Path | Synopsis |
Package units provides helpful unit multipliers and functions for Go.
Package units provides helpful unit multipliers and functions for Go. |
This package is a character-set conversion library for Go.
This package is a character-set conversion library for Go. |
Package spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging.
Package spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging. |
Package imaging provides basic image processing functions (resize, rotate, crop, brightness/contrast adjustments, etc.).
Package imaging provides basic image processing functions (resize, rotate, crop, brightness/contrast adjustments, etc.). |
Package gg provides a simple API for rendering 2D graphics in pure Go.
Package gg provides a simple API for rendering 2D graphics in pure Go. |
Package monotime provides functions to access monotonic clock source.
Package monotime provides functions to access monotonic clock source. |
The freetype package provides a convenient API to draw text onto an image.
The freetype package provides a convenient API to draw text onto an image. |
Package raster provides an anti-aliasing 2-D rasterizer.
Package raster provides an anti-aliasing 2-D rasterizer. |
Package truetype provides a parser for the TTF and TTC file formats.
Package truetype provides a parser for the TTF and TTC file formats. |
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework.
Package oglematchers provides a set of matchers useful in a testing or mocking framework. |
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages.
createmock is used to generate source code for mock versions of interfaces from installed packages. |
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes.
Package generate implements code generation for mock classes. |
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing.
Package complicated_pkg contains an interface with lots of interesting cases, for use in integration testing. |
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe.
A package that calls itself something different than its package path would have you believe. |
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests.
Package ogletest provides a framework for writing expressive unit tests. |
Functions for working with source code.
Functions for working with source code. |
Package reqtrace contains a very simple request tracing framework.
Package reqtrace contains a very simple request tracing framework. |
Package gls implements goroutine-local storage.
Package gls implements goroutine-local storage. |
Package sqlite3 provides interface to SQLite3 databases.
Package sqlite3 provides interface to SQLite3 databases. |
Package pam provides a wrapper for the PAM application API.
Package pam provides a wrapper for the PAM application API. |
Package resize implements various image resizing methods.
Package resize implements various image resizing methods. |
Package difflib is a partial port of Python difflib module.
Package difflib is a partial port of Python difflib module. |
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in goconvey's `convey` package ( and gunit ( for use with the So(...) method.
Package assertions contains the implementations for all assertions which are referenced in goconvey's `convey` package ( and gunit ( for use with the So(...) method. |
package should is simply a rewording of the assertion functions in the assertions package.
package should is simply a rewording of the assertion functions in the assertions package. |
This executable provides an HTTP server that watches for file system changes to .go files within the working directory (and all nested go packages).
This executable provides an HTTP server that watches for file system changes to .go files within the working directory (and all nested go packages). |
Package convey contains all of the public-facing entry points to this project.
Package convey contains all of the public-facing entry points to this project. |
Package gotest contains internal functionality.
Package gotest contains internal functionality. |
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output.
Package reporting contains internal functionality related to console reporting and output. |
Package examples contains, well, examples of how to use goconvey to specify behavior of a system under test.
Package examples contains, well, examples of how to use goconvey to specify behavior of a system under test. |
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher.
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher. |
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher.
This file's only purpose is to provide a realistic environment from which to run integration tests against the Watcher. |
objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data. |
Package testify is a set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend.
Package testify is a set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. |
Package assert provides a set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system.
Package assert provides a set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system. |
Package http DEPRECATED USE net/http/httptest
Package http DEPRECATED USE net/http/httptest |
Package mock provides a system by which it is possible to mock your objects and verify calls are happening as expected.
Package mock provides a system by which it is possible to mock your objects and verify calls are happening as expected. |
Package require implements the same assertions as the `assert` package but stops test execution when a test fails.
Package require implements the same assertions as the `assert` package but stops test execution when a test fails. |
Package suite contains logic for creating testing suite structs and running the methods on those structs as tests.
Package suite contains logic for creating testing suite structs and running the methods on those structs as tests. |
Package bmp implements a BMP image decoder and encoder.
