Go + HTMX To-Do List
A modest todo list app built with Go, HTMX and Tailwind CSS. The primary objective behind creating this app was to explore the capabilities of HTMX and gain insights into its practical implementation.

What it can currently do
- Create, Read, Update and Delete tasks
- Complete tasks
- Data is stored in PostgreSQL
- Go (1.19)
- Make
- Tailwind CSS Standalone CLI
- Air (live-reloading)
- Docker
Implementation details
The majority of Go code is dedicated to an HTTP server that manages requests from the HTMX library. When these requests are successful, they trigger the execution of an HTML template using Go's html/template package and return an HTML document as a response.
HTMX leverages these HTML responses to dynamically replace parts of the page without requiring a full page reload. This approach enables the application to provide interactivity comparable to popular JavaScript frameworks/libraries, but with reduced reliance on actual JavaScript code.
The visual appearance of the page is managed using the Tailwind CSS framework. The Standalone CLI tool is responsible for compiling the *.html files found in the ./internal/web/templates/ directory and producing a CSS file ./dist/output.css. This generated CSS file is then served by the Go server.
For storage, a PostgreSQL database is utilized within a container.
How to run
Serves the HTMX app.
In a browser visit http://localhost:8080
Without Docker
- Download the Tailwind CSS Standalone CLI and setup in your PATH as tailwind
- Setup a PosgreSQL server: The connection string is passed as a ENV variable named PG_CONN_STR, ENV variables are defined in the .env, look it up for reference
Then run the Make file:
$ make run_l
Docker Compose
Source on host machine with live-reload, database on Docker
$ make run
Everything on Docker
$ docker compose up
Inserts the contents of population.json file into the database
Without Docker
- Setup a PosgreSQL server: The connection string is passed as a ENV variable named PG_CONN_STR, ENV variables are defined in the .env, look it up for reference
Then run the Make file:
$ make populate_l
Docker Compose
$ make populate