Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AccountBalanceQuery
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) Execute(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountBalanceQuery
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *AccountBalanceQuery
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountBalanceQuery
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountBalanceQuery
- func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountBalanceQuery
- type AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance(initialBalance Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetKey(publicKey PublicKey) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold(recordThreshold Hbar) AccountCreateTransactiondeprecated
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired(required bool) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold(recordThreshold Hbar) AccountCreateTransactiondeprecated
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountCreateTransaction
- func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountCreateTransaction
- type AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder *AccountDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetDeleteAccountID(id AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountDeleteTransaction
- func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID(id AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
- type AccountID
- type AccountInfo
- type AccountInfoQuery
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (AccountInfo, error)
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountInfoQuery
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountInfoQuery
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountInfoQuery
- func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountInfoQuery
- type AccountRecordsQuery
- func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]TransactionRecord, error)
- func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountRecordsQuery
- func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountRecordsQuery
- func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountRecordsQuery
- func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountRecordsQuery
- type AccountStakersQuery
- func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]Transfer, error)
- func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountStakersQuery
- func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountStakersQuery
- func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountStakersQuery
- func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountStakersQuery
- type AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetKey(publicKey PublicKey) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold(threshold Hbar) AccountUpdateTransactiondeprecated
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired(required bool) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold(threshold Hbar) AccountUpdateTransactiondeprecated
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountUpdateTransaction
- func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountUpdateTransaction
- type Argument
- type Client
- func (client *Client) Close() error
- func (client *Client) GetOperatorID() AccountID
- func (client *Client) GetOperatorKey() Ed25519PublicKey
- func (client *Client) Ping(nodeID AccountID) error
- func (client *Client) ReplaceNodes(network map[string]AccountID) *Client
- func (client *Client) SetMaxQueryPayment(payment Hbar) *Client
- func (client *Client) SetMaxTransactionFee(fee Hbar) *Client
- func (client *Client) SetOperator(accountID AccountID, privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) *Client
- func (client *Client) SetOperatorWith(accountID AccountID, publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) *Client
- type ConsensusMessage
- type ConsensusMessageChunk
- type ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Build(client *Client) (TransactionList, error)
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) ExecuteAll(client *Client) ([]TransactionID, error)
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetChunkInfo(transactionID TransactionID, total int32, number int32) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxChunks(max uint64) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMessage(message []byte) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
- type ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(id AccountID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(period time.Duration) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetSubmitKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTopicMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
- type ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
- type ConsensusTopicID
- type ConsensusTopicInfo
- type ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ConsensusTopicInfo, error)
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
- type ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAdminKey() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAutoRenewAccountID() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearSubmitKey() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearTopicMemo() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder *ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(id AccountID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(period time.Duration) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetSubmitKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
- type ContractBytecodeQuery
- func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]byte, error)
- func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractBytecodeQuery
- func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractBytecodeQuery
- func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractBytecodeQuery
- func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractBytecodeQuery
- type ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ContractFunctionResult, error)
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetFunction(name string, params *ContractFunctionParams) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetGas(gas uint64) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetMaxResultSize(size uint64) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractCallQuery
- func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractCallQuery
- type ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID(id FileID) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetConstructorParams(params *ContractFunctionParams) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetContractMemo(memo string) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetGas(gas uint64) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance(initialBalance Hbar) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractCreateTransaction
- func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractCreateTransaction
- type ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID(id AccountID) ContractDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferContractID(id ContractID) ContractDeleteTransaction
- type ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetFunction(name string, params *ContractFunctionParams) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetGas(gas uint64) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetPayableAmount(amount Hbar) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractExecuteTransaction
- func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractExecuteTransaction
- type ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddAddress(value string) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddAddressArray(value []string) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBool(value bool) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32(value [32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32Array(value [][]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytesArray(value [][]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddFunction(address string, selector ContractFunctionSelector) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256Array(value [][32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32(value int32) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32Array(value []int32) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64(value int64) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64Array(value []int64) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt8(value int8) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddString(value string) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddStringArray(value []string) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256Array(value [][32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32(value uint32) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32Array(value []uint32) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64(value uint64) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64Array(value []uint64) *ContractFunctionParams
- func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint8(value uint8) *ContractFunctionParams
- type ContractFunctionResult
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) AsBytes() []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetAddress(index uint64) []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBool(index uint64) bool
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes(index uint64) []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes32(index uint64) []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt256(index uint64) []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt32(index uint64) int32
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt64(index uint64) int64
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt8(index uint64) int8
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetString(index uint64) string
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint256(index uint64) []byte
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint32(index uint64) uint32
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint64(index uint64) uint64
- func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint8(index uint64) uint8
- type ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddress() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddressArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBool() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBoolArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytesArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddFunction() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddString() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddStringArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
- func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) String() string
- type ContractID
- type ContractInfo
- type ContractInfoQuery
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ContractInfo, error)
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractInfoQuery
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractInfoQuery
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractInfoQuery
- func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractInfoQuery
- type ContractLogInfo
- type ContractRecordsQuery
- func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]TransactionRecord, error)
- func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractRecordsQuery
- func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractRecordsQuery
- func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractRecordsQuery
- func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractRecordsQuery
- type ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID(id FileID) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractMemo(memo string) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractUpdateTransaction
- func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractUpdateTransaction
- type CryptoTransferTransactiondeprecated
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddRecipient(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddSender(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddTransfer(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) CryptoTransferTransaction
- func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) CryptoTransferTransaction
- type Ed25519PrivateKey
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromBytes(bytes []byte) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromKeystore(ks []byte, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic Mnemonic, passPhrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromPem(bytes []byte, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromString(s string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadKeystore(source io.Reader, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadPem(source io.Reader, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func GenerateEd25519PrivateKey() (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Bytes() []byte
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Derive(index uint32) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Keystore(passphrase string) ([]byte, error)
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) PublicKey() Ed25519PublicKey
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Sign(message []byte) []byte
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) SignTransaction(transaction *Transaction) ([]byte, error)
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) String() string
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) SupportsDerivation() bool
- func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) WriteKeystore(destination io.Writer, passphrase string) error
- type Ed25519PublicKey
- type EntityID
- type ErrBadKey
- type ErrHederaNetwork
- type ErrHederaPreCheckStatus
- type ErrHederaReceiptStatus
- type ErrHederaRecordStatus
- type ErrLocalValidation
- type ErrMaxChunksExceeded
- type ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded
- type ErrPingStatus
- type FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileAppendTransaction
- func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileAppendTransaction
- type FileContentsQuery
- func (builder *FileContentsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]byte, error)
- func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetFileID(id FileID) *FileContentsQuery
- func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *FileContentsQuery
- func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *FileContentsQuery
- func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *FileContentsQuery
- type FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) AddKey(publicKey PublicKey) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileCreateTransaction
- func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileCreateTransaction
- type FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileDeleteTransaction
- func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileDeleteTransaction
- type FileID
- type FileInfo
- type FileInfoQuery
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (FileInfo, error)
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetFileID(id FileID) *FileInfoQuery
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *FileInfoQuery
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *FileInfoQuery
- func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *FileInfoQuery
- type FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) AddKey(publicKey PublicKey) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileUpdateTransaction
- func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileUpdateTransaction
- type FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetEndTime(hour uint8, minute uint8) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetStartTime(hour uint8, minute uint8) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FreezeTransaction
- func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FreezeTransaction
- type GetBySolidityIDQuery
- func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) Execute(client *Client) (EntityID, error)
- func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
- func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
- func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
- func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetSolidityID(id string) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
- type Hbar
- type HbarUnit
- type ITransaction
- type KeyList
- type MirrorClient
- type MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
- func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetEndTime(time time.Time) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
- func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetLimit(limit uint64) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
- func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetStartTime(time time.Time) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
- func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetTopicID(topicID ConsensusTopicID) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
- func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) Subscribe(client MirrorClient, onNext func(MirrorConsensusTopicResponse), ...) (MirrorSubscriptionHandle, error)
- type MirrorConsensusTopicResponse
- type MirrorSubscriptionHandle
- type Mnemonic
- type PublicKey
- type QueryBuilder
- func (builder *QueryBuilder) GetCost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *QueryBuilder
- func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *QueryBuilder
- func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *QueryBuilder
- type ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(key PublicKey) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetPayerAccountID(id AccountID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduleMemo(memo string) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduledTransaction(tx ITransaction) (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleCreateTransaction
- type ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetScheduleID(scheduleID ScheduleID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
- type ScheduleID
- type ScheduleInfo
- type ScheduleInfoQuery
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ScheduleInfo, error)
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ScheduleInfoQuery
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ScheduleInfoQuery
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ScheduleInfoQuery
- func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetScheduleID(id ScheduleID) *ScheduleInfoQuery
- type ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetScheduleID(id ScheduleID) ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleSignTransaction
- func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleSignTransaction
- type Status
- type SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetContractID(ID ContractID) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetFileID(ID FileID) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) SystemDeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) SystemDeleteTransaction
- type SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetContractID(ID ContractID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetFileID(ID FileID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) SystemUndeleteTransaction
- type ThresholdKey
- type TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) AddTokenID(id TokenID) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenAssociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenAssociateTransaction
- type TokenBalanceQuery
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) Execute(client *Client) (map[TokenID]uint64, error)
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *TokenBalanceQuery
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *TokenBalanceQuery
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TokenBalanceQuery
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TokenBalanceQuery
- func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TokenBalanceQuery
- type TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenBurnTransaction
- func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenBurnTransaction
- type TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(adminkey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(autoRenewAccountID AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetDecimals(decimals uint32) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expirationTime uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeDefault(freeze bool) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeKey(freezekey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetInitialSupply(initialsupply uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetKycKey(kyckey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetName(name string) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetSupplyKey(supplykey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetSymbol(symbol string) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTreasury(treasury AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
- func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetWipeKey(wipekey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
- type TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenDeleteTransaction
- func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenDeleteTransaction
- type TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) AddTokenID(id TokenID) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenDissociateTransaction
- func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenDissociateTransaction
- type TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenFreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenFreezeTransaction
- type TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenGrantKycTransaction
- type TokenID
- type TokenInfo
- type TokenInfoQuery
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TokenInfo, error)
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TokenInfoQuery
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TokenInfoQuery
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TokenInfoQuery
- func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetTokenID(id TokenID) *TokenInfoQuery
- type TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenMintTransaction
- func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenMintTransaction
- type TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
- type TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddRecipient(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount uint64) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddSender(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount uint64) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddTransfers(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount int64) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenTransferTransaction
- func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenTransferTransaction
- type TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
- type TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(adminkey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(autoRenewAccountID AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod uint64) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expirationTime uint64) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetFreezeKey(freezekey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetKycKey(kyckey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetName(name string) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSupplyKey(supplykey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSymbol(symbol string) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTreasury(treasury AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
- func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetWipeKey(wipekey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
- type TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenWipeTransaction
- func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenWipeTransaction
- type Transaction
- func (transaction Transaction) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
- func (transaction Transaction) ID() TransactionID
- func (transaction Transaction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (transaction Transaction) Sign(privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) Transaction
- func (transaction Transaction) SignWith(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) Transaction
- func (transaction Transaction) String() string
- func (transaction *Transaction) UnmarshalBinary(txBytes []byte) error
- type TransactionBuilder
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) GetCost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TransactionBuilder
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TransactionBuilder
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TransactionBuilder
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TransactionBuilder
- func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TransactionBuilder
- type TransactionID
- type TransactionList
- func (list TransactionList) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
- func (list TransactionList) ExecuteAll(client *Client) ([]TransactionID, error)
- func (list TransactionList) Sign(privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) TransactionList
- func (list TransactionList) SignWith(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) TransactionList
- type TransactionReceipt
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetAccountID() AccountID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicID() ConsensusTopicID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicRunningHash() []byte
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber() uint64
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetContractID() ContractID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetFileID() FileID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetScheduleID() ScheduleID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetTokenID() TokenID
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetTotalSupply() uint64
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetAccountID() (AccountID, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicID() (ConsensusTopicID, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicRunningHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber() (uint64, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetContractID() (ContractID, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetFileID() (FileID, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetScheduleID() (ScheduleID, error)
- func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetTokenID() (TokenID, error)
- type TransactionReceiptQuery
- func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionReceipt, error)
- func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TransactionReceiptQuery
- func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TransactionReceiptQuery
- func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TransactionReceiptQuery
- func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetTransactionID(id TransactionID) *TransactionReceiptQuery
- type TransactionRecord
- type TransactionRecordQuery
- func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionRecord, error)
- func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TransactionRecordQuery
- func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TransactionRecordQuery
- func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TransactionRecordQuery
- func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetTransactionID(id TransactionID) *TransactionRecordQuery
- type TransactionSigner
- type Transfer
- type TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) AddHbarTransfer(id AccountID, amount Hbar) TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) AddTokenTransfer(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount int64) TransferTransaction
- func (builder *TransferTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
- func (builder TransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TransferTransaction
- func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TransferTransaction
Constants ¶
const Aes128Ctr = "aes-128-ctr"
const HmacSha256 = "hmac-sha256"
Variables ¶
var HbarUnits = struct { Tinybar HbarUnit Microbar HbarUnit Millibar HbarUnit Hbar HbarUnit Kilobar HbarUnit Megabar HbarUnit Gigabar HbarUnit }{ Tinybar: HbarUnit("tinybar"), Microbar: HbarUnit("microbar"), Millibar: HbarUnit("millibar"), Hbar: HbarUnit("hbar"), Kilobar: HbarUnit("kilobar"), Megabar: HbarUnit("megabar"), Gigabar: HbarUnit("gigabar"), }
var MaxHbar = Hbar{math.MaxInt64}
MaxHbar is the maximum amount the Hbar type can wrap.
