Index ¶
- Constants
- func ActionlogFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f actionlogType.Filter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ actionlogType.Filter, err error)
- func ApigwFilterFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApigwFilterFilter, err error)
- func ApigwRouteFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApigwRouteFilter, err error)
- func ApplicationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApplicationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApplicationFilter, err error)
- func AttachmentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AttachmentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
- func AuthClientFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthClientFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthClientFilter, err error)
- func AuthConfirmedClientFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter, err error)
- func AuthOa2tokenFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter, err error)
- func AuthSessionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthSessionFilter, err error)
- func AutomationSessionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.SessionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.SessionFilter, err error)
- func AutomationTriggerFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.TriggerFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.TriggerFilter, err error)
- func AutomationWorkflowFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.WorkflowFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.WorkflowFilter, err error)
- func ComposeAttachmentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.AttachmentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
- func ComposeChartFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ChartFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ChartFilter, err error)
- func ComposeModuleFieldFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ModuleFieldFilter, err error)
- func ComposeModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ModuleFilter, err error)
- func ComposeNamespaceFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.NamespaceFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.NamespaceFilter, err error)
- func ComposePageFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.PageFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.PageFilter, err error)
- func ComposePageLayoutFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.PageLayoutFilter, err error)
- func Connect(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, cfg *ConnConfig) (db *sqlx.DB, err error)
- func CredentialFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.CredentialFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.CredentialFilter, err error)
- func CursorCondition(pc pagingCursor, keyMapper cursorKeyMapper, sortableCols map[string]string) *cursorCondition
- func CursorExpression(cur *filter.PagingCursor, identLookup func(i string) (exp.Expression, error), ...) (e exp.Expression, err error)
- func DalConnectionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalConnectionFilter, err error)
- func DalSchemaAlterationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter, err error)
- func DalSensitivityLevelFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter, err error)
- func DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter, err error)
- func DataPrivacyRequestFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter, err error)
- func DefaultFilters() (f *extendedFilters)
- func FederationExposedModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.ExposedModuleFilter, err error)
- func FederationModuleMappingFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.ModuleMappingFilter, err error)
- func FederationNodeFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.NodeFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.NodeFilter, err error)
- func FederationNodeSyncFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.NodeSyncFilter, err error)
- func FederationSharedModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.SharedModuleFilter, err error)
- func FlagFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f flagType.FlagFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ flagType.FlagFilter, err error)
- func LabelFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f labelsType.LabelFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ labelsType.LabelFilter, err error)
- func Order(sort filter.SortExprSet, sortables map[string]string) (oo []exp.OrderedExpression, err error)
- func QueueFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.QueueFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.QueueFilter, err error)
- func QueueMessageFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.QueueMessageFilter, err error)
- func RbacRuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f rbacType.RuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ rbacType.RuleFilter, err error)
- func ReminderFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ReminderFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ReminderFilter, err error)
- func ReportFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ReportFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ReportFilter, err error)
- func ResourceActivityFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter, err error)
- func ResourceTranslationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter, err error)
- func RoleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.RoleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.RoleFilter, err error)
- func RoleMemberFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.RoleMemberFilter, err error)
- func SettingValueFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.SettingsFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.SettingsFilter, err error)
- func TemplateFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.TemplateFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.TemplateFilter, err error)
- func UserFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.UserFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.UserFilter, err error)
- type ConnConfig
- type Functions
- type KeyMap
- type Store
- func (s Store) ApplicationMetrics(ctx context.Context) (_ *systemType.ApplicationMetrics, err error)
- func (s *Store) CountUsers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter) (c uint, _ error)
- func (s *Store) CreateActionlog(ctx context.Context, rr ...*actionlogType.Action) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposeChart(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Chart) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposeModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Module) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposePage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Page) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFederationNode(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.Node) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateFlag(ctx context.Context, rr ...*flagType.Flag) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateLabel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*labelsType.Label) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateQueue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Queue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateRbacRule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*rbacType.Rule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateReminder(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Reminder) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateReport(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Report) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Role) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateTemplate(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Template) (err error)
- func (s *Store) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.User) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteActionlog(ctx context.Context, rr ...*actionlogType.Action) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteActionlogByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteApigwFilterByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteApigwRouteByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteApplicationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthClientByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, clientID uint64) error
- func (s Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByAccess(ctx context.Context, access string) error
- func (s Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByCode(ctx context.Context, code string) error
- func (s Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByRefresh(ctx context.Context, refresh string) error
- func (s Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthOa2tokenByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAuthSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id string) error
- func (s Store) DeleteAuthSessionsByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationTriggerByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationWorkflowByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeChart(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Chart) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeChartByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Module) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeModuleFieldByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposeNamespaceByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposePage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Page) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposePageByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteComposePageLayoutByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteCredentialByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalConnectionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalSchemaAlterationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteDalSensitivityLevelByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestCommentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s Store) DeleteExpiredAuthOA2Tokens(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s Store) DeleteExpiredAuthSessions(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s Store) DeleteExtraLabels(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceId uint64, name ...string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationExposedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationNode(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.Node) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationNodeByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationNodeSyncByNodeID(ctx context.Context, nodeID uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFederationSharedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteFlag(ctx context.Context, rr ...*flagType.Flag) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, ownedBy uint64, ...) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteLabel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*labelsType.Label) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteLabelByKindResourceIDName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, name string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteQueue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Queue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteQueueByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteQueueMessageByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteRbacRule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*rbacType.Rule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteRbacRuleByRoleIDResourceOperation(ctx context.Context, roleID uint64, resource string, operation string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteReminder(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Reminder) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteReminderByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteReport(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Report) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteReportByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteResourceActivityByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteResourceTranslationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Role) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteRoleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteRoleMemberByUserIDRoleID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, roleID uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteSettingValueByOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, ownedBy uint64, name string) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteTemplate(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Template) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteTemplateByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s *Store) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.User) (err error)
- func (s *Store) DeleteUserByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) error
- func (s Store) Exec(ctx context.Context, q sqlizer) error
- func (s Store) ExecR(ctx context.Context, q sqlizer) (rs sql.Result, _ error)
- func (s Store) Healthcheck(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) LookupActionlogByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *actionlogType.Action, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupApigwFilterByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupApigwFilterByRoute(ctx context.Context, route uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupApigwRouteByEndpoint(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (_ *systemType.ApigwRoute, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupApigwRouteByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwRoute, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupApplicationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Application, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Attachment, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthClientByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.AuthClient, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthClientByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthClient, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, clientID uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthConfirmedClient, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByAccess(ctx context.Context, access string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByRefresh(ctx context.Context, refresh string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAuthSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (_ *systemType.AuthSession, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAutomationSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Session, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAutomationTriggerByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Trigger, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *automationType.Workflow, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Workflow, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Attachment, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeChartByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Chart, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeChartByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Chart, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDName(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, name string) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.ModuleField, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByModuleIDName(ctx context.Context, moduleID uint64, name string) (_ *composeType.ModuleField, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeNamespaceByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Namespace, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposeNamespaceBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (_ *composeType.Namespace, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDModuleID(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, moduleID uint64) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDPageIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, pageID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupCredentialByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Credential, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupDalConnectionByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.DalConnection, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupDalConnectionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalConnection, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupDalSchemaAlterationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalSchemaAlteration, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupDalSensitivityLevelByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalSensitivityLevel, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupDataPrivacyRequestByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DataPrivacyRequest, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationExposedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.ExposedModule, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleID(ctx context.Context, federationModuleID uint64) (_ *federationType.ModuleMapping, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleIDComposeModuleIDComposeNamespaceID(ctx context.Context, federationModuleID uint64, composeModuleID uint64, ...) (_ *federationType.ModuleMapping, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeByBaseURLSharedNodeID(ctx context.Context, baseURL string, sharedNodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeBySharedNodeID(ctx context.Context, sharedNodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeID(ctx context.Context, nodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.NodeSync, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeIDModuleIDSyncTypeSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, nodeID uint64, moduleID uint64, syncType string, ...) (_ *federationType.NodeSync, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFederationSharedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.SharedModule, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, ownedBy uint64, ...) (_ *flagType.Flag, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupLabelByKindResourceIDName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, name string) (_ *labelsType.Label, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupQueueByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Queue, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupQueueByQueue(ctx context.Context, queue string) (_ *systemType.Queue, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupReminderByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Reminder, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupReportByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Report, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupReportByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Report, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupResourceTranslationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ResourceTranslation, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupRoleByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Role, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupRoleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Role, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupRoleByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (_ *systemType.Role, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupSettingValueByNameOwnedBy(ctx context.Context, name string, ownedBy uint64) (_ *systemType.SettingValue, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupTemplateByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Template, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupTemplateByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Template, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupUserByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupUserByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
- func (s *Store) LookupUserByUsername(ctx context.Context, username string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
- func (s Store) Query(ctx context.Context, q sqlizer) (*sql.Rows, error)
- func (s *Store) QueryActionlogs(ctx context.Context, f actionlogType.Filter) (_ []*actionlogType.Action, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryApigwFilters(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter) (_ []*systemType.ApigwFilter, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryApigwRoutes(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter) (_ []*systemType.ApigwRoute, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryApplications(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApplicationFilter) (_ []*systemType.Application, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAttachments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AttachmentFilter) (_ []*systemType.Attachment, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAuthClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthClientFilter) (_ []*systemType.AuthClient, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAuthConfirmedClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter) (_ []*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAuthOa2tokens(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter) (_ []*systemType.AuthOa2token, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAuthSessions(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter) (_ []*systemType.AuthSession, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAutomationSessions(ctx context.Context, f automationType.SessionFilter) (_ []*automationType.Session, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAutomationTriggers(ctx context.Context, f automationType.TriggerFilter) (_ []*automationType.Trigger, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryAutomationWorkflows(ctx context.Context, f automationType.WorkflowFilter) (_ []*automationType.Workflow, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposeAttachments(ctx context.Context, f composeType.AttachmentFilter) (_ []*composeType.Attachment, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposeCharts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ChartFilter) (_ []*composeType.Chart, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposeModuleFields(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter) (_ []*composeType.ModuleField, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposeModules(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFilter) (_ []*composeType.Module, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposeNamespaces(ctx context.Context, f composeType.NamespaceFilter) (_ []*composeType.Namespace, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposePageLayouts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter) (_ []*composeType.PageLayout, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryComposePages(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageFilter) (_ []*composeType.Page, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryCredentials(ctx context.Context, f systemType.CredentialFilter) (_ []*systemType.Credential, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryDalConnections(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter) (_ []*systemType.DalConnection, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryDalSchemaAlterations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter) (_ []*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryDalSensitivityLevels(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter) (_ []*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequestComments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter) (_ []*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequests(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter) (_ []*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFederationExposedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter) (_ []*federationType.ExposedModule, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFederationModuleMappings(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter) (_ []*federationType.ModuleMapping, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFederationNodeSyncs(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter) (_ []*federationType.NodeSync, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFederationNodes(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeFilter) (_ []*federationType.Node, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFederationSharedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter) (_ []*federationType.SharedModule, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryFlags(ctx context.Context, f flagType.FlagFilter) (_ []*flagType.Flag, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryLabels(ctx context.Context, f labelsType.LabelFilter) (_ []*labelsType.Label, more bool, err error)
