GoLang Google Cloud Function Firestore Template
- Stack
- Useful Docs
- Description
- Responses
- Getting Started
- Testing
- Deployment
- License
Useful Docs
This is the skeleton of a google cloud function written in GoLang for a lookup/catalog service with a Google Firestore database backend.
For example.
GET request to https://region-account.cloudfunctions.net/FunctionName?object_id=1
POST request to https://region-account.cloudfunctions.net/FunctionName with form parameter of object_id = 1
These can both return a flattened JSON object from the collection you specify
{"object_id":"1", "name":"Object 1", "description":"oooh.... shiny"}
- 200 / http.StatusOK - This means the object was found, will also return the object in JSON format
- 422 / http.StatusUnprocessableEntity - The ID was not passed in, or wasn't a number
- 422 / http.StatusUnprocessableEntity - The query didn't return any results
- 500 / http.StatusInternalServerError - The function cannot connect to Firestore
- 500 / http.StatusInternalServerError - The Object retrieved cannot be converted to JSON format properly
Getting Started
- Clone/Download the repository and remove all git references
git clone https://github.com/hallindavid/go-gcpfunc-firestore-template /path/to/project
cd /path/to/project
rm -rf .git
# If desired, init your git repo here
# git init
Follow the steps in this link to create a json file to use for credentials
Create your .env
file in the root directory
In your .env
file, put the following line of code
Update the gopher.go file (or copy/paste) to a more suitable name
eg: if you are you retrieving users, maybe make it users.go
and func Userlookup(...
download packages / build the module
go get
go mod init
- Run it to make sure everything works - see Testing Locally
- Make your tests
- perform a
go test
to make sure everything is working
- Deploy it - see Deployment
Quick Test All
go test
Test All With Output
go test -v
Local Testing
in the cmd folder (after you've generated your go.mod file) update the main.go file to import the proper module
package main
import (
"github.com/hallindavid/go-gcpfunc-firestore-template" //This line will need to be updated
_ "github.com/joho/godotenv/autoload"
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", gopher.FirestoreLookup) //this line will need to point to the correct function (eg. userlookup.LookupUsers)
log.Printf("Listening on port 8080")
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
in terminal/command prompt
go run ./cmd
This will listen on port 8080 and allow you try to postman/browse to your functions
Follow deployment steps found here
gcloud deploy UserLookup --region us-central1 --runtime go113 --trigger-http
Use of the GoDotEnv Package
We are using godotenv (https://github.com/joho/godotenv) to set the default Firestore application credentials for testing - but it isn't required for production.
You can actually remove the package altogther and do a similar kind of thing in a bashfile
# build.sh in project root directory
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/full/system/path/to/json-credentials.json"
go run ./cmd
# test.sh in project root directory
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/full/system/path/to/json-credentials.json"
go test
#or go test -v