var MinHbar = Hbar{math.MinInt64}
MinHbar is the minimum amount the Hbar type can wrap.
var ZeroHbar = Hbar{0}
ZeroHbar wraps a 0 value of Hbar.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountBalanceQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountBalanceQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountBalanceQuery gets the balance of a CryptoCurrency account. This returns only the balance, so it is a smaller and faster reply than AccountInfoQuery, which returns the balance plus additional information.
func NewAccountBalanceQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountBalanceQuery() *AccountBalanceQuery
NewAccountBalanceQuery creates an AccountBalanceQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute an AccountBalanceQuery. It is recommended that you use this for creating new instances of an AccountBalanceQuery instead of manually creating an instance of the struct.
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) Execute(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
Execute executes the AccountBalanceQuery using the provided client
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountBalanceQuery
SetAccountID sets the AccountID for which you wish to query the balance.
Note: you can only query an Account or Contract but not both -- if a Contract ID or Account ID has already been set, it will be overwritten by this method.
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *AccountBalanceQuery
SetContractID sets the ContractID for which you wish to query the balance.
Note: you can only query an Account or Contract but not both -- if a Contract ID or Account ID has already been set, it will be overwritten by this method.
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountBalanceQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountBalanceQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountBalanceQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type AccountCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountCreateTransaction creates a new account. After the account is created, the AccountID for it is in the receipt, or by asking for a Record of the transaction to be created, and retrieving that. The account can then automatically generate records for large transfers into it or out of it, which each last for 25 hours. Records are generated for any transfer that exceeds the thresholds given here. This account is charged hbar for each record generated, so the thresholds are useful for limiting Record generation to happen only for large transactions.
The current API ignores shardID, realmID, and newRealmAdminKey, and creates everything in shard 0 and realm 0, with a null key. Future versions of the API will support multiple realms and multiple shards.
func NewAccountCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountCreateTransaction() AccountCreateTransaction
NewAccountCreateTransaction creates an AccountCreateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Crypto Create Transaction.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) AccountCreateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the time duration for when account is charged to extend its expiration date. When the account is created, the payer account is charged enough hbars so that the new account will not expire for the next auto renew period. When it reaches the expiration time, the new account will then be automatically charged to renew for another auto renew period. If it does not have enough hbars to renew for that long, then the remaining hbars are used to extend its expiration as long as possible. If it is has a zero balance when it expires, then it is deleted.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance(initialBalance Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
SetInitialBalance sets the initial number of Hbar to put into the account
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetKey(publicKey PublicKey) AccountCreateTransaction
SetKey sets the key that must sign each transfer out of the account. If RecieverSignatureRequired is true, then it must also sign any transfer into the account.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountCreateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) AccountCreateTransaction
SetProxyAccountID sets the ID of the account to which this account is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is not set, is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this account is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking , or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was not set.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold
added in
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold(recordThreshold Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
SetReceiveRecordThreshold sets the threshold amount for which an account record is created for any receive/deposit transaction
Deprecated: No longer used by Hedera
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired(required bool) AccountCreateTransaction
SetReceiverSignatureRequired sets the receiverSigRequired flag. If the receiverSigRequired flag is set to true, then all cryptocurrency transfers must be signed by this account's key, both for transfers in and out. If it is false, then only transfers out have to be signed by it. This transaction must be signed by the payer account. If receiverSigRequired is false, then the transaction does not have to be signed by the keys in the keys field. If it is true, then it must be signed by them, in addition to the keys of the payer account.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold
added in
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold(recordThreshold Hbar) AccountCreateTransaction
SetSendRecordThreshold sets the threshold amount for which an account record is created for any send/withdraw transaction
Deprecated: No longer used by Hedera
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type AccountDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountDeleteTransaction marks an account as deleted, moving all its current hbars to another account. It will remain in the ledger, marked as deleted, until it expires. Transfers into it a deleted account fail. But a deleted account can still have its expiration extended in the normal way.
func NewAccountDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountDeleteTransaction() AccountDeleteTransaction
NewAccountDeleteTransaction creates an AccountDeleteTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Crypto Delete Transaction.
func (*AccountDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder *AccountDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetDeleteAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetDeleteAccountID(id AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetDeleteAccountID sets the account ID which should be deleted.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
func (AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID(id AccountID) AccountDeleteTransaction
SetTransferAccountID sets the account ID which will receive all remaining hbars.
type AccountID ¶
AccountID is the ID for a Hedera account
func AccountIDFromSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
AccountIDFromSolidityAddress constructs an AccountID from a string representation of a solidity address
func AccountIDFromString ¶
AccountIDFromString constructs an AccountID from a string formatted as `Shard.Realm.Account` (for example "0.0.3")
func (AccountID) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
String returns the string representation of an AccountID in `Shard.Realm.Account` (for example "0.0.3")
func (AccountID) ToSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
ToSolidityAddress returns the string representation of the AccountID as a solidity address.
func (*AccountID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.5.0
UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding.JSON interface.
type AccountInfo ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountInfo struct { AccountID AccountID ContractAccountID string Deleted bool ProxyAccountID AccountID ProxyReceived Hbar Key PublicKey Balance Hbar GenerateSendRecordThreshold Hbar GenerateReceiveRecordThreshold Hbar ReceiverSigRequired bool ExpirationTime time.Time AutoRenewPeriod time.Duration }
AccountInfo is info about the account returned from an AccountInfoQuery
type AccountInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountInfoQuery gets all the information about an account excluding account records. This includes the balance.
func NewAccountInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountInfoQuery() *AccountInfoQuery
NewAccountInfoQuery creates an AccountInfoQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute an AccountInfoQuery.
It is recommended that you use this for creating new instances of an AccountInfoQuery instead of manually creating an instance of the struct.
func (*AccountInfoQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
Cost is a wrapper around the standard Cost function for a query. It must exist because the cost returned by the standard Cost() and the Hedera Network doesn't work for any accounnts that have been deleted. In that case the minimum cost should be ~25 Tinybar which seems to succeed most of the time.
func (*AccountInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (AccountInfo, error)
Execute executes the AccountInfoQuery using the provided client
func (*AccountInfoQuery) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountInfoQuery
SetAccountID sets the account ID for which information is requested
func (*AccountInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type AccountRecordsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountRecordsQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountRecordsQuery gets all of the records for an account for any transfers into it and out of it, that were above the threshold, during the last 25 hours.
func NewAccountRecordsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountRecordsQuery() *AccountRecordsQuery
NewAccountRecordsQuery creates an AccountRecordsQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute an AccountRecordsQuery.
It is recommended that you use this for creating new instances of an AccountRecordQuery instead of manually creating an instance of the struct.
func (*AccountRecordsQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]TransactionRecord, error)
Execute executes the AccountRecordsQuery using the provided client
func (*AccountRecordsQuery) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountRecordsQuery
SetAccountID sets the account ID for which the records should be retrieved.
func (*AccountRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountRecordsQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountRecordsQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountRecordsQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type AccountStakersQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountStakersQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountStakersQuery gets all of the accounts that are proxy staking to this account. For each of them, the amount currently staked will be given. This is not yet implemented, but will be in a future version of the API.
func NewAccountStakersQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountStakersQuery() *AccountStakersQuery
NewAccountStakersQuery creates an AccountStakersQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute an AccountStakersQuery.
It is recommended that you use this for creating new instances of an AccountStakersQuery instead of manually creating an instance of the struct.
func (*AccountStakersQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]Transfer, error)
Execute executes the AccountStakersQuery using the provided client.
func (*AccountStakersQuery) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *AccountStakersQuery
SetAccountID sets the Account ID for which the stakers should be retrieved
func (*AccountStakersQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *AccountStakersQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *AccountStakersQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *AccountStakersQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *AccountStakersQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type AccountUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type AccountUpdateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountUpdateTransaction changes properties for the given account. Any unset field is left unchanged. This transaction must be signed by the existing key for this account.
func NewAccountUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewAccountUpdateTransaction() AccountUpdateTransaction
NewAccountUpdateTransaction creates an AccountUpdateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Crypto Update Transaction.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetAccountID sets the account ID which is being updated in this transaction
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the duration in which it will automatically extend the expiration period. If it doesn't have enough balance, it extends as long as possible. If the balance is empty when it expires, then it is deleted.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetExpirationTime sets the new expiration time to extend to (ignored if equal to or before the current one) When extending the expiration date, the cost is affected by the size of the list of attached claims, and of the keys associated with the claims and the account.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetKey(publicKey PublicKey) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetKey sets the new key for the account being updated. The transaction must be signed by both the old key (from before the change) and the new key.
The old key must sign for security. The new key must sign as a safeguard to avoid accidentally changing to an invalid key, and then having no way to recover.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetProxyAccountID sets the ID of the account to which this account is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is unset, is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this account is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking, or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was unset.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold
added in
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiveRecordThreshold(threshold Hbar) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetReceiveRecordThreshold sets the threshold amount for which an account record is created for any receive/deposit transaction
Deprecated: No longer used by Hedera
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetReceiverSignatureRequired(required bool) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetReceiverSignatureRequired sets the receiverSigRequired flag on the account.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold
added in
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetSendRecordThreshold(threshold Hbar) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetSendRecordThreshold sets the threshold amount for which an account record is created for any send/withdraw transaction
Deprecated: No longer used by Hedera
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder AccountUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) AccountUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client is the Hedera protocol wrapper for the SDK used by all transaction and query types.
func ClientForMainnet ¶ added in v0.5.0
func ClientForMainnet() *Client
ClientForMainnet returns a preconfigured client for use with the standard Hedera mainnet. Most users will want to set an operator account with .SetOperator so transactions can be automatically given TransactionIDs and signed.
func ClientForPreviewnet ¶ added in v0.9.2
func ClientForPreviewnet() *Client
ClientForPreviewnet returns a preconfigured client for use with the standard Hedera previewnet. Most users will want to set an operator account with .SetOperator so transactions can be automatically given TransactionIDs and signed.
func ClientForTestnet ¶ added in v0.5.0
func ClientForTestnet() *Client
ClientForTestnet returns a preconfigured client for use with the standard Hedera testnet. Most users will want to set an operator account with .SetOperator so transactions can be automatically given TransactionIDs and signed.
func ClientFromFile ¶ added in v0.5.0
ClientFromFile takes a filename string representing the path to a JSON encoded Client file and returns a Client based on the configuration.
func ClientFromJSON ¶ added in v0.5.0
ClientFromJSON takes in the byte slice representation of a JSON string or document and returns Client based on the configuration.
func NewClient ¶ added in v0.5.0
NewClient takes in a map of node addresses to their respective IDS (network) and returns a Client instance which can be used to
func (*Client) GetOperatorID ¶ added in v0.9.0
GetOperatorID returns the ID for the operator
func (*Client) GetOperatorKey ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (client *Client) GetOperatorKey() Ed25519PublicKey
GetOperatorKey returns the Key for the operator
func (*Client) Ping ¶ added in v0.8.0
Ping sends an AccountBalanceQuery to the specified node returning nil if no problems occur. Otherwise, an error representing the status of the node will be returned.
func (*Client) ReplaceNodes ¶ added in v0.5.0
ReplaceNodes replaces all nodes in the Client with a new set of nodes. (e.g. for an Address Book update).
func (*Client) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the default maximum payment allowable for queries.
func (*Client) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the maximum fee to be paid for the transactions executed by the Client. Because transaction fees are always maximums the actual fee assessed for a given transaction may be less than this value, but never greater.
