
v0.1.0-beta.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 28, 2020 License: MPL-2.0



Please note: We take Boundary's security and our users' trust very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue in Boundary, please responsibly disclose by contacting us at

Boundary is a tool for controlling access to networked resources in the SDP model. It is designed to be straightforward to understand, highly scalable, and resilient. It can run in clouds, on-prem, secure enclaves and more, and does not require an agent to be installed on every end host.

Unlike firewalls, Boundary performs per-access authentication and authorization checks, allowing for much higher level mappings of users to services or hosts than at network layers. Although complementary to secrets managers (like HashiCorp's own Vault), Boundary fills a different niche, allowing the credential that is eventually used to be hidden entirely from the user.

Getting Started

Boundary consists of two server components: Controllers, which serve the API and coordinate session requests; and Workers, which perform the actual session handling. A normal Boundary installation will consist of one or more Controllers paired with one or more Workers. A single Boundary binary can act in either of these two modes.

Additionally, Boundary desktop clients are provided that simplify providing access to request and connect to authorized sessions from desktop machines.

Boundary does not require software to be installed on the endpoint hosts and services.


Boundary has two external dependencies: a SQL database, and one or more KMSes. Both are readily available from cloud vendors, but can be satisfied by on-premise technologies as well.

  • The database contains Boundary's configuration and session information and must be accessible by Controller nodes. Values that are secrets (such as credentials) are encrypted in the database. Currently, PostgreSQL is supported as a database. This need can be satisfied by both hosted and self-run instances. For more information on specific requirements and setup, see our [Database Guide], however, in most instances all that is needed is a database endpoint and appropriate credentials.

  • Any cloud KMS or Vault's Transit Secrets Engine can be used to satisfy the KMS requirement. Currently, two keys within the KMS are needed: one for authenticating other cluster components, which must be accessible by both Controllers and Workers; and one for encrypting secret values in the database, which need only be accessible to Controllers. These keys can be changed over time (so long as the original key remains available for any decryption needs), and key derivation is used extensively to avoid key sprawl of these high-value keys.

Boundary has a dev mode that can be used for testing. In this mode both a Controller and Worker are started with a single command, and they have the following properties:

  • The Controller will start a PostgreSQL Docker container to use as storage. This container will be shut down and removed (if possible) when the Controller is (gracefully) shut down.
  • The Controller will use an internal KMS with an ephemeral key

Trying out Boundary

Running Boundary in a more permanent context requires a few more steps, such as writing some simple configuration files to tell the nodes how to reach their database and KMS. The steps below, along with the extra information needed for permanent installations, are detailed in our [Installation Guide].

Build and Start Boundary in Dev Mode

If you have the following requirements met locally:

  • Golang v1.14 or greater
  • Docker

You can get up and running with Boundary quickly. Simply run:

make dev

This will build Boundary. Once complete, run Boundary in dev mode:

./$GOPATH/bin/boundary dev

Specify a UI Commitish at Build Time

The default UI build branch is develop from the UI repo. A different commitish from which to build UI assets may be specified via the UI_COMMITISH environment variable. For example:

UI_COMMITISH=feature-branch make dev

UI Development

It would be impractical to rebuild the binary on every change when actively developing the UI. To make UI development more convenient, the binary supports a passthrough directory. This is an arbitrary local directory from which UI assets are served. Note this option is only available in dev mode. For example:

BOUNDARY_DEV_PASSTHROUGH_DIRECTORY=/boundary-ui/ui/core/dist ~/go/bin/boundary dev

Download and Run from Release Page

Download the latest release of the server binary and appropriate desktop client(s) from our [releases page]

Start Boundary

Start the server binary with:

boundary dev

This will start a Controller service listening on for incoming API requests and a Worker service listening on the same address/port for incoming session requests. It will also create various default Catalogs and Sets, and display various bits of information, such as a login name and password that can be used to log in.