- func (s Store) QueryOne(ctx context.Context, q sqlizer, dst interface{}) (err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryQueueMessages(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter) (_ []*systemType.QueueMessage, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryQueues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueFilter) (_ []*systemType.Queue, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryRbacRules(ctx context.Context, f rbacType.RuleFilter) (_ []*rbacType.Rule, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryReminders(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReminderFilter) (_ []*systemType.Reminder, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryReports(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReportFilter) (_ []*systemType.Report, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryResourceActivitys(ctx context.Context, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter) (_ []*discoveryType.ResourceActivity, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryResourceTranslations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter) (_ []*systemType.ResourceTranslation, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryRoleMembers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter) (_ []*systemType.RoleMember, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryRoles(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleFilter) (_ []*systemType.Role, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QuerySettingValues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.SettingsFilter) (_ []*systemType.SettingValue, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryTemplates(ctx context.Context, f systemType.TemplateFilter) (_ []*systemType.Template, more bool, err error)
- func (s *Store) QueryUsers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter) (_ []*systemType.User, more bool, err error)
- func (s Store) ReorderApplications(ctx context.Context, order []uint64) (err error)
- func (s Store) ReorderComposePageLayouts(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, pageID uint64, ...) (err error)
- func (s Store) ReorderComposePages(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, parentID uint64, pageIDs []uint64) (err error)
- func (s Store) RoleMetrics(ctx context.Context) (m *systemType.RoleMetrics, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchActionlogs(ctx context.Context, f actionlogType.Filter) (set actionlogType.ActionSet, _ actionlogType.Filter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchApigwFilters(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter) (set systemType.ApigwFilterSet, _ systemType.ApigwFilterFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchApigwRoutes(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter) (set systemType.ApigwRouteSet, _ systemType.ApigwRouteFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchApplications(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApplicationFilter) (set systemType.ApplicationSet, _ systemType.ApplicationFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAttachments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AttachmentFilter) (set systemType.AttachmentSet, _ systemType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAuthClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthClientFilter) (set systemType.AuthClientSet, _ systemType.AuthClientFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAuthConfirmedClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter) (set systemType.AuthConfirmedClientSet, _ systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchAuthOa2tokens(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter) (set systemType.AuthOa2tokenSet, _ systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAuthSessions(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter) (set systemType.AuthSessionSet, _ systemType.AuthSessionFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAutomationSessions(ctx context.Context, f automationType.SessionFilter) (set automationType.SessionSet, _ automationType.SessionFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAutomationTriggers(ctx context.Context, f automationType.TriggerFilter) (set automationType.TriggerSet, _ automationType.TriggerFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchAutomationWorkflows(ctx context.Context, f automationType.WorkflowFilter) (set automationType.WorkflowSet, _ automationType.WorkflowFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposeAttachments(ctx context.Context, f composeType.AttachmentFilter) (set composeType.AttachmentSet, _ composeType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposeCharts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ChartFilter) (set composeType.ChartSet, _ composeType.ChartFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposeModuleFields(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter) (set composeType.ModuleFieldSet, _ composeType.ModuleFieldFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposeModules(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFilter) (set composeType.ModuleSet, _ composeType.ModuleFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposeNamespaces(ctx context.Context, f composeType.NamespaceFilter) (set composeType.NamespaceSet, _ composeType.NamespaceFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposePageLayouts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter) (set composeType.PageLayoutSet, _ composeType.PageLayoutFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchComposePages(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageFilter) (set composeType.PageSet, _ composeType.PageFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchCredentials(ctx context.Context, f systemType.CredentialFilter) (set systemType.CredentialSet, _ systemType.CredentialFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchDalConnections(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter) (set systemType.DalConnectionSet, _ systemType.DalConnectionFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchDalSchemaAlterations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter) (set systemType.DalSchemaAlterationSet, _ systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchDalSensitivityLevels(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter) (set systemType.DalSensitivityLevelSet, _ systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequestComments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter) (set systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentSet, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequests(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter) (set systemType.DataPrivacyRequestSet, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchFederationExposedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter) (set federationType.ExposedModuleSet, _ federationType.ExposedModuleFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchFederationModuleMappings(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter) (set federationType.ModuleMappingSet, _ federationType.ModuleMappingFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchFederationNodeSyncs(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter) (set federationType.NodeSyncSet, _ federationType.NodeSyncFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchFederationNodes(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeFilter) (set federationType.NodeSet, _ federationType.NodeFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchFederationSharedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter) (set federationType.SharedModuleSet, _ federationType.SharedModuleFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchFlags(ctx context.Context, f flagType.FlagFilter) (set flagType.FlagSet, _ flagType.FlagFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchLabels(ctx context.Context, f labelsType.LabelFilter) (set labelsType.LabelSet, _ labelsType.LabelFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchQueueMessages(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter) (set systemType.QueueMessageSet, _ systemType.QueueMessageFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchQueues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueFilter) (set systemType.QueueSet, _ systemType.QueueFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchRbacRules(ctx context.Context, f rbacType.RuleFilter) (set rbacType.RuleSet, _ rbacType.RuleFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchReminders(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReminderFilter) (set systemType.ReminderSet, _ systemType.ReminderFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchReports(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReportFilter) (set systemType.ReportSet, _ systemType.ReportFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchResourceActivitys(ctx context.Context, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter) (set discoveryType.ResourceActivitySet, _ discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchResourceTranslations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter) (set systemType.ResourceTranslationSet, _ systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter, ...)
- func (s *Store) SearchRoleMembers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter) (set systemType.RoleMemberSet, _ systemType.RoleMemberFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchRoles(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleFilter) (set systemType.RoleSet, _ systemType.RoleFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchSettingValues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.SettingsFilter) (set systemType.SettingValueSet, _ systemType.SettingsFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchTemplates(ctx context.Context, f systemType.TemplateFilter) (set systemType.TemplateSet, _ systemType.TemplateFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SearchUsers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter) (set systemType.UserSet, _ systemType.UserFilter, err error)
- func (s *Store) SetDefaults()
- func (s Store) SetLogger(logger *zap.Logger)
- func (s Store) ToDalConn() dal.Connection
- func (s Store) TransferRbacRules(ctx context.Context, src, dst uint64) (err error)
- func (s Store) TransferRoleMembers(ctx context.Context, src, dst uint64) (err error)
- func (s Store) TransformResource(ctx context.Context, lang language.Tag) (out map[string]map[string]*locale.ResourceTranslation, err error)
- func (s *Store) TruncateActionlogs(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateApigwFilters(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateApigwRoutes(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateApplications(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAttachments(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAuthClients(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAuthConfirmedClients(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAuthOa2tokens(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAuthSessions(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAutomationSessions(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAutomationTriggers(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateAutomationWorkflows(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposeAttachments(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposeCharts(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposeModuleFields(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposeModules(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposeNamespaces(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposePageLayouts(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateComposePages(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateCredentials(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateDalConnections(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateDalSchemaAlterations(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateDalSensitivityLevels(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateDataPrivacyRequestComments(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateDataPrivacyRequests(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFederationExposedModules(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFederationModuleMappings(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFederationNodeSyncs(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFederationNodes(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFederationSharedModules(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateFlags(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateLabels(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateQueueMessages(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateQueues(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateRbacRules(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateReminders(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateReports(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateResourceActivitys(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateResourceTranslations(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateRoleMembers(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateRoles(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateSettingValues(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateTemplates(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) TruncateUsers(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *Store) Tx(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, store.Storer) error) error
- func (s *Store) UpdateActionlog(ctx context.Context, rr ...*actionlogType.Action) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposeChart(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Chart) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposeModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Module) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposePage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Page) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFederationNode(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.Node) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateFlag(ctx context.Context, rr ...*flagType.Flag) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateLabel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*labelsType.Label) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateQueue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Queue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateRbacRule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*rbacType.Rule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateReminder(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Reminder) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateReport(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Report) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateRole(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Role) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateTemplate(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Template) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.User) (err error)
- func (s *Store) Upgrade(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertActionlog(ctx context.Context, rr ...*actionlogType.Action) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposeChart(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Chart) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposeModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Module) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposePage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Page) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFederationNode(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.Node) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertFlag(ctx context.Context, rr ...*flagType.Flag) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertLabel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*labelsType.Label) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertQueue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Queue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertRbacRule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*rbacType.Rule) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertReminder(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Reminder) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertReport(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Report) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertRole(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Role) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertTemplate(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Template) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UpsertUser(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.User) (err error)
- func (s *Store) UserMetrics(ctx context.Context) (m *systemType.UserMetrics, err error)
Constants ¶
const ( // TxRetryHardLimit is the absolute maximum retries we'll allow TxRetryHardLimit = 100 DefaultSliceCapacity = 1000 MinEnsureFetchLimit = 10 MaxRefetches = 100 MaxLimit = 1000 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ActionlogFilter ¶
func ActionlogFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f actionlogType.Filter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ actionlogType.Filter, err error)
ActionlogFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryActionlogs() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Actionlog. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ApigwFilterFilter ¶
func ApigwFilterFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApigwFilterFilter, err error)
ApigwFilterFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryApigwFilters() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ApigwFilter. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ApigwRouteFilter ¶
func ApigwRouteFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApigwRouteFilter, err error)
ApigwRouteFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryApigwRoutes() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ApigwRoute. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ApplicationFilter ¶
func ApplicationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ApplicationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ApplicationFilter, err error)
ApplicationFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryApplications() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Application. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AttachmentFilter ¶
func AttachmentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AttachmentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
AttachmentFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAttachments() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Attachment. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AuthClientFilter ¶
func AuthClientFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthClientFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthClientFilter, err error)
AuthClientFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAuthClients() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AuthClient. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AuthConfirmedClientFilter ¶
func AuthConfirmedClientFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter, err error)
AuthConfirmedClientFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAuthConfirmedClients() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AuthConfirmedClient. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AuthOa2tokenFilter ¶
func AuthOa2tokenFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter, err error)
AuthOa2tokenFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAuthOa2tokens() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AuthOa2token. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AuthSessionFilter ¶
func AuthSessionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.AuthSessionFilter, err error)
AuthSessionFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAuthSessions() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AuthSession. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AutomationSessionFilter ¶
func AutomationSessionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.SessionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.SessionFilter, err error)
AutomationSessionFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAutomationSessions() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AutomationSession. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AutomationTriggerFilter ¶
func AutomationTriggerFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.TriggerFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.TriggerFilter, err error)
AutomationTriggerFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAutomationTriggers() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AutomationTrigger. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func AutomationWorkflowFilter ¶
func AutomationWorkflowFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f automationType.WorkflowFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ automationType.WorkflowFilter, err error)
AutomationWorkflowFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryAutomationWorkflows() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.AutomationWorkflow. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposeAttachmentFilter ¶
func ComposeAttachmentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.AttachmentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
ComposeAttachmentFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposeAttachments() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposeAttachment. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposeChartFilter ¶
func ComposeChartFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ChartFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ChartFilter, err error)
ComposeChartFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposeCharts() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposeChart. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposeModuleFieldFilter ¶
func ComposeModuleFieldFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ModuleFieldFilter, err error)
ComposeModuleFieldFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposeModuleFields() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposeModuleField. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposeModuleFilter ¶
func ComposeModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.ModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.ModuleFilter, err error)
ComposeModuleFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposeModules() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposeModule. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposeNamespaceFilter ¶
func ComposeNamespaceFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.NamespaceFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.NamespaceFilter, err error)
ComposeNamespaceFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposeNamespaces() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposeNamespace. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposePageFilter ¶
func ComposePageFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.PageFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.PageFilter, err error)
ComposePageFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposePages() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposePage. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ComposePageLayoutFilter ¶
func ComposePageLayoutFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ composeType.PageLayoutFilter, err error)
ComposePageLayoutFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryComposePageLayouts() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ComposePageLayout. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func Connect ¶
Connect is rdbms' package connector
Function is called from (store) driver's required connection function to open connection and bind it with
func CredentialFilter ¶
func CredentialFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.CredentialFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.CredentialFilter, err error)
CredentialFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryCredentials() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Credential. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func CursorCondition ¶
func CursorCondition(pc pagingCursor, keyMapper cursorKeyMapper, sortableCols map[string]string) *cursorCondition
CursorCondition builds a complex condition to filter rows before/after row that the paging cursor points to
func CursorExpression ¶
func CursorExpression( cur *filter.PagingCursor, identLookup func(i string) (exp.Expression, error), castFn func(i string, val any) (exp.Expression, error), ) (e exp.Expression, err error)
CursorExpression builds cursor SQL expression using goqu/exp package
this could be simple (f1, f2, ...) < (v1, v2, ...) but we need to be a bit careful with NULL values So we need (f1 < v1 OR (f1 = v1 AND f2 < v2) pattern, extended to: ((f1 IS NULL AND v1 IS NOT NULL) OR f1 < v1 OR (((f1 IS NULL AND v1 IS NULL) OR f1 = v1) AND (f2...)