func (*Client) SetOperator ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (client *Client) SetOperator(accountID AccountID, privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) *Client
SetOperator sets that account that will, by default, be paying for transactions and queries built with the client and the associated key with which to automatically sign transactions.
func (*Client) SetOperatorWith ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (client *Client) SetOperatorWith(accountID AccountID, publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) *Client
SetOperatorWith sets that account that will, by default, be paying for transactions and queries built with the client, the account's Ed25519PublicKey and a callback that will be invoked when a transaction needs to be signed.
type ConsensusMessage ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusMessage struct { TopicID ConsensusTopicID ConsensusTimestamp time.Time Message []byte RunningHash []byte SequenceNumber uint64 }
func NewConsensusMessage ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusMessage(id ConsensusTopicID, resp *mirror.ConsensusTopicResponse) ConsensusMessage
func (ConsensusMessage) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (message ConsensusMessage) String() string
type ConsensusMessageChunk ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction is used for submitting a message to HCS.
func NewConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction() ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
NewConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction creates a ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Consensus Submit Message Transaction.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Build ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Build(client *Client) (TransactionList, error)
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Execute ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) ExecuteAll ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) ExecuteAll(client *Client) ([]TransactionID, error)
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetChunkInfo ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetChunkInfo(transactionID TransactionID, total int32, number int32) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetMessage sets the message to be submitted. Max size of the Transaction (including signatures) is 4kB.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxChunks ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxChunks(max uint64) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetMessage sets the message to be submitted. Max size of the Transaction (including signatures) is 4kB.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMessage ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetMessage(message []byte) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetMessage sets the message to be submitted. Max size of the Transaction (including signatures) is 4kB.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetTopicID sets the topic to submit the message to.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusMessageSubmitTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction is for creating a new Topic on HCS.
func NewConsensusTopicCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusTopicCreateTransaction() ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
NewConsensusTopicCreateTransaction creates a ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Consensus Create Topic Transaction.
func (*ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder *ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetAdminKey sets the key required to update or delete the topic. If unspecified, anyone can increase the topic's expirationTime.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(id AccountID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetAutoRenewAccountID sets an optional account to be used at the topic's expirationTime to extend the life of the topic. The topic lifetime will be extended up to a maximum of the autoRenewPeriod or however long the topic can be extended using all funds on the account (whichever is the smaller duration/amount).
If specified, there must be an adminKey and the autoRenewAccount must sign this transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(period time.Duration) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the initial lifetime of the topic and the amount of time to extend the topic's lifetime automatically at expirationTime if the autoRenewAccount is configured and has sufficient funds.
Required. Limited to a maximum of 90 days (server-side configuration which may change).
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetSubmitKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetSubmitKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetSubmitKey sets the key required for submitting messages to the topic. If unspecified, all submissions are allowed.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTopicMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTopicMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetTopicMemo sets a short publicly visible memo about the topic. No guarantee of uniqueness.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction is for deleting a topic on HCS.
func NewConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction() ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
NewConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction creates a ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Consensus Delete Topic Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetTopicID sets the topic identifier.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ConsensusTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
ConsensusTopicID is a unique identifier for a topic (used by the consensus service)
func TopicIDFromString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func TopicIDFromString(s string) (ConsensusTopicID, error)
TopicIDFromString constructs a TopicID from a string formatted as `Shard.Realm.Topic` (for example "0.0.3")
func (ConsensusTopicID) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (id ConsensusTopicID) String() string
String returns the string representation of a TopicID in `Shard.Realm.Topic` (for example "0.0.3")
type ConsensusTopicInfo ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusTopicInfo struct { Memo string RunningHash []byte SequenceNumber uint64 ExpirationTime time.Time AdminKey *Ed25519PublicKey SubmitKey *Ed25519PublicKey AutoRenewPeriod time.Duration AutoRenewAccountID *AccountID }
type ConsensusTopicInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusTopicInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConsensusTopicInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusTopicInfoQuery() *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
NewConsensusTopicInfoQuery creates a ConsensusTopicInfoQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a Consensus Get Topic Info Query.
func (*ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ConsensusTopicInfo, error)
Execute executes the ConsensusTopicInfoQuery using the provided client
func (*ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) *ConsensusTopicInfoQuery
SetTopicID sets the topic to retrieve info about (the parameters and running state of).
type ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction updates all fields on a Topic that are set in the transaction.
func NewConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
NewConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction creates a ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Consensus Update Topic Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAdminKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAdminKey() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
ClearAdminKey explicitly clears any admin key on the topic by sending an empty key list as the key
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAutoRenewAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearAutoRenewAccountID() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
ClearAutoRenewAccountID explicitly clears any auto renew account ID on the topic by sending an empty accountID
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearSubmitKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearSubmitKey() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
ClearSubmitKey explicitly clears any submit key on the topic by sending an empty key list as the key
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearTopicMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) ClearTopicMemo() ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
ClearTopicMemo explicitly clears any memo on the topic by sending an empty string as the memo
func (*ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder *ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetAdminKey sets the key required to update/delete the topic. If unset, the key will not be changed.
Setting the AdminKey to an empty KeyList will clear the adminKey.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(id AccountID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetAutoRenewAccountID sets the optional account to be used at the topic's expirationTime to extend the life of the topic. The topic lifetime will be extended up to a maximum of the autoRenewPeriod or however long the topic can be extended using all funds on the account (whichever is the smaller duration/amount). If specified as the default value (0.0.0), the autoRenewAccount will be removed.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(period time.Duration) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the amount of time to extend the topic's lifetime automatically at expirationTime if the autoRenewAccount is configured and has funds. This is limited to a maximum of 90 days (server-side configuration which may change).
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetExpirationTime sets the effective consensus timestamp at (and after) which all consensus transactions and queries will fail. The expirationTime may be no longer than 90 days from the consensus timestamp of this transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetSubmitKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetSubmitKey(publicKey PublicKey) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetSubmitKey will set the key allowed to submit messages to the topic. If unset, the key will not be changed.
Setting the submitKey to an empty KeyList will clear the submitKey.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicID(id ConsensusTopicID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetTopicID sets the topic to be updated.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTopicMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetTopicMemo sets a short publicly visible memo about the topic. No guarantee of uniqueness.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ConsensusTopicUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ContractBytecodeQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractBytecodeQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractBytecodeQuery retrieves the bytecode for a smart contract instance
func NewContractBytecodeQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractBytecodeQuery() *ContractBytecodeQuery
NewContractBytecodeQuery creates a ContractBytecodeQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Get Bytecode Query.
func (*ContractBytecodeQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]byte, error)
Execute executes the ContractByteCodeQuery using the provided client
func (*ContractBytecodeQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractBytecodeQuery
SetContractID sets the contract for which the bytecode is requested
func (*ContractBytecodeQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractBytecodeQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractBytecodeQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractBytecodeQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractBytecodeQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type ContractCallQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractCallQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractCallQuery calls a function of the given smart contract instance, giving it ContractFunctionParameters as its inputs. It will consume the entire given amount of gas.
This is performed locally on the particular node that the client is communicating with. It cannot change the state of the contract instance (and so, cannot spend anything from the instance's Hedera account). It will not have a consensus timestamp. It cannot generate a record or a receipt. This is useful for calling getter functions, which purely read the state and don't change it. It is faster and cheaper than a ContractExecuteTransaction, because it is purely local to a single node.
func NewContractCallQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractCallQuery() *ContractCallQuery
NewContractCallQuery creates a ContractCallQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Call Local Query.
func (*ContractCallQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
Cost is a wrapper around the standard Cost function for a query. It must exist because the cost returned the standard QueryBuilder.Cost() function and therein the Hedera Network doesn't work for ContractCallQueries. However, if the value returned by the network is increased by 10% then most contractCallQueries will complete fine.
func (*ContractCallQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ContractFunctionResult, error)
Execute executes the ContractCallQuery using the provided client. The returned ContractFunctionResult will contain the output returned by the function call.
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractCallQuery
SetContractID sets the contract instance to call
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetFunction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetFunction(name string, params *ContractFunctionParams) *ContractCallQuery
SetFunction sets which function to call, and the ContractFunctionParams to pass to the function
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetGas ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetGas(gas uint64) *ContractCallQuery
SetGas sets the amount of gas to use for the call. All of the gas offered will be charged for.
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractCallQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetMaxResultSize ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetMaxResultSize(size uint64) *ContractCallQuery
SetMaxResultSize sets the max number of bytes that the result might include. The run will fail if it would have returned more than this number of bytes.
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractCallQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractCallQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractCallQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type ContractCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractCreateTransaction starts a new smart contract instance. After the instance is created, the ContractID for it is in the receipt, or can be retrieved with a GetByKey query, or by asking for a Record of the transaction to be created, and retrieving that. The instance will run the bytecode stored in the given file, referenced either by FileID or by the TransactionID of the transaction that created the file. The constructor will be executed using the given amount of gas, and any unspent gas will be refunded to the paying account. Constructor inputs come from the given constructorParameters.
A smart contract instance normally enforces rules, so "the code is law". For example, an ERC-20 contract prevents a transfer from being undone without a signature by the recipient of the transfer. This is always enforced if the contract instance was created with the adminKeys being null. But for some uses, it might be desirable to create something like an ERC-20 contract that has a specific group of trusted individuals who can act as a "supreme court" with the ability to override the normal operation, when a sufficient number of them agree to do so. If adminKeys is not null, then they can sign a transaction that can change the state of the smart contract in arbitrary ways, such as to reverse a transaction that violates some standard of behavior that is not covered by the code itself. The admin keys can also be used to change the autoRenewPeriod, and change the adminKeys field itself. The API currently does not implement this ability. But it does allow the adminKeys field to be set and queried, and will in the future implement such admin abilities for any instance that has a non-null adminKeys.
An entity (account, file, or smart contract instance) must be created in a particular realm. If the realmID is left null, then a new realm will be created with the given admin key. If a new realm has a null adminKey, then anyone can create/modify/delete entities in that realm. But if an admin key is given, then any transaction to create/modify/delete an entity in that realm must be signed by that key, though anyone can still call functions on smart contract instances that exist in that realm. A realm ceases to exist when everything within it has expired and no longer exists.
The current API ignores shardID, realmID, and newRealmAdminKey, and creates everything in shard 0 and realm 0, with a null key. Future versions of the API will support multiple realms and multiple shards.
func NewContractCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractCreateTransaction() ContractCreateTransaction
NewContractCreateTransaction creates a ContractCreateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Create Transaction. This constructor defaults the autoRenewPeriod to ~1/4 year to fall within the required range, if desired the value can be changed through the SetAutoRenewPeriod method
func (ContractCreateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey) ContractCreateTransaction
SetAdminKey sets the key required to arbitrarily modify the state of the instance and its fields. If this is left unset, then such modifications are not possible, and there is no administrator that can override the normal operation of the smart contract instance. Note that if it is created with no admin keys, then there is no administrator to authorize changing the admin keys, so there can never be any admin keys for that instance.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) ContractCreateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the duration the instance will exist for. When that is reached, it will renew itself for another autoRenewPeriod duration by charging its associated account. If it has an insufficient balance to extend that long, it will extend as long as it can. If its balance is zero, the instance will be deleted.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID(id FileID) ContractCreateTransaction
SetBytecodeFileID sets the ID of the file containing the smart contract byte code. A copy will be made and held by the contract instance, and have the same expiration time as the instance.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetConstructorParams ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetConstructorParams(params *ContractFunctionParams) ContractCreateTransaction
SetConstructorParams sets the ContractFunctionParams to pass to the constructor. If this constructor stores information, it is charged gas to store it. There is a fee in hbars to maintain that storage until the expiration time, and that fee is added as part of the transaction fee.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetContractMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetContractMemo(memo string) ContractCreateTransaction
SetContractMemo sets the optional memo field which can contain a string whose length is up to 100 bytes. That is the size after Unicode NFD then UTF-8 conversion. This field can be used to describe the smart contract. It could also be used for other purposes.
