Index ¶
- func DefaultClient() *gqlclient.Client
- type ActorBot
- type AirbyteConfigurationInput
- type ApiKey
- type ApiKeyConnection
- type ApiKeyCreateInput
- type ApiKeyEdge
- type ApiKeyPayload
- type Application
- type ArchivePayload
- type ArchivePayloadValue
- type ArchiveResponse
- type AsksChannelConnectPayload
- type AssigneeSort
- type Attachment
- type AttachmentArchivePayload
- type AttachmentCollectionFilter
- type AttachmentConnection
- type AttachmentCreateInput
- type AttachmentEdge
- type AttachmentFilter
- type AttachmentPayload
- type AttachmentSourcesPayload
- type AttachmentUpdateInput
- type AuditEntry
- type AuditEntryConnection
- type AuditEntryEdge
- type AuditEntryFilter
- type AuditEntryType
- type AuthApiKey
- type AuthApiKeyCreateInput
- type AuthApiKeyPayload
- type AuthEmailIntakeAddress
- type AuthHeader
- type AuthIntegration
- type AuthMembership
- type AuthOauthClient
- type AuthOauthClientWithMemberships
- type AuthOauthClientWithScope
- type AuthOauthClientWithTokens
- type AuthOrganization
- type AuthOrganizationDomain
- type AuthOrganizationInvite
- type AuthResolverResponse
- type AuthSuccessPayload
- type AuthUser
- type AuthenticationSession
- type AuthenticationSessionResponse
- type AuthenticationSessionType
- type AuthorizedApplication
- type AuthorizedApplicationBase
- type BooleanComparator
- type Comment
- type CommentCollectionFilter
- type CommentConnection
- type CommentCreateInput
- type CommentEdge
- type CommentFilter
- type CommentPayload
- type CommentUpdateInput
- type Company
- type CompanyConnection
- type CompanyEdge
- type CompletedAtSort
- type ContactCreateInput
- type ContactPayload
- type ContactSalesCreateInput
- type ContentComparator
- type ContextViewType
- type CreateCsvExportReportPayload
- type CreateOrJoinOrganizationResponse
- type CreateOrganizationInput
- type CreatedAtSort
- type CustomView
- type CustomViewConnection
- type CustomViewCreateInput
- type CustomViewEdge
- type CustomViewHasSubscribersPayload
- type CustomViewNotificationSubscription
- type CustomViewPayload
- type CustomViewSuggestionPayload
- type CustomViewUpdateInput
- type Cycle
- type CycleArchivePayload
- type CycleConnection
- type CycleCreateInput
- type CycleEdge
- type CycleFilter
- type CycleNotificationSubscription
- type CyclePayload
- type CycleShiftAllInput
- type CycleSort
- type CycleUpdateInput
- type DateComparator
- type DateResolutionType
- type DateTime
- type Day
- type DeleteOrganizationInput
- type DeletePayload
- type Document
- type DocumentCollectionFilter
- type DocumentConnection
- type DocumentContent
- type DocumentContentFilter
- type DocumentContentHistory
- type DocumentContentHistoryPayload
- type DocumentContentHistoryType
- type DocumentCreateInput
- type DocumentEdge
- type DocumentFilter
- type DocumentPayload
- type DocumentSearchPayload
- type DocumentSearchResult
- type DocumentSearchResultConnection
- type DocumentSearchResultEdge
- type DocumentUpdateInput
- type DueDateSort
- type EmailIntakeAddress
- type EmailIntakeAddressCreateInput
- type EmailIntakeAddressPayload
- type EmailIntakeAddressUpdateInput
- type EmailUnsubscribeInput
- type EmailUnsubscribePayload
- type EmailUserAccountAuthChallengeInput
- type EmailUserAccountAuthChallengeResponse
- type Emoji
- type EmojiConnection
- type EmojiCreateInput
- type EmojiEdge
- type EmojiPayload
- type Entity
- type EntityValue
- type EstimateComparator
- type EstimateSort
- type ExternalUser
- type ExternalUserConnection
- type ExternalUserEdge
- type Facet
- type FacetConnection
- type FacetEdge
- type Favorite
- type FavoriteConnection
- type FavoriteCreateInput
- type FavoriteEdge
- type FavoritePayload
- type FavoriteUpdateInput
- type FrontAttachmentPayload
- type FrontSettings
- type FrontSettingsInput
- type GitAutomationState
- type GitAutomationStateConnection
- type GitAutomationStateCreateInput
- type GitAutomationStateEdge
- type GitAutomationStatePayload
- type GitAutomationStateUpdateInput
- type GitAutomationStates
- type GitAutomationTargetBranch
- type GitAutomationTargetBranchCreateInput
- type GitAutomationTargetBranchPayload
- type GitAutomationTargetBranchUpdateInput
- type GitHubCommitIntegrationPayload
- type GitHubPersonalSettings
- type GitHubPersonalSettingsInput
- type GitHubRepo
- type GitHubRepoInput
- type GitHubSettings
- type GitHubSettingsInput
- type GitLabSettings
- type GitLabSettingsInput
- type GithubOAuthTokenPayload
- type GithubOrg
- type GithubRepo
- type GoogleSheetsSettings
- type GoogleSheetsSettingsInput
- type GoogleUserAccountAuthInput
- type IDComparator
- type ImageUploadFromUrlPayload
- type Initiative
- type InitiativeArchivePayload
- type InitiativeCollectionFilter
- type InitiativeConnection
- type InitiativeCreateInput
- type InitiativeEdge
- type InitiativeFilter
- type InitiativePayload
- type InitiativeToProject
- type InitiativeToProjectConnection
- type InitiativeToProjectCreateInput
- type InitiativeToProjectEdge
- type InitiativeToProjectPayload
- type InitiativeToProjectUpdateInput
- type InitiativeUpdateInput
- type Integration
- type IntegrationConnection
- type IntegrationEdge
- type IntegrationHasScopesPayload
- type IntegrationPayload
- type IntegrationRequestInput
- type IntegrationRequestPayload
- type IntegrationService
- type IntegrationSettings
- type IntegrationSettingsInput
- type IntegrationTemplate
- type IntegrationTemplateConnection
- type IntegrationTemplateCreateInput
- type IntegrationTemplateEdge
- type IntegrationTemplatePayload
- type IntegrationsSettings
- type IntegrationsSettingsConnection
- type IntegrationsSettingsCreateInput
- type IntegrationsSettingsEdge
- type IntegrationsSettingsPayload
- type IntegrationsSettingsUpdateInput
- type IntercomSettings
- type IntercomSettingsInput
- type Issue
- type IssueArchivePayload
- type IssueBatchPayload
- type IssueCollectionFilter
- type IssueConnection
- type IssueCreateInput
- type IssueDraft
- type IssueEdge
- type IssueFilter
- type IssueFilterSuggestionPayload
- type IssueHistory
- type IssueHistoryConnection
- type IssueHistoryEdge
- type IssueImport
- type IssueImportCheckPayload
- type IssueImportDeletePayload
- type IssueImportMappingInput
- type IssueImportPayload
- type IssueImportUpdateInput
- type IssueLabel
- type IssueLabelCollectionFilter
- type IssueLabelConnection
- type IssueLabelCreateInput
- type IssueLabelEdge
- type IssueLabelFilter
- type IssueLabelPayload
- type IssueLabelUpdateInput
- type IssueNotification
- type IssuePayload
- type IssuePriorityValue
- type IssueRelation
- type IssueRelationConnection
- type IssueRelationCreateInput
- type IssueRelationEdge
- type IssueRelationHistoryPayload
- type IssueRelationPayload
- type IssueRelationType
- type IssueRelationUpdateInput
- type IssueSearchPayload
- type IssueSearchResult
- type IssueSearchResultConnection
- type IssueSearchResultEdge
- type IssueSortInput
- type IssueUpdateInput
- type JSON
- type JSONObject
- type JiraConfigurationInput
- type JiraLinearMapping
- type JiraLinearMappingInput
- type JiraPersonalSettings
- type JiraPersonalSettingsInput
- type JiraProjectData
- type JiraProjectDataInput
- type JiraSettings
- type JiraSettingsInput
- type JiraUpdateInput
- type JoinOrganizationInput
- type LabelNotificationSubscription
- type LabelSort
- type LogoutResponse
- type ManualSort
- type MilestoneSort
- type Node
- type NodeValue
- type Notification
- type NotificationArchivePayload
- type NotificationBatchActionPayload
- type NotificationConnection
- type NotificationEdge
- type NotificationEntityInput
- type NotificationPayload
- type NotificationSubscription
- type NotificationSubscriptionConnection
- type NotificationSubscriptionCreateInput
- type NotificationSubscriptionEdge
- type NotificationSubscriptionPayload
- type NotificationSubscriptionUpdateInput
- type NotificationSubscriptionValue
- type NotificationUpdateInput
- type NotificationValue
- type NotionSettings
- type NotionSettingsInput
- type NullableCycleFilter
- type NullableDateComparator
- type NullableDocumentContentFilter
- type NullableDocumentFilter
- type NullableIssueFilter
- type NullableNumberComparator
- type NullableProjectFilter
- type NullableProjectMilestoneFilter
- type NullableStringComparator
- type NullableTeamFilter
- type NullableTemplateFilter
- type NullableTimelessDateComparator
- type NullableUserFilter
- type NumberComparator
- type OAuthClientApprovalStatus
- type OauthClient
- type OauthClientApproval
- type OauthClientApprovalNotification
- type OauthClientConnection
- type OauthClientEdge
- type OauthToken
- type OnboardingCustomerSurvey
- type OpsgenieInput
- type OpsgenieSettings
- type Organization
- type OrganizationAcceptedOrExpiredInviteDetailsPayload
- type OrganizationCancelDeletePayload
- type OrganizationDeletePayload
- type OrganizationDomain
- type OrganizationDomainAuthType
- type OrganizationDomainClaimPayload
- type OrganizationDomainCreateInput
- type OrganizationDomainPayload
- type OrganizationDomainSimplePayload
- type OrganizationDomainVerificationInput
- type OrganizationExistsPayload
- type OrganizationInvite
- type OrganizationInviteConnection
- type OrganizationInviteCreateInput
- type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayload
- type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayloadValue
- type OrganizationInviteEdge
- type OrganizationInviteFullDetailsPayload
- type OrganizationInviteLinkDetailsPayload
- type OrganizationInvitePayload
- type OrganizationInviteStatus
- type OrganizationInviteUpdateInput
- type OrganizationPayload
- type OrganizationRegionResponse
- type OrganizationStartPlusTrialPayload
- type OrganizationUpdateInput
- type PageInfo
- type PagerDutyInput
- type PagerDutySettings
- type PaginationNulls
- type PaginationOrderBy
- type PaginationSortOrder
- type PaidSubscription
- type PrioritySort
- type Project
- type ProjectArchivePayload
- type ProjectCollectionFilter
- type ProjectConnection
- type ProjectCreateInput
- type ProjectEdge
- type ProjectFilter
- type ProjectFilterSuggestionPayload
- type ProjectLink
- type ProjectLinkConnection
- type ProjectLinkCreateInput
- type ProjectLinkEdge
- type ProjectLinkPayload
- type ProjectLinkUpdateInput
- type ProjectMilestone
- type ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter
- type ProjectMilestoneConnection
- type ProjectMilestoneCreateInput
- type ProjectMilestoneEdge
- type ProjectMilestoneFilter
- type ProjectMilestonePayload
- type ProjectMilestoneUpdateInput
- type ProjectNotification
- type ProjectNotificationSubscription
- type ProjectPayload
- type ProjectSearchPayload
- type ProjectSearchResult
- type ProjectSearchResultConnection
- type ProjectSearchResultEdge
- type ProjectSort
- type ProjectStatus
- type ProjectStatusConnection
- type ProjectStatusEdge
- type ProjectStatusFilter
- type ProjectStatusType
- type ProjectTab
- type ProjectUpdate
- type ProjectUpdateConnection
- type ProjectUpdateCreateInput
- type ProjectUpdateEdge
- type ProjectUpdateFilter
- type ProjectUpdateHealthType
- type ProjectUpdateInput
- type ProjectUpdateInteraction
- type ProjectUpdateInteractionConnection
- type ProjectUpdateInteractionCreateInput
- type ProjectUpdateInteractionEdge
- type ProjectUpdateInteractionPayload
- type ProjectUpdatePayload
- type ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency
- type ProjectUpdateReminderPayload
- type ProjectUpdateUpdateInput
- type ProjectUpdateWithInteractionPayload
- type PushSubscription
- type PushSubscriptionConnection
- type PushSubscriptionCreateInput
- type PushSubscriptionEdge
- type PushSubscriptionPayload
- type PushSubscriptionTestPayload
- type PushSubscriptionType
- type RateLimitPayload
- type RateLimitResultPayload
- type Reaction
- type ReactionConnection
- type ReactionCreateInput
- type ReactionEdge
- type ReactionPayload
- type RelationExistsComparator
- type ReleaseChannel
- type Roadmap
- type RoadmapArchivePayload
- type RoadmapCollectionFilter
- type RoadmapConnection
- type RoadmapCreateInput
- type RoadmapEdge
- type RoadmapFilter
- type RoadmapPayload
- type RoadmapToProject
- type RoadmapToProjectConnection
- type RoadmapToProjectCreateInput
- type RoadmapToProjectEdge
- type RoadmapToProjectPayload
- type RoadmapToProjectUpdateInput
- type RoadmapUpdateInput
- type SLADayCountType
- type SendStrategy
- type SentrySettings
- type SentrySettingsInput
- type SharedSlackSettings
- type SharedSlackSettingsInput
- type SlaStatus
- type SlaStatusComparator
- type SlaStatusSort
- type SlackAsksSettings
- type SlackAsksSettingsInput
- type SlackAsksTeamSettings
- type SlackAsksTeamSettingsInput
- type SlackChannelConnectPayload
- type SlackChannelNameMapping
- type SlackChannelNameMappingInput
- type SlackChannelType
- type SlackPostSettings
- type SlackPostSettingsInput
- type SlackSettings
- type SlackSettingsInput
- type SourceMetadataComparator
- type SourceTypeComparator
- type SsoUrlFromEmailResponse
- type StringComparator
- type SubTypeComparator
- type SynchronizedPayload
- type Team
- type TeamArchivePayload
- type TeamCollectionFilter
- type TeamConnection
- type TeamCreateInput
- type TeamEdge
- type TeamFilter
- type TeamMembership
- type TeamMembershipConnection
- type TeamMembershipCreateInput
- type TeamMembershipEdge
- type TeamMembershipPayload
- type TeamMembershipUpdateInput
- type TeamNotificationSubscription
- type TeamPayload
- type TeamRepoMapping
- type TeamRepoMappingInput
- type TeamSort
- type TeamUpdateInput
- type Template
- type TemplateConnection
- type TemplateCreateInput
- type TemplateEdge
- type TemplatePayload
- type TemplateUpdateInput
- type TimeSchedule
- type TimeScheduleConnection
- type TimeScheduleCreateInput
- type TimeScheduleEdge
- type TimeScheduleEntry
- type TimeScheduleEntryInput
- type TimeSchedulePayload
- type TimeScheduleUpdateInput
- type TimelessDate
- type TimelessDateComparator
- type TitleSort
- type TokenUserAccountAuthInput
- type TriageResponsibility
- type TriageResponsibilityAction
- type TriageResponsibilityConnection
- type TriageResponsibilityCreateInput
- type TriageResponsibilityEdge
- type TriageResponsibilityManualSelection
- type TriageResponsibilityManualSelectionInput
- type TriageResponsibilityPayload
- type TriageResponsibilityUpdateInput
- type UUID
- type UpdatedAtSort
- type UploadFile
- type UploadFileHeader
- type UploadPayload
- type User
- type UserAccount
- type UserAccountEmailChange
- type UserAdminPayload
- type UserAuthorizedApplication
- type UserCollectionFilter
- type UserConnection
- type UserContextViewType
- type UserEdge
- type UserFilter
- type UserFlagType
- type UserFlagUpdateOperation
- type UserNotificationSubscription
- type UserPayload
- type UserRoleType
- type UserSettings
- type UserSettingsFlagPayload
- type UserSettingsFlagsResetPayload
- type UserSettingsPayload
- type UserSettingsUpdateInput
- type UserUpdateInput
- type ViewPreferences
- type ViewPreferencesCreateInput
- type ViewPreferencesPayload
- type ViewPreferencesType
- type ViewPreferencesUpdateInput
- type ViewType
- type Webhook
- type WebhookConnection
- type WebhookCreateInput
- type WebhookEdge
- type WebhookPayload
- type WebhookUpdateInput
- type WorkflowCondition
- type WorkflowCronJobDefinition
- type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionConnection
- type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionEdge
- type WorkflowDefinition
- type WorkflowDefinitionConnection
- type WorkflowDefinitionEdge
- type WorkflowState
- type WorkflowStateArchivePayload
- type WorkflowStateConnection
- type WorkflowStateCreateInput
- type WorkflowStateEdge
- type WorkflowStateFilter
- type WorkflowStatePayload
- type WorkflowStateSort
- type WorkflowStateUpdateInput
- type WorkflowTrigger
- type WorkflowTriggerType
- type WorkflowType
- type WorkspaceAuthorizedApplication
- type ZendeskSettings
- type ZendeskSettingsInput
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func DefaultClient ¶
Types ¶
type ActorBot ¶
type ActorBot struct { Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The type of bot. Type string `json:"type"` // The sub type of the bot. SubType *string `json:"subType,omitempty"` // The display name of the bot. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The display name of the external user on behalf of which the bot acted. UserDisplayName *string `json:"userDisplayName,omitempty"` // A url pointing to the avatar representing this bot. AvatarUrl *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` }
A bot actor is an actor that is not a user, but an application or integration.
type AirbyteConfigurationInput ¶
type AirbyteConfigurationInput struct { // Linear export API key. ApiKey string `json:"apiKey"` }
type ApiKey ¶
type ApiKey struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The label of the API key. Label string `json:"label"` }
An API key. Grants access to the user's resources.
type ApiKeyConnection ¶
type ApiKeyConnection struct { Edges []ApiKeyEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ApiKey `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ApiKeyCreateInput ¶
type ApiKeyEdge ¶
type ApiKeyPayload ¶
type Application ¶
type Application struct { // OAuth application's ID. Id string `json:"id"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Information about the application. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Name of the developer. Developer string `json:"developer"` // Url of the developer (homepage or docs). DeveloperUrl string `json:"developerUrl"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` }
Public information of the OAuth application.
type ArchivePayload ¶
type ArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // Underlying value of the GraphQL interface Value ArchivePayloadValue `json:"-"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive or deletion mutations.
func (*ArchivePayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (base *ArchivePayload) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type ArchivePayloadValue ¶
type ArchivePayloadValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
ArchivePayloadValue is one of: DeletePayload | AttachmentArchivePayload | CycleArchivePayload | InitiativeArchivePayload | IssueArchivePayload | NotificationArchivePayload | ProjectArchivePayload | RoadmapArchivePayload | TeamArchivePayload | WorkflowStateArchivePayload
type ArchiveResponse ¶
type ArchiveResponse struct { // A JSON serialized collection of model objects loaded from the archive Archive string `json:"archive"` // The total number of entities in the archive. TotalCount float64 `json:"totalCount"` // The version of the remote database. Incremented by 1 for each migration run on the database. DatabaseVersion float64 `json:"databaseVersion"` // Whether the dependencies for the model objects are included in the archive. IncludesDependencies bool `json:"includesDependencies"` }
Contains requested archived model objects.
type AsksChannelConnectPayload ¶
type AsksChannelConnectPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The integration that was created or updated. Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The new Asks Slack channel mapping for the connected channel. Mapping *SlackChannelNameMapping `json:"mapping"` // Whether the bot needs to be manually added to the channel. AddBot bool `json:"addBot"` }
type AssigneeSort ¶
type AssigneeSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue assignee sorting options.