Due to issues with param biding & types in Postgres (using ? IS NULL results in an error), we need do check (on app-side) if value is nil to replace "? IS (NOT) NULL" check with TRUE/FALSE constants.
func DalConnectionFilter ¶
func DalConnectionFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalConnectionFilter, err error)
DalConnectionFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryDalConnections() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.DalConnection. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func DalSchemaAlterationFilter ¶
func DalSchemaAlterationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter, err error)
DalSchemaAlterationFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryDalSchemaAlterations() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.DalSchemaAlteration. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func DalSensitivityLevelFilter ¶
func DalSensitivityLevelFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter, err error)
DalSensitivityLevelFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryDalSensitivityLevels() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.DalSensitivityLevel. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter ¶
func DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter, err error)
DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryDataPrivacyRequestComments() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.DataPrivacyRequestComment. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func DataPrivacyRequestFilter ¶
func DataPrivacyRequestFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter, err error)
DataPrivacyRequestFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryDataPrivacyRequests() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.DataPrivacyRequest. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func DefaultFilters ¶
func DefaultFilters() (f *extendedFilters)
func FederationExposedModuleFilter ¶
func FederationExposedModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.ExposedModuleFilter, err error)
FederationExposedModuleFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFederationExposedModules() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.FederationExposedModule. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func FederationModuleMappingFilter ¶
func FederationModuleMappingFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.ModuleMappingFilter, err error)
FederationModuleMappingFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFederationModuleMappings() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.FederationModuleMapping. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func FederationNodeFilter ¶
func FederationNodeFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.NodeFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.NodeFilter, err error)
FederationNodeFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFederationNodes() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.FederationNode. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func FederationNodeSyncFilter ¶
func FederationNodeSyncFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.NodeSyncFilter, err error)
FederationNodeSyncFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFederationNodeSyncs() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.FederationNodeSync. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func FederationSharedModuleFilter ¶
func FederationSharedModuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ federationType.SharedModuleFilter, err error)
FederationSharedModuleFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFederationSharedModules() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.FederationSharedModule. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func FlagFilter ¶
func FlagFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f flagType.FlagFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ flagType.FlagFilter, err error)
FlagFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryFlags() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Flag. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func LabelFilter ¶
func LabelFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f labelsType.LabelFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ labelsType.LabelFilter, err error)
LabelFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryLabels() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Label. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func Order ¶
func Order(sort filter.SortExprSet, sortables map[string]string) (oo []exp.OrderedExpression, err error)
func QueueFilter ¶
func QueueFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.QueueFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.QueueFilter, err error)
QueueFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryQueues() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Queue. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func QueueMessageFilter ¶
func QueueMessageFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.QueueMessageFilter, err error)
QueueMessageFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryQueueMessages() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.QueueMessage. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func RbacRuleFilter ¶
func RbacRuleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f rbacType.RuleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ rbacType.RuleFilter, err error)
RbacRuleFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryRbacRules() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.RbacRule. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ReminderFilter ¶
func ReminderFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ReminderFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ReminderFilter, err error)
ReminderFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryReminders() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Reminder. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ReportFilter ¶
func ReportFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ReportFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ReportFilter, err error)
ReportFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryReports() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Report. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ResourceActivityFilter ¶
func ResourceActivityFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter, err error)
ResourceActivityFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryResourceActivitys() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ResourceActivity. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func ResourceTranslationFilter ¶
func ResourceTranslationFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter, err error)
ResourceTranslationFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryResourceTranslations() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.ResourceTranslation. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func RoleFilter ¶
func RoleFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.RoleFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.RoleFilter, err error)
RoleFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryRoles() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Role. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func RoleMemberFilter ¶
func RoleMemberFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.RoleMemberFilter, err error)
RoleMemberFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryRoleMembers() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.RoleMember. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func SettingValueFilter ¶
func SettingValueFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.SettingsFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.SettingsFilter, err error)
SettingValueFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QuerySettingValues() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.SettingValue. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func TemplateFilter ¶
func TemplateFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.TemplateFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.TemplateFilter, err error)
TemplateFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryTemplates() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.Template. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
func UserFilter ¶
func UserFilter(d drivers.Dialect, f systemType.UserFilter) (ee []goqu.Expression, _ systemType.UserFilter, err error)
UserFilter returns logical expressions
This function is called from Store.QueryUsers() and can be extended by setting Store.Filters.User. Extension is called after all expressions are generated and can choose to ignore or alter them.
This function is auto-generated
Types ¶
type ConnConfig ¶
type ConnConfig struct { DriverName string DataSourceName string DBName string // MaskedDSN is a DSN with sensitive data masked // each connection is handling that independently MaskedDSN string // MaxOpenConns sets maximum number of open connections to the database // defaults to same value as set in the db/sql MaxOpenConns int // ConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused // defaults to same value as set in the db/sql ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration // MaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool // defaults to same value as set in the db/sql MaxIdleConns int // ConnTryPatience sets time window in which we do not complaining about failed connection tries ConnTryPatience time.Duration // ConnTryBackoffDelay sets backoff delay after failed try ConnTryBackoffDelay time.Duration // ConnTryTimeout sets timeout per try ConnTryTimeout time.Duration // ConnTryMax maximum number of retries for getting the connection ConnTryMax int }
func (*ConnConfig) ParseExtra ¶
func (c *ConnConfig) ParseExtra() (err error)
ParseExtra parses extra params (params starting with *) from DSN's querystring (after ?)