Package bmp implements a BMP image decoder and encoder. |
Package colornames provides named colors as defined in the SVG 1.1 spec.
Package colornames provides named colors as defined in the SVG 1.1 spec. |
Package draw provides image composition functions.
Package draw provides image composition functions. |
Package font defines an interface for font faces, for drawing text on an image.
Package font defines an interface for font faces, for drawing text on an image. |
Package basicfont provides fixed-size font faces.
Package basicfont provides fixed-size font faces. |
Package gobold provides the "Go Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gobold provides the "Go Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gobolditalic provides the "Go Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gobolditalic provides the "Go Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package goitalic provides the "Go Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package goitalic provides the "Go Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomedium provides the "Go Medium" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomedium provides the "Go Medium" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomediumitalic provides the "Go Medium Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomediumitalic provides the "Go Medium Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomono provides the "Go Mono" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomono provides the "Go Mono" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomonobold provides the "Go Mono Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomonobold provides the "Go Mono Bold" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomonobolditalic provides the "Go Mono Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomonobolditalic provides the "Go Mono Bold Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gomonoitalic provides the "Go Mono Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gomonoitalic provides the "Go Mono Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package goregular provides the "Go Regular" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package goregular provides the "Go Regular" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gosmallcaps provides the "Go Smallcaps" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gosmallcaps provides the "Go Smallcaps" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package gosmallcapsitalic provides the "Go Smallcaps Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family.
Package gosmallcapsitalic provides the "Go Smallcaps Italic" TrueType font from the Go font family. |
Package inconsolata provides pre-rendered bitmap versions of the Inconsolata font family.
Package inconsolata provides pre-rendered bitmap versions of the Inconsolata font family. |
Package opentype implements the font.Face interface based on SFNT font file formats.
Package opentype implements the font.Face interface based on SFNT font file formats. |
Package plan9font implements font faces for the Plan 9 font and subfont file formats.
Package plan9font implements font faces for the Plan 9 font and subfont file formats. |
Package sfnt implements a decoder for SFNT font file formats, including TrueType and OpenType.
Package sfnt implements a decoder for SFNT font file formats, including TrueType and OpenType. |
Package f32 implements float32 vector and matrix types.
Package f32 implements float32 vector and matrix types. |
Package f64 implements float64 vector and matrix types.
Package f64 implements float64 vector and matrix types. |
Package fixed implements fixed-point integer types.
Package fixed implements fixed-point integer types. |
Package riff implements the Resource Interchange File Format, used by media formats such as AVI, WAVE and WEBP.
Package riff implements the Resource Interchange File Format, used by media formats such as AVI, WAVE and WEBP. |
Package tiff implements a TIFF image decoder and encoder.
Package tiff implements a TIFF image decoder and encoder. |
Package lzw implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed data format, described in T. A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 17(6) (June 1984), pp 8-19.
Package lzw implements the Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed data format, described in T. A. Welch, “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression”, Computer, 17(6) (June 1984), pp 8-19. |
Package vector provides a rasterizer for 2-D vector graphics.
Package vector provides a rasterizer for 2-D vector graphics. |
Package vp8 implements a decoder for the VP8 lossy image format.
Package vp8 implements a decoder for the VP8 lossy image format. |
Package vp8l implements a decoder for the VP8L lossless image format.
Package vp8l implements a decoder for the VP8L lossless image format. |
Package webp implements a decoder for WEBP images.
Package webp implements a decoder for WEBP images. |
Package nycbcra provides non-alpha-premultiplied Y'CbCr-with-alpha image and color types.
Package nycbcra provides non-alpha-premultiplied Y'CbCr-with-alpha image and color types. |
Package bpf implements marshaling and unmarshaling of programs for the Berkeley Packet Filter virtual machine, and provides a Go implementation of the virtual machine.
Package bpf implements marshaling and unmarshaling of programs for the Berkeley Packet Filter virtual machine, and provides a Go implementation of the virtual machine. |
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes. |
Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests.