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Content for the title line in the Linear attachment widget. Title string `json:"title"` // Content for the subtitle line in the Linear attachment widget. Subtitle *string `json:"subtitle,omitempty"` // Location of the attachment which is also used as an identifier. Url string `json:"url"` // The creator of the attachment. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The non-Linear user who created the attachment. ExternalUserCreator *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserCreator,omitempty"` // Custom metadata related to the attachment. Metadata JSONObject `json:"metadata"` // Information about the source which created the attachment. Source *JSONObject `json:"source,omitempty"` // An accessor helper to source.type, defines the source type of the attachment. SourceType *string `json:"sourceType,omitempty"` // Indicates if attachments for the same source application should be grouped in the Linear UI. GroupBySource bool `json:"groupBySource"` // The issue this attachment belongs to. Issue *Issue `json:"issue"` }
Issue attachment (e.g. support ticket, pull request).
type AttachmentArchivePayload ¶
type AttachmentArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Attachment `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type AttachmentCollectionFilter ¶
type AttachmentCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the subtitle. Subtitle *NullableStringComparator `json:"subtitle,omitempty"` // Comparator for the url. Url *StringComparator `json:"url,omitempty"` // Filters that the attachments creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Comparator for the source type. SourceType *SourceTypeComparator `json:"sourceType,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the attachment. And []AttachmentCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the attachment. Or []AttachmentCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some attachments. Some *AttachmentFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all attachments. Every *AttachmentFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Attachment collection filtering options.
type AttachmentConnection ¶
type AttachmentConnection struct { Edges []AttachmentEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Attachment `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type AttachmentCreateInput ¶
type AttachmentCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The attachment title. Title string `json:"title"` // The attachment subtitle. Subtitle *string `json:"subtitle,omitempty"` // Attachment location which is also used as an unique identifier for the attachment. If another attachment is created with the same `url` value, existing record is updated instead. Url string `json:"url"` // The issue to associate the attachment with. IssueId string `json:"issueId"` // An icon url to display with the attachment. Should be of jpg or png format. Maximum of 1MB in size. Dimensions should be 20x20px for optimal display quality. IconUrl *string `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` // Attachment metadata object with string and number values. Metadata *JSONObject `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Indicates if attachments for the same source application should be grouped in the Linear UI. GroupBySource *bool `json:"groupBySource,omitempty"` // Create a linked comment with markdown body. CommentBody *string `json:"commentBody,omitempty"` // [Internal] Create a linked comment with Prosemirror body. Please use `commentBody` instead. CommentBodyData *JSONObject `json:"commentBodyData,omitempty"` // Create attachment as a user with the provided name. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating attachments in `actor=application` mode. CreateAsUser *string `json:"createAsUser,omitempty"` }
type AttachmentEdge ¶
type AttachmentEdge struct { Node *Attachment `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type AttachmentFilter ¶
type AttachmentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the subtitle. Subtitle *NullableStringComparator `json:"subtitle,omitempty"` // Comparator for the url. Url *StringComparator `json:"url,omitempty"` // Filters that the attachments creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Comparator for the source type. SourceType *SourceTypeComparator `json:"sourceType,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the attachment. And []AttachmentFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the attachment. Or []AttachmentFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Attachment filtering options.
type AttachmentPayload ¶
type AttachmentPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The issue attachment that was created. Attachment *Attachment `json:"attachment"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type AttachmentSourcesPayload ¶
type AttachmentSourcesPayload struct { // A unique list of all source types used in this workspace. Sources JSONObject `json:"sources"` }
type AttachmentUpdateInput ¶
type AttachmentUpdateInput struct { // The attachment title. Title string `json:"title"` // The attachment subtitle. Subtitle *string `json:"subtitle,omitempty"` // Attachment metadata object with string and number values. Metadata *JSONObject `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // An icon url to display with the attachment. Should be of jpg or png format. Maximum of 1MB in size. Dimensions should be 20x20px for optimal display quality. IconUrl *string `json:"iconUrl,omitempty"` }
type AuditEntry ¶
type AuditEntry struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` // The organization the audit log belongs to. Organization *Organization `json:"organization,omitempty"` // The user that caused the audit entry to be created. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The ID of the user that caused the audit entry to be created. ActorId *string `json:"actorId,omitempty"` // IP from actor when entry was recorded. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Country code of request resulting to audit entry. CountryCode *string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"` // Additional metadata related to the audit entry. Metadata *JSONObject `json:"metadata,omitempty"` // Additional information related to the request which performed the action. RequestInformation *JSONObject `json:"requestInformation,omitempty"` }
Workspace audit log entry object.
type AuditEntryConnection ¶
type AuditEntryConnection struct { Edges []AuditEntryEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []AuditEntry `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type AuditEntryEdge ¶
type AuditEntryEdge struct { Node *AuditEntry `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type AuditEntryFilter ¶
type AuditEntryFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the type. Type *StringComparator `json:"type,omitempty"` // Comparator for the IP address. Ip *StringComparator `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Comparator for the country code. CountryCode *StringComparator `json:"countryCode,omitempty"` // Filters that the audit entry actor must satisfy. Actor *NullableUserFilter `json:"actor,omitempty"` }
Audit entry filtering options.
type AuditEntryType ¶
type AuthApiKey ¶
type AuthApiKey struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` }
type AuthApiKeyCreateInput ¶
type AuthApiKeyPayload ¶
type AuthApiKeyPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The auth API key that was created. AuthApiKey *AuthApiKey `json:"authApiKey"` }
type AuthEmailIntakeAddress ¶
type AuthEmailIntakeAddress struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // Unique email address user name (before @) used for incoming email. Address string `json:"address"` // Whether the email address is enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The auth organization that the email address is associated with. Organization *AuthOrganization `json:"organization"` // The auth user who created the email intake address. Creator *AuthUser `json:"creator,omitempty"` }
An email address that can be used for submitting issues.
type AuthHeader ¶
type AuthHeader struct{ Header string }
type AuthIntegration ¶
type AuthIntegration struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` }
type AuthMembership ¶
type AuthMembership struct { // The authorizing userId UserId string `json:"userId"` // The date of the authorization CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` }
[INTERNAL] An OAuth userId/createdDate tuple
type AuthOauthClient ¶
type AuthOauthClient struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // OAuth application's client name. Name string `json:"name"` // Information about the application. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Name of the developer. Developer string `json:"developer"` // Url of the developer. DeveloperUrl string `json:"developerUrl"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // OAuth application's client secret. ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"` // List of allowed redirect URIs for the application. RedirectUris []string `json:"redirectUris"` // Whether the OAuth application can be installed in other organizations. PublicEnabled bool `json:"publicEnabled"` // The ID of the user who created the OAuth application. CreatorId string `json:"creatorId"` // The ID of the workspace the OAuth application belongs to. OrganizationId string `json:"organizationId"` // Webhook URL WebhookUrl *string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"` ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` }
type AuthOauthClientWithMemberships ¶
type AuthOauthClientWithMemberships struct { // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Scopes that are authorized for this application for a given user. Scope []string `json:"scope"` // OAuth application's ID. AppId string `json:"appId"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // The application's webhook URL. WebhookUrl *string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"` // Total number of members that authorized the application. TotalMembers float64 `json:"totalMembers"` // User IDs and membership dates of everyone who has authorized the application with the set of scopes. Memberships []AuthMembership `json:"memberships"` }
AuthOauthClient with token creator IDs and counts (memberships), for use in the GraphQL API.
type AuthOauthClientWithScope ¶
type AuthOauthClientWithScope struct { // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Scopes that are authorized for this application for a given user. Scope []string `json:"scope"` // OAuth application's ID. AppId string `json:"appId"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // The application's webhook URL. WebhookUrl *string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"` }
AuthOauthClient with scope from OauthToken, for use in the GraphQL API.
type AuthOauthClientWithTokens ¶
type AuthOauthClientWithTokens struct { // The auth OAuth client. Client *AuthOauthClient `json:"client"` // The token matching the app, scope, and actor. Tokens []OauthToken `json:"tokens"` }
type AuthOrganization ¶
type AuthOrganization struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The organization's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The organization's unique URL key. UrlKey string `json:"urlKey"` // Previously used URL keys for the organization (last 3 are kept and redirected). PreviousUrlKeys []string `json:"previousUrlKeys"` // The organization's logo URL. LogoUrl *string `json:"logoUrl,omitempty"` // The time at which deletion of the organization was requested. DeletionRequestedAt *DateTime `json:"deletionRequestedAt,omitempty"` // The feature release channel the organization belongs to. ReleaseChannel ReleaseChannel `json:"releaseChannel"` // Whether SAML authentication is enabled for organization. SamlEnabled bool `json:"samlEnabled"` // [INTERNAL] SAML settings SamlSettings *JSONObject `json:"samlSettings,omitempty"` // Allowed authentication providers, empty array means all are allowed AllowedAuthServices []string `json:"allowedAuthServices"` // Whether SCIM provisioning is enabled for organization. ScimEnabled bool `json:"scimEnabled"` // The email domain or URL key for the organization. ServiceId string `json:"serviceId"` // The region the organization is hosted in. Region string `json:"region"` UserCount float64 `json:"userCount"` }
An organization. Organizations are root-level objects that contain users and teams.
type AuthOrganizationDomain ¶
type AuthOrganizationInvite ¶
type AuthOrganizationInvite struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the invite will be expiring. Null, if the invite shouldn't expire. ExpiresAt *DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` }
An invitation to the organization that has been sent via email.
type AuthResolverResponse ¶
type AuthResolverResponse struct { // User account ID. Id string `json:"id"` // Email for the authenticated account. Email string `json:"email"` // Should the signup flow allow access for the domain. AllowDomainAccess *bool `json:"allowDomainAccess,omitempty"` // List of active users that belong to the user account. Users []AuthUser `json:"users"` // List of organizations allowing this user account to join automatically. AvailableOrganizations []AuthOrganization `json:"availableOrganizations,omitempty"` // List of organization available to this user account but locked due to the current auth method. LockedOrganizations []AuthOrganization `json:"lockedOrganizations,omitempty"` // ID of the organization last accessed by the user. LastUsedOrganizationId *string `json:"lastUsedOrganizationId,omitempty"` // Application token. Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
type AuthSuccessPayload ¶
type AuthSuccessPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type AuthUser ¶
type AuthUser struct { Id string `json:"id"` // The user's full name. Name string `json:"name"` // The user's display (nick) name. Unique within each organization. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The user's email address. Email string `json:"email"` // An URL to the user's avatar image. AvatarUrl *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` // Whether the user is active. Active bool `json:"active"` // User account ID the user belongs to. UserAccountId string `json:"userAccountId"` // Organization the user belongs to. Organization *AuthOrganization `json:"organization"` }
A user that has access to the the resources of an organization.
type AuthenticationSession ¶
type AuthenticationSession struct { Id string `json:"id"` // Type of application used to authenticate. Type AuthenticationSessionType `json:"type"` // IP address. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Location country name. LocationCountry *string `json:"locationCountry,omitempty"` // Location country code. LocationCountryCode *string `json:"locationCountryCode,omitempty"` // Country codes of all seen locations. CountryCodes []string `json:"countryCodes"` // Location city name. LocationCity *string `json:"locationCity,omitempty"` // Session's user-agent. UserAgent *string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"` // Used web browser. BrowserType *string `json:"browserType,omitempty"` // When was the session last seen LastActiveAt *DateTime `json:"lastActiveAt,omitempty"` // Date when the session was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // Date when the session was last updated. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // Human readable location Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` // Operating system used for the session OperatingSystem *string `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"` // Client used for the session Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` // Name of the session, derived from the client and operating system Name string `json:"name"` }
User authentication session.
type AuthenticationSessionResponse ¶
type AuthenticationSessionResponse struct { Id string `json:"id"` // Type of application used to authenticate. Type AuthenticationSessionType `json:"type"` // IP address. Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // Location country name. LocationCountry *string `json:"locationCountry,omitempty"` // Location country code. LocationCountryCode *string `json:"locationCountryCode,omitempty"` // Country codes of all seen locations. CountryCodes []string `json:"countryCodes"` // Location city name. LocationCity *string `json:"locationCity,omitempty"` // Session's user-agent. UserAgent *string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"` // Used web browser. BrowserType *string `json:"browserType,omitempty"` // When was the session last seen LastActiveAt *DateTime `json:"lastActiveAt,omitempty"` // Date when the session was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // Date when the session was last updated. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // Human readable location Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"` // Operating system used for the session OperatingSystem *string `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"` // Client used for the session Client *string `json:"client,omitempty"` // Name of the session, derived from the client and operating system Name string `json:"name"` // Identifies the session used to make the request. IsCurrentSession bool `json:"isCurrentSession"` }
Authentication session information.
type AuthenticationSessionType ¶
type AuthenticationSessionType string
const ( AuthenticationSessionTypeWeb AuthenticationSessionType = "web" AuthenticationSessionTypeDesktop AuthenticationSessionType = "desktop" AuthenticationSessionTypeIos AuthenticationSessionType = "ios" AuthenticationSessionTypeAndroid AuthenticationSessionType = "android" )
type AuthorizedApplication ¶
type AuthorizedApplication struct { // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Scopes that are authorized for this application for a given user. Scope []string `json:"scope"` // OAuth application's ID. AppId string `json:"appId"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // Whether or not webhooks are enabled for the application. WebhooksEnabled bool `json:"webhooksEnabled"` }
[INTERNAL] Public information of the OAuth application, plus the authorized scopes for a given user.
type AuthorizedApplicationBase ¶
type AuthorizedApplicationBase struct { // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Scopes that are authorized for this application for a given user. Scope []string `json:"scope"` // OAuth application's ID. AppId string `json:"appId"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` }
type BooleanComparator ¶
type BooleanComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *bool `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not equals constraint. Neq *bool `json:"neq,omitempty"` }
Comparator for booleans.
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The comment content in markdown format. Body string `json:"body"` // The issue that the comment is associated with. Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` // The document content that the comment is associated with. DocumentContent *DocumentContent `json:"documentContent,omitempty"` // The project update that the comment is associated with. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate,omitempty"` // The parent comment under which the current comment is nested. Parent *Comment `json:"parent,omitempty"` // The user that resolved the thread. ResolvingUser *User `json:"resolvingUser,omitempty"` // The time the resolvingUser resolved the thread. ResolvedAt *DateTime `json:"resolvedAt,omitempty"` // The comment that resolved the thread. ResolvingComment *Comment `json:"resolvingComment,omitempty"` // The user who wrote the comment. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The external user who wrote the comment. ExternalUser *ExternalUser `json:"externalUser,omitempty"` // The time user edited the comment. EditedAt *DateTime `json:"editedAt,omitempty"` // [Internal] The comment content as a Prosemirror document. BodyData string `json:"bodyData"` // The text that this comment references. Only defined for inline comments. QuotedText *string `json:"quotedText,omitempty"` // [Internal] Summary for comment thread. SummaryText *string `json:"summaryText,omitempty"` // Emoji reaction summary, grouped by emoji type. ReactionData JSONObject `json:"reactionData"` // Comment's URL. Url string `json:"url"` // The children of the comment. Children *CommentConnection `json:"children"` // The bot that created the comment. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` }
A comment associated with an issue.
type CommentCollectionFilter ¶
type CommentCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the comments body. Body *StringComparator `json:"body,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments creator must satisfy. User *UserFilter `json:"user,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments issue must satisfy. Issue *IssueFilter `json:"issue,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments project update must satisfy. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdateFilter `json:"projectUpdate,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments document content must satisfy. DocumentContent *DocumentContentFilter `json:"documentContent,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the comment. And []CommentCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the comment. Or []CommentCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some comments. Some *CommentFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all comments. Every *CommentFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Comment filtering options.
type CommentConnection ¶
type CommentConnection struct { Edges []CommentEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Comment `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type CommentCreateInput ¶
type CommentCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The comment content in markdown format. Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` // [Internal] The comment content as a Prosemirror document. BodyData *JSON `json:"bodyData,omitempty"` // The issue to associate the comment with. IssueId *string `json:"issueId,omitempty"` // The project update to associate the comment with. ProjectUpdateId *string `json:"projectUpdateId,omitempty"` // The document content to associate the comment with. DocumentContentId *string `json:"documentContentId,omitempty"` // The parent comment under which to nest a current comment. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // Create comment as a user with the provided name. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode. CreateAsUser *string `json:"createAsUser,omitempty"` // Provide an external user avatar URL. Can only be used in conjunction with the `createAsUser` options. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode. DisplayIconUrl *string `json:"displayIconUrl,omitempty"` // The date when the comment was created (e.g. if importing from another system). Must be a date in the past. If none is provided, the backend will generate the time as now. CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Flag to prevent auto subscription to the issue the comment is created on. DoNotSubscribeToIssue *bool `json:"doNotSubscribeToIssue,omitempty"` // Flag to indicate this comment should be created on the issue's synced Slack comment thread. If no synced Slack comment thread exists, the mutation will fail. CreateOnSyncedSlackThread *bool `json:"createOnSyncedSlackThread,omitempty"` // The text that this comment references. Only defined for inline comments. QuotedText *string `json:"quotedText,omitempty"` }
type CommentEdge ¶
type CommentFilter ¶
type CommentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the comments body. Body *StringComparator `json:"body,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments creator must satisfy. User *UserFilter `json:"user,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments issue must satisfy. Issue *IssueFilter `json:"issue,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments project update must satisfy. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdateFilter `json:"projectUpdate,omitempty"` // Filters that the comments document content must satisfy. DocumentContent *DocumentContentFilter `json:"documentContent,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the comment. And []CommentFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the comment. Or []CommentFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Comment filtering options.
type CommentPayload ¶
type CommentUpdateInput ¶
type CommentUpdateInput struct { // The comment content. Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` // The comment content as a Prosemirror document. BodyData *JSON `json:"bodyData,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The user who resolved this thread. ResolvingUserId *string `json:"resolvingUserId,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The child comment that resolves this thread. ResolvingCommentId *string `json:"resolvingCommentId,omitempty"` // The text that this comment references. Only defined for inline comments. QuotedText *string `json:"quotedText,omitempty"` }
type Company ¶
type Company struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Company name. Name string `json:"name"` // Company ID in an external system. ExternalId string `json:"externalId"` // Company website URL. WebsiteUrl *string `json:"websiteUrl,omitempty"` // Company logo URL. LogoUrl *string `json:"logoUrl,omitempty"` // The user who added the company. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The organization of the customer. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // Custom company properties. CompanyProperties JSONObject `json:"companyProperties"` }
A company related to issue's origin.
type CompanyConnection ¶
type CompanyConnection struct { Edges []CompanyEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Company `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type CompanyEdge ¶
type CompletedAtSort ¶
type CompletedAtSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue completion date sorting options.
type ContactCreateInput ¶
type ContactCreateInput struct { // The type of support contact. Type string `json:"type"` // The message the user sent. Message string `json:"message"` // User's operating system. OperatingSystem *string `json:"operatingSystem,omitempty"` // User's browser information. Browser *string `json:"browser,omitempty"` // User's device information. Device *string `json:"device,omitempty"` // User's Linear client information. ClientVersion *string `json:"clientVersion,omitempty"` // How disappointed the user would be if they could no longer use Linear. DisappointmentRating *int32 `json:"disappointmentRating,omitempty"` }
type ContactPayload ¶
type ContactPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ContactSalesCreateInput ¶
type ContactSalesCreateInput struct { // Name of the person requesting information. Name string `json:"name"` // Work email of the person requesting information. Email string `json:"email"` // Size of the company. CompanySize *string `json:"companySize,omitempty"` // The message the user sent. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
[INTERNAL] Input for sending a message to the Linear Sales team.
type ContentComparator ¶
type ContentComparator struct { // [Internal] Contains constraint. Contains *string `json:"contains,omitempty"` // [Internal] Not-contains constraint. NotContains *string `json:"notContains,omitempty"` }
[Internal] Comparator for content.
type ContextViewType ¶
type ContextViewType string
const ( ContextViewTypeActiveissues ContextViewType = "activeIssues" ContextViewTypeActivecycle ContextViewType = "activeCycle" ContextViewTypeUpcomingcycle ContextViewType = "upcomingCycle" ContextViewTypeBacklog ContextViewType = "backlog" ContextViewTypeTriage ContextViewType = "triage" )
type CreateCsvExportReportPayload ¶
type CreateCsvExportReportPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type CreateOrJoinOrganizationResponse ¶
type CreateOrJoinOrganizationResponse struct { Organization *AuthOrganization `json:"organization"` User *AuthUser `json:"user"` }
type CreateOrganizationInput ¶
type CreateOrganizationInput struct { // The name of the organization. Name string `json:"name"` // The URL key of the organization. UrlKey string `json:"urlKey"` // Whether the organization should allow email domain access. DomainAccess *bool `json:"domainAccess,omitempty"` // The timezone of the organization, passed in by client. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // JSON serialized UTM parameters associated with the creation of the workspace. Utm *string `json:"utm,omitempty"` }
type CreatedAtSort ¶
type CreatedAtSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue creation date sorting options.