One recommended purpose is to hold a hexadecimal string that is the SHA-384 hash of a PDF file containing a human-readable legal contract. Then, if the admin keys are the public keys of human arbitrators, they can use that legal document to guide their decisions during a binding arbitration tribunal, convened to consider any changes to the smart contract in the future. The memo field can only be changed using the admin keys. If there are no admin keys, then it cannot be changed after the smart contract is created.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetGas ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetGas(gas uint64) ContractCreateTransaction
SetGas sets the gas required to run the constructor
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetInitialBalance(initialBalance Hbar) ContractCreateTransaction
SetInitialBalance sets the initial Hbar to put into the account associated with and owned by the smart contract
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractCreateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) ContractCreateTransaction
SetProxyAccountID sets the AccountID of the account to which this contract is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is left unset, is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this contract is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking , or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was never set.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ContractDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewContractDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractDeleteTransaction() ContractDeleteTransaction
NewContractDeleteTransaction creates a Contract Delete Transaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Delete Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetContractID sets the Contract ID of the Contract to be deleted by the Contract Delete Transaction
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferAccountID(id AccountID) ContractDeleteTransaction
SetTransferAccountID sets the Account ID which will receive remaining hbar tied to the Contract
func (ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferContractID ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (builder ContractDeleteTransaction) SetTransferContractID(id ContractID) ContractDeleteTransaction
type ContractExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractExecuteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractExecuteTransaction calls a function of the given smart contract instance, giving it ContractFuncionParams as its inputs. it can use the given amount of gas, and any unspent gas will be refunded to the paying account.
If this function stores information, it is charged gas to store it. There is a fee in hbars to maintain that storage until the expiration time, and that fee is added as part of the transaction fee.
For a cheaper but more limited method to call functions, see ContractCallQuery.
func NewContractExecuteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractExecuteTransaction() ContractExecuteTransaction
NewContractExecuteTransaction creates a ContractExecuteTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Call Transaction.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetContractID sets the contract instance to call.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetFunction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetFunction(name string, params *ContractFunctionParams) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetFunction sets which function to call, and the ContractFunctionParams to pass to the function
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetGas ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetGas(gas uint64) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetGas sets the maximum amount of gas to use for the call.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetPayableAmount ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetPayableAmount(amount Hbar) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetPayableAmount sets the amount of Hbar sent (the function must be payable if this is nonzero)
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractExecuteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractExecuteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ContractFunctionParams ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractFunctionParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContractFunctionParams ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractFunctionParams() *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddAddress(value string) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddAddressArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddAddressArray(value []string) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddBool ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBool(value bool) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32(value [32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytes32Array(value [][]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddBytesArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddBytesArray(value [][]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddFunction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddFunction(address string, selector ContractFunctionSelector) (*ContractFunctionParams, error)
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt256Array(value [][32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32(value int32) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt32Array(value []int32) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64(value int64) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt64Array(value []int64) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddInt8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddInt8(value int8) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddString(value string) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddStringArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddStringArray(value []string) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256(value []byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint256Array(value [][32]byte) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32(value uint32) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint32Array(value []uint32) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64(value uint64) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint64Array(value []uint64) *ContractFunctionParams
func (*ContractFunctionParams) AddUint8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (contract *ContractFunctionParams) AddUint8(value uint8) *ContractFunctionParams
type ContractFunctionResult ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractFunctionResult struct { // ContractID is the smart contract instance whose function was called ContractID *ContractID // ContractCallResult is the result returned by the function ContractCallResult []byte // ErrorMessage is the message returned in the case there was an error during smart contract execution ErrorMessage string // Bloom is the bloom filter for record Bloom []byte // GasUsed is the amount of gas used to execute the contract function GasUsed uint64 // LogInfo is the log info for events returned by the function LogInfo []ContractLogInfo }
ContractFunctionResult is the result returned by a call to a smart contract function. This is The response to a ContractCallQuery, and is in the record for a ContractCallQuery.
func (ContractFunctionResult) AsBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) AsBytes() []byte
AsBytes returns the raw bytes of the ContractCallResult
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetAddress(index uint64) []byte
GetAddress gets a solidity address from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetBool ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBool(index uint64) bool
GetBool gets a solidity bool from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes(index uint64) []byte
GetBytes gets a byte array from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetBytes32(index uint64) []byte
GetBytes32 gets a solidity bytes32 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetInt256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt256(index uint64) []byte
GetInt256 gets a solidity int256 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetInt32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt32(index uint64) int32
GetInt32 gets a solidity int32 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetInt64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt64(index uint64) int64
GetInt64 gets a solidity int64 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetInt8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetInt8(index uint64) int8
GetInt8 gets a solidity int8 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetString(index uint64) string
GetString gets a string from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetUint256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint256(index uint64) []byte
GetUint256 gets a solidity uint256 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetUint32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint32(index uint64) uint32
GetUint32 gets a solidity uint32 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetUint64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint64(index uint64) uint64
GetUint64 gets a solidity uint64 from the result at the given index
func (ContractFunctionResult) GetUint8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (result ContractFunctionResult) GetUint8(index uint64) uint8
GetUint8 gets a solidity uint8 from the result at the given index
type ContractFunctionSelector ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractFunctionSelector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContractFunctionSelector ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractFunctionSelector(name string) ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddress() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddressArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddAddressArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBool ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBool() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBoolArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBoolArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytes32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytesArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddBytesArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddFunction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddFunction() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt256Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt64Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddInt8Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddString() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddStringArray ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddStringArray() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint256Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint32Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint64Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8 ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8Array ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) AddUint8Array() *ContractFunctionSelector
func (*ContractFunctionSelector) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (selector *ContractFunctionSelector) String() string
type ContractID ¶ added in v0.2.0
ContractID is the ID for a Hedera smart contract
func ContractIDFromSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func ContractIDFromSolidityAddress(s string) (ContractID, error)
ContractIDFromSolidityAddress constructs a ContractID from a string representation of a solidity address
func ContractIDFromString ¶ added in v0.2.0
func ContractIDFromString(s string) (ContractID, error)
ContractIDFromString constructs a ContractID from a string formatted as `Shard.Realm.Contract` (for example "0.0.3")
func (ContractID) String ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (id ContractID) String() string
String returns the string representation of a ContractID formatted as `Shard.Realm.Contract` (for example "0.0.3")
func (ContractID) ToSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (id ContractID) ToSolidityAddress() string
ToSolidityAddress returns the string representation of the ContractID as a solidity address.
type ContractInfo ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractInfo struct { AccountID AccountID ContractID ContractID ContractAccountID string AdminKey PublicKey ExpirationTime time.Time AutoRenewPeriod time.Duration Storage uint64 ContractMemo string }
ContractInfo is the information about the contract instance returned by a ContractInfoQuery
type ContractInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractInfoQuery retrieves information about a smart contract instance. This includes the account that it uses, the file containing its bytecode, and the time when it will expire.
func NewContractInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractInfoQuery() *ContractInfoQuery
NewContractInfoQuery creates a ContractInfoQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Get Info Query.
func (*ContractInfoQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
Cost is a wrapper around the standard Cost function for a query. It must exist because deleted files return a COST_ANSWER of zero which triggers an INSUFFICIENT_TX_FEE response Status if set as the query payment. However, 25 tinybar seems to be enough to get FILE_DELETED back instead, so that is used instead.
func (*ContractInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ContractInfo, error)
Execute executes the ContractInfoQuery using the provided client
func (*ContractInfoQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractInfoQuery
SetContractID sets the contract for which information is requested
func (*ContractInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type ContractLogInfo ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractLogInfo struct { ContractID ContractID Bloom []byte Topics [][]byte Data []byte }
ContractLogInfo is the log info for events returned by a function
type ContractRecordsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractRecordsQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractRecordsQuery retrieves all of the records for a smart contract instance, for any function call (or the constructor call) during the last 25 hours, for which a Record was requested.
func NewContractRecordsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractRecordsQuery() *ContractRecordsQuery
NewContractRecordsQuery creates a ContractRecordsQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Get Records Query
func (*ContractRecordsQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]TransactionRecord, error)
Execute executes the ContractRecordsQuery using the provided client.
func (*ContractRecordsQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *ContractRecordsQuery
SetContractID sets the smart contract instance for which the records should be retrieved
func (*ContractRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ContractRecordsQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ContractRecordsQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *ContractRecordsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ContractRecordsQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type ContractUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ContractUpdateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ContractUpdateTransaction is used to modify a smart contract instance to have the given parameter values. Any nil field is ignored (left unchanged). If only the contractInstanceExpirationTime is being modified, then no signature is needed on this transaction other than for the account paying for the transaction itself. But if any of the other fields are being modified, then it must be signed by the adminKey. The use of adminKey is not currently supported in this API, but in the future will be implemented to allow these fields to be modified, and also to make modifications to the state of the instance. If the contract is created with no admin key, then none of the fields can be changed that need an admin signature, and therefore no admin key can ever be added. So if there is no admin key, then things like the bytecode are immutable. But if there is an admin key, then they can be changed.
For example, the admin key might be a threshold key, which requires 3 of 5 binding arbitration judges to agree before the bytecode can be changed. This can be used to add flexibility to the management of smart contract behavior. But this is optional. If the smart contract is created without an admin key, then such a key can never be added, and its bytecode will be immutable.
func NewContractUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewContractUpdateTransaction() ContractUpdateTransaction
NewContractUpdateTransaction creates a ContractUpdateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Contract Update Transaction.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(publicKey PublicKey) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetAdminKey sets the key which can be used to arbitrarily modify the state of the instance by signing a ContractUpdateTransaction to modify it. If the admin key was never set then such modifications are not possible, and there is no administrator that can override the normal operation of the smart contract instance.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod time.Duration) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetAutoRenewPeriod sets the duration for which the contract instance will automatically charge its account to renew for.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetBytecodeFileID(id FileID) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetBytecodeFileID sets the file ID of file containing the smart contract byte code. A copy will be made and held by the contract instance, and have the same expiration time as the instance.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractID(id ContractID) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetContractID sets The Contract ID instance to update (this can't be changed on the contract)
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetContractMemo(memo string) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetContractMemo sets the memo associated with the contract (max 100 bytes)
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetExpirationTime extends the expiration of the instance and its account to the provided time. If the time provided is the current or past time, then there will be no effect.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetProxyAccountID(id AccountID) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetProxyAccountID sets the ID of the account to which this contract is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is left unset, is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this contract is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking, or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was never set.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder ContractUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ContractUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type CryptoTransferTransaction
added in
type CryptoTransferTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A CryptoTransferTransaction is for transferring hbar from some account balances to other account balances. The accounts list can contain up to 10 accounts. The amounts list must be the same length as the accounts list.
This transaction must be signed by the keys for all the sending accounts, and for any receiving accounts that have receiverSigRequired == true. The signatures are in the same order as the accounts, skipping those accounts that don't need a signature.
Deprecated: Use `TransferTransaction` instead
func NewCryptoTransferTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewCryptoTransferTransaction() CryptoTransferTransaction
NewCryptoTransferTransaction creates a CryptoTransferTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Crypto Transfer Transaction.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) AddRecipient ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddRecipient(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
AddRecipient adds a recipient account and the amount of hbar to be received from the sender(s).
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) AddSender ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddSender(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
AddSender adds an account and the amount of hbar (as a positive value) to be sent from the sender. If any sender account fails to have a sufficient balance to do the withdrawal, then the entire transaction fails, and none of those transfers occur, though the transaction fee is still charged.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) AddTransfer ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) AddTransfer(id AccountID, amount Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
AddTransfer adds the accountID to the internal accounts list and the amounts to the internal amounts list. Each negative amount is withdrawn from the corresponding account (a sender), and each positive one is added to the corresponding account (a receiver). The amounts list must sum to zero and there can be a maximum of 10 transfers.
AddSender and AddRecipient are provided as convenience wrappers around AddTransfer.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) CryptoTransferTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) CryptoTransferTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) CryptoTransferTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) CryptoTransferTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder CryptoTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) CryptoTransferTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type Ed25519PrivateKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
type Ed25519PrivateKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Ed25519PrivateKey is an ed25519 private key.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromBytes(bytes []byte) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Ed25519PrivateKeyFromBytes constructs an Ed25519PrivateKey from a raw slice of either 32 or 64 bytes.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromKeystore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromKeystore(ks []byte, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Ed25519PrivateKeyFromKeystore recovers an Ed25519PrivateKey from an encrypted keystore encoded as a byte slice.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromMnemonic ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic Mnemonic, passPhrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Ed25519PrivateKeyFromMnemonic recovers an Ed25519PrivateKey from a valid 24 word length mnemonic phrase and a passphrase.
An empty string can be passed for passPhrase If the mnemonic phrase wasn't generated with a passphrase. This is required to recover a private key from a mnemonic generated by the Android and iOS wallets.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromPem ¶ added in v0.7.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromPem(bytes []byte, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyFromString(s string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Ed25519PrivateKeyFromString recovers an Ed25519PrivateKey from its text-encoded representation.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadKeystore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadKeystore(source io.Reader, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Ed25519PrivateKeyReadKeystore recovers an Ed25519PrivateKey from an encrypted keystore file.
func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadPem ¶ added in v0.7.0
func Ed25519PrivateKeyReadPem(source io.Reader, passphrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
func GenerateEd25519PrivateKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GenerateEd25519PrivateKey() (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
GenerateEd25519PrivateKey generates a random new Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) Bytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the byte slice representation of the Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) Derive ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Derive(index uint32) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
Derive a child key compatible with the iOS and Android wallets using a provided wallet/account index. Use index 0 for the default account.
