Overview ¶
Package oss implements functions for access oss service. It has two main struct Client and Bucket.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AdjustRange(ur *UnpackedRange, size int64) (start, end int64)
- func CRC64Combine(crc1 uint64, crc2 uint64, len2 uint64) uint64
- func CheckBucketName(bucketName string) error
- func CheckCRC(resp *Response, operation string) error
- func CheckDownloadCRC(clientCRC, serverCRC uint64) error
- func CheckObjectName(objectName string) error
- func CheckRespCode(respCode int, allowed []int) error
- func ConvertEmptyValueToNil(params map[string]interface{}, keys []string)
- func EscapeLFString(str string) string
- func EscapeXml(s string) string
- func FindOption(options []Option, param string, defaultVal interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func GetCopySrcVersionId(header http.Header) string
- func GetDeleteMark(header http.Header) bool
- func GetNowGMT() string
- func GetNowNanoSec() int64
- func GetNowSec() int64
- func GetPartEnd(begin int64, total int64, per int64) int64
- func GetQosDelayTime(header http.Header) string
- func GetRangeString(unpackRange UnpackedRange) string
- func GetRawParams(options []Option) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func GetReaderLen(reader io.Reader) (int64, error)
- func GetRequestId(header http.Header) string
- func GetVersionId(header http.Header) string
- func InvalidRangeError(r string) error
- func IsOptionSet(options []Option, option string) (bool, interface{}, error)
- func LimitReadCloser(r io.Reader, n int64) io.Reader
- func NewCRC(tab *crc64.Table, init uint64) hash.Hash64
- func TeeReader(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, totalBytes int64, ...) io.ReadCloser
- func TypeByExtension(filePath string) string
- type ACLType
- type AlgorithmType
- type AppendObjectRequest
- type AppendObjectResult
- type AsynFetchTaskInfo
- type AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration
- type AsyncFetchTaskResult
- type AsyncTaskInfo
- type AuthVersionType
- type Bucket
- func (bucket Bucket) AbortMultipartUpload(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) AppendObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, appendPosition int64, options ...Option) (int64, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CompleteMultipartUpload(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, parts []UploadPart, options ...Option) (CompleteMultipartUploadResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CopyFile(srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, partSize int64, ...) error
- func (bucket Bucket) CopyObject(srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CopyObjectFrom(srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CopyObjectTo(destBucketName, destObjectKey, srcObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CreateLiveChannel(channelName string, config LiveChannelConfiguration) (CreateLiveChannelResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CreateSelectCsvObjectMeta(key string, csvMeta CsvMetaRequest, options ...Option) (MetaEndFrameCSV, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) CreateSelectJsonObjectMeta(key string, jsonMeta JsonMetaRequest, options ...Option) (MetaEndFrameJSON, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteLiveChannel(channelName string) error
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteMultipleObjectsXml(xmlData string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObject(objectKey string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObjectTagging(objectKey string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObjectVersions(objectVersions []DeleteObject, options ...Option) (DeleteObjectVersionsResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObjects(objectKeys []string, options ...Option) (DeleteObjectsResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) Do(method, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, options []Option, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoAppendObject(request *AppendObjectRequest, options []Option) (*AppendObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoGetObject(request *GetObjectRequest, options []Option) (*GetObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoGetObjectWithURL(signedURL string, options []Option) (*GetObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoPostSelectObject(key string, params map[string]interface{}, buf *bytes.Buffer, ...) (*SelectObjectResponse, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoPutObject(request *PutObjectRequest, options []Option) (*Response, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoPutObjectWithURL(signedURL string, reader io.Reader, options []Option) (*Response, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DoUploadPart(request *UploadPartRequest, options []Option) (*UploadPartResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) DownloadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) GetConfig() *Config
- func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelHistory(channelName string) (LiveChannelHistory, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelInfo(channelName string) (LiveChannelConfiguration, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelStat(channelName string) (LiveChannelStat, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObject(objectKey string, options ...Option) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectACL(objectKey string, options ...Option) (GetObjectACLResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectDetailedMeta(objectKey string, options ...Option) (http.Header, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectMeta(objectKey string, options ...Option) (http.Header, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectTagging(objectKey string, options ...Option) (GetObjectTaggingResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectToFile(objectKey, filePath string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectToFileWithURL(signedURL, filePath string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectWithURL(signedURL string, options ...Option) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetSymlink(objectKey string, options ...Option) (http.Header, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) GetVodPlaylist(channelName string, startTime, endTime time.Time) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) InitiateMultipartUpload(objectKey string, options ...Option) (InitiateMultipartUploadResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) IsObjectExist(objectKey string, options ...Option) (bool, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListLiveChannel(options ...Option) (ListLiveChannelResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListMultipartUploads(options ...Option) (ListMultipartUploadResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListObjectVersions(options ...Option) (ListObjectVersionsResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListObjects(options ...Option) (ListObjectsResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListObjectsV2(options ...Option) (ListObjectsResultV2, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) ListUploadedParts(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, options ...Option) (ListUploadedPartsResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) OptionsMethod(objectKey string, options ...Option) (http.Header, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) PostVodPlaylist(channelName, playlistName string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error
- func (bucket Bucket) ProcessObject(objectKey string, process string, options ...Option) (ProcessObjectResult, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) PutLiveChannelStatus(channelName, status string) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutObjectFromFile(objectKey, filePath string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutObjectFromFileWithURL(signedURL, filePath string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutObjectTagging(objectKey string, tagging Tagging, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutObjectWithURL(signedURL string, reader io.Reader, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) PutSymlink(symObjectKey string, targetObjectKey string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) RestoreObject(objectKey string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) RestoreObjectDetail(objectKey string, restoreConfig RestoreConfiguration, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) RestoreObjectXML(objectKey, configXML string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) SelectObject(key string, selectReq SelectRequest, options ...Option) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) SelectObjectIntoFile(key, fileName string, selectReq SelectRequest, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) SetObjectACL(objectKey string, objectACL ACLType, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) SetObjectMeta(objectKey string, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) SignRtmpURL(channelName, playlistName string, expires int64) (string, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) SignURL(objectKey string, method HTTPMethod, expiredInSec int64, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) UploadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error
- func (bucket Bucket) UploadPart(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, reader io.Reader, partSize int64, ...) (UploadPart, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) UploadPartCopy(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, srcBucketName, srcObjectKey string, ...) (UploadPart, error)
- func (bucket Bucket) UploadPartFromFile(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, filePath string, ...) (UploadPart, error)
- type BucketAccessMonitorXml
- type BucketInfo
- type BucketProperties
- type BucketQoSConfiguration
- type BucketStat
- type CORSRule
- type CORSXML
- type CRCCheckError
- type CSV
- type CSVSelectInput
- type CSVSelectOutput
- type Client
- func (client Client) AbortBucketWorm(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) Bucket(bucketName string) (*Bucket, error)
- func (client Client) CloseMetaQuery(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) CompleteBucketWorm(bucketName string, wormID string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) CreateBucket(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) CreateBucketCnameToken(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) (CreateBucketCnameTokenResult, error)
- func (client Client) CreateBucketXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucket(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketCORS(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketCname(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketEncryption(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketInventory(bucketName, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketLifecycle(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketLogging(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketPolicy(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketQosInfo(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketReplication(bucketName string, ruleId string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketTagging(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketTransferAcc(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DeleteBucketWebsite(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) DoMetaQuery(bucketName string, metaQuery MetaQuery, options ...Option) (DoMetaQueryResult, error)
- func (client Client) DoMetaQueryXml(bucketName string, metaQueryXml string, options ...Option) (DoMetaQueryResult, error)
- func (client Client) ExtendBucketWorm(bucketName string, retentionDays int, wormID string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) GetBucketACL(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketACLResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketAccessMonitor(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketAccessMonitorResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketAccessMonitorXml(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketAsyncTask(bucketName string, taskID string, options ...Option) (AsynFetchTaskInfo, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketCORS(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketCORSResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketCORSXml(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketCname(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketCnameToken(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) (GetBucketCnameTokenResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketEncryption(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketEncryptionResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketInfo(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketInfoResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketInventory(bucketName string, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) (InventoryConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketInventoryXml(bucketName string, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketLifecycle(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketLifecycleResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketLifecycleXml(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketLocation(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketLogging(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketLoggingResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketPolicy(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketQosInfo(bucketName string, options ...Option) (BucketQoSConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketReferer(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketRefererResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketReplication(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketReplicationLocation(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketReplicationProgress(bucketName string, ruleId string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketRequestPayment(bucketName string, options ...Option) (RequestPaymentConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketStat(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketStatResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketTagging(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketTaggingResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketTransferAcc(bucketName string, options ...Option) (TransferAccConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketVersioning(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketVersioningResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketWebsite(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketWebsiteResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketWebsiteXml(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) GetBucketWorm(bucketName string, options ...Option) (WormConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) GetMetaQueryStatus(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetMetaQueryStatusResult, error)
- func (client Client) GetUserQoSInfo(options ...Option) (UserQoSConfiguration, error)
- func (client Client) InitiateBucketWorm(bucketName string, retentionDays int, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) IsBucketExist(bucketName string) (bool, error)
- func (client Client) LimitDownloadSpeed(downSpeed int) error
- func (client Client) LimitUploadSpeed(upSpeed int) error
- func (client Client) ListBucketInventory(bucketName, continuationToken string, options ...Option) (ListInventoryConfigurationsResult, error)
- func (client Client) ListBucketInventoryXml(bucketName, continuationToken string, options ...Option) (string, error)
- func (client Client) ListBuckets(options ...Option) (ListBucketsResult, error)
- func (client Client) ListCloudBoxes(options ...Option) (ListCloudBoxResult, error)
- func (client Client) OpenMetaQuery(bucketName string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) PutBucketAccessMonitor(bucketName string, accessMonitor PutBucketAccessMonitor, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) PutBucketAccessMonitorXml(bucketName string, xmlData string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) PutBucketCname(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) PutBucketCnameXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) PutBucketReplication(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketACL(bucketName string, bucketACL ACLType, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketAsyncTask(bucketName string, asynConf AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration, options ...Option) (AsyncFetchTaskResult, error)
- func (client Client) SetBucketCORS(bucketName string, corsRules []CORSRule, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketCORSXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketEncryption(bucketName string, encryptionRule ServerEncryptionRule, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketInventory(bucketName string, inventoryConfig InventoryConfiguration, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketInventoryXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketLifecycle(bucketName string, rules []LifecycleRule, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketLifecycleXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketLogging(bucketName, targetBucket, targetPrefix string, isEnable bool, ...) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketPolicy(bucketName string, policy string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketQoSInfo(bucketName string, qosConf BucketQoSConfiguration, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketReferer(bucketName string, referers []string, allowEmptyReferer bool, ...) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketRequestPayment(bucketName string, paymentConfig RequestPaymentConfiguration, ...) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketTagging(bucketName string, tagging Tagging, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketTransferAcc(bucketName string, accConf TransferAccConfiguration, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketVersioning(bucketName string, versioningConfig VersioningConfig, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketWebsite(bucketName, indexDocument, errorDocument string, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketWebsiteDetail(bucketName string, wxml WebsiteXML, options ...Option) error
- func (client Client) SetBucketWebsiteXml(bucketName string, webXml string, options ...Option) error
- func (client *Client) SetCloudBoxId(cloudBoxId string)
- func (client *Client) SetProduct(product string)
- func (client *Client) SetRegion(region string)
- type ClientOption
- func AdditionalHeaders(headers []string) ClientOption
- func AuthProxy(proxyHost, proxyUser, proxyPassword string) ClientOption
- func AuthVersion(authVersion AuthVersionType) ClientOption
- func CloudBoxId(cloudBoxId string) ClientOption
- func EnableCRC(isEnableCRC bool) ClientOption
- func EnableMD5(isEnableMD5 bool) ClientOption
- func HTTPClient(HTTPClient *http.Client) ClientOption
- func InsecureSkipVerify(enabled bool) ClientOption
- func MD5ThresholdCalcInMemory(threshold int64) ClientOption
- func MaxConns(maxIdleConns, maxIdleConnsPerHost, maxConnsPerHost int) ClientOption
- func Product(product string) ClientOption
- func Proxy(proxyHost string) ClientOption
- func RedirectEnabled(enabled bool) ClientOption
- func Region(region string) ClientOption
- func SecurityToken(token string) ClientOption
- func SetCredentialsProvider(provider CredentialsProvider) ClientOption
- func SetLocalAddr(localAddr net.Addr) ClientOption
- func SetLogLevel(LogLevel int) ClientOption
- func SetLogger(Logger *log.Logger) ClientOption
- func Timeout(connectTimeoutSec, readWriteTimeout int64) ClientOption
- func UseCname(isUseCname bool) ClientOption
- func UserAgent(userAgent string) ClientOption
- type CloudBoxProperties
- type CnameConfigurationXML
- type CnameTokenXML
- type CompleteMultipartUploadResult
- type Condition
- type Config
- func (config *Config) GetCredentials() Credentials
- func (config *Config) GetSignProduct() string
- func (config *Config) GetSignRegion() string
- func (config *Config) LimitDownloadSpeed(downloadSpeed int) error
- func (config *Config) LimitUploadSpeed(uploadSpeed int) error
- func (config *Config) WriteLog(LogLevel int, format string, a ...interface{})
- type Conn
- func (conn Conn) Do(method, bucketName, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (conn Conn) DoURL(method HTTPMethod, signedURL string, headers map[string]string, data io.Reader, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (conn Conn) LoggerHTTPReq(req *http.Request)
- func (conn Conn) LoggerHTTPResp(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response)
- type CopyObjectResult
- type CreateBucketCnameTokenResult
- type CreateLiveChannelResult
- type Credentials
- type CredentialsProvider
- type CsvMetaRequest
- type DataRedundancyType
- type DeleteObject
- type DeleteObjectVersionsResult
- type DeleteObjectsResult
- type DeletedKeyInfo
- type DiscardReadCloser
- type DoMetaQueryResult
- type DoMetaQueryResultXml
- type EndFrame
- type ErrorDocument
- type ExtendWormConfiguration
- type FileChunk
- type GetBucketACLResult
- type GetBucketAccessMonitorResult
- type GetBucketCORSResult
- type GetBucketCnameTokenResult
- type GetBucketEncryptionResult
- type GetBucketInfoResult
- type GetBucketLifecycleResult
- type GetBucketLoggingResult
- type GetBucketRefererResult
- type GetBucketStatResult
- type GetBucketTaggingResult
- type GetBucketVersioningResult
- type GetBucketWebsiteResult
- type GetMetaQueryStatusResult
- type GetMetaQueryStatusResultXml
- type GetObjectACLResult
- type GetObjectRequest
- type GetObjectResult
