
v1.2.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 34 Imported by: 0


Consensus package includes the Harmony BFT consensus protocol code, which uses BLS-based multi-signature to cosign the new block. The details are in Harmony's new consensus protocol design.

Introduction to Harmony BFT with BLS signatures

Harmony BFT consensus protocol consist of normal mode and view changing mode which is same as the PBFT(practical byzantine fault tolerance) protocol. The difference is we use the BLS aggregated signature to reduce O(N^2) communications to O(N), which is more efficient and scalable to traditional PBFT. For brevity, we will still call the whole process as PBFT.

Normal mode

To reach the consensus of the next block, there are 3 phases: announce(i.e. pre-prepare in PBFT), prepare and commit.

  • Announce(leader): The leader broadcasts ANNOUNCE message along with candidate of the next block.
  • Prepare(validator): The validator will validate the block sent by leader and send PREPARE message; if the block is invalid, the validator will propose view change. If the prepare timeout, the validator will also propose view change.
  • Prepared(leader): The leader will collect 2f+1 PREPARE message including itself and broadcast PREPARED message with the aggregated signature
  • Commit(validator): The validator will check the validity of aggregated signature (# of signatures >= 2f+1) and send COMMIT message; if the commit timeout, the validator will also propose view change.
  • Committed(leader): The leader will collect 2f+1 COMMIT message including itself and broadcast COMMITTED message with the aggregated signature
  • Finalize(leader and validators): Both the leader and validators will finalize the block into blockchain together with 2f+1 aggregated signatures.

View changing mode

  • ViewChange(validator): whenever a validator receives invalid block/signature from the leader, it should send VIEWCHANGE message with view v+1 together with its own prepared message(>=2f+1 aggregated prepare signatures) from previous views.
  • NewView(new leader): when the new leader (uniquely determined) collect enough (2f+1) view change messages, it broadcasts the NEWVIEW message with aggregated VIEWCHANGE signatures.
  • During the view changing process, if the new leader not send NEWVIEW message on time, the validator will propose ViewChange for the next view v+2 and so on...

State Machine

The whole process of PBFT can be described as a state machine. We don't separate the roles of leader and validators, instead we use PBFTState structure to describe the role and phase of a given node who is joining the consensus process. When a node receives a new message from its peer, its state will be updated. i.e. pbft_state --(upon receive new PBFTMessage)--> new_pbft_state. Thus the most nature and clear way is to describe the whole process as state machine.

// PBFTState holds the state of a node in PBFT process
type PBFTState struct {
   IsLeader bool
   phase PBFTPhase // Announce, Prepare(d), Commit(ted)


// PBFTLog stores the data in PBFT process, it will be used in different phases in order to determine whether a new PBFTMessage is valid or not.
type PBFTLog struct {
    blocks []*types.Block
    messages []*PBFTMessage

// entry point and main loop;
// in each loop, the node will receive PBFT message from peers with timeout,
// then update its state accordingly. handleMessageUpdate function handles various kinds of messages and update its state
// it will also send new PBFT message (if not null) to its peers.
// in the same loop, the node will also check whether it should send view changing message to new leader
// finally, it will periodically try to publish new block into blockchain
func (consensus *Consensus) Start(stopChan chan struct{}, stoppedChan chan struct{}) {
    defer close(stoppedChan)
    tick := time.NewTicker(blockDuration)
    for {
        select {
            msg := consensus.recvWithTimeout(receiveTimeout)
            if consensus.idleTimeout.CheckExpire() {
                consensus.startViewChange(consensus.viewID + 1)
            if consensus.commitTimeout.CheckExpire() {
                consensus.startViewChange(consensus.viewID + 1)
            if consensus.viewChangeTimeout.CheckExpire() {
                if consensus.mode.Mode() == Normal {
                viewID := consensus.mode.ViewID()
                consensus.startViewChange(viewID + 1)
        case <-tick.C:
        case <-stopChan:





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const (
	// RetryIntervalInSec is the interval for message retry
	RetryIntervalInSec = 10


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var (
	// NIL is the m2 type message, which suppose to be nil/empty, however
	// we cannot sign on empty message, instead we sign on some default "nil" message
	// to indicate there is no prepared message received when we start view change
	NIL = []byte{0x01}


This section is empty.


