1681. Minimum Incompatibility
You are given an integer array nums
and an integer k
. You are asked to distribute this array into k
subsets of equal size such that there are no two equal elements in the same subset.
A subset's incompatibility is the difference between the maximum and minimum elements in that array.
Return the minimum possible sum of incompatibilities of the k
subsets after distributing the array optimally, or return -1
if it is not possible.
A subset is a group integers that appear in the array with no particular order.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,2,1,4], k = 2
Output: 4
Explanation: The optimal distribution of subsets is [1,2] and [1,4].
The incompatibility is (2-1) + (4-1) = 4.
Note that [1,1] and [2,4] would result in a smaller sum, but the first subset contains 2 equal elements.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [6,3,8,1,3,1,2,2], k = 4
Output: 6
Explanation: The optimal distribution of subsets is [1,2], [2,3], [6,8], and [1,3].
The incompatibility is (2-1) + (3-2) + (8-6) + (3-1) = 6.
Example 3:
Input: nums = [5,3,3,6,3,3], k = 3
Output: -1
Explanation: It is impossible to distribute nums into 3 subsets where no two elements are equal in the same subset.
1 <= k <= nums.length <= 16
is divisible byk
1 <= nums[i] <= nums.length
给你一个整数数组 nums 和一个整数 k 。你需要将这个数组划分到 k 个相同大小的子集中,使得同一个子集里面没有两个相同的元素。一个子集的 不兼容性 是该子集里面最大值和最小值的差。
请你返回将数组分成 k 个子集后,各子集 不兼容性 的 和 的 最小值 ,如果无法分成分成 k 个子集,返回 -1 。子集的定义是数组中一些数字的集合,对数字顺序没有要求。
- 读完题最直白的思路就是 DFS。做法类似第 77 题。这里就不赘述了。可以见第 77 题题解。
- 这一题还需要用到贪心的思想。每次取数都取最小的数。这样可以不会让最大数和最小数在一个集合中。由于每次取数都是取最小的,那么能保证不兼容性每次都尽量最小。于是在 order 数组中定义取数的顺序。然后再把数组从小到大排列。这样每次按照 order 顺序取数,都是取的最小值。
- 正常的 DFS 写完提交,耗时是很长的。大概是 1532ms。如何优化到极致呢?这里需要加上 2 个剪枝条件。第一个剪枝条件比较简单,如果累计 sum 比之前存储的 res 大,那么直接 return,不需要继续递归了。第二个剪枝条件就非常重要了,可以一下子减少很多次递归。每次取数产生新的集合的时候,要从第一个最小数开始取,一旦取了,后面就不需要再循环递归了。举个例子,[1,2,3,4],第一个数如果取 2,集合可以是 [[2,3],[1,4]] 或 [[2,4], [1,3]], 这个集合和[[1,3],[2,4]]、[[1,4], [2,3]] 情况一样。可以看到如果取出第一个最小值以后,后面的循环是不必要的了。所以在取下标为 0 的数的时候,递归到底层以后,返回就可以直接 break,不用接下去的循环了,接下去的循环和递归是不必要的。每组组内的顺序我们并不关心,只要最大值和最小值在分组内即可。另外组间顺序我们也不关心。所以可以把排列问题 O(n!) 时间复杂度降低到组合问题 O(2^n)。加了这 2 个剪枝条件以后,耗时就变成了 0ms 了。beats 100%
package leetcode
import (
func minimumIncompatibility(nums []int, k int) int {
eachSize, counts := len(nums)/k, make([]int, len(nums)+1)
for i := range nums {
if counts[nums[i]] > k {
return -1
orders := []int{}
for i := range counts {
orders = append(orders, i)
res := math.MaxInt32
generatePermutation1681(nums, counts, orders, 0, 0, eachSize, &res, []int{})
if res == math.MaxInt32 {
return -1
return res
func generatePermutation1681(nums, counts, order []int, index, sum, eachSize int, res *int, current []int) {
if len(current) > 0 && len(current)%eachSize == 0 {
sum += current[len(current)-1] - current[len(current)-eachSize]
index = 0
if sum >= *res {
if len(current) == len(nums) {
if sum < *res {
*res = sum
for i := index; i < len(counts); i++ {
if counts[order[i]] == 0 {
current = append(current, order[i])
generatePermutation1681(nums, counts, order, i+1, sum, eachSize, res, current)
current = current[:len(current)-1]
// 这里是关键的剪枝
if index == 0 {
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