- type GetObjectTaggingResult
- type HTTPMaxConns
- type HTTPMethod
- type HTTPTimeout
- type HttpHeaderDateProvider
- type IncludeHeader
- type IndexDocument
- type InitiateMultipartUploadResult
- type InitiateWormConfiguration
- type InputSerialization
- type InputSerializationSelect
- type InvEncryption
- type InvSseKms
- type InvSseOss
- type InventoryConfiguration
- type JSON
- type JSONSelectInput
- type JSONSelectOutput
- type JsonMetaRequest
- type LifecycleAbortMultipartUpload
- type LifecycleConfiguration
- type LifecycleExpiration
- type LifecycleFilter
- type LifecycleFilterNot
- type LifecycleRule
- type LifecycleTransition
- type LifecycleVersionExpiration
- type LifecycleVersionTransition
- type LimitSpeedReader
- type LimitedReadCloser
- type ListBucketsResult
- type ListCloudBoxResult
- type ListInventoryConfigurationsResult
- type ListLiveChannelResult
- type ListMultipartUploadResult
- type ListObjectVersionsResult
- type ListObjectsResult
- type ListObjectsResultV2
- type ListUploadedPartsResult
- type LiveChannelAudio
- type LiveChannelConfiguration
- type LiveChannelHistory
- type LiveChannelInfo
- type LiveChannelSnapshot
- type LiveChannelStat
- type LiveChannelTarget
- type LiveChannelVideo
- type LiveRecord
- type LoggingEnabled
- type LoggingXML
- type MetaEndFrameCSV
- type MetaEndFrameJSON
- type MetaQuery
- type MetaQueryAggregationRequest
- type MetaQueryAggregationResponse
- type MetaQueryFile
- type MetaQueryGroup
- type MetaQueryTagging
- type MetaQueryUserMeta
- type MetadataDirectiveType
- type MirrorHeaderSet
- type MirrorHeaders
- type OSSBucketDestination
- type ObjectDeleteMarkerProperties
- type ObjectProperties
- type ObjectVersionProperties
- type ObjecthashFuncType
- type Option
- func ACL(acl ACLType) Option
- func ACReqHeaders(value string) Option
- func ACReqMethod(value string) Option
- func AcceptEncoding(value string) Option
- func AddContentType(options []Option, keys ...string) []Option
- func AddParam(key string, value interface{}) Option
- func AllowSameActionOverLap(enabled bool) Option
- func CacheControl(value string) Option
- func Callback(callback string) Option
- func CallbackVar(callbackVar string) Option
- func Checkpoint(isEnable bool, filePath string) Option
- func CheckpointDir(isEnable bool, dirPath string) Option
- func ChoiceAbortPartOption(options []Option) []Option
- func ChoiceCompletePartOption(options []Option) []Option
- func ChoiceHeadObjectOption(options []Option) []Option
- func ChoiceTransferPartOption(options []Option) []Option
- func ContentDisposition(value string) Option
- func ContentEncoding(value string) Option
- func ContentLanguage(value string) Option
- func ContentLength(length int64) Option
- func ContentMD5(value string) Option
- func ContentType(value string) Option
- func ContinuationToken(value string) Option
- func CopySource(sourceBucket, sourceObject string) Option
- func CopySourceIfMatch(value string) Option
- func CopySourceIfModifiedSince(t time.Time) Option
- func CopySourceIfNoneMatch(value string) Option
- func CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince(t time.Time) Option
- func CopySourceRange(startPosition, partSize int64) Option
- func CopySourceVersion(sourceBucket, sourceObject string, versionId string) Option
- func DeleteObjectsQuiet(isQuiet bool) Option
- func DeleteOption(options []Option, strKey string) []Option
- func Delimiter(value string) Option
- func EnableMd5() Option
- func EnableSha1() Option
- func EnableSha256() Option
- func EncodingType(value string) Option
- func Expires(t time.Time) Option
- func FetchOwner(value bool) Option
- func ForbidOverWrite(forbidWrite bool) Option
- func GetResponseHeader(respHeader *http.Header) Option
- func IfMatch(value string) Option
- func IfModifiedSince(t time.Time) Option
- func IfNoneMatch(value string) Option
- func IfUnmodifiedSince(t time.Time) Option
- func InitCRC(initCRC uint64) Option
- func KeyMarker(value string) Option
- func ListType(value int) Option
- func Marker(value string) Option
- func MaxKeys(value int) Option
- func MaxParts(value int) Option
- func MaxUploads(value int) Option
- func Meta(key, value string) Option
- func MetadataDirective(directive MetadataDirectiveType) Option
- func NormalizedRange(nr string) Option
- func ObjectACL(acl ACLType) Option
- func ObjectHashFunc(value ObjecthashFuncType) Option
- func ObjectStorageClass(storageClass StorageClassType) Option
- func Origin(value string) Option
- func PartHashCtxHeader(value string) Option
- func PartHashCtxParam(value string) Option
- func PartMd5CtxHeader(value string) Option
- func PartMd5CtxParam(value string) Option
- func PartNumberMarker(value int) Option
- func Prefix(value string) Option
- func Process(value string) Option
- func Progress(listener ProgressListener) Option
- func Range(start, end int64) Option
- func RangeBehavior(value string) Option
- func RedundancyType(value DataRedundancyType) Option
- func RequestPayer(payerType PayerType) Option
- func RequestPayerParam(payerType PayerType) Option
- func ResponseCacheControl(value string) Option
- func ResponseContentDisposition(value string) Option
- func ResponseContentEncoding(value string) Option
- func ResponseContentLanguage(value string) Option
- func ResponseContentType(value string) Option
- func ResponseExpires(value string) Option
- func Routines(n int) Option
- func SSECAlgorithm(value string) Option
- func SSECKey(value string) Option
- func SSECKeyMd5(value string) Option
- func Sequential() Option
- func ServerSideDataEncryption(value string) Option
- func ServerSideEncryption(value string) Option
- func ServerSideEncryptionKeyID(value string) Option
- func SetHeader(key string, value interface{}) Option
- func SetTagging(tagging Tagging) Option
- func StartAfter(value string) Option
- func StorageClass(value StorageClassType) Option
- func TagKey(value string) Option
- func TagValue(value string) Option
- func TaggingDirective(directive TaggingDirectiveType) Option
- func TrafficLimitHeader(value int64) Option
- func TrafficLimitParam(value int64) Option
- func UploadIDMarker(value string) Option
- func UserAgentHeader(ua string) Option
- func VersionId(value string) Option
- func VersionIdMarker(value string) Option
- func WithHashContext() Option
- type OptionalFields
- type OssLimiter
- type OutputSerializationSelect
- type Owner
- type PayerType
- type PostSelectResult
- type ProcessObjectResult
- type ProgressEvent
- type ProgressEventType
- type ProgressListener
- type PutBucketAccessMonitor
- type PutObjectRequest
- type ReadFlagInfo
- type Redirect
- type RefererXML
- type ReplicationXML
- type RequestPaymentConfiguration
- type Response
- type RestoreConfiguration
- type RestoreMode
- type RoutingRule
- type SSEDefaultRule
- type SSERule
- type SelectObjectResponse
- type SelectObjectResult
- type SelectOptions
- type SelectRequest
- type ServerEncryptionRule
- type ServiceError
- type StorageClassType
- type Tag
- type Tagging
- type TaggingDirectiveType
- type TransferAccConfiguration
- type UncompletedUpload
- type UnexpectedStatusCodeError
- type UnpackedRange
- type UploadPart
- type UploadPartCopyResult
- type UploadPartRequest
- type UploadPartResult
- type UploadParts
- type UploadedPart
- type UserQoSConfiguration
- type VersioningConfig
- type VersioningStatus
- type WebsiteXML
- type WormConfiguration
Constants ¶
const ( LogOff = iota Error Warn Info Debug )
Define the level of the output log
const ( HTTPHeaderAcceptEncoding string = "Accept-Encoding" HTTPHeaderAuthorization = "Authorization" HTTPHeaderCacheControl = "Cache-Control" HTTPHeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition" HTTPHeaderContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding" HTTPHeaderContentLength = "Content-Length" HTTPHeaderContentMD5 = "Content-MD5" HTTPHeaderContentType = "Content-Type" HTTPHeaderContentLanguage = "Content-Language" HTTPHeaderDate = "Date" HTTPHeaderEtag = "ETag" HTTPHeaderExpires = "Expires" HTTPHeaderHost = "Host" HTTPHeaderLastModified = "Last-Modified" HTTPHeaderRange = "Range" HTTPHeaderLocation = "Location" HTTPHeaderOrigin = "Origin" HTTPHeaderServer = "Server" HTTPHeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent" HTTPHeaderIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since" HTTPHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since" HTTPHeaderIfMatch = "If-Match" HTTPHeaderIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match" HTTPHeaderACReqMethod = "Access-Control-Request-Method" HTTPHeaderACReqHeaders = "Access-Control-Request-Headers" HTTPHeaderOssACL = "X-Oss-Acl" HTTPHeaderOssMetaPrefix = "X-Oss-Meta-" HTTPHeaderOssObjectACL = "X-Oss-Object-Acl" HTTPHeaderOssSecurityToken = "X-Oss-Security-Token" HTTPHeaderOssServerSideEncryption = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption" HTTPHeaderOssServerSideEncryptionKeyID = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Key-Id" HTTPHeaderOssServerSideDataEncryption = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Data-Encryption" HTTPHeaderSSECAlgorithm = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm" HTTPHeaderSSECKey = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key" HTTPHeaderSSECKeyMd5 = "X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-MD5" HTTPHeaderOssCopySource = "X-Oss-Copy-Source" HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceRange = "X-Oss-Copy-Source-Range" HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfMatch = "X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Match" HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfNoneMatch = "X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-None-Match" HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfModifiedSince = "X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Modified-Since" HTTPHeaderOssCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince = "X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Unmodified-Since" HTTPHeaderOssMetadataDirective = "X-Oss-Metadata-Directive" HTTPHeaderOssNextAppendPosition = "X-Oss-Next-Append-Position" HTTPHeaderOssRequestID = "X-Oss-Request-Id" HTTPHeaderOssCRC64 = "X-Oss-Hash-Crc64ecma" HTTPHeaderOssSymlinkTarget = "X-Oss-Symlink-Target" HTTPHeaderOssStorageClass = "X-Oss-Storage-Class" HTTPHeaderOssCallback = "X-Oss-Callback" HTTPHeaderOssCallbackVar = "X-Oss-Callback-Var" HTTPHeaderOssRequester = "X-Oss-Request-Payer" HTTPHeaderOssTagging = "X-Oss-Tagging" HTTPHeaderOssTaggingDirective = "X-Oss-Tagging-Directive" HTTPHeaderOssTrafficLimit = "X-Oss-Traffic-Limit" HTTPHeaderOssForbidOverWrite = "X-Oss-Forbid-Overwrite" HTTPHeaderOssRangeBehavior = "X-Oss-Range-Behavior" HTTPHeaderOssTaskID = "X-Oss-Task-Id" HTTPHeaderOssHashCtx = "X-Oss-Hash-Ctx" HTTPHeaderOssMd5Ctx = "X-Oss-Md5-Ctx" HTTPHeaderAllowSameActionOverLap = "X-Oss-Allow-Same-Action-Overlap" HttpHeaderOssDate = "X-Oss-Date" HttpHeaderOssContentSha256 = "X-Oss-Content-Sha256" HttpHeaderOssNotification = "X-Oss-Notification" )
HTTP headers
const ( HTTPParamExpires = "Expires" HTTPParamAccessKeyID = "OSSAccessKeyId" HTTPParamSignature = "Signature" HTTPParamSecurityToken = "security-token" HTTPParamPlaylistName = "playlistName" HTTPParamSignatureVersion = "x-oss-signature-version" HTTPParamExpiresV2 = "x-oss-expires" HTTPParamAccessKeyIDV2 = "x-oss-access-key-id" HTTPParamSignatureV2 = "x-oss-signature" HTTPParamAdditionalHeadersV2 = "x-oss-additional-headers" )
HTTP Param
const ( MaxPartSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // Max part size, 5GB MinPartSize = 100 * 1024 // Min part size, 100KB FilePermMode = os.FileMode(0664) // Default file permission TempFilePrefix = "oss-go-temp-" // Temp file prefix TempFileSuffix = ".temp" // Temp file suffix CheckpointFileSuffix = ".cp" // Checkpoint file suffix NullVersion = "null" DefaultContentSha256 = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD" // for v4 signature Version = "v2.2.6" // Go SDK version )
Other constants
const ( DataFrameType = 8388609 ContinuousFrameType = 8388612 EndFrameType = 8388613 MetaEndFrameCSVType = 8388614 MetaEndFrameJSONType = 8388615 )
Variables ¶
CrcTable returns the table constructed from the specified polynomial
var LogTag = []string{"[error]", "[warn]", "[info]", "[debug]"}
LogTag Tag for each level of log
Functions ¶
func AdjustRange ¶
func AdjustRange(ur *UnpackedRange, size int64) (start, end int64)
AdjustRange returns adjusted range, adjust the range according to the length of the file
func CRC64Combine ¶
CRC64Combine combines CRC64
func CheckBucketName ¶
func CheckDownloadCRC ¶
func CheckObjectName ¶
func CheckRespCode ¶
CheckRespCode returns UnexpectedStatusError if the given response code is not one of the allowed status codes; otherwise nil.
func ConvertEmptyValueToNil ¶
func EscapeLFString ¶
func EscapeXml ¶
EscapeString writes to p the properly escaped XML equivalent of the plain text data s.
func FindOption ¶
func GetCopySrcVersionId ¶
func GetDeleteMark ¶
func GetNowNanoSec ¶
func GetNowNanoSec() int64
GetNowNanoSec returns t as a Unix time, the number of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. The result is undefined if the Unix time in nanoseconds cannot be represented by an int64. Note that this means the result of calling UnixNano on the zero Time is undefined. gets the current time in Unix time, in nanoseconds.
func GetNowSec ¶
func GetNowSec() int64
GetNowSec returns Unix time, the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC. gets the current time in Unix time, in seconds.
func GetPartEnd ¶
GetPartEnd calculates the end position
func GetQosDelayTime ¶
func GetRangeString ¶
func GetRangeString(unpackRange UnpackedRange) string
func GetRawParams ¶
func GetRequestId ¶
func GetVersionId ¶
func InvalidRangeError ¶
InvalidRangeError returns invalid range error
func NewCRC ¶
NewCRC creates a new hash.Hash64 computing the CRC64 checksum using the polynomial represented by the Table.
func TeeReader ¶
func TeeReader(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, totalBytes int64, listener ProgressListener, tracker *readerTracker) io.ReadCloser
TeeReader returns a Reader that writes to w what it reads from r. All reads from r performed through it are matched with corresponding writes to w. There is no internal buffering - the write must complete before the read completes. Any error encountered while writing is reported as a read error.
func TypeByExtension ¶
TypeByExtension returns the MIME type associated with the file extension ext. gets the file's MIME type for HTTP header Content-Type
Types ¶
type ACLType ¶
type ACLType string
ACLType bucket/object ACL
const ( // ACLPrivate definition : private read and write ACLPrivate ACLType = "private" // ACLPublicRead definition : public read and private write ACLPublicRead ACLType = "public-read" // ACLPublicReadWrite definition : public read and public write ACLPublicReadWrite ACLType = "public-read-write" // ACLDefault Object. It's only applicable for object. ACLDefault ACLType = "default" )
type AlgorithmType ¶
type AlgorithmType string
AlgorithmType specifying the server side encryption algorithm name
const ( KMSAlgorithm AlgorithmType = "KMS" AESAlgorithm AlgorithmType = "AES256" SM4Algorithm AlgorithmType = "SM4" )
type AppendObjectRequest ¶
AppendObjectRequest is the requtest of DoAppendObject
type AppendObjectResult ¶
AppendObjectResult is the result of DoAppendObject
type AsynFetchTaskInfo ¶
type AsynFetchTaskInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AsyncFetchTaskInfo"` TaskId string `xml:"TaskId,omitempty"` State string `xml:"State,omitempty"` ErrorMsg string `xml:"ErrorMsg,omitempty"` TaskInfo AsyncTaskInfo `xml:"TaskInfo,omitempty"` }
AsynFetchTaskInfo for GetBucketAsyncFetchTask result
type AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration ¶
type AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration"` Url string `xml:"Url,omitempty"` Object string `xml:"Object,omitempty"` Host string `xml:"Host,omitempty"` ContentMD5 string `xml:"ContentMD5,omitempty"` Callback string `xml:"Callback,omitempty"` StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"` IgnoreSameKey bool `xml:"IgnoreSameKey"` }
AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration for SetBucketAsyncFetchTask
type AsyncFetchTaskResult ¶
type AsyncFetchTaskResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AsyncFetchTaskResult"` TaskId string `xml:"TaskId,omitempty"` }
AsyncFetchTaskResult for SetBucketAsyncFetchTask result
type AsyncTaskInfo ¶
type AsyncTaskInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"TaskInfo"` Url string `xml:"Url,omitempty"` Object string `xml:"Object,omitempty"` Host string `xml:"Host,omitempty"` ContentMD5 string `xml:"ContentMD5,omitempty"` Callback string `xml:"Callback,omitempty"` StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"` IgnoreSameKey bool `xml:"IgnoreSameKey"` }
AsyncTaskInfo for async task information
type AuthVersionType ¶
type AuthVersionType string
AuthVersion the version of auth
const ( // AuthV1 v1 AuthV1 AuthVersionType = "v1" // AuthV2 v2 AuthV2 AuthVersionType = "v2" // AuthV4 v4 AuthV4 AuthVersionType = "v4" )
type Bucket ¶
Bucket implements the operations of object.
func (Bucket) AbortMultipartUpload ¶
func (bucket Bucket) AbortMultipartUpload(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, options ...Option) error
AbortMultipartUpload aborts the multipart upload.
imur the return value of InitiateMultipartUpload.
error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) AppendObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) AppendObject(objectKey string, reader io.Reader, appendPosition int64, options ...Option) (int64, error)
AppendObject uploads the data in the way of appending an existing or new object.
AppendObject the parameter appendPosition specifies which postion (in the target object) to append. For the first append (to a non-existing file), the appendPosition should be 0. The appendPosition in the subsequent calls will be the current object length. For example, the first appendObject's appendPosition is 0 and it uploaded 65536 bytes data, then the second call's position is 65536. The response header x-oss-next-append-position after each successful request also specifies the next call's append position (so the caller need not to maintain this information).
objectKey the target object to append to. reader io.Reader. The read instance for reading the data to append. appendPosition the start position to append. destObjectProperties the options for the first appending, such as CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding,
Expires, ServerSideEncryption, ObjectACL.
int64 the next append position, it's valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CompleteMultipartUpload(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, parts []UploadPart, options ...Option) (CompleteMultipartUploadResult, error)
CompleteMultipartUpload completes the multipart upload.
imur the return value of InitiateMultipartUpload. parts the array of return value of UploadPart/UploadPartFromFile/UploadPartCopy.
CompleteMultipartUploadResponse the return value when the call succeeds. Only valid when the error is nil. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CopyFile ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CopyFile(srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error
CopyFile is multipart copy object
srcBucketName source bucket name srcObjectKey source object name destObjectKey target object name in the form of bucketname.objectkey partSize the part size in byte. options object's contraints. Check out function InitiateMultipartUpload.
error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CopyObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CopyObject(srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
CopyObject copies the object inside the bucket.
srcObjectKey the source object to copy. destObjectKey the target object to copy. options options for copying an object. You can specify the conditions of copy. The valid conditions are CopySourceIfMatch,
CopySourceIfNoneMatch, CopySourceIfModifiedSince, CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince, MetadataDirective. Also you can specify the target object's attributes, such as CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding, Expires, ServerSideEncryption, ObjectACL, Meta. Refer to the link below for more details :
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CopyObjectFrom ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CopyObjectFrom(srcBucketName, srcObjectKey, destObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
CopyObjectFrom copies the object to another bucket.
srcBucketName source bucket name. srcObjectKey source object name. destObjectKey target object name. The target bucket name is Bucket.BucketName. options copy options. Check out parameter options in function CopyObject.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CopyObjectTo ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CopyObjectTo(destBucketName, destObjectKey, srcObjectKey string, options ...Option) (CopyObjectResult, error)
CopyObjectTo copies the object to another bucket.
srcObjectKey source object key. The source bucket is Bucket.BucketName . destBucketName target bucket name. destObjectKey target object name. options copy options, check out parameter options in function CopyObject for more details.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CreateLiveChannel ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CreateLiveChannel(channelName string, config LiveChannelConfiguration) (CreateLiveChannelResult, error)
CreateLiveChannel create a live-channel
channelName the name of the channel config configuration of the channel
CreateLiveChannelResult the result of create live-channel error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) CreateSelectCsvObjectMeta ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CreateSelectCsvObjectMeta(key string, csvMeta CsvMetaRequest, options ...Option) (MetaEndFrameCSV, error)
CreateSelectCsvObjectMeta is Creating csv object meta
key the object key. csvMeta the csv file meta options the options for create csv Meta of the object.