type Consensus

type Consensus struct {
	Decider quorum.Decider

	// FBFTLog stores the pbft messages and blocks during FBFT process

	// channel to receive consensus message
	MsgChan chan []byte

	// The chain reader for the blockchain this consensus is working on
	ChainReader *core.BlockChain

	// Minimal number of peers in the shard
	// If the number of validators is less than minPeers, the consensus won't start
	MinPeers int

	CommitteePublicKeys map[string]bool

	PubKey *bls.PublicKey

	SelfAddress common.Address
	// the publickey of leader
	LeaderPubKey *bls.PublicKey

	// Shard Id which this node belongs to
	ShardID uint32

	// Signal channel for starting a new consensus process
	ReadySignal chan struct{}
	// The post-consensus processing func passed from Node object
	// Called when consensus on a new block is done
	OnConsensusDone func(*types.Block, []byte)
	// The verifier func passed from Node object
	BlockVerifier func(*types.Block) error

	// verified block to state sync broadcast
	VerifiedNewBlock chan *types.Block

	// Channel for DRG protocol to send pRnd (preimage of randomness resulting from combined vrf
	// randomnesses) to consensus. The first 32 bytes are randomness, the rest is for bitmap.
	PRndChannel chan []byte
	// Channel for DRG protocol to send VDF. The first 516 bytes are the VDF/Proof and the last 32
	// bytes are the seed for deriving VDF
	RndChannel chan [vdfAndSeedSize]byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Consensus is the main struct with all states and data related to consensus process.

func New

func New(
	host p2p.Host, shard uint32, leader p2p.Peer, blsPriKey *bls.SecretKey,
	Decider quorum.Decider,
) (*Consensus, error)

New create a new Consensus record

func NewFaker

func NewFaker() *Consensus

NewFaker returns a faker consensus.

func (*Consensus) BlocksNotSynchronized

func (consensus *Consensus) BlocksNotSynchronized()

BlocksNotSynchronized lets the main loop know that block is not synchronized

func (*Consensus) BlocksSynchronized

func (consensus *Consensus) BlocksSynchronized()

BlocksSynchronized lets the main loop know that block synchronization finished thus the blockchain is likely to be up to date.

func (*Consensus) DebugPrintPublicKeys

func (consensus *Consensus) DebugPrintPublicKeys()

DebugPrintPublicKeys print all the PublicKeys in string format in Consensus

func (*Consensus) DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly

func (consensus *Consensus) DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly()

DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly makes the receiver not propose view changes when it should, e.g. leader timeout.

As the name implies, this is intended for testing only, and should not be used on production network. This is also not part of the long-term consensus API and may go away later.

func (*Consensus) GenerateVdfAndProof

func (consensus *Consensus) GenerateVdfAndProof(newBlock *types.Block, vrfBlockNumbers []uint64)

GenerateVdfAndProof generates new VDF/Proof from VRFs in the current epoch

func (*Consensus) GenerateVrfAndProof

func (consensus *Consensus) GenerateVrfAndProof(newBlock *types.Block, vrfBlockNumbers []uint64) []uint64

GenerateVrfAndProof generates new VRF/Proof from hash of previous block

func (*Consensus) GetBlockReward

func (consensus *Consensus) GetBlockReward() *big.Int

GetBlockReward returns last node block reward

func (*Consensus) GetNextLeaderKey

func (consensus *Consensus) GetNextLeaderKey() *bls.PublicKey

GetNextLeaderKey uniquely determine who is the leader for given viewID

func (*Consensus) GetNextRnd

func (consensus *Consensus) GetNextRnd() ([vdFAndProofSize]byte, [32]byte, error)

GetNextRnd returns the oldest available randomness along with the hash of the block there randomness preimage is committed.

func (*Consensus) GetNilSigsArray

func (consensus *Consensus) GetNilSigsArray(viewID uint64) []*bls.Sign

GetNilSigsArray returns the signatures for nil prepared message in viewchange

func (*Consensus) GetNodeIDs

func (consensus *Consensus) GetNodeIDs() []libp2p_peer.ID

GetNodeIDs returns Node IDs of all nodes in the same shard

func (*Consensus) GetValidatorPeers

func (consensus *Consensus) GetValidatorPeers() []p2p.Peer

GetValidatorPeers returns list of validator peers.

