json2go is a CLI application that generates Go type definitions from JSON. The type may be one of the following:
* struct
* map[string]T
* map[string][]T
By default, a struct will be generated.
Any objects in the source JSON will result in their own struct. Any values that are null will have their type be interface{}
; the type cannot be determined on null values.
If the source JSON is an array of objects, the first element in the array will be used to generate the definition(s). Any objects within the JSON will result in additional embedded types. These embedded types will have their own, separate, type definition.
Keys with underscores, _
, are converted to MixedCase. Keys starting with characters that are invalid for Go variable names have those characters discarded, unless they are a number, 0-9
, which are converted to their word equivalents. All fields are exported and a JSON field tag for each field is generated using the field's original JSON key value.
By default, json2go
will read the JSON from stdin
and write the output to stdout
. Optionally, a source file and a destination file can be specified. When the output destination is a file, the JSON used to generate the struct definition can also be written to a file by using either the -writejson
or -w
flag. The filename will be the same as the Go output file except it will have the .json
If the package name isn't specified, using either the -pkg
or -p
flag, the package name will either be the parent directory of the ouput file, if an output file is specified, or the working directory.
The generated source can include the import statement for encoding/json
by using either the -addimport
or -a
Struct tags with the key json
are generated for all fields. Additional struct tags can be generated by using the -tagkey
or -t
flags. Lists of keys are supported by passing a -tagkey
, or -t
flag for each key value:
json2go -o example.go -t xml -t db
go install
The compiled application will be placed in your $GOPATH/bin/
json2go -h
Flag | Short | Default | Description
-name | -n | | The name of the type: required.
-input | -i | stdin | The JSON input source.
-output | -o | stdout | The generated Go source code output destination.
-writejson | -w | false | Write the source JSON to file; only valid when the output is a file.
-pkg | -p | parent directory of output file or woriing directory | The name of the package.
-addimport | -a | false | Add import statement for 'encoding/json'.
-maptype | -m | false | Interpret the JSON as a map type instead of a struct type.
-structname | -s | Struct | The name of the struct; only used in conjunction with -maptype.
-help | -h | false | Print the help text; 'help' is also valid.
-tagkey | -t | | Additional struct tag keys; can be used more than once.
Example 1
This example gets the JSON from a remote source and pipes it into json2go
; generating both the Go source code file and a file with the JSON used to generate the struct definitions. The import statement is included in the output.
curl -s | json2go -o github.go -w -a -n repo
Generated github.go
package example
import (
type Repo struct {
ArchiveURL string `json:"archive_url"`
AssigneesURL string `json:"assignees_url"`
BlobsURL string `json:"blobs_url"`
BranchesURL string `json:"branches_url"`
CloneURL string `json:"clone_url"`
CollaboratorsURL string `json:"collaborators_url"`
CommentsURL string `json:"comments_url"`
CommitsURL string `json:"commits_url"`
CompareURL string `json:"compare_url"`
ContentsURL string `json:"contents_url"`
ContributorsURL string `json:"contributors_url"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
DefaultBranch string `json:"default_branch"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DownloadsURL string `json:"downloads_url"`
EventsURL string `json:"events_url"`
Fork bool `json:"fork"`
Forks int `json:"forks"`
ForksCount int `json:"forks_count"`
ForksURL string `json:"forks_url"`
FullName string `json:"full_name"`
GitCommitsURL string `json:"git_commits_url"`
GitRefsURL string `json:"git_refs_url"`
GitTagsURL string `json:"git_tags_url"`
GitURL string `json:"git_url"`
HasDownloads bool `json:"has_downloads"`
HasIssues bool `json:"has_issues"`
HasPages bool `json:"has_pages"`
HasWiki bool `json:"has_wiki"`
Homepage string `json:"homepage"`
HooksURL string `json:"hooks_url"`
HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
ID int `json:"id"`
IssueCommentURL string `json:"issue_comment_url"`
IssueEventsURL string `json:"issue_events_url"`