This will fail if the key does not support derivation which can be checked by calling SupportsDerivation()
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) Keystore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Keystore(passphrase string) ([]byte, error)
Keystore returns an encrypted keystore containing the Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) PublicKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) PublicKey() Ed25519PublicKey
PublicKey returns the Ed25519PublicKey associated with this Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) Sign ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) Sign(message []byte) []byte
Sign signs the provided message with the Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) SignTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) SignTransaction(transaction *Transaction) ([]byte, error)
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) String() string
String returns the text-encoded representation of the Ed25519PrivateKey.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) SupportsDerivation ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) SupportsDerivation() bool
SupportsDerivation returns true if the Ed25519PrivateKey supports derivation.
func (Ed25519PrivateKey) WriteKeystore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (sk Ed25519PrivateKey) WriteKeystore(destination io.Writer, passphrase string) error
WriteKeystore writes an encrypted keystore containing the Ed25519PrivateKey to the provided destination.
type Ed25519PublicKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
type Ed25519PublicKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Ed25519PublicKey is an ed25519 public key.
func Ed25519PublicKeyFromBytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PublicKeyFromBytes(bytes []byte) (Ed25519PublicKey, error)
Ed25519PublicKeyFromBytes constructs a known Ed25519PublicKey from its text-encoded representation.
func Ed25519PublicKeyFromString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func Ed25519PublicKeyFromString(s string) (Ed25519PublicKey, error)
Ed25519PublicKeyFromString recovers an Ed25519PublicKey from its text-encoded representation.
func (Ed25519PublicKey) Bytes ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (pk Ed25519PublicKey) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the byte slice representation of the Ed25519PublicKey.
func (Ed25519PublicKey) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (pk Ed25519PublicKey) String() string
String returns the text-encoded representation of the Ed25519PublicKey.
type EntityID ¶ added in v0.5.0
type EntityID interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
EntityID is an interface for various IDs of entities (Account, Contract, File, etc)
type ErrBadKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ErrBadKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrBadKey is returned if a key is provided in an invalid format or structure
type ErrHederaNetwork ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ErrHederaNetwork struct { // GRPC Status Code StatusCode *codes.Code // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ErrHederaNetwork is returned in cases where the Hedera network cannot be reached or a network-side error occurs.
func (ErrHederaNetwork) Error ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (e ErrHederaNetwork) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrHederaPreCheckStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ErrHederaPreCheckStatus struct { TxID TransactionID Status Status }
ErrHederaPreCheckStatus is returned by Transaction.Execute and QueryBuilder.Execute if an exceptional status is returned during network side validation of the sent transaction.
func (ErrHederaPreCheckStatus) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (e ErrHederaPreCheckStatus) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrHederaReceiptStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ErrHederaReceiptStatus struct { TxID TransactionID Status Status }
ErrHederaReceiptStatus is returned by TransactionID.GetReceipt if the status of the receipt is exceptional.
func (ErrHederaReceiptStatus) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (e ErrHederaReceiptStatus) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrHederaRecordStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ErrHederaRecordStatus struct { TxID TransactionID Status Status }
ErrHederaRecordStatus is returned by TransactionID.GetRecord if the status of the record is exceptional.
func (ErrHederaRecordStatus) Error ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (e ErrHederaRecordStatus) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrLocalValidation ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ErrLocalValidation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrLocalValidation is returned by TransactionBuilder.Build(*Client) and QueryBuilder.Execute(*Client) if the constructed transaction or query fails local sanity checks.
func (ErrLocalValidation) Error ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (e ErrLocalValidation) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrMaxChunksExceeded ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (ErrMaxChunksExceeded) Error ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (err ErrMaxChunksExceeded) Error() string
type ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded struct { // The cost of the query that was attempted as returned by QueryBuilder.GetCost QueryCost Hbar // The limit for a single automatic query payment, set by // Client.SetMaxQueryPayment(int64) or QueryBuilder.SetMaxQueryPayment(uint64). MaxQueryPayment Hbar // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded is returned during query execution if the total cost of the query + estimated fees exceeds the max query payment threshold set on the client or QueryBuilder.
func (ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded) Error ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (e ErrMaxQueryPaymentExceeded) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type ErrPingStatus ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ErrPingStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ErrPingStatus is returned by client.Ping(AccountID) if an error occurs
func (ErrPingStatus) Error ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (e ErrPingStatus) Error() string
Error() implements the Error interface
type FileAppendTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileAppendTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileAppendTransaction appends the given contents to the end of the file. If a file is too big to create with a single FileCreateTransaction, then it can be created with the first part of its contents, and then appended multiple times to create the entire file.
func NewFileAppendTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileAppendTransaction() FileAppendTransaction
NewFileAppendTransaction creates a FileAppendTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a File Append Transaction.
func (FileAppendTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetContents ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileAppendTransaction
SetContents sets the bytes to append to the contents of the file.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileAppendTransaction
SetFileID sets the FileID of the file to which the bytes are appended to.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileAppendTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileAppendTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileAppendTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileAppendTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileAppendTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileAppendTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type FileContentsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileContentsQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileContentsQuery retrieves the contents of a file.
func NewFileContentsQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileContentsQuery() *FileContentsQuery
NewFileContentsQuery creates a FileContentsQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a File Get Contents Query.
func (*FileContentsQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileContentsQuery) Execute(client *Client) ([]byte, error)
Execute executes the FileContentsQuery using the provided client. The returned byte slice will be empty if the file is empty.
func (*FileContentsQuery) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetFileID(id FileID) *FileContentsQuery
SetFileID sets the FileID of the file whose contents are requested.
func (*FileContentsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *FileContentsQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *FileContentsQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileContentsQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *FileContentsQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type FileCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileCreateTransaction creates a new file, containing the given contents. It is referenced by its FileID, and does not have a filename, so it is important to get and hold onto the FileID. After the file is created, the FileID for it can be found in the receipt, or retrieved with a GetByKey query, or by asking for a Record of the transaction to be created, and retrieving that.
See FileInfoQuery for more information about files.
The current API ignores shardID, realmID, and newRealmAdminKey, and creates everything in shard 0 and realm 0, with a null key. Future versions of the API will support multiple realms and multiple shards.
func NewFileCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileCreateTransaction() FileCreateTransaction
NewFileCreateTransaction creates a FileCreateTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a File Create Transaction.
func (FileCreateTransaction) AddKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) AddKey(publicKey PublicKey) FileCreateTransaction
AddKey adds a key to the internal list of keys associated with the file. All of the keys on the list must sign to create or modify a file, but only one of them needs to sign in order to delete the file. Each of those "keys" may itself be threshold key containing other keys (including other threshold keys). In other words, the behavior is an AND for create/modify, OR for delete. This is useful for acting as a revocation server. If it is desired to have the behavior be AND for all 3 operations (or OR for all 3), then the list should have only a single Key, which is a threshold key, with N=1 for OR, N=M for AND.
If a file is created without adding ANY keys, the file is immutable and ONLY the expirationTime of the file can be changed using FileUpdateTransaction. The file contents or its keys will not be mutable.
func (FileCreateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetContents ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileCreateTransaction
SetContents sets the bytes that are the contents of the file (which can be empty). If the size of the file and other fields in the transaction exceed the max transaction size then FileAppendTransaction can be used to continue uploading the file.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) FileCreateTransaction
SetExpirationTime sets the time at which this file should expire (unless FileUpdateTransaction is used before then to extend its life). The file will automatically disappear at the fileExpirationTime, unless its expiration is extended by another transaction before that time. If the file is deleted, then its contents will become empty and it will be marked as deleted until it expires, and then it will cease to exist.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileCreateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type FileDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFileDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileDeleteTransaction() FileDeleteTransaction
func (FileDeleteTransaction) Build ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
func (FileDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileDeleteTransaction
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type FileID ¶ added in v0.2.0
A FileID is the ID for a file on the network.
func FileIDForAddressBook ¶ added in v0.5.0
func FileIDForAddressBook() FileID
FileIDForAddressBook returns the public node address book for the current network.
func FileIDForExchangeRate ¶ added in v0.5.0
func FileIDForExchangeRate() FileID
FileIDForExchangeRate returns the current exchange rates of HBAR to USD.
func FileIDForFeeSchedule ¶ added in v0.5.0
func FileIDForFeeSchedule() FileID
FileIDForFeeSchedule returns the current fee schedule for the network.
func FileIDFromSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
func FileIDFromString ¶ added in v0.2.0
FileIDFromString returns a FileID parsed from the given string. A malformatted string will cause this to return an error instead.
func (FileID) ToSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFileInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileInfoQuery() *FileInfoQuery
func (*FileInfoQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
func (*FileInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (FileInfo, error)
func (*FileInfoQuery) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetFileID(id FileID) *FileInfoQuery
func (*FileInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *FileInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *FileInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *FileInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *FileInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type FileUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FileUpdateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFileUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFileUpdateTransaction() FileUpdateTransaction
func (FileUpdateTransaction) AddKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) AddKey(publicKey PublicKey) FileUpdateTransaction
func (FileUpdateTransaction) Build ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
func (FileUpdateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetContents ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetContents(contents []byte) FileUpdateTransaction
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) FileUpdateTransaction
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetFileID(id FileID) FileUpdateTransaction
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FileUpdateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FileUpdateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FileUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FileUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FileUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FileUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type FreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FreezeTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFreezeTransaction() FreezeTransaction
func (FreezeTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder FreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (FreezeTransaction) SetEndTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetEndTime(hour uint8, minute uint8) FreezeTransaction
func (FreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) FreezeTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (FreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) FreezeTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (FreezeTransaction) SetStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetStartTime(hour uint8, minute uint8) FreezeTransaction
func (FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) FreezeTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) FreezeTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder FreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) FreezeTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type GetBySolidityIDQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type GetBySolidityIDQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewGetBySolidityIDQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewGetBySolidityIDQuery() *GetBySolidityIDQuery
func (*GetBySolidityIDQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) Execute(client *Client) (EntityID, error)
func (*GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetSolidityID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *GetBySolidityIDQuery) SetSolidityID(id string) *GetBySolidityIDQuery
type Hbar ¶ added in v0.5.0
type Hbar struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Hbar is a typesafe wrapper around values of HBAR providing foolproof conversions to other denominations.
func HbarFrom ¶ added in v0.5.0
HbarFrom creates a representation of Hbar in tinybar on the unit provided
func HbarFromTinybar ¶ added in v0.5.0
HbarFromTinybar creates a representation of Hbar in tinybars
func NewHbar ¶ added in v0.5.0
NewHbar constructs a new Hbar from a possibly fractional amount of hbar.
type ITransaction ¶ added in v0.9.4
type ITransaction interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Transaction contains the protobuf of a prepared transaction which can be signed and executed.
