A Runescape file editing library for Go
git clone
cd coffee
go test ./... && go install
# Read the map manifest from the cache, write to file.
coffee cache read --index main_file_cache.idx255 \
--blocks main_file_cache.dat2 \
255 5 > manifest.maps.c.dat
# Read the map manifest from the cache, decompress it, write to file.
coffee cache read --index main_file_cache.idx255 --blocks main_file_cache.dat2 255 5 | \
coffee archive decompress > manifest.maps.d.dat
# Read the map manifest from the cache, decompress it, decode it, write to JSON file.
coffee cache read --index main_file_cache.idx255 --blocks main_file_cache.dat2 255 5 | \
coffee archive decompress | \
coffee index decode > manifest.maps.json