func (*Consensus) GetViewID

func (consensus *Consensus) GetViewID() uint64

GetViewID returns the consensus ID

func (*Consensus) GetViewIDSigsArray

func (consensus *Consensus) GetViewIDSigsArray(viewID uint64) []*bls.Sign

GetViewIDSigsArray returns the signatures for viewID in viewchange

func (*Consensus) IsLeader

func (consensus *Consensus) IsLeader() bool

IsLeader check if the node is a leader or not by comparing the public key of the node with the leader public key

func (*Consensus) IsValidatorInCommittee

func (consensus *Consensus) IsValidatorInCommittee(pubKey *bls.PublicKey) bool

IsValidatorInCommittee returns whether the given validator BLS address is part of my committee

func (*Consensus) LastCommitSig

func (consensus *Consensus) LastCommitSig() ([]byte, []byte, error)

LastCommitSig returns the byte array of aggregated commit signature and bitmap of last block

func (*Consensus) Mode

func (consensus *Consensus) Mode() Mode

Mode returns the mode of consensus

func (*Consensus) NeedsRandomNumberGeneration

func (consensus *Consensus) NeedsRandomNumberGeneration(epoch *big.Int) bool

NeedsRandomNumberGeneration returns true if the current epoch needs random number generation

func (*Consensus) ParseNewViewMessage

func (consensus *Consensus) ParseNewViewMessage(msg *msg_pb.Message) (*FBFTMessage, error)

ParseNewViewMessage parses new view message into FBFTMessage structure

func (*Consensus) ReadSignatureBitmapPayload

func (consensus *Consensus) ReadSignatureBitmapPayload(
	recvPayload []byte, offset int,
) (*bls.Sign, *bls_cosi.Mask, error)

ReadSignatureBitmapPayload read the payload for signature and bitmap; offset is the beginning position of reading

func (*Consensus) RegisterPRndChannel

func (consensus *Consensus) RegisterPRndChannel(pRndChannel chan []byte)

RegisterPRndChannel registers the channel for receiving randomness preimage from DRG protocol

func (*Consensus) RegisterRndChannel

func (consensus *Consensus) RegisterRndChannel(rndChannel chan [548]byte)

RegisterRndChannel registers the channel for receiving final randomness from DRG protocol

func (*Consensus) ResetState

func (consensus *Consensus) ResetState()

ResetState resets the state of the consensus

func (*Consensus) ResetViewChangeState

func (consensus *Consensus) ResetViewChangeState()

ResetViewChangeState reset the state for viewchange

func (*Consensus) SetBlockNum

func (consensus *Consensus) SetBlockNum(blockNum uint64)

SetBlockNum sets the blockNum in consensus object, called at node bootstrap

func (*Consensus) SetCommitDelay

func (consensus *Consensus) SetCommitDelay(delay time.Duration)

SetCommitDelay sets the commit message delay. If set to non-zero, validator delays commit message by the amount.

func (*Consensus) SetEpochNum

func (consensus *Consensus) SetEpochNum(epoch uint64)

SetEpochNum sets the epoch in consensus object

func (*Consensus) SetMode

func (consensus *Consensus) SetMode(m Mode)

SetMode sets the mode of consensus

func (*Consensus) SetViewID

func (consensus *Consensus) SetViewID(height uint64)

SetViewID set the viewID to the height of the blockchain

func (*Consensus) Start

func (consensus *Consensus) Start(blockChannel chan *types.Block, stopChan chan struct{}, stoppedChan chan struct{}, startChannel chan struct{})

Start waits for the next new block and run consensus

func (*Consensus) String

func (consensus *Consensus) String() string

Returns a string representation of this consensus

func (*Consensus) ToggleConsensusCheck

func (consensus *Consensus) ToggleConsensusCheck()

ToggleConsensusCheck flip the flag of whether ignore viewID check during consensus process

func (*Consensus) UpdateConsensusInformation

func (consensus *Consensus) UpdateConsensusInformation() Mode

UpdateConsensusInformation will update shard information (epoch, publicKeys, blockNum, viewID) based on the local blockchain. It is called in two cases for now: 1. consensus object initialization. because of current dependency where chainreader is only available after node is initialized; node is only available after consensus is initialized we need call this function separately after create consensus object 2. after state syncing is finished It will return the mode: (a) node not in committed: Listening mode (b) node in committed but has any err during processing: Syncing mode (c) node in committed and everything looks good: Normal mode