type KeyList ¶ added in v0.5.0
type KeyList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewKeyList ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewKeyList() *KeyList
type MirrorClient ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MirrorClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMirrorClient ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewMirrorClient(endpoint string) (MirrorClient, error)
func (MirrorClient) Close ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mc MirrorClient) Close() error
type MirrorConsensusTopicQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MirrorConsensusTopicQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMirrorConsensusTopicQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewMirrorConsensusTopicQuery() *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
func (*MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetEndTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetEndTime(time time.Time) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
func (*MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetLimit ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetLimit(limit uint64) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
func (*MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetStartTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetStartTime(time time.Time) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
func (*MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) SetTopicID(topicID ConsensusTopicID) *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery
func (*MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) Subscribe ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (b *MirrorConsensusTopicQuery) Subscribe(client MirrorClient, onNext func(MirrorConsensusTopicResponse), onError func(error)) (MirrorSubscriptionHandle, error)
type MirrorConsensusTopicResponse ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MirrorSubscriptionHandle ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MirrorSubscriptionHandle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (MirrorSubscriptionHandle) Unsubscribe ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (handle MirrorSubscriptionHandle) Unsubscribe()
type Mnemonic ¶ added in v0.5.0
type Mnemonic struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GenerateMnemonic12 ¶ added in v0.9.4
func GenerateMnemonic24 ¶ added in v0.9.4
GenerateMnemonic generates a random 24-word mnemonic
func MnemonicFromString ¶ added in v0.5.0
MnemonicFromString creates a mnemonic from a string of 24 words separated by spaces
Keys are lazily generated
func NewMnemonic ¶ added in v0.5.0
NewMnemonic Creates a mnemonic from a slice of 24 strings
Keys are lazily generated
func (Mnemonic) ToLegacyPrivateKey ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (m Mnemonic) ToLegacyPrivateKey() (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
func (Mnemonic) ToPrivateKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m Mnemonic) ToPrivateKey(passPhrase string) (Ed25519PrivateKey, error)
type QueryBuilder ¶ added in v0.5.0
type QueryBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*QueryBuilder) GetCost ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (builder *QueryBuilder) GetCost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
func (*QueryBuilder) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *QueryBuilder
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *QueryBuilder
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*QueryBuilder) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *QueryBuilder) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *QueryBuilder
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type ScheduleCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
type ScheduleCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScheduleCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func NewScheduleCreateTransaction() ScheduleCreateTransaction
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(key PublicKey) ScheduleCreateTransaction
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetPayerAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetPayerAccountID(id AccountID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduleMemo ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduleMemo(memo string) ScheduleCreateTransaction
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduledTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetScheduledTransaction(tx ITransaction) (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ScheduleDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
type ScheduleDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScheduleDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func NewScheduleDeleteTransaction() ScheduleDeleteTransaction
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetScheduleID(scheduleID ScheduleID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
ScheduleID is the ID for a Hedera account
func ScheduleIDFromSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.9.3
func ScheduleIDFromSolidityAddress(s string) (ScheduleID, error)
ScheduleIDFromSolidityAddress constructs an ScheduleID from a string representation of a solidity address
func ScheduleIDFromString ¶ added in v0.9.3
func ScheduleIDFromString(s string) (ScheduleID, error)
ScheduleIDFromString constructs an ScheduleID from a string formatted as `Shard.Realm.Account` (for example "0.0.3")
func (ScheduleID) String ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (id ScheduleID) String() string
String returns the string representation of an ScheduleID in `Shard.Realm.Account` (for example "0.0.3")
func (ScheduleID) ToSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (id ScheduleID) ToSolidityAddress() string
ToSolidityAddress returns the string representation of the ScheduleID as a solidity address.
func (*ScheduleID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (id *ScheduleID) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding.JSON interface.
type ScheduleInfo ¶ added in v0.9.3
type ScheduleInfo struct { ScheduleID ScheduleID CreatorAccountID AccountID PayerAccountID AccountID ExecutedAt *time.Time DeletedAt *time.Time ExpirationTime time.Time Signers []PublicKey AdminKey PublicKey Memo string ScheduledTransactionID *TransactionID // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ScheduleInfo) GetScheduledTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (scheduleInfo *ScheduleInfo) GetScheduledTransaction() (ITransaction, error)
type ScheduleInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.9.3
type ScheduleInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScheduleInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.9.3
func NewScheduleInfoQuery() *ScheduleInfoQuery
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (ScheduleInfo, error)
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *ScheduleInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *ScheduleInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *ScheduleInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*ScheduleInfoQuery) SetScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder *ScheduleInfoQuery) SetScheduleID(id ScheduleID) *ScheduleInfoQuery
type ScheduleSignTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
type ScheduleSignTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewScheduleSignTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.3
func NewScheduleSignTransaction() ScheduleSignTransaction
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) ScheduleSignTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) ScheduleSignTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetScheduleID(id ScheduleID) ScheduleSignTransaction
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) ScheduleSignTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) ScheduleSignTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (builder ScheduleSignTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) ScheduleSignTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type Status ¶ added in v0.3.0
type Status uint32
const ( StatusOk Status = 0 StatusInvalidTransaction Status = 1 StatusPayerAccountNotFound Status = 2 StatusInvalidNodeAccount Status = 3 StatusTransactionExpired Status = 4 StatusInvalidTransactionStart Status = 5 StatusInvalidTransactionDuration Status = 6 StatusInvalidSignature Status = 7 StatusMemoTooLong Status = 8 StatusInsufficientTxFee Status = 9 StatusInsufficientPayerBalance Status = 10 StatusDuplicateTransaction Status = 11 StatusBusy Status = 12 StatusNotSupported Status = 13 StatusInvalidFileID Status = 14 StatusInvalidAccountID Status = 15 StatusInvalidContractID Status = 16 StatusInvalidTransactionID Status = 17 StatusReceiptNotFound Status = 18 StatusRecordNotFound Status = 19 StatusInvalidSolidityID Status = 20 StatusUnknown Status = 21 StatusSuccess Status = 22 StatusFailInvalid Status = 23 StatusFailFee Status = 24 StatusFailBalance Status = 25 StatusKeyRequired Status = 26 StatusBadEncoding Status = 27 StatusInsufficientAccountBalance Status = 28 StatusInvalidSolidityAddress Status = 29 StatusInsufficientGas Status = 30 StatusContractSizeLimitExceeded Status = 31 StatusLocalCallModificationException Status = 32 StatusContractRevertExecuted Status = 33 StatusContractExecutionException Status = 34 StatusInvalidReceivingNodeAccount Status = 35 StatusMissingQueryHeader Status = 36 StatusAccountUpdateFailed Status = 37 StatusInvalidKeyEncoding Status = 38 StatusNullSolidityAddress Status = 39 StatusContractUpdateFailed Status = 40 StatusInvalidQueryHeader Status = 41 StatusInvalidFeeSubmitted Status = 42 StatusInvalidPayerSignature Status = 43 StatusKeyNotProvided Status = 44 StatusInvalidExpirationTime Status = 45 StatusNoWaclKey Status = 46 StatusFileContentEmpty Status = 47 StatusInvalidAccountAmounts Status = 48 StatusEmptyTransactionBody Status = 49 StatusInvalidTransactionBody Status = 50 StatusInvalidSignatureTypeMismatchingKey Status = 51 StatusInvalidSignatureCountMismatchingKey Status = 52 StatusEmptyLiveHashBody Status = 53 StatusEmptyLiveHash Status = 54 StatusEmptyLiveHashKeys Status = 55 StatusInvalidLiveHashSize Status = 56 StatusEmptyQueryBody Status = 57 StatusEmptyLiveHashQuery Status = 58 StatusLiveHashNotFound Status = 59 StatusAccountIDDoesNotExist Status = 60 StatusLiveHashAlreadyExists Status = 61 StatusInvalidFileWacl Status = 62 StatusSerializationFailed Status = 63 StatusTransactionOversize Status = 64 StatusTransactionTooManyLayers Status = 65 StatusContractDeleted Status = 66 StatusPlatformNotActive Status = 67 StatusKeyPrefixMismatch Status = 68 StatusPlatformTransactionNotCreated Status = 69 StatusInvalidRenewalPeriod Status = 70 StatusInvalidPayerAccountID Status = 71 StatusAccountDeleted Status = 72 StatusFileDeleted Status = 73 StatusAccountRepeatedInAccountAmounts Status = 74 StatusSettingNegativeAccountBalance Status = 75 StatusObtainerRequired Status = 76 StatusObtainerSameContractID Status = 77 StatusObtainerDoesNotExist Status = 78 StatusModifyingImmutableContract Status = 79 StatusFileSystemException Status = 80 StatusAutorenewDurationNotInRange Status = 81 StatusErrorDecodingBytestring Status = 82 StatusContractFileEmpty Status = 83 StatusContractBytecodeEmpty Status = 84 StatusInvalidInitialBalance Status = 85 StatusInvalidReceiveRecordThreshold Status = 86 StatusInvalidSendRecordThreshold Status = 87 StatusAccountIsNotGenesisAccount Status = 88 StatusInvalidFreezeTransactionBody Status = 90 StatusFreezeTransactionBodyNotFound Status = 91 StatusTransferListSizeLimitExceeded Status = 92 StatusResultSizeLimitExceeded Status = 93 StatusNotSpecialAccount Status = 94 StatusContractNegativeGas Status = 95 StatusContractNegativeValue Status = 96 StatusInvalidFeeFile Status = 97 StatusInvalidExchangeRateFile Status = 98 StatusInsufficientLocalCallGas Status = 99 StatusEntityNotAllowedToDelete Status = 100 StatusAuthorizationFailed Status = 101 StatusFileUploadedProtoInvalid Status = 102 StatusFileUploadedProtoNotSavedToDisk Status = 103 StatusFeeScheduleFilePartUploaded Status = 104 StatusExchangeRateChangeLimitExceeded Status = 105 StatusMaxContractStorageExceeded Status = 106 StatusTransferAccountSameAsDeleteAccount Status = 107 StatusTotalLedgerBalanceInvalid Status = 108 StatusExpirationReductionNotAllowed Status = 110 StatusMaxGasLimitExceeded Status = 111 StatusMaxFileSizeExceeded Status = 112 StatusInvalidTopicID Status = 150 StatusInvalidAdminKey Status = 155 StatusInvalidSubmitKey Status = 156 StatusInvalidTopicMessage Status = 158 StatusInvalidAutoRenewAccount Status = 159 StatusAutoRenewAccountNotAllowed Status = 160 StatusTopicExpired Status = 162 StatusInvalidChunkNumber Status = 163 StatusInvalidChunkTransactionId Status = 164 StatusAccountFrozenForToken Status = 165 StatusTokensPerAccountLimitExceeded Status = 166 StatusInvalidTokenID Status = 167 StatusInvalidTokenDecimals Status = 168 StatusInvalidTokenInitialSupply Status = 169 StatusInvalidTreasuryAccountForToken Status = 170 StatusInvalidTokenSymbol Status = 171 StatusTokenHasNoFreezeKey Status = 172 StatusTransfersNotZeroSumForToken Status = 173 StatusMissingTokenSymbol Status = 174 StatusTokenSymbolTooLong Status = 175 StatusAccountKycNotGrantedForToken Status = 176 StatusTokenHasNoKycKey Status = 177 StatusInsufficientTokenBalance Status = 178 StatusTokenWasDeleted Status = 179 StatusTokenHasNoSupplyKey Status = 180 StatusTokenHasNoWipeKey Status = 181 StatusInvalidTokenMintAmount Status = 182 StatusInvalidTokenBurnAmount Status = 183 StatusTokenNotAssociatedToAccount Status = 184 StatusCannotWipeTokenTreasuryAccount Status = 185 StatusInvalidKycKey Status = 186 StatusInvalidWipeKey Status = 187 StatusInvalidFreezeKey Status = 188 StatusInvalidSupplyKey Status = 189 StatusMissingTokenName Status = 190 StatusTokenNameTooLong Status = 191 StatusInvalidWipingAmount Status = 192 StatusTokenIsImmutable Status = 193 StatusTokenAlreadyAssociatedToAccount Status = 194 StatusTransactionRequiresZeroTokenBalances Status = 195 StatusAccountIsTreasury Status = 196 StatusTokenIDRepeatedInTokenList Status = 197 StatusTokenTransferListSizeLimitExceeded Status = 198 StatusEmptyTokenTransferBody Status = 199 StatusEmptyTokenTransferAccountAmounts Status = 200 StatusInvalidScheduleID Status = 201 StatusScheduleIsImmutable Status = 202 StatusInvalidSchedulePayerID Status = 203 StatusInvalidScheduleAccountID Status = 204 StatusNoNewValidSignatures Status = 205 StatusUnresolvableRequiredSigners Status = 206 StatusScheduledTransactionNotInWhitelist Status = 207 StatusSomeSignaturesWereInvalid Status = 208 StatusTransactionIDFieldNotAllowed Status = 209 StatusIdenticalScheduleAlreadyCreated Status = 210 StatusInvalidZeroByteInString Status = 211 StatusScheduleAlreadyDeleted Status = 212 StatusScheduleAlreadyExecuted Status = 213 StatusMessageSizeTooLarge Status = 214 StatusOperationRepeatedInBucketGroups Status = 215 StatusBucketCapacityOverflow Status = 216 StatusNodeCapacityNotSufficientForOperation Status = 217 StatusBucketHasNoThrottleGroups Status = 218 StatusThrottleGroupHasZeroOpsPerSec Status = 219 StatusSuccessButMissingExpectedOperation Status = 220 StatusUnparseableThrottleDefinitions Status = 221 StatusInvalidThrottleDefinitions Status = 222 )
type SystemDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type SystemDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSystemDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewSystemDeleteTransaction() SystemDeleteTransaction
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetContractID(ID ContractID) SystemDeleteTransaction
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expiration time.Time) SystemDeleteTransaction
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetFileID(ID FileID) SystemDeleteTransaction
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) SystemDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) SystemDeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) SystemDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) SystemDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) SystemDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type SystemUndeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
type SystemUndeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSystemUndeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewSystemUndeleteTransaction() SystemUndeleteTransaction
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetContractID(ID ContractID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetFileID(ID FileID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) SystemUndeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) SystemUndeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) SystemUndeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder SystemUndeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) SystemUndeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type ThresholdKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ThresholdKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewThresholdKey ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewThresholdKey(threshold uint32) *ThresholdKey
func (*ThresholdKey) Add ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (tk *ThresholdKey) Add(key PublicKey) *ThresholdKey
func (*ThresholdKey) AddAll ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (tk *ThresholdKey) AddAll(keys []PublicKey) *ThresholdKey
type TokenAssociateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenAssociateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenAssociateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenAssociateTransaction() TokenAssociateTransaction
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) AddTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) AddTokenID(id TokenID) TokenAssociateTransaction
The tokens to be associated with the provided account
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenAssociateTransaction
The account to be associated with the provided tokens
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenAssociateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenAssociateTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenAssociateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenAssociateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenAssociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenAssociateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenBalanceQuery ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenBalanceQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileContentsQuery retrieves the contents of a file.
func NewTokenBalanceQuery ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenBalanceQuery() *TokenBalanceQuery
NewFileContentsQuery creates a FileContentsQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute a File Get Contents Query.