func (*ConnConfig) SetDefaults ¶
func (c *ConnConfig) SetDefaults()
type Functions ¶
type Functions struct { // returns lower case text LOWER func(interface{}) exp.SQLFunctionExpression // returns date part of the input (YYYY-MM-DD) DATE func(interface{}) exp.SQLFunctionExpression }
func DefaultFunctions ¶
func DefaultFunctions() *Functions
type Store ¶
type Store struct { DB sqlx.ExtContext // DAL connection DAL dal.Connection // Logger for connection Logger *zap.Logger // data definer interface use for schema information lookups and modification DataDefiner ddl.DataDefiner Dialect drivers.Dialect // set to -1 to disable transactions TxRetryLimit int // TxRetryErrHandler should return true if transaction should be retried // // Because retry algorithm varies between concrete rdbms implementations // // Handler must return true if failed transaction should be replied // and false if we're safe to terminate it TxRetryErrHandler txRetryOnErrHandler ErrorHandler store.ErrorHandler Functions *Functions // additional (per-resource-type) filters used when searching // these filters can modify expression used for querying the database Filters *extendedFilters Ping func(ctx context.Context) error }
func (Store) ApplicationMetrics ¶
func (s Store) ApplicationMetrics(ctx context.Context) (_ *systemType.ApplicationMetrics, err error)
func (*Store) CountUsers ¶
func (s *Store) CountUsers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter) (c uint, _ error)
func (*Store) CreateActionlog ¶
CreateActionlog creates one or more rows in actionlog collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateApigwFilter ¶
func (s *Store) CreateApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
CreateApigwFilter creates one or more rows in apigwFilter collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateApigwRoute ¶
func (s *Store) CreateApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
CreateApigwRoute creates one or more rows in apigwRoute collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateApplication ¶
func (s *Store) CreateApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
CreateApplication creates one or more rows in application collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
CreateAttachment creates one or more rows in attachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAuthClient ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
CreateAuthClient creates one or more rows in authClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAuthConfirmedClient ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
CreateAuthConfirmedClient creates one or more rows in authConfirmedClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAuthOa2token ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
CreateAuthOa2token creates one or more rows in authOa2token collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAuthSession ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
CreateAuthSession creates one or more rows in authSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAutomationSession ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
CreateAutomationSession creates one or more rows in automationSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAutomationTrigger ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
CreateAutomationTrigger creates one or more rows in automationTrigger collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateAutomationWorkflow ¶
func (s *Store) CreateAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
CreateAutomationWorkflow creates one or more rows in automationWorkflow collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposeAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) CreateComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
CreateComposeAttachment creates one or more rows in composeAttachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposeChart ¶
CreateComposeChart creates one or more rows in composeChart collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposeModule ¶
CreateComposeModule creates one or more rows in composeModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposeModuleField ¶
func (s *Store) CreateComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
CreateComposeModuleField creates one or more rows in composeModuleField collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposeNamespace ¶
func (s *Store) CreateComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
CreateComposeNamespace creates one or more rows in composeNamespace collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposePage ¶
CreateComposePage creates one or more rows in composePage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateComposePageLayout ¶
func (s *Store) CreateComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
CreateComposePageLayout creates one or more rows in composePageLayout collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateCredential ¶
func (s *Store) CreateCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
CreateCredential creates one or more rows in credential collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateDalConnection ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
CreateDalConnection creates one or more rows in dalConnection collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateDalSchemaAlteration ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
CreateDalSchemaAlteration creates one or more rows in dalSchemaAlteration collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateDalSensitivityLevel ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
CreateDalSensitivityLevel creates one or more rows in dalSensitivityLevel collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequest ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
CreateDataPrivacyRequest creates one or more rows in dataPrivacyRequest collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequestComment ¶
func (s *Store) CreateDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
CreateDataPrivacyRequestComment creates one or more rows in dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFederationExposedModule ¶
func (s *Store) CreateFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
CreateFederationExposedModule creates one or more rows in federationExposedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFederationModuleMapping ¶
func (s *Store) CreateFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
CreateFederationModuleMapping creates one or more rows in federationModuleMapping collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFederationNode ¶
CreateFederationNode creates one or more rows in federationNode collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFederationNodeSync ¶
func (s *Store) CreateFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
CreateFederationNodeSync creates one or more rows in federationNodeSync collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFederationSharedModule ¶
func (s *Store) CreateFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
CreateFederationSharedModule creates one or more rows in federationSharedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateFlag ¶
CreateFlag creates one or more rows in flag collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateLabel ¶
CreateLabel creates one or more rows in label collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateQueue ¶
CreateQueue creates one or more rows in queue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateQueueMessage ¶
func (s *Store) CreateQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
CreateQueueMessage creates one or more rows in queueMessage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateRbacRule ¶
CreateRbacRule creates one or more rows in rbacRule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateReminder ¶
CreateReminder creates one or more rows in reminder collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateReport ¶
CreateReport creates one or more rows in report collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateResourceActivity ¶
func (s *Store) CreateResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
CreateResourceActivity creates one or more rows in resourceActivity collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateResourceTranslation ¶
func (s *Store) CreateResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
CreateResourceTranslation creates one or more rows in resourceTranslation collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateRole ¶
CreateRole creates one or more rows in role collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateRoleMember ¶
func (s *Store) CreateRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
CreateRoleMember creates one or more rows in roleMember collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateSettingValue ¶
func (s *Store) CreateSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
CreateSettingValue creates one or more rows in settingValue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateTemplate ¶
CreateTemplate creates one or more rows in template collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) CreateUser ¶
CreateUser creates one or more rows in user collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteActionlog ¶
DeleteActionlog Deletes one or more entries from actionlog collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteActionlogByID ¶
DeleteActionlogByID deletes single entry from actionlog collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApigwFilter ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
DeleteApigwFilter Deletes one or more entries from apigwFilter collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApigwFilterByID ¶
DeleteApigwFilterByID deletes single entry from apigwFilter collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApigwRoute ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
DeleteApigwRoute Deletes one or more entries from apigwRoute collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApigwRouteByID ¶
DeleteApigwRouteByID deletes single entry from apigwRoute collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApplication ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
DeleteApplication Deletes one or more entries from application collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteApplicationByID ¶
DeleteApplicationByID deletes single entry from application collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
DeleteAttachment Deletes one or more entries from attachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAttachmentByID ¶
DeleteAttachmentByID deletes single entry from attachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthClient ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
DeleteAuthClient Deletes one or more entries from authClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthClientByID ¶
DeleteAuthClientByID deletes single entry from authClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClient ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
DeleteAuthConfirmedClient Deletes one or more entries from authConfirmedClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, clientID uint64) error
DeleteAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID deletes single entry from authConfirmedClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByAccess ¶
func (Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByCode ¶
func (Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByRefresh ¶
func (Store) DeleteAuthOA2TokenByUserID ¶
func (*Store) DeleteAuthOa2token ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
DeleteAuthOa2token Deletes one or more entries from authOa2token collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthOa2tokenByID ¶
DeleteAuthOa2tokenByID deletes single entry from authOa2token collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthSession ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
DeleteAuthSession Deletes one or more entries from authSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAuthSessionByID ¶
DeleteAuthSessionByID deletes single entry from authSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (Store) DeleteAuthSessionsByUserID ¶
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationSession ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
DeleteAutomationSession Deletes one or more entries from automationSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationSessionByID ¶
DeleteAutomationSessionByID deletes single entry from automationSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationTrigger ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
DeleteAutomationTrigger Deletes one or more entries from automationTrigger collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationTriggerByID ¶
DeleteAutomationTriggerByID deletes single entry from automationTrigger collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationWorkflow ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
DeleteAutomationWorkflow Deletes one or more entries from automationWorkflow collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteAutomationWorkflowByID ¶
DeleteAutomationWorkflowByID deletes single entry from automationWorkflow collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
DeleteComposeAttachment Deletes one or more entries from composeAttachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeAttachmentByID ¶
DeleteComposeAttachmentByID deletes single entry from composeAttachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeChart ¶
DeleteComposeChart Deletes one or more entries from composeChart collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeChartByID ¶
DeleteComposeChartByID deletes single entry from composeChart collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeModule ¶
DeleteComposeModule Deletes one or more entries from composeModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeModuleByID ¶
DeleteComposeModuleByID deletes single entry from composeModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeModuleField ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
DeleteComposeModuleField Deletes one or more entries from composeModuleField collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeModuleFieldByID ¶
DeleteComposeModuleFieldByID deletes single entry from composeModuleField collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeNamespace ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
DeleteComposeNamespace Deletes one or more entries from composeNamespace collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposeNamespaceByID ¶
DeleteComposeNamespaceByID deletes single entry from composeNamespace collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposePage ¶
DeleteComposePage Deletes one or more entries from composePage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposePageByID ¶
DeleteComposePageByID deletes single entry from composePage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposePageLayout ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
DeleteComposePageLayout Deletes one or more entries from composePageLayout collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteComposePageLayoutByID ¶
DeleteComposePageLayoutByID deletes single entry from composePageLayout collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteCredential ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
DeleteCredential Deletes one or more entries from credential collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteCredentialByID ¶
DeleteCredentialByID deletes single entry from credential collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalConnection ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
DeleteDalConnection Deletes one or more entries from dalConnection collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalConnectionByID ¶
DeleteDalConnectionByID deletes single entry from dalConnection collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalSchemaAlteration ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
DeleteDalSchemaAlteration Deletes one or more entries from dalSchemaAlteration collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalSchemaAlterationByID ¶
DeleteDalSchemaAlterationByID deletes single entry from dalSchemaAlteration collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalSensitivityLevel ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
DeleteDalSensitivityLevel Deletes one or more entries from dalSensitivityLevel collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDalSensitivityLevelByID ¶
DeleteDalSensitivityLevelByID deletes single entry from dalSensitivityLevel collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequest ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
DeleteDataPrivacyRequest Deletes one or more entries from dataPrivacyRequest collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestByID ¶
DeleteDataPrivacyRequestByID deletes single entry from dataPrivacyRequest collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestComment ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
DeleteDataPrivacyRequestComment Deletes one or more entries from dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteDataPrivacyRequestCommentByID ¶
DeleteDataPrivacyRequestCommentByID deletes single entry from dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (Store) DeleteExpiredAuthOA2Tokens ¶
func (Store) DeleteExpiredAuthSessions ¶
func (Store) DeleteExtraLabels ¶
func (*Store) DeleteFederationExposedModule ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
DeleteFederationExposedModule Deletes one or more entries from federationExposedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationExposedModuleByID ¶
DeleteFederationExposedModuleByID deletes single entry from federationExposedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationModuleMapping ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
DeleteFederationModuleMapping Deletes one or more entries from federationModuleMapping collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationNode ¶
DeleteFederationNode Deletes one or more entries from federationNode collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationNodeByID ¶
DeleteFederationNodeByID deletes single entry from federationNode collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationNodeSync ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
DeleteFederationNodeSync Deletes one or more entries from federationNodeSync collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationNodeSyncByNodeID ¶
DeleteFederationNodeSyncByNodeID deletes single entry from federationNodeSync collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationSharedModule ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
DeleteFederationSharedModule Deletes one or more entries from federationSharedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFederationSharedModuleByID ¶
DeleteFederationSharedModuleByID deletes single entry from federationSharedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFlag ¶
DeleteFlag Deletes one or more entries from flag collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, ownedBy uint64, name string) error
DeleteFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName deletes single entry from flag collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteLabel ¶
DeleteLabel Deletes one or more entries from label collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteLabelByKindResourceIDName ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteLabelByKindResourceIDName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, name string) error
DeleteLabelByKindResourceIDName deletes single entry from label collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteQueue ¶