Configuring Resources

For a simple test of Boundary in dev mode you don't generally need to configure any resources at all! But it's useful to understand what dev mode did for you so you can then take further steps:

In Boundary, a Set is a grouping of resources that share a similarity suitable for using in configuration; for instance, a User Set combines groups of users that should have equivalent permissions. Most Sets are automatically created and managed by Catalogs; for instance, an AWS Catalog can create Host Sets from EC2 instance, or a Consul Catalog can create Host Sets from Consul service catalogs. Although you can test out the full functionality of Catalogs and Sets in dev mode, this mode will automatically create some resources for you suitable for local testing:

  • A Host Catalog with a default Host Set containing the local machine ( and defining an SSH service on port 22
  • A Password User Method with a default User Set containing a user with the given login name and associated password. This can be used to log in to the web UI and the desktop client.
  • A Permissions Set mapping the given User Set to a set of permissions, in this case granting access to make connections to resources
  • A Credentials Catalog with a default Credential Set that is empty (meaning Boundary will require and use the user's credentials when connecting to the networked resource; in other words, in this situation it will run in a TCP-only mode)

To actually make the connection to the networked resource, a Target must be defined. Targets group a Host Set, a Credential Set, and a User Set, which, along with validation against the permissions defined by relevant Permissions Sets, together allow Boundary to understand what user principals are allowed to connect where and using what authentication information. A dev Boundary will create a default Target that allows the generated user to make SSH connections to the local machine on port 22.

You can of course go into Boundary's web UI or use its API to change these default values, for instance if you instead want to connect to a different host or need to modify the port to connect to, or want to test out the capabilities of Boundary to supply the credentials for the session without user input/knowledge.

Making the Connection

Next, let's actually make a connection to your local SSH daemon via Boundary:

  1. Start the desktop client and point it at the local Boundary dev session. Log in with the generated login name and password.
  2. You can now select the Target that grants access to the local machine and hit "Request Session". Doing so will cause Boundary to check whether this action is allowed, and if so, send session information back to the client, allowing it to start a local authenticated proxy to the Worker. You will be shown a CLI command that can be copied and pasted into the CLI to connect to the local machine via Boundary.
  3. Paste the CLI command into your terminal, or use the given address and port in the SSH client of your choice, and connect!
  4. When the session has ended, look in the given temporary directory to see session information; or navigate to the Sessions page in the web UI to see the same information
Going Further

This example is a simple way to get started but omits several key steps that could be taken in a production context:

  • Using a firewall or other means to restrict the set of hosts allowed to connect to a local SSH daemon to only Boundary Worker nodes, thereby making Boundary the only means of ingress to a host
  • Using credentials specified within Boundary rather than the client's own credentials. Because these credentials are not divulged to users, even if a user gets around some network-level firewall or other restriction to gain direct network access to a host, they will be unable to authenticate.
  • Recording the session for later auditing or incident management purposes

dev mode by default is operating in a direct proxying mode, where it is simply passing the network streams along once the session has been authorized. However, Boundary is built to be flexible and eventually able to understand a variety of networked protocols, with more capabilities to come in the future. We have a long roadmap planned out so stay tuned for information about new features and capabilities!


Path Synopsis
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
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Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make api"; DO NOT EDIT.
Package authtoken provides an authtoken with an encrypted value and an associated expiration time.
Package authtoken provides an authtoken with an encrypted value and an associated expiration time.
Package dbassert provides a set of assertions for testing the boundary database applications.
Package dbassert provides a set of assertions for testing the boundary database applications.
common package contains functions from internal/db which need to be shared commonly with other packages that have a cyclic dependency on internal/db like internal/oplog.
common package contains functions from internal/db which need to be shared commonly with other packages that have a cyclic dependency on internal/db like internal/oplog.
Package db_test provides some helper funcs for testing db integrations
Package db_test provides some helper funcs for testing db integrations
Code generated by "make migrations"; DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by "make migrations"; DO NOT EDIT.
Package services is a reverse proxy.
Package services is a reverse proxy.
Package static provides a host, a host catalog, and a host set suitable for hosts with a static address.
Package static provides a host, a host catalog, and a host set suitable for hosts with a static address.
iam package is for identity access management of boundary.
iam package is for identity access management of boundary.
oplog is a package for writing operational log (oplog) entries for the purpose of replication and verification of the data stored in the Boundary RDBMS.
oplog is a package for writing operational log (oplog) entries for the purpose of replication and verification of the data stored in the Boundary RDBMS.
Package oplog_test provides some gorm helper funcs for testing oplog database integrations
Package oplog_test provides some gorm helper funcs for testing oplog database integrations
Package store provides storage types/behavior for the oplog
Package store provides storage types/behavior for the oplog
Package perms provides the boundary permissions engine using grants which are tied to IAM Roles within a Scope.
Package perms provides the boundary permissions engine using grants which are tied to IAM Roles within a Scope.
Package common contains types and helper functions that are used across the different packages under internal/server/controller.
Package common contains types and helper functions that are used across the different packages under internal/server/controller.
plugins module
sdk module
controller is a package meant for internal testing only.
controller is a package meant for internal testing only.

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