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) Execute(client *Client) (map[TokenID]uint64, error)
Execute executes the AccountBalanceQuery using the provided client
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetAccountID(id AccountID) *TokenBalanceQuery
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) SetContractID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetContractID(id ContractID) *TokenBalanceQuery
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TokenBalanceQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TokenBalanceQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenBalanceQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TokenBalanceQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
type TokenBurnTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenBurnTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenBurnTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenBurnTransaction() TokenBurnTransaction
func (TokenBurnTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetAmount ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenBurnTransaction
The amount to burn to the Treasury Account. Amount must be a positive non-zero number represented in the lowest denomination of the token. The new supply must be lower than 2^63.
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenBurnTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenBurnTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenBurnTransaction
The token for which to burn tokens. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenBurnTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenBurnTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenBurnTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenBurnTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenCreateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenCreateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenCreateTransaction() TokenCreateTransaction
func (TokenCreateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAdminKey(adminkey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
The key which can perform update/delete operations on the token. If empty, the token can be perceived as immutable (not being able to be updated/deleted)
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(autoRenewAccountID AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
An account which will be automatically charged to renew the token's expiration, at autoRenewPeriod interval
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
The interval at which the auto-renew account will be charged to extend the token's expiry
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetDecimals ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetDecimals(decimals uint32) TokenCreateTransaction
The number of decimal places a token is divisible by. This field can never be changed!
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expirationTime uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
The epoch second at which the token should expire; if an auto-renew account and period are specified, this is coerced to the current epoch second plus the autoRenewPeriod
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeDefault ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeDefault(freeze bool) TokenCreateTransaction
The default Freeze status (frozen or unfrozen) of Hedera accounts relative to this token. If true, an account must be unfrozen before it can receive the token
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetFreezeKey(freezekey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
The key which can sign to freeze or unfreeze an account for token transactions. If empty, freezing is not possible
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetInitialSupply ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetInitialSupply(initialsupply uint64) TokenCreateTransaction
Specifies the initial supply of tokens to be put in circulation. The initial supply is sent to the Treasury Account. The supply is in the lowest denomination possible.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetKycKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetKycKey(kyckey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
The key which can grant or revoke KYC of an account for the token's transactions. If empty, KYC is not required, and KYC grant or revoke operations are not possible.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenCreateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetName ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetName(name string) TokenCreateTransaction
The publicly visible name of the token, specified as a string of only ASCII characters
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetSupplyKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetSupplyKey(supplykey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
The key which can change the supply of a token. The key is used to sign Token Mint/Burn operations
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetSymbol ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetSymbol(symbol string) TokenCreateTransaction
The publicly visible token symbol. It is UTF-8 capitalized alphabetical string identifying the token
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenCreateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenCreateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenCreateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetTreasury ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetTreasury(treasury AccountID) TokenCreateTransaction
The account which will act as a treasury for the token. This account will receive the specified initial supply
func (TokenCreateTransaction) SetWipeKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenCreateTransaction) SetWipeKey(wipekey PublicKey) TokenCreateTransaction
The key which can wipe the token balance of an account. If empty, wipe is not possible
type TokenDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenDeleteTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenDeleteTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenDeleteTransaction() TokenDeleteTransaction
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenDeleteTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetNodeTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetNodeTokenID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenDeleteTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenDeleteTransaction
The token to be deleted. If invalid token is specified, transaction will result in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDeleteTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenDeleteTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenDissociateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenDissociateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenDissociateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenDissociateTransaction() TokenDissociateTransaction
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) AddTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) AddTokenID(id TokenID) TokenDissociateTransaction
The tokens to be dissociated with the provided account
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenDissociateTransaction
The account to be dissociated with the provided tokens
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenDissociateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenDissociateTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenDissociateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenDissociateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenDissociateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenDissociateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenFreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenFreezeTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenFreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenFreezeTransaction() TokenFreezeTransaction
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenFreezeTransaction
The account to be frozen
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenFreezeTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenFreezeTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenFreezeTransaction
The token for which this account will be frozen. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenFreezeTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenFreezeTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenFreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenFreezeTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenGrantKycTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenGrantKycTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenGrantKycTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenGrantKycTransaction() TokenGrantKycTransaction
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
The account to be KYCed
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenGrantKycTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
The token for which this account will be granted KYC. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenGrantKycTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenGrantKycTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenGrantKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenGrantKycTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
TokenID is the ID for a Hedera token
func TokenIDFromSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.9.2
TokenIDFromSolidityAddress constructs an TokenID from a string representation of a solidity address
func TokenIDFromString ¶ added in v0.9.2
TokenIDFromString constructs an TokenID from a string formatted as `Shard.Realm.Token` (for example "0.0.3")
func (TokenID) String ¶ added in v0.9.2
String returns the string representation of an TokenID in `Shard.Realm.Token` (for example "0.0.3")
func (TokenID) ToSolidityAddress ¶ added in v0.9.2
ToSolidityAddress returns the string representation of the TokenID as a solidity address.
func (*TokenID) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.9.2
UnmarshalJSON implements the encoding.JSON interface.
type TokenInfo ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenInfo struct { TokenID TokenID Name string Symbol string Decimals uint32 TotalSupply uint64 Treasury AccountID AdminKey PublicKey KycKey PublicKey WipeKey PublicKey FreezeKey PublicKey SupplyKey PublicKey TokenFreezeStatus *bool TokenKycStatus *bool IsDeleted bool AutoRenewAccount AccountID AutoRenewPeriod uint64 ExpirationTime uint64 }
TokenInfo is info about the token returned from an TokenInfoQuery
type TokenInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenInfoQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TokenInfoQuery gets all the information about an token excluding token records. This includes the balance.
func NewTokenInfoQuery ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenInfoQuery() *TokenInfoQuery
NewTokenInfoQuery creates an TokenInfoQuery builder which can be used to construct and execute an TokenInfoQuery.
It is recommended that you use this for creating new instances of an TokenInfoQuery instead of manually creating an instance of the struct.
func (*TokenInfoQuery) Cost ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) Cost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
Cost is a wrapper around the standard Cost function for a query. It must exist because the cost returned by the standard Cost() and the Hedera Network doesn't work for any accounnts that have been deleted. In that case the minimum cost should be ~25 Tinybar which seems to succeed most of the time.
func (*TokenInfoQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TokenInfo, error)
Execute executes the TokenInfoQuery using the provided client
func (*TokenInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TokenInfoQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TokenInfoQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TokenInfoQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*TokenInfoQuery) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder *TokenInfoQuery) SetTokenID(id TokenID) *TokenInfoQuery
SetTokenID sets the token ID for which information is requested
type TokenMintTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenMintTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenMintTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenMintTransaction() TokenMintTransaction
func (TokenMintTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetAmount ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenMintTransaction
The amount to mint to the Treasury Account. Amount must be a positive non-zero number represented in the lowest denomination of the token. The new supply must be lower than 2^63.
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenMintTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenMintTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenMintTransaction
The token for which to mint tokens. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenMintTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenMintTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenMintTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenMintTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenRevokeKycTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenRevokeKycTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenRevokeKycTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenRevokeKycTransaction() TokenRevokeKycTransaction
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
The account to be KYC Revoked
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
The token for which this account will get his KYC revoked. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenRevokeKycTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenRevokeKycTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenTransferTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenTransferTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenTransferTransaction
added in
func NewTokenTransferTransaction() TokenTransferTransaction
NewTokenTransferTransaction creates a TokenTransferTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Token Transfers Transaction.
Deprecated: Use `TransferTransaction` instead
func (TokenTransferTransaction) AddRecipient ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddRecipient(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount uint64) TokenTransferTransaction
func (TokenTransferTransaction) AddSender ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddSender(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount uint64) TokenTransferTransaction
func (TokenTransferTransaction) AddTransfers ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) AddTransfers(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount int64) TokenTransferTransaction
func (TokenTransferTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenTransferTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenTransferTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenTransferTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenTransferTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenTransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenTransferTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenUnfreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenUnfreezeTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenUnfreezeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenUnfreezeTransaction() TokenUnfreezeTransaction
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
The account to be unfrozen
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
The token for which this account will be unfrozen. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUnfreezeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenUnfreezeTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TokenUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenUpdateTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenUpdateTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenUpdateTransaction() TokenUpdateTransaction
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAdminKey(adminkey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new KYC key of the Token. If Token does not have currently a KYC key, transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_KYC_KEY.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewAccountID(autoRenewAccountID AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new account which will be automatically charged to renew the token's expiration, at autoRenewPeriod interval.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetAutoRenewPeriod(autoRenewPeriod uint64) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new interval at which the auto-renew account will be charged to extend the token's expiry.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetExpirationTime(expirationTime uint64) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new expiry time of the token. Expiry can be updated even if admin key is not set. If the provided expiry is earlier than the current token expiry, transaction wil resolve to INVALID_EXPIRATION_TIME
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetFreezeKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetFreezeKey(freezekey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Freeze key of the Token. If the Token does not have currently a Freeze key, transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_FREEZE_KEY.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetKycKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetKycKey(kyckey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new KYC key of the Token. If Token does not have currently a KYC key, transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_KYC_KEY.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenUpdateTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetName ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetName(name string) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Symbol of the Token. Must be UTF-8 capitalized alphabetical string identifying the token.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSupplyKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSupplyKey(supplykey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Supply key of the Token. If the Token does not have currently a Supply key, transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_SUPPLY_KEY.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSymbol ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetSymbol(symbol string) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Name of the Token. Must be a string of ASCII characters.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenUpdateTransaction
The Token to be updated
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenUpdateTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTreasury ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetTreasury(treasury AccountID) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Treasury account of the Token. If the provided treasury account is not existing or deleted, the response will be INVALID_TREASURY_ACCOUNT_FOR_TOKEN. If successful, the Token balance held in the previous Treasury Account is transferred to the new one.
func (TokenUpdateTransaction) SetWipeKey ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenUpdateTransaction) SetWipeKey(wipekey PublicKey) TokenUpdateTransaction
The new Wipe key of the Token. If the Token does not have currently a Wipe key, transaction will resolve to TOKEN_HAS_NO_WIPE_KEY.
type TokenWipeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TokenWipeTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTokenWipeTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
func NewTokenWipeTransaction() TokenWipeTransaction
func (TokenWipeTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetAccountID(id AccountID) TokenWipeTransaction
The account to be wiped
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetAmount ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetAmount(amount uint64) TokenWipeTransaction
The amount of tokens to wipe from the specified account. Amount must be a positive non-zero number in the lowest denomination possible, not bigger than the token balance of the account (0; balance]
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TokenWipeTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TokenWipeTransaction
SetNodeTokenID sets the node TokenID for this Transaction.
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTokenID(id TokenID) TokenWipeTransaction
The token for which the account will be wiped. If token does not exist, transaction results in INVALID_TOKEN_ID
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TokenWipeTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TokenWipeTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TokenWipeTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TokenWipeTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Transaction) Execute ¶
func (transaction Transaction) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
Execute executes the Transaction with the provided client
func (Transaction) ID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (transaction Transaction) ID() TransactionID
ID returns the transaction ID of the transaction
func (Transaction) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (transaction Transaction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
func (Transaction) Sign ¶
func (transaction Transaction) Sign(privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) Transaction
Sign uses the provided privateKey to sign the transaction.
func (Transaction) SignWith ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (transaction Transaction) SignWith(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) Transaction
SignWith executes the TransactionSigner and adds the resulting signature data to the Transaction's signature map with the publicKey as the map key.
func (Transaction) String ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (transaction Transaction) String() string
func (*Transaction) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (transaction *Transaction) UnmarshalBinary(txBytes []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.
type TransactionBuilder ¶ added in v0.5.0
type TransactionBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TransactionBuilder is used to construct Transactions. The state is mutable through the various setter functions.
func (TransactionBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) Build(client *Client) (Transaction, error)
Build validates and finalizes the transaction's state and prepares it for execution, returning a Transaction. The inner state becomes immutable, however it can still be signed after building.
func (TransactionBuilder) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
Execute is a short hand function to build and execute a transaction. It first calls build on the TransactionBuilder and as long as validation passes it will then execute the resulting Transaction.
func (TransactionBuilder) GetCost ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) GetCost(client *Client) (Hbar, error)
GetCost returns the estimated cost of the transaction.
