Online server tool to made markdown document.
No authentication
go build
./mdoc daemon --auth-mode=false
# Then open http://localhost:8080 in browser.
Authentication(Default mode)
go build
./mdoc daemon --auth-mode=true
# Then open http://localhost:8080 in browser.
Set a admin account for login
Open another console, add a user to sqlite db.
The default password is 'hello', see TestHashPasswd
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
sqlite3 ./data/mdoc.db
INSERT INTO user_info(id,`passwd`,nick_name,kind,memo)VALUES('admin','7628d9fbecd3683d02276b6176b0ee13','admin',1,'system init');
# modify the passwd
./mdoc user --url=http://localhost:8080 --admin-user=admin --admin-pwd=hello reset --username=admin --passwd=<newpasswd>
# add a new user
./mdoc user --url=http://localhost:8080 --admin-user=admin --admin-pwd=<newpasswd> add --username=newone --passwd=<newpasswd>
For release
go build
sudo mkdir /mnt/data/markdown
sudo cp mdoc /usr/local/bin
sudo cp -r public /mnt/data/markdown
mdoc --repo=/mnt/data/markdown daemon --listen=:8080
Hybrid authentication
Using "repo/.authignore" can do hybrid authentication.
Example in the .authignore file of demo will be ignore authentication:
User need to login again by the opaque was changed when the server has been restart, maybe use redis to fixed this problem.
More help run "./mdoc --help"