Package ctxhttp provides helper functions for performing context-aware HTTP requests. |
Package dict implements the Dictionary Server Protocol as defined in RFC 2229.
Package dict implements the Dictionary Server Protocol as defined in RFC 2229. |
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser.
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser. |
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id".
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id". |
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents.
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents. |
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol.
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol. |
The h2i command is an interactive HTTP/2 console.
The h2i command is an interactive HTTP/2 console. |
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2.
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2. |
Package icmp provides basic functions for the manipulation of messages used in the Internet Control Message Protocols, ICMPv4 and ICMPv6.
Package icmp provides basic functions for the manipulation of messages used in the Internet Control Message Protocols, ICMPv4 and ICMPv6. |
Package idna implements IDNA2008 (Internationalized Domain Names for Applications), defined in RFC 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5894.
Package idna implements IDNA2008 (Internationalized Domain Names for Applications), defined in RFC 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5894. |
Package iana provides protocol number resources managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
Package iana provides protocol number resources managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). |
Package netreflect implements run-time reflection for the facilities of net package.
Package netreflect implements run-time reflection for the facilities of net package. |
Package nettest provides utilities for IP testing.
Package nettest provides utilities for IP testing. |
Package timeseries implements a time series structure for stats collection.
Package timeseries implements a time series structure for stats collection. |
Package ipv4 implements IP-level socket options for the Internet Protocol version 4.
Package ipv4 implements IP-level socket options for the Internet Protocol version 4. |
Package ipv6 implements IP-level socket options for the Internet Protocol version 6.
Package ipv6 implements IP-level socket options for the Internet Protocol version 6. |
Package httplex contains rules around lexical matters of various HTTP-related specifications.
Package httplex contains rules around lexical matters of various HTTP-related specifications. |
Package netutil provides network utility functions, complementing the more common ones in the net package.
Package netutil provides network utility functions, complementing the more common ones in the net package. |
Package proxy provides support for a variety of protocols to proxy network data.
Package proxy provides support for a variety of protocols to proxy network data. |
Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from
Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from |
Package route provides basic functions for the manipulation of packet routing facilities on BSD variants.
Package route provides basic functions for the manipulation of packet routing facilities on BSD variants. |
Package trace implements tracing of requests and long-lived objects.
Package trace implements tracing of requests and long-lived objects. |
Package webdav provides a WebDAV server implementation.
Package webdav provides a WebDAV server implementation. |
Package xml implements a simple XML 1.0 parser that understands XML name spaces.
Package xml implements a simple XML 1.0 parser that understands XML name spaces. |
Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455.
Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455. |
Package xsrftoken provides methods for generating and validating secure XSRF tokens.
Package xsrftoken provides methods for generating and validating secure XSRF tokens. |
Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives.
Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives. |
Package svc provides everything required to build Windows service.
Package svc provides everything required to build Windows service. |
Package debug provides facilities to execute svc.Handler on console.
Package debug provides facilities to execute svc.Handler on console. |
Package eventlog implements access to Windows event log.
Package eventlog implements access to Windows event log. |
Example service program that beeps.
Example service program that beeps. |
Package mgr can be used to manage Windows service programs.
Package mgr can be used to manage Windows service programs. |
text is a repository of text-related packages related to internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n), such as character encodings, text transformations, and locale-specific text handling.
text is a repository of text-related packages related to internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n), such as character encodings, text transformations, and locale-specific text handling. |
Package cases provides general and language-specific case mappers.
Package cases provides general and language-specific case mappers. |
gotext is a tool for managing text in Go source code.
gotext is a tool for managing text in Go source code. |
Package collate contains types for comparing and sorting Unicode strings according to a given collation order.
Package collate contains types for comparing and sorting Unicode strings according to a given collation order. |
Package currency contains currency-related functionality.
Package currency contains currency-related functionality. |
Package encoding defines an interface for character encodings, such as Shift JIS and Windows 1252, that can convert to and from UTF-8.
Package encoding defines an interface for character encodings, such as Shift JIS and Windows 1252, that can convert to and from UTF-8. |
Package charmap provides simple character encodings such as IBM Code Page 437 and Windows 1252.