DeleteQueue Deletes one or more entries from queue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteQueueByID ¶
DeleteQueueByID deletes single entry from queue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteQueueMessage ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
DeleteQueueMessage Deletes one or more entries from queueMessage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteQueueMessageByID ¶
DeleteQueueMessageByID deletes single entry from queueMessage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRbacRule ¶
DeleteRbacRule Deletes one or more entries from rbacRule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRbacRuleByRoleIDResourceOperation ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteRbacRuleByRoleIDResourceOperation(ctx context.Context, roleID uint64, resource string, operation string) error
DeleteRbacRuleByRoleIDResourceOperation deletes single entry from rbacRule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteReminder ¶
DeleteReminder Deletes one or more entries from reminder collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteReminderByID ¶
DeleteReminderByID deletes single entry from reminder collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteReport ¶
DeleteReport Deletes one or more entries from report collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteReportByID ¶
DeleteReportByID deletes single entry from report collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteResourceActivity ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
DeleteResourceActivity Deletes one or more entries from resourceActivity collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteResourceActivityByID ¶
DeleteResourceActivityByID deletes single entry from resourceActivity collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteResourceTranslation ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
DeleteResourceTranslation Deletes one or more entries from resourceTranslation collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteResourceTranslationByID ¶
DeleteResourceTranslationByID deletes single entry from resourceTranslation collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRole ¶
DeleteRole Deletes one or more entries from role collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRoleByID ¶
DeleteRoleByID deletes single entry from role collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRoleMember ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
DeleteRoleMember Deletes one or more entries from roleMember collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteRoleMemberByUserIDRoleID ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteRoleMemberByUserIDRoleID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, roleID uint64) error
DeleteRoleMemberByUserIDRoleID deletes single entry from roleMember collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteSettingValue ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
DeleteSettingValue Deletes one or more entries from settingValue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteSettingValueByOwnedByName ¶
func (s *Store) DeleteSettingValueByOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, ownedBy uint64, name string) error
DeleteSettingValueByOwnedByName deletes single entry from settingValue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteTemplate ¶
DeleteTemplate Deletes one or more entries from template collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteTemplateByID ¶
DeleteTemplateByID deletes single entry from template collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteUser ¶
DeleteUser Deletes one or more entries from user collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) DeleteUserByID ¶
DeleteUserByID deletes single entry from user collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupActionlogByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupActionlogByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *actionlogType.Action, err error)
LookupActionlogByID searches for action log by ID
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupApigwFilterByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupApigwFilterByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwFilter, err error)
LookupApigwFilterByID searches for filter by ID
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupApigwFilterByRoute ¶
func (s *Store) LookupApigwFilterByRoute(ctx context.Context, route uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwFilter, err error)
LookupApigwFilterByRoute searches for filter by route
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupApigwRouteByEndpoint ¶
func (s *Store) LookupApigwRouteByEndpoint(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (_ *systemType.ApigwRoute, err error)
LookupApigwRouteByEndpoint searches for route by endpoint
It returns route even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupApigwRouteByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupApigwRouteByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ApigwRoute, err error)
LookupApigwRouteByID searches for route by ID
It returns route even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupApplicationByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupApplicationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Application, err error)
LookupApplicationByID searches for role by ID
It returns role even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAttachmentByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Attachment, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthClientByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthClientByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.AuthClient, err error)
LookupAuthClientByHandle searches for auth client by ID
It returns auth clint even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthClientByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthClientByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthClient, err error)
LookupAuthClientByID searches for auth client by ID
It returns auth clint even if deleted
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthConfirmedClientByUserIDClientID(ctx context.Context, userID uint64, clientID uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthConfirmedClient, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByAccess ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByAccess(ctx context.Context, access string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByCode ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByCode(ctx context.Context, code string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByRefresh ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthOa2tokenByRefresh(ctx context.Context, refresh string) (_ *systemType.AuthOa2token, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAuthSessionByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAuthSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (_ *systemType.AuthSession, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAutomationSessionByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAutomationSessionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Session, err error)
LookupAutomationSessionByID searches for session by ID
It returns session even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAutomationTriggerByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAutomationTriggerByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Trigger, err error)
LookupAutomationTriggerByID searches for trigger by ID
It returns trigger even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *automationType.Workflow, err error)
LookupAutomationWorkflowByHandle searches for workflow by their handle
It returns only valid workflows ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupAutomationWorkflowByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *automationType.Workflow, err error)
LookupAutomationWorkflowByID searches for workflow by ID
It returns workflow even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeAttachmentByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeAttachmentByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Attachment, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeChartByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeChartByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Chart, err error)
LookupComposeChartByID searches for compose chart by ID
It returns compose chart even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeChartByNamespaceIDHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeChartByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Chart, err error)
LookupComposeChartByNamespaceIDHandle searches for compose chart by handle (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeModuleByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
LookupComposeModuleByID searches for compose module by ID
It returns compose module even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDHandle searches for compose module by handle (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDName ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDName(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, name string) (_ *composeType.Module, err error)
LookupComposeModuleByNamespaceIDName searches for compose module by name (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.ModuleField, err error)
LookupComposeModuleFieldByID searches for compose module field by ID
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByModuleIDName ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeModuleFieldByModuleIDName(ctx context.Context, moduleID uint64, name string) (_ *composeType.ModuleField, err error)
LookupComposeModuleFieldByModuleIDName searches for compose module field by name (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeNamespaceByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeNamespaceByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Namespace, err error)
LookupComposeNamespaceByID searches for compose namespace by ID
It returns compose namespace even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposeNamespaceBySlug ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposeNamespaceBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (_ *composeType.Namespace, err error)
LookupComposeNamespaceBySlug searches for namespace by slug (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
LookupComposePageByID searches for compose page by ID
It returns compose page even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDHandle searches for page by handle (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDModuleID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDModuleID(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, moduleID uint64) (_ *composeType.Page, err error)
LookupComposePageByNamespaceIDModuleID searches for page by moduleID
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
LookupComposePageLayoutByID searches for compose page layour by ID
It returns compose page layour even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDHandle searches for page layour by handle (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDPageIDHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDPageIDHandle(ctx context.Context, namespaceID uint64, pageID uint64, handle string) (_ *composeType.PageLayout, err error)
LookupComposePageLayoutByNamespaceIDPageIDHandle searches for page layour by handle (case-insensitive)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupCredentialByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupCredentialByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Credential, err error)
LookupCredentialByID searches for credentials by ID
It returns credentials even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupDalConnectionByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupDalConnectionByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.DalConnection, err error)
LookupDalConnectionByHandle searches for connection by handle
It returns only valid connection (not deleted)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupDalConnectionByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupDalConnectionByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalConnection, err error)
LookupDalConnectionByID searches for connection by ID
It returns connection even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupDalSchemaAlterationByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupDalSchemaAlterationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalSchemaAlteration, err error)
LookupDalSchemaAlterationByID searches for resource translation by ID It also returns deleted resource translations.
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupDalSensitivityLevelByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupDalSensitivityLevelByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DalSensitivityLevel, err error)
LookupDalSensitivityLevelByID searches for user by ID
It returns user even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupDataPrivacyRequestByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupDataPrivacyRequestByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.DataPrivacyRequest, err error)
LookupDataPrivacyRequestByID searches for data privacy request by ID
It returns data privacy request even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationExposedModuleByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationExposedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.ExposedModule, err error)
LookupFederationExposedModuleByID searches for federation module by ID
It returns federation module ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleID(ctx context.Context, federationModuleID uint64) (_ *federationType.ModuleMapping, err error)
LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleID searches for module mapping by federation module id
It returns module mapping ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleIDComposeModuleIDComposeNamespaceID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleIDComposeModuleIDComposeNamespaceID(ctx context.Context, federationModuleID uint64, composeModuleID uint64, composeNamespaceID uint64) (_ *federationType.ModuleMapping, err error)
LookupFederationModuleMappingByFederationModuleIDComposeModuleIDComposeNamespaceID searches for module mapping by federation module id and compose module id
It returns module mapping ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationNodeByBaseURLSharedNodeID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeByBaseURLSharedNodeID(ctx context.Context, baseURL string, sharedNodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
LookupFederationNodeByBaseURLSharedNodeID searches for node by shared-node-id and base-url
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationNodeByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
LookupFederationNodeByID searches for federation node by ID
It returns federation node ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationNodeBySharedNodeID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeBySharedNodeID(ctx context.Context, sharedNodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.Node, err error)
LookupFederationNodeBySharedNodeID searches for node by shared-node-id
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeID(ctx context.Context, nodeID uint64) (_ *federationType.NodeSync, err error)
LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeID searches for sync activity by node ID
It returns sync activity ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeIDModuleIDSyncTypeSyncStatus ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeIDModuleIDSyncTypeSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, nodeID uint64, moduleID uint64, syncType string, syncStatus string) (_ *federationType.NodeSync, err error)
LookupFederationNodeSyncByNodeIDModuleIDSyncTypeSyncStatus searches for activity by node, type and status
It returns sync activity ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFederationSharedModuleByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFederationSharedModuleByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *federationType.SharedModule, err error)
LookupFederationSharedModuleByID searches for shared federation module by ID
It returns shared federation module ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName ¶
func (s *Store) LookupFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, ownedBy uint64, name string) (_ *flagType.Flag, err error)
LookupFlagByKindResourceIDOwnedByName searches for flag by kind, resource ID, owner and name
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupLabelByKindResourceIDName ¶
func (s *Store) LookupLabelByKindResourceIDName(ctx context.Context, kind string, resourceID uint64, name string) (_ *labelsType.Label, err error)
LookupLabelByKindResourceIDName searches for label by kind, resource ID and name
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupQueueByID ¶
LookupQueueByID searches for queue by ID
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupQueueByQueue ¶
func (s *Store) LookupQueueByQueue(ctx context.Context, queue string) (_ *systemType.Queue, err error)
LookupQueueByQueue searches for queue by queue name
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupReminderByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupReminderByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Reminder, err error)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupReportByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupReportByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Report, err error)
LookupReportByHandle searches for report by handle
It returns report if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupReportByID ¶
LookupReportByID searches for report by ID
It returns report even if deleted ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupResourceTranslationByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupResourceTranslationByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.ResourceTranslation, err error)
LookupResourceTranslationByID searches for resource translation by ID It also returns deleted resource translations.
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupRoleByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupRoleByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Role, err error)
LookupRoleByHandle searches for role by handle
It returns only valid role (not deleted, not suspended)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupRoleByID ¶
LookupRoleByID searches for role by ID
It returns role even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupRoleByName ¶
LookupRoleByName searches for role by name
It returns only valid role (not deleted, not suspended)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupSettingValueByNameOwnedBy ¶
func (s *Store) LookupSettingValueByNameOwnedBy(ctx context.Context, name string, ownedBy uint64) (_ *systemType.SettingValue, err error)
LookupSettingValueByNameOwnedBy searches for settings by name and owner
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupTemplateByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupTemplateByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.Template, err error)
LookupTemplateByHandle searches for template by handle
It returns only valid templates (not deleted)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupTemplateByID ¶
func (s *Store) LookupTemplateByID(ctx context.Context, id uint64) (_ *systemType.Template, err error)
LookupTemplateByID searches for template by ID
It also returns deleted templates.