func (*Consensus) UpdatePublicKeys

func (consensus *Consensus) UpdatePublicKeys(pubKeys []*bls.PublicKey) int64

UpdatePublicKeys updates the PublicKeys variable, protected by a mutex

func (*Consensus) ValidateVdfAndProof

func (consensus *Consensus) ValidateVdfAndProof(headerObj *block.Header) bool

ValidateVdfAndProof validates the VDF/proof in the current epoch

func (*Consensus) ValidateVrfAndProof

func (consensus *Consensus) ValidateVrfAndProof(headerObj *block.Header) bool

ValidateVrfAndProof validates a VRF/Proof from hash of previous block

func (*Consensus) VdfSeedSize

func (consensus *Consensus) VdfSeedSize() int

VdfSeedSize returns the number of VRFs for VDF computation

func (*Consensus) WaitForNewRandomness

func (consensus *Consensus) WaitForNewRandomness()

WaitForNewRandomness listens to the RndChannel to receive new VDF randomness.

func (*Consensus) WaitForSyncing

func (consensus *Consensus) WaitForSyncing()

WaitForSyncing informs the node syncing service to start syncing

type FBFTLog

type FBFTLog struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FBFTLog represents the log stored by a node during FBFT process

func NewFBFTLog

func NewFBFTLog() *FBFTLog

NewFBFTLog returns new instance of FBFTLog

func (*FBFTLog) AddBlock

func (log *FBFTLog) AddBlock(block *types.Block)

AddBlock add a new block into the log

func (*FBFTLog) AddMessage

func (log *FBFTLog) AddMessage(msg *FBFTMessage)

AddMessage adds a pbft message into the log

func (*FBFTLog) Blocks

func (log *FBFTLog) Blocks() mapset.Set

Blocks return the blocks stored in the log

func (*FBFTLog) DeleteBlockByNumber

func (log *FBFTLog) DeleteBlockByNumber(number uint64)

DeleteBlockByNumber deletes block of specific number

func (*FBFTLog) DeleteBlocksLessThan

func (log *FBFTLog) DeleteBlocksLessThan(number uint64)

DeleteBlocksLessThan deletes blocks less than given block number

func (*FBFTLog) DeleteMessagesLessThan

func (log *FBFTLog) DeleteMessagesLessThan(number uint64)

DeleteMessagesLessThan deletes messages less than given block number

func (*FBFTLog) FindMessageByMaxViewID

func (log *FBFTLog) FindMessageByMaxViewID(msgs []*FBFTMessage) *FBFTMessage

FindMessageByMaxViewID returns the message that has maximum ViewID

func (*FBFTLog) GetBlockByHash

func (log *FBFTLog) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block

GetBlockByHash returns the block matches the given block hash

func (*FBFTLog) GetBlocksByNumber

func (log *FBFTLog) GetBlocksByNumber(number uint64) []*types.Block

GetBlocksByNumber returns the blocks match the given block number

func (*FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeq

func (log *FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeq(typ msg_pb.MessageType, blockNum uint64) []*FBFTMessage

GetMessagesByTypeSeq returns pbft messages with matching type, blockNum

func (*FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqHash

func (log *FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqHash(typ msg_pb.MessageType, blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) []*FBFTMessage

GetMessagesByTypeSeqHash returns pbft messages with matching type, blockNum

func (*FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqView

func (log *FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqView(typ msg_pb.MessageType, blockNum uint64, viewID uint64) []*FBFTMessage

GetMessagesByTypeSeqView returns pbft messages with matching type, blockNum and viewID

func (*FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqViewHash

func (log *FBFTLog) GetMessagesByTypeSeqViewHash(typ msg_pb.MessageType, blockNum uint64, viewID uint64, blockHash common.Hash) []*FBFTMessage

GetMessagesByTypeSeqViewHash returns pbft messages with matching type, blockNum, viewID and blockHash

func (*FBFTLog) HasMatchingAnnounce

func (log *FBFTLog) HasMatchingAnnounce(blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) bool

HasMatchingAnnounce returns whether the log contains announce type message with given blockNum, blockHash

func (*FBFTLog) HasMatchingPrepared

func (log *FBFTLog) HasMatchingPrepared(blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) bool