type CustomView ¶
type CustomView struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the custom view. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the custom view. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The icon of the custom view. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon of the custom view. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The organization of the custom view. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The team associated with the custom view. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user who created the custom view. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user who owns the custom view. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The user who last updated the custom view. UpdatedBy *User `json:"updatedBy"` // The filters applied to issues in the custom view. Filters JSONObject `json:"filters"` // The filter applied to issues in the custom view. FilterData JSONObject `json:"filterData"` // The filter applied to projects in the custom view. ProjectFilterData *JSONObject `json:"projectFilterData,omitempty"` Shared bool `json:"shared"` // The model name of the custom view. ModelName string `json:"modelName"` // Issues associated with the custom view. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` }
A custom view that has been saved by a user.
type CustomViewConnection ¶
type CustomViewConnection struct { Edges []CustomViewEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []CustomView `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type CustomViewCreateInput ¶
type CustomViewCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the custom view. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the custom view. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The icon of the custom view. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon of the custom view. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The id of the team associated with the custom view. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // [Internal] The id of the project associated with the custom view. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The owner of the custom view. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The filters applied to issues in the custom view. Filters *JSONObject `json:"filters,omitempty"` // The filter applied to issues in the custom view. FilterData *JSONObject `json:"filterData,omitempty"` // The project filter applied to issues in the custom view. ProjectFilterData *JSONObject `json:"projectFilterData,omitempty"` Shared *bool `json:"shared,omitempty"` }
type CustomViewEdge ¶
type CustomViewEdge struct { Node *CustomView `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type CustomViewHasSubscribersPayload ¶
type CustomViewHasSubscribersPayload struct { // Whether the custom view has subscribers. HasSubscribers bool `json:"hasSubscribers"` }
type CustomViewNotificationSubscription ¶
type CustomViewNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The custom view subscribed to. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A custom view notification subscription.
type CustomViewPayload ¶
type CustomViewPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The custom view that was created or updated. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type CustomViewUpdateInput ¶
type CustomViewUpdateInput struct { // The name of the custom view. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the custom view. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The icon of the custom view. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon of the custom view. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The id of the team associated with the custom view. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // [Internal] The id of the project associated with the custom view. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The owner of the custom view. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The filters applied to issues in the custom view. Filters *JSONObject `json:"filters,omitempty"` // The filter applied to issues in the custom view. FilterData *JSONObject `json:"filterData,omitempty"` // The project filter applied to issues in the custom view. ProjectFilterData *JSONObject `json:"projectFilterData,omitempty"` Shared *bool `json:"shared,omitempty"` }
type Cycle ¶
type Cycle struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The number of the cycle. Number float64 `json:"number"` // The custom name of the cycle. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The cycle's description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The start time of the cycle. StartsAt DateTime `json:"startsAt"` // The end time of the cycle. EndsAt DateTime `json:"endsAt"` // The completion time of the cycle. If null, the cycle hasn't been completed. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the cycle was automatically archived by the auto pruning process. AutoArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // The total number of issues in the cycle after each day. IssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"issueCountHistory"` // The number of completed issues in the cycle after each day. CompletedIssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"completedIssueCountHistory"` // The total number of estimation points after each day. ScopeHistory []float64 `json:"scopeHistory"` // The number of completed estimation points after each day. CompletedScopeHistory []float64 `json:"completedScopeHistory"` // The number of in progress estimation points after each day. InProgressScopeHistory []float64 `json:"inProgressScopeHistory"` // The team that the cycle is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team"` // Issues associated with the cycle. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` // Issues that weren't completed when the cycle was closed. UncompletedIssuesUponClose *IssueConnection `json:"uncompletedIssuesUponClose"` // The overall progress of the cycle. This is the (completed estimate points + 0.25 * in progress estimate points) / total estimate points. Progress float64 `json:"progress"` }
A set of issues to be resolved in a specified amount of time.
type CycleArchivePayload ¶
type CycleArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Cycle `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type CycleConnection ¶
type CycleCreateInput ¶
type CycleCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The custom name of the cycle. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the cycle. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The team to associate the cycle with. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The start date of the cycle. StartsAt DateTime `json:"startsAt"` // The end date of the cycle. EndsAt DateTime `json:"endsAt"` // The completion time of the cycle. If null, the cycle hasn't been completed. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` }
type CycleFilter ¶
type CycleFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle number. Number *NumberComparator `json:"number,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle start date. StartsAt *DateComparator `json:"startsAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle ends at date. EndsAt *DateComparator `json:"endsAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle completed at date. CompletedAt *DateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering active cycle. IsActive *BooleanComparator `json:"isActive,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering for whether the cycle is currently in cooldown. IsInCooldown *BooleanComparator `json:"isInCooldown,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering next cycle. IsNext *BooleanComparator `json:"isNext,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering previous cycle. IsPrevious *BooleanComparator `json:"isPrevious,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering future cycles. IsFuture *BooleanComparator `json:"isFuture,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering past cycles. IsPast *BooleanComparator `json:"isPast,omitempty"` // Filters that the cycles team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the cycles issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the cycle. And []CycleFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the cycle. Or []CycleFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Cycle filtering options.
type CycleNotificationSubscription ¶
type CycleNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The cycle subscribed to. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A cycle notification subscription.
type CyclePayload ¶
type CycleShiftAllInput ¶
type CycleShiftAllInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] The cycle id at which to start the shift. Id string `json:"id"` // [DEPRECATED] The number of days to shift the cycles by. DaysToShift float64 `json:"daysToShift"` }
[DEPRECATED] Input for shifting all cycles by a certain number of days. Mutation is now deprecated.
type CycleSort ¶
type CycleSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // When set to true, cycles wil be ordered with a custom order. Current cycle comes first, followed by upcoming cycles in ASC order, followed by previous cycles in DESC order. CurrentCycleFirst *bool `json:"currentCycleFirst,omitempty"` }
Issue cycle sorting options.
type CycleUpdateInput ¶
type CycleUpdateInput struct { // The custom name of the cycle. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the cycle. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The start date of the cycle. StartsAt *DateTime `json:"startsAt,omitempty"` // The end date of the cycle. EndsAt *DateTime `json:"endsAt,omitempty"` // The end date of the cycle. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` }
type DateComparator ¶
type DateComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *DateTime `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *DateTime `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []DateTime `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []DateTime `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *DateTime `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *DateTime `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *DateTime `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *DateTime `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
Comparator for dates.
type DateResolutionType ¶
type DateResolutionType string
[INTERNAL] By which resolution is a date defined.
const ( DateResolutionTypeMonth DateResolutionType = "month" DateResolutionTypeQuarter DateResolutionType = "quarter" DateResolutionTypeHalfyear DateResolutionType = "halfYear" DateResolutionTypeYear DateResolutionType = "year" )
type DateTime ¶
type DateTime string
Represents a date and time in ISO 8601 format. Accepts shortcuts like `2021` to represent midnight Fri Jan 01 2021. Also accepts ISO 8601 durations strings which are added to the current date to create the represented date (e.g '-P2W1D' represents the date that was two weeks and 1 day ago)
type DeleteOrganizationInput ¶
type DeleteOrganizationInput struct { // The deletion code to confirm operation. DeletionCode string `json:"deletionCode"` }
type DeletePayload ¶
type DeletePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The identifier of the deleted entity. EntityId string `json:"entityId"` }
A generic payload return from entity deletion mutations.
type Document ¶
type Document struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The document title. Title string `json:"title"` // The icon of the document. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The user who created the document. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user who last updated the document. UpdatedBy *User `json:"updatedBy"` // The project that the document is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The document's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The last template that was applied to this document. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // The time at which the document was hidden. Null if the entity has not been hidden. HiddenAt *DateTime `json:"hiddenAt,omitempty"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The documents content in markdown format. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // [Internal] The documents content as YJS state. ContentState *string `json:"contentState,omitempty"` // [Internal] The documents content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSON `json:"contentData,omitempty"` }
A document for a project.
type DocumentCollectionFilter ¶
type DocumentCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the document. And []DocumentCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the document. Or []DocumentCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some documents. Some *DocumentFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all documents. Every *DocumentFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Document filtering options.
type DocumentConnection ¶
type DocumentConnection struct { Edges []DocumentEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Document `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type DocumentContent ¶
type DocumentContent struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The document content in markdown format. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // [Internal] The document content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSONObject `json:"contentData,omitempty"` // The document content state as a base64 encoded string. ContentState *string `json:"contentState,omitempty"` // The issue that the content is associated with. Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` // The project that the content is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The project milestone that the content is associated with. ProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestone `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // The document that the content is associated with. Document *Document `json:"document,omitempty"` // The time at which the document content was restored from a previous version. RestoredAt *DateTime `json:"restoredAt,omitempty"` }
A document content for a project.
type DocumentContentFilter ¶
type DocumentContentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the document content project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filters that the document content document must satisfy. Document *DocumentFilter `json:"document,omitempty"` }
Document content filtering options.
type DocumentContentHistory ¶
type DocumentContentHistory struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The document content that this history item is associated with. DocumentContent *DocumentContent `json:"documentContent"` // [Internal] The document content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSONObject `json:"contentData,omitempty"` // IDs of actors whose edits went into this history item. ActorIds []string `json:"actorIds"` // The timestamp associated with the DocumentContent when it was originally saved. ContentDataSnapshotAt DateTime `json:"contentDataSnapshotAt"` }
A document content history for a document.
type DocumentContentHistoryPayload ¶
type DocumentContentHistoryPayload struct { // The document content history entries. History []DocumentContentHistoryType `json:"history,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type DocumentContentHistoryType ¶
type DocumentContentHistoryType struct { // The UUID of the document content history entry. Id string `json:"id"` // The date when the document content history entry was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The date when the document content history snapshot was taken. This can be different than createdAt since the content is captured from its state at the previously known updatedAt timestamp in the case of an update. On document create, these timestamps can be the same. ContentDataSnapshotAt DateTime `json:"contentDataSnapshotAt"` // [Internal] The document content as Prosemirror document. ContentData JSON `json:"contentData"` // The ID of the author of the change. ActorIds []string `json:"actorIds,omitempty"` }
type DocumentCreateInput ¶
type DocumentCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The title of the document. Title string `json:"title"` // The icon of the document. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // [Internal] The document content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSONObject `json:"contentData,omitempty"` // The document content as markdown. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // Related project for the document. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The ID of the last template applied to the document. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type DocumentEdge ¶
type DocumentFilter ¶
type DocumentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the document. And []DocumentFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the document. Or []DocumentFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Document filtering options.
type DocumentPayload ¶
type DocumentSearchPayload ¶
type DocumentSearchPayload struct { Edges []DocumentSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []DocumentSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Archived entities matching the search term along with all their dependencies. ArchivePayload *ArchiveResponse `json:"archivePayload"` // Total number of results for query without filters applied. TotalCount float64 `json:"totalCount"` }
type DocumentSearchResult ¶
type DocumentSearchResult struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The document title. Title string `json:"title"` // The icon of the document. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The user who created the document. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user who last updated the document. UpdatedBy *User `json:"updatedBy"` // The project that the document is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The document's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The last template that was applied to this document. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // The time at which the document was hidden. Null if the entity has not been hidden. HiddenAt *DateTime `json:"hiddenAt,omitempty"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The documents content in markdown format. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // [Internal] The documents content as YJS state. ContentState *string `json:"contentState,omitempty"` // [Internal] The documents content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSON `json:"contentData,omitempty"` // Metadata related to search result. Metadata JSONObject `json:"metadata"` }
type DocumentSearchResultConnection ¶
type DocumentSearchResultConnection struct { Edges []DocumentSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []DocumentSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type DocumentSearchResultEdge ¶
type DocumentSearchResultEdge struct { Node *DocumentSearchResult `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type DocumentUpdateInput ¶
type DocumentUpdateInput struct { // The title of the document. Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The icon of the document. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the icon. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // [Internal] The document content as a Prosemirror document. ContentData *JSONObject `json:"contentData,omitempty"` // The document content as markdown. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // Related project for the document. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The ID of the last template applied to the document. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The time at which the document was hidden. HiddenAt *DateTime `json:"hiddenAt,omitempty"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type DueDateSort ¶
type DueDateSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue due date sorting options.
type EmailIntakeAddress ¶
type EmailIntakeAddress struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Unique email address user name (before @) used for incoming email. Address string `json:"address"` // Whether the email address is enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The template that the email address is associated with. Template *Template `json:"template,omitempty"` // The team that the email address is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The organization that the email address is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The user who created the email intake address. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` }
An email address that can be used for submitting issues.
type EmailIntakeAddressCreateInput ¶
type EmailIntakeAddressCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier or key of the team this email address will intake issues for. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the template this email address will intake issues for. TemplateId *string `json:"templateId,omitempty"` }
type EmailIntakeAddressPayload ¶
type EmailIntakeAddressPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The email address that was created or updated. EmailIntakeAddress *EmailIntakeAddress `json:"emailIntakeAddress"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type EmailIntakeAddressUpdateInput ¶
type EmailIntakeAddressUpdateInput struct { // Whether the email address is currently enabled. If set to false, the email address will be disabled and no longer accept incoming emails. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
type EmailUnsubscribeInput ¶
type EmailUnsubscribePayload ¶
type EmailUnsubscribePayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type EmailUserAccountAuthChallengeInput ¶
type EmailUserAccountAuthChallengeInput struct { // The email for which to generate the magic login code. Email string `json:"email"` // Whether the login was requested from the desktop app. IsDesktop *bool `json:"isDesktop,omitempty"` // Auth code for the client initiating the sequence. ClientAuthCode *string `json:"clientAuthCode,omitempty"` // Signup code. SignupCode *string `json:"signupCode,omitempty"` // The organization invite link to associate with this authentication. InviteLink *string `json:"inviteLink,omitempty"` }
type Emoji ¶
type Emoji struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The emoji's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The emoji image URL. Url string `json:"url"` // The source of the emoji. Source string `json:"source"` // The user who created the emoji. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The organization that the emoji belongs to. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` }
A custom emoji.
type EmojiConnection ¶
type EmojiCreateInput ¶
type EmojiPayload ¶
type Entity ¶
type Entity struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Underlying value of the GraphQL interface Value EntityValue `json:"-"` }
A basic entity.
func (*Entity) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type EntityValue ¶
type EntityValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
EntityValue is one of: Notification | NotificationSubscription | IssueNotification | ProjectNotification | OauthClientApprovalNotification | CustomViewNotificationSubscription | CycleNotificationSubscription | LabelNotificationSubscription | ProjectNotificationSubscription | TeamNotificationSubscription | UserNotificationSubscription
type EstimateComparator ¶
type EstimateComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *float64 `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *float64 `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []float64 `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []float64 `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *float64 `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *float64 `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *float64 `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *float64 `json:"gte,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the estimate. Or []NullableNumberComparator `json:"or,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the estimate. And []NullableNumberComparator `json:"and,omitempty"` }
Comparator for estimates.
type EstimateSort ¶
type EstimateSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue estimate sorting options.
type ExternalUser ¶
type ExternalUser struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The external user's full name. Name string `json:"name"` // The external user's display name. Unique within each organization. Can match the display name of an actual user. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The external user's email address. Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"` // An URL to the external user's avatar image. AvatarUrl *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` // Organization the external user belongs to. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The last time the external user was seen interacting with Linear. LastSeen *DateTime `json:"lastSeen,omitempty"` }
An external authenticated (e.g., through Slack) user which doesn't have a Linear account, but can create and update entities in Linear from the external system that authenticated them.
type ExternalUserConnection ¶
type ExternalUserConnection struct { Edges []ExternalUserEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ExternalUser `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ExternalUserEdge ¶
type ExternalUserEdge struct { Node *ExternalUser `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type Facet ¶
type Facet struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The sort order of the facet. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` }
[ALPHA] A facet. Facets are joins between entities. A facet can tie a custom view to a project, or a a project to a roadmap for example.
type FacetConnection ¶
type Favorite ¶
type Favorite struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The type of the favorite. Type string `json:"type"` // The parent folder of the favorite. Parent *Favorite `json:"parent,omitempty"` // The name of the folder. Only applies to favorites of type folder. FolderName *string `json:"folderName,omitempty"` // The targeted tab of the project. ProjectTab *ProjectTab `json:"projectTab,omitempty"` // The type of favorited predefined view. PredefinedViewType *string `json:"predefinedViewType,omitempty"` // The owner of the favorite. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The order of the item in the favorites list. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // Children of the favorite. Only applies to favorites of type folder. Children *FavoriteConnection `json:"children"` // The favorited issue. Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` // The favorited project. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The favorited team of the project. ProjectTeam *Team `json:"projectTeam,omitempty"` // The favorited cycle. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The favorited custom view. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The team of the favorited predefined view. PredefinedViewTeam *Team `json:"predefinedViewTeam,omitempty"` // The favorited document. Document *Document `json:"document,omitempty"` // The favorited roadmap. Roadmap *Roadmap `json:"roadmap,omitempty"` // The favorited label. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The favorited user. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
User favorites presented in the sidebar.
type FavoriteConnection ¶
type FavoriteConnection struct { Edges []FavoriteEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Favorite `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type FavoriteCreateInput ¶
type FavoriteCreateInput struct { // The identifier. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the favorite folder. FolderName *string `json:"folderName,omitempty"` // The parent folder of the favorite. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the issue to favorite. IssueId *string `json:"issueId,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The identifier of the facet to favorite. FacetId *string `json:"facetId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project to favorite. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The tab of the project to favorite. ProjectTab *ProjectTab `json:"projectTab,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project team to favorite. ProjectTeamId *string `json:"projectTeamId,omitempty"` // The type of the predefined view to favorite. PredefinedViewType *string `json:"predefinedViewType,omitempty"` // The identifier of team for the predefined view to favorite. PredefinedViewTeamId *string `json:"predefinedViewTeamId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the cycle to favorite. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the custom view to favorite. CustomViewId *string `json:"customViewId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the document to favorite. DocumentId *string `json:"documentId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the roadmap to favorite. RoadmapId *string `json:"roadmapId,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The identifier of the initiative to favorite. InitiativeId *string `json:"initiativeId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the label to favorite. LabelId *string `json:"labelId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user to favorite. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // The position of the item in the favorites list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type FavoriteEdge ¶
type FavoritePayload ¶
type FavoriteUpdateInput ¶
type FavoriteUpdateInput struct { // The position of the item in the favorites list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The identifier (in UUID v4 format) of the folder to move the favorite under. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The name of the favorite folder. FolderName *string `json:"folderName,omitempty"` }
type FrontAttachmentPayload ¶
type FrontSettings ¶
type FrontSettings struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` }
Front specific settings.
type FrontSettingsInput ¶
type FrontSettingsInput struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` }
type GitAutomationState ¶
type GitAutomationState struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The associated workflow state. State *WorkflowState `json:"state,omitempty"` // The team to which this automation state belongs. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The target branch associated to this automation state. TargetBranch *GitAutomationTargetBranch `json:"targetBranch,omitempty"` // The event that triggers the automation. Event GitAutomationStates `json:"event"` // [DEPRECATED] The target branch, if null, the automation will be triggered on any branch. BranchPattern *string `json:"branchPattern,omitempty"` }
A trigger that updates the issue status according to Git automations.