Package charmap provides simple character encodings such as IBM Code Page 437 and Windows 1252. |
Package htmlindex maps character set encoding names to Encodings as recommended by the W3C for use in HTML 5.
Package htmlindex maps character set encoding names to Encodings as recommended by the W3C for use in HTML 5. |
Package ianaindex maps names to Encodings as specified by the IANA registry.
Package ianaindex maps names to Encodings as specified by the IANA registry. |
Package internal contains code that is shared among encoding implementations.
Package internal contains code that is shared among encoding implementations. |
Package identifier defines the contract between implementations of Encoding and Index by defining identifiers that uniquely identify standardized coded character sets (CCS) and character encoding schemes (CES), which we will together refer to as encodings, for which Encoding implementations provide converters to and from UTF-8.
Package identifier defines the contract between implementations of Encoding and Index by defining identifiers that uniquely identify standardized coded character sets (CCS) and character encoding schemes (CES), which we will together refer to as encodings, for which Encoding implementations provide converters to and from UTF-8. |
Package japanese provides Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP and Shift JIS.
Package japanese provides Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP and Shift JIS. |
Package korean provides Korean encodings such as EUC-KR.
Package korean provides Korean encodings such as EUC-KR. |
Package simplifiedchinese provides Simplified Chinese encodings such as GBK.
Package simplifiedchinese provides Simplified Chinese encodings such as GBK. |
Package traditionalchinese provides Traditional Chinese encodings such as Big5.
Package traditionalchinese provides Traditional Chinese encodings such as Big5. |
Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16.
Package unicode provides Unicode encodings such as UTF-16. |
Package utf32 provides the UTF-32 Unicode encoding.
Package utf32 provides the UTF-32 Unicode encoding. |
Package internal contains non-exported functionality that are used by packages in the text repository.
Package internal contains non-exported functionality that are used by packages in the text repository. |
Package colltab contains functionality related to collation tables.
Package colltab contains functionality related to collation tables. |
Package idna implements IDNA2008 using the compatibility processing defined by UTS (Unicode Technical Standard) #46, which defines a standard to deal with the transition from IDNA2003.
Package idna implements IDNA2008 using the compatibility processing defined by UTS (Unicode Technical Standard) #46, which defines a standard to deal with the transition from IDNA2003. |
Package format contains types for defining language-specific formatting of values.
Package format contains types for defining language-specific formatting of values. |
Package plural defines the grammatical plural feature.
Package plural defines the grammatical plural feature. |
Package gen contains common code for the various code generation tools in the text repository.
Package gen contains common code for the various code generation tools in the text repository. |
Package number contains tools and data for formatting numbers.
Package number contains tools and data for formatting numbers. |
Package stringset provides a way to represent a collection of strings compactly.
Package stringset provides a way to represent a collection of strings compactly. |
Package tag contains functionality handling tags and related data.
Package tag contains functionality handling tags and related data. |
Package testtext contains test data that is of common use to the text repository.
Package testtext contains test data that is of common use to the text repository. |
Package triegen implements a code generator for a trie for associating unsigned integer values with UTF-8 encoded runes.
Package triegen implements a code generator for a trie for associating unsigned integer values with UTF-8 encoded runes. |
Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the format of which is defined in
Package ucd provides a parser for Unicode Character Database files, the format of which is defined in |
Package utf8internal contains low-level utf8-related constants, tables, etc.
Package utf8internal contains low-level utf8-related constants, tables, etc. |
Package language implements BCP 47 language tags and related functionality.
Package language implements BCP 47 language tags and related functionality. |
Package display provides display names for languages, scripts and regions in a requested language.
Package display provides display names for languages, scripts and regions in a requested language. |
Package message implements formatted I/O for localized strings with functions analogous to the fmt's print functions.
Package message implements formatted I/O for localized strings with functions analogous to the fmt's print functions. |
Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text.
Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text. |
Package search provides language-specific search and string matching.