IssuesURL string `json:"issues_url"`
KeysURL string `json:"keys_url"`
LabelsURL string `json:"labels_url"`
Language string `json:"language"`
LanguagesURL string `json:"languages_url"`
MergesURL string `json:"merges_url"`
MilestonesURL string `json:"milestones_url"`
MirrorURL interface{} `json:"mirror_url"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NetworkCount int `json:"network_count"`
NotificationsURL string `json:"notifications_url"`
OpenIssues int `json:"open_issues"`
OpenIssuesCount int `json:"open_issues_count"`
Owner `json:"owner"`
Private bool `json:"private"`
PullsURL string `json:"pulls_url"`
PushedAt string `json:"pushed_at"`
ReleasesURL string `json:"releases_url"`
Size int `json:"size"`
SSHURL string `json:"ssh_url"`
StargazersCount int `json:"stargazers_count"`
StargazersURL string `json:"stargazers_url"`
StatusesURL string `json:"statuses_url"`
SubscribersCount int `json:"subscribers_count"`
SubscribersURL string `json:"subscribers_url"`
SubscriptionURL string `json:"subscription_url"`
SvnURL string `json:"svn_url"`
TagsURL string `json:"tags_url"`
TeamsURL string `json:"teams_url"`
TreesURL string `json:"trees_url"`
UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Watchers int `json:"watchers"`
WatchersCount int `json:"watchers_count"`
type Owner struct {
AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url"`
EventsURL string `json:"events_url"`
FollowersURL string `json:"followers_url"`
FollowingURL string `json:"following_url"`
GistsURL string `json:"gists_url"`
GravatarID string `json:"gravatar_id"`
HTMLURL string `json:"html_url"`
ID int `json:"id"`
Login string `json:"login"`
OrganizationsURL string `json:"organizations_url"`
ReceivedEventsURL string `json:"received_events_url"`
ReposURL string `json:"repos_url"`
SiteAdmin bool `json:"site_admin"`
StarredURL string `json:"starred_url"`
SubscriptionsURL string `json:"subscriptions_url"`
Type string `json:"type"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Source JSON written to github.json
"id": 47099645,
"name": "json2go",
"full_name": "mohae/json2go",
"owner": {
"login": "mohae",
"id": 2699987,
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"private": false,
"html_url": "",
"description": "Generate Go struct definitions from JSON",
"fork": false,
"url": "",
"forks_url": "",
"keys_url": "{/key_id}",
"collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}",
"teams_url": "",
"hooks_url": "",
"issue_events_url": "{/number}",
"events_url": "",
"assignees_url": "{/user}",
"branches_url": "{/branch}",
"tags_url": "",
"blobs_url": "{/sha}",
"git_tags_url": "{/sha}",
"git_refs_url": "{/sha}",
"trees_url": "{/sha}",
"statuses_url": "{sha}",
"languages_url": "",
"stargazers_url": "",
"contributors_url": "",
"subscribers_url": "",
"subscription_url": "",
"commits_url": "{/sha}",
"git_commits_url": "{/sha}",
"comments_url": "{/number}",
"issue_comment_url": "{/number}",
"contents_url": "{+path}",
"compare_url": "{base}...{head}",
"merges_url": "",
"archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}",
"downloads_url": "",
"issues_url": "{/number}",
"pulls_url": "{/number}",
"milestones_url": "{/number}",
"notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}",
"labels_url": "{/name}",
"releases_url": "{/id}",
"created_at": "2015-11-30T06:31:18Z",
"updated_at": "2015-12-09T21:19:26Z",
"pushed_at": "2015-12-09T21:18:44Z",
"git_url": "git://",
"ssh_url": "",
"clone_url": "",
"svn_url": "",
"homepage": "",
"size": 1198,
"stargazers_count": 0,
"watchers_count": 0,
"language": "Go",
"has_issues": true,
"has_downloads": true,
"has_wiki": true,
"has_pages": false,
"forks_count": 0,
"mirror_url": null,
"open_issues_count": 0,
"forks": 0,
"open_issues": 0,
"watchers": 0,
"default_branch": "master",
"network_count": 0,
"subscribers_count": 1
Example 2:
This example results in a map[string]T. The working directory is hockey
. This example also shows multiple tag keys.
json2go -m -i hockey.json -o hockey.go -n team -s player -t yaml -t db
"Blackhawks": [
"name": "Tony Esposito",
"number": 35,
"position": "Goal Tender"
"name": "Stan Mikita",
"number": 21,
"position": "Center"
Generated hockey.go
package hockey
type Team map[string][]Player
type Player struct {
Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name" db:"name"`
Number int `json:"number" yaml:"number" db:"number"`
Position string `json:"position" yaml:"position" db:"position"`
Example 3:
This example uses json of much greater complexity in a local file. The working directory is 'weather'.
