Index ¶
- Constants
- func LogClosedWorkflowSampled(logger bark.Logger, domain, wid, rid, wfType string)
- func LogCriticalErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, msg string, err error)
- func LogDecisionFailedEvent(lg bark.Logger, domainID, workflowID, runID string, ...)
- func LogDecisionTimeoutLargerThanWorkflowTimeout(logger bark.Logger, t int32, domain, wid, wfType string)
- func LogDecisionTimeoutTooLarge(logger bark.Logger, t int32, domain, wid, wfType string)
- func LogDuplicateTaskEvent(lg bark.Logger, taskType int, taskID int64, requestID string, ...)
- func LogDuplicateTransferTaskEvent(lg bark.Logger, taskType int, taskID int64, scheduleID int64)
- func LogHistoryDeserializationErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, err error, msg string)
- func LogHistoryEngineShutdownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogHistoryEngineShuttingDownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogHistoryEngineStartedEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogHistoryEngineStartingEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogHistorySerializationErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, err error, msg string)
- func LogIndexProcessorShutDownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogIndexProcessorShutDownTimedoutEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogIndexProcessorShuttingDownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogIndexProcessorStartFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, err error)
- func LogIndexProcessorStartedEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogIndexProcessorStartingEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogInternalServiceError(logger bark.Logger, err error)
- func LogInvalidHistoryActionEvent(logger bark.Logger, action string, eventID int64, state string)
- func LogListClosedWorkflowByFilter(logger bark.Logger, domain, filter string)
- func LogListOpenWorkflowByFilter(logger bark.Logger, domain, filter string)
- func LogMultipleCompletionDecisionsEvent(lg bark.Logger, decisionType shared.DecisionType)
- func LogMutableStateInvalidAction(logger bark.Logger, errorMsg string)
- func LogOpenWorkflowSampled(logger bark.Logger, domain, wid, rid, wfType string)
- func LogOperationFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, msg string, err error)
- func LogOperationStuckEvent(logger bark.Logger, msg string, err error)
- func LogPersistantStoreErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, operation string, err error, details string)
- func LogQueryTaskFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, domain, workflowID, runID, queryType string)
- func LogQueryTaskMissingWorkflowTypeErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, workflowID, runID, queryType string)
- func LogQueueProcesorShutdownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogQueueProcesorShutdownTimedoutEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogQueueProcesorShuttingDownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogQueueProcesorStartedEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogQueueProcesorStartingEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownTimedoutEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShuttingDownEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, err error)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartedEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartingEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogRingMembershipChangedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, added, removed, updated int)
- func LogShardClosedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardControllerShutdownEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string)
- func LogShardControllerShutdownTimedoutEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string)
- func LogShardControllerShuttingDownEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string)
- func LogShardControllerStartedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string)
- func LogShardEngineCreatedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardEngineCreatingEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardEngineStoppedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardEngineStoppingEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardItemCreatedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int)
- func LogShardItemRemovedEvent(logger bark.Logger, host string, shardID int, remainingShards int)
- func LogShardRangeUpdatedEvent(logger bark.Logger, shardID int, rangeID, startSequence, endSequence int64)
- func LogTaskListLoadedEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskListName string, taskListType int)
