Simple pomodoro timer in golang + fyne.
Tested on Windows only.
Of course... - You, seeing this ☝️
Looked for timers on Microsoft Store, it crashed, three times.
Found a pomodoro online, it didn't notify me.
So I made one... probably works.
- Install go 1.16+ (requires go:embed)
- Install fyne dependencies (tested on v2.0.3): https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne
- Run fyne examples, to check it's working.
- Run the app:
git clone https://github.com/haroflow/gomodoro
cd gomodoro
go run .
Install fyne command (tested on v2.0.3):
go get fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne
fyne version
Build package:
fyne package
- Play a sound when timer expires?
- The alert is pretty intrusive (which works for me). Add an option to send system notifications, in case you don't want to be disturbed by the fullscreen alert.
- Add option to go to systray when minimized. Depends on a OnMinimized event from fyne.
- When resizing, the timer stops counting down. We are doing this on another goroutine... not sure but maybe getting values from the data-binding is waiting for resize to end.
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