Index ¶
- Variables
- func AttrChecker(key string) func(string) Checker
- func FirstChild(n *html.Node) *html.Node
- func GetAttr(n *html.Node, key string) *string
- func GetAttrSubmatch(n *html.Node, key, pat string) *string
- func GetHref(n *html.Node) *string
- func GetPat(pat []string) string
- func GetSrc(n *html.Node) *string
- func GetSubmatch(s *string, pat string) *string
- func GetSubmatch_(s *string, rx *regexp.Regexp) *string
- func GetText(n *html.Node) *string
- func GetTextNodeText(n *html.Node) *string
- func Integers(next Iter, f StringGetter) []int
- func NextSibling(n *html.Node) *html.Node
- func NonemptyTextNode(n *html.Node) *html.Node
- func Parent(n *html.Node) *html.Node
- func PrevSibling(n *html.Node) *html.Node
- func SeperatedAttrChecker(name string, sep rune) func(...string) Checker
- func Strings(next Iter, f StringGetter, pat ...string) []string
- func ToFloat(ps *string) *float64
- func ToHex(ps *string) *int
- func ToInt(ps *string) *int
- func ToTime(ps *string, layout string) *time.Time
- type Checker
- func And(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func AtomChecker(a atom.Atom) Checker
- func Attr(key, pat string) Checker
- func AttributeCmpChecker(key string, cmp func(string) bool) Checker
- func CaptionText(pat string) Checker
- func ElementChecker(a atom.Atom) Checker
- func Find(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func FindChild(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func FindSibling(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func HasAttr(key string) Checker
- func NoAttr(key string) Checker
- func Not(c Checker) Checker
- func Or(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func Pipe(cs ...Checker) Checker
- func Text(pat string) Checker
- func Text_(rx *regexp.Regexp) Checker
- func TypeChecker(t html.NodeType) Checker
- type Iter
- type Queue
- type Stack
- type StringGetter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var ( A = ElementChecker(atom.A) Abbr = ElementChecker(atom.Abbr) Address = ElementChecker(atom.Address) Area = ElementChecker(atom.Area) Article = ElementChecker(atom.Article) Aside = ElementChecker(atom.Aside) Audio = ElementChecker(atom.Audio) B = ElementChecker(atom.B) Base = ElementChecker(atom.Base) Bdi = ElementChecker(atom.Bdi) Bdo = ElementChecker(atom.Bdo) Blockquote = ElementChecker(atom.Blockquote) Body = ElementChecker(atom.Body) Br = ElementChecker(atom.Br) Button = ElementChecker(atom.Button) Canvas = ElementChecker(atom.Canvas) Caption = ElementChecker(atom.Caption) Cite = ElementChecker(atom.Cite) Code = ElementChecker(atom.Code) Col = ElementChecker(atom.Col) Colgroup = ElementChecker(atom.Colgroup) Data = ElementChecker(atom.Data) Datalist = ElementChecker(atom.Datalist) Dd = ElementChecker(atom.Dd) Del = ElementChecker(atom.Del) Details = ElementChecker(atom.Details) Dfn = ElementChecker(atom.Dfn) Dialog = ElementChecker(atom.Dialog) Div = ElementChecker(atom.Div) Dl = ElementChecker(atom.Dl) Dt = ElementChecker(atom.Dt) Em = ElementChecker(atom.Em) Embed = ElementChecker(atom.Embed) Fieldset = ElementChecker(atom.Fieldset) Figcaption = ElementChecker(atom.Figcaption) Figure = ElementChecker(atom.Figure) Form = ElementChecker(atom.Form) H1 = ElementChecker(atom.H1) H2 = ElementChecker(atom.H2) H3 = ElementChecker(atom.H3) H4 = ElementChecker(atom.H4) H5 = ElementChecker(atom.H5) H6 = ElementChecker(atom.H6) Head = ElementChecker(atom.Head) Header = ElementChecker(atom.Header) Hgroup = ElementChecker(atom.Hgroup) Hr = ElementChecker(atom.Hr) Html = ElementChecker(atom.Html) I = ElementChecker(atom.I) Iframe = ElementChecker(atom.Iframe) Img = ElementChecker(atom.Img) Input = ElementChecker(atom.Input) Ins = ElementChecker(atom.Ins) Kbd = ElementChecker(atom.Kbd) Label = ElementChecker(atom.Label) Legend = ElementChecker(atom.Legend) Li = ElementChecker(atom.Li) Link = ElementChecker(atom.Link) Map = ElementChecker(atom.Map) Mark = ElementChecker(atom.Mark) Menu = ElementChecker(atom.Menu) Meta = ElementChecker(atom.Meta) Meter = ElementChecker(atom.Meter) Noscript = ElementChecker(atom.Noscript) Object = ElementChecker(atom.Object) Ol = ElementChecker(atom.Ol) Optgroup = ElementChecker(atom.Optgroup) Option = ElementChecker(atom.Option) Output = ElementChecker(atom.Output) P = ElementChecker(atom.P) Param = ElementChecker(atom.Param) Pre = ElementChecker(atom.Pre) Progress = ElementChecker(atom.Progress) Q = ElementChecker(atom.Q) Rp = ElementChecker(atom.Rp) Rt = ElementChecker(atom.Rt) Ruby = ElementChecker(atom.Ruby) S = ElementChecker(atom.S) Samp = ElementChecker(atom.Samp) Script = ElementChecker(atom.Script) Section = ElementChecker(atom.Section) Select = ElementChecker(atom.Select) Small = ElementChecker(atom.Small) Source = ElementChecker(atom.Source) Span = ElementChecker(atom.Span) Strong = ElementChecker(atom.Strong) Style = ElementChecker(atom.Style) Sub = ElementChecker(atom.Sub) Summary = ElementChecker(atom.Summary) Sup = ElementChecker(atom.Sup) Table = ElementChecker(atom.Table) Tbody = ElementChecker(atom.Tbody) Td = ElementChecker(atom.Td) Textarea = ElementChecker(atom.Textarea) Tfoot = ElementChecker(atom.Tfoot) Th = ElementChecker(atom.Th) Thead = ElementChecker(atom.Thead) Time = ElementChecker(atom.Time) Title = ElementChecker(atom.Title) Tr = ElementChecker(atom.Tr) Track = ElementChecker(atom.Track) U = ElementChecker(atom.U) Ul = ElementChecker(atom.Ul) Var = ElementChecker(atom.Var) Video = ElementChecker(atom.Video) Wbr = ElementChecker(atom.Wbr) )
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var ( Abbr_ = AttrChecker("abbr") Accept = AttrChecker("accept") AcceptCharset = SeperatedAttrChecker("accept-charset", ' ') Accesskey = SeperatedAttrChecker("accesskey", ' ') Action = AttrChecker("action") Allowfullscreen = AttrChecker("allowfullscreen") Allowpaymentrequest = AttrChecker("allowpaymentrequest") Allowusermedia = AttrChecker("allowusermedia") Alt = AttrChecker("alt") As = AttrChecker("as") Async = AttrChecker("async") Autocomplete = AttrChecker("autocomplete") Autofocus = AttrChecker("autofocus") Autoplay = AttrChecker("autoplay") Charset = AttrChecker("charset") Checked = AttrChecker("checked") Cite_ = AttrChecker("cite") Class = SeperatedAttrChecker("class", ' ') Color = AttrChecker("color") Cols = AttrChecker("cols") Colspan = AttrChecker("colspan") Content = AttrChecker("content") Contenteditable = AttrChecker("contenteditable") Controls = AttrChecker("controls") Coords = AttrChecker("coords") Crossorigin = AttrChecker("crossorigin") Data_ = AttrChecker("data") Datetime = AttrChecker("datetime") Default = AttrChecker("default") Defer = AttrChecker("defer") Dir = AttrChecker("dir") Dirname = AttrChecker("dirname") Disabled = AttrChecker("disabled") Download = AttrChecker("download") Draggable = AttrChecker("draggable") Enctype = AttrChecker("enctype") For = AttrChecker("for") Form_ = AttrChecker("form") Formaction = AttrChecker("formaction") Formenctype = AttrChecker("formenctype") Formmethod = AttrChecker("formmethod") Formnovalidate = AttrChecker("formnovalidate") Formtarget = AttrChecker("formtarget") Headers = SeperatedAttrChecker("headers", ' ') Height = AttrChecker("height") Hidden = AttrChecker("hidden") High = AttrChecker("high") Href = AttrChecker("href") Hreflang = AttrChecker("hreflang") HttpEquiv = AttrChecker("http-equiv") Id = AttrChecker("id") Inputmode = AttrChecker("inputmode") Integrity = AttrChecker("integrity") Is = AttrChecker("is") Ismap = AttrChecker("ismap") Itemid = AttrChecker("itemid") Itemprop = SeperatedAttrChecker("itemprop", ' ') Itemref = SeperatedAttrChecker("itemref", ' ') Itemscope = AttrChecker("itemscope") Itemtype = SeperatedAttrChecker("itemtype", ' ') Kind = AttrChecker("kind") Label_ = AttrChecker("label") Lang = AttrChecker("lang") List = AttrChecker("list") Loop = AttrChecker("loop") Low = AttrChecker("low") Manifest = AttrChecker("manifest") Max = AttrChecker("max") Maxlength = AttrChecker("maxlength") Media = AttrChecker("media") Method = AttrChecker("method") Min = AttrChecker("min") Minlength = AttrChecker("minlength") Multiple = AttrChecker("multiple") Muted = AttrChecker("muted") Name = AttrChecker("name") Nomodule = AttrChecker("nomodule") Nonce = AttrChecker("nonce") Novalidate = AttrChecker("novalidate") Open = AttrChecker("open") Optimum = AttrChecker("optimum") Pattern = AttrChecker("pattern") Ping = SeperatedAttrChecker("ping", ' ') Placeholder = AttrChecker("placeholder") Playsinline = AttrChecker("playsinline") Poster = AttrChecker("poster") Preload = AttrChecker("preload") Readonly = AttrChecker("readonly") Referrerpolicy = AttrChecker("referrerpolicy") Rel = SeperatedAttrChecker("rel", ' ') Required = AttrChecker("required") Reversed = AttrChecker("reversed") Rows = AttrChecker("rows") Rowspan = AttrChecker("rowspan") Sandbox = SeperatedAttrChecker("sandbox", ' ') Scope = AttrChecker("scope") Selected = AttrChecker("selected") Shape = AttrChecker("shape") Size = AttrChecker("size") Sizes = SeperatedAttrChecker("sizes", ' ') Slot_ = AttrChecker("slot") Span_ = AttrChecker("span") Spellcheck = AttrChecker("spellcheck") Src = AttrChecker("src") Srcdoc = AttrChecker("srcdoc") Srclang = AttrChecker("srclang") Srcset = AttrChecker("srcset") Start = AttrChecker("start") Step = AttrChecker("step") Style_ = AttrChecker("style") Tabindex = AttrChecker("tabindex") Target = AttrChecker("target") Title_ = AttrChecker("title") Translate = AttrChecker("translate") Type = AttrChecker("type") Typemustmatch = AttrChecker("typemustmatch") Updateviacache = AttrChecker("updateviacache") Usemap = AttrChecker("usemap") Value = AttrChecker("value") Width = AttrChecker("width") Workertype = AttrChecker("workertype") Wrap = AttrChecker("wrap") )
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var ( ErrorNode = TypeChecker(html.ErrorNode) TextNode = TypeChecker(html.TextNode) DocumentNode = TypeChecker(html.DocumentNode) ElementNode = TypeChecker(html.ElementNode) CommentNode = TypeChecker(html.CommentNode) DoctypeNode = TypeChecker(html.DoctypeNode) )
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var (
Ahref = And(A, HasAttr("href"))
Functions ¶
func AttrChecker ¶
func GetSubmatch ¶
func GetTextNodeText ¶
func Integers ¶
func Integers(next Iter, f StringGetter) []int
func SeperatedAttrChecker ¶
Types ¶
type Iter ¶
func Descendants ¶
Pre-order depth first traversal in all descendants
type StringGetter ¶
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