Package search provides language-specific search and string matching. |
secure is a repository of text security related packages.
secure is a repository of text security related packages. |
Package bidirule implements the Bidi Rule defined by RFC 5893.
Package bidirule implements the Bidi Rule defined by RFC 5893. |
Package precis contains types and functions for the preparation, enforcement, and comparison of internationalized strings ("PRECIS") as defined in RFC 7564.
Package precis contains types and functions for the preparation, enforcement, and comparison of internationalized strings ("PRECIS") as defined in RFC 7564. |
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations.
Package transform provides reader and writer wrappers that transform the bytes passing through as well as various transformations. |
unicode holds packages with implementations of Unicode standards that are mostly used as building blocks for other packages in, layout engines, or are otherwise more low-level in nature.
unicode holds packages with implementations of Unicode standards that are mostly used as building blocks for other packages in, layout engines, or are otherwise more low-level in nature. |
Package bidi contains functionality for bidirectional text support.
Package bidi contains functionality for bidirectional text support. |
Package cldr provides a parser for LDML and related XML formats.
Package cldr provides a parser for LDML and related XML formats. |
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings.
Package norm contains types and functions for normalizing Unicode strings. |
Package rangetable provides utilities for creating and inspecting unicode.RangeTables.
Package rangetable provides utilities for creating and inspecting unicode.RangeTables. |
Package width provides functionality for handling different widths in text.
Package width provides functionality for handling different widths in text. |
Package parse provides support for parsing benchmark results as generated by 'go test -bench'.
Package parse provides support for parsing benchmark results as generated by 'go test -bench'. |
Package blog implements a web server for articles written in present format.
Package blog implements a web server for articles written in present format. |
Package atom defines XML data structures for an Atom feed.
Package atom defines XML data structures for an Atom feed. |
The benchcmp command displays performance changes between benchmarks.
The benchcmp command displays performance changes between benchmarks. |
Bundle creates a single-source-file version of a source package suitable for inclusion in a particular target package.
Bundle creates a single-source-file version of a source package suitable for inclusion in a particular target package. |
callgraph: a tool for reporting the call graph of a Go program.
callgraph: a tool for reporting the call graph of a Go program. |
Cover is a program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'.
Cover is a program for analyzing the coverage profiles generated by 'go test -coverprofile=cover.out'. |
The digraph command performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs represented in text form.
The digraph command performs queries over unlabelled directed graphs represented in text form. |
The eg command performs example-based refactoring.
The eg command performs example-based refactoring. |
The fiximports command fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path for packages that have an "import comment" as defined by
The fiximports command fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path for packages that have an "import comment" as defined by |
The godex command prints (dumps) exported information of packages or selected package objects.
The godex command prints (dumps) exported information of packages or selected package objects. |
Godoc extracts and generates documentation for Go programs.
Godoc extracts and generates documentation for Go programs. |
Command goimports updates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones.
Command goimports updates your Go import lines, adding missing ones and removing unreferenced ones. |
The gomvpkg command moves go packages, updating import declarations.
The gomvpkg command moves go packages, updating import declarations. |
The gorename command performs precise type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go source code.
The gorename command performs precise type-safe renaming of identifiers in Go source code. |
The gotype command does syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages like the front-end of a Go compiler.
The gotype command does syntactic and semantic analysis of Go files and packages like the front-end of a Go compiler. |
Goyacc is a version of yacc for Go.
Goyacc is a version of yacc for Go. |
guru: a tool for answering questions about Go source code.
guru: a tool for answering questions about Go source code. |
Package serial defines the guru's schema for -json output.
Package serial defines the guru's schema for -json output. |
heapview is a tool for viewing Go heap dumps.
heapview is a tool for viewing Go heap dumps. |
Package core provides functions for reading core dumps and examining their contained heaps.
Package core provides functions for reading core dumps and examining their contained heaps. |
This program takes an HTML file and outputs a corresponding article file in present format.
This program takes an HTML file and outputs a corresponding article file in present format. |
Present displays slide presentations and articles.