MetaEndFrameCSV the csv file meta info error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) CreateSelectJsonObjectMeta ¶
func (bucket Bucket) CreateSelectJsonObjectMeta(key string, jsonMeta JsonMetaRequest, options ...Option) (MetaEndFrameJSON, error)
CreateSelectJsonObjectMeta is Creating json object meta
key the object key. csvMeta the json file meta options the options for create json Meta of the object.
MetaEndFrameJSON the json file meta info error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DeleteLiveChannel ¶
DeleteLiveChannel Delete the live-channel. When a client trying to stream the live-channel, the operation will fail. it will only delete the live-channel itself and the object generated by the live-channel will not be deleted.
channelName the name of the channel
error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) DeleteMultipleObjectsXml ¶
DeleteMultipleObjectsXml deletes multiple object or deletes multiple object versions.
xmlData the object keys and versions to delete as the xml format. options the options for deleting objects.
string the result response body. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Bucket) DeleteObject ¶
DeleteObject deletes the object.
objectKey the object key to delete.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DeleteObjectTagging ¶
DeleteObjectTagging delete object taggging
objectKey object key to delete tagging
error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) DeleteObjectVersions ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObjectVersions(objectVersions []DeleteObject, options ...Option) (DeleteObjectVersionsResult, error)
DeleteObjectVersions deletes multiple object versions.
objectVersions the object keys and versions to delete. options the options for deleting objects.
Supported option is DeleteObjectsQuiet which means it will not return error even deletion failed (not recommended). By default it's not used.
DeleteObjectVersionsResult the result object. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DeleteObjects ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DeleteObjects(objectKeys []string, options ...Option) (DeleteObjectsResult, error)
DeleteObjects deletes multiple objects.
objectKeys the object keys to delete. options the options for deleting objects.
Supported option is DeleteObjectsQuiet which means it will not return error even deletion failed (not recommended). By default it's not used.
DeleteObjectsResult the result object. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) Do ¶
func (bucket Bucket) Do(method, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, options []Option, data io.Reader, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error)
func (Bucket) DoAppendObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoAppendObject(request *AppendObjectRequest, options []Option) (*AppendObjectResult, error)
DoAppendObject is the actual API that does the object append.
request the request object for appending object. options the options for appending object.
AppendObjectResult the result object for appending object. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoGetObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoGetObject(request *GetObjectRequest, options []Option) (*GetObjectResult, error)
DoGetObject is the actual API that gets the object. It's the internal function called by other public APIs.
request the request to download the object. options the options for downloading the file. Checks out the parameter options in method GetObject.
GetObjectResult the result instance of getting the object. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoGetObjectWithURL ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoGetObjectWithURL(signedURL string, options []Option) (*GetObjectResult, error)
DoGetObjectWithURL is the actual API that downloads the file with the signed URL.
signedURL the signed URL. options the options for getting object. Check out parameter options in GetObject for the reference.
GetObjectResult the result object when the error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoPostSelectObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoPostSelectObject(key string, params map[string]interface{}, buf *bytes.Buffer, options ...Option) (*SelectObjectResponse, error)
DoPostSelectObject is the SelectObject/CreateMeta api, approve csv and json file.
key the object key. params the resource of oss approve csv/meta, json/meta, csv/select, json/select. buf the request data trans to buffer. options the options for select file of the object.
SelectObjectResponse the response of select object. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoPutObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoPutObject(request *PutObjectRequest, options []Option) (*Response, error)
DoPutObject does the actual upload work.
request the request instance for uploading an object. options the options for uploading an object.
Response the response from OSS. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoPutObjectWithURL ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoPutObjectWithURL(signedURL string, reader io.Reader, options []Option) (*Response, error)
DoPutObjectWithURL is the actual API that does the upload with URL work(internal for SDK)
signedURL the signed URL. reader io.Reader the read instance for getting the data to upload. options options for uploading.
Response the response object which contains the HTTP response. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DoUploadPart ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DoUploadPart(request *UploadPartRequest, options []Option) (*UploadPartResult, error)
DoUploadPart does the actual part upload.
request part upload request
UploadPartResult the result of uploading part. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) DownloadFile ¶
func (bucket Bucket) DownloadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error
DownloadFile downloads files with multipart download.
objectKey the object key. filePath the local file to download from objectKey in OSS. partSize the part size in bytes. options object's constraints, check out GetObject for the reference.
error it's nil when the call succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetLiveChannelHistory ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelHistory(channelName string) (LiveChannelHistory, error)
GetLiveChannelHistory Get push records of live-channel
channelName the name of the channel
LiveChannelHistory push records error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) GetLiveChannelInfo ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelInfo(channelName string) (LiveChannelConfiguration, error)
GetLiveChannelInfo Get the configuration info of the live-channel
channelName the name of the channel
LiveChannelConfiguration the configuration info of the live-channel error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) GetLiveChannelStat ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetLiveChannelStat(channelName string) (LiveChannelStat, error)
GetLiveChannelStat Get the state of the live-channel
channelName the name of the channel
LiveChannelStat the state of the live-channel error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) GetObject ¶
GetObject downloads the object.
objectKey the object key. options the options for downloading the object. The valid values are: Range, IfModifiedSince, IfUnmodifiedSince, IfMatch,
IfNoneMatch, AcceptEncoding. For more details, please check out:
io.ReadCloser reader instance for reading data from response. It must be called close() after the usage and only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectACL ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectACL(objectKey string, options ...Option) (GetObjectACLResult, error)
GetObjectACL gets object's ACL
objectKey the object to get ACL from.
GetObjectACLResult the result object when error is nil. GetObjectACLResult.Acl is the object ACL. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectDetailedMeta ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectDetailedMeta(objectKey string, options ...Option) (http.Header, error)
GetObjectDetailedMeta gets the object's detailed metadata
objectKey object key. options the constraints of the object. Only when the object meets the requirements this method will return the metadata. Otherwise returns error. Valid options are IfModifiedSince, IfUnmodifiedSince,
IfMatch, IfNoneMatch. For more details check out
http.Header object meta when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectMeta ¶
GetObjectMeta gets object metadata.
GetObjectMeta is more lightweight than GetObjectDetailedMeta as it only returns basic metadata including ETag size, LastModified. The size information is in the HTTP header Content-Length.
objectKey object key
http.Header the object's metadata, valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectTagging ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetObjectTagging(objectKey string, options ...Option) (GetObjectTaggingResult, error)
func (Bucket) GetObjectToFile ¶
GetObjectToFile downloads the data to a local file.
objectKey the object key to download. filePath the local file to store the object data. options the options for downloading the object. Refer to the parameter options in method GetObject for more details.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectToFileWithURL ¶
GetObjectToFileWithURL downloads the object into a local file with the signed URL.
signedURL the signed URL filePath the local file path to download to. options the options for downloading object. Check out the parameter options in function GetObject for the reference.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetObjectWithURL ¶
GetObjectWithURL downloads the object and returns the reader instance, with the signed URL.
signedURL the signed URL. options options for downloading the object. Valid options are IfModifiedSince, IfUnmodifiedSince, IfMatch,
IfNoneMatch, AcceptEncoding. For more information, check out the following link:
io.ReadCloser the reader object for getting the data from response. It needs be closed after the usage. It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) GetSymlink ¶
GetSymlink gets the symlink object with the specified key. If the symlink object does not exist, returns 404.
objectKey the symlink object's key.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
When error is nil, the target file key is in the X-Oss-Symlink-Target header of the returned object.
func (Bucket) GetVodPlaylist ¶
func (bucket Bucket) GetVodPlaylist(channelName string, startTime, endTime time.Time) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetVodPlaylist get the playlist based on the specified channelName, startTime and endTime
channelName the name of the channel startTime the start time of the playlist endTime the endtime of the playlist
io.ReadCloser reader instance for reading data from response. It must be called close() after the usage and only valid when error is nil. error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) InitiateMultipartUpload ¶
func (bucket Bucket) InitiateMultipartUpload(objectKey string, options ...Option) (InitiateMultipartUploadResult, error)
InitiateMultipartUpload initializes multipart upload
objectKey object name options the object constricts for upload. The valid options are CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding, Expires,
ServerSideEncryption, Meta, check out the following link:
InitiateMultipartUploadResult the return value of the InitiateMultipartUpload, which is used for calls later on such as UploadPartFromFile,UploadPartCopy. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) IsObjectExist ¶
IsObjectExist checks if the object exists.
bool flag of object's existence (true:exists; false:non-exist) when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) ListLiveChannel ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListLiveChannel(options ...Option) (ListLiveChannelResult, error)
ListLiveChannel list the live-channels
options Prefix: filter by the name start with the value of "Prefix"
MaxKeys: the maximum count returned Marker: cursor from which starting list
ListLiveChannelResult live-channel list error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) ListMultipartUploads ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListMultipartUploads(options ...Option) (ListMultipartUploadResult, error)
ListMultipartUploads lists all ongoing multipart upload tasks
options listObject's filter. Prefix specifies the returned object's prefix; KeyMarker specifies the returned object's start point in lexicographic order;
MaxKeys specifies the max entries to return; Delimiter is the character for grouping object keys.
ListMultipartUploadResponse the return value if it succeeds, only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) ListObjectVersions ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListObjectVersions(options ...Option) (ListObjectVersionsResult, error)
ListObjectVersions lists objects of all versions under the current bucket.
func (Bucket) ListObjects ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListObjects(options ...Option) (ListObjectsResult, error)
ListObjects lists the objects under the current bucket.
options it contains all the filters for listing objects.
It could specify a prefix filter on object keys, the max keys count to return and the object key marker and the delimiter for grouping object names. The key marker means the returned objects' key must be greater than it in lexicographic order. For example, if the bucket has 8 objects, my-object-1, my-object-11, my-object-2, my-object-21, my-object-22, my-object-3, my-object-31, my-object-32. If the prefix is my-object-2 (no other filters), then it returns my-object-2, my-object-21, my-object-22 three objects. If the marker is my-object-22 (no other filters), then it returns my-object-3, my-object-31, my-object-32 three objects. If the max keys is 5, then it returns 5 objects. The three filters could be used together to achieve filter and paging functionality. If the prefix is the folder name, then it could list all files under this folder (including the files under its subfolders). But if the delimiter is specified with '/', then it only returns that folder's files (no subfolder's files). The direct subfolders are in the commonPrefixes properties. For example, if the bucket has three objects fun/test.jpg, fun/movie/001.avi, fun/movie/007.avi. And if the prefix is "fun/", then it returns all three objects. But if the delimiter is '/', then only "fun/test.jpg" is returned as files and fun/movie/ is returned as common prefix. For common usage scenario, check out sample/list_object.go.
ListObjectsResult the return value after operation succeeds (only valid when error is nil).
func (Bucket) ListObjectsV2 ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListObjectsV2(options ...Option) (ListObjectsResultV2, error)
Recommend to use ListObjectsV2 to replace ListObjects ListOListObjectsV2bjects lists the objects under the current bucket. ListObjectsResultV2 the return value after operation succeeds (only valid when error is nil).
func (Bucket) ListUploadedParts ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ListUploadedParts(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, options ...Option) (ListUploadedPartsResult, error)
ListUploadedParts lists the uploaded parts.
imur the return value of InitiateMultipartUpload.
ListUploadedPartsResponse the return value if it succeeds, only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) OptionsMethod ¶
func (Bucket) PostVodPlaylist ¶
func (bucket Bucket) PostVodPlaylist(channelName, playlistName string, startTime, endTime time.Time) error
PostVodPlaylist create an playlist based on the specified playlist name, startTime and endTime
channelName the name of the channel playlistName the name of the playlist, must end with ".m3u8" startTime the start time of the playlist endTime the endtime of the playlist
error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) ProcessObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) ProcessObject(objectKey string, process string, options ...Option) (ProcessObjectResult, error)
ProcessObject apply process on the specified image file.
The supported process includes resize, rotate, crop, watermark, format, udf, customized style, etc.
objectKey object key to process. process process string, such as "image/resize,w_100|sys/saveas,o_dGVzdC5qcGc,b_dGVzdA"
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) PutLiveChannelStatus ¶
PutLiveChannelStatus Set the status of the live-channel: enabled/disabled
channelName the name of the channel status enabled/disabled
error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) PutObject ¶
PutObject creates a new object and it will overwrite the original one if it exists already.
objectKey the object key in UTF-8 encoding. The length must be between 1 and 1023, and cannot start with "/" or "\". reader io.Reader instance for reading the data for uploading options the options for uploading the object. The valid options here are CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding
Expires, ServerSideEncryption, ObjectACL and Meta. Refer to the link below for more details.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) PutObjectFromFile ¶
PutObjectFromFile creates a new object from the local file.
objectKey object key. filePath the local file path to upload. options the options for uploading the object. Refer to the parameter options in PutObject for more details.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) PutObjectFromFileWithURL ¶
PutObjectFromFileWithURL uploads an object from a local file with the signed URL. PutObjectFromFileWithURL It does not generate mimetype according to object key's name or the local file name.
signedURL the signed URL. filePath local file path, such as dirfile.txt, for uploading. options options for uploading, same as the options in PutObject function.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) PutObjectTagging ¶
PutObjectTagging add tagging to object
objectKey object key to add tagging tagging tagging to be added
error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) PutObjectWithURL ¶
PutObjectWithURL uploads an object with the URL. If the object exists, it will be overwritten. PutObjectWithURL It will not generate minetype according to the key name.
signedURL signed URL. reader io.Reader the read instance for reading the data for the upload. options the options for uploading the data. The valid options are CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding,
Expires, ServerSideEncryption, ObjectACL and custom metadata. Check out the following link for details:
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) PutSymlink ¶
func (bucket Bucket) PutSymlink(symObjectKey string, targetObjectKey string, options ...Option) error
PutSymlink creates a symlink (to point to an existing object)
Symlink cannot point to another symlink. When creating a symlink, it does not check the existence of the target file, and does not check if the target file is symlink. Neither it checks the caller's permission on the target file. All these checks are deferred to the actual GetObject call via this symlink. If trying to add an existing file, as long as the caller has the write permission, the existing one will be overwritten. If the x-oss-meta- is specified, it will be added as the metadata of the symlink file.
symObjectKey the symlink object's key. targetObjectKey the target object key to point to.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) RestoreObject ¶
RestoreObject restores the object from the archive storage.
An archive object is in cold status by default and it cannot be accessed. When restore is called on the cold object, it will become available for access after some time. If multiple restores are called on the same file when the object is being restored, server side does nothing for additional calls but returns success. By default, the restored object is available for access for one day. After that it will be unavailable again. But if another RestoreObject are called after the file is restored, then it will extend one day's access time of that object, up to 7 days.
objectKey object key to restore.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) RestoreObjectDetail ¶
func (bucket Bucket) RestoreObjectDetail(objectKey string, restoreConfig RestoreConfiguration, options ...Option) error
RestoreObjectDetail support more features than RestoreObject
func (Bucket) RestoreObjectXML ¶
RestoreObjectXML support more features than RestoreObject
func (Bucket) SelectObject ¶
func (bucket Bucket) SelectObject(key string, selectReq SelectRequest, options ...Option) (io.ReadCloser, error)
SelectObject is the select object api, approve csv and json file.
key the object key. selectReq the request data for select object options the options for select file of the object.
o.ReadCloser reader instance for reading data from response. It must be called close() after the usage and only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) SelectObjectIntoFile ¶
func (bucket Bucket) SelectObjectIntoFile(key, fileName string, selectReq SelectRequest, options ...Option) error
SelectObjectIntoFile is the selectObject to file api
key the object key. fileName saving file's name to localstation. selectReq the request data for select object options the options for select file of the object.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) SetObjectACL ¶
SetObjectACL updates the object's ACL.
Only the bucket's owner could update object's ACL which priority is higher than bucket's ACL. For example, if the bucket ACL is private and object's ACL is public-read-write. Then object's ACL is used and it means all users could read or write that object. When the object's ACL is not set, then bucket's ACL is used as the object's ACL.
