Goranger is a console application for getting IP ranges from https://suip.biz web-services by city, country (very big size!! i'm really afraid) or ISP.
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Goranger is a simpliest (two files with code only) console application for getting IP ranges from https://suip.biz web-services by city, country (very big size!! i'm really afraid) or ISP. In case of ISP you may specify single ip or web-site url of that provider as argument of script. Goranger may be installed as application or imported into other Golang packages.
It is Golang port of deprecated PHP script getIpByIsp.
As application
With dpkg
wget https://github.com/hIMEI29A/goranger/releases/download/0.2.1/\
goranger-0.2.1-amd64.deb && sudo dpkg -i goranger-0.2.1-amd64.deb
With gdebi
wget https://github.com/hIMEI29A/goranger/releases/download/0.2.1/\
goranger-0.2.1-amd64.deb && sudo gdebi goranger-0.2.1-amd64.deb
Check the release page!
As package
go get github.com/hIMEI29A/goranger/libgoranger
To get help
./goranger -h
To get all IP ranges of Serbia
./goranger -t country -r RS
To get all IP ranges of London and save it to file.txt
./goranger -t city -r london -o file.txt
To get all IP ranges of Beeline ISP
./goranger -t isp -r
To get all IP ranges of ISP of kremlin.ru
./goranger -t isp -r kremlin.ru
Warning!!! In case of request by city, write the name of the city carefully and accurately, as much as possible. If an error occurs in the name, the search on the uncleaned database is activated, and the result includes ALL IP ranges from all possible variants. To get the most accurate result, the city name must not contain errors.