Present displays slide presentations and articles. |
ssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs.
ssadump: a tool for displaying and interpreting the SSA form of Go programs. |
The stress utility is intended for catching of episodic failures.
The stress utility is intended for catching of episodic failures. |
Stringer is a tool to automate the creation of methods that satisfy the fmt.Stringer interface.
Stringer is a tool to automate the creation of methods that satisfy the fmt.Stringer interface. |
Command tip is the server, serving the latest HEAD straight from the Git oven.
Command tip is the server, serving the latest HEAD straight from the Git oven. |
Package intsets provides Sparse, a compact and fast representation for sparse sets of int values.
Package intsets provides Sparse, a compact and fast representation for sparse sets of int values. |
Package cover provides support for parsing coverage profiles generated by "go test -coverprofile=cover.out".
Package cover provides support for parsing coverage profiles generated by "go test -coverprofile=cover.out". |
Package astutil contains common utilities for working with the Go AST.
Package astutil contains common utilities for working with the Go AST. |
Package buildutil provides utilities related to the go/build package in the standard library.
Package buildutil provides utilities related to the go/build package in the standard library. |
Package callgraph defines the call graph and various algorithms and utilities to operate on it.
Package callgraph defines the call graph and various algorithms and utilities to operate on it. |
Package cha computes the call graph of a Go program using the Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA) algorithm.
Package cha computes the call graph of a Go program using the Class Hierarchy Analysis (CHA) algorithm. |
This package provides Rapid Type Analysis (RTA) for Go, a fast algorithm for call graph construction and discovery of reachable code (and hence dead code) and runtime types.
This package provides Rapid Type Analysis (RTA) for Go, a fast algorithm for call graph construction and discovery of reachable code (and hence dead code) and runtime types. |
Package static computes the call graph of a Go program containing only static call edges.
Package static computes the call graph of a Go program containing only static call edges. |
Package gccgoexportdata provides functions for reading export data files containing type information produced by the gccgo compiler.
Package gccgoexportdata provides functions for reading export data files containing type information produced by the gccgo compiler. |
Package gcexportdata provides functions for locating, reading, and writing export data files containing type information produced by the gc compiler.
Package gcexportdata provides functions for locating, reading, and writing export data files containing type information produced by the gc compiler. |
Package gcimporter15 provides various functions for reading gc-generated object files that can be used to implement the Importer interface defined by the Go 1.5 standard library package.
Package gcimporter15 provides various functions for reading gc-generated object files that can be used to implement the Importer interface defined by the Go 1.5 standard library package. |
Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files.
Package gccgoimporter implements Import for gccgo-generated object files. |
Package loader loads a complete Go program from source code, parsing and type-checking the initial packages plus their transitive closure of dependencies.
Package loader loads a complete Go program from source code, parsing and type-checking the initial packages plus their transitive closure of dependencies. |
Package pointer implements Andersen's analysis, an inclusion-based pointer analysis algorithm first described in (Andersen, 1994).
Package pointer implements Andersen's analysis, an inclusion-based pointer analysis algorithm first described in (Andersen, 1994). |
Package ssa defines a representation of the elements of Go programs (packages, types, functions, variables and constants) using a static single-assignment (SSA) form intermediate representation (IR) for the bodies of functions.
Package ssa defines a representation of the elements of Go programs (packages, types, functions, variables and constants) using a static single-assignment (SSA) form intermediate representation (IR) for the bodies of functions. |
Package ssa/interp defines an interpreter for the SSA representation of Go programs.
Package ssa/interp defines an interpreter for the SSA representation of Go programs. |
Package typeutil defines various utilities for types, such as Map, a mapping from types.Type to interface{} values.
Package typeutil defines various utilities for types, such as Map, a mapping from types.Type to interface{} values. |
Package godoc is a work-in-progress (2013-07-17) package to begin splitting up the godoc binary into multiple pieces.
Package godoc is a work-in-progress (2013-07-17) package to begin splitting up the godoc binary into multiple pieces. |
Package analysis performs type and pointer analysis and generates mark-up for the Go source view.
