is a tfenv
-like tool for all HashiCorp products.
It will likely be renamed at some point, this is only a POC.
brew install hashi-bin # this does not work yet
hashi-bin install packer latest # install to ~/.hashi-bin/packer/1.5.6
hashi-bin use packer latest # symlink ^ to /usr/local/bin/packer
packer version # Packer v1.5.6
Full (current) help output
Usage: hashi-bin [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
Available commands are:
download Download to the current directory.
install Install to ~/.hashi-bin/{product}/{version} (or env $HASHI_BIN)
list List installed versions of a product.
list-available List available versions of a product.
uninstall Delete ~/.hashi-bin/{product}/{version} and remove symlink.
use Symlink /usr/local/bin/{product} (or env $HASHI_LINKS) -> ~/.hashi-bin/{product}/{version}