type GitAutomationStateConnection ¶
type GitAutomationStateConnection struct { Edges []GitAutomationStateEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []GitAutomationState `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type GitAutomationStateCreateInput ¶
type GitAutomationStateCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The team associated with the automation state. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The associated workflow state. If null, will override default behaviour and take no action. StateId *string `json:"stateId,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] The target branch pattern. If null, all branches are targeted. BranchPattern *string `json:"branchPattern,omitempty"` // The associated target branch. If null, all branches are targeted. TargetBranchId *string `json:"targetBranchId,omitempty"` // The event that triggers the automation. Event GitAutomationStates `json:"event"` }
type GitAutomationStateEdge ¶
type GitAutomationStateEdge struct { Node *GitAutomationState `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type GitAutomationStatePayload ¶
type GitAutomationStatePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The automation state that was created or updated. GitAutomationState *GitAutomationState `json:"gitAutomationState"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type GitAutomationStateUpdateInput ¶
type GitAutomationStateUpdateInput struct { // The associated workflow state. StateId *string `json:"stateId,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] The target branch pattern. If null, all branches are targeted. BranchPattern *string `json:"branchPattern,omitempty"` // The associated target branch. If null, all branches are targeted. TargetBranchId *string `json:"targetBranchId,omitempty"` // The event that triggers the automation. Event *GitAutomationStates `json:"event,omitempty"` }
type GitAutomationStates ¶
type GitAutomationStates string
The various states of a pull/merge request.
const ( GitAutomationStatesDraft GitAutomationStates = "draft" GitAutomationStatesStart GitAutomationStates = "start" GitAutomationStatesReview GitAutomationStates = "review" GitAutomationStatesMergeable GitAutomationStates = "mergeable" GitAutomationStatesMerge GitAutomationStates = "merge" )
type GitAutomationTargetBranch ¶
type GitAutomationTargetBranch struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The team to which this Git target branch automation belongs. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The target branch pattern. BranchPattern string `json:"branchPattern"` // Whether the branch pattern is a regular expression. IsRegex bool `json:"isRegex"` // Automation states associated with the target branch. AutomationStates *GitAutomationStateConnection `json:"automationStates"` }
A Git target branch for which there are automations (GitAutomationState).
type GitAutomationTargetBranchCreateInput ¶
type GitAutomationTargetBranchCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The team associated with the Git target branch automation. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The target branch pattern. BranchPattern string `json:"branchPattern"` // Whether the branch pattern is a regular expression. IsRegex *bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` }
type GitAutomationTargetBranchPayload ¶
type GitAutomationTargetBranchPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The Git target branch automation that was created or updated. TargetBranch *GitAutomationTargetBranch `json:"targetBranch"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type GitHubCommitIntegrationPayload ¶
type GitHubCommitIntegrationPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The integration that was created or updated. Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The webhook secret to provide to GitHub. WebhookSecret string `json:"webhookSecret"` }
type GitHubPersonalSettings ¶
type GitHubPersonalSettings struct { // The GitHub user's name. Login string `json:"login"` }
Metadata and settings for a GitHub Personal integration.
type GitHubPersonalSettingsInput ¶
type GitHubPersonalSettingsInput struct { // The GitHub user's name. Login string `json:"login"` }
type GitHubRepo ¶
type GitHubRepo struct { // The full name of the repository. FullName string `json:"fullName"` // The GitHub repo id. Id float64 `json:"id"` }
GitHub repos available to sync.
type GitHubRepoInput ¶
type GitHubSettings ¶
type GitHubSettings struct { // The avatar URL for the GitHub organization. OrgAvatarUrl string `json:"orgAvatarUrl"` // The GitHub organization's name. OrgLogin string `json:"orgLogin"` // The names of the repositories connected for the GitHub integration. Repositories []GitHubRepo `json:"repositories,omitempty"` // Mapping of team to repository for syncing. RepositoriesMapping []TeamRepoMapping `json:"repositoriesMapping,omitempty"` }
Metadata and settings for a GitHub integration.
type GitHubSettingsInput ¶
type GitHubSettingsInput struct { // The avatar URL for the GitHub organization. OrgAvatarUrl string `json:"orgAvatarUrl"` // The GitHub organization's name. OrgLogin string `json:"orgLogin"` // The names of the repositories connected for the GitHub integration. Repositories []GitHubRepoInput `json:"repositories,omitempty"` // Mapping of team to repository for syncing. RepositoriesMapping []TeamRepoMappingInput `json:"repositoriesMapping,omitempty"` }
type GitLabSettings ¶
type GitLabSettings struct { // The self-hosted URL of the GitLab instance. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Whether the token is limited to a read-only scope. Readonly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` // The ISO timestamp the GitLab access token expires. ExpiresAt *string `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` }
Metadata and settings for a GitLab integration.
type GitLabSettingsInput ¶
type GitLabSettingsInput struct { // The self-hosted URL of the GitLab instance. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Whether the token is limited to a read-only scope. Readonly *bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` // The ISO timestamp the GitLab access token expires. ExpiresAt *string `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` }
type GithubOAuthTokenPayload ¶
type GithubOAuthTokenPayload struct { // The OAuth token if the operation to fetch it was successful. Token *string `json:"token,omitempty"` // A list of the GitHub organizations the user is a member of with attached repositories. Organizations []GithubOrg `json:"organizations,omitempty"` }
GitHub OAuth token, plus information about the organizations the user is a member of.
type GithubOrg ¶
type GithubOrg struct { // GitHub organization id. Id string `json:"id"` // The login for the GitHub organization. Login string `json:"login"` // Repositories that the organization owns. Repositories []GithubRepo `json:"repositories"` // Whether or not this org is the user's personal repositories. IsPersonal *bool `json:"isPersonal,omitempty"` }
Relevant information for the GitHub organization.
type GithubRepo ¶
type GithubRepo struct { // The id of the GitHub repository. Id string `json:"id"` // The name of the GitHub repository. Name string `json:"name"` }
Relevant information for the GitHub repository.
type GoogleSheetsSettings ¶
type GoogleSheetsSettings struct { SpreadsheetId string `json:"spreadsheetId"` SpreadsheetUrl string `json:"spreadsheetUrl"` SheetId float64 `json:"sheetId"` UpdatedIssuesAt DateTime `json:"updatedIssuesAt"` }
Google Sheets specific settings.
type GoogleUserAccountAuthInput ¶
type GoogleUserAccountAuthInput struct { // Code returned from Google's OAuth flow. Code string `json:"code"` // The URI to redirect the user to. RedirectUri *string `json:"redirectUri,omitempty"` // The timezone of the user's browser. Timezone string `json:"timezone"` // The identifiers of the teams to auto-join. TeamIdsToJoin []string `json:"teamIdsToJoin,omitempty"` // Signup code. SignupCode *string `json:"signupCode,omitempty"` // An optional invite link for an organization used to populate available organizations. InviteLink *string `json:"inviteLink,omitempty"` }
type IDComparator ¶
type IDComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` }
Comparator for identifiers.
type Initiative ¶
type Initiative struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the initiative. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the initiative. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The organization of the initiative. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The user who created the initiative. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user who owns the initiative. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The initiative's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The sort order of the initiative within the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The initiative's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The estimated completion date of the initiative. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the initiative's estimated completion date. TargetDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"targetDateResolution,omitempty"` // Projects associated with the initiative. Projects *ProjectConnection `json:"projects"` }
[INTERNAL] An initiative to group projects.
type InitiativeArchivePayload ¶
type InitiativeArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Initiative `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type InitiativeCollectionFilter ¶
type InitiativeCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the initiative name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the initiative slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the initiative creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the initiative. And []InitiativeCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the initiative. Or []InitiativeCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some initiatives. Some *InitiativeFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all initiatives. Every *InitiativeFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Initiative collection filtering options.
type InitiativeConnection ¶
type InitiativeConnection struct { Edges []InitiativeEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Initiative `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type InitiativeCreateInput ¶
type InitiativeCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the initiative. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the initiative. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The owner of the initiative. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The sort order of the initiative within the organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The initiative's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` }
[Internal] The properties of the initiative to create.
type InitiativeEdge ¶
type InitiativeEdge struct { Node *Initiative `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type InitiativeFilter ¶
type InitiativeFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the initiative name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the initiative slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the initiative creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the initiative. And []InitiativeFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the initiative. Or []InitiativeFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Initiative filtering options.
type InitiativePayload ¶
type InitiativePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The initiative that was created or updated. Initiative *Initiative `json:"initiative"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
[Internal] The payload returned by the initiative mutations.
type InitiativeToProject ¶
type InitiativeToProject struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The project that the initiative is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The initiative that the project is associated with. Initiative *Initiative `json:"initiative"` // The sort order of the project within the initiative. SortOrder string `json:"sortOrder"` }
[INTERNAL] Join table between projects and initiatives.
type InitiativeToProjectConnection ¶
type InitiativeToProjectConnection struct { Edges []InitiativeToProjectEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []InitiativeToProject `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type InitiativeToProjectCreateInput ¶
type InitiativeToProjectCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The identifier of the initiative. InitiativeId string `json:"initiativeId"` // The sort order for the project within its organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
[INTERNAL] The properties of the initiativeToProject to create.
type InitiativeToProjectEdge ¶
type InitiativeToProjectEdge struct { Node *InitiativeToProject `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type InitiativeToProjectPayload ¶
type InitiativeToProjectPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The initiativeToProject that was created or updated. InitiativeToProject *InitiativeToProject `json:"initiativeToProject"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
[INTERNAL] The result of a initiativeToProject mutation.
type InitiativeToProjectUpdateInput ¶
type InitiativeToProjectUpdateInput struct { // The sort order for the project within its organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
[INTERNAL] The properties of the initiativeToProject to update.
type InitiativeUpdateInput ¶
type InitiativeUpdateInput struct { // The name of the initiative. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the initiative. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The owner of the initiative. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The sort order of the initiative within the organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The initiative's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The estimated completion date of the initiative. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` }
[Internal] The properties of the initiative to update.
type Integration ¶
type Integration struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The integration's type. Service string `json:"service"` // The organization that the integration is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The team that the integration is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user that added the integration. Creator *User `json:"creator"` }
An integration with an external service.
type IntegrationConnection ¶
type IntegrationConnection struct { Edges []IntegrationEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Integration `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IntegrationEdge ¶
type IntegrationEdge struct { Node *Integration `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IntegrationPayload ¶
type IntegrationPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The integration that was created or updated. Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IntegrationRequestInput ¶
type IntegrationRequestPayload ¶
type IntegrationRequestPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IntegrationService ¶
type IntegrationService string
Linear supported integration services.
const ( IntegrationServiceAirbyte IntegrationService = "airbyte" IntegrationServiceDiscord IntegrationService = "discord" IntegrationServiceFigma IntegrationService = "figma" IntegrationServiceFigmaplugin IntegrationService = "figmaPlugin" IntegrationServiceFront IntegrationService = "front" IntegrationServiceGithub IntegrationService = "github" IntegrationServiceGithubcommit IntegrationService = "githubCommit" IntegrationServiceGithubpersonal IntegrationService = "githubPersonal" IntegrationServiceGitlab IntegrationService = "gitlab" IntegrationServiceGooglecalendarpersonal IntegrationService = "googleCalendarPersonal" IntegrationServiceGooglesheets IntegrationService = "googleSheets" IntegrationServiceIntercom IntegrationService = "intercom" IntegrationServiceJira IntegrationService = "jira" IntegrationServiceJirapersonal IntegrationService = "jiraPersonal" IntegrationServiceLoom IntegrationService = "loom" IntegrationServiceNotion IntegrationService = "notion" IntegrationServiceOpsgenie IntegrationService = "opsgenie" IntegrationServicePagerduty IntegrationService = "pagerDuty" IntegrationServiceSlack IntegrationService = "slack" IntegrationServiceSlackasks IntegrationService = "slackAsks" IntegrationServiceSlackorgprojectupdatespost IntegrationService = "slackOrgProjectUpdatesPost" IntegrationServiceSlackpersonal IntegrationService = "slackPersonal" IntegrationServiceSlackpost IntegrationService = "slackPost" IntegrationServiceSlackprojectpost IntegrationService = "slackProjectPost" IntegrationServiceSlackprojectupdatespost IntegrationService = "slackProjectUpdatesPost" IntegrationServiceSentry IntegrationService = "sentry" IntegrationServiceZendesk IntegrationService = "zendesk" )
type IntegrationSettings ¶
type IntegrationSettings struct { Slack *SlackSettings `json:"slack,omitempty"` SlackAsks *SlackAsksSettings `json:"slackAsks,omitempty"` SlackPost *SlackPostSettings `json:"slackPost,omitempty"` SlackProjectPost *SlackPostSettings `json:"slackProjectPost,omitempty"` SlackOrgProjectUpdatesPost *SlackPostSettings `json:"slackOrgProjectUpdatesPost,omitempty"` GoogleSheets *GoogleSheetsSettings `json:"googleSheets,omitempty"` GitHub *GitHubSettings `json:"gitHub,omitempty"` GitHubPersonal *GitHubPersonalSettings `json:"gitHubPersonal,omitempty"` GitLab *GitLabSettings `json:"gitLab,omitempty"` Sentry *SentrySettings `json:"sentry,omitempty"` Zendesk *ZendeskSettings `json:"zendesk,omitempty"` Intercom *IntercomSettings `json:"intercom,omitempty"` Front *FrontSettings `json:"front,omitempty"` Jira *JiraSettings `json:"jira,omitempty"` Notion *NotionSettings `json:"notion,omitempty"` Opsgenie *OpsgenieSettings `json:"opsgenie,omitempty"` PagerDuty *PagerDutySettings `json:"pagerDuty,omitempty"` JiraPersonal *JiraPersonalSettings `json:"jiraPersonal,omitempty"` }
The integration resource's settings.
type IntegrationSettingsInput ¶
type IntegrationSettingsInput struct { Slack *SlackSettingsInput `json:"slack,omitempty"` SlackAsks *SlackAsksSettingsInput `json:"slackAsks,omitempty"` SlackPost *SlackPostSettingsInput `json:"slackPost,omitempty"` SlackProjectPost *SlackPostSettingsInput `json:"slackProjectPost,omitempty"` SlackOrgProjectUpdatesPost *SlackPostSettingsInput `json:"slackOrgProjectUpdatesPost,omitempty"` GoogleSheets *GoogleSheetsSettingsInput `json:"googleSheets,omitempty"` GitHub *GitHubSettingsInput `json:"gitHub,omitempty"` GitHubPersonal *GitHubPersonalSettingsInput `json:"gitHubPersonal,omitempty"` GitLab *GitLabSettingsInput `json:"gitLab,omitempty"` Sentry *SentrySettingsInput `json:"sentry,omitempty"` Zendesk *ZendeskSettingsInput `json:"zendesk,omitempty"` Intercom *IntercomSettingsInput `json:"intercom,omitempty"` Front *FrontSettingsInput `json:"front,omitempty"` Jira *JiraSettingsInput `json:"jira,omitempty"` Notion *NotionSettingsInput `json:"notion,omitempty"` Opsgenie *OpsgenieInput `json:"opsgenie,omitempty"` PagerDuty *PagerDutyInput `json:"pagerDuty,omitempty"` JiraPersonal *JiraPersonalSettingsInput `json:"jiraPersonal,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationTemplate ¶
type IntegrationTemplate struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The template that the integration is associated with. Template *Template `json:"template"` // The integration that the template is associated with. Integration *Integration `json:"integration"` // ID of the foreign entity in the external integration this template is for, e.g., Slack channel ID. ForeignEntityId *string `json:"foreignEntityId,omitempty"` }
Join table between templates and integrations.
type IntegrationTemplateConnection ¶
type IntegrationTemplateConnection struct { Edges []IntegrationTemplateEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IntegrationTemplate `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IntegrationTemplateCreateInput ¶
type IntegrationTemplateCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the integration. IntegrationId string `json:"integrationId"` // The identifier of the template. TemplateId string `json:"templateId"` // The foreign identifier in the other service. ForeignEntityId *string `json:"foreignEntityId,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationTemplateEdge ¶
type IntegrationTemplateEdge struct { Node *IntegrationTemplate `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IntegrationTemplatePayload ¶
type IntegrationTemplatePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The IntegrationTemplate that was created or updated. IntegrationTemplate *IntegrationTemplate `json:"integrationTemplate"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IntegrationsSettings ¶
type IntegrationsSettings struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is created for the project or the team. SlackIssueCreated *bool `json:"slackIssueCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a comment is created on any of the project or team's issues. SlackIssueNewComment *bool `json:"slackIssueNewComment,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues change to completed or cancelled. SlackIssueStatusChangedDone *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedDone,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues has a change in status. SlackIssueStatusChangedAll *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedAll,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created. SlackProjectUpdateCreated *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a new project update to team Slack channels. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam,omitempty"` // Whether to send a new project update to workspace Slack channel. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is added to triage. SlackIssueAddedToTriage *bool `json:"slackIssueAddedToTriage,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when an SLA is at high risk. SlackIssueSlaHighRisk *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaHighRisk,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when an SLA is breached. SlackIssueSlaBreached *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaBreached,omitempty"` // Team which those settings apply to. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // Project which those settings apply to. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` }
The configuration of all integrations for a project or a team.
type IntegrationsSettingsConnection ¶
type IntegrationsSettingsConnection struct { Edges []IntegrationsSettingsEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IntegrationsSettings `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IntegrationsSettingsCreateInput ¶
type IntegrationsSettingsCreateInput struct { // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is created for the project or the team. SlackIssueCreated *bool `json:"slackIssueCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a comment is created on any of the project or team's issues. SlackIssueNewComment *bool `json:"slackIssueNewComment,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues change to completed or cancelled. SlackIssueStatusChangedDone *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedDone,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues has a change in status. SlackIssueStatusChangedAll *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedAll,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created. SlackProjectUpdateCreated *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created to team channels. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created to workspace channel. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is added to triage. SlackIssueAddedToTriage *bool `json:"slackIssueAddedToTriage,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when an SLA is at high risk. SlackIssueSlaHighRisk *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaHighRisk,omitempty"` // Whether to receive notification when an SLA has breached on Slack. SlackIssueSlaBreached *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaBreached,omitempty"` // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the team to create settings for. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project to create settings for. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` }
type IntegrationsSettingsEdge ¶
type IntegrationsSettingsEdge struct { Node *IntegrationsSettings `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IntegrationsSettingsPayload ¶
type IntegrationsSettingsPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The settings that were created or updated. IntegrationsSettings *IntegrationsSettings `json:"integrationsSettings"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IntegrationsSettingsUpdateInput ¶
type IntegrationsSettingsUpdateInput struct { // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is created for the project or the team. SlackIssueCreated *bool `json:"slackIssueCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a comment is created on any of the project or team's issues. SlackIssueNewComment *bool `json:"slackIssueNewComment,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues change to completed or cancelled. SlackIssueStatusChangedDone *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedDone,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when any of the project or team's issues has a change in status. SlackIssueStatusChangedAll *bool `json:"slackIssueStatusChangedAll,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created. SlackProjectUpdateCreated *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreated,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created to team channels. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToTeam,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a project update is created to workspace channel. SlackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace *bool `json:"slackProjectUpdateCreatedToWorkspace,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when a new issue is added to triage. SlackIssueAddedToTriage *bool `json:"slackIssueAddedToTriage,omitempty"` // Whether to send a Slack message when an SLA is at high risk. SlackIssueSlaHighRisk *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaHighRisk,omitempty"` // Whether to receive notification when an SLA has breached on Slack. SlackIssueSlaBreached *bool `json:"slackIssueSlaBreached,omitempty"` }
type IntercomSettings ¶
type IntercomSettings struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` }
Intercom specific settings.