- func LogTaskListLoadingEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskListName string, taskListType int)
- func LogTaskListLoadingFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskListName string, taskListType int, err error)
- func LogTaskListUnloadedEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogTaskListUnloadingEvent(logger bark.Logger)
- func LogTaskProcessingFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, msg string, err error)
- func LogTransferTaskProcessingFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskID int64, taskType int, err error)
- func LogUncategorizedError(logger bark.Logger, err error)
Constants ¶
const ( // HistoryBuilder events InvalidHistoryActionEventID = 1000 // History Engine events HistoryEngineStarting = 2000 HistoryEngineStarted = 2001 HistoryEngineShuttingDown = 2002 HistoryEngineShutdown = 2003 PersistentStoreErrorEventID = 2010 HistorySerializationErrorEventID = 2020 HistoryDeserializationErrorEventID = 2021 DuplicateTaskEventID = 2030 MultipleCompletionDecisionsEventID = 2040 DuplicateTransferTaskEventID = 2050 DecisionFailedEventID = 2060 // Transfer Queue Processor events TransferQueueProcessorStarting = 2100 TransferQueueProcessorStarted = 2101 TransferQueueProcessorShuttingDown = 2102 TransferQueueProcessorShutdown = 2103 TransferQueueProcessorShutdownTimedout = 2104 TransferTaskProcessingFailed = 2105 // Shard context events ShardRangeUpdatedEventID = 3000 ShardAllocateTimerBeforeRead = 3001 // ShardController events ShardControllerStarted = 4000 ShardControllerShutdown = 4001 ShardControllerShuttingDown = 4002 ShardControllerShutdownTimedout = 4003 RingMembershipChangedEvent = 4004 ShardClosedEvent = 4005 ShardItemCreated = 4010 ShardItemRemoved = 4011 ShardEngineCreating = 4020 ShardEngineCreated = 4021 ShardEngineStopping = 4022 ShardEngineStopped = 4023 // MutableSateBuilder events InvalidMutableStateActionEventID = 4100 // Matching Engine events TaskListLoading = 5000 TaskListLoaded = 5001 TaskListUnloading = 5002 TaskListUnloaded = 5003 TaskListLoadingFailed = 5004 // Query task events InvalidQueryTaskEventID = 6000 QueryTaskFailedEventID = 6001 // Worker Service Events ReplicationTaskProcessorStarting = 7100 ReplicationTaskProcessorStarted = 7101 ReplicationTaskProcessorStartFailed = 7102 ReplicationTaskProcessorShuttingDown = 7103 ReplicationTaskProcessorShutdown = 7104 ReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownTimedout = 7105 ReplicationTaskProcessingFailed = 7106 IndexProcessorStarting = 7200 IndexProcessorStarted = 7201 IndexProcessorStartFailed = 7202 IndexProcessorShuttingDown = 7203 IndexProcessorShutDown = 7204 IndexProcessorShuttingDownTimedout = 7205 // General purpose events OperationFailed = 9000 OperationStuck = 9001 OperationCritical = 9002 )
const ( // ListWorkflow FilterType values ListWorkflowFilterByID = "WID" ListWorkflowFilterByType = "WType" ListWorkflowFilterByStatus = "status" )
Tag values
const ( // workflow logging tags TagWorkflowEventID = "wf-event-id" TagWorkflowComponent = "wf-component" TagWorkflowCluster = "wf-cluster" TagWorkflowErr = "wf-error" TagHistoryBuilderAction = "history-builder-action" TagStoreOperation = "store-operation" TagDomainID = "domain-id" TagDomainIDs = "domain-ids" TagWorkflowExecutionID = "execution-id" TagWorkflowRunID = "run-id" TagHistoryShardID = "shard-id" TagHistoryShardTime = "shard-time" TagHistoryShardReplicationAck = "shard-replication-ack" TagHistoryShardTransferAcks = "shard-transfer-acks" TagHistoryShardTimerAcks = "shard-timer-acks" TagDecisionType = "decision-type" TagDecisionFailCause = "decision-fail-cause" TagTaskID = "task-id" TagTaskType = "task-type" TagSourceCluster = "source-cluster" TagPrevActiveCluster = "prev-active-cluster" TagTopicName = "topic-name" TagConsumerName = "consumer-name" TagPartition = "partition" TagPartitionKey = "partition-key" TagOffset = "offset" TagScope = "scope" TagFailover = "failover" TagVersion = "version" TagCurrentVersion = "current-version" TagIncomingVersion = "incoming-version" TagScheduleID = "schedule-id" TagFirstEventID = "first-event-id" TagNextEventID = "next-event-id" TagResetNextEventID = "reset-next-event-id" TagTimeoutType = "timeout-type" TagTimestamp = "timestamp" TagEventID = "event-id" TagReplicationInfo = "replication-info" TagReplicationState = "replication-state" TagAttempt = "attempt" TagAttemptCount = "attempt-count" TagAttemptStart = "attempt-start" TagAttemptEnd = "attempt-end" TagSize = "size" TagSignalCount = "signal-count" TagTimerTaskStatus = "timer-task-status" TagScheduleAttempt = "schedule-attempt" TagCursorTimestamp = "cursor-timestamp" TagHistorySize = "history-size" TagEventCount = "event-count" TagESRequest = "es-request" TagESKey = "es-mapping-key" TagESField = "es-field" // workflow logging