
Thestis is a service for auto tests with declarative description of tests
Sequence diagram
User->>+Thestis: Create test campaign POST /v1/test-campaigns
Thestis-->>-User: Return test campaign id in Location HTTP header
User->>+Thestis: Get test campaign by id GET /v1/test-campaigns/{id}
Thestis-->>-User: Return test campaign data
User->>+Thestis: Load active specification in test campaign POST /v1/test-campaigns/{id}/specification
Thestis-->>-User: Return specification id in Location HTTP header
User->>+Thestis: Get specification by id GET /v1/specifications/{id}
Thestis-->>-User: Return specification data
User->>+Thestis: Start pipeline by test campaign id POST /v1/test-campaigns/{id}/pipelines
Thestis-->>-User: Return pipeline id in Location HTTP header
Thestis->>+Thestis: Acquire pipeline and start it as parallel task
loop Restart tries
User->>+Thestis: Restart pipeline by id PUT /v1/pipelines/{id}
Thestis-->>-User: Already started pipeline 409 Conflict
Thestis-->>-Thestis: Release pipeline and complete parallel task
User->>+Thestis: Restart pipeline by id PUT /v1/pipelines/{id}
Thestis-->>-User: Pipeline restarted
Thestis->>+Thestis: Acquire pipeline and start it as parallel task
User-->>+Thestis: Cancel pipeline by id PUT /v1/pipelines/{id}/canceled
Thestis-->>-User: Pipeline canceled
Thestis-->>-Thestis: Release pipeline and cancel parallel task
Imagine any CI/CD pipeline. For example you can pay attention to Github Actions. You must write workflow with
declarative pipeline description and push it to remote. If you have specified on.push
parameter, action with
satisfying workflow will be started if you push. Or you can manually start Action pipeline. Pipeline may include linter,
notifications, unit tests, integration tests, building, deploying, etc...
Thestis is integration tests pipeline for e2e tests. So far pipeline may include 2 thesis types, HTTP and assertion.
Usually, quite a lot of code is written for integration tests in one of the appropriate programming languages, it can be
Java, Python, Go, etc. I've been on several development teams. Each team used something of its own, someone pure Python,
someone wrote their own project-oriented framework for testing on Python, someone wrote tests using Java, each project
had its own integration tests, in the language of the project.
These tests could contain some errors, for example, in a self-written framework that I saw at work, the mapping of JSON
fields into the structure was incorrectly written.
Other tests did not use competitive execution, which is why they were slower than they could.
In others, the code seemed to be correct, but it did not contain the business sense that the manager or analyst wanted,
and, unfortunately, they do not understand the code.
In others, the code is constantly flapping, no one knows why, and does not want to engage, because the code is scary.
In general, there were enough problems. That's how the idea of a pipeline for e2e tests appeared. To get started, you
need to create a TestCampaign
In fact, a TestCampaign
is the name of your test, information about it, and the history of all
uploaded Specifications
and completed Pipelines
is a declarative description of the test in BDD style, each test consists of stories, each Story
of scenarios, each Scenario
of theses. The Thesis
contains a description of the work of part of the test.
"Returns go to stock" — example of story
"Refunded items should be returned to stock" — example of scenario
The thesis can be either given
, or when
, or then
"Given that a customer previously bought a blue garment from me and I have two blue garments in stock and three black garments in stock" — example of given thesis
"When they return the blue garment for a replacement in black" — example of when thesis
"Then I should have three blue garments in stock and two black garments in stock" — example of then thesis
You can see an example of the Specification
at the
link here.
When you trigger the pipeline launch in some way, a Pipeline
is created. The Pipeline
is a kind of collected context
about the test at the time of
launch from the active Specification
of TestCampaign
. Somewhat similar to Github Action.Pipeline
collects the
entire dynamic context and the state of the current startup in the Flow
is an analog of an attempt at Github Action. Stores information about the launch of Pipeline
. Pipeline
will always have at least one Flow
. Pipeline
can be restarted (for example, if a test fails), each time
the Pipeline
is restarted, the number of Flows
will increase.
During the test run, each individual thesis execution status may end up in one of the states:
If the test is NotExecuted
, the test has not started yet for some reason. If the test is in Executing
then you should expect it to end. If you are in Passed
, you can relax, because the test is passed! If the test is
in Failed
state, it is worth looking at either the test or the system under the tests. If something went wrong
in Crashed
, perhaps from the network, or maybe from our side. If it is Canceled
, then the test was canceled,
it is possible that you canceled it, and it is possible that we did too because of too long execution.
It is worth noting that the tests achieve the most effective parallelization of the independent parts of the test. How?
See below.
Test campaign
is your test, its whole history. You can compare it with a test campaign of some brand like Coca-Cola, a
series of successful and not very successful tests.
Contains general information about the test and user information. Each Specification
update and Pipeline
is associated with this entity. A TestCampaign
can have only one active Specification
, the rest are archived. You
can also get a list of all Pipelines
launched within the campaign.
is your code for the test. This entity can be collected from various sources, now, for example, in the
API we get a specification in yaml format, but this is all changeable. Specification
is format tolerant, any format
will be converted to the internal format.
Stories, scenarios, and theses (slugged objects) have unique identifiers called slugs. Slug
can consist of 1 to 3
parts. The slug of the story consists of one part. Script slug of 2 parts: story part and scenario part. The thesis slug
consists of 3 parts: story part, scenario part ant thesis part.