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupUserByEmail ¶
func (s *Store) LookupUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
LookupUserByEmail searches for user by email
It returns only valid user (not deleted, not suspended)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupUserByHandle ¶
func (s *Store) LookupUserByHandle(ctx context.Context, handle string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
LookupUserByHandle searches for user by handle
It returns only valid user (not deleted, not suspended)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupUserByID ¶
LookupUserByID searches for user by ID
It returns user even if deleted or suspended ¶
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) LookupUserByUsername ¶
func (s *Store) LookupUserByUsername(ctx context.Context, username string) (_ *systemType.User, err error)
LookupUserByUsername searches for user by username
It returns only valid user (not deleted, not suspended)
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryActionlogs ¶
func (s *Store) QueryActionlogs( ctx context.Context, f actionlogType.Filter, ) (_ []*actionlogType.Action, more bool, err error)
QueryActionlogs queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryApigwFilters ¶
func (s *Store) QueryApigwFilters( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.ApigwFilter, more bool, err error)
QueryApigwFilters queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryApigwRoutes ¶
func (s *Store) QueryApigwRoutes( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.ApigwRoute, more bool, err error)
QueryApigwRoutes queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryApplications ¶
func (s *Store) QueryApplications( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApplicationFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Application, more bool, err error)
QueryApplications queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAttachments ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAttachments( ctx context.Context, f systemType.AttachmentFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Attachment, more bool, err error)
QueryAttachments queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAuthClients ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAuthClients( ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthClientFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.AuthClient, more bool, err error)
QueryAuthClients queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAuthConfirmedClients ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAuthConfirmedClients( ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient, more bool, err error)
QueryAuthConfirmedClients queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAuthOa2tokens ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAuthOa2tokens( ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.AuthOa2token, more bool, err error)
QueryAuthOa2tokens queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAuthSessions ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAuthSessions( ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.AuthSession, more bool, err error)
QueryAuthSessions queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAutomationSessions ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAutomationSessions( ctx context.Context, f automationType.SessionFilter, ) (_ []*automationType.Session, more bool, err error)
QueryAutomationSessions queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAutomationTriggers ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAutomationTriggers( ctx context.Context, f automationType.TriggerFilter, ) (_ []*automationType.Trigger, more bool, err error)
QueryAutomationTriggers queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryAutomationWorkflows ¶
func (s *Store) QueryAutomationWorkflows( ctx context.Context, f automationType.WorkflowFilter, ) (_ []*automationType.Workflow, more bool, err error)
QueryAutomationWorkflows queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposeAttachments ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposeAttachments( ctx context.Context, f composeType.AttachmentFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.Attachment, more bool, err error)
QueryComposeAttachments queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposeCharts ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposeCharts( ctx context.Context, f composeType.ChartFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.Chart, more bool, err error)
QueryComposeCharts queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposeModuleFields ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposeModuleFields( ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.ModuleField, more bool, err error)
QueryComposeModuleFields queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposeModules ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposeModules( ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.Module, more bool, err error)
QueryComposeModules queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposeNamespaces ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposeNamespaces( ctx context.Context, f composeType.NamespaceFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.Namespace, more bool, err error)
QueryComposeNamespaces queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposePageLayouts ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposePageLayouts( ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.PageLayout, more bool, err error)
QueryComposePageLayouts queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryComposePages ¶
func (s *Store) QueryComposePages( ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageFilter, ) (_ []*composeType.Page, more bool, err error)
QueryComposePages queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryCredentials ¶
func (s *Store) QueryCredentials( ctx context.Context, f systemType.CredentialFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Credential, more bool, err error)
QueryCredentials queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryDalConnections ¶
func (s *Store) QueryDalConnections( ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.DalConnection, more bool, err error)
QueryDalConnections queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryDalSchemaAlterations ¶
func (s *Store) QueryDalSchemaAlterations( ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration, more bool, err error)
QueryDalSchemaAlterations queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryDalSensitivityLevels ¶
func (s *Store) QueryDalSensitivityLevels( ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel, more bool, err error)
QueryDalSensitivityLevels queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequestComments ¶
func (s *Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequestComments( ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment, more bool, err error)
QueryDataPrivacyRequestComments queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequests ¶
func (s *Store) QueryDataPrivacyRequests( ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest, more bool, err error)
QueryDataPrivacyRequests queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFederationExposedModules ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFederationExposedModules( ctx context.Context, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter, ) (_ []*federationType.ExposedModule, more bool, err error)
QueryFederationExposedModules queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFederationModuleMappings ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFederationModuleMappings( ctx context.Context, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter, ) (_ []*federationType.ModuleMapping, more bool, err error)
QueryFederationModuleMappings queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFederationNodeSyncs ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFederationNodeSyncs( ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter, ) (_ []*federationType.NodeSync, more bool, err error)
QueryFederationNodeSyncs queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFederationNodes ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFederationNodes( ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeFilter, ) (_ []*federationType.Node, more bool, err error)
QueryFederationNodes queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFederationSharedModules ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFederationSharedModules( ctx context.Context, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter, ) (_ []*federationType.SharedModule, more bool, err error)
QueryFederationSharedModules queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryFlags ¶
func (s *Store) QueryFlags( ctx context.Context, f flagType.FlagFilter, ) (_ []*flagType.Flag, more bool, err error)
QueryFlags queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryLabels ¶
func (s *Store) QueryLabels( ctx context.Context, f labelsType.LabelFilter, ) (_ []*labelsType.Label, more bool, err error)
QueryLabels queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryQueueMessages ¶
func (s *Store) QueryQueueMessages( ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.QueueMessage, more bool, err error)
QueryQueueMessages queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryQueues ¶
func (s *Store) QueryQueues( ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Queue, more bool, err error)
QueryQueues queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryRbacRules ¶
func (s *Store) QueryRbacRules( ctx context.Context, f rbacType.RuleFilter, ) (_ []*rbacType.Rule, more bool, err error)
QueryRbacRules queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryReminders ¶
func (s *Store) QueryReminders( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReminderFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Reminder, more bool, err error)
QueryReminders queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryReports ¶
func (s *Store) QueryReports( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReportFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Report, more bool, err error)
QueryReports queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryResourceActivitys ¶
func (s *Store) QueryResourceActivitys( ctx context.Context, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter, ) (_ []*discoveryType.ResourceActivity, more bool, err error)
QueryResourceActivitys queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryResourceTranslations ¶
func (s *Store) QueryResourceTranslations( ctx context.Context, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.ResourceTranslation, more bool, err error)
QueryResourceTranslations queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryRoleMembers ¶
func (s *Store) QueryRoleMembers( ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.RoleMember, more bool, err error)
QueryRoleMembers queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryRoles ¶
func (s *Store) QueryRoles( ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Role, more bool, err error)
QueryRoles queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QuerySettingValues ¶
func (s *Store) QuerySettingValues( ctx context.Context, f systemType.SettingsFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.SettingValue, more bool, err error)
QuerySettingValues queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryTemplates ¶
func (s *Store) QueryTemplates( ctx context.Context, f systemType.TemplateFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.Template, more bool, err error)
QueryTemplates queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) QueryUsers ¶
func (s *Store) QueryUsers( ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter, ) (_ []*systemType.User, more bool, err error)
QueryUsers queries the database, converts and checks each row and returns collected set
With generics, we can remove this per-resource-generated function and replace it with a single utility fetcher
This function is auto-generated
func (Store) ReorderApplications ¶
func (Store) ReorderComposePageLayouts ¶
func (Store) ReorderComposePages ¶
func (Store) RoleMetrics ¶
func (s Store) RoleMetrics(ctx context.Context) (m *systemType.RoleMetrics, err error)
func (*Store) SearchActionlogs ¶
func (s *Store) SearchActionlogs(ctx context.Context, f actionlogType.Filter) (set actionlogType.ActionSet, _ actionlogType.Filter, err error)
SearchActionlogs returns (filtered) set of Actionlogs
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchApigwFilters ¶
func (s *Store) SearchApigwFilters(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwFilterFilter) (set systemType.ApigwFilterSet, _ systemType.ApigwFilterFilter, err error)
SearchApigwFilters returns (filtered) set of ApigwFilters
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchApigwRoutes ¶
func (s *Store) SearchApigwRoutes(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApigwRouteFilter) (set systemType.ApigwRouteSet, _ systemType.ApigwRouteFilter, err error)
SearchApigwRoutes returns (filtered) set of ApigwRoutes
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchApplications ¶
func (s *Store) SearchApplications(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ApplicationFilter) (set systemType.ApplicationSet, _ systemType.ApplicationFilter, err error)
SearchApplications returns (filtered) set of Applications
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAttachments ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAttachments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AttachmentFilter) (set systemType.AttachmentSet, _ systemType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
SearchAttachments returns (filtered) set of Attachments
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAuthClients ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAuthClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthClientFilter) (set systemType.AuthClientSet, _ systemType.AuthClientFilter, err error)
SearchAuthClients returns (filtered) set of AuthClients
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAuthConfirmedClients ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAuthConfirmedClients(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter) (set systemType.AuthConfirmedClientSet, _ systemType.AuthConfirmedClientFilter, err error)
SearchAuthConfirmedClients returns (filtered) set of AuthConfirmedClients
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAuthOa2tokens ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAuthOa2tokens(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter) (set systemType.AuthOa2tokenSet, _ systemType.AuthOa2tokenFilter, err error)
SearchAuthOa2tokens returns (filtered) set of AuthOa2tokens
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAuthSessions ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAuthSessions(ctx context.Context, f systemType.AuthSessionFilter) (set systemType.AuthSessionSet, _ systemType.AuthSessionFilter, err error)
SearchAuthSessions returns (filtered) set of AuthSessions
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAutomationSessions ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAutomationSessions(ctx context.Context, f automationType.SessionFilter) (set automationType.SessionSet, _ automationType.SessionFilter, err error)
SearchAutomationSessions returns (filtered) set of AutomationSessions
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAutomationTriggers ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAutomationTriggers(ctx context.Context, f automationType.TriggerFilter) (set automationType.TriggerSet, _ automationType.TriggerFilter, err error)
SearchAutomationTriggers returns (filtered) set of AutomationTriggers
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchAutomationWorkflows ¶
func (s *Store) SearchAutomationWorkflows(ctx context.Context, f automationType.WorkflowFilter) (set automationType.WorkflowSet, _ automationType.WorkflowFilter, err error)
SearchAutomationWorkflows returns (filtered) set of AutomationWorkflows
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposeAttachments ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposeAttachments(ctx context.Context, f composeType.AttachmentFilter) (set composeType.AttachmentSet, _ composeType.AttachmentFilter, err error)
SearchComposeAttachments returns (filtered) set of ComposeAttachments
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposeCharts ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposeCharts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ChartFilter) (set composeType.ChartSet, _ composeType.ChartFilter, err error)
SearchComposeCharts returns (filtered) set of ComposeCharts