tag values // TagWorkflowComponent Values TagValueHistoryBuilderComponent = "history-builder" TagValueHistoryEngineComponent = "history-engine" TagValueHistoryCacheComponent = "history-cache" TagValueEventsCacheComponent = "events-cache" TagValueTransferQueueComponent = "transfer-queue-processor" TagValueTimerQueueComponent = "timer-queue-processor" TagValueReplicatorQueueComponent = "replicator-queue-processor" TagValueShardController = "shard-controller" TagValueMatchingEngineComponent = "matching-engine" TagValueReplicatorComponent = "replicator" TagValueReplicationTaskProcessorComponent = "replication-task-processor" TagValueHistoryReplicatorComponent = "history-replicator" TagValueIndexerComponent = "indexer" TagValueIndexerProcessorComponent = "indexer-processor" TagValueIndexerESProcessorComponent = "indexer-es-processor" TagValueESVisibilityManager = "es-visibility-manager" TagValueArchivalSystemWorkflowComponent = "archival-system-workflow" // TagHistoryBuilderAction values TagValueActionWorkflowStarted = "add-workflowexecution-started-event" TagValueActionDecisionTaskScheduled = "add-decisiontask-scheduled-event" TagValueActionDecisionTaskStarted = "add-decisiontask-started-event" TagValueActionDecisionTaskCompleted = "add-decisiontask-completed-event" TagValueActionDecisionTaskTimedOut = "add-decisiontask-timedout-event" TagValueActionDecisionTaskFailed = "add-decisiontask-failed-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskScheduled = "add-activitytask-scheduled-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskStarted = "add-activitytask-started-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskCompleted = "add-activitytask-completed-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskFailed = "add-activitytask-failed-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskTimedOut = "add-activitytask-timed-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskCanceled = "add-activitytask-canceled-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskCancelRequest = "add-activitytask-cancel-request-event" TagValueActionActivityTaskCancelRequestFailed = "add-activitytask-cancel-request-failed-event" TagValueActionCompleteWorkflow = "add-complete-workflow-event" TagValueActionFailWorkflow = "add-fail-workflow-event" TagValueActionTimeoutWorkflow = "add-timeout-workflow-event" TagValueActionCancelWorkflow = "add-cancel-workflow-event" TagValueActionTimerStarted = "add-timer-started-event" TagValueActionTimerFired = "add-timer-fired-event" TagValueActionTimerCanceled = "add-timer-Canceled-event" TagValueActionWorkflowTerminated = "add-workflowexecution-terminated-event" TagValueActionWorkflowSignaled = "add-workflowexecution-signaled-event" TagValueActionContinueAsNew = "add-continue-as-new-event" TagValueActionWorkflowCanceled = "add-workflowexecution-canceled-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionStarted = "add-childexecution-started-event" TagValueActionStartChildExecutionFailed = "add-start-childexecution-failed-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionCompleted = "add-childexecution-completed-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionFailed = "add-childexecution-failed-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionCanceled = "add-childexecution-canceled-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionTerminated = "add-childexecution-terminated-event" TagValueActionChildExecutionTimedOut = "add-childexecution-timedout-event" TagValueActionRequestCancelWorkflow = "add-request-cancel-workflow-event" TagValueActionWorkflowCancelRequested = "add-workflow-execution-cancel-requested-event" TagValueActionWorkflowCancelFailed = "add-workflow-execution-cancel-failed-event" TagValueActionWorkflowSignalRequested = "add-workflow-execution-signal-requested-event" TagValueActionWorkflowSignalFailed = "add-workflow-execution-signal-failed-event" TagValueActionUnknownEvent = "add-unknown-event" // TagStoreOperation values TagValueStoreOperationGetTasks = "get-tasks" TagValueStoreOperationCompleteTask = "complete-task" TagValueStoreOperationCreateWorkflowExecution = "create-wf-execution" TagValueStoreOperationGetWorkflowExecution = "get-wf-execution" TagValueStoreOperationUpdateWorkflowExecution = "update-wf-execution" TagValueStoreOperationDeleteWorkflowExecution = "delete-wf-execution" TagValueStoreOperationUpdateShard = "update-shard" TagValueStoreOperationCreateTask = "create-task" TagValueStoreOperationUpdateTaskList = "update-task-list" TagValueStoreOperationStopTaskList = "stop-task-list" // task list tags TagTaskListType = "task-list-type" TagTaskListName = "task-list-name" // persistence tags TagTreeID = "tree-id" TagBranchID = "branch-id" // archival tags TagArchiveRequestDomainID = "archive-request-domain-id" TagArchiveRequestWorkflowID = "archive-request-workflow-id" TagArchiveRequestRunID = "archive-request-run-id" TagArchiveRequestEventStoreVersion = "archive-request-event-store-version" TagArchiveRequestLastFirstEventID = "archive-request-last-first-event-id" TagNumberOfSignalsUntilContinueAsNew = "number-of-signals-until-continue-as-new" TagBucket = "bucket" TagFileBlobstoreBlobPath = "file-blobstore-blob-path" TagBlobKey = "blob-key" TagBlobKeyPrefix = "blob-key-prefix" TagFileBlobstoreMetadataPath = "file-blobstore-metadata-path" )
