODO(zalimeni) rename this to ManagedByLegacyEndpointsValue.
	ManagedByValue = "consul-k8s-endpoints-controller"
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const (
	// AnnotationMeshInject is the key of the annotation that controls whether
	// V2 mesh injection is explicitly enabled or disabled for a pod using.
	// be set to a truthy or falsy value, as parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
	AnnotationMeshInject = ""

	// KeyMeshInjectStatus is the key of the annotation that is added to
	// a pod after an injection is done.
	KeyMeshInjectStatus = ""

	// ManagedByEndpointsValue is used in Consul metadata to identify the manager
	// of resources. The 'v2' suffix is used to differentiate from the legacy
	// endpoints controller of the same name.
	ManagedByEndpointsValue = "consul-k8s-endpoints-controller-v2"

	// ManagedByPodValue is used in Consul metadata to identify the manager
	// of resources.
	ManagedByPodValue = "consul-k8s-pod-controller"

	// ManagedByServiceAccountValue is used in Consul metadata to identify the manager
	// of resources.
	ManagedByServiceAccountValue = "consul-k8s-service-account-controller"

	// AnnotationMeshDestinations is a list of destinations to register with the
	// proxy. The service name should map to a Consul service name and the local
	// port is the local port in the pod that the listener will bind to. It can
	// be a named port.
	AnnotationMeshDestinations = ""

	// AnnotationMeshInjectMountVolumes is the key of the annotation that controls whether
	// the data volume that mesh inject uses to store data including the Consul ACL token
	// is mounted to other containers in the pod. It is a comma-separated list of container names
	// to mount the volume on. It will be mounted at the path `/consul/mesh-inject`.
	AnnotationMeshInjectMountVolumes = ""
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const (
	AnnotationPrometheusScrape = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusPath   = ""
	AnnotationPrometheusPort   = ""

Annotations used by Prometheus.

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const (
	// LegacyConsulCAFile is the location of the Consul CA file inside the injected pod.
	// This is used with the V1 API.
	LegacyConsulCAFile = "/consul/connect-inject/consul-ca.pem"

	// ConsulCAFile is the location of the Consul CA file inside the injected pod.
	// This is used with the V2 API.
	ConsulCAFile = "/consul/mesh-inject/consul-ca.pem"

	// DefaultConsulNS is the default Consul namespace name.
	DefaultConsulNS = "default"

	// DefaultConsulPartition is the default Consul partition name.
	DefaultConsulPartition = "default"

	// DefaultConsulPeer is the name used to refer to resources that are in the same cluster.
	DefaultConsulPeer = "local"

	// ProxyDefaultInboundPort is the default inbound port for the proxy.
	ProxyDefaultInboundPort = 20000

	// ProxyDefaultHealthPort is the default HTTP health check port for the proxy.
	ProxyDefaultHealthPort = 21000

	// MetaGatewayKind is the meta key name for indicating which kind of gateway a Pod is for, if any.
	// The value should be one of "mesh", "api", or "terminating".
	MetaGatewayKind = "gateway-kind"

	// MetaKeyManagedBy is the meta key name for indicating which Kubernetes controller manages a Consul resource.
	MetaKeyManagedBy = "managed-by"

	// MetaKeyKubeNS is the meta key name for Kubernetes namespace used for the Consul services.
	MetaKeyKubeNS = "k8s-namespace"

	// MetaKeyKubeName is the meta key name for Kubernetes object name used for a Consul object.
	MetaKeyKubeName = "k8s-name"

	// MetaKeyDatacenter is the datacenter that this object was registered from.
	MetaKeyDatacenter = "datacenter"

	// MetaKeyKubeServiceName is the meta key name for Kubernetes service name used for the Consul services.
	MetaKeyKubeServiceName = "k8s-service-name"

	// MetaKeyKubeServiceAccountName is the meta key name for Kubernetes service account name used for the Consul
	// v2 workload identity.
	MetaKeyKubeServiceAccountName = "k8s-service-account-name"

	// MetaKeyPodName is the meta key name for Kubernetes pod name used for the Consul services.
	MetaKeyPodName = "pod-name"

	// MetaKeyPodUID is the meta key name for Kubernetes pod uid used for the Consul services.
	MetaKeyPodUID = "pod-uid"

	// DefaultGracefulPort is the default port that consul-dataplane uses for graceful shutdown.
	DefaultGracefulPort = 20600

	// DefaultGracefulShutdownPath is the default path that consul-dataplane uses for graceful shutdown.
	DefaultGracefulShutdownPath = "/graceful_shutdown"

	// DefaultWANPort is the default port that consul-dataplane uses for WAN.
	DefaultWANPort = 8443

	// ConsulKubernetesCheckType is the type of health check in Consul for Kubernetes readiness status.
	ConsulKubernetesCheckType = "kubernetes-readiness"

	// ConsulKubernetesCheckName is the name of health check in Consul for Kubernetes readiness status.
	ConsulKubernetesCheckName = "Kubernetes Readiness Check"

	KubernetesSuccessReasonMsg = "Kubernetes health checks passing"

	// MeshV2VolumePath is the name of the volume that contains the proxy ID.
	MeshV2VolumePath = "/consul/mesh-inject"

	UseTLSEnvVar        = "CONSUL_USE_TLS"

	UnnamedWorkloadPortNamePrefix = "cslport-"


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func GetNormalizedConsulNamespace

func GetNormalizedConsulNamespace(ns string) string

GetNormalizedConsulNamespace returns the default namespace if the passed namespace is empty, otherwise returns back the passed in namespace.

func GetNormalizedConsulPartition

func GetNormalizedConsulPartition(ap string) string

GetNormalizedConsulPartition returns the default partition if the passed partition is empty, otherwise returns back the passed in partition.

func GetNormalizedConsulPeer

func GetNormalizedConsulPeer(peer string) string

GetNormalizedConsulPeer returns the default peer if the passed peer is empty, otherwise returns back the passed in peer.


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