json2go -i weather.json -o weather.go -n weather
Generated weather.go
The generated Go source code for weather.json
package weather
type Weather struct {
HourlyForecasts []HourlyForecast `json:"hourly_forecast"`
Response `json:"response"`
type HourlyForecast struct {
Condition string `json:"condition"`
Dewpoint `json:"dewpoint"`
Fctcode string `json:"fctcode"`
Feelslike `json:"feelslike"`
Heatindex `json:"heatindex"`
Humidity string `json:"humidity"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
IconURL string `json:"icon_url"`
Mslp `json:"mslp"`
Pop string `json:"pop"`
Qpf `json:"qpf"`
Sky string `json:"sky"`
Snow `json:"snow"`
Temp `json:"temp"`
Uvi string `json:"uvi"`
Wdir `json:"wdir"`
Windchill `json:"windchill"`
Wspd `json:"wspd"`
Wx string `json:"wx"`
type Response struct {
Features `json:"features"`
TermsofService string `json:"termsofService"`
Version string `json:"version"`
type FCTTIME struct {
UTCDATE string `json:"UTCDATE"`
Age string `json:"age"`
Ampm string `json:"ampm"`
Civil string `json:"civil"`
Epoch string `json:"epoch"`
Hour string `json:"hour"`
HourPadded string `json:"hour_padded"`
Isdst string `json:"isdst"`
Mday string `json:"mday"`
MdayPadded string `json:"mday_padded"`
Min string `json:"min"`
MinUnpadded string `json:"min_unpadded"`
Mon string `json:"mon"`
MonAbbrev string `json:"mon_abbrev"`
MonPadded string `json:"mon_padded"`
MonthName string `json:"month_name"`
MonthNameAbbrev string `json:"month_name_abbrev"`
Pretty string `json:"pretty"`
Sec string `json:"sec"`
Tz string `json:"tz"`
WeekdayName string `json:"weekday_name"`
WeekdayNameAbbrev string `json:"weekday_name_abbrev"`
WeekdayNameNight string `json:"weekday_name_night"`
WeekdayNameNightUnlang string `json:"weekday_name_night_unlang"`
WeekdayNameUnlang string `json:"weekday_name_unlang"`
Yday string `json:"yday"`
Year string `json:"year"`
type Dewpoint struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Feelslike struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Heatindex struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Mslp struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Qpf struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Snow struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Temp struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Wdir struct {
Degrees string `json:"degrees"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
type Windchill struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Wspd struct {
English string `json:"english"`
Metric string `json:"metric"`
type Features struct {
Hourly int `json:"hourly"`
Contents of weather.json
The source JSON used to generate the Go struct definitions.
"pretty":"5:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"5:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Mostly Cloudy",
"wx":"Mostly Cloudy",
"pretty":"6:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"6:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"7:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"7:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"8:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"8:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"9:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"9:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"10:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"10:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"11:00 PM EST on November 30, 2015",
"civil":"11:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Monday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Monday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"12:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"12:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"1:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"1:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"2:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"2:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"wx":"Mostly Clear",
"pretty":"3:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"3:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"4:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"4:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"5:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"5:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"6:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"6:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"wx":"Mostly Clear",
"pretty":"7:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"7:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"8:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"8:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Partly Cloudy",
"wx":"Partly Cloudy",
"pretty":"9:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"9:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Mostly Cloudy",
"wx":"Mostly Cloudy",
"pretty":"10:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"10:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"11:00 AM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"11:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"12:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"12:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"1:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"1:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"2:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"2:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"3:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"3:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Few Showers",
"pretty":"4:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"4:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"pretty":"5:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"5:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"pretty":"6:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"6:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"pretty":"7:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"7:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"pretty":"8:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"8:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"9:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"9:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"pretty":"10:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"10:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"11:00 PM EST on December 01, 2015",
"civil":"11:00 PM",
"weekday_name_night":"Tuesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Tuesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"12:00 AM EST on December 02, 2015",
"civil":"12:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Wednesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Wednesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"1:00 AM EST on December 02, 2015",
"civil":"1:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Wednesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Wednesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"2:00 AM EST on December 02, 2015",
"civil":"2:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Wednesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Wednesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"3:00 AM EST on December 02, 2015",
"civil":"3:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Wednesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Wednesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
"pretty":"4:00 AM EST on December 02, 2015",
"civil":"4:00 AM",
"weekday_name_night":"Wednesday Night",
"weekday_name_night_unlang":"Wednesday Night",
"condition":"Chance of Rain",
"wx":"Light Rain",
Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
json2go generates Go type definitions from JSON encoded objects as defined in RFC 4627. The type can be one of the following:
map[string]T map[string][]T Type
The result is Go source for the provided package name, with the type definiton(s) for the JSON. If no package name is provided, the name will either be the name of the output directory, if the output is a file, or the working directory.
If the JSON is an array of elements, e.g. []T or []map[string]T, the first element will be used to generate the definitions.
By default a struct type will be generated, unless the -maptype flag is used.
If a type contains other JSON objects, separate structs are defined and the struct is embedded in the defintion.
If an output destination is specified, the generated Go source will be written to the specified destination, otherwise it will be written to stdout.
Optionally, if there is an output destination that isn't stdout, the source JSON can be written out to a file. This file's name will be the same as the Go source file's name, ending in '.json'. This may be useful when grabbing the JSON from a remote source and piping it into json2go via stdin.
Errors are written to stderr