const TagErr = `err`
TagErr is the tag for error object message
const TagHostname = "hostname"
TagHostname represents the hostname
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func LogClosedWorkflowSampled ¶ added in v0.4.0
LogClosedWorkflowSampled is used to log msg for closed visibility requests that are sampled
func LogCriticalErrorEvent ¶ added in v0.3.14
LogCriticalErrorEvent is used to log critical errors by application it is expected to have alerts setup on such errors
func LogDecisionFailedEvent ¶
func LogDecisionFailedEvent(lg bark.Logger, domainID, workflowID, runID string, failCause shared.DecisionTaskFailedCause)
LogDecisionFailedEvent is used to log decision failures by RespondDecisionTaskCompleted handler
func LogDecisionTimeoutLargerThanWorkflowTimeout ¶ added in v0.3.14
func LogDecisionTimeoutLargerThanWorkflowTimeout(logger bark.Logger, t int32, domain, wid, wfType string)
LogDecisionTimeoutLargerThanWorkflowTimeout is used to log warning msg for workflow that contains large decision timeout
func LogDecisionTimeoutTooLarge ¶ added in v0.3.14
LogDecisionTimeoutTooLarge is used to log warning msg for workflow that contains large decision timeout
func LogDuplicateTaskEvent ¶
func LogDuplicateTaskEvent(lg bark.Logger, taskType int, taskID int64, requestID string, scheduleID, startedID int64, isRunning bool)
LogDuplicateTaskEvent is used to log the event when a duplicate task is detected
func LogDuplicateTransferTaskEvent ¶
LogDuplicateTransferTaskEvent is used to log the event when duplicate processing of the same transfer task is detected
func LogHistoryDeserializationErrorEvent ¶ added in v0.3.3
LogHistoryDeserializationErrorEvent is used to log errors deserializing execution history
func LogHistoryEngineShutdownEvent ¶
LogHistoryEngineShutdownEvent is used to log history shut down complete
func LogHistoryEngineShuttingDownEvent ¶
LogHistoryEngineShuttingDownEvent is used to log history shutting down
func LogHistoryEngineStartedEvent ¶
LogHistoryEngineStartedEvent is used to log history engine started
func LogHistoryEngineStartingEvent ¶
LogHistoryEngineStartingEvent is used to log history engine starting
func LogHistorySerializationErrorEvent ¶
LogHistorySerializationErrorEvent is used to log errors serializing execution history
func LogIndexProcessorShutDownEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorShutDownEvent is used to log index processing shutting down
func LogIndexProcessorShutDownTimedoutEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorShutDownTimedoutEvent is used to log index processing shutting down
func LogIndexProcessorShuttingDownEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorShuttingDownEvent is used to log index processing shutting down
func LogIndexProcessorStartFailedEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorStartFailedEvent is used to log index processor started
func LogIndexProcessorStartedEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorStartedEvent is used to log index processor starting
func LogIndexProcessorStartingEvent ¶ added in v0.5.2
LogIndexProcessorStartingEvent is used to log index processor starting
func LogInternalServiceError ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogInternalServiceError is used to log internal service error
func LogInvalidHistoryActionEvent ¶
LogInvalidHistoryActionEvent is used to log invalid history builder state
func LogListClosedWorkflowByFilter ¶ added in v0.5.0
LogListClosedWorkflowByFilter is used to log msg for closed visibility requests using filter
func LogListOpenWorkflowByFilter ¶ added in v0.5.0
LogListOpenWorkflowByFilter is used to log msg for open visibility requests using filter
func LogMultipleCompletionDecisionsEvent ¶
func LogMultipleCompletionDecisionsEvent(lg bark.Logger, decisionType shared.DecisionType)
LogMultipleCompletionDecisionsEvent is used to log multiple completion decisions for an execution
func LogMutableStateInvalidAction ¶
LogMutableStateInvalidAction is used to log invalid mutable state builder state
func LogOpenWorkflowSampled ¶ added in v0.4.0
LogOpenWorkflowSampled is used to log msg for open visibility requests that are sampled
func LogOperationFailedEvent ¶
LogOperationFailedEvent is used to log generic operation failures.