type IntercomSettingsInput ¶
type IntercomSettingsInput struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` }
type Issue ¶
type Issue struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The issue's unique number. Number float64 `json:"number"` // The issue's title. Title string `json:"title"` // The priority of the issue. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // The estimate of the complexity of the issue.. Estimate *float64 `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // The order of the item in its column on the board. BoardOrder float64 `json:"boardOrder"` // The order of the item in relation to other items in the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The time at which the issue was moved into started state. StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was moved into completed state. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue entered triage. StartedTriageAt *DateTime `json:"startedTriageAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue left triage. TriagedAt *DateTime `json:"triagedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was moved into canceled state. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was automatically closed by the auto pruning process. AutoClosedAt *DateTime `json:"autoClosedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was automatically archived by the auto pruning process. AutoArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // The date at which the issue is due. DueDate *TimelessDate `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // [Internal] The time at which the issue's SLA began. SlaStartedAt *DateTime `json:"slaStartedAt,omitempty"` // [Internal] The time at which the issue's SLA will breach. SlaBreachesAt *DateTime `json:"slaBreachesAt,omitempty"` // A flag that indicates whether the issue is in the trash bin. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // The time until an issue will be snoozed in Triage view. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // Id of the labels associated with this issue. LabelIds []string `json:"labelIds"` // The team that the issue is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The cycle that the issue is associated with. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The project that the issue is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The projectMilestone that the issue is associated with. ProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestone `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // The last template that was applied to this issue. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Previous identifiers of the issue if it has been moved between teams. PreviousIdentifiers []string `json:"previousIdentifiers"` // The user who created the issue. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The external user who created the issue. ExternalUserCreator *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserCreator,omitempty"` // The user to whom the issue is assigned to. Assignee *User `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // The user who snoozed the issue. SnoozedBy *User `json:"snoozedBy,omitempty"` // The workflow state that the issue is associated with. State *WorkflowState `json:"state"` // The order of the item in the sub-issue list. Only set if the issue has a parent. SubIssueSortOrder *float64 `json:"subIssueSortOrder,omitempty"` // Label for the priority. PriorityLabel string `json:"priorityLabel"` // The comment that this issue was created from. SourceComment *Comment `json:"sourceComment,omitempty"` // Integration type that created this issue, if applicable. IntegrationSourceType *IntegrationService `json:"integrationSourceType,omitempty"` // The bot that created the issue, if applicable. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // The users favorite associated with this issue. Favorite *Favorite `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Issue's human readable identifier (e.g. ENG-123). Identifier string `json:"identifier"` // Issue URL. Url string `json:"url"` // Suggested branch name for the issue. BranchName string `json:"branchName"` // Returns the number of Attachment resources which are created by customer support ticketing systems (e.g. Zendesk). CustomerTicketCount int32 `json:"customerTicketCount"` // Users who are subscribed to the issue. Subscribers *UserConnection `json:"subscribers"` // The parent of the issue. Parent *Issue `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Children of the issue. Children *IssueConnection `json:"children"` // Comments associated with the issue. Comments *CommentConnection `json:"comments"` // History entries associated with the issue. History *IssueHistoryConnection `json:"history"` // Labels associated with this issue. Labels *IssueLabelConnection `json:"labels"` // Relations associated with this issue. Relations *IssueRelationConnection `json:"relations"` // Inverse relations associated with this issue. InverseRelations *IssueRelationConnection `json:"inverseRelations"` // Attachments associated with the issue. Attachments *AttachmentConnection `json:"attachments"` // The issue's description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The issue's description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // [Internal] The issue's description content as YJS state. DescriptionState *string `json:"descriptionState,omitempty"` }
An issue.
type IssueArchivePayload ¶
type IssueArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Issue `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type IssueBatchPayload ¶
type IssueCollectionFilter ¶
type IssueCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues number. Number *NumberComparator `json:"number,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues description. Description *NullableStringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues priority. Priority *NullableNumberComparator `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues estimate. Estimate *EstimateComparator `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues started at date. StartedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues triaged at date. TriagedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"triagedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues completed at date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues canceled at date. CanceledAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto closed at date. AutoClosedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoClosedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto archived at date. AutoArchivedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues due date. DueDate *NullableTimelessDateComparator `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues snoozed until date. SnoozedUntilAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues assignee must satisfy. Assignee *NullableUserFilter `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Filters that the source must satisfy. SourceMetadata *SourceMetadataComparator `json:"sourceMetadata,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue parent must satisfy. Parent *NullableIssueFilter `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues snoozer must satisfy. SnoozedBy *NullableUserFilter `json:"snoozedBy,omitempty"` // Filters that issue labels must satisfy. Labels *IssueLabelCollectionFilter `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Filters that issue subscribers must satisfy. Subscribers *UserCollectionFilter `json:"subscribers,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project milestone must satisfy. ProjectMilestone *NullableProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues comments must satisfy. Comments *CommentCollectionFilter `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues cycle must satisfy. Cycle *NullableCycleFilter `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project must satisfy. Project *NullableProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues state must satisfy. State *WorkflowStateFilter `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the child issues must satisfy. Children *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"children,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues attachments must satisfy. Attachments *AttachmentCollectionFilter `json:"attachments,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the issues content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues with relations. HasRelatedRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasRelatedRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are duplicates. HasDuplicateRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasDuplicateRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocked. HasBlockedByRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockedByRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocking. HasBlockingRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockingRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues sla status. SlaStatus *SlaStatusComparator `json:"slaStatus,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the issue. And []IssueCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the issue. Or []IssueCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some issues. Some *IssueFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all issues. Every *IssueFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Issue filtering options.
type IssueConnection ¶
type IssueConnection struct { Edges []IssueEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Issue `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
func FetchIssues ¶
func FetchIssues(client *gqlclient.Client, ctx context.Context, filter *IssueFilter, first *int32, after *string) (issues *IssueConnection, err error)
type IssueCreateInput ¶
type IssueCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The title of the issue. Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The issue description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The issue description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user to assign the issue to. AssigneeId *string `json:"assigneeId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the parent issue. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The priority of the issue. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low. Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` // The estimated complexity of the issue. Estimate *int32 `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the users subscribing to this ticket. SubscriberIds []string `json:"subscriberIds,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the issue labels associated with this ticket. LabelIds []string `json:"labelIds,omitempty"` // The identifier or key of the team associated with the issue. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The cycle associated with the issue. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The project associated with the issue. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The project milestone associated with the issue. ProjectMilestoneId *string `json:"projectMilestoneId,omitempty"` // The ID of the last template applied to the issue. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The team state of the issue. StateId *string `json:"stateId,omitempty"` // The comment the issue is referencing. ReferenceCommentId *string `json:"referenceCommentId,omitempty"` // The comment the issue is created from. SourceCommentId *string `json:"sourceCommentId,omitempty"` // The position of the issue in its column on the board view. BoardOrder *float64 `json:"boardOrder,omitempty"` // The position of the issue related to other issues. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The position of the issue in parent's sub-issue list. SubIssueSortOrder *float64 `json:"subIssueSortOrder,omitempty"` // The date at which the issue is due. DueDate *TimelessDate `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Create issue as a user with the provided name. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating issues in `actor=application` mode. CreateAsUser *string `json:"createAsUser,omitempty"` // Provide an external user avatar URL. Can only be used in conjunction with the `createAsUser` options. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode. DisplayIconUrl *string `json:"displayIconUrl,omitempty"` // Whether the passed sort order should be preserved. PreserveSortOrderOnCreate *bool `json:"preserveSortOrderOnCreate,omitempty"` // The date when the issue was created (e.g. if importing from another system). Must be a date in the past. If none is provided, the backend will generate the time as now. CreatedAt *DateTime `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // [Internal] The timestamp at which an issue will be considered in breach of SLA. SlaBreachesAt *DateTime `json:"slaBreachesAt,omitempty"` // The identifier of a template the issue should be created from. If other values are provided in the input, they will override template values. TemplateId *string `json:"templateId,omitempty"` }
type IssueDraft ¶
type IssueDraft struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The draft's title. Title string `json:"title"` // The draft's description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The priority of the draft. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // The estimate of the complexity of the draft. Estimate *float64 `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // The date at which the issue would be due. DueDate *TimelessDate `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // The team associated with the draft. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The cycle associated with the draft. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The project associated with the draft. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The project milestone associated with the draft. ProjectMilestoneId *string `json:"projectMilestoneId,omitempty"` // The user who created the draft. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user assigned to the draft. AssigneeId *string `json:"assigneeId,omitempty"` // The workflow state associated with the draft. StateId string `json:"stateId"` // The parent draft of the draft. Parent *IssueDraft `json:"parent,omitempty"` // The parent issue of the draft. ParentIssue *Issue `json:"parentIssue,omitempty"` // The order of items in the sub-draft list. Only set if the draft has `parent` set. SubIssueSortOrder *float64 `json:"subIssueSortOrder,omitempty"` // Label for the priority. PriorityLabel string `json:"priorityLabel"` // [Internal] The draft's description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // Serialized array of JSONs representing attachments. Attachments JSONObject `json:"attachments"` }
[Internal] A draft issue.
type IssueFilter ¶
type IssueFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues number. Number *NumberComparator `json:"number,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues description. Description *NullableStringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues priority. Priority *NullableNumberComparator `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues estimate. Estimate *EstimateComparator `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues started at date. StartedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues triaged at date. TriagedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"triagedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues completed at date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues canceled at date. CanceledAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto closed at date. AutoClosedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoClosedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto archived at date. AutoArchivedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues due date. DueDate *NullableTimelessDateComparator `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues snoozed until date. SnoozedUntilAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues assignee must satisfy. Assignee *NullableUserFilter `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Filters that the source must satisfy. SourceMetadata *SourceMetadataComparator `json:"sourceMetadata,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue parent must satisfy. Parent *NullableIssueFilter `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues snoozer must satisfy. SnoozedBy *NullableUserFilter `json:"snoozedBy,omitempty"` // Filters that issue labels must satisfy. Labels *IssueLabelCollectionFilter `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Filters that issue subscribers must satisfy. Subscribers *UserCollectionFilter `json:"subscribers,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project milestone must satisfy. ProjectMilestone *NullableProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues comments must satisfy. Comments *CommentCollectionFilter `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues cycle must satisfy. Cycle *NullableCycleFilter `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project must satisfy. Project *NullableProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues state must satisfy. State *WorkflowStateFilter `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the child issues must satisfy. Children *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"children,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues attachments must satisfy. Attachments *AttachmentCollectionFilter `json:"attachments,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the issues content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues with relations. HasRelatedRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasRelatedRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are duplicates. HasDuplicateRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasDuplicateRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocked. HasBlockedByRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockedByRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocking. HasBlockingRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockingRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues sla status. SlaStatus *SlaStatusComparator `json:"slaStatus,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the issue. And []IssueFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the issue. Or []IssueFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Issue filtering options.
type IssueFilterSuggestionPayload ¶
type IssueFilterSuggestionPayload struct { // The json filter that is suggested. Filter *JSONObject `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
type IssueHistory ¶
type IssueHistory struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The issue that was changed. Issue *Issue `json:"issue"` // The user who made these changes. If null, possibly means that the change made by an integration. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The id of user who made these changes. If null, possibly means that the change made by an integration. ActorId *string `json:"actorId,omitempty"` // Whether the issue's description was updated. UpdatedDescription *bool `json:"updatedDescription,omitempty"` // What the title was changed from. FromTitle *string `json:"fromTitle,omitempty"` // What the title was changed to. ToTitle *string `json:"toTitle,omitempty"` // The user from whom the issue was re-assigned from. FromAssignee *User `json:"fromAssignee,omitempty"` // The id of user from whom the issue was re-assigned from. FromAssigneeId *string `json:"fromAssigneeId,omitempty"` // The user to whom the issue was assigned to. ToAssignee *User `json:"toAssignee,omitempty"` // The id of user to whom the issue was assigned to. ToAssigneeId *string `json:"toAssigneeId,omitempty"` // What the priority was changed from. FromPriority *float64 `json:"fromPriority,omitempty"` // What the priority was changed to. ToPriority *float64 `json:"toPriority,omitempty"` // The team from which the issue was moved from. FromTeam *Team `json:"fromTeam,omitempty"` // The id of team from which the issue was moved from. FromTeamId *string `json:"fromTeamId,omitempty"` // The team to which the issue was moved to. ToTeam *Team `json:"toTeam,omitempty"` // The id of team to which the issue was moved to. ToTeamId *string `json:"toTeamId,omitempty"` // The previous parent of the issue. FromParent *Issue `json:"fromParent,omitempty"` // The id of previous parent of the issue. FromParentId *string `json:"fromParentId,omitempty"` // The new parent of the issue. ToParent *Issue `json:"toParent,omitempty"` // The id of new parent of the issue. ToParentId *string `json:"toParentId,omitempty"` // The previous workflow state of the issue. FromState *WorkflowState `json:"fromState,omitempty"` // The id of previous workflow state of the issue. FromStateId *string `json:"fromStateId,omitempty"` // The new workflow state of the issue. ToState *WorkflowState `json:"toState,omitempty"` // The id of new workflow state of the issue. ToStateId *string `json:"toStateId,omitempty"` // The previous cycle of the issue. FromCycle *Cycle `json:"fromCycle,omitempty"` // The id of previous cycle of the issue. FromCycleId *string `json:"fromCycleId,omitempty"` // The new cycle of the issue. ToCycle *Cycle `json:"toCycle,omitempty"` // The id of new cycle of the issue. ToCycleId *string `json:"toCycleId,omitempty"` // The new project created from the issue. ToConvertedProject *Project `json:"toConvertedProject,omitempty"` // The id of new project created from the issue. ToConvertedProjectId *string `json:"toConvertedProjectId,omitempty"` // The previous project of the issue. FromProject *Project `json:"fromProject,omitempty"` // The id of previous project of the issue. FromProjectId *string `json:"fromProjectId,omitempty"` // The new project of the issue. ToProject *Project `json:"toProject,omitempty"` // The id of new project of the issue. ToProjectId *string `json:"toProjectId,omitempty"` // What the estimate was changed from. FromEstimate *float64 `json:"fromEstimate,omitempty"` // What the estimate was changed to. ToEstimate *float64 `json:"toEstimate,omitempty"` // Whether the issue is archived at the time of this history entry. Archived *bool `json:"archived,omitempty"` // Whether the issue was trashed or un-trashed. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // The import record. IssueImport *IssueImport `json:"issueImport,omitempty"` // The linked attachment. Attachment *Attachment `json:"attachment,omitempty"` // The id of linked attachment. AttachmentId *string `json:"attachmentId,omitempty"` // ID's of labels that were added. AddedLabelIds []string `json:"addedLabelIds,omitempty"` // ID's of labels that were removed. RemovedLabelIds []string `json:"removedLabelIds,omitempty"` // Changed issue relationships. RelationChanges []IssueRelationHistoryPayload `json:"relationChanges,omitempty"` // Whether the issue was auto-closed. AutoClosed *bool `json:"autoClosed,omitempty"` // Whether the issue was auto-archived. AutoArchived *bool `json:"autoArchived,omitempty"` // What the due date was changed from. FromDueDate *TimelessDate `json:"fromDueDate,omitempty"` // What the due date was changed to. ToDueDate *TimelessDate `json:"toDueDate,omitempty"` // [Internal] Serialized JSON representing changes for certain non-relational properties. Changes *JSONObject `json:"changes,omitempty"` // The bot that performed the action. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` AddedLabels []IssueLabel `json:"addedLabels,omitempty"` RemovedLabels []IssueLabel `json:"removedLabels,omitempty"` }
A record of changes to an issue.
type IssueHistoryConnection ¶
type IssueHistoryConnection struct { Edges []IssueHistoryEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IssueHistory `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IssueHistoryEdge ¶
type IssueHistoryEdge struct { Node *IssueHistory `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IssueImport ¶
type IssueImport struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // New team's name in cases when teamId not set. TeamName *string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` // The id for the user that started the job. CreatorId string `json:"creatorId"` // The service from which data will be imported. Service string `json:"service"` // The status for the import job. Status string `json:"status"` // The data mapping configuration for the import job. Mapping *JSONObject `json:"mapping,omitempty"` // User readable error message, if one has occurred during the import. Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"` // Current step progress in % (0-100). Progress *float64 `json:"progress,omitempty"` // File URL for the uploaded CSV for the import, if there is one. CsvFileUrl *string `json:"csvFileUrl,omitempty"` // Error code and metadata, if one has occurred during the import. ErrorMetadata *JSONObject `json:"errorMetadata,omitempty"` }
An import job for data from an external service.
type IssueImportCheckPayload ¶
type IssueImportCheckPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IssueImportDeletePayload ¶
type IssueImportDeletePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The import job that was deleted. IssueImport *IssueImport `json:"issueImport,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IssueImportMappingInput ¶
type IssueImportMappingInput struct { // The mapping configuration for users. Users *JSONObject `json:"users,omitempty"` // The mapping configuration for workflow states. WorkflowStates *JSONObject `json:"workflowStates,omitempty"` // The mapping configuration for epics. Epics *JSONObject `json:"epics,omitempty"` }
Issue import mapping input.
type IssueImportPayload ¶
type IssueImportPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The import job that was created or updated. IssueImport *IssueImport `json:"issueImport,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IssueImportUpdateInput ¶
type IssueImportUpdateInput struct { // The mapping configuration for the import. Mapping JSONObject `json:"mapping"` }
type IssueLabel ¶
type IssueLabel struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The label's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The label's description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The label's color as a HEX string. Color string `json:"color"` Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The team that the label is associated with. If null, the label is associated with the global workspace. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user who created the label. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The parent label. Parent *IssueLabel `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Whether this label is considered to be a group. IsGroup bool `json:"isGroup"` // Issues associated with the label. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` // Children of the label. Children *IssueLabelConnection `json:"children"` }
Labels that can be associated with issues.
type IssueLabelCollectionFilter ¶
type IssueLabelCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue labels creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue labels team must satisfy. Team *NullableTeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue label's parent label must satisfy. Parent *IssueLabelFilter `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the label. And []IssueLabelCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the label. Or []IssueLabelCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some issue labels. Some *IssueLabelFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all issue labels. Every *IssueLabelFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Issue label filtering options.
type IssueLabelConnection ¶
type IssueLabelConnection struct { Edges []IssueLabelEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IssueLabel `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IssueLabelCreateInput ¶
type IssueLabelCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the label. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the label. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The color of the label. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The identifier of the parent label. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The team associated with the label. If not given, the label will be associated with the entire workspace. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` }
type IssueLabelEdge ¶
type IssueLabelEdge struct { Node *IssueLabel `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IssueLabelFilter ¶
type IssueLabelFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue labels creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue labels team must satisfy. Team *NullableTeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue label's parent label must satisfy. Parent *IssueLabelFilter `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the label. And []IssueLabelFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the label. Or []IssueLabelFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Issue label filtering options.
type IssueLabelPayload ¶
type IssueLabelPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The label that was created or updated. IssueLabel *IssueLabel `json:"issueLabel"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IssueLabelUpdateInput ¶
type IssueLabelUpdateInput struct { // The name of the label. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the label. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The identifier of the parent label. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The color of the label. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` }
type IssueNotification ¶
type IssueNotification struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Notification type. Type string `json:"type"` // The user that caused the notification. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The external user that caused the notification. ExternalUserActor *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserActor,omitempty"` // The user that received the notification. User *User `json:"user"` // The time at when the user marked the notification as read. Null, if the the user hasn't read the notification ReadAt *DateTime `json:"readAt,omitempty"` // The time at when an email reminder for this notification was sent to the user. Null, if no email // reminder has been sent. EmailedAt *DateTime `json:"emailedAt,omitempty"` // The time until a notification will be snoozed. After that it will appear in the inbox again. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The time at which a notification was unsnoozed.. UnsnoozedAt *DateTime `json:"unsnoozedAt,omitempty"` // The bot that caused the notification. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // Name of the reaction emoji related to the notification. ReactionEmoji *string `json:"reactionEmoji,omitempty"` // The issue related to the notification. Issue *Issue `json:"issue"` // The comment related to the notification. Comment *Comment `json:"comment,omitempty"` // The team related to the issue notification. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The subscriptions related to the notification. Subscriptions []NotificationSubscription `json:"subscriptions,omitempty"` }
An issue related notification.
type IssuePayload ¶
type IssuePriorityValue ¶
type IssueRelation ¶
type IssueRelation struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The relationship of the issue with the related issue. Type string `json:"type"` // The issue whose relationship is being described. Issue *Issue `json:"issue"` // The related issue. RelatedIssue *Issue `json:"relatedIssue"` }
A relation between two issues.
type IssueRelationConnection ¶
type IssueRelationConnection struct { Edges []IssueRelationEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IssueRelation `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IssueRelationCreateInput ¶
type IssueRelationCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The type of relation of the issue to the related issue. Type IssueRelationType `json:"type"` // The identifier of the issue that is related to another issue. IssueId string `json:"issueId"` // The identifier of the related issue. RelatedIssueId string `json:"relatedIssueId"` }
type IssueRelationEdge ¶
type IssueRelationEdge struct { Node *IssueRelation `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IssueRelationHistoryPayload ¶
type IssueRelationHistoryPayload struct { // The identifier of the related issue. Identifier string `json:"identifier"` // The type of the change. Type string `json:"type"` }
Issue relation history's payload.