Object read operations include GetObject, HeadObject, CopyObject and UploadPartCopy on the source object; Object write operations include PutObject, PostObject, AppendObject, DeleteObject, DeleteMultipleObjects, CompleteMultipartUpload and CopyObject on target object.
objectKey the target object key (to set the ACL on) objectAcl object ACL. Valid options are PrivateACL, PublicReadACL, PublicReadWriteACL.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) SetObjectMeta ¶
SetObjectMeta sets the metadata of the Object.
objectKey object options options for setting the metadata. The valid options are CacheControl, ContentDisposition, ContentEncoding, Expires,
ServerSideEncryption, and custom metadata.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) SignRtmpURL ¶
SignRtmpURL Generate a RTMP push-stream signature URL for the trusted user to push the RTMP stream to the live-channel.
channelName the name of the channel playlistName the name of the playlist, must end with ".m3u8" expires expiration (in seconds)
string singed rtmp push stream url error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Bucket) SignURL ¶
func (bucket Bucket) SignURL(objectKey string, method HTTPMethod, expiredInSec int64, options ...Option) (string, error)
SignURL signs the URL. Users could access the object directly with this URL without getting the AK.
objectKey the target object to sign. signURLConfig the configuration for the signed URL
string returns the signed URL, when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) UploadFile ¶
func (bucket Bucket) UploadFile(objectKey, filePath string, partSize int64, options ...Option) error
UploadFile is multipart file upload.
objectKey the object name. filePath the local file path to upload. partSize the part size in byte. options the options for uploading object.
error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) UploadPart ¶
func (bucket Bucket) UploadPart(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, reader io.Reader, partSize int64, partNumber int, options ...Option) (UploadPart, error)
UploadPart uploads parts
After initializing a Multipart Upload, the upload Id and object key could be used for uploading the parts. Each part has its part number (ranges from 1 to 10,000). And for each upload Id, the part number identifies the position of the part in the whole file. And thus with the same part number and upload Id, another part upload will overwrite the data. Except the last one, minimal part size is 100KB. There's no limit on the last part size.
imur the returned value of InitiateMultipartUpload. reader io.Reader the reader for the part's data. size the part size. partNumber the part number (ranges from 1 to 10,000). Invalid part number will lead to InvalidArgument error.
UploadPart the return value of the upload part. It consists of PartNumber and ETag. It's valid when error is nil. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) UploadPartCopy ¶
func (bucket Bucket) UploadPartCopy(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, srcBucketName, srcObjectKey string, startPosition, partSize int64, partNumber int, options ...Option) (UploadPart, error)
UploadPartCopy uploads part copy
imur the return value of InitiateMultipartUpload copySrc source Object name startPosition the part's start index in the source file partSize the part size partNumber the part number, ranges from 1 to 10,000. If it exceeds the range OSS returns InvalidArgument error. options the constraints of source object for the copy. The copy happens only when these contraints are met. Otherwise it returns error.
CopySourceIfNoneMatch, CopySourceIfModifiedSince CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince, check out the following link for the detail
UploadPart the return value consists of PartNumber and ETag. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Bucket) UploadPartFromFile ¶
func (bucket Bucket) UploadPartFromFile(imur InitiateMultipartUploadResult, filePath string, startPosition, partSize int64, partNumber int, options ...Option) (UploadPart, error)
UploadPartFromFile uploads part from the file.
imur the return value of a successful InitiateMultipartUpload. filePath the local file path to upload. startPosition the start position in the local file. partSize the part size. partNumber the part number (from 1 to 10,000)
UploadPart the return value consists of PartNumber and ETag. error it's nil if the operation succeeds, otherwise it's an error object.
type BucketAccessMonitorXml ¶
type BucketAccessMonitorXml struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AccessMonitorConfiguration"` Status string `xml:"Status"` // access monitor status }
GetBucketAccessMonitorXml define get bucket access monitor information
type BucketInfo ¶
type BucketInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Bucket"` Name string `xml:"Name"` // Bucket name AccessMonitor string `xml:"AccessMonitor"` // Bucket Access Monitor Location string `xml:"Location"` // Bucket datacenter CreationDate time.Time `xml:"CreationDate"` // Bucket creation time ExtranetEndpoint string `xml:"ExtranetEndpoint"` // Bucket external endpoint IntranetEndpoint string `xml:"IntranetEndpoint"` // Bucket internal endpoint ACL string `xml:"AccessControlList>Grant"` // Bucket ACL RedundancyType string `xml:"DataRedundancyType"` // Bucket DataRedundancyType Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // Bucket owner StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` // Bucket storage class SseRule SSERule `xml:"ServerSideEncryptionRule"` // Bucket ServerSideEncryptionRule Versioning string `xml:"Versioning"` // Bucket Versioning TransferAcceleration string `xml:"TransferAcceleration"` // bucket TransferAcceleration CrossRegionReplication string `xml:"CrossRegionReplication"` // bucket CrossRegionReplication }
BucketInfo defines Bucket information
type BucketProperties ¶
type BucketProperties struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Bucket"` Name string `xml:"Name"` // Bucket name Location string `xml:"Location"` // Bucket datacenter CreationDate time.Time `xml:"CreationDate"` // Bucket create time StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` // Bucket storage class }
BucketProperties defines bucket properties
type BucketQoSConfiguration ¶
type BucketQoSConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"QoSConfiguration"` TotalUploadBandwidth *int `xml:"TotalUploadBandwidth"` // Total upload bandwidth IntranetUploadBandwidth *int `xml:"IntranetUploadBandwidth"` // Intranet upload bandwidth ExtranetUploadBandwidth *int `xml:"ExtranetUploadBandwidth"` // Extranet upload bandwidth TotalDownloadBandwidth *int `xml:"TotalDownloadBandwidth"` // Total download bandwidth IntranetDownloadBandwidth *int `xml:"IntranetDownloadBandwidth"` // Intranet download bandwidth ExtranetDownloadBandwidth *int `xml:"ExtranetDownloadBandwidth"` // Extranet download bandwidth TotalQPS *int `xml:"TotalQps"` // Total Qps IntranetQPS *int `xml:"IntranetQps"` // Intranet Qps ExtranetQPS *int `xml:"ExtranetQps"` // Extranet Qps }
BucketQoSConfiguration define QoS configuration
type BucketStat ¶
type BucketStat struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BucketStat"` Storage int64 `xml:"Storage"` ObjectCount int64 `xml:"ObjectCount"` MultipartUploadCount int64 `xml:"MultipartUploadCount"` LiveChannelCount int64 `xml:"LiveChannelCount"` LastModifiedTime int64 `xml:"LastModifiedTime"` StandardStorage int64 `xml:"StandardStorage"` StandardObjectCount int64 `xml:"StandardObjectCount"` InfrequentAccessStorage int64 `xml:"InfrequentAccessStorage"` InfrequentAccessRealStorage int64 `xml:"InfrequentAccessRealStorage"` InfrequentAccessObjectCount int64 `xml:"InfrequentAccessObjectCount"` ArchiveStorage int64 `xml:"ArchiveStorage"` ArchiveRealStorage int64 `xml:"ArchiveRealStorage"` ArchiveObjectCount int64 `xml:"ArchiveObjectCount"` ColdArchiveStorage int64 `xml:"ColdArchiveStorage"` ColdArchiveRealStorage int64 `xml:"ColdArchiveRealStorage"` ColdArchiveObjectCount int64 `xml:"ColdArchiveObjectCount"` }
type CORSRule ¶
type CORSRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CORSRule"` AllowedOrigin []string `xml:"AllowedOrigin"` // Allowed origins. By default it's wildcard '*' AllowedMethod []string `xml:"AllowedMethod"` // Allowed methods AllowedHeader []string `xml:"AllowedHeader"` // Allowed headers ExposeHeader []string `xml:"ExposeHeader"` // Allowed response headers MaxAgeSeconds int `xml:"MaxAgeSeconds"` // Max cache ages in seconds }
CORSRule defines CORS rules
type CORSXML ¶
type CORSXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CORSConfiguration"` CORSRules []CORSRule `xml:"CORSRule"` // CORS rules }
CORSXML defines CORS configuration
type CRCCheckError ¶
type CRCCheckError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CRCCheckError is returned when crc check is inconsistent between client and server
type CSVSelectInput ¶
type CSVSelectInput struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CSV"` FileHeaderInfo string `xml:"FileHeaderInfo,omitempty"` RecordDelimiter string `xml:"RecordDelimiter,omitempty"` FieldDelimiter string `xml:"FieldDelimiter,omitempty"` QuoteCharacter string `xml:"QuoteCharacter,omitempty"` CommentCharacter string `xml:"CommentCharacter,omitempty"` Range string `xml:"Range,omitempty"` SplitRange string }
type CSVSelectOutput ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { Config *Config // OSS client configuration Conn *Conn // Send HTTP request HTTPClient *http.Client //http.Client to use - if nil will make its own }
Client OSS client
func New ¶
func New(endpoint, accessKeyID, accessKeySecret string, options ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)
New creates a new client.
endpoint the OSS datacenter endpoint such as . accessKeyId access key Id. accessKeySecret access key secret.
Client creates the new client instance, the returned value is valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) AbortBucketWorm ¶
AbortBucketWorm delete bucket worm Configuration bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) Bucket ¶
Bucket gets the bucket instance.
bucketName the bucket name. Bucket the bucket object, when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) CloseMetaQuery ¶
CloseMetaQuery Disables the metadata management feature for a bucket.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) CompleteBucketWorm ¶
CompleteBucketWorm complete bucket worm Configuration bucketName the bucket name. wormID the worm id error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) CreateBucket ¶
CreateBucket creates a bucket.
bucketName the bucket name, it's globably unique and immutable. The bucket name can only consist of lowercase letters, numbers and dash ('-').
It must start with lowercase letter or number and the length can only be between 3 and 255.
options options for creating the bucket, with optional ACL. The ACL could be ACLPrivate, ACLPublicRead, and ACLPublicReadWrite. By default it's ACLPrivate.
It could also be specified with StorageClass option, which supports StorageStandard, StorageIA(infrequent access), StorageArchive.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) CreateBucketCnameToken ¶
func (client Client) CreateBucketCnameToken(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) (CreateBucketCnameTokenResult, error)
CreateBucketCnameToken create a token for the cname. bucketName the bucket name. cname a custom domain name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) CreateBucketXml ¶
create bucket xml
func (Client) DeleteBucket ¶
DeleteBucket deletes the bucket. Only empty bucket can be deleted (no object and parts).
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketCORS ¶
DeleteBucketCORS deletes the bucket's static website settings.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketCname ¶
DeleteBucketCname remove the mapping of the custom domain name from a bucket. bucketName the bucket name. cname a custom domain name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketEncryption ¶
DeleteBucketEncryption delete bucket encryption config bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error bucket
func (Client) DeleteBucketInventory ¶
func (client Client) DeleteBucketInventory(bucketName, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) error
DeleteBucketInventory API operation for Object Storage Service.
Delete Bucket inventory information.
bucketName tht bucket name.
strInventoryId the inventory id.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) DeleteBucketLifecycle ¶
DeleteBucketLifecycle deletes the bucket's lifecycle.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketLogging ¶
DeleteBucketLogging deletes the logging configuration to disable the logging on the bucket.
bucketName the bucket name to disable the logging.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketPolicy ¶
DeleteBucketPolicy API operation for Object Storage Service.
Deletes the policy from the bucket.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketQosInfo ¶
DeleteBucketQosInfo API operation for Object Storage Service.
Delete Bucket QoS information.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketReplication ¶
func (client Client) DeleteBucketReplication(bucketName string, ruleId string, options ...Option) error
DeleteBucketReplication delete bucket replication configuration bucketName the bucket name. ruleId the ID of the replication configuration. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketTagging ¶
DeleteBucketTagging delete bucket tagging bucketName name of bucket error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Client) DeleteBucketTransferAcc ¶
DeleteBucketTransferAcc delete bucket transfer acceleration configuration bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DeleteBucketWebsite ¶
DeleteBucketWebsite deletes the bucket's static web site settings.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DoMetaQuery ¶
func (client Client) DoMetaQuery(bucketName string, metaQuery MetaQuery, options ...Option) (DoMetaQueryResult, error)
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) DoMetaQueryXml ¶
func (client Client) DoMetaQueryXml(bucketName string, metaQueryXml string, options ...Option) (DoMetaQueryResult, error)
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) ExtendBucketWorm ¶
func (client Client) ExtendBucketWorm(bucketName string, retentionDays int, wormID string, options ...Option) error
ExtendBucketWorm exetend bucket worm Configuration bucketName the bucket name. retentionDays the retention period in days wormID the worm id error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketACL ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketACL(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketACLResult, error)
GetBucketACL gets the bucket ACL.
bucketName the bucket name.
GetBucketAclResponse the result object, and it's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketAccessMonitor ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketAccessMonitor(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketAccessMonitorResult, error)
GetBucketAccessMonitor get bucket's access monitor config bucketName the bucket name. GetBucketAccessMonitorResult the access monitor configuration result of bucket. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketAccessMonitorXml ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketAccessMonitorXml(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
GetBucketAccessMonitor get bucket's access monitor config bucketName the bucket name. string the access monitor configuration result of bucket xml foramt. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketAsyncTask ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketAsyncTask(bucketName string, taskID string, options ...Option) (AsynFetchTaskInfo, error)
GetBucketAsyncTask API operation for set async fetch task
bucketName tht bucket name.
taskid returned by SetBucketAsyncTask
error it's nil if success, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) GetBucketCORS ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketCORS(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketCORSResult, error)
GetBucketCORS gets the bucket's CORS settings.
bucketName the bucket name. GetBucketCORSResult the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketCORSXml ¶
func (Client) GetBucketCname ¶
GetBucketCname get bucket's binding cname bucketName the bucket name. string the xml configuration of bucket. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketCnameToken ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketCnameToken(bucketName string, cname string, options ...Option) (GetBucketCnameTokenResult, error)
GetBucketCnameToken get a token for the cname bucketName the bucket name. cname a custom domain name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketEncryption ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketEncryption(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketEncryptionResult, error)
GetBucketEncryption get bucket encryption bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketInfo ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketInfo(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketInfoResult, error)
GetBucketInfo gets the bucket information.
bucketName the bucket name. GetBucketInfoResult the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketInventory ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketInventory(bucketName string, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) (InventoryConfiguration, error)
GetBucketInventory API operation for Object Storage Service
Get the Bucket inventory.
bucketName tht bucket name.
strInventoryId the inventory id.
InventoryConfiguration the inventory configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) GetBucketInventoryXml ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketInventoryXml(bucketName string, strInventoryId string, options ...Option) (string, error)
GetBucketInventoryXml API operation for Object Storage Service
Get the Bucket inventory.
bucketName tht bucket name.
strInventoryId the inventory id.
InventoryConfiguration the inventory configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) GetBucketLifecycle ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketLifecycle(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketLifecycleResult, error)
GetBucketLifecycle gets the bucket's lifecycle settings.
bucketName the bucket name.
GetBucketLifecycleResponse the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketLifecycleXml ¶
func (Client) GetBucketLocation ¶
GetBucketLocation gets the bucket location.
Checks out the following link for more information :
bucketName the bucket name
string bucket's datacenter location error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketLogging ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketLogging(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketLoggingResult, error)
GetBucketLogging gets the bucket's logging settings
bucketName the bucket name GetBucketLoggingResponse the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketPolicy ¶
GetBucketPolicy API operation for Object Storage Service.
Get the policy from the bucket.
bucketName the bucket name.
string return the bucket's policy, and it's only valid when error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketQosInfo ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketQosInfo(bucketName string, options ...Option) (BucketQoSConfiguration, error)
GetBucketQosInfo API operation for Object Storage Service.
Get Bucket Qos information.
bucketName the bucket name.
BucketQoSConfiguration the return qos configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketReferer ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketReferer(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketRefererResult, error)
GetBucketReferer gets the bucket's referrer white list.
bucketName the bucket name.
GetBucketRefererResponse the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketReplication ¶
GetBucketReplication get bucket replication configuration bucketName the bucket name. string the replication configuration. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketReplicationLocation ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketReplicationLocation(bucketName string, options ...Option) (string, error)
GetBucketReplicationLocation get the locations of the target bucket that can be copied to bucketName the bucket name. string the locations of the target bucket that can be copied to. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketReplicationProgress ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketReplicationProgress(bucketName string, ruleId string, options ...Option) (string, error)
GetBucketReplicationProgress get the replication progress of bucket bucketName the bucket name. ruleId the ID of the replication configuration. string the replication progress of bucket. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketRequestPayment ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketRequestPayment(bucketName string, options ...Option) (RequestPaymentConfiguration, error)
GetBucketRequestPayment API operation for Object Storage Service.
Get bucket requestPayment ¶
bucketName the bucket name.
RequestPaymentConfiguration the payment configuration ¶
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketStat ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketStat(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketStatResult, error)
GetBucketStat get bucket stat bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketTagging ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketTagging(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketTaggingResult, error)
GetBucketTagging get tagging of the bucket bucketName name of bucket error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Client) GetBucketTransferAcc ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketTransferAcc(bucketName string, options ...Option) (TransferAccConfiguration, error)
GetBucketTransferAcc get bucket transfer acceleration configuration bucketName the bucket name. accConf bucket transfer acceleration configuration error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketVersioning ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketVersioning(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketVersioningResult, error)
GetBucketVersioning get bucket versioning status:Enabled、Suspended bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketWebsite ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketWebsite(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetBucketWebsiteResult, error)
GetBucketWebsite gets the bucket's default page (index page) and the error page.
bucketName the bucket name
GetBucketWebsiteResponse the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketWebsiteXml ¶
GetBucketWebsiteXml gets the bucket's website config xml config.
bucketName the bucket name
string the bucket's xml config, It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetBucketWorm ¶
func (client Client) GetBucketWorm(bucketName string, options ...Option) (WormConfiguration, error)
GetBucketWorm get bucket worm Configuration bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetMetaQueryStatus ¶
func (client Client) GetMetaQueryStatus(bucketName string, options ...Option) (GetMetaQueryStatusResult, error)
GetMetaQueryStatus Queries the information about the metadata index library of a bucket.
bucketName the bucket name
GetMetaQueryStatusResult the result object upon successful request. It's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) GetUserQoSInfo ¶
func (client Client) GetUserQoSInfo(options ...Option) (UserQoSConfiguration, error)
GetUserQoSInfo API operation for Object Storage Service.
