try to wrap a ebpf message receiver with golang
now not usable
install library
apt install llvm-13 llvm-strip-13 clang-13
go install
generate ebpf bytecode file (very important)
go get
find library version in your go.mod file . find package file path in your filesystem
cd $(go env GOMODCACHE)/ && make generate
in this library version, you will see many *_bpfel.o files under path
use command check install is success
ls $(go env GOMODCACHE)/*_bpfel.o
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
// you need to exec chmod command for trigger event print
if err := SysEnterFchmodat(ctx, func(evt *loader.FchmodatEnterEvent) (err error) {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("SysEnterFchmodat event accepted,pid=%d ppid=%d mode=%d command=%s filename=%s", msg.HostPID, msg.HostPPID, msg.FileMode, msg.Command[:], msg.Filename[:]))
return nil
}); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, types.ErrCtxDone) {
add more bpf program for this lib when you want add your private code
install libbpf follow the tutorial
not found problem
use libbpf's tool, bpttool is in libbpf souce code, your may need build it from source
bpftool btf dump file /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux format c > vmlinux.h
then move it into /usr/include/bpf/vmlinux.h
WSL2 dev
install kernel update after 5.10.74
# error example link to tracepoint err -> trace event syscalls/sys_enter_fchmodat: file does not exist
# need run this command
sudo mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
how to show testing.Logf message in VSCode
edit vscode setttings.json (recommend global settings.json).
add filed
"go.testFlags": [