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposeModuleFields ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposeModuleFields(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFieldFilter) (set composeType.ModuleFieldSet, _ composeType.ModuleFieldFilter, err error)
SearchComposeModuleFields returns (filtered) set of ComposeModuleFields
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposeModules ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposeModules(ctx context.Context, f composeType.ModuleFilter) (set composeType.ModuleSet, _ composeType.ModuleFilter, err error)
SearchComposeModules returns (filtered) set of ComposeModules
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposeNamespaces ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposeNamespaces(ctx context.Context, f composeType.NamespaceFilter) (set composeType.NamespaceSet, _ composeType.NamespaceFilter, err error)
SearchComposeNamespaces returns (filtered) set of ComposeNamespaces
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposePageLayouts ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposePageLayouts(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageLayoutFilter) (set composeType.PageLayoutSet, _ composeType.PageLayoutFilter, err error)
SearchComposePageLayouts returns (filtered) set of ComposePageLayouts
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchComposePages ¶
func (s *Store) SearchComposePages(ctx context.Context, f composeType.PageFilter) (set composeType.PageSet, _ composeType.PageFilter, err error)
SearchComposePages returns (filtered) set of ComposePages
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchCredentials ¶
func (s *Store) SearchCredentials(ctx context.Context, f systemType.CredentialFilter) (set systemType.CredentialSet, _ systemType.CredentialFilter, err error)
SearchCredentials returns (filtered) set of Credentials
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchDalConnections ¶
func (s *Store) SearchDalConnections(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalConnectionFilter) (set systemType.DalConnectionSet, _ systemType.DalConnectionFilter, err error)
SearchDalConnections returns (filtered) set of DalConnections
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchDalSchemaAlterations ¶
func (s *Store) SearchDalSchemaAlterations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter) (set systemType.DalSchemaAlterationSet, _ systemType.DalSchemaAlterationFilter, err error)
SearchDalSchemaAlterations returns (filtered) set of DalSchemaAlterations
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchDalSensitivityLevels ¶
func (s *Store) SearchDalSensitivityLevels(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter) (set systemType.DalSensitivityLevelSet, _ systemType.DalSensitivityLevelFilter, err error)
SearchDalSensitivityLevels returns (filtered) set of DalSensitivityLevels
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequestComments ¶
func (s *Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequestComments(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter) (set systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentSet, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestCommentFilter, err error)
SearchDataPrivacyRequestComments returns (filtered) set of DataPrivacyRequestComments
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequests ¶
func (s *Store) SearchDataPrivacyRequests(ctx context.Context, f systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter) (set systemType.DataPrivacyRequestSet, _ systemType.DataPrivacyRequestFilter, err error)
SearchDataPrivacyRequests returns (filtered) set of DataPrivacyRequests
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFederationExposedModules ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFederationExposedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ExposedModuleFilter) (set federationType.ExposedModuleSet, _ federationType.ExposedModuleFilter, err error)
SearchFederationExposedModules returns (filtered) set of FederationExposedModules
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFederationModuleMappings ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFederationModuleMappings(ctx context.Context, f federationType.ModuleMappingFilter) (set federationType.ModuleMappingSet, _ federationType.ModuleMappingFilter, err error)
SearchFederationModuleMappings returns (filtered) set of FederationModuleMappings
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFederationNodeSyncs ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFederationNodeSyncs(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeSyncFilter) (set federationType.NodeSyncSet, _ federationType.NodeSyncFilter, err error)
SearchFederationNodeSyncs returns (filtered) set of FederationNodeSyncs
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFederationNodes ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFederationNodes(ctx context.Context, f federationType.NodeFilter) (set federationType.NodeSet, _ federationType.NodeFilter, err error)
SearchFederationNodes returns (filtered) set of FederationNodes
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFederationSharedModules ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFederationSharedModules(ctx context.Context, f federationType.SharedModuleFilter) (set federationType.SharedModuleSet, _ federationType.SharedModuleFilter, err error)
SearchFederationSharedModules returns (filtered) set of FederationSharedModules
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchFlags ¶
func (s *Store) SearchFlags(ctx context.Context, f flagType.FlagFilter) (set flagType.FlagSet, _ flagType.FlagFilter, err error)
SearchFlags returns (filtered) set of Flags
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchLabels ¶
func (s *Store) SearchLabels(ctx context.Context, f labelsType.LabelFilter) (set labelsType.LabelSet, _ labelsType.LabelFilter, err error)
SearchLabels returns (filtered) set of Labels
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchQueueMessages ¶
func (s *Store) SearchQueueMessages(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueMessageFilter) (set systemType.QueueMessageSet, _ systemType.QueueMessageFilter, err error)
SearchQueueMessages returns (filtered) set of QueueMessages
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchQueues ¶
func (s *Store) SearchQueues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.QueueFilter) (set systemType.QueueSet, _ systemType.QueueFilter, err error)
SearchQueues returns (filtered) set of Queues
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchRbacRules ¶
func (s *Store) SearchRbacRules(ctx context.Context, f rbacType.RuleFilter) (set rbacType.RuleSet, _ rbacType.RuleFilter, err error)
SearchRbacRules returns (filtered) set of RbacRules
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchReminders ¶
func (s *Store) SearchReminders(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReminderFilter) (set systemType.ReminderSet, _ systemType.ReminderFilter, err error)
SearchReminders returns (filtered) set of Reminders
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchReports ¶
func (s *Store) SearchReports(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ReportFilter) (set systemType.ReportSet, _ systemType.ReportFilter, err error)
SearchReports returns (filtered) set of Reports
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchResourceActivitys ¶
func (s *Store) SearchResourceActivitys(ctx context.Context, f discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter) (set discoveryType.ResourceActivitySet, _ discoveryType.ResourceActivityFilter, err error)
SearchResourceActivitys returns (filtered) set of ResourceActivitys
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchResourceTranslations ¶
func (s *Store) SearchResourceTranslations(ctx context.Context, f systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter) (set systemType.ResourceTranslationSet, _ systemType.ResourceTranslationFilter, err error)
SearchResourceTranslations returns (filtered) set of ResourceTranslations
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchRoleMembers ¶
func (s *Store) SearchRoleMembers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleMemberFilter) (set systemType.RoleMemberSet, _ systemType.RoleMemberFilter, err error)
SearchRoleMembers returns (filtered) set of RoleMembers
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchRoles ¶
func (s *Store) SearchRoles(ctx context.Context, f systemType.RoleFilter) (set systemType.RoleSet, _ systemType.RoleFilter, err error)
SearchRoles returns (filtered) set of Roles
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchSettingValues ¶
func (s *Store) SearchSettingValues(ctx context.Context, f systemType.SettingsFilter) (set systemType.SettingValueSet, _ systemType.SettingsFilter, err error)
SearchSettingValues returns (filtered) set of SettingValues
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchTemplates ¶
func (s *Store) SearchTemplates(ctx context.Context, f systemType.TemplateFilter) (set systemType.TemplateSet, _ systemType.TemplateFilter, err error)
SearchTemplates returns (filtered) set of Templates
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SearchUsers ¶
func (s *Store) SearchUsers(ctx context.Context, f systemType.UserFilter) (set systemType.UserSet, _ systemType.UserFilter, err error)
SearchUsers returns (filtered) set of Users
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) SetDefaults ¶
func (s *Store) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults fn sets all defaults that need to be set
func (Store) ToDalConn ¶
func (s Store) ToDalConn() dal.Connection
ToDalConn uses store as DAL connection
func (Store) TransferRbacRules ¶
func (Store) TransferRoleMembers ¶
func (Store) TransformResource ¶
func (*Store) TruncateActionlogs ¶
TruncateActionlogs Deletes all rows from the actionlog collection
func (*Store) TruncateApigwFilters ¶
TruncateApigwFilters Deletes all rows from the apigwFilter collection
func (*Store) TruncateApigwRoutes ¶
TruncateApigwRoutes Deletes all rows from the apigwRoute collection
func (*Store) TruncateApplications ¶
TruncateApplications Deletes all rows from the application collection
func (*Store) TruncateAttachments ¶
TruncateAttachments Deletes all rows from the attachment collection
func (*Store) TruncateAuthClients ¶
TruncateAuthClients Deletes all rows from the authClient collection
func (*Store) TruncateAuthConfirmedClients ¶
TruncateAuthConfirmedClients Deletes all rows from the authConfirmedClient collection
func (*Store) TruncateAuthOa2tokens ¶
TruncateAuthOa2tokens Deletes all rows from the authOa2token collection
func (*Store) TruncateAuthSessions ¶
TruncateAuthSessions Deletes all rows from the authSession collection
func (*Store) TruncateAutomationSessions ¶
TruncateAutomationSessions Deletes all rows from the automationSession collection
func (*Store) TruncateAutomationTriggers ¶
TruncateAutomationTriggers Deletes all rows from the automationTrigger collection
func (*Store) TruncateAutomationWorkflows ¶
TruncateAutomationWorkflows Deletes all rows from the automationWorkflow collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposeAttachments ¶
TruncateComposeAttachments Deletes all rows from the composeAttachment collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposeCharts ¶
TruncateComposeCharts Deletes all rows from the composeChart collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposeModuleFields ¶
TruncateComposeModuleFields Deletes all rows from the composeModuleField collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposeModules ¶
TruncateComposeModules Deletes all rows from the composeModule collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposeNamespaces ¶
TruncateComposeNamespaces Deletes all rows from the composeNamespace collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposePageLayouts ¶
TruncateComposePageLayouts Deletes all rows from the composePageLayout collection
func (*Store) TruncateComposePages ¶
TruncateComposePages Deletes all rows from the composePage collection
func (*Store) TruncateCredentials ¶
TruncateCredentials Deletes all rows from the credential collection
func (*Store) TruncateDalConnections ¶
TruncateDalConnections Deletes all rows from the dalConnection collection
func (*Store) TruncateDalSchemaAlterations ¶
TruncateDalSchemaAlterations Deletes all rows from the dalSchemaAlteration collection
func (*Store) TruncateDalSensitivityLevels ¶
TruncateDalSensitivityLevels Deletes all rows from the dalSensitivityLevel collection
func (*Store) TruncateDataPrivacyRequestComments ¶
TruncateDataPrivacyRequestComments Deletes all rows from the dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
func (*Store) TruncateDataPrivacyRequests ¶
TruncateDataPrivacyRequests Deletes all rows from the dataPrivacyRequest collection
func (*Store) TruncateFederationExposedModules ¶
TruncateFederationExposedModules Deletes all rows from the federationExposedModule collection
func (*Store) TruncateFederationModuleMappings ¶
TruncateFederationModuleMappings Deletes all rows from the federationModuleMapping collection
func (*Store) TruncateFederationNodeSyncs ¶
TruncateFederationNodeSyncs Deletes all rows from the federationNodeSync collection
func (*Store) TruncateFederationNodes ¶
TruncateFederationNodes Deletes all rows from the federationNode collection
func (*Store) TruncateFederationSharedModules ¶
TruncateFederationSharedModules Deletes all rows from the federationSharedModule collection
func (*Store) TruncateFlags ¶
TruncateFlags Deletes all rows from the flag collection
func (*Store) TruncateLabels ¶
TruncateLabels Deletes all rows from the label collection
func (*Store) TruncateQueueMessages ¶
TruncateQueueMessages Deletes all rows from the queueMessage collection
func (*Store) TruncateQueues ¶
TruncateQueues Deletes all rows from the queue collection
func (*Store) TruncateRbacRules ¶
TruncateRbacRules Deletes all rows from the rbacRule collection
func (*Store) TruncateReminders ¶
TruncateReminders Deletes all rows from the reminder collection
func (*Store) TruncateReports ¶
TruncateReports Deletes all rows from the report collection
func (*Store) TruncateResourceActivitys ¶
TruncateResourceActivitys Deletes all rows from the resourceActivity collection
func (*Store) TruncateResourceTranslations ¶
TruncateResourceTranslations Deletes all rows from the resourceTranslation collection
func (*Store) TruncateRoleMembers ¶
TruncateRoleMembers Deletes all rows from the roleMember collection
func (*Store) TruncateRoles ¶
TruncateRoles Deletes all rows from the role collection
func (*Store) TruncateSettingValues ¶
TruncateSettingValues Deletes all rows from the settingValue collection
func (*Store) TruncateTemplates ¶
TruncateTemplates Deletes all rows from the template collection
func (*Store) TruncateUsers ¶
TruncateUsers Deletes all rows from the user collection
func (*Store) UpdateActionlog ¶
UpdateActionlog updates one or more existing entries in actionlog collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateApigwFilter ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
UpdateApigwFilter updates one or more existing entries in apigwFilter collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateApigwRoute ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
UpdateApigwRoute updates one or more existing entries in apigwRoute collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateApplication ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
UpdateApplication updates one or more existing entries in application collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
UpdateAttachment updates one or more existing entries in attachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAuthClient ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
UpdateAuthClient updates one or more existing entries in authClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAuthConfirmedClient ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
UpdateAuthConfirmedClient updates one or more existing entries in authConfirmedClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAuthOa2token ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
UpdateAuthOa2token updates one or more existing entries in authOa2token collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAuthSession ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
UpdateAuthSession updates one or more existing entries in authSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAutomationSession ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
UpdateAutomationSession updates one or more existing entries in automationSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAutomationTrigger ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
UpdateAutomationTrigger updates one or more existing entries in automationTrigger collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateAutomationWorkflow ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
