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Published: Jun 22, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0


1654. Minimum Jumps to Reach Home


A certain bug's home is on the x-axis at position x. Help them get there from position 0.

The bug jumps according to the following rules:

  • It can jump exactly a positions forward (to the right).
  • It can jump exactly b positions backward (to the left).
  • It cannot jump backward twice in a row.
  • It cannot jump to any forbidden positions.

The bug may jump forward beyond its home, but it cannot jump to positions numbered with negative integers.

Given an array of integers forbidden, where forbidden[i] means that the bug cannot jump to the position forbidden[i], and integers ab, and x, return the minimum number of jumps needed for the bug to reach its home. If there is no possible sequence of jumps that lands the bug on position x, return 1.

Example 1:

Input: forbidden = [14,4,18,1,15], a = 3, b = 15, x = 9
Output: 3
Explanation: 3 jumps forward (0 -> 3 -> 6 -> 9) will get the bug home.

Example 2:

Input: forbidden = [8,3,16,6,12,20], a = 15, b = 13, x = 11
Output: -1

Example 3:

Input: forbidden = [1,6,2,14,5,17,4], a = 16, b = 9, x = 7
Output: 2
Explanation: One jump forward (0 -> 16) then one jump backward (16 -> 7) will get the bug home.


  • 1 <= forbidden.length <= 1000
  • 1 <= a, b, forbidden[i] <= 2000
  • 0 <= x <= 2000
  • All the elements in forbidden are distinct.
  • Position x is not forbidden.


有一只跳蚤的家在数轴上的位置 x 处。请你帮助它从位置 0 出发,到达它的家。


  • 它可以 往前 跳恰好 a 个位置(即往右跳)。
  • 它可以 往后 跳恰好 b 个位置(即往左跳)。
  • 它不能 连续 往后跳 2 次。
  • 它不能跳到任何 forbidden 数组中的位置。

跳蚤可以往前跳 超过 它的家的位置,但是它 不能跳到负整数 的位置。给你一个整数数组 forbidden ,其中 forbidden[i] 是跳蚤不能跳到的位置,同时给你整数 a, b 和 x ,请你返回跳蚤到家的最少跳跃次数。如果没有恰好到达 x 的可行方案,请你返回 -1 。


  • 给出坐标 x ,可以往前跳的步长 a,往后跳的步长 b。要求输出能跳回家的最少跳跃次数。
  • 求最少跳跃次数,思路用 BFS 求解,最先到达坐标 x 的方案即是最少跳跃次数。对forbidden 的处理是把记忆化数组里面把他们标记为 true。禁止连续往后跳 2 次的限制,要求我们在 BFS 入队的时候再记录一下跳跃方向,每次往后跳的时候判断前一跳是否是往后跳,如果是往后跳,此次就不能往后跳了。


package leetcode

func minimumJumps(forbidden []int, a int, b int, x int) int {
	visited := make([]bool, 6000)
	for i := range forbidden {
		visited[forbidden[i]] = true
	queue, res := [][2]int{{0, 0}}, -1
	for len(queue) > 0 {
		length := len(queue)
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			cur, isBack := queue[i][0], queue[i][1]
			if cur == x {
				return res
			if isBack == 0 && cur-b > 0 && !visited[cur-b] {
				visited[cur-b] = true
				queue = append(queue, [2]int{cur - b, 1})
			if cur+a < len(visited) && !visited[cur+a] {
				visited[cur+a] = true
				queue = append(queue, [2]int{cur + a, 0})
		queue = queue[length:]
	return -1


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