![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/hanjm/file_download_proxy)
A self-hosted remote downloader
- supports http[s](via http.Client), magnet(via aria2 jsonrpc) and base64 string of torrent file content.
- display progress with a cool progress circular.
- HTTP Basic access authentication (optional).
it will be useful if you have a vps.
improving log
- 2017-10 : refactor all golang code, more idiomatic, more modular, less global variable, less sync.Mutex.
- 2017-03 : improved, use fix num of download worker, received task from global channel.
- 2017-03-17: improved, use websocket server pushing instead of ajax client polling.
- 2019-09-15: After two years. I believe this is a very valuable integrated GO practice project, because it includes the basic use of the http framework (API / Middleware/ HttpClient) and the advanced use of the http framework (polling / websocket), interaction with external processes (json-rpc), the use of json, map, mutex, goroutine, channel, flag, signal, graceful shutdown, error handling, dockerFile, etc., practitioners can use the characteristics of GO language to complete it.
两年后我再看这个仓库, 虽然觉得代码和结构有很大的提升空间, 但它仍然是一个非常具有价值的综合型GO练手项目, 因为它包括了http框架的基本使用(API接口/Middleware/httpClient)和http框架的进阶使用(轮询/websocket), 与外部进程交互(json-rpc), 还涉及json, map, mutex, goroutine, channel, flag, signal, graceful shutdown, error handling, dockerFile等, 练习者可以很好地运用GO语言的特点去实现这个功能.
live demo
how to use
docker build -t fdp:latest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hanjm/file_download_proxy/master/Dockerfile
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/download:/go/src/github.com/hanjm/file_download_proxy/download fdp ./fdp -port 8080 -limit 100
go get -v github.com/hanjm/file_download_proxy/...
git clone https://github.com/hanjm/file_download_proxy.git
cd file_download_proxy
go build -o fdp && nohup ./fdp > fdp.log 2>&1 &
then open
custom option
./fdp -h
-aria2cPort int
the command-line-arguments 'rpc-listen-port' when start aria2c (default 6902)
-auth string
http basic access authentication, username:password
-dir string
download dir (default "download")
-limit int
the limit size of download file, unit is 'GB' (default 5)
-port int
service listen port (default 8080)
-timeout int
the limit time for finish download task, unit is 'Hour' (default 48)