HasMatchingPrepared returns whether the log contains prepared message with given blockNum, viewID and blockHash

func (*FBFTLog) HasMatchingViewAnnounce

func (log *FBFTLog) HasMatchingViewAnnounce(blockNum uint64, viewID uint64, blockHash common.Hash) bool

HasMatchingViewAnnounce returns whether the log contains announce type message with given blockNum, viewID and blockHash

func (*FBFTLog) HasMatchingViewPrepared

func (log *FBFTLog) HasMatchingViewPrepared(blockNum uint64, viewID uint64, blockHash common.Hash) bool

HasMatchingViewPrepared returns whether the log contains prepared message with given blockNum, viewID and blockHash

func (*FBFTLog) Messages

func (log *FBFTLog) Messages() mapset.Set

Messages return the messages stored in the log

type FBFTMessage

type FBFTMessage struct {
	MessageType   msg_pb.MessageType
	ViewID        uint64
	BlockNum      uint64
	BlockHash     common.Hash
	Block         []byte
	SenderPubkey  *bls.PublicKey
	LeaderPubkey  *bls.PublicKey
	Payload       []byte
	ViewchangeSig *bls.Sign
	ViewidSig     *bls.Sign
	M2AggSig      *bls.Sign
	M2Bitmap      *bls_cosi.Mask
	M3AggSig      *bls.Sign
	M3Bitmap      *bls_cosi.Mask

FBFTMessage is the record of pbft messages received by a node during FBFT process

func ParseFBFTMessage

func ParseFBFTMessage(msg *msg_pb.Message) (*FBFTMessage, error)

ParseFBFTMessage parses FBFT message into FBFTMessage structure

func ParseViewChangeMessage

func ParseViewChangeMessage(msg *msg_pb.Message) (*FBFTMessage, error)

ParseViewChangeMessage parses view change message into FBFTMessage structure

type FBFTPhase

type FBFTPhase byte

FBFTPhase : different phases of consensus

const (
	FBFTAnnounce FBFTPhase = iota

Enum for FBFTPhase

func (FBFTPhase) String

func (p FBFTPhase) String() string

type MessageRetry

type MessageRetry struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MessageRetry controls the message that can be retried

type MessageSender

type MessageSender struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MessageSender is the wrapper object that controls how a consensus message is sent

func NewMessageSender

func NewMessageSender(host p2p.Host) *MessageSender

NewMessageSender initializes the consensus message sender.

func (*MessageSender) Reset

func (sender *MessageSender) Reset(blockNum uint64)

Reset resets the sender's state for new block

func (*MessageSender) Retry

func (sender *MessageSender) Retry(msgRetry *MessageRetry)

Retry will retry the consensus message for <RetryTimes> times.

func (*MessageSender) SendWithRetry

func (sender *MessageSender) SendWithRetry(blockNum uint64, msgType msg_pb.MessageType, groups []nodeconfig.GroupID, p2pMsg []byte) error

SendWithRetry sends message with retry logic.

func (*MessageSender) SendWithoutRetry

func (sender *MessageSender) SendWithoutRetry(groups []nodeconfig.GroupID, p2pMsg []byte) error

SendWithoutRetry sends message without retry logic.

func (*MessageSender) StopAllRetriesExceptCommitted

func (sender *MessageSender) StopAllRetriesExceptCommitted()

StopAllRetriesExceptCommitted stops all the existing retries except committed message (which lives across consensus).

func (*MessageSender) StopRetry

func (sender *MessageSender) StopRetry(msgType msg_pb.MessageType)

StopRetry stops the retry.

type Mode

type Mode byte

Mode is the current

const (
	// Normal ..
	Normal Mode = iota
	// ViewChanging ..
	// Syncing ..
	// Listening ..

func (Mode) String

func (m Mode) String() string

type State

type State struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

State contains current mode and current viewID

func (*State) GetViewID

func (pm *State) GetViewID() uint64

GetViewID returns the current viewchange viewID

func (*State) Mode

func (pm *State) Mode() Mode

Mode return the current node mode

func (*State) SetMode

func (pm *State) SetMode(s Mode)

SetMode set the node mode as required

func (*State) SetViewID

func (pm *State) SetViewID(viewID uint64)

SetViewID sets the viewchanging id accordingly

func (*State) ViewID

func (pm *State) ViewID() uint64

ViewID return the current viewchanging id

type TimeoutType

type TimeoutType int

TimeoutType is the type of timeout in view change protocol


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