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Published: May 19, 2023
License: GPL-3.0
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A Simple Accounting Ledger
Simple application which writes and reads accounting ledger entries
Add tracing
Add tracing to response.go files
Add metrics
OpenTelemetry metrics ready?
Log Collector?
move off Jaeger, and all in on Grafana stack
make a frontend with some dashboard functionality, (vue3 plz) OOOOH!!!
replace hampgoodwin/errors with go std lib multi-errors <3!!!
health checks
add a health reporter
add health checks
improve pagination by displaying page number of result.
Add more unit tests, solitary and sociable
Add Integration testing
Add fail case account controller testing
Use httptest for tests instead of setting up an http server for each test
Fix bug where connection is rejected (I sus due to db+http connection limitations in unix)
Improve test coverage by testing more grpc methods
Add cursor testing for listing accounts
Add fuzzing
Create a seeder for a basic dev environment of data
Do some stress testing; how much data and we throw at & get out of this thing?
Optimize the get transactions call to use a single query; full join, order and then iterate to make transactions object
Add a stress testing system
set up dev appvault and set secrets
add default limit size as a configurable somewhere
set up configuration loader or a new secrets loader to load values from appvault
redis datastore? Maybe later.
retry startup dependecies
wont do; i would prefer to rely on some container/pod scheduler like k8s
Run NATS locally in a cluster
Instrument account.created, transaction.created events
improve startup configurations
update env config to include configurations for nats
[s] add configuration for starting nats wire tap in main-app
add gRPC methods, matching http spec
add gRPC server start to main?
add gRPC method tests..? idk
better startup logging
info and such about what's starting.
make basis an enum
re-evaluate type validation logic in the service
implement db types and transformers
implement safer enums
migrate to guid from uuid
probably requires db migration/update
migrate to ksuid from uuid
version the api's
use httpapi models for request/response of all resources
decouple application runtime, environment, controller, and test!
implement golang-migrate or similar db migration strategy
include the sql files as bin data in binary so migrator can run them ez pz
Complete the basic CRUD for book-keeping
make DB methods for CRUD
set up linting
Add metadata fields for all tables (created_at, updated_at)
Better error handling
swap pq for pgx
Add code-coverage report via github actions?
Add service layer
Decouple app setup and routing
implement a separate errors package like unto nate finches error flags solution
split api encode and write code
swap to uuid over auto incr values for id's
swap go-chi router logger to use zap logger stored in environment; log more.
add delete request response with message that this ledger is append only and records cannot be deleted 404 is fine
fix timestamp for created_at to be utc time zone
change limit and cursor to optional values
swap to nubanks balanced by design transaction model
replace transaction with single value and debit/credit accounts; balanced by design
change the amount in oas to string, and change amount values to int64 in controller/service
because postgres (and most dbs) don't OOB implement unsigned ints, use an int 64, which should be more than enough for any needs we'll have. In the case where a string request comes in (upper unbounded), split into multiple entries which will fit into int63's. Probably implement some overflow checks as well.
generate zero-dep html file for api docs and create serve w/ makefile commands
implement standard api response and error response to simplify controll handler functions
more elegant error response handling
better logging
Use to generate OAS and serve it I went with hand-rolled .yml and redocly serving
Give config.Database a method to create a connection string
Replace NewDatabase with a single conn string vs broken out vars?
Improve convention for environment variable key constants?
set environment types as consts
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