UpdateAutomationWorkflow updates one or more existing entries in automationWorkflow collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposeAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
UpdateComposeAttachment updates one or more existing entries in composeAttachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposeChart ¶
UpdateComposeChart updates one or more existing entries in composeChart collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposeModule ¶
UpdateComposeModule updates one or more existing entries in composeModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposeModuleField ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
UpdateComposeModuleField updates one or more existing entries in composeModuleField collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposeNamespace ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
UpdateComposeNamespace updates one or more existing entries in composeNamespace collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposePage ¶
UpdateComposePage updates one or more existing entries in composePage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateComposePageLayout ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
UpdateComposePageLayout updates one or more existing entries in composePageLayout collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateCredential ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
UpdateCredential updates one or more existing entries in credential collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateDalConnection ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
UpdateDalConnection updates one or more existing entries in dalConnection collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateDalSchemaAlteration ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
UpdateDalSchemaAlteration updates one or more existing entries in dalSchemaAlteration collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateDalSensitivityLevel ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
UpdateDalSensitivityLevel updates one or more existing entries in dalSensitivityLevel collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequest ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
UpdateDataPrivacyRequest updates one or more existing entries in dataPrivacyRequest collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequestComment ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
UpdateDataPrivacyRequestComment updates one or more existing entries in dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFederationExposedModule ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
UpdateFederationExposedModule updates one or more existing entries in federationExposedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFederationModuleMapping ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
UpdateFederationModuleMapping updates one or more existing entries in federationModuleMapping collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFederationNode ¶
UpdateFederationNode updates one or more existing entries in federationNode collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFederationNodeSync ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
UpdateFederationNodeSync updates one or more existing entries in federationNodeSync collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFederationSharedModule ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
UpdateFederationSharedModule updates one or more existing entries in federationSharedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateFlag ¶
UpdateFlag updates one or more existing entries in flag collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateLabel ¶
UpdateLabel updates one or more existing entries in label collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateQueue ¶
UpdateQueue updates one or more existing entries in queue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateQueueMessage ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
UpdateQueueMessage updates one or more existing entries in queueMessage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateRbacRule ¶
UpdateRbacRule updates one or more existing entries in rbacRule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateReminder ¶
UpdateReminder updates one or more existing entries in reminder collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateReport ¶
UpdateReport updates one or more existing entries in report collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateResourceActivity ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
UpdateResourceActivity updates one or more existing entries in resourceActivity collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateResourceTranslation ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
UpdateResourceTranslation updates one or more existing entries in resourceTranslation collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateRole ¶
UpdateRole updates one or more existing entries in role collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateRoleMember ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
UpdateRoleMember updates one or more existing entries in roleMember collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateSettingValue ¶
func (s *Store) UpdateSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
UpdateSettingValue updates one or more existing entries in settingValue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateTemplate ¶
UpdateTemplate updates one or more existing entries in template collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpdateUser ¶
UpdateUser updates one or more existing entries in user collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertActionlog ¶
UpsertActionlog updates one or more existing entries in actionlog collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertApigwFilter ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertApigwFilter(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwFilter) (err error)
UpsertApigwFilter updates one or more existing entries in apigwFilter collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertApigwRoute ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertApigwRoute(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ApigwRoute) (err error)
UpsertApigwRoute updates one or more existing entries in apigwRoute collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertApplication ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertApplication(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Application) (err error)
UpsertApplication updates one or more existing entries in application collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Attachment) (err error)
UpsertAttachment updates one or more existing entries in attachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAuthClient ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAuthClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthClient) (err error)
UpsertAuthClient updates one or more existing entries in authClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAuthConfirmedClient ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAuthConfirmedClient(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthConfirmedClient) (err error)
UpsertAuthConfirmedClient updates one or more existing entries in authConfirmedClient collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAuthOa2token ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAuthOa2token(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthOa2token) (err error)
UpsertAuthOa2token updates one or more existing entries in authOa2token collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAuthSession ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAuthSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.AuthSession) (err error)
UpsertAuthSession updates one or more existing entries in authSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAutomationSession ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationSession(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Session) (err error)
UpsertAutomationSession updates one or more existing entries in automationSession collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAutomationTrigger ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationTrigger(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Trigger) (err error)
UpsertAutomationTrigger updates one or more existing entries in automationTrigger collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertAutomationWorkflow ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertAutomationWorkflow(ctx context.Context, rr ...*automationType.Workflow) (err error)
UpsertAutomationWorkflow updates one or more existing entries in automationWorkflow collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposeAttachment ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertComposeAttachment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Attachment) (err error)
UpsertComposeAttachment updates one or more existing entries in composeAttachment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposeChart ¶
UpsertComposeChart updates one or more existing entries in composeChart collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposeModule ¶
UpsertComposeModule updates one or more existing entries in composeModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposeModuleField ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertComposeModuleField(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.ModuleField) (err error)
UpsertComposeModuleField updates one or more existing entries in composeModuleField collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposeNamespace ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertComposeNamespace(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.Namespace) (err error)
UpsertComposeNamespace updates one or more existing entries in composeNamespace collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposePage ¶
UpsertComposePage updates one or more existing entries in composePage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertComposePageLayout ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertComposePageLayout(ctx context.Context, rr ...*composeType.PageLayout) (err error)
UpsertComposePageLayout updates one or more existing entries in composePageLayout collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertCredential ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertCredential(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.Credential) (err error)
UpsertCredential updates one or more existing entries in credential collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertDalConnection ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertDalConnection(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalConnection) (err error)
UpsertDalConnection updates one or more existing entries in dalConnection collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertDalSchemaAlteration ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertDalSchemaAlteration(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSchemaAlteration) (err error)
UpsertDalSchemaAlteration updates one or more existing entries in dalSchemaAlteration collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertDalSensitivityLevel ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertDalSensitivityLevel(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DalSensitivityLevel) (err error)
UpsertDalSensitivityLevel updates one or more existing entries in dalSensitivityLevel collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequest ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequest(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequest) (err error)
UpsertDataPrivacyRequest updates one or more existing entries in dataPrivacyRequest collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequestComment ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertDataPrivacyRequestComment(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.DataPrivacyRequestComment) (err error)
UpsertDataPrivacyRequestComment updates one or more existing entries in dataPrivacyRequestComment collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFederationExposedModule ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertFederationExposedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ExposedModule) (err error)
UpsertFederationExposedModule updates one or more existing entries in federationExposedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFederationModuleMapping ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertFederationModuleMapping(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.ModuleMapping) (err error)
UpsertFederationModuleMapping updates one or more existing entries in federationModuleMapping collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFederationNode ¶
UpsertFederationNode updates one or more existing entries in federationNode collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFederationNodeSync ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertFederationNodeSync(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.NodeSync) (err error)
UpsertFederationNodeSync updates one or more existing entries in federationNodeSync collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFederationSharedModule ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertFederationSharedModule(ctx context.Context, rr ...*federationType.SharedModule) (err error)
UpsertFederationSharedModule updates one or more existing entries in federationSharedModule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertFlag ¶
UpsertFlag updates one or more existing entries in flag collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertLabel ¶
UpsertLabel updates one or more existing entries in label collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertQueue ¶
UpsertQueue updates one or more existing entries in queue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertQueueMessage ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertQueueMessage(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.QueueMessage) (err error)
UpsertQueueMessage updates one or more existing entries in queueMessage collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertRbacRule ¶
UpsertRbacRule updates one or more existing entries in rbacRule collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertReminder ¶
UpsertReminder updates one or more existing entries in reminder collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertReport ¶
UpsertReport updates one or more existing entries in report collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertResourceActivity ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertResourceActivity(ctx context.Context, rr ...*discoveryType.ResourceActivity) (err error)
UpsertResourceActivity updates one or more existing entries in resourceActivity collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertResourceTranslation ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertResourceTranslation(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.ResourceTranslation) (err error)
UpsertResourceTranslation updates one or more existing entries in resourceTranslation collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertRole ¶
UpsertRole updates one or more existing entries in role collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertRoleMember ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertRoleMember(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.RoleMember) (err error)
UpsertRoleMember updates one or more existing entries in roleMember collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertSettingValue ¶
func (s *Store) UpsertSettingValue(ctx context.Context, rr ...*systemType.SettingValue) (err error)
UpsertSettingValue updates one or more existing entries in settingValue collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertTemplate ¶
UpsertTemplate updates one or more existing entries in template collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UpsertUser ¶
UpsertUser updates one or more existing entries in user collection
This function is auto-generated
func (*Store) UserMetrics ¶
func (s *Store) UserMetrics(ctx context.Context) (m *systemType.UserMetrics, err error)
Source Files
- aux_types.gen.go
- config.go
- connect.go
- cursor.go
- custom_applications.go
- custom_auth_oa2tokens.go
- custom_auth_sessions.go
- custom_compose_page_layouts.go
- custom_compose_pages.go
- custom_labels.go
- custom_metrics.go
- custom_rbac.go
- custom_resource_translations.go
- custom_roles.go
- custom_users.go
- filter.go
- filters.gen.go
- log.go
- queries.gen.go
- rdbms.gen.go
- rdbms_store.go
- tx.go
- upgrade.go
- upgrade_fixes.go