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What is tmax
The positioning of tmax
is a command line tool with a little artificial intelligence.
If you frequently deal with the terminal daily, tmax will greatly improve your work efficiency.
The design idea of tmax
- Have a local storage as a knowledge base
- Efficient search algorithm and accurate feedback
- Full command line interaction
- Make your very long cmd short
How tmax works?
build tmax
For liunx and macos you can install tmax as follows.
Use make build
and you will get tmax
in the directory.
chmod +x tmax && cp tmax /usr/local/bin
Before using tmax
Then, you need to tmax generate
to generate a config file in $HOME/.tmax.yaml
and the file look like as follows:
- check: curl
- filternodecpu: kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{'\t'}{.status.capacity.cpu}{'\t'}{.status.capacity.memory}{'\n'}{end}"
- filternodetaint: kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{'\t'}{.spec.taints[*].key}{'\n'}{end}"
- corednsedit: kubectl edit cm coredns -nkube-system
- allnode: kubectl get no
- alldeploy: kubectl get deploy
- allpod: kubectl get pod -A
- busyboxrun: kubectl run busybox --rm -ti --image=busybox /bin/sh
- allnodeip: kubectl get node -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{'\t'}{.status.addresses[0].address}{'\n'}{end}"
- podResource: kubectl get pod -o custom-columns=NAME:metadata.name,podIP:status.podIP,hostIp:spec.containers[0].resources
- getns: kubectl get ns
- createdemo: kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
- exposedemo: kubectl expose deployment nginx --port=80
- getnetwork: kubectl get networkpolicy
- runbox: kubectl run busybox --rm -ti --image=busybox /bin/sh
- "tar": "tar -xjvf test.tar.bz2"
As you can see, there are many long commands those hard to keep in your mind.
If you want to quickly get a long command, even if you have memorized it, it takes a long time to type it into the console,
not to mention that sometimes you can't remember such a long command.
At this moment, tmax
appeared, it will solve the problem just mentioned.
What will tmax bring me?
has 3 mode: directly mode, search mode and interactive mode. And tmax
will make your very long terminal cmd short, improve your operation efficiency.
directly mode
If you clearly know the key you want to execute the command, you can use directly mode.
Use 'tmxa somekey' , example: tmax check
will execute curl
search mdoe
If you know the general content of the command you want to execute,
you can use the search mode to find and execute it.
, example: tmax s pod
or tmax search pod
interactive search mode
If you don't want to search, tmax has interactive mode.
Just type tmax
and enter
to interactive mode.