Package analysis performs type and pointer analysis and generates mark-up for the Go source view. |
Package redirect provides hooks to register HTTP handlers that redirect old godoc paths to their new equivalents and assist in accessing the issue tracker, wiki, code review system, etc.
Package redirect provides hooks to register HTTP handlers that redirect old godoc paths to their new equivalents and assist in accessing the issue tracker, wiki, code review system, etc. |
Package static exports a map of static file content that supports the godoc user interface.
Package static exports a map of static file content that supports the godoc user interface. |
Package util contains utility types and functions for godoc.
Package util contains utility types and functions for godoc. |
Package vfs defines types for abstract file system access and provides an implementation accessing the file system of the underlying OS.
Package vfs defines types for abstract file system access and provides an implementation accessing the file system of the underlying OS. |
Package gatefs provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface that wraps another FileSystem and limits its concurrency.
Package gatefs provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface that wraps another FileSystem and limits its concurrency. |
Package httpfs implements http.FileSystem using a godoc vfs.FileSystem.
Package httpfs implements http.FileSystem using a godoc vfs.FileSystem. |
Package mapfs file provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface based on the contents of a map[string]string.
Package mapfs file provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface based on the contents of a map[string]string. |
Package zipfs file provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface based on the contents of a .zip file.
Package zipfs file provides an implementation of the FileSystem interface based on the contents of a .zip file. |
Package imports implements a Go pretty-printer (like package "go/format") that also adds or removes import statements as necessary.
Package imports implements a Go pretty-printer (like package "go/format") that also adds or removes import statements as necessary. |
Package playground registers HTTP handlers at "/compile" and "/share" that proxy requests to the playground service.
Package playground registers HTTP handlers at "/compile" and "/share" that proxy requests to the playground service. |
Package socket implements an WebSocket-based playground backend.
Package socket implements an WebSocket-based playground backend. |
The present file format
The present file format |
Package eg implements the example-based refactoring tool whose command-line is defined in
Package eg implements the example-based refactoring tool whose command-line is defined in |
Package importgraph computes the forward and reverse import dependency graphs for all packages in a Go workspace.
Package importgraph computes the forward and reverse import dependency graphs for all packages in a Go workspace. |
Package rename contains the implementation of the 'gorename' command whose main function is in
Package rename contains the implementation of the 'gorename' command whose main function is in |
Package satisfy inspects the type-checked ASTs of Go packages and reports the set of discovered type constraints of the form (lhs, rhs Type) where lhs is a non-trivial interface, rhs satisfies this interface, and this fact is necessary for the package to be well-typed.
Package satisfy inspects the type-checked ASTs of Go packages and reports the set of discovered type constraints of the form (lhs, rhs Type) where lhs is a non-trivial interface, rhs satisfies this interface, and this fact is necessary for the package to be well-typed. |
Package kingpin provides command line interfaces like this:
Package kingpin provides command line interfaces like this: |
A curl-like HTTP command-line client.
A curl-like HTTP command-line client. |
Package check is a rich testing extension for Go's testing package.
Package check is a rich testing extension for Go's testing package. |
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language.
Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language. |
Theme settings.
Theme settings. |
Theme scanner
Theme scanner |
Cursor theme thumbnail generator
Cursor theme thumbnail generator |
Gtk theme thumbnail generator
Gtk theme thumbnail generator |
Icon theme thumbnail generator
Icon theme thumbnail generator |
Image thumbnail generator
Image thumbnail generator |
Load thumbnail handlers
Load thumbnail handlers |
PDF thumbnail generator
PDF thumbnail generator |
Text thumbnail generator
Text thumbnail generator |
app provide a convenient application structure with commandline and profile features.
app provide a convenient application structure with commandline and profile features. |
Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system.
Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system. |
Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format.
Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format. |
Package kv reads key value files.
Package kv reads key value files. |
fork from
fork from |
Package fsnotify implements file system notification.
Package fsnotify implements file system notification. |
profiling of your Go application.
profiling of your Go application. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.