type IssueRelationPayload ¶
type IssueRelationPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The issue relation that was created or updated. IssueRelation *IssueRelation `json:"issueRelation"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type IssueRelationType ¶
type IssueRelationType string
The type of the issue relation.
const ( IssueRelationTypeBlocks IssueRelationType = "blocks" IssueRelationTypeDuplicate IssueRelationType = "duplicate" IssueRelationTypeRelated IssueRelationType = "related" )
type IssueRelationUpdateInput ¶
type IssueRelationUpdateInput struct { // The type of relation of the issue to the related issue. Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` // The identifier of the issue that is related to another issue. IssueId *string `json:"issueId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the related issue. RelatedIssueId *string `json:"relatedIssueId,omitempty"` }
type IssueSearchPayload ¶
type IssueSearchPayload struct { Edges []IssueSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IssueSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Archived entities matching the search term along with all their dependencies. ArchivePayload *ArchiveResponse `json:"archivePayload"` // Total number of results for query without filters applied. TotalCount float64 `json:"totalCount"` }
type IssueSearchResult ¶
type IssueSearchResult struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The issue's unique number. Number float64 `json:"number"` // The issue's title. Title string `json:"title"` // The priority of the issue. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // The estimate of the complexity of the issue.. Estimate *float64 `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // The order of the item in its column on the board. BoardOrder float64 `json:"boardOrder"` // The order of the item in relation to other items in the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The time at which the issue was moved into started state. StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was moved into completed state. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue entered triage. StartedTriageAt *DateTime `json:"startedTriageAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue left triage. TriagedAt *DateTime `json:"triagedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was moved into canceled state. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was automatically closed by the auto pruning process. AutoClosedAt *DateTime `json:"autoClosedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the issue was automatically archived by the auto pruning process. AutoArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // The date at which the issue is due. DueDate *TimelessDate `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // [Internal] The time at which the issue's SLA began. SlaStartedAt *DateTime `json:"slaStartedAt,omitempty"` // [Internal] The time at which the issue's SLA will breach. SlaBreachesAt *DateTime `json:"slaBreachesAt,omitempty"` // A flag that indicates whether the issue is in the trash bin. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // The time until an issue will be snoozed in Triage view. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // Id of the labels associated with this issue. LabelIds []string `json:"labelIds"` // The team that the issue is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The cycle that the issue is associated with. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The project that the issue is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The projectMilestone that the issue is associated with. ProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestone `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // The last template that was applied to this issue. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Previous identifiers of the issue if it has been moved between teams. PreviousIdentifiers []string `json:"previousIdentifiers"` // The user who created the issue. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The external user who created the issue. ExternalUserCreator *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserCreator,omitempty"` // The user to whom the issue is assigned to. Assignee *User `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // The user who snoozed the issue. SnoozedBy *User `json:"snoozedBy,omitempty"` // The workflow state that the issue is associated with. State *WorkflowState `json:"state"` // The order of the item in the sub-issue list. Only set if the issue has a parent. SubIssueSortOrder *float64 `json:"subIssueSortOrder,omitempty"` // Label for the priority. PriorityLabel string `json:"priorityLabel"` // The comment that this issue was created from. SourceComment *Comment `json:"sourceComment,omitempty"` // Integration type that created this issue, if applicable. IntegrationSourceType *IntegrationService `json:"integrationSourceType,omitempty"` // The bot that created the issue, if applicable. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // The users favorite associated with this issue. Favorite *Favorite `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Issue's human readable identifier (e.g. ENG-123). Identifier string `json:"identifier"` // Issue URL. Url string `json:"url"` // Suggested branch name for the issue. BranchName string `json:"branchName"` // Returns the number of Attachment resources which are created by customer support ticketing systems (e.g. Zendesk). CustomerTicketCount int32 `json:"customerTicketCount"` // Users who are subscribed to the issue. Subscribers *UserConnection `json:"subscribers"` // The parent of the issue. Parent *Issue `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Children of the issue. Children *IssueConnection `json:"children"` // Comments associated with the issue. Comments *CommentConnection `json:"comments"` // History entries associated with the issue. History *IssueHistoryConnection `json:"history"` // Labels associated with this issue. Labels *IssueLabelConnection `json:"labels"` // Relations associated with this issue. Relations *IssueRelationConnection `json:"relations"` // Inverse relations associated with this issue. InverseRelations *IssueRelationConnection `json:"inverseRelations"` // Attachments associated with the issue. Attachments *AttachmentConnection `json:"attachments"` // The issue's description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The issue's description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // [Internal] The issue's description content as YJS state. DescriptionState *string `json:"descriptionState,omitempty"` // Metadata related to search result. Metadata JSONObject `json:"metadata"` }
type IssueSearchResultConnection ¶
type IssueSearchResultConnection struct { Edges []IssueSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []IssueSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type IssueSearchResultEdge ¶
type IssueSearchResultEdge struct { Node *IssueSearchResult `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type IssueSortInput ¶
type IssueSortInput struct { // Sort by priority Priority *PrioritySort `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Sort by estimate Estimate *EstimateSort `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // Sort by issue title Title *TitleSort `json:"title,omitempty"` // Sort by label Label *LabelSort `json:"label,omitempty"` // Sort by SLA status SlaStatus *SlaStatusSort `json:"slaStatus,omitempty"` // Sort by issue creation date CreatedAt *CreatedAtSort `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Sort by issue update date UpdatedAt *UpdatedAtSort `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Sort by issue completion date CompletedAt *CompletedAtSort `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Sort by issue due date DueDate *DueDateSort `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Sort by Cycle start date Cycle *CycleSort `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // Sort by Project Milestone target date Milestone *MilestoneSort `json:"milestone,omitempty"` // Sort by assignee name Assignee *AssigneeSort `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // Sort by Project name Project *ProjectSort `json:"project,omitempty"` // Sort by Team name Team *TeamSort `json:"team,omitempty"` // Sort by manual order Manual *ManualSort `json:"manual,omitempty"` // Sort by workflow state type WorkflowState *WorkflowStateSort `json:"workflowState,omitempty"` }
Issue filtering options.
type IssueUpdateInput ¶
type IssueUpdateInput struct { // The issue title. Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // The issue description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The issue description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user to assign the issue to. AssigneeId *string `json:"assigneeId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the parent issue. ParentId *string `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // The priority of the issue. 0 = No priority, 1 = Urgent, 2 = High, 3 = Normal, 4 = Low. Priority *int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"` // The estimated complexity of the issue. Estimate *int32 `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the users subscribing to this ticket. SubscriberIds []string `json:"subscriberIds,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the issue labels associated with this ticket. LabelIds []string `json:"labelIds,omitempty"` // The identifier or key of the team associated with the issue. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The cycle associated with the issue. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The project associated with the issue. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The project milestone associated with the issue. ProjectMilestoneId *string `json:"projectMilestoneId,omitempty"` // The ID of the last template applied to the issue. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The team state of the issue. StateId *string `json:"stateId,omitempty"` // The position of the issue in its column on the board view. BoardOrder *float64 `json:"boardOrder,omitempty"` // The position of the issue related to other issues. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The position of the issue in parent's sub-issue list. SubIssueSortOrder *float64 `json:"subIssueSortOrder,omitempty"` // The date at which the issue is due. DueDate *TimelessDate `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Whether the issue has been trashed. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // [Internal] The timestamp at which an issue will be considered in breach of SLA. SlaBreachesAt *DateTime `json:"slaBreachesAt,omitempty"` // The time until an issue will be snoozed in Triage view. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user who snoozed the issue. SnoozedById *string `json:"snoozedById,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the companies associated with this ticket. CompanyIds []string `json:"companyIds,omitempty"` }
type JSON ¶
type JSON string
The `JSON` scalar type represents arbitrary values as *stringified* JSON
type JSONObject ¶
type JSONObject string
The `JSONObject` scalar type represents arbitrary values as *embedded* JSON
type JiraConfigurationInput ¶
type JiraConfigurationInput struct { // The Jira personal access token. AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` // The Jira user's email address. Email string `json:"email"` // The Jira installation hostname. Hostname string `json:"hostname"` // The Jira project keys to scope the integration to. Project *string `json:"project,omitempty"` }
type JiraLinearMapping ¶
type JiraLinearMapping struct { // The Jira id for this project. JiraProjectId string `json:"jiraProjectId"` // The Linear team id to map to the given project. LinearTeamId string `json:"linearTeamId"` // Whether the sync for this mapping is bidirectional. Bidirectional *bool `json:"bidirectional,omitempty"` // Whether this mapping is the default one for issue creation. Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` }
Tuple for mapping Jira projects to Linear teams.
type JiraLinearMappingInput ¶
type JiraLinearMappingInput struct { // The Jira id for this project. JiraProjectId string `json:"jiraProjectId"` // The Linear team id to map to the given project. LinearTeamId string `json:"linearTeamId"` // Whether the sync for this mapping is bidirectional. Bidirectional *bool `json:"bidirectional,omitempty"` // Whether this mapping is the default one for issue creation. Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` }
type JiraPersonalSettings ¶
type JiraPersonalSettings struct { // The name of the Jira site currently authorized through the integration. SiteName *string `json:"siteName,omitempty"` }
Jira personal specific settings.
type JiraPersonalSettingsInput ¶
type JiraPersonalSettingsInput struct { // The name of the Jira site currently authorized through the integration. SiteName *string `json:"siteName,omitempty"` }
type JiraProjectData ¶
type JiraProjectData struct { // The Jira id for this project. Id string `json:"id"` // The Jira key for this project, such as ENG. Key string `json:"key"` // The Jira name for this project, such as Engineering. Name string `json:"name"` }
Metadata about a Jira project.
type JiraProjectDataInput ¶
type JiraSettings ¶
type JiraSettings struct { // The mapping of Jira project id => Linear team id. ProjectMapping []JiraLinearMapping `json:"projectMapping,omitempty"` // The Jira projects for the organization. Projects []JiraProjectData `json:"projects"` // Whether this integration is for Jira Server or not. IsJiraServer *bool `json:"isJiraServer,omitempty"` }
Jira specific settings.
type JiraSettingsInput ¶
type JiraSettingsInput struct { // The mapping of Jira project id => Linear team id. ProjectMapping []JiraLinearMappingInput `json:"projectMapping,omitempty"` // The Jira projects for the organization. Projects []JiraProjectDataInput `json:"projects"` // Whether this integration is for Jira Server or not. IsJiraServer *bool `json:"isJiraServer,omitempty"` }
type JiraUpdateInput ¶
type JiraUpdateInput struct { // The id of the integration to update. Id string `json:"id"` // Whether to refresh Jira Projects for the integration. UpdateProjects *bool `json:"updateProjects,omitempty"` // Whether to refresh Jira metadata for the integration. UpdateMetadata *bool `json:"updateMetadata,omitempty"` }
type JoinOrganizationInput ¶
type LabelNotificationSubscription ¶
type LabelNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The label subscribed to. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A label notification subscription.
type LabelSort ¶
type LabelSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue sorting options.
type LogoutResponse ¶
type LogoutResponse struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ManualSort ¶
type ManualSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue manual sorting options.
type MilestoneSort ¶
type MilestoneSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue project milestone options.
type Node ¶
type Node struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // Underlying value of the GraphQL interface Value NodeValue `json:"-"` }
func (*Node) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NodeValue ¶
type NodeValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
NodeValue is one of: ApiKey | User | Attachment | AuditEntry | ProjectUpdate | Project | Reaction | Comment | Company | CustomView | Issue | Cycle | Document | DocumentContentHistory | DocumentContent | EmailIntakeAddress | Emoji | IntegrationTemplate | Integration | ExternalUser | Template | Organization | InitiativeToProject | RoadmapToProject | Roadmap | Initiative | Facet | Favorite | GitAutomationTargetBranch | GitAutomationState | IntegrationsSettings | IssueLabel | IssueDraft | IssueHistory | IssueImport | IssueRelation | OauthClientApproval | Entity | OauthClient | OrganizationDomain | OrganizationInvite | ProjectMilestone | ProjectLink | ProjectStatus | ProjectUpdateInteraction | PushSubscription | PaidSubscription | Team | TeamMembership | TimeSchedule | TriageResponsibility | UserSettings | ViewPreferences | Webhook | WorkflowCronJobDefinition | WorkflowDefinition | WorkflowState | IssueSearchResult | DocumentSearchResult | ProjectSearchResult | Notification | NotificationSubscription | IssueNotification | ProjectNotification | OauthClientApprovalNotification | CustomViewNotificationSubscription | CycleNotificationSubscription | LabelNotificationSubscription | ProjectNotificationSubscription | TeamNotificationSubscription | UserNotificationSubscription
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Notification type. Type string `json:"type"` // The user that caused the notification. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The external user that caused the notification. ExternalUserActor *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserActor,omitempty"` // The user that received the notification. User *User `json:"user"` // The time at when the user marked the notification as read. Null, if the the user hasn't read the notification ReadAt *DateTime `json:"readAt,omitempty"` // The time at when an email reminder for this notification was sent to the user. Null, if no email // reminder has been sent. EmailedAt *DateTime `json:"emailedAt,omitempty"` // The time until a notification will be snoozed. After that it will appear in the inbox again. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The time at which a notification was unsnoozed.. UnsnoozedAt *DateTime `json:"unsnoozedAt,omitempty"` // The bot that caused the notification. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // Underlying value of the GraphQL interface Value NotificationValue `json:"-"` }
A notification sent to a user.
func (*Notification) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (base *Notification) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NotificationArchivePayload ¶
type NotificationArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Notification `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type NotificationBatchActionPayload ¶
type NotificationBatchActionPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The notifications that were updated. Notifications []Notification `json:"notifications"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type NotificationConnection ¶
type NotificationConnection struct { Edges []NotificationEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Notification `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type NotificationEdge ¶
type NotificationEdge struct { Node *Notification `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type NotificationEntityInput ¶
type NotificationEntityInput struct { // The id of the issue related to the notification. IssueId *string `json:"issueId,omitempty"` // The id of the project related to the notification. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The id of the project update related to the notification. ProjectUpdateId *string `json:"projectUpdateId,omitempty"` // The id of the OAuth client approval related to the notification. OauthClientApprovalId *string `json:"oauthClientApprovalId,omitempty"` }
Describes the type and id of the entity to target for notifications.
type NotificationPayload ¶
type NotificationPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The notification that was created or updated. Notification *Notification `json:"notification"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type NotificationSubscription ¶
type NotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // Underlying value of the GraphQL interface Value NotificationSubscriptionValue `json:"-"` }
Notification subscriptions for models.
func (*NotificationSubscription) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (base *NotificationSubscription) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type NotificationSubscriptionConnection ¶
type NotificationSubscriptionConnection struct { Edges []NotificationSubscriptionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []NotificationSubscription `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type NotificationSubscriptionCreateInput ¶
type NotificationSubscriptionCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the custom view to subscribe to. CustomViewId *string `json:"customViewId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the cycle to subscribe to. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the label to subscribe to. LabelId *string `json:"labelId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project to subscribe to. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the team to subscribe to. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user to subscribe to. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // The types of notifications of the subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active. Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` }
type NotificationSubscriptionEdge ¶
type NotificationSubscriptionEdge struct { Node *NotificationSubscription `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type NotificationSubscriptionPayload ¶
type NotificationSubscriptionPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The notification subscription that was created or updated. NotificationSubscription *NotificationSubscription `json:"notificationSubscription"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type NotificationSubscriptionValue ¶
type NotificationSubscriptionValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
NotificationSubscriptionValue is one of: CustomViewNotificationSubscription | CycleNotificationSubscription | LabelNotificationSubscription | ProjectNotificationSubscription | TeamNotificationSubscription | UserNotificationSubscription
type NotificationUpdateInput ¶
type NotificationUpdateInput struct { // The time when notification was marked as read. ReadAt *DateTime `json:"readAt,omitempty"` // The time until a notification will be snoozed. After that it will appear in the inbox again. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The id of the project update related to the notification. ProjectUpdateId *string `json:"projectUpdateId,omitempty"` }
type NotificationValue ¶
type NotificationValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
NotificationValue is one of: IssueNotification | ProjectNotification | OauthClientApprovalNotification
type NotionSettings ¶
type NotionSettings struct { // The ID of the Notion workspace being connected. WorkspaceId string `json:"workspaceId"` // The name of the Notion workspace being connected. WorkspaceName string `json:"workspaceName"` }
Notion specific settings.
type NotionSettingsInput ¶
type NullableCycleFilter ¶
type NullableCycleFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle number. Number *NumberComparator `json:"number,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle start date. StartsAt *DateComparator `json:"startsAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle ends at date. EndsAt *DateComparator `json:"endsAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the cycle completed at date. CompletedAt *DateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering active cycle. IsActive *BooleanComparator `json:"isActive,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering for whether the cycle is currently in cooldown. IsInCooldown *BooleanComparator `json:"isInCooldown,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering next cycle. IsNext *BooleanComparator `json:"isNext,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering previous cycle. IsPrevious *BooleanComparator `json:"isPrevious,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering future cycles. IsFuture *BooleanComparator `json:"isFuture,omitempty"` // Comparator for the filtering past cycles. IsPast *BooleanComparator `json:"isPast,omitempty"` // Filters that the cycles team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the cycles issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the cycle. And []NullableCycleFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the cycle. Or []NullableCycleFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Cycle filtering options.
type NullableDateComparator ¶
type NullableDateComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *DateTime `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *DateTime `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []DateTime `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []DateTime `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *DateTime `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *DateTime `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *DateTime `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *DateTime `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
Comparator for optional dates.
type NullableDocumentContentFilter ¶
type NullableDocumentContentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the document content project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filters that the document content document must satisfy. Document *DocumentFilter `json:"document,omitempty"` }
Document content filtering options.
type NullableDocumentFilter ¶
type NullableDocumentFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the document slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the document's project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the document. And []NullableDocumentFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the document. Or []NullableDocumentFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Document filtering options.
type NullableIssueFilter ¶
type NullableIssueFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues number. Number *NumberComparator `json:"number,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues title. Title *StringComparator `json:"title,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues description. Description *NullableStringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues priority. Priority *NullableNumberComparator `json:"priority,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues estimate. Estimate *EstimateComparator `json:"estimate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues started at date. StartedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues triaged at date. TriagedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"triagedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues completed at date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues canceled at date. CanceledAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto closed at date. AutoClosedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoClosedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues auto archived at date. AutoArchivedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues due date. DueDate *NullableTimelessDateComparator `json:"dueDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues snoozed until date. SnoozedUntilAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues assignee must satisfy. Assignee *NullableUserFilter `json:"assignee,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Filters that the source must satisfy. SourceMetadata *SourceMetadataComparator `json:"sourceMetadata,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues creator must satisfy. Creator *NullableUserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the issue parent must satisfy. Parent *NullableIssueFilter `json:"parent,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues snoozer must satisfy. SnoozedBy *NullableUserFilter `json:"snoozedBy,omitempty"` // Filters that issue labels must satisfy. Labels *IssueLabelCollectionFilter `json:"labels,omitempty"` // Filters that issue subscribers must satisfy. Subscribers *UserCollectionFilter `json:"subscribers,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project milestone must satisfy. ProjectMilestone *NullableProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"projectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues comments must satisfy. Comments *CommentCollectionFilter `json:"comments,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues cycle must satisfy. Cycle *NullableCycleFilter `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues project must satisfy. Project *NullableProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues state must satisfy. State *WorkflowStateFilter `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the child issues must satisfy. Children *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"children,omitempty"` // Filters that the issues attachments must satisfy. Attachments *AttachmentCollectionFilter `json:"attachments,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the issues content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues with relations. HasRelatedRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasRelatedRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are duplicates. HasDuplicateRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasDuplicateRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocked. HasBlockedByRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockedByRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for filtering issues which are blocking. HasBlockingRelations *RelationExistsComparator `json:"hasBlockingRelations,omitempty"` // Comparator for the issues sla status. SlaStatus *SlaStatusComparator `json:"slaStatus,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the issue. And []NullableIssueFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the issue. Or []NullableIssueFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Issue filtering options.