func LogOperationStuckEvent ¶ added in v0.4.0
LogOperationStuckEvent is used to log task processing stuck
func LogPersistantStoreErrorEvent ¶
LogPersistantStoreErrorEvent is used to log errors from persistence layer.
func LogQueryTaskFailedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.2
LogQueryTaskFailedEvent is used to log query task failure
func LogQueryTaskMissingWorkflowTypeErrorEvent ¶ added in v0.3.2
func LogQueryTaskMissingWorkflowTypeErrorEvent(logger bark.Logger, workflowID, runID, queryType string)
LogQueryTaskMissingWorkflowTypeErrorEvent is used to log invalid query task that is missing workflow type
func LogQueueProcesorShutdownEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogQueueProcesorShutdownEvent is used to log transfer queue processor shutdown complete
func LogQueueProcesorShutdownTimedoutEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogQueueProcesorShutdownTimedoutEvent is used to log timeout during transfer queue processor shutdown
func LogQueueProcesorShuttingDownEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogQueueProcesorShuttingDownEvent is used to log queue processor shutting down
func LogQueueProcesorStartedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogQueueProcesorStartedEvent is used to log queue processor started
func LogQueueProcesorStartingEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogQueueProcesorStartingEvent is used to log queue processor starting
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownEvent is used to log replication task processor shutdown complete
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownTimedoutEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorShutdownTimedoutEvent is used to log timeout during replication task processor shutdown
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorShuttingDownEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorShuttingDownEvent is used to log replication task processing shutting down
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartFailedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartFailedEvent is used to log replication task processor started
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartedEvent is used to log replication task processor started
func LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartingEvent ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogReplicationTaskProcessorStartingEvent is used to log replication task processor starting
func LogRingMembershipChangedEvent ¶
LogRingMembershipChangedEvent is used to log membership changes events received by shard controller
func LogShardClosedEvent ¶
LogShardClosedEvent is used to log shard closed event
func LogShardControllerShutdownEvent ¶
LogShardControllerShutdownEvent is used to log shard controller shutdown complete
func LogShardControllerShutdownTimedoutEvent ¶
LogShardControllerShutdownTimedoutEvent is used to log timeout during shard controller shutdown
func LogShardControllerShuttingDownEvent ¶
LogShardControllerShuttingDownEvent is used to log shard controller shutting down
func LogShardControllerStartedEvent ¶
LogShardControllerStartedEvent is used to log shard controller started
func LogShardEngineCreatedEvent ¶
LogShardEngineCreatedEvent is used to log completion of history engine creation
func LogShardEngineCreatingEvent ¶
LogShardEngineCreatingEvent is used to log start of history engine creation
func LogShardEngineStoppedEvent ¶
LogShardEngineStoppedEvent is used to log when stopping engine for a shard has completed
func LogShardEngineStoppingEvent ¶
LogShardEngineStoppingEvent is used to log when stopping engine for a shard has started
func LogShardItemCreatedEvent ¶
LogShardItemCreatedEvent is used to log creation of a shard item
func LogShardItemRemovedEvent ¶
LogShardItemRemovedEvent is used to log removal of a shard item
func LogShardRangeUpdatedEvent ¶
func LogShardRangeUpdatedEvent(logger bark.Logger, shardID int, rangeID, startSequence, endSequence int64)
LogShardRangeUpdatedEvent is used to log rangeID update for a shard
func LogTaskListLoadedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.0
LogTaskListLoadedEvent is used to log completion of a new task list loading
func LogTaskListLoadingEvent ¶ added in v0.3.0
LogTaskListLoadingEvent is used to log starting of a new task list loading
func LogTaskListLoadingFailedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.2
func LogTaskListLoadingFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskListName string, taskListType int, err error)
LogTaskListLoadingFailedEvent is used to log failure of a new task list loading
func LogTaskListUnloadedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.0
LogTaskListUnloadedEvent is used to log completion of a task list unloading
func LogTaskListUnloadingEvent ¶ added in v0.3.0
LogTaskListUnloadingEvent is used to log starting of a task list unloading
func LogTaskProcessingFailedEvent ¶ added in v0.3.11
LogTaskProcessingFailedEvent is used to log failures from task processing.
func LogTransferTaskProcessingFailedEvent ¶
func LogTransferTaskProcessingFailedEvent(logger bark.Logger, taskID int64, taskType int, err error)
LogTransferTaskProcessingFailedEvent is used to log failures from transfer task processing.
func LogUncategorizedError ¶ added in v0.3.7
LogUncategorizedError is used to log error that are uncategorized
Types ¶
This section is empty.