
MyGram is a social media application that enables users to store their personal photos and comment on others' pictures. This project is part of the Final Project 02 for the Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB) program at Hacktiv8.
Team Members
- Ahmad Arsy (GLNG-KS-08-05)
- Eki Alfani (GLNG-KS08-012)
- Fabianus Jericho Harapan Jaya Sipayung (GLNG-KS08-015)
The project is built using the following technologies:
- Programming Language: Golang
- Framework: Gin-Gonic
- Database: PostgreSQL
- HTTP Server: Gin HTTP Server
- API Docs: Swagger
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Navigate to the root directory
cd final-project-02
- Create a .env file in the root directory
touch .env
# or
echo > .env
- Add environment variable
DB_HOST=Database host (example: localhost)
DB_USER=Database username (example: postgres)
DB_PASSWORD=Database user's password (example: postgres)
DB_PORT=Database port (example: 5432)
DB_NAME=Name of the database to be used (example: "database name")
DB_SSLMODE=Database SSL mode (example: disable)
PORT=Port for the server to run on (example: 8080)
- Run the project
go run main.go
The API has been deployed and can be accessed here.
We welcome contributions from developers to improve this project. Please check the ISSUES for a list of tasks that need to be done.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.