Get user qos.
UserQoSConfiguration the User Qos and range Information.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) InitiateBucketWorm ¶
func (client Client) InitiateBucketWorm(bucketName string, retentionDays int, options ...Option) (string, error)
InitiateBucketWorm creates bucket worm Configuration bucketName the bucket name. retentionDays the retention period in days error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) IsBucketExist ¶
IsBucketExist checks if the bucket exists
bucketName the bucket name.
bool true if it exists, and it's only valid when error is nil. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) LimitDownloadSpeed ¶
LimitDownloadSpeed set download bandwidth limit speed,default is 0,unlimited downSpeed KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0 error it's nil if success, otherwise failure
func (Client) LimitUploadSpeed ¶
LimitUploadSpeed set upload bandwidth limit speed,default is 0,unlimited upSpeed KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0 error it's nil if success, otherwise failure
func (Client) ListBucketInventory ¶
func (client Client) ListBucketInventory(bucketName, continuationToken string, options ...Option) (ListInventoryConfigurationsResult, error)
ListBucketInventory API operation for Object Storage Service
List the Bucket inventory.
bucketName tht bucket name.
continuationToken the users token.
ListInventoryConfigurationsResult list all inventory configuration by .
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) ListBucketInventoryXml ¶
func (client Client) ListBucketInventoryXml(bucketName, continuationToken string, options ...Option) (string, error)
ListBucketInventoryXml API operation for Object Storage Service
List the Bucket inventory.
bucketName tht bucket name.
continuationToken the users token.
ListInventoryConfigurationsResult list all inventory configuration by .
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) ListBuckets ¶
func (client Client) ListBuckets(options ...Option) (ListBucketsResult, error)
ListBuckets lists buckets of the current account under the given endpoint, with optional filters.
options specifies the filters such as Prefix, Marker and MaxKeys. Prefix is the bucket name's prefix filter.
And marker makes sure the returned buckets' name are greater than it in lexicographic order. Maxkeys limits the max keys to return, and by default it's 100 and up to 1000. For the common usage scenario, please check out list_bucket.go in the sample.
ListBucketsResponse the response object if error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) ListCloudBoxes ¶
func (client Client) ListCloudBoxes(options ...Option) (ListCloudBoxResult, error)
ListCloudBoxes lists cloud boxes of the current account under the given endpoint, with optional filters.
options specifies the filters such as Prefix, Marker and MaxKeys. Prefix is the bucket name's prefix filter.
And marker makes sure the returned buckets' name are greater than it in lexicographic order. Maxkeys limits the max keys to return, and by default it's 100 and up to 1000. For the common usage scenario, please check out list_bucket.go in the sample.
ListBucketsResponse the response object if error is nil.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) OpenMetaQuery ¶
OpenMetaQuery Enables the metadata management feature for a bucket.
bucketName the bucket name.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) PutBucketAccessMonitor ¶
func (client Client) PutBucketAccessMonitor(bucketName string, accessMonitor PutBucketAccessMonitor, options ...Option) error
PutBucketAccessMonitor get bucket's access monitor config bucketName the bucket name. accessMonitor the access monitor configuration of bucket. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) PutBucketAccessMonitorXml ¶
func (client Client) PutBucketAccessMonitorXml(bucketName string, xmlData string, options ...Option) error
PutBucketAccessMonitor get bucket's access monitor config bucketName the bucket name. xmlData the access monitor configuration in xml foramt error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) PutBucketCname ¶
PutBucketCname map a custom domain name to a bucket bucketName the bucket name. cname a custom domain name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) PutBucketCnameXml ¶
PutBucketCname map a custom domain name to a bucket bucketName the bucket name. xmlBody the cname configuration in xml foramt error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) PutBucketReplication ¶
func (client Client) PutBucketReplication(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
PutBucketReplication put bucket replication configuration bucketName the bucket name. xmlBody the replication configuration. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketACL ¶
SetBucketACL sets bucket's ACL.
bucketName the bucket name bucketAcl the bucket ACL: ACLPrivate, ACLPublicRead and ACLPublicReadWrite.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketAsyncTask ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketAsyncTask(bucketName string, asynConf AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration, options ...Option) (AsyncFetchTaskResult, error)
SetBucketAsyncTask API operation for set async fetch task
bucketName tht bucket name.
asynConf configruation
error it's nil if success, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) SetBucketCORS ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketCORS(bucketName string, corsRules []CORSRule, options ...Option) error
SetBucketCORS sets the bucket's CORS rules
For more information, please check out
bucketName the bucket name corsRules the CORS rules to set. The related sample code is in sample/bucket_cors.go.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketCORSXml ¶
func (Client) SetBucketEncryption ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketEncryption(bucketName string, encryptionRule ServerEncryptionRule, options ...Option) error
SetBucketEncryption set bucket encryption config bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketInventory ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketInventory(bucketName string, inventoryConfig InventoryConfiguration, options ...Option) error
SetBucketInventory API operation for Object Storage Service
Set the Bucket inventory.
bucketName the bucket name.
inventoryConfig the inventory configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) SetBucketInventoryXml ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketInventoryXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
SetBucketInventoryXml API operation for Object Storage Service
Set the Bucket inventory ¶
bucketName the bucket name.
xmlBody the inventory configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error.
func (Client) SetBucketLifecycle ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketLifecycle(bucketName string, rules []LifecycleRule, options ...Option) error
SetBucketLifecycle sets the bucket's lifecycle.
For more information, checks out following link:
bucketName the bucket name. rules the lifecycle rules. There're two kind of rules: absolute time expiration and relative time expiration in days and day/month/year respectively.
Check out sample/bucket_lifecycle.go for more details.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketLifecycleXml ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketLifecycleXml(bucketName string, xmlBody string, options ...Option) error
SetBucketLifecycleXml sets the bucket's lifecycle rule from xml config
func (Client) SetBucketLogging ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketLogging(bucketName, targetBucket, targetPrefix string, isEnable bool, options ...Option) error
SetBucketLogging sets the bucket logging settings.
OSS could automatically store the access log. Only the bucket owner could enable the logging. Once enabled, OSS would save all the access log into hourly log files in a specified bucket. For more information, please check out
bucketName bucket name to enable the log. targetBucket the target bucket name to store the log files. targetPrefix the log files' prefix.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketPolicy ¶
SetBucketPolicy API operation for Object Storage Service.
Set the policy from the bucket.
bucketName the bucket name.
policy the bucket policy.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketQoSInfo ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketQoSInfo(bucketName string, qosConf BucketQoSConfiguration, options ...Option) error
SetBucketQoSInfo API operation for Object Storage Service.
Set Bucket Qos information.
bucketName the bucket name.
qosConf the qos configuration.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketReferer ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketReferer(bucketName string, referers []string, allowEmptyReferer bool, options ...Option) error
SetBucketReferer sets the bucket's referer whitelist and the flag if allowing empty referrer.
To avoid stealing link on OSS data, OSS supports the HTTP referrer header. A whitelist referrer could be set either by API or web console, as well as the allowing empty referrer flag. Note that this applies to requests from webbrowser only. For example, for a bucket os-example and its referrer, all requests from this URL could access the bucket. For more information, please check out this link :
bucketName the bucket name. referers the referrer white list. A bucket could have a referrer list and each referrer supports one '*' and multiple '?' as wildcards.
The sample could be found in sample/bucket_referer.go
allowEmptyReferer the flag of allowing empty referrer. By default it's true.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketRequestPayment ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketRequestPayment(bucketName string, paymentConfig RequestPaymentConfiguration, options ...Option) error
SetBucketRequestPayment API operation for Object Storage Service.
Set the requestPayment of bucket ¶
bucketName the bucket name.
paymentConfig the payment configuration
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketTagging ¶
SetBucketTagging add tagging to bucket bucketName name of bucket tagging tagging to be added error nil if success, otherwise error
func (Client) SetBucketTransferAcc ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketTransferAcc(bucketName string, accConf TransferAccConfiguration, options ...Option) error
SetBucketTransferAcc set bucket transfer acceleration configuration bucketName the bucket name. accConf bucket transfer acceleration configuration error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketVersioning ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketVersioning(bucketName string, versioningConfig VersioningConfig, options ...Option) error
SetBucketVersioning set bucket versioning:Enabled、Suspended bucketName the bucket name. error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketWebsite ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketWebsite(bucketName, indexDocument, errorDocument string, options ...Option) error
SetBucketWebsite sets the bucket's static website's index and error page.
OSS supports static web site hosting for the bucket data. When the bucket is enabled with that, you can access the file in the bucket like the way to access a static website. For more information, please check out:
bucketName the bucket name to enable static web site. indexDocument index page. errorDocument error page.
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketWebsiteDetail ¶
func (client Client) SetBucketWebsiteDetail(bucketName string, wxml WebsiteXML, options ...Option) error
SetBucketWebsiteDetail sets the bucket's static website's detail
OSS supports static web site hosting for the bucket data. When the bucket is enabled with that, you can access the file in the bucket like the way to access a static website. For more information, please check out:
bucketName the bucket name to enable static web site.
wxml the website's detail
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (Client) SetBucketWebsiteXml ¶
SetBucketWebsiteXml sets the bucket's static website's rule
OSS supports static web site hosting for the bucket data. When the bucket is enabled with that, you can access the file in the bucket like the way to access a static website. For more information, please check out:
bucketName the bucket name to enable static web site.
wxml the website's detail
error it's nil if no error, otherwise it's an error object.
func (*Client) SetCloudBoxId ¶
SetCloudBoxId set CloudBoxId for client
cloudBoxId the id of cloudBox
type ClientOption ¶
type ClientOption func(*Client)
ClientOption client option such as UseCname, Timeout, SecurityToken.
func AdditionalHeaders ¶
func AdditionalHeaders(headers []string) ClientOption
AdditionalHeaders sets special http headers needed to be signed
func AuthProxy ¶
func AuthProxy(proxyHost, proxyUser, proxyPassword string) ClientOption
AuthProxy sets the proxy information with user name and password.
proxyHost the proxy host in the format "host:port". For example, . proxyUser the proxy user name. proxyPassword the proxy password.
func AuthVersion ¶
func AuthVersion(authVersion AuthVersionType) ClientOption
AuthVersion sets auth version: v1 or v2 signature which oss_server needed
func EnableCRC ¶
func EnableCRC(isEnableCRC bool) ClientOption
EnableCRC enables the CRC checksum. Default is true.
isEnableCRC true: enable CRC checksum; false: disable the CRC checksum.
func EnableMD5 ¶
func EnableMD5(isEnableMD5 bool) ClientOption
EnableMD5 enables MD5 validation.
isEnableMD5 true: enable MD5 validation; false: disable MD5 validation.
func HTTPClient ¶
func HTTPClient(HTTPClient *http.Client) ClientOption
HTTPClient sets the http.Client in use to the one passed in
func InsecureSkipVerify ¶
func InsecureSkipVerify(enabled bool) ClientOption
skip verifying tls certificate file
func MD5ThresholdCalcInMemory ¶
func MD5ThresholdCalcInMemory(threshold int64) ClientOption
MD5ThresholdCalcInMemory sets the memory usage threshold for computing the MD5, default is 16MB.
threshold the memory threshold in bytes. When the uploaded content is more than 16MB, the temp file is used for computing the MD5.
func MaxConns ¶
func MaxConns(maxIdleConns, maxIdleConnsPerHost, maxConnsPerHost int) ClientOption
MaxConns sets the HTTP max connections for a client.
maxIdleConns controls the maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts. Default is 100. maxIdleConnsPerHost controls the maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. Default is 100. maxConnsPerHost limits the total number of connections per host. Default is no limit.
func Proxy ¶
func Proxy(proxyHost string) ClientOption
Proxy sets the proxy (optional). The default is not using proxy.
proxyHost the proxy host in the format "host:port". For example, .
func RedirectEnabled ¶
func RedirectEnabled(enabled bool) ClientOption
only effective from go1.7 onward,RedirectEnabled set http redirect enabled or not
func SecurityToken ¶
func SecurityToken(token string) ClientOption
SecurityToken sets the temporary user's SecurityToken.
token STS token
func SetCredentialsProvider ¶
func SetCredentialsProvider(provider CredentialsProvider) ClientOption
SetCredentialsProvider sets funciton for get the user's ak
func SetLocalAddr ¶
func SetLocalAddr(localAddr net.Addr) ClientOption
SetLocalAddr sets funciton for local addr
func SetLogLevel ¶
func SetLogLevel(LogLevel int) ClientOption
SetLogLevel sets the oss sdk log level
func Timeout ¶
func Timeout(connectTimeoutSec, readWriteTimeout int64) ClientOption
Timeout sets the HTTP timeout in seconds.
connectTimeoutSec HTTP timeout in seconds. Default is 10 seconds. 0 means infinite (not recommended) readWriteTimeout HTTP read or write's timeout in seconds. Default is 20 seconds. 0 means infinite.
func UseCname ¶
func UseCname(isUseCname bool) ClientOption
UseCname sets the flag of using CName. By default it's false.
isUseCname true: the endpoint has the CName, false: the endpoint does not have cname. Default is false.
func UserAgent ¶
func UserAgent(userAgent string) ClientOption
UserAgent specifies UserAgent. The default is aliyun-sdk-go/1.2.0 (windows/-/amd64;go1.5.2).
userAgent the user agent string.
type CloudBoxProperties ¶
type CloudBoxProperties struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CloudBox"` ID string `xml:"ID"` Name string `xml:"Name"` Region string `xml:"Region"` ControlEndpoint string `xml:"ControlEndpoint"` DataEndpoint string `xml:"DataEndpoint"` }
CloudBoxProperties defines cloudbox properties
type CnameConfigurationXML ¶
type CnameConfigurationXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BucketCnameConfiguration"` Domain string `xml:"Cname>Domain"` }
CnameConfigurationXML define cname configuration
type CnameTokenXML ¶
type CnameTokenXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CnameToken"` Bucket string `xml:"Bucket,omitempty"` Cname string `xml:"Cname,omitempty"` Token string `xml:"Token,omitempty"` ExpireTime string `xml:"ExpireTime,omitempty"` }
CnameTokenXML define cname token information
type CompleteMultipartUploadResult ¶
type CompleteMultipartUploadResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CompleteMultipartUploadResult"` Location string `xml:"Location"` // Object URL Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` // Bucket name ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // Object ETag Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object name }
CompleteMultipartUploadResult defines result object of CompleteMultipartUploadRequest
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Condition"` KeyPrefixEquals string `xml:"KeyPrefixEquals,omitempty"` // Matching objcet prefix HTTPErrorCodeReturnedEquals int `xml:"HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals,omitempty"` // The rule is for Accessing to the specified object IncludeHeader []IncludeHeader `xml:"IncludeHeader"` // The rule is for request which include header }
Condition defines codition in the RoutingRule
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Endpoint string // OSS endpoint AccessKeyID string // AccessId AccessKeySecret string // AccessKey RetryTimes uint // Retry count by default it's 5. UserAgent string // SDK name/version/system information IsDebug bool // Enable debug mode. Default is false. Timeout uint // Timeout in seconds. By default it's 60. SecurityToken string // STS Token IsCname bool // If cname is in the endpoint. HTTPTimeout HTTPTimeout // HTTP timeout HTTPMaxConns HTTPMaxConns // Http max connections IsUseProxy bool // Flag of using proxy. ProxyHost string // Flag of using proxy host. IsAuthProxy bool // Flag of needing authentication. ProxyUser string // Proxy user ProxyPassword string // Proxy password IsEnableMD5 bool // Flag of enabling MD5 for upload. MD5Threshold int64 // Memory footprint threshold for each MD5 computation (16MB is the default), in byte. When the data is more than that, temp file is used. IsEnableCRC bool // Flag of enabling CRC for upload. LogLevel int // Log level Logger *log.Logger // For write log UploadLimitSpeed int // Upload limit speed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited UploadLimiter *OssLimiter // Bandwidth limit reader for upload DownloadLimitSpeed int // Download limit speed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited DownloadLimiter *OssLimiter // Bandwidth limit reader for download CredentialsProvider CredentialsProvider // User provides interface to get AccessKeyID, AccessKeySecret, SecurityToken LocalAddr net.Addr // local client host info UserSetUa bool // UserAgent is set by user or not AuthVersion AuthVersionType // v1 or v2, v4 signature,default is v1 AdditionalHeaders []string // special http headers needed to be sign RedirectEnabled bool // only effective from go1.7 onward, enable http redirect or not InsecureSkipVerify bool // for https, Whether to skip verifying the server certificate file Region string // such as cn-hangzhou CloudBoxId string // Product string // oss or oss-cloudbox, default is oss HttpHeaderDateProvider HttpHeaderDateProvider // provider to get HttpHeaderProvider }
Config defines oss configuration
func (*Config) GetCredentials ¶
func (config *Config) GetCredentials() Credentials
for get Credentials
func (*Config) LimitDownloadSpeed ¶
LimitDownLoadSpeed downloadSpeed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0
func (*Config) LimitUploadSpeed ¶
LimitUploadSpeed uploadSpeed:KB/s, 0 is unlimited,default is 0
type Conn ¶
type Conn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Conn defines OSS Conn
func (Conn) Do ¶
func (conn Conn) Do(method, bucketName, objectName string, params map[string]interface{}, headers map[string]string, data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error)
Do sends request and returns the response
func (Conn) DoURL ¶
func (conn Conn) DoURL(method HTTPMethod, signedURL string, headers map[string]string, data io.Reader, initCRC uint64, listener ProgressListener) (*Response, error)
DoURL sends the request with signed URL and returns the response result.