NOTE: The actual cost returned by Hedera is within 99.8% to 99.9% of the actual fee that will be assessed. We're unsure if this is because the fee fluctuates that much or if the calculations are simply incorrect on the server. To compensate for this we just bump by a 1% the value returned. As this would only ever be a maximum this will not cause you to be charged more.
func (TransactionBuilder) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TransactionBuilder
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TransactionBuilder) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TransactionBuilder
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TransactionBuilder
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TransactionBuilder
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder TransactionBuilder) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TransactionBuilder
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
type TransactionID ¶
type TransactionID struct { AccountID AccountID ValidStart time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactionID is the id used to identify a Transaction on the Hedera network. It consists of an AccountID and a a valid start time.
func NewTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewTransactionID(accountID AccountID) TransactionID
NewTransactionID constructs a new Transaction id struct with the provided AccountID and the valid start time set to the current time - 10 seconds.
func NewTransactionIDWithNonce ¶ added in v0.9.4
func NewTransactionIDWithNonce(byte []byte) TransactionID
func NewTransactionIDWithValidStart ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewTransactionIDWithValidStart(accountID AccountID, validStart time.Time) TransactionID
NewTransactionIDWithValidStart constructs a new Transaction id struct with the provided AccountID and the valid start time set to a provided time.
func (TransactionID) GetReceipt ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (id TransactionID) GetReceipt(client *Client) (TransactionReceipt, error)
GetReceipt queries the network for a receipt corresponding to the TransactionID's transaction. If the status of the receipt is exceptional an ErrHederaReceiptStatus will be returned alongside the receipt, otherwise only the receipt will be returned.
func (TransactionID) GetRecord ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (id TransactionID) GetRecord(client *Client) (TransactionRecord, error)
GetRecord queries the network for a record corresponding to the TransactionID's transaction. If the status of the record's receipt is exceptional an ErrHederaRecordStatus will be returned alongside the record, otherwise, only the record will be returned. If consensus has not been reached, this function will return a HederaReceiptError with a status of StatusBusy.
func (TransactionID) String ¶
func (id TransactionID) String() string
String returns a string representation of the TransactionID in `AccountID@ValidStartSeconds.ValidStartNanos` format
type TransactionList ¶ added in v0.9.0
type TransactionList struct {
List []Transaction
func (TransactionList) Execute ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (list TransactionList) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionID, error)
func (TransactionList) ExecuteAll ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (list TransactionList) ExecuteAll(client *Client) ([]TransactionID, error)
func (TransactionList) Sign ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (list TransactionList) Sign(privateKey Ed25519PrivateKey) TransactionList
Sign uses the provided privateKey to sign the list of transactionas.
func (TransactionList) SignWith ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (list TransactionList) SignWith(publicKey Ed25519PublicKey, signer TransactionSigner) TransactionList
SignWith executes the TransactionSigner and adds the resulting signature data to each Transaction's signature map with the publicKey as the map key.
type TransactionReceipt ¶
type TransactionReceipt struct { // Status is the consensus status of the receipt's transaction. It might be unknown or have Failed. Status Status // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactionReceipt is the consensus result for a transaction which is returned from a TransactionReceiptQuery.
func (TransactionReceipt) GetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetAccountID() AccountID
GetAccountID returns the AccountID associated with the receipt's transaction or else panics if no AccountID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicID() ConsensusTopicID
GetConsensusTopicID returns the ConsensusTopicID associated with the receipt's transaction or else panics if no ConsensusTopicID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicRunningHash ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicRunningHash() []byte
GetConsensusTopicRunningHash returns the running hash associated with the Consensus Topic. However, if a ConsensusTopicID does not exist on the receipt it will return potentially invalid values (likely an empty slice).
func (TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber() uint64
GetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber returns the topic sequence number associated with the Consensus Topic. However, if a ConsensusTopicID does not exist on the receipt it will return potentially invalid values.
func (TransactionReceipt) GetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetContractID() ContractID
GetContractID returns the ContractID associated with the receipt's transaction or else panics if no ContractID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) GetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetFileID() FileID
GetFileID returns the FileID associated with the receipt's transaction or else panics no FileID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) GetScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetScheduleID() ScheduleID
func (TransactionReceipt) GetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetTokenID() TokenID
GetTokenID returns the TokenID associated with the receipt's transaction or else panics if no TokenID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) GetTotalSupply ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) GetTotalSupply() uint64
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetAccountID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetAccountID() (AccountID, error)
TryGetAccountID returns the AccountID associated with the receipt's transaction or else returns an error if no AccountID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicID() (ConsensusTopicID, error)
TryGetConsensusTopicID returns the ConsensusTopicID associated with the receipt's transaction or else returns an error if no ConsensusTopicID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicRunningHash ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicRunningHash() ([]byte, error)
TryGetConsensusTopicRunningHash checks if the receipt contains a ConsensusTopicID. If the ConsensusTopicID exists it will return the running hash associated with the consensus Topic. Otherwise, an error will be returned.
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber() (uint64, error)
TryGetConsensusTopicSequenceNumber checks if the receipt contains a ConsensusTopicID. If the ConsensusTopicID exists it will return the ConsensusTopicSequenceNumber. Otherwise an error will be returned.
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetContractID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetContractID() (ContractID, error)
TryGetContractID returns the ContractID associated with the receipt's transaction or else returns an error if no ContractID exists
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetFileID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetFileID() (FileID, error)
TryGetFileID returns the FileID associated with the receipt's transaction or else returns an err if no FileID exists.
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetScheduleID ¶ added in v0.9.3
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetScheduleID() (ScheduleID, error)
func (TransactionReceipt) TryGetTokenID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (receipt TransactionReceipt) TryGetTokenID() (TokenID, error)
TryGetTokenID returns the TokenID associated with the receipt's transaction or else returns an error if no TokenID exists
type TransactionReceiptQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type TransactionReceiptQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTransactionReceiptQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewTransactionReceiptQuery() *TransactionReceiptQuery
func (*TransactionReceiptQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionReceipt, error)
func (*TransactionReceiptQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TransactionReceiptQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TransactionReceiptQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TransactionReceiptQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*TransactionReceiptQuery) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionReceiptQuery) SetTransactionID(id TransactionID) *TransactionReceiptQuery
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for which to request the TransactionReceipt.
type TransactionRecord ¶ added in v0.5.0
type TransactionRecord struct { Receipt TransactionReceipt TransactionHash []byte ConsensusTimestamp time.Time TransactionID TransactionID TransactionMemo string TransactionFee Hbar Transfers []Transfer // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TransactionRecord) GetContractCreateResult ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (record TransactionRecord) GetContractCreateResult() (ContractFunctionResult, error)
func (TransactionRecord) GetContractExecuteResult ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (record TransactionRecord) GetContractExecuteResult() (ContractFunctionResult, error)
type TransactionRecordQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
type TransactionRecordQuery struct { QueryBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTransactionRecordQuery ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewTransactionRecordQuery() *TransactionRecordQuery
func (*TransactionRecordQuery) Execute ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) Execute(client *Client) (TransactionRecord, error)
func (*TransactionRecordQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetMaxQueryPayment(maxPayment Hbar) *TransactionRecordQuery
SetMaxQueryPayment sets the maximum payment allowed for this Query.
func (*TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPayment ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPayment(paymentAmount Hbar) *TransactionRecordQuery
SetQueryPayment sets the payment amount for this Query.
func (*TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetQueryPaymentTransaction(tx Transaction) *TransactionRecordQuery
SetQueryPaymentTransaction sets the payment Transaction for this Query.
func (*TransactionRecordQuery) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (builder *TransactionRecordQuery) SetTransactionID(id TransactionID) *TransactionRecordQuery
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for which to request the TransactionRecord.
type TransactionSigner ¶ added in v0.5.0
TransactionSigner is a closure or function that defines how transactions will be signed
type TransferTransaction ¶ added in v0.9.2
type TransferTransaction struct { TransactionBuilder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTransferTransaction
added in
func NewTransferTransaction() TransferTransaction
NewTransferTransaction creates a TransferTransaction builder which can be used to construct and execute a Token Transfers Transaction.
Deprecated: Use `TransferTransaction` instead
func (TransferTransaction) AddHbarTransfer ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) AddHbarTransfer(id AccountID, amount Hbar) TransferTransaction
AddTransfer adds the accountID to the internal accounts list and the amounts to the internal amounts list. Each negative amount is withdrawn from the corresponding account (a sender), and each positive one is added to the corresponding account (a receiver). The amounts list must sum to zero and there can be a maximum of 10 transfers.
AddSender and AddRecipient are provided as convenience wrappers around AddTransfer.
func (TransferTransaction) AddTokenTransfer ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) AddTokenTransfer(tokenID TokenID, accountID AccountID, amount int64) TransferTransaction
func (*TransferTransaction) Schedule ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (builder *TransferTransaction) Schedule() (ScheduleCreateTransaction, error)
func (TransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) SetMaxTransactionFee(maxTransactionFee Hbar) TransferTransaction
SetMaxTransactionFee sets the max transaction fee for this Transaction.
func (TransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) SetNodeAccountID(nodeAccountID AccountID) TransferTransaction
SetNodeAccountID sets the node AccountID for this Transaction.
func (TransferTransaction) SetTransactionID ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionID(transactionID TransactionID) TransferTransaction
SetTransactionID sets the TransactionID for this Transaction.
func (TransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionMemo(memo string) TransferTransaction
SetTransactionMemo sets the memo for this Transaction.
func (TransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration ¶ added in v0.9.2
func (builder TransferTransaction) SetTransactionValidDuration(validDuration time.Duration) TransferTransaction
SetTransactionValidDuration sets the valid duration for this Transaction.
Source Files
- account_balance_query.go
- account_create_transaction.go
- account_delete_transaction.go
- account_id.go
- account_info_query.go
- account_records_query.go
- account_stakers_query.go
- account_update_transaction.go
- client.go
- consensus_message.go
- consensus_message_submit_transaction.go
- consensus_topic_create_transaction.go
- consensus_topic_delete_transaction.go
- consensus_topic_id.go
- consensus_topic_info_query.go
- consensus_topic_update_transaction.go
- contract_bytecode_query.go
- contract_call_query.go
- contract_create_transaction.go
- contract_delete_transaction.go
- contract_execute_transaction.go
- contract_function_params.go
- contract_function_result.go
- contract_function_selector.go
- contract_id.go
- contract_info_query.go
- contract_log_info.go
- contract_records_query.go
- contract_update_transaction.go
- crypto.go
- crypto_transfer_transaction.go
- entity_id.go
- errors.go
- file_append_transaction.go
- file_contents_query.go
- file_create_transaction.go
- file_delete_transaction.go
- file_id.go
- file_info_query.go
- file_update_transaction.go
- freeze_transaction.go
- get_by_solidity_id_query.go
- hbar.go
- hbar_unit.go
- id.go
- index.go
- key_list.go
- keystore.go
- legacy.go
- mirror_client.go
- mirror_consensus_topic_query.go
- mirror_subscription_handle.go
- mnemonic.go
- query_builder.go
- schedule_create_transaction.go
- schedule_delete_transaction.go
- schedule_id.go
- schedule_info.go
- schedule_info_query.go
- schedule_sign_transaction.go
- status.go
- system_delete_transaction.go
- system_undelete_transaction.go
- threshold_key.go
- time.go
- token_associate_transaction.go
- token_balance_query.go
- token_burn_transaction.go
- token_create_transaction.go
- token_delete_transaction.go
- token_dissociate_transaction.go
- token_freeze_transaction.go
- token_grant_kcy_transaction.go
- token_id.go
- token_info_query.go
- token_mint_transaction.go
- token_revoke_kyc_transaction.go
- token_transfer_transaction.go
- token_unfreeze_transaction.go
- token_update_transaction.go
- token_wipe_transaction.go
- transaction.go
- transaction_builder.go
- transaction_id.go
- transaction_list.go
- transaction_receipt.go
- transaction_receipt_query.go
- transaction_record.go
- transaction_record_query.go
- transfer.go
- transfer_transaction.go