type NullableNumberComparator ¶
type NullableNumberComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *float64 `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *float64 `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []float64 `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []float64 `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *float64 `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *float64 `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *float64 `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *float64 `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
Comparator for optional numbers.
type NullableProjectFilter ¶
type NullableProjectFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] Comparator for the project state. State *StringComparator `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's status must satisfy. Status *ProjectStatusFilter `json:"status,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the project's content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project completion date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project start date. StartDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project health. Health *StringComparator `json:"health,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects lead must satisfy. Lead *NullableUserFilter `json:"lead,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects members must satisfy. Members *UserFilter `json:"members,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects roadmaps must satisfy. Roadmaps *RoadmapCollectionFilter `json:"roadmaps,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects initiatives must satisfy. Initiatives *InitiativeCollectionFilter `json:"initiatives,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's milestones must satisfy. ProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"projectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's completed milestones must satisfy. CompletedProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"completedProjectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's next milestone must satisfy. NextProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"nextProjectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's team must satisfy. AccessibleTeams *TeamCollectionFilter `json:"accessibleTeams,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project. And []NullableProjectFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the project. Or []NullableProjectFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Project filtering options.
type NullableProjectMilestoneFilter ¶
type NullableProjectMilestoneFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project milestone. And []NullableProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the project milestone. Or []NullableProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Project milestone filtering options.
type NullableStringComparator ¶
type NullableStringComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Equals case insensitive. Matches any values that matches the given string case insensitive. EqIgnoreCase *string `json:"eqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Not-equals case insensitive. Matches any values that don't match the given string case insensitive. NeqIgnoreCase *string `json:"neqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Starts with constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWith *string `json:"startsWith,omitempty"` // Starts with case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWithIgnoreCase *string `json:"startsWithIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't start with constraint. Matches any values that don't start with the given string. NotStartsWith *string `json:"notStartsWith,omitempty"` // Ends with constraint. Matches any values that end with the given string. EndsWith *string `json:"endsWith,omitempty"` // Doesn't end with constraint. Matches any values that don't end with the given string. NotEndsWith *string `json:"notEndsWith,omitempty"` // Contains constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string. Contains *string `json:"contains,omitempty"` // Contains case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string case insensitive. ContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"containsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string. NotContains *string `json:"notContains,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string case insensitive. NotContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"notContainsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` }
Comparator for optional strings.
type NullableTeamFilter ¶
type NullableTeamFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team key. Key *StringComparator `json:"key,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team description. Description *NullableStringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Filters that the teams issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the team. And []NullableTeamFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the team. Or []NullableTeamFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Team filtering options.
type NullableTemplateFilter ¶
type NullableTemplateFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the template's name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the template. And []NullableTemplateFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the template. Or []NullableTemplateFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Template filtering options.
type NullableTimelessDateComparator ¶
type NullableTimelessDateComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *TimelessDate `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *TimelessDate `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []TimelessDate `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []TimelessDate `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *TimelessDate `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *TimelessDate `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *TimelessDate `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *TimelessDate `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
type NullableUserFilter ¶
type NullableUserFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's display name. DisplayName *StringComparator `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's email. Email *StringComparator `json:"email,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's activity status. Active *BooleanComparator `json:"active,omitempty"` // Filters that the users assigned issues must satisfy. AssignedIssues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"assignedIssues,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's admin status. Admin *BooleanComparator `json:"admin,omitempty"` // Filter based on the currently authenticated user. Set to true to filter for the authenticated user, false for any other user. IsMe *BooleanComparator `json:"isMe,omitempty"` // Filter based on the existence of the relation. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the user. And []NullableUserFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the user. Or []NullableUserFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
User filtering options.
type NumberComparator ¶
type NumberComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *float64 `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *float64 `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []float64 `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []float64 `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *float64 `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *float64 `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *float64 `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *float64 `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
Comparator for numbers.
type OAuthClientApprovalStatus ¶
type OAuthClientApprovalStatus string
The different requests statuses possible for an OAuth client approval request.
const ( OAuthClientApprovalStatusRequested OAuthClientApprovalStatus = "requested" OAuthClientApprovalStatusApproved OAuthClientApprovalStatus = "approved" OAuthClientApprovalStatusDenied OAuthClientApprovalStatus = "denied" )
type OauthClient ¶
type OauthClient struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // OAuth application's client name. Name string `json:"name"` // Information about the application. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Name of the developer. Developer string `json:"developer"` // Url of the developer. DeveloperUrl string `json:"developerUrl"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // OAuth application's client secret. ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"` // List of allowed redirect URIs for the application. RedirectUris []string `json:"redirectUris"` // Whether the OAuth application can be installed in other organizations. PublicEnabled bool `json:"publicEnabled"` // The user who created the OAuth application. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The organization that the OAuth application is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The resource types to request when creating new webhooks. WebhookResourceTypes []string `json:"webhookResourceTypes"` // Webhook URL. WebhookUrl *string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"` // Webhook secret token for verifying the origin on the recipient side. WebhookSecret *string `json:"webhookSecret,omitempty"` }
OAuth2 client application
type OauthClientApproval ¶
type OauthClientApproval struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The uuid of the OAuth client being requested for installation. OauthClientId string `json:"oauthClientId"` // The person who requested installing the OAuth client. RequesterId string `json:"requesterId"` // The person who responded to the request to install the OAuth client. ResponderId *string `json:"responderId,omitempty"` // The status for the OAuth client approval request. Status OAuthClientApprovalStatus `json:"status"` // The scopes the app has requested. Scopes []string `json:"scopes"` // The reason the person wants to install this OAuth client. RequestReason *string `json:"requestReason,omitempty"` // The reason the request for the OAuth client approval was denied. DenyReason *string `json:"denyReason,omitempty"` }
Request to install OAuth clients on organizations and the response to the request.
type OauthClientApprovalNotification ¶
type OauthClientApprovalNotification struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Notification type. Type string `json:"type"` // The user that caused the notification. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The external user that caused the notification. ExternalUserActor *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserActor,omitempty"` // The user that received the notification. User *User `json:"user"` // The time at when the user marked the notification as read. Null, if the the user hasn't read the notification ReadAt *DateTime `json:"readAt,omitempty"` // The time at when an email reminder for this notification was sent to the user. Null, if no email // reminder has been sent. EmailedAt *DateTime `json:"emailedAt,omitempty"` // The time until a notification will be snoozed. After that it will appear in the inbox again. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The time at which a notification was unsnoozed.. UnsnoozedAt *DateTime `json:"unsnoozedAt,omitempty"` // The bot that caused the notification. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // The OAuth client approval request related to the notification. OauthClientApproval *OauthClientApproval `json:"oauthClientApproval"` }
An oauth client approval related notification.
type OauthClientConnection ¶
type OauthClientConnection struct { Edges []OauthClientEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []OauthClient `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type OauthClientEdge ¶
type OauthClientEdge struct { Node *OauthClient `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type OauthToken ¶
type OauthToken struct { Id float64 `json:"id"` RevokedAt *DateTime `json:"revokedAt,omitempty"` CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // OAuth2 client for which the access token belongs to. Client *AuthOauthClient `json:"client"` ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // Auth user who authorized the OAuth application. User *AuthUser `json:"user"` // Id of the user who authorized the OAuth application. UserId string `json:"userId"` }
type OpsgenieInput ¶
type OpsgenieInput struct { DateTime `json:"apiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt"` }ApiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt
type OpsgenieSettings ¶
type OpsgenieSettings struct { DateTime `json:"apiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt"` }ApiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt
Opsgenie specific settings.
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The organization's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The organization's unique URL key. UrlKey string `json:"urlKey"` // The organization's logo URL. LogoUrl *string `json:"logoUrl,omitempty"` // Rolling 30-day total upload volume for the organization, in megabytes. PeriodUploadVolume float64 `json:"periodUploadVolume"` // How git branches are formatted. If null, default formatting will be used. GitBranchFormat *string `json:"gitBranchFormat,omitempty"` // Whether the Git integration linkback messages should be sent to private repositories. GitLinkbackMessagesEnabled bool `json:"gitLinkbackMessagesEnabled"` // Whether the Git integration linkback messages should be sent to public repositories. GitPublicLinkbackMessagesEnabled bool `json:"gitPublicLinkbackMessagesEnabled"` // Whether the organization is using a roadmap. RoadmapEnabled bool `json:"roadmapEnabled"` // The frequency at which to prompt for project updates. ProjectUpdatesReminderFrequency ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency `json:"projectUpdatesReminderFrequency"` // The day at which to prompt for project updates. ProjectUpdateRemindersDay Day `json:"projectUpdateRemindersDay"` // The hour at which to prompt for project updates. ProjectUpdateRemindersHour float64 `json:"projectUpdateRemindersHour"` // The month at which the fiscal year starts. Defaults to January (0). FiscalYearStartMonth float64 `json:"fiscalYearStartMonth"` // Whether SAML authentication is enabled for organization. SamlEnabled bool `json:"samlEnabled"` // [INTERNAL] SAML settings. SamlSettings *JSONObject `json:"samlSettings,omitempty"` // Whether SCIM provisioning is enabled for organization. ScimEnabled bool `json:"scimEnabled"` // Allowed authentication providers, empty array means all are allowed. AllowedAuthServices []string `json:"allowedAuthServices"` // The time at which deletion of the organization was requested. DeletionRequestedAt *DateTime `json:"deletionRequestedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the trial of the plus plan will end. TrialEndsAt *DateTime `json:"trialEndsAt,omitempty"` // Previously used URL keys for the organization (last 3 are kept and redirected). PreviousUrlKeys []string `json:"previousUrlKeys"` // Whether member users are allowed to send invites. AllowMembersToInvite *bool `json:"allowMembersToInvite,omitempty"` // The feature release channel the organization belongs to. ReleaseChannel ReleaseChannel `json:"releaseChannel"` // Which day count to use for SLA calculations. SlaDayCount SLADayCountType `json:"slaDayCount"` // Users associated with the organization. Users *UserConnection `json:"users"` // Teams associated with the organization. Teams *TeamConnection `json:"teams"` // Integrations associated with the organization. Integrations *IntegrationConnection `json:"integrations"` // The organization's subscription to a paid plan. Subscription *PaidSubscription `json:"subscription,omitempty"` // Number of active users in the organization. UserCount int32 `json:"userCount"` // Number of issues in the organization. CreatedIssueCount int32 `json:"createdIssueCount"` // Templates associated with the organization. Templates *TemplateConnection `json:"templates"` // Labels associated with the organization. Labels *IssueLabelConnection `json:"labels"` }
An organization. Organizations are root-level objects that contain user accounts and teams.
type OrganizationAcceptedOrExpiredInviteDetailsPayload ¶
type OrganizationAcceptedOrExpiredInviteDetailsPayload struct { // The status of the invite. Status OrganizationInviteStatus `json:"status"` }
type OrganizationCancelDeletePayload ¶
type OrganizationCancelDeletePayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type OrganizationDeletePayload ¶
type OrganizationDeletePayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type OrganizationDomain ¶
type OrganizationDomain struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Domain name. Name string `json:"name"` // Is this domain verified. Verified bool `json:"verified"` // E-mail used to verify this domain. VerificationEmail *string `json:"verificationEmail,omitempty"` // The user who added the domain. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // What type of auth is the domain used for. AuthType OrganizationDomainAuthType `json:"authType"` // Whether the domains was claimed by the organization through DNS verification. Claimed *bool `json:"claimed,omitempty"` }
Defines the use of a domain by an organization.
type OrganizationDomainAuthType ¶
type OrganizationDomainAuthType string
What type of auth is the domain used for.
const ( OrganizationDomainAuthTypeSaml OrganizationDomainAuthType = "saml" OrganizationDomainAuthTypeGeneral OrganizationDomainAuthType = "general" )
type OrganizationDomainClaimPayload ¶
type OrganizationDomainClaimPayload struct { // String to put into DNS for verification. VerificationString string `json:"verificationString"` }
[INTERNAL] Domain claim request response.
type OrganizationDomainCreateInput ¶
type OrganizationDomainCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The domain name to add. Name string `json:"name"` // The email address to which to send the verification code. VerificationEmail *string `json:"verificationEmail,omitempty"` // The authentication type this domain is for. AuthType *string `json:"authType,omitempty"` }
type OrganizationDomainPayload ¶
type OrganizationDomainPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The organization domain that was created or updated. OrganizationDomain *OrganizationDomain `json:"organizationDomain"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
[INTERNAL] Organization domain operation response.
type OrganizationDomainSimplePayload ¶
type OrganizationDomainSimplePayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
[INTERNAL] Organization domain operation response.
type OrganizationInvite ¶
type OrganizationInvite struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The invitees email address. Email string `json:"email"` // The user role that the invitee will receive upon accepting the invite. Role UserRoleType `json:"role"` // The invite was sent to external address. External bool `json:"external"` // The time at which the invite was accepted. Null, if the invite hasn't been accepted. AcceptedAt *DateTime `json:"acceptedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the invite will be expiring. Null, if the invite shouldn't expire. ExpiresAt *DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` // Extra metadata associated with the organization invite. Metadata JSONObject `json:"metadata"` // The user who created the invitation. Inviter *User `json:"inviter"` // The user who has accepted the invite. Null, if the invite hasn't been accepted. Invitee *User `json:"invitee,omitempty"` // The organization that the invite is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` }
An invitation to the organization that has been sent via email.
type OrganizationInviteConnection ¶
type OrganizationInviteConnection struct { Edges []OrganizationInviteEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []OrganizationInvite `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type OrganizationInviteCreateInput ¶
type OrganizationInviteCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The email of the invitee. Email string `json:"email"` // What user role the invite should grant. Role *UserRoleType `json:"role,omitempty"` // The message to send to the invitee. Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The teams that the user has been invited to. TeamIds []string `json:"teamIds,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] Optional metadata about the invite. Metadata *JSONObject `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayload ¶
type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayload struct { // Underlying value of the GraphQL union Value OrganizationInviteDetailsPayloadValue `json:"-"` }
func (*OrganizationInviteDetailsPayload) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (base *OrganizationInviteDetailsPayload) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayloadValue ¶
type OrganizationInviteDetailsPayloadValue interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
OrganizationInviteDetailsPayloadValue is one of: OrganizationInviteFullDetailsPayload | OrganizationAcceptedOrExpiredInviteDetailsPayload
type OrganizationInviteEdge ¶
type OrganizationInviteEdge struct { Node *OrganizationInvite `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type OrganizationInviteFullDetailsPayload ¶
type OrganizationInviteFullDetailsPayload struct { // The status of the invite. Status OrganizationInviteStatus `json:"status"` // The name of the inviter. Inviter string `json:"inviter"` // The email of the invitee. Email string `json:"email"` // What user role the invite should grant. Role UserRoleType `json:"role"` // When the invite was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // Name of the workspace the invite is for. OrganizationName string `json:"organizationName"` // ID of the workspace the invite is for. OrganizationId string `json:"organizationId"` // URL of the workspace logo the invite is for. OrganizationLogoUrl *string `json:"organizationLogoUrl,omitempty"` // Whether the invite has already been accepted. Accepted bool `json:"accepted"` // Whether the invite has expired. Expired bool `json:"expired"` // Allowed authentication providers, empty array means all are allowed. AllowedAuthServices []string `json:"allowedAuthServices"` }
type OrganizationInviteLinkDetailsPayload ¶
type OrganizationInviteLinkDetailsPayload struct { // Name of the workspace the invite link is for. OrganizationName *string `json:"organizationName,omitempty"` // ID of the workspace the invite link is for. OrganizationId *string `json:"organizationId,omitempty"` // URL of the workspace logo the invite link is for. OrganizationLogoUrl *string `json:"organizationLogoUrl,omitempty"` // URL key of the workspace the invite link is for. OrganizationUrlKey *string `json:"organizationUrlKey,omitempty"` // Region of the workspace the invite link is for. OrganizationRegion *string `json:"organizationRegion,omitempty"` // Allowed authentication providers, empty array means all are allowed. AllowedAuthServices []string `json:"allowedAuthServices"` }
type OrganizationInvitePayload ¶
type OrganizationInvitePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The organization invite that was created or updated. OrganizationInvite *OrganizationInvite `json:"organizationInvite"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type OrganizationInviteStatus ¶
type OrganizationInviteStatus string
The different statuses possible for an organization invite.
const ( OrganizationInviteStatusPending OrganizationInviteStatus = "pending" OrganizationInviteStatusAccepted OrganizationInviteStatus = "accepted" OrganizationInviteStatusExpired OrganizationInviteStatus = "expired" )
type OrganizationInviteUpdateInput ¶
type OrganizationInviteUpdateInput struct { // The teams that the user has been invited to. TeamIds []string `json:"teamIds"` }
type OrganizationPayload ¶
type OrganizationPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The organization that was created or updated. Organization *Organization `json:"organization,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type OrganizationStartPlusTrialPayload ¶
type OrganizationStartPlusTrialPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type OrganizationUpdateInput ¶
type OrganizationUpdateInput struct { // The name of the organization. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The logo of the organization. LogoUrl *string `json:"logoUrl,omitempty"` // The URL key of the organization. UrlKey *string `json:"urlKey,omitempty"` // How git branches are formatted. If null, default formatting will be used. GitBranchFormat *string `json:"gitBranchFormat,omitempty"` // Whether the Git integration linkback messages should be sent for private repositories. GitLinkbackMessagesEnabled *bool `json:"gitLinkbackMessagesEnabled,omitempty"` // Whether the Git integration linkback messages should be sent for public repositories. GitPublicLinkbackMessagesEnabled *bool `json:"gitPublicLinkbackMessagesEnabled,omitempty"` // Whether the organization is using roadmap. RoadmapEnabled *bool `json:"roadmapEnabled,omitempty"` // The frequency at which project updates are sent. ProjectUpdatesReminderFrequency *ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency `json:"projectUpdatesReminderFrequency,omitempty"` // The day at which project updates are sent. ProjectUpdateRemindersDay *Day `json:"projectUpdateRemindersDay,omitempty"` // The hour at which project updates are sent. ProjectUpdateRemindersHour *float64 `json:"projectUpdateRemindersHour,omitempty"` // The month at which the fiscal year starts. FiscalYearStartMonth *float64 `json:"fiscalYearStartMonth,omitempty"` // Whether the organization has opted for reduced customer support attachment information. ReducedPersonalInformation *bool `json:"reducedPersonalInformation,omitempty"` // Whether the organization has opted for having to approve all OAuth applications for install. OauthAppReview *bool `json:"oauthAppReview,omitempty"` // Linear Preview feature flags. LinearPreviewFlags *JSONObject `json:"linearPreviewFlags,omitempty"` // List of services that are allowed to be used for login. AllowedAuthServices []string `json:"allowedAuthServices,omitempty"` // Internal. Whether SLAs have been enabled for the organization. SlaEnabled *bool `json:"slaEnabled,omitempty"` // Which day count to use for SLA calculation. SlaDayCount *SLADayCountType `json:"slaDayCount,omitempty"` // Whether member users are allowed to send invites. AllowMembersToInvite *bool `json:"allowMembersToInvite,omitempty"` }
type PageInfo ¶
type PageInfo struct { // Indicates if there are more results when paginating backward. HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"` // Indicates if there are more results when paginating forward. HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` // Cursor representing the first result in the paginated results. StartCursor *string `json:"startCursor,omitempty"` // Cursor representing the last result in the paginated results. EndCursor *string `json:"endCursor,omitempty"` }
type PagerDutyInput ¶
type PagerDutyInput struct { DateTime `json:"apiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt"` }ApiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt
type PagerDutySettings ¶
type PagerDutySettings struct { DateTime `json:"apiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt"` }ApiFailedWithUnauthorizedErrorAt
PagerDuty specific settings.
