Software tool to test BLE Devices
- Build platform: OS X
- Host platform: OS X
The device supports 4 basic modes:
- Scan for devices
- Connect to specific device
- Read XML input file that defines a device
- Compare Physical Device with XML definitions
The basic modes of usage for ble-tools can be seen below:
Usage: ./ble-tools [COMMAND] [<options>]
-timeout timeout
scan timeout duration in seconds (default 12s)
-device Device Name
BLE Device Name
-id mfg data
Last 3 hex bytes of mfg data to uniquely identify device
generate an xml output
-file xml file
xml file to be parsed
-device Device Name
BLE Device Name
-file XML file
XML file to compare against
-id mfg data
Last 3 hex bytes of mfg data to uniquely identify device
This runs a passive scan of the neighboring environment for the duration of time specified
with the timeout
flag. By default, this timeout is 12s. This is the maximum advertising
timeout specified in the BLE Specification. The minimum allowed timeout value is 1s.
After a scan is completed, a numbered list of discovered devices is displayed. The user can select
the device to connect to by entering the index of the device.
An example of a scan list is shown below.
Following Devices discovered:
Index Device Name
0 estimote-2892c4
1 Apple TV-060090
2 T2-000017
3 Unknown-d1c887
4 Dropcam-0ff4c7
5 Unknown-3d05a1
6 estimote-91c4c4
7 Aug-d10100
8 BCD Sensalite-000094
Enter Device to connect to: 2
Generate XML after discovery? (y/n) [n]:
Upon making a selection, the user is prompted whether they would like an XML output of the
device's services and characteristics to be saved. If desired, this is generated after connecting
to the device, and saved in the XmlOutputs
Many devices announce their names in the LocalName field of the BLE advertisement. If one already
knows this name, and would like to connect to the device without having to explicitly scan the
environment, this would be the preferred mode to use. The name of the device is specified in the
mandatory field of device
. For further fine-grained connection options, one can also specify the
last three bytes of the manufacturing data from the advertisement in the optional id
Finally, if one would like a record of the device's services and characteristics
a true/false field of xmlOut
can be used as well. By default this option is set to false.
Custom Services/Characteristics
Not all devices use the standard Bluetooth specified service/characteristic UUIDs. To help in making
this information readable two user generated files are included, viz CustomServices.csv
and CustomCharacteristics.csv
These are CSV files that have a mapping of UUID to a Human Readable Service or Characteristic name,
respectively. Currently this only contains mappings for devices built here at BCD, but it can grow
with time as this tool hopefully gets used. Another use would be populating it with the Apple UUIDs
defined in the HomeKit Specification.
Once an xml file of the device's services and characteristics has already been generated, either by
this tool, or by other means, this tool can parse the information in the file and display it in a human
readable format. The file to be read is passed in via the mandatory option of file
An XML file representing the device consists of one or many services, each of which can contain several characteristics. The properties of each characteristic can be obtained from the Bluetooth website. A snippet of one device would look like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<device name="Ly01">
<service name="LY-01 Service" uuid="1c68b3fad44343659e1cb22f44eb0816">
<characteristic name="Light Control" uuid="447c291d5318420b980a8f33e22c3744">
While building a device, its always useful to ensure that the BLE interface on the device
matches what was specified in the interface design document. The compare
mode helps achieve this goal.
This mode is a combination of the read
and connect
modes described above. The tool will read the file
specified, and connect to the device in question. It will then scan the device, and perform a property by
property comparison across all characteristics and services. All inconsistencies detected will be reported
after disconnection from the device.
An example of some errors that can be reported are:
Char Properties do not match.
Expected ' read ' but found ' read notify '
Expected 9 characteristics but found 8
Expected 4 services but found 3
Device did not match specified document
Local build
Ensure the repository is checked out in
In toplevel directory, execute:
make clean make
to end up with the build artifacts in the $GOPATH/bin
- Apple Mac computer running OS X
- OS X: Xcode Command Line Tools
- Go 1.6
There is no documentation for this package.