func (Conn) LoggerHTTPReq ¶
LoggerHTTPReq Print the header information of the http request
type CopyObjectResult ¶
type CopyObjectResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CopyObjectResult"` LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // New object's last modified time. ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // New object's ETag }
CopyObjectResult defines result object of CopyObject
type CreateBucketCnameTokenResult ¶
type CreateBucketCnameTokenResult CnameTokenXML
CreateBucketCnameTokenResult defines result object for CreateBucketCnameToken request
type CreateLiveChannelResult ¶
type CreateLiveChannelResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CreateLiveChannelResult"` PublishUrls []string `xml:"PublishUrls>Url"` //push urls list PlayUrls []string `xml:"PlayUrls>Url"` //play urls list }
CreateLiveChannelResult the result of crete live-channel
type Credentials ¶
type Credentials interface { GetAccessKeyID() string GetAccessKeySecret() string GetSecurityToken() string }
CredentialInf is interface for get AccessKeyID,AccessKeySecret,SecurityToken
type CredentialsProvider ¶
type CredentialsProvider interface {
GetCredentials() Credentials
CredentialInfBuild is interface for get CredentialInf
type CsvMetaRequest ¶
type CsvMetaRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CsvMetaRequest"` InputSerialization InputSerialization `xml:"InputSerialization"` OverwriteIfExists *bool `xml:"OverwriteIfExists,omitempty"` }
type DataRedundancyType ¶
type DataRedundancyType string
RedundancyType bucket data Redundancy type
const ( // RedundancyLRS Local redundancy, default value RedundancyLRS DataRedundancyType = "LRS" // RedundancyZRS Same city redundancy RedundancyZRS DataRedundancyType = "ZRS" )
type DeleteObject ¶
type DeleteObject struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Object"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object name VersionId string `xml:"VersionId,omitempty"` // Object VersionId }
DeleteObject defines the struct for deleting object
type DeleteObjectVersionsResult ¶
type DeleteObjectVersionsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeleteResult"` DeletedObjectsDetail []DeletedKeyInfo `xml:"Deleted"` // Deleted object detail info }
DeleteObjectsResult_inner defines result of DeleteObjects request
type DeleteObjectsResult ¶
type DeleteObjectsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name DeletedObjects []string // Deleted object key list }
DeleteObjectsResult defines result of DeleteObjects request
type DeletedKeyInfo ¶
type DeletedKeyInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Deleted"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object key VersionId string `xml:"VersionId"` // VersionId DeleteMarker bool `xml:"DeleteMarker"` // Object DeleteMarker DeleteMarkerVersionId string `xml:"DeleteMarkerVersionId"` // Object DeleteMarkerVersionId }
DeleteKeyInfo defines object delete info
type DiscardReadCloser ¶
type DiscardReadCloser struct { RC io.ReadCloser Discard int }
func (*DiscardReadCloser) Close ¶
func (drc *DiscardReadCloser) Close() error
type DoMetaQueryResult ¶
type DoMetaQueryResult DoMetaQueryResultXml
DoMetaQueryResult defines result for DoMetaQuery result
type DoMetaQueryResultXml ¶
type DoMetaQueryResultXml struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MetaQuery"` NextToken string `xml:"NextToken,omitempty"` // next token Files []MetaQueryFile `xml:"Files>File,omitempty"` // file Aggregations []MetaQueryAggregationResponse `xml:"Aggregations>Aggregation,omitempty"'` // Aggregation }
DoMetaQueryResultXml defines do meta query information
type ErrorDocument ¶
type ErrorDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ErrorDocument"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // 404 error file name }
ErrorDocument defines the 404 error page info
type ExtendWormConfiguration ¶
type ExtendWormConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ExtendWormConfiguration"` RetentionPeriodInDays int `xml:"RetentionPeriodInDays"` // specify retention days }
ExtendWormConfiguration define ExtendWormConfiguration configuration
type FileChunk ¶
type FileChunk struct { Number int // Chunk number Offset int64 // Chunk offset Size int64 // Chunk size. }
FileChunk is the file chunk definition
func SplitFileByPartNum ¶
SplitFileByPartNum splits big file into parts by the num of parts. Split the file with specified parts count, returns the split result when error is nil.
type GetBucketACLResult ¶
type GetBucketACLResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AccessControlPolicy"` ACL string `xml:"AccessControlList>Grant"` // Bucket ACL Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // Bucket owner }
GetBucketACLResult defines GetBucketACL request's result
type GetBucketAccessMonitorResult ¶
type GetBucketAccessMonitorResult BucketAccessMonitorXml
GetBucketAccessMonitorResult define config for get bucket access monitor
type GetBucketCORSResult ¶
type GetBucketCORSResult CORSXML
GetBucketCORSResult defines the result from GetBucketCORS request.
type GetBucketCnameTokenResult ¶
type GetBucketCnameTokenResult CnameTokenXML
GetBucketCnameTokenResult defines result object for GetBucketCnameToken request
type GetBucketEncryptionResult ¶
type GetBucketEncryptionResult ServerEncryptionRule
type GetBucketInfoResult ¶
type GetBucketInfoResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BucketInfo"` BucketInfo BucketInfo `xml:"Bucket"` }
GetBucketInfoResult defines the result from GetBucketInfo request.
type GetBucketLifecycleResult ¶
type GetBucketLifecycleResult LifecycleConfiguration
GetBucketLifecycleResult defines GetBucketLifecycle's result object
type GetBucketLoggingResult ¶
type GetBucketLoggingResult LoggingXML
GetBucketLoggingResult defines the result from GetBucketLogging request
type GetBucketRefererResult ¶
type GetBucketRefererResult RefererXML
GetBucketRefererResult defines result object for GetBucketReferer request
type GetBucketStatResult ¶
type GetBucketStatResult BucketStat
type GetBucketTaggingResult ¶
type GetBucketTaggingResult Tagging
type GetBucketVersioningResult ¶
type GetBucketVersioningResult VersioningConfig
type GetBucketWebsiteResult ¶
type GetBucketWebsiteResult WebsiteXML
GetBucketWebsiteResult defines the result from GetBucketWebsite request.
type GetMetaQueryStatusResult ¶
type GetMetaQueryStatusResult GetMetaQueryStatusResultXml
GetMetaQueryStatusResult defines result for GetMetaQueryStatus result
type GetMetaQueryStatusResultXml ¶
type GetMetaQueryStatusResultXml struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MetaQueryStatus"` State string `xml:"State"` Phase string `xml:"Phase"` CreateTime string `xml:"CreateTime"` UpdateTime string `xml:"UpdateTime"` }
GetMetaQueryStatusResultXml define get meta query status information
type GetObjectACLResult ¶
type GetObjectACLResult GetBucketACLResult
GetObjectACLResult defines result of GetObjectACL request
type GetObjectRequest ¶
type GetObjectRequest struct {
ObjectKey string
GetObjectRequest is the request of DoGetObject
type GetObjectResult ¶
GetObjectResult is the result of DoGetObject
type HTTPMaxConns ¶
HTTPMaxConns defines max idle connections and max idle connections per host
type HTTPMethod ¶
type HTTPMethod string
HTTPMethod HTTP request method
type HTTPTimeout ¶
type HTTPTimeout struct { ConnectTimeout time.Duration ReadWriteTimeout time.Duration HeaderTimeout time.Duration LongTimeout time.Duration IdleConnTimeout time.Duration }
HTTPTimeout defines HTTP timeout.
type HttpHeaderDateProvider ¶
HttpHeaderDateProvider is interface for get HttpHeaderDate
type IncludeHeader ¶
type IncludeHeader struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IncludeHeader"` Key string `xml:"Key,omitempty"` // The Include header key Equals string `xml:"Equals,omitempty"` // The Include header value }
IncludeHeader defines includeHeader in the RoutingRule's Condition
type IndexDocument ¶
type IndexDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"IndexDocument"` Suffix string `xml:"Suffix"` // The file name for the index page }
IndexDocument defines the index page info
type InitiateMultipartUploadResult ¶
type InitiateMultipartUploadResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InitiateMultipartUploadResult"` Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` // Bucket name Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object name to upload UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` // Generated UploadId }
InitiateMultipartUploadResult defines result of InitiateMultipartUpload request
type InitiateWormConfiguration ¶
type InitiateWormConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InitiateWormConfiguration"` RetentionPeriodInDays int `xml:"RetentionPeriodInDays"` // specify retention days }
InitiateWormConfiguration define InitiateBucketWorm configuration
type InputSerialization ¶
type InputSerializationSelect ¶
type InputSerializationSelect struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InputSerialization"` CsvBodyInput CSVSelectInput `xml:CSV,omitempty` JsonBodyInput JSONSelectInput `xml:JSON,omitempty` CompressionType string `xml:"CompressionType,omitempty"` }
type InvEncryption ¶
type InventoryConfiguration ¶
type InventoryConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"InventoryConfiguration"` Id string `xml:"Id,omitempty"` IsEnabled *bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"` Prefix string `xml:"Filter>Prefix,omitempty"` OSSBucketDestination OSSBucketDestination `xml:"Destination>OSSBucketDestination,omitempty"` Frequency string `xml:"Schedule>Frequency,omitempty"` IncludedObjectVersions string `xml:"IncludedObjectVersions,omitempty"` OptionalFields OptionalFields `xml:OptionalFields,omitempty` }
InventoryConfiguration is Inventory config
type JSONSelectInput ¶
type JSONSelectInput struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"JSON"` JSONType string `xml:"Type,omitempty"` Range string `xml:"Range,omitempty"` ParseJSONNumberAsString *bool `xml:"ParseJsonNumberAsString"` SplitRange string }
func (*JSONSelectInput) JsonIsEmpty ¶
func (jsonInput *JSONSelectInput) JsonIsEmpty() bool
type JSONSelectOutput ¶
type JsonMetaRequest ¶
type JsonMetaRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"JsonMetaRequest"` InputSerialization InputSerialization `xml:"InputSerialization"` OverwriteIfExists *bool `xml:"OverwriteIfExists,omitempty"` }
type LifecycleAbortMultipartUpload ¶
type LifecycleAbortMultipartUpload struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"AbortMultipartUpload"` Days int `xml:"Days,omitempty"` // Relative expiration time: The expiration time in days after the last modified time CreatedBeforeDate string `xml:"CreatedBeforeDate,omitempty"` // objects created before the date will be expired }
LifecycleAbortMultipartUpload defines the rule's abort multipart upload propery
type LifecycleConfiguration ¶
type LifecycleConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LifecycleConfiguration"` Rules []LifecycleRule `xml:"Rule"` }
LifecycleConfiguration is the Bucket Lifecycle configuration
type LifecycleExpiration ¶
type LifecycleExpiration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Expiration"` Days int `xml:"Days,omitempty"` // Relative expiration time: The expiration time in days after the last modified time Date string `xml:"Date,omitempty"` // Absolute expiration time: The expiration time in date, not recommended CreatedBeforeDate string `xml:"CreatedBeforeDate,omitempty"` // objects created before the date will be expired ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker *bool `xml:"ExpiredObjectDeleteMarker,omitempty"` // Specifies whether the expired delete tag is automatically deleted }
LifecycleExpiration defines the rule's expiration property
type LifecycleFilter ¶
type LifecycleFilter struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Filter"` Not []LifecycleFilterNot `xml:"Not,omitempty"` }
LifecycleFilter defines the rule's Filter propery
type LifecycleFilterNot ¶
type LifecycleFilterNot struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Not"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix,omitempty"` //Object prefix applicable to this exclusion rule Tag *Tag `xml:"Tag,omitempty"` //the tags applicable to this exclusion rule }
LifecycleFilterNot defines the rule's Filter Not propery
type LifecycleRule ¶
type LifecycleRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Rule"` ID string `xml:"ID,omitempty"` // The rule ID Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The object key prefix Status string `xml:"Status"` // The rule status (enabled or not) Tags []Tag `xml:"Tag,omitempty"` // the tags property Expiration *LifecycleExpiration `xml:"Expiration,omitempty"` // The expiration property Transitions []LifecycleTransition `xml:"Transition,omitempty"` // The transition property AbortMultipartUpload *LifecycleAbortMultipartUpload `xml:"AbortMultipartUpload,omitempty"` // The AbortMultipartUpload property NonVersionExpiration *LifecycleVersionExpiration `xml:"NoncurrentVersionExpiration,omitempty"` // Deprecated: Use NonVersionTransitions instead. NonVersionTransition *LifecycleVersionTransition `xml:"-"` // NonVersionTransition is not suggested to use NonVersionTransitions []LifecycleVersionTransition `xml:"NoncurrentVersionTransition,omitempty"` Filter *LifecycleFilter `xml:Filter,omitempty` //condition parameter container of this exclusion rule }
LifecycleRule defines Lifecycle rules
func BuildLifecycleRuleByDate ¶
func BuildLifecycleRuleByDate(id, prefix string, status bool, year, month, day int) LifecycleRule
BuildLifecycleRuleByDate builds a lifecycle rule objects will expiration in specified date
func BuildLifecycleRuleByDays ¶
func BuildLifecycleRuleByDays(id, prefix string, status bool, days int) LifecycleRule
BuildLifecycleRuleByDays builds a lifecycle rule objects will expiration in days after the last modified time
type LifecycleTransition ¶
type LifecycleTransition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Transition"` Days int `xml:"Days,omitempty"` // Relative transition time: The transition time in days after the last modified time CreatedBeforeDate string `xml:"CreatedBeforeDate,omitempty"` // objects created before the date will be expired StorageClass StorageClassType `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"` // Specifies the target storage type IsAccessTime *bool `xml:"IsAccessTime,omitempty"` // access time ReturnToStdWhenVisit *bool `xml:"ReturnToStdWhenVisit,omitempty"` // Return To Std When Visit AllowSmallFile *bool `xml:AllowSmallFile,omitempty` }
LifecycleTransition defines the rule's transition propery
type LifecycleVersionExpiration ¶
type LifecycleVersionExpiration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NoncurrentVersionExpiration"` NoncurrentDays int `xml:"NoncurrentDays,omitempty"` // How many days after the Object becomes a non-current version }
LifecycleVersionExpiration defines the rule's NoncurrentVersionExpiration propery
type LifecycleVersionTransition ¶
type LifecycleVersionTransition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"NoncurrentVersionTransition"` NoncurrentDays int `xml:"NoncurrentDays,omitempty"` // How many days after the Object becomes a non-current version StorageClass StorageClassType `xml:"StorageClass,omitempty"` IsAccessTime *bool `xml:"IsAccessTime,omitempty"` // access time ReturnToStdWhenVisit *bool `xml:"ReturnToStdWhenVisit,omitempty"` // Return To Std When Visit AllowSmallFile *bool `xml:AllowSmallFile,omitempty` }
LifecycleVersionTransition defines the rule's NoncurrentVersionTransition propery
type LimitSpeedReader ¶
type LimitSpeedReader struct { io.ReadCloser // contains filtered or unexported fields }
LimitSpeedReader for limit bandwidth upload
type LimitedReadCloser ¶
type LimitedReadCloser struct {
LimitedRC support Close()
func (*LimitedReadCloser) Close ¶
func (lc *LimitedReadCloser) Close() error
type ListBucketsResult ¶
type ListBucketsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListAllMyBucketsResult"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The prefix in this query Marker string `xml:"Marker"` // The marker filter MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` // The max entry count to return. This information is returned when IsTruncated is true. IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag true means there's remaining buckets to return. NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"` // The marker filter for the next list call Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // The owner information Buckets []BucketProperties `xml:"Buckets>Bucket"` // The bucket list }
ListBucketsResult defines the result object from ListBuckets request
type ListCloudBoxResult ¶
type ListCloudBoxResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListCloudBoxResult"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The prefix in this query Marker string `xml:"Marker"` // The marker filter MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` // The max entry count to return. This information is returned when IsTruncated is true. IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag true means there's remaining cloudboxes to return. NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"` // The marker filter for the next list call Owner string `xml:"Owner>DisplayName"` // The owner information CloudBoxes []CloudBoxProperties `xml:"CloudBoxes>CloudBox"` // The cloudbox list }
ListCloudBoxesResult defines the result object from ListBuckets request
type ListInventoryConfigurationsResult ¶
type ListInventoryConfigurationsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListInventoryConfigurationsResult"` InventoryConfiguration []InventoryConfiguration `xml:"InventoryConfiguration,omitempty` IsTruncated *bool `xml:"IsTruncated,omitempty"` NextContinuationToken string `xml:"NextContinuationToken,omitempty"` }
type ListLiveChannelResult ¶
type ListLiveChannelResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListLiveChannelResult"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` //Filter by the name start with the value of "Prefix" Marker string `xml:"Marker"` //cursor from which starting list MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` //The maximum count returned. the default value is 100. it cannot be greater than 1000. IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` //Indicates whether all results have been returned, "true" indicates partial results returned while "false" indicates all results have been returned NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"` //NextMarker indicate the Marker value of the next request LiveChannel []LiveChannelInfo `xml:"LiveChannel"` //The infomation of live-channel }
ListLiveChannelResult the result of ListLiveChannel
type ListMultipartUploadResult ¶
type ListMultipartUploadResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListMultipartUploadsResult"` Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` // Bucket name Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"` // Delimiter for grouping object. Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // Object prefix KeyMarker string `xml:"KeyMarker"` // Object key marker UploadIDMarker string `xml:"UploadIdMarker"` // UploadId marker NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker"` // Next key marker, if not all entries returned. NextUploadIDMarker string `xml:"NextUploadIdMarker"` // Next uploadId marker, if not all entries returned. MaxUploads int `xml:"MaxUploads"` // Max uploads to return IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag indicates all entries are returned. Uploads []UncompletedUpload `xml:"Upload"` // Ongoing uploads (not completed, not aborted) CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"` // Common prefixes list. }
ListMultipartUploadResult defines result object of ListMultipartUpload
type ListObjectVersionsResult ¶
type ListObjectVersionsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListVersionsResult"` Name string `xml:"Name"` // The Bucket Name Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // The owner of bucket Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The object prefix KeyMarker string `xml:"KeyMarker"` // The start marker filter. VersionIdMarker string `xml:"VersionIdMarker"` // The start VersionIdMarker filter. MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` // Max keys to return Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"` // The delimiter for grouping objects' name IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag indicates if all results are returned (when it's false) NextKeyMarker string `xml:"NextKeyMarker"` // The start point of the next query NextVersionIdMarker string `xml:"NextVersionIdMarker"` // The start point of the next query CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"` // You can think of commonprefixes as "folders" whose names end with the delimiter ObjectDeleteMarkers []ObjectDeleteMarkerProperties `xml:"DeleteMarker"` // DeleteMarker list ObjectVersions []ObjectVersionProperties `xml:"Version"` // version list }
ListObjectVersionsResult defines the result from ListObjectVersions request
type ListObjectsResult ¶
type ListObjectsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListBucketResult"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The object prefix Marker string `xml:"Marker"` // The marker filter. MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` // Max keys to return Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"` // The delimiter for grouping objects' name IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag indicates if all results are returned (when it's false) NextMarker string `xml:"NextMarker"` // The start point of the next query Objects []ObjectProperties `xml:"Contents"` // Object list CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"` // You can think of commonprefixes as "folders" whose names end with the delimiter }
ListObjectsResult defines the result from ListObjects request
type ListObjectsResultV2 ¶
type ListObjectsResultV2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListBucketResult"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"` // The object prefix StartAfter string `xml:"StartAfter"` // the input StartAfter ContinuationToken string `xml:"ContinuationToken"` // the input ContinuationToken MaxKeys int `xml:"MaxKeys"` // Max keys to return Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter"` // The delimiter for grouping objects' name IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag indicates if all results are returned (when it's false) NextContinuationToken string `xml:"NextContinuationToken"` // The start point of the next NextContinuationToken Objects []ObjectProperties `xml:"Contents"` // Object list CommonPrefixes []string `xml:"CommonPrefixes>Prefix"` // You can think of commonprefixes as "folders" whose names end with the delimiter }
ListObjectsResultV2 defines the result from ListObjectsV2 request
type ListUploadedPartsResult ¶
type ListUploadedPartsResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ListPartsResult"` Bucket string `xml:"Bucket"` // Bucket name Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object name UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` // Upload ID NextPartNumberMarker string `xml:"NextPartNumberMarker"` // Next part number MaxParts int `xml:"MaxParts"` // Max parts count IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"` // Flag indicates all entries returned.false: all entries returned. UploadedParts []UploadedPart `xml:"Part"` // Uploaded parts }
ListUploadedPartsResult defines result object of ListUploadedParts
type LiveChannelAudio ¶
type LiveChannelAudio struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Audio"` SampleRate int `xml:"SampleRate"` //SampleRate Bandwidth int `xml:"Bandwidth"` //Bandwidth (unit: B/s) Codec string `xml:"Codec"` //Encoding forma }
LiveChannelAudio audio stream information
type LiveChannelConfiguration ¶
type LiveChannelConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LiveChannelConfiguration"` Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` //Description of live-channel, up to 128 bytes Status string `xml:"Status,omitempty"` //�Specify the status of livechannel Target LiveChannelTarget `xml:"Target"` //target configuration of live-channel // use point instead of struct to avoid omit empty snapshot Snapshot *LiveChannelSnapshot `xml:"Snapshot,omitempty"` //snapshot configuration of live-channel }
LiveChannelConfiguration defines the configuration for live-channel
type LiveChannelHistory ¶
type LiveChannelHistory struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LiveChannelHistory"` Record []LiveRecord `xml:"LiveRecord"` //push records list }
LiveChannelHistory the result of GetLiveChannelHistory, at most return up to lastest 10 push records
type LiveChannelInfo ¶
type LiveChannelInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LiveChannel"` Name string `xml:"Name"` //The name of live-channel Description string `xml:"Description"` //Description of live-channel Status string `xml:"Status"` //Status: disabled or enabled LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` //Last modification time, format: ISO8601 PublishUrls []string `xml:"PublishUrls>Url"` //push urls list PlayUrls []string `xml:"PlayUrls>Url"` //play urls list }
LiveChannelInfo the infomation of live-channel
type LiveChannelSnapshot ¶
type LiveChannelSnapshot struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Snapshot"` RoleName string `xml:"RoleName,omitempty"` //The role of snapshot operations, it sholud has write permission of DestBucket and the permission to send messages to the NotifyTopic. DestBucket string `xml:"DestBucket,omitempty"` //Bucket the snapshots will be written to. should be the same owner as the source bucket. NotifyTopic string `xml:"NotifyTopic,omitempty"` //Topics of MNS for notifying users of high frequency screenshot operation results Interval int `xml:"Interval,omitempty"` //interval of snapshots, threre is no snapshot if no I-frame during the interval time }
LiveChannelSnapshot snapshot configuration of live-channel
type LiveChannelStat ¶
type LiveChannelStat struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LiveChannelStat"` Status string `xml:"Status"` //Current push status of live-channel: Disabled,Live,Idle ConnectedTime time.Time `xml:"ConnectedTime"` //The time when the client starts pushing, format: ISO8601 RemoteAddr string `xml:"RemoteAddr"` //The ip address of the client Video LiveChannelVideo `xml:"Video"` //Video stream information Audio LiveChannelAudio `xml:"Audio"` //Audio stream information }
LiveChannelStat the result of get live-channel state
type LiveChannelTarget ¶
type LiveChannelTarget struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Target"` Type string `xml:"Type"` //the type of object, only supports HLS FragDuration int `xml:"FragDuration,omitempty"` //the length of each ts object (in seconds), in the range [1,100] FragCount int `xml:"FragCount,omitempty"` //the number of ts objects in the m3u8 object, in the range of [1,100] PlaylistName string `xml:"PlaylistName,omitempty"` //the name of m3u8 object, which must end with ".m3u8" and the length range is [6,128] }
LiveChannelTarget target configuration of live-channel
type LiveChannelVideo ¶
type LiveChannelVideo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Video"` Width int `xml:"Width"` //Width (unit: pixels) Height int `xml:"Height"` //Height (unit: pixels) FrameRate int `xml:"FrameRate"` //FramRate Bandwidth int `xml:"Bandwidth"` //Bandwidth (unit: B/s) }
LiveChannelVideo video stream information
type LiveRecord ¶
type LiveRecord struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LiveRecord"` StartTime time.Time `xml:"StartTime"` //StartTime, format: ISO8601 EndTime time.Time `xml:"EndTime"` //EndTime, format: ISO8601 RemoteAddr string `xml:"RemoteAddr"` //The ip address of remote client }
LiveRecord push recode
type LoggingEnabled ¶
type LoggingEnabled struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"LoggingEnabled"` TargetBucket string `xml:"TargetBucket"` // The bucket name for storing the log files TargetPrefix string `xml:"TargetPrefix"` // The log file prefix }
LoggingEnabled defines the logging configuration information
type LoggingXML ¶
type LoggingXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"BucketLoggingStatus"` LoggingEnabled LoggingEnabled `xml:"LoggingEnabled"` // The logging configuration information }
LoggingXML defines logging configuration
type MetaEndFrameCSV ¶
type MetaEndFrameCSV struct { TotalScanned int64 Status int32 SplitsCount int32 RowsCount int64 ColumnsCount int32 ErrorMsg string }
MetaEndFrameCSV is MetaEndFrameCSVType of CreateSelectObjectMeta
type MetaEndFrameJSON ¶
type MetaEndFrameJSON struct { TotalScanned int64 Status int32 SplitsCount int32 RowsCount int64 ErrorMsg string }
MetaEndFrameJSON is MetaEndFrameJSON of CreateSelectObjectMeta
type MetaQuery ¶
type MetaQuery struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MetaQuery"` NextToken string `xml:"NextToken,omitempty"` MaxResults int64 `xml:"MaxResults,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"Query"` Sort string `xml:"Sort,omitempty"` Order string `xml:"Order,omitempty"` Aggregations []MetaQueryAggregationRequest `xml:"Aggregations>Aggregation,omitempty"` }
DoMetaQuery defines meta query struct
type MetaQueryAggregationRequest ¶
type MetaQueryAggregationRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Aggregation"` Field string `xml:"Field,omitempty"` Operation string `xml:"Operation,omitempty"` }
MetaQueryAggregationRequest defines meta query aggregation request
type MetaQueryAggregationResponse ¶
type MetaQueryAggregationResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Aggregation"` Field string `xml:"Field,omitempty"` Operation string `xml:"Operation,omitempty"` Value float64 `xml:"Value,omitempty"` Groups []MetaQueryGroup `xml:"Groups>Group,omitempty"` }
MetaQueryAggregationResponse defines meta query aggregation response
type MetaQueryFile ¶
type MetaQueryFile struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"File"` Filename string `xml:"Filename"` //file name Size int64 `xml:"Size"` // file size FileModifiedTime string `xml:"FileModifiedTime"` // file Modified Time OssObjectType string `xml:"OSSObjectType"` // Oss Object Type OssStorageClass string `xml:"OSSStorageClass"` // Oss Storage Class ObjectACL string `xml:"ObjectACL"` // Object Acl ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // ETag OssCRC64 string `xml:"OSSCRC64"` // Oss CRC64 OssTaggingCount int64 `xml:"OSSTaggingCount,omitempty"` // Oss Tagging Count OssTagging []MetaQueryTagging `xml:"OSSTagging>Tagging,omitempty"` // Tagging OssUserMeta []MetaQueryUserMeta `xml:"OSSUserMeta>UserMeta,omitempty"` // UserMeta ServerSideEncryption string `xml:"ServerSideEncryption,omitempty"` //Server Side Encryption ServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm string `xml:"ServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Server Side Encryption Customer Algorithm }
MetaQueryFile defines do meta query result file information
type MetaQueryGroup ¶
type MetaQueryGroup struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Group"` Value string `xml:"Value"` Count int64 `xml:"Count"` }
MetaQueryGroup defines do meta query result group information
type MetaQueryTagging ¶
type MetaQueryTagging struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Tagging"` Key string `xml:"Key"` Value string `xml:"Value"` }
MetaQueryTagging defines do meta query result tagging information
type MetaQueryUserMeta ¶
type MetaQueryUserMeta struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"UserMeta"` Key string `xml:"Key"` Value string `xml:"Value"` }
MetaQueryUserMeta defines do meta query result user meta information
type MetadataDirectiveType ¶
type MetadataDirectiveType string
MetadataDirectiveType specifying whether use the metadata of source object when copying object.
const ( // MetaCopy the target object's metadata is copied from the source one MetaCopy MetadataDirectiveType = "COPY" // MetaReplace the target object's metadata is created as part of the copy request (not same as the source one) MetaReplace MetadataDirectiveType = "REPLACE" )
type MirrorHeaderSet ¶
type MirrorHeaderSet struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Set"` Key string `xml:"Key,omitempty"` // The mirror header key Value string `xml:"Value,omitempty"` // The mirror header value }
MirrorHeaderSet defines Set for Redirect's MirrorHeaders
type MirrorHeaders ¶
type MirrorHeaders struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"MirrorHeaders"` PassAll *bool `xml:"PassAll"` // Penetrating all of headers to source website. Pass []string `xml:"Pass"` // Penetrating some of headers to source website. Remove []string `xml:"Remove"` // Prohibit passthrough some of headers to source website Set []MirrorHeaderSet `xml:"Set"` // Setting some of headers send to source website }
MirrorHeaders defines MirrorHeaders in the Redirect
type OSSBucketDestination ¶
type OSSBucketDestination struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OSSBucketDestination"` Format string `xml:"Format,omitempty"` AccountId string `xml:"AccountId,omitempty"` RoleArn string `xml:"RoleArn,omitempty"` Bucket string `xml:"Bucket,omitempty"` Prefix string `xml:"Prefix,omitempty"` Encryption *InvEncryption `xml:"Encryption,omitempty"` }
type ObjectDeleteMarkerProperties ¶
type ObjectDeleteMarkerProperties struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"DeleteMarker"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // The Object Key VersionId string `xml:"VersionId"` // The Object VersionId IsLatest bool `xml:"IsLatest"` // is current version or not LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // Object last modified time Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // bucket owner element }
type ObjectProperties ¶
type ObjectProperties struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Contents"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object key Type string `xml:"Type"` // Object type Size int64 `xml:"Size"` // Object size ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // Object ETag Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // Object owner information LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // Object last modified time StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` // Object storage class (Standard, IA, Archive) RestoreInfo string `xml:"RestoreInfo,omitempty"` // Object restoreInfo }
ObjectProperties defines Objecct properties
type ObjectVersionProperties ¶
type ObjectVersionProperties struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Version"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // The Object Key VersionId string `xml:"VersionId"` // The Object VersionId IsLatest bool `xml:"IsLatest"` // is latest version or not LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // Object last modified time Type string `xml:"Type"` // Object type Size int64 `xml:"Size"` // Object size ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // Object ETag StorageClass string `xml:"StorageClass"` // Object storage class (Standard, IA, Archive) Owner Owner `xml:"Owner"` // bucket owner element RestoreInfo string `xml:"RestoreInfo,omitempty"` // Object restoreInfo }
type ObjecthashFuncType ¶
type ObjecthashFuncType string
const ( HashFuncSha1 ObjecthashFuncType = "SHA-1" HashFuncSha256 ObjecthashFuncType = "SHA-256" )
type Option ¶
Option HTTP option
func ACReqHeaders ¶
ACReqHeaders is an option to set Access-Control-Request-Headers header
func ACReqMethod ¶
ACReqMethod is an option to set Access-Control-Request-Method header
func AcceptEncoding ¶
AcceptEncoding is an option to set Accept-Encoding header
func AddContentType ¶
func AllowSameActionOverLap ¶
ForbidOverWrite is an option to set X-Oss-Forbid-Overwrite
func CacheControl ¶
CacheControl is an option to set Cache-Control header
func CallbackVar ¶
CallbackVar is an option to set callback user defined values
func Checkpoint ¶
Checkpoint sets the isEnable flag and checkpoint file path for DownloadFile/UploadFile.
func CheckpointDir ¶
CheckpointDir sets the isEnable flag and checkpoint dir path for DownloadFile/UploadFile.
func ChoiceAbortPartOption ¶
ChoiceAbortPartOption choices valid option supported by AbortMultipartUpload
func ChoiceCompletePartOption ¶
ChoiceCompletePartOption choices valid option supported by CompleteMulitiPart
func ChoiceHeadObjectOption ¶
ChoiceHeadObjectOption choices valid option supported by HeadObject
func ChoiceTransferPartOption ¶
choiceTransferPartOption choices valid option supported by Uploadpart or DownloadPart
func ContentDisposition ¶
ContentDisposition is an option to set Content-Disposition header
func ContentEncoding ¶
ContentEncoding is an option to set Content-Encoding header
func ContentLanguage ¶
ContentLanguage is an option to set Content-Language header
func ContentLength ¶
ContentLength is an option to set Content-Length header
func ContentMD5 ¶
ContentMD5 is an option to set Content-MD5 header
func ContentType ¶
ContentType is an option to set Content-Type header
func ContinuationToken ¶
ContinuationToken is an option to set Continuation-token parameter for ListObjectsV2
func CopySource ¶
CopySource is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source header
func CopySourceIfMatch ¶
CopySourceIfMatch is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Match header
func CopySourceIfModifiedSince ¶
CopySourceIfModifiedSince is an option to set X-Oss-CopySource-If-Modified-Since header
func CopySourceIfNoneMatch ¶
CopySourceIfNoneMatch is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-None-Match header
func CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince ¶
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source-If-Unmodified-Since header
func CopySourceRange ¶
CopySourceRange is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source header
func CopySourceVersion ¶
CopySourceVersion is an option to set X-Oss-Copy-Source header,include versionId
func DeleteObjectsQuiet ¶
DeleteObjectsQuiet false:DeleteObjects in verbose mode; true:DeleteObjects in quite mode. Default is false.