Formally, each Specification
consists of stories, each Story
consists of scenarios, and each Scenario
of theses.
is described in BDD style, each working step of the test is described in Thesis
. Each thesis can
either make HTTP requests or assertion of the collected data.
BDD tests consist of given
, when
and then
stages. The stages are performed sequentially:
flowchart LR
given --> when
when --> then
But theses within one stage will be executed in parallel by default. To specify a dependency, specify the name of the
thesis in the after
field. Then this thesis will be fulfilled after the specified one.
is the pipeline of your tests built from Specification
. It starts automatically when it is created. It
can also be restarted. For example, you can see that the test fell through no fault of your own, for example, there was
some kind of network failure, you can restart the previously created Pipeline
When creating a pipeline for specification, executors for each type of thesis are registered. Executor
the thesis, executes an action with it and returns Result
with Event
generated inside it for this thesis.
There may be several events:
cannot be run more than once at any given time. That is, Pipeline
will never have more than one
active Flow
During Pipeline
, each Scenario
is executed in parallel with Environment
isolated from other scenarios, and for
each scenario its own ScenarioSyncGroup
is created to manage the dependencies of each thesis.
View of Pipeline
s example flow:
flowchart TD
sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.deliverHorns --> sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.sellHornsAndHooves
sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.deliverHooves --> sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.sellHornsAndHooves
sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.sellHornsAndHooves --> sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.getSoldProducts
sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.getSoldProducts --> sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.checkSoldProducts
sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.sellHornsAndHooves --> sellHornsAndHoovesOnTheMarket.sellExistingHornsAndHooves.checkSoldProducts
At each launch, Pipeline
gives information about the execution step by step. Then, from the steps received from
the pipeline, a flow is collected, showing the current state of the active pipeline's flow.
is unit of Pipeline
work. Every working pipeline's parallel task accumulates information about the
progress of the pipeline and the context in this entity. Each run of Pipeline
corresponds to one Flow
reduced from steps received during the execution of Pipeline
consists of statuses (each with Slug
, State
and occurred errors). Every Status
has state that
represents slugged Specification
objects pipeline progress.
changes under the action of an Event
and events are generated during the operation of Pipeline
. For
example, if the thesis is passed, then the pipeline creates a step for this thesis with an event, and if all the
theses of the scenario are passed, then the pipeline creates a step for the scenario with the same event.
From each state, you can go to a certain set of states:
Canceled --> Canceled
Crashed --> Crashed
Failed --> Failed
Failed --> Crashed
Passed --> Passed
Passed --> Failed
Passed --> Crashed
Executing --> Executing
Executing --> Passed
Executing --> Failed
Executing --> Crashed
Executing --> Canceled
NotExecuted --> Executing
NotExecuted --> Passed
NotExecuted --> Failed
NotExecuted --> Crashed
NotExecuted --> Canceled
has knowledge about which resources can be accessed and which can be managed.
This project is written using the approaches described in Clean Architecture of Uncle Bob.
The entity contains entities for creating tests, loading specification, creating and starting pipeline with access
rights differentiation: TestCampaign
, Specification
, Pipeline
, Flow
, User
The application has everything you need for the overall operation of the application. In this level you can find:
- commands — use cases that changes the state of the system
- queries — use cases that returns the state of the system
- repositories — descriptions of the necessary methods that the data layer must have in order for the application to
implement the use case
- interfaces (parsers, metrics, logging, etc.) — all sorts of interfaces, by implementing which you can choose the
technology that the application will use in its work
- policies — application level policies interfaces and internal implementations.
The infrastructure code contains implementations for application-level interfaces. In runner, the application
context is assembled from a configuration file with the necessary environment settings. On this layer, you can find the
code associated with the database in persistence, implementation of pubsub with NATS, and so on.
The interface layer contains the code that controls the application. A good example is an HTTP server that invokes a
sspecific Application method on an endpoint call. Or a scheduler.
Project structure
— API contract files like OpenAPI files or proto files
— OpenAPI contract files
- packaging and CI
— cloud, container, OS package configuration and scripts
— Dockerfile for Dev
— main applications
— application for Thestis backend server
— main application for Thestis validation util
— Thestis server configuration files
— container orchestration deployment configurations and template
— specification, code and other stuff example snippets
— private Thestis application code
— Thestis application config parser
— main logic of the application, divided into layers according to the principle of 1 layer per 1 package
— application level interface adapters with infrastructure implementation
— implementations of authentication methods
— fake authentication with hardcoded mock secret (only for development)
— authentication with Firebase
— implementations of logging interface
— logger adapter using Uber's zap
— implementations of metrics interface
— metrics service collecting metrics with Prometheus
— implementations of specification parsers
— service for parsing specification from yaml files
— implementation of persistence interfaces
— repositories and read models using MongoDB as persistence provider
— implementation of pub/sum mechanism
— signal event bus publisher and subscriber using
— application level interfaces and orchestration code
— write operation use cases
— application level interfaces mocks
— read operation use cases
— domain logic of Thestis divided by main entities
- flow, state and reducer from pipeline's steps
— pipeline that can run tests flow from specification using concurrent running goroutines
— tests description in declarative BDD style
— data about testing project, loaded specifications history and active specification
— access rights differentiation
— application interface implementations
— implementation of RESTful API
— implementation of api/openapi/thestis-v1.yml
OpenAPI specification
— Thestis backend application code for running from cmd/thestis/main.go
— Thestis server for running from application config
— Thestis validate util code for running from cmd/thestis-validate/main.go
— public Thestis library code
— Swagger UI static source files for UI rendering