func DeleteOption ¶
func EnableMd5 ¶
func EnableMd5() Option
EnableMd5 is an option to set x-oss-enable-md5 parameter for InitiateMultipartUpload
func EnableSha1 ¶
func EnableSha1() Option
EnableSha1 is an option to set x-oss-enable-sha1 parameter for InitiateMultipartUpload
func EnableSha256 ¶
func EnableSha256() Option
EnableSha256 is an option to set x-oss-enable-sha256 parameter for InitiateMultipartUpload
func EncodingType ¶
EncodingType is an option to set encoding-type parameter
func FetchOwner ¶
FetchOwner is an option to set Fetch-owner parameter for ListObjectsV2
func ForbidOverWrite ¶
ForbidOverWrite is an option to set X-Oss-Forbid-Overwrite
func GetResponseHeader ¶
GetResponseHeader for get response http header
func IfModifiedSince ¶
IfModifiedSince is an option to set If-Modified-Since header
func IfNoneMatch ¶
IfNoneMatch is an option to set IfNoneMatch header
func IfUnmodifiedSince ¶
IfUnmodifiedSince is an option to set If-Unmodified-Since header
func MaxUploads ¶
MaxUploads is an option to set max-uploads parameter
func MetadataDirective ¶
func MetadataDirective(directive MetadataDirectiveType) Option
MetadataDirective is an option to set X-Oss-Metadata-Directive header
func NormalizedRange ¶
NormalizedRange is an option to set Range header, such as 1024-2048 or 1024- or -2048
func ObjectHashFunc ¶
func ObjectHashFunc(value ObjecthashFuncType) Option
RedundancyType bucket data redundancy type
func ObjectStorageClass ¶
func ObjectStorageClass(storageClass StorageClassType) Option
ObjectStorageClass is an option to set the storage class of object
func PartHashCtxHeader ¶
func PartHashCtxParam ¶
func PartMd5CtxHeader ¶
func PartMd5CtxParam ¶
func PartNumberMarker ¶
PartNumberMarker is an option to set part-number-marker parameter
func RangeBehavior ¶
RangeBehavior is an option to set Range value, such as "standard"
func RedundancyType ¶
func RedundancyType(value DataRedundancyType) Option
RedundancyType bucket data redundancy type
func RequestPayer ¶
RequestPayer is an option to set payer who pay for the request
func RequestPayerParam ¶
RequestPayerParam is an option to set payer who pay for the request
func ResponseCacheControl ¶
ResponseCacheControl is an option to set response-cache-control param
func ResponseContentDisposition ¶
ResponseContentDisposition is an option to set response-content-disposition param
func ResponseContentEncoding ¶
ResponseContentEncoding is an option to set response-content-encoding param
func ResponseContentLanguage ¶
ResponseContentLanguage is an option to set response-content-language param
func ResponseContentType ¶
ResponseContentType is an option to set response-content-type param
func ResponseExpires ¶
ResponseExpires is an option to set response-expires param
func SSECAlgorithm ¶
SSECAlgorithm is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Algorithm header
func SSECKeyMd5 ¶
SSECKeyMd5 is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Customer-Key-Md5 header
func Sequential ¶
func Sequential() Option
Sequential is an option to set sequential parameter for InitiateMultipartUpload
func ServerSideDataEncryption ¶
ServerSideDataEncryption is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Data-Encryption header
func ServerSideEncryption ¶
ServerSideEncryption is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption header
func ServerSideEncryptionKeyID ¶
ServerSideEncryptionKeyID is an option to set X-Oss-Server-Side-Encryption-Key-Id header
func SetTagging ¶
SetTagging is an option to set object tagging
func StartAfter ¶
StartAfter is an option to set start-after parameter for ListObjectsV2
func StorageClass ¶
func StorageClass(value StorageClassType) Option
StorageClass bucket storage class
func TaggingDirective ¶
func TaggingDirective(directive TaggingDirectiveType) Option
TaggingDirective is an option to set X-Oss-Metadata-Directive header
func TrafficLimitHeader ¶
TrafficLimitHeader is an option to set X-Oss-Traffic-Limit
func TrafficLimitParam ¶
TrafficLimitParam is a option to set x-oss-traffic-limit
func UploadIDMarker ¶
UploadIDMarker is an option to set upload-id-marker parameter
func UserAgentHeader ¶
UserAgentHeader is an option to set HTTPHeaderUserAgent
func VersionIdMarker ¶
VersionIdMarker is an option to set version-id-marker parameter
func WithHashContext ¶
func WithHashContext() Option
WithHashContext is an option to set withHashContext parameter for InitiateMultipartUpload
type OptionalFields ¶
type OssLimiter ¶
type OssLimiter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OssLimiter wrapper rate.Limiter
func GetOssLimiter ¶
func GetOssLimiter(uploadSpeed int) (ossLimiter *OssLimiter, err error)
GetOssLimiter create OssLimiter uploadSpeed KB/s
type OutputSerializationSelect ¶
type OutputSerializationSelect struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"OutputSerialization"` CsvBodyOutput CSVSelectOutput `xml:CSV,omitempty` JsonBodyOutput JSONSelectOutput `xml:JSON,omitempty` OutputRawData *bool `xml:"OutputRawData,omitempty"` KeepAllColumns *bool `xml:"KeepAllColumns,omitempty"` EnablePayloadCrc *bool `xml:"EnablePayloadCrc,omitempty"` OutputHeader *bool `xml:"OutputHeader,omitempty"` }
type Owner ¶
type Owner struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Owner"` ID string `xml:"ID"` // Owner ID DisplayName string `xml:"DisplayName"` // Owner's display name }
Owner defines Bucket/Object's owner
type PostSelectResult ¶
type PostSelectResult struct {
Response *SelectObjectResponse
PostSelectResult is the request of SelectObject
type ProcessObjectResult ¶
type ProcessObjectResult struct { Bucket string `json:"bucket"` FileSize int `json:"fileSize"` Object string `json:"object"` Status string `json:"status"` }
ProcessObjectResult defines result object of ProcessObject
type ProgressEvent ¶
type ProgressEvent struct { ConsumedBytes int64 TotalBytes int64 RwBytes int64 EventType ProgressEventType }
ProgressEvent defines progress event
type ProgressEventType ¶
type ProgressEventType int
ProgressEventType defines transfer progress event type
const ( // TransferStartedEvent transfer started, set TotalBytes TransferStartedEvent ProgressEventType = 1 + iota // TransferDataEvent transfer data, set ConsumedBytes and TotalBytes TransferDataEvent // TransferCompletedEvent transfer completed TransferCompletedEvent // TransferFailedEvent transfer encounters an error TransferFailedEvent )
type ProgressListener ¶
type ProgressListener interface {
ProgressChanged(event *ProgressEvent)
ProgressListener listens progress change
func GetProgressListener ¶
func GetProgressListener(options []Option) ProgressListener
GetProgressListener gets the progress callback
type PutBucketAccessMonitor ¶
type PutBucketAccessMonitor BucketAccessMonitorXml
BucketAccessMonitor define the xml of bucket access monitor config
type PutObjectRequest ¶
PutObjectRequest is the request of DoPutObject
type ReadFlagInfo ¶
type ReadFlagInfo struct { OpenLine bool ConsumedBytesLength int32 EnablePayloadCrc bool OutputRawData bool }
ReadFlagInfo if reading the frame data, recode the reading status
type Redirect ¶
type Redirect struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Redirect"` RedirectType string `xml:"RedirectType,omitempty"` // The redirect type, it have Mirror,External,Internal,AliCDN PassQueryString *bool `xml:"PassQueryString"` // Whether to send the specified request's parameters, true or false MirrorURL string `xml:"MirrorURL,omitempty"` // Mirror of the website address back to the source. MirrorPassQueryString *bool `xml:"MirrorPassQueryString"` // To Mirror of the website Whether to send the specified request's parameters, true or false MirrorFollowRedirect *bool `xml:"MirrorFollowRedirect"` // Redirect the location, if the mirror return 3XX MirrorCheckMd5 *bool `xml:"MirrorCheckMd5"` // Check the mirror is MD5. MirrorHeaders MirrorHeaders `xml:"MirrorHeaders,omitempty"` // Mirror headers Protocol string `xml:"Protocol,omitempty"` // The redirect Protocol HostName string `xml:"HostName,omitempty"` // The redirect HostName ReplaceKeyPrefixWith string `xml:"ReplaceKeyPrefixWith,omitempty"` // object name'Prefix replace the value HttpRedirectCode int `xml:"HttpRedirectCode,omitempty"` // THe redirect http code ReplaceKeyWith string `xml:"ReplaceKeyWith,omitempty"` // object name replace the value }
Redirect defines redirect in the RoutingRule
type RefererXML ¶
type RefererXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RefererConfiguration"` AllowEmptyReferer bool `xml:"AllowEmptyReferer"` // Allow empty referrer RefererList []string `xml:"RefererList>Referer"` // Referer whitelist }
RefererXML defines Referer configuration
type ReplicationXML ¶
type ReplicationXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ReplicationRules"` ID string `xml:"ID,omitempty"` }
ReplicationXML defines simple replication xml, and ReplicationXML is used for "DeleteBucketReplication" in client.go
type RequestPaymentConfiguration ¶
type RequestPaymentConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RequestPaymentConfiguration"` Payer string `xml:"Payer,omitempty"` }
RequestPaymentConfiguration define the request payment configuration
type Response ¶
type Response struct { StatusCode int Headers http.Header Body io.ReadCloser ClientCRC uint64 ServerCRC uint64 }
Response defines HTTP response from OSS
type RestoreConfiguration ¶
type RestoreConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RestoreRequest"` Days int32 `xml:"Days,omitempty"` Tier string `xml:"JobParameters>Tier,omitempty"` }
RestoreConfiguration for RestoreObject
type RestoreMode ¶
type RestoreMode string
RestoreMode the restore mode for coldArchive object
const ( //RestoreExpedited object will be restored in 1 hour RestoreExpedited RestoreMode = "Expedited" //RestoreStandard object will be restored in 2-5 hours RestoreStandard RestoreMode = "Standard" //RestoreBulk object will be restored in 5-10 hours RestoreBulk RestoreMode = "Bulk" )
type RoutingRule ¶
type RoutingRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RoutingRule"` RuleNumber int `xml:"RuleNumber,omitempty"` // The routing number Condition Condition `xml:"Condition,omitempty"` // The routing condition Redirect Redirect `xml:"Redirect,omitempty"` // The routing redirect }
RoutingRule defines the routing rules
type SSEDefaultRule ¶
type SSEDefaultRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault"` SSEAlgorithm string `xml:"SSEAlgorithm,omitempty"` KMSMasterKeyID string `xml:"KMSMasterKeyID,omitempty"` KMSDataEncryption string `xml:"KMSDataEncryption,,omitempty"` }
Server Encryption deafult rule for the bucket
type SSERule ¶
type SSERule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ServerSideEncryptionRule"` // Bucket ServerSideEncryptionRule KMSMasterKeyID string `xml:"KMSMasterKeyID,omitempty"` // Bucket KMSMasterKeyID SSEAlgorithm string `xml:"SSEAlgorithm,omitempty"` // Bucket SSEAlgorithm KMSDataEncryption string `xml:"KMSDataEncryption,omitempty"` //Bucket KMSDataEncryption }
type SelectObjectResponse ¶
type SelectObjectResponse struct { StatusCode int Headers http.Header Body io.ReadCloser Frame SelectObjectResult ReadTimeOut uint ClientCRC32 uint32 ServerCRC32 uint32 WriterForCheckCrc32 hash.Hash32 Finish bool }
SelectObjectResponse defines HTTP response from OSS SelectObject
func (*SelectObjectResponse) Close ¶
func (sr *SelectObjectResponse) Close() error
Close http reponse body
type SelectObjectResult ¶
type SelectObjectResult struct { Version byte FrameType int32 PayloadLength int32 HeaderCheckSum uint32 Offset uint64 Data string // DataFrame EndFrame EndFrame // EndFrame MetaEndFrameCSV MetaEndFrameCSV // MetaEndFrameCSV MetaEndFrameJSON MetaEndFrameJSON // MetaEndFrameJSON PayloadChecksum uint32 ReadFlagInfo }
SelectObjectResult is the SelectObject api's return
type SelectOptions ¶
type SelectOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Options"` SkipPartialDataRecord *bool `xml:"SkipPartialDataRecord,omitempty"` MaxSkippedRecordsAllowed string `xml:"MaxSkippedRecordsAllowed,omitempty"` }
CsvOptions is a element in the SelectObject api request's params
type SelectRequest ¶
type SelectRequest struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"SelectRequest"` Expression string `xml:"Expression"` InputSerializationSelect InputSerializationSelect `xml:"InputSerialization"` OutputSerializationSelect OutputSerializationSelect `xml:"OutputSerialization"` SelectOptions SelectOptions `xml:"Options,omitempty"` }
SelectRequest is for the SelectObject request params of json file
type ServerEncryptionRule ¶
type ServerEncryptionRule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"ServerSideEncryptionRule"` SSEDefault SSEDefaultRule `xml:"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault"` }
Server Encryption rule for the bucket
type ServiceError ¶
type ServiceError struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Error"` Code string `xml:"Code"` // The error code returned from OSS to the caller Message string `xml:"Message"` // The detail error message from OSS RequestID string `xml:"RequestId"` // The UUID used to uniquely identify the request HostID string `xml:"HostId"` // The OSS server cluster's Id Endpoint string `xml:"Endpoint"` RawMessage string // The raw messages from OSS StatusCode int // HTTP status code }
ServiceError contains fields of the error response from Oss Service REST API.
type StorageClassType ¶
type StorageClassType string
StorageClassType bucket storage type
const ( // StorageStandard standard StorageStandard StorageClassType = "Standard" // StorageIA infrequent access StorageIA StorageClassType = "IA" // StorageArchive archive StorageArchive StorageClassType = "Archive" // StorageColdArchive cold archive StorageColdArchive StorageClassType = "ColdArchive" )
type TaggingDirectiveType ¶
type TaggingDirectiveType string
TaggingDirectiveType specifying whether use the tagging of source object when copying object.
const ( // TaggingCopy the target object's tagging is copied from the source one TaggingCopy TaggingDirectiveType = "COPY" // TaggingReplace the target object's tagging is created as part of the copy request (not same as the source one) TaggingReplace TaggingDirectiveType = "REPLACE" )
type TransferAccConfiguration ¶
type TransferAccConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"TransferAccelerationConfiguration"` Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled"` }
TransferAccConfiguration define transfer acceleration configuration
type UncompletedUpload ¶
type UncompletedUpload struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Upload"` Key string `xml:"Key"` // Object name UploadID string `xml:"UploadId"` // The UploadId Initiated time.Time `xml:"Initiated"` // Initialization time in the format such as 2012-02-23T04:18:23.000Z }
UncompletedUpload structure wraps an uncompleted upload task
type UnexpectedStatusCodeError ¶
type UnexpectedStatusCodeError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnexpectedStatusCodeError is returned when a storage service responds with neither an error nor with an HTTP status code indicating success.
func (UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Error ¶
func (e UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Error() string
Error implements interface error
func (UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Got ¶
func (e UnexpectedStatusCodeError) Got() int
Got is the actual status code returned by oss.
type UnpackedRange ¶
type UnpackedRange struct { HasStart bool // Flag indicates if the start point is specified HasEnd bool // Flag indicates if the end point is specified Start int64 // Start point End int64 // End point }
func GetRangeConfig ¶
func GetRangeConfig(options []Option) (*UnpackedRange, error)
GetRangeConfig gets the download range from the options.
func ParseRange ¶
func ParseRange(normalizedRange string) (*UnpackedRange, error)
ParseRange parse various styles of range such as bytes=M-N
type UploadPart ¶
type UploadPart struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Part"` PartNumber int `xml:"PartNumber"` // Part number ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // ETag value of the part's data }
UploadPart defines the upload/copy part
type UploadPartCopyResult ¶
type UploadPartCopyResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"CopyPartResult"` LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // Last modified time ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // ETag }
UploadPartCopyResult defines result object of multipart copy request.
type UploadPartRequest ¶
type UploadPartRequest struct { InitResult *InitiateMultipartUploadResult Reader io.Reader PartSize int64 PartNumber int }
UploadPartRequest is the request of DoUploadPart
type UploadPartResult ¶
type UploadPartResult struct {
Part UploadPart
UploadPartResult is the result of DoUploadPart
type UploadParts ¶
type UploadParts []UploadPart
func (UploadParts) Len ¶
func (slice UploadParts) Len() int
func (UploadParts) Less ¶
func (slice UploadParts) Less(i, j int) bool
func (UploadParts) Swap ¶
func (slice UploadParts) Swap(i, j int)
type UploadedPart ¶
type UploadedPart struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Part"` PartNumber int `xml:"PartNumber"` // Part number LastModified time.Time `xml:"LastModified"` // Last modified time ETag string `xml:"ETag"` // ETag cache Size int `xml:"Size"` // Part size }
UploadedPart defines uploaded part
type UserQoSConfiguration ¶
type UserQoSConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"QoSConfiguration"` Region string `xml:"Region,omitempty"` // Effective area of Qos configuration BucketQoSConfiguration }
UserQoSConfiguration define QoS and Range configuration
type VersioningConfig ¶
type VersioningConfig struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"VersioningConfiguration"` Status string `xml:"Status"` }
VersioningConfig for the bucket
type VersioningStatus ¶
type VersioningStatus string
bucket versioning status
const ( // Versioning Status definition: Enabled VersionEnabled VersioningStatus = "Enabled" // Versioning Status definition: Suspended VersionSuspended VersioningStatus = "Suspended" )
type WebsiteXML ¶
type WebsiteXML struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"WebsiteConfiguration"` IndexDocument IndexDocument `xml:"IndexDocument,omitempty"` // The index page ErrorDocument ErrorDocument `xml:"ErrorDocument,omitempty"` // The error page RoutingRules []RoutingRule `xml:"RoutingRules>RoutingRule,omitempty"` // The routing Rule list }
WebsiteXML defines Website configuration
type WormConfiguration ¶
type WormConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"WormConfiguration"` WormId string `xml:"WormId,omitempty"` State string `xml:"State,omitempty"` RetentionPeriodInDays int `xml:"RetentionPeriodInDays"` // specify retention days CreationDate string `xml:"CreationDate,omitempty"` }
WormConfiguration define WormConfiguration