type PaginationNulls ¶
type PaginationNulls string
How to treat NULL values, whether they should appear first or last
const ( PaginationNullsFirst PaginationNulls = "first" PaginationNullsLast PaginationNulls = "last" )
type PaginationOrderBy ¶
type PaginationOrderBy string
By which field should the pagination order by
const ( PaginationOrderByCreatedat PaginationOrderBy = "createdAt" PaginationOrderByUpdatedat PaginationOrderBy = "updatedAt" )
type PaginationSortOrder ¶
type PaginationSortOrder string
Whether to sort in ascending or descending order
const ( PaginationSortOrderAscending PaginationSortOrder = "Ascending" PaginationSortOrderDescending PaginationSortOrder = "Descending" )
type PaidSubscription ¶
type PaidSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The subscription type. Type string `json:"type"` // The number of seats in the subscription. Seats float64 `json:"seats"` // The minimum number of seats that will be billed in the subscription. SeatsMinimum *float64 `json:"seatsMinimum,omitempty"` // The maximum number of seats that will be billed in the subscription. SeatsMaximum *float64 `json:"seatsMaximum,omitempty"` // The creator of the subscription. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The organization that the subscription is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The collection method for this subscription, either automatically charged or invoiced. CollectionMethod *string `json:"collectionMethod,omitempty"` // The date the subscription was canceled, if any. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // The subscription type of a pending change. Null if no change pending. PendingChangeType *string `json:"pendingChangeType,omitempty"` // The date the subscription will be billed next. NextBillingAt *DateTime `json:"nextBillingAt,omitempty"` }
The paid subscription of an organization.
type PrioritySort ¶
type PrioritySort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` // Whether to consider no priority as the highest or lowest priority NoPriorityFirst *bool `json:"noPriorityFirst,omitempty"` }
Issue priority sorting options.
type Project ¶
type Project struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The project's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The project's description. Description string `json:"description"` // The project's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The icon of the project. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The project's color. Color string `json:"color"` // The status that the project is associated with. Status *ProjectStatus `json:"status"` // The user who created the project. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The project lead. Lead *User `json:"lead,omitempty"` // The time until which project update reminders are paused. ProjectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"projectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The estimated start date of the project. StartDate *TimelessDate `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's start date. StartDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"startDateResolution,omitempty"` // The estimated completion date of the project. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's estimated completion date. TargetDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"targetDateResolution,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into started state. StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into completed state. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into canceled state. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was automatically archived by the auto pruning process. AutoArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // A flag that indicates whether the project is in the trash bin. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // The sort order for the project within the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The project was created based on this issue. ConvertedFromIssue *Issue `json:"convertedFromIssue,omitempty"` // The last template that was applied to this project. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // The total number of issues in the project after each week. IssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"issueCountHistory"` // The number of completed issues in the project after each week. CompletedIssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"completedIssueCountHistory"` // The total number of estimation points after each week. ScopeHistory []float64 `json:"scopeHistory"` // The number of completed estimation points after each week. CompletedScopeHistory []float64 `json:"completedScopeHistory"` // The number of in progress estimation points after each week. InProgressScopeHistory []float64 `json:"inProgressScopeHistory"` // Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack. SlackNewIssue bool `json:"slackNewIssue"` // Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack. SlackIssueComments bool `json:"slackIssueComments"` // Whether to send new issue status updates to Slack. SlackIssueStatuses bool `json:"slackIssueStatuses"` // The user's favorite associated with this project. Favorite *Favorite `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Project URL. Url string `json:"url"` // Teams associated with this project. Teams *TeamConnection `json:"teams"` // Users that are members of the project. Members *UserConnection `json:"members"` // Project updates associated with the project. ProjectUpdates *ProjectUpdateConnection `json:"projectUpdates"` // Documents associated with the project. Documents *DocumentConnection `json:"documents"` // Milestones associated with the project. ProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneConnection `json:"projectMilestones"` // Issues associated with the project. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` // Links associated with the project. Links *ProjectLinkConnection `json:"links"` // The overall progress of the project. This is the (completed estimate points + 0.25 * in progress estimate points) / total estimate points. Progress float64 `json:"progress"` // The overall scope (total estimate points) of the project. Scope float64 `json:"scope"` // Settings for all integrations associated with that project. IntegrationsSettings *IntegrationsSettings `json:"integrationsSettings,omitempty"` // The project's content in markdown format. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // [Internal] The project's content as YJS state. ContentState *string `json:"contentState,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] The type of the state. State string `json:"state"` }
A project.
type ProjectArchivePayload ¶
type ProjectArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Project `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type ProjectCollectionFilter ¶
type ProjectCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] Comparator for the project state. State *StringComparator `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's status must satisfy. Status *ProjectStatusFilter `json:"status,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the project's content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project completion date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project start date. StartDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project health. Health *StringComparator `json:"health,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects lead must satisfy. Lead *NullableUserFilter `json:"lead,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects members must satisfy. Members *UserFilter `json:"members,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects roadmaps must satisfy. Roadmaps *RoadmapCollectionFilter `json:"roadmaps,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects initiatives must satisfy. Initiatives *InitiativeCollectionFilter `json:"initiatives,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's milestones must satisfy. ProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"projectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's completed milestones must satisfy. CompletedProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"completedProjectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's next milestone must satisfy. NextProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"nextProjectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's team must satisfy. AccessibleTeams *TeamCollectionFilter `json:"accessibleTeams,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project. And []ProjectCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the project. Or []ProjectCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some projects. Some *ProjectFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all projects. Every *ProjectFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Project filtering options.
type ProjectConnection ¶
type ProjectConnection struct { Edges []ProjectEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Project `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectCreateInput ¶
type ProjectCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the project. Name string `json:"name"` // The icon of the project. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the project. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] The state of the project. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // The ID of the project status. StatusId *string `json:"statusId,omitempty"` // The description for the project. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the teams this project is associated with. TeamIds []string `json:"teamIds"` // The ID of the issue from which that project is created. ConvertedFromIssueId *string `json:"convertedFromIssueId,omitempty"` // The ID of the last template applied to the project. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project lead. LeadId *string `json:"leadId,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the members of this project. MemberIds []string `json:"memberIds,omitempty"` // The planned start date of the project. StartDate *TimelessDate `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's start date. StartDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"startDateResolution,omitempty"` // The planned target date of the project. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's estimated completion date. TargetDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"targetDateResolution,omitempty"` // The sort order for the project within shared views. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type ProjectEdge ¶
type ProjectFilter ¶
type ProjectFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] Comparator for the project state. State *StringComparator `json:"state,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's status must satisfy. Status *ProjectStatusFilter `json:"status,omitempty"` // [Internal] Comparator for the project's content. SearchableContent *ContentComparator `json:"searchableContent,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project completion date. CompletedAt *NullableDateComparator `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project start date. StartDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project health. Health *StringComparator `json:"health,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects lead must satisfy. Lead *NullableUserFilter `json:"lead,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects members must satisfy. Members *UserFilter `json:"members,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects roadmaps must satisfy. Roadmaps *RoadmapCollectionFilter `json:"roadmaps,omitempty"` // Filters that the projects initiatives must satisfy. Initiatives *InitiativeCollectionFilter `json:"initiatives,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's milestones must satisfy. ProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"projectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's completed milestones must satisfy. CompletedProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"completedProjectMilestones,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's next milestone must satisfy. NextProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"nextProjectMilestone,omitempty"` // Filters that the project's team must satisfy. AccessibleTeams *TeamCollectionFilter `json:"accessibleTeams,omitempty"` // Filters that the last applied template must satisfy. LastAppliedTemplate *NullableTemplateFilter `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project. And []ProjectFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the project. Or []ProjectFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Project filtering options.
type ProjectFilterSuggestionPayload ¶
type ProjectFilterSuggestionPayload struct { // The json filter that is suggested. Filter *JSONObject `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
type ProjectLink ¶
type ProjectLink struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The link's URL. Url string `json:"url"` // The link's label. Label string `json:"label"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The user who created the link. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The project that the link is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` }
An external link for a project.
type ProjectLinkConnection ¶
type ProjectLinkConnection struct { Edges []ProjectLinkEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectLink `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectLinkCreateInput ¶
type ProjectLinkCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The URL of the link. Url string `json:"url"` // The label for the link. Label string `json:"label"` // Related project for the link. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The order of the item in the project resources list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type ProjectLinkEdge ¶
type ProjectLinkEdge struct { Node *ProjectLink `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectLinkPayload ¶
type ProjectLinkPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The project that was created or updated. ProjectLink *ProjectLink `json:"projectLink"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ProjectLinkUpdateInput ¶
type ProjectMilestone ¶
type ProjectMilestone struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the project milestone. Name string `json:"name"` // The planned completion date of the milestone. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // The project of the milestone. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The order of the milestone in relation to other milestones within a project. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The project milestone's description in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The project milestone's description as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSON `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // [Internal] The project milestone's description as YJS state. DescriptionState *string `json:"descriptionState,omitempty"` // Issues associated with the project milestone. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` }
A milestone for a project.
type ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter ¶
type ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the milestone. And []ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the milestone. Or []ProjectMilestoneCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some milestones. Some *ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all milestones. Every *ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Milestone collection filtering options.
type ProjectMilestoneConnection ¶
type ProjectMilestoneConnection struct { Edges []ProjectMilestoneEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectMilestone `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectMilestoneCreateInput ¶
type ProjectMilestoneCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the project milestone. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the project milestone in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The description of the project milestone as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSONObject `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // The planned target date of the project milestone. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Related project for the project milestone. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The sort order for the project milestone within a project. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type ProjectMilestoneEdge ¶
type ProjectMilestoneEdge struct { Node *ProjectMilestone `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectMilestoneFilter ¶
type ProjectMilestoneFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project milestone target date. TargetDate *NullableDateComparator `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project milestone. And []ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the project milestone. Or []ProjectMilestoneFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Project milestone filtering options.
type ProjectMilestonePayload ¶
type ProjectMilestonePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The project milestone that was created or updated. ProjectMilestone *ProjectMilestone `json:"projectMilestone"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ProjectMilestoneUpdateInput ¶
type ProjectMilestoneUpdateInput struct { // The name of the project milestone. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the project milestone in markdown format. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // [Internal] The description of the project milestone as a Prosemirror document. DescriptionData *JSONObject `json:"descriptionData,omitempty"` // The planned target date of the project milestone. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // The sort order for the project milestone within a project. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type ProjectNotification ¶
type ProjectNotification struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Notification type. Type string `json:"type"` // The user that caused the notification. Actor *User `json:"actor,omitempty"` // The external user that caused the notification. ExternalUserActor *ExternalUser `json:"externalUserActor,omitempty"` // The user that received the notification. User *User `json:"user"` // The time at when the user marked the notification as read. Null, if the the user hasn't read the notification ReadAt *DateTime `json:"readAt,omitempty"` // The time at when an email reminder for this notification was sent to the user. Null, if no email // reminder has been sent. EmailedAt *DateTime `json:"emailedAt,omitempty"` // The time until a notification will be snoozed. After that it will appear in the inbox again. SnoozedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"snoozedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The time at which a notification was unsnoozed.. UnsnoozedAt *DateTime `json:"unsnoozedAt,omitempty"` // The bot that caused the notification. BotActor *ActorBot `json:"botActor,omitempty"` // The project related to the notification. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The project update related to the notification. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate,omitempty"` }
A project related notification.
type ProjectNotificationSubscription ¶
type ProjectNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The project subscribed to. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A project notification subscription.
type ProjectPayload ¶
type ProjectSearchPayload ¶
type ProjectSearchPayload struct { Edges []ProjectSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Archived entities matching the search term along with all their dependencies. ArchivePayload *ArchiveResponse `json:"archivePayload"` // Total number of results for query without filters applied. TotalCount float64 `json:"totalCount"` }
type ProjectSearchResult ¶
type ProjectSearchResult struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The project's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The project's description. Description string `json:"description"` // The project's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The icon of the project. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The project's color. Color string `json:"color"` // The status that the project is associated with. Status *ProjectStatus `json:"status"` // The user who created the project. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The project lead. Lead *User `json:"lead,omitempty"` // The time until which project update reminders are paused. ProjectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"projectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The estimated start date of the project. StartDate *TimelessDate `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's start date. StartDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"startDateResolution,omitempty"` // The estimated completion date of the project. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's estimated completion date. TargetDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"targetDateResolution,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into started state. StartedAt *DateTime `json:"startedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into completed state. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was moved into canceled state. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // The time at which the project was automatically archived by the auto pruning process. AutoArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"autoArchivedAt,omitempty"` // A flag that indicates whether the project is in the trash bin. Trashed *bool `json:"trashed,omitempty"` // The sort order for the project within the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The project was created based on this issue. ConvertedFromIssue *Issue `json:"convertedFromIssue,omitempty"` // The last template that was applied to this project. LastAppliedTemplate *Template `json:"lastAppliedTemplate,omitempty"` // The total number of issues in the project after each week. IssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"issueCountHistory"` // The number of completed issues in the project after each week. CompletedIssueCountHistory []float64 `json:"completedIssueCountHistory"` // The total number of estimation points after each week. ScopeHistory []float64 `json:"scopeHistory"` // The number of completed estimation points after each week. CompletedScopeHistory []float64 `json:"completedScopeHistory"` // The number of in progress estimation points after each week. InProgressScopeHistory []float64 `json:"inProgressScopeHistory"` // Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack. SlackNewIssue bool `json:"slackNewIssue"` // Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack. SlackIssueComments bool `json:"slackIssueComments"` // Whether to send new issue status updates to Slack. SlackIssueStatuses bool `json:"slackIssueStatuses"` // The user's favorite associated with this project. Favorite *Favorite `json:"favorite,omitempty"` // Project URL. Url string `json:"url"` // Teams associated with this project. Teams *TeamConnection `json:"teams"` // Users that are members of the project. Members *UserConnection `json:"members"` // Project updates associated with the project. ProjectUpdates *ProjectUpdateConnection `json:"projectUpdates"` // Documents associated with the project. Documents *DocumentConnection `json:"documents"` // Milestones associated with the project. ProjectMilestones *ProjectMilestoneConnection `json:"projectMilestones"` // Issues associated with the project. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` // Links associated with the project. Links *ProjectLinkConnection `json:"links"` // The overall progress of the project. This is the (completed estimate points + 0.25 * in progress estimate points) / total estimate points. Progress float64 `json:"progress"` // The overall scope (total estimate points) of the project. Scope float64 `json:"scope"` // Settings for all integrations associated with that project. IntegrationsSettings *IntegrationsSettings `json:"integrationsSettings,omitempty"` // The project's content in markdown format. Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` // [Internal] The project's content as YJS state. ContentState *string `json:"contentState,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] The type of the state. State string `json:"state"` // Metadata related to search result. Metadata JSONObject `json:"metadata"` }
type ProjectSearchResultConnection ¶
type ProjectSearchResultConnection struct { Edges []ProjectSearchResultEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectSearchResult `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectSearchResultEdge ¶
type ProjectSearchResultEdge struct { Node *ProjectSearchResult `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectSort ¶
type ProjectSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue project sorting options.
type ProjectStatus ¶
type ProjectStatus struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the status. Name string `json:"name"` // The UI color of the status as a HEX string. Color string `json:"color"` // Description of the status. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The position of the status in the workspace's project flow. Position float64 `json:"position"` // The type of the project status. Type ProjectStatusType `json:"type"` // Whether or not a project can be in this status indefinitely. Indefinite bool `json:"indefinite"` }
[ALPHA] A project status.
type ProjectStatusConnection ¶
type ProjectStatusConnection struct { Edges []ProjectStatusEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectStatus `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectStatusEdge ¶
type ProjectStatusEdge struct { Node *ProjectStatus `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectStatusFilter ¶
type ProjectStatusFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project status name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project status description. Description *StringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project status position. Position *NumberComparator `json:"position,omitempty"` // Comparator for the project status type. Type *StringComparator `json:"type,omitempty"` // Filters that the project status projects must satisfy. Projects *ProjectCollectionFilter `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the project status. And []ProjectStatusFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which needs to be matched by the project status. Or []ProjectStatusFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Project status filtering options.
type ProjectStatusType ¶
type ProjectStatusType string
A type of project status.
const ( ProjectStatusTypeBacklog ProjectStatusType = "backlog" ProjectStatusTypePlanned ProjectStatusType = "planned" ProjectStatusTypeStarted ProjectStatusType = "started" ProjectStatusTypePaused ProjectStatusType = "paused" ProjectStatusTypeCompleted ProjectStatusType = "completed" ProjectStatusTypeCanceled ProjectStatusType = "canceled" )
type ProjectTab ¶
type ProjectTab string
Different tabs available inside a project.
const ( ProjectTabDocuments ProjectTab = "documents" ProjectTabIssues ProjectTab = "issues" ProjectTabActivity ProjectTab = "activity" )
type ProjectUpdate ¶
type ProjectUpdate struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The update content in markdown format. Body string `json:"body"` // The project that the update is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The health of the project at the time of the update. Health ProjectUpdateHealthType `json:"health"` // The user who wrote the update. User *User `json:"user"` // The time the project update was edited. EditedAt *DateTime `json:"editedAt,omitempty"` // [Internal] Serialized JSON representing current state of the project properties when posting the project update. InfoSnapshot *JSONObject `json:"infoSnapshot,omitempty"` // Whether project update diff should be hidden. IsDiffHidden bool `json:"isDiffHidden"` // [Internal] The content of the project update as a Prosemirror document. BodyData string `json:"bodyData"` // The URL to the project update. Url string `json:"url"` // The diff between the current update and the previous one. Diff *JSONObject `json:"diff,omitempty"` // The diff between the current update and the previous one, formatted as markdown. DiffMarkdown *string `json:"diffMarkdown,omitempty"` }
A update associated with an project.
type ProjectUpdateConnection ¶
type ProjectUpdateConnection struct { Edges []ProjectUpdateEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectUpdate `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectUpdateCreateInput ¶
type ProjectUpdateCreateInput struct { // The identifier. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The content of the project update in markdown format. Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` // [Internal] The content of the project update as a Prosemirror document. BodyData *JSON `json:"bodyData,omitempty"` // The project to associate the project update with. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The health of the project at the time of the update. Health *ProjectUpdateHealthType `json:"health,omitempty"` // Whether the diff between the current update and the previous one should be hidden. IsDiffHidden *bool `json:"isDiffHidden,omitempty"` }
type ProjectUpdateEdge ¶
type ProjectUpdateEdge struct { Node *ProjectUpdate `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectUpdateFilter ¶
type ProjectUpdateFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Filters that the project update creator must satisfy. User *UserFilter `json:"user,omitempty"` // Filters that the project update project must satisfy. Project *ProjectFilter `json:"project,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the ProjectUpdate. And []ProjectUpdateFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the ProjectUpdate. Or []ProjectUpdateFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
ProjectUpdate filtering options.
type ProjectUpdateHealthType ¶
type ProjectUpdateHealthType string
The health type of a project when the update is created.
const ( ProjectUpdateHealthTypeOntrack ProjectUpdateHealthType = "onTrack" ProjectUpdateHealthTypeAtrisk ProjectUpdateHealthType = "atRisk" ProjectUpdateHealthTypeOfftrack ProjectUpdateHealthType = "offTrack" )
type ProjectUpdateInput ¶
type ProjectUpdateInput struct { // [DEPRECATED] The state of the project. State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` // The ID of the project status. StatusId *string `json:"statusId,omitempty"` // The name of the project. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description for the project. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The ID of the issue from which that project is created. ConvertedFromIssueId *string `json:"convertedFromIssueId,omitempty"` // The ID of the last template applied to the project. LastAppliedTemplateId *string `json:"lastAppliedTemplateId,omitempty"` // The icon of the project. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the project. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the teams this project is associated with. TeamIds []string `json:"teamIds,omitempty"` // The time until which project update reminders are paused. ProjectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt *DateTime `json:"projectUpdateRemindersPausedUntilAt,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project lead. LeadId *string `json:"leadId,omitempty"` // The identifiers of the members of this project. MemberIds []string `json:"memberIds,omitempty"` // The planned start date of the project. StartDate *TimelessDate `json:"startDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's start date. StartDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"startDateResolution,omitempty"` // The planned target date of the project. TargetDate *TimelessDate `json:"targetDate,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] The resolution of the project's estimated completion date. TargetDateResolution *DateResolutionType `json:"targetDateResolution,omitempty"` // The date when the project was completed. CompletedAt *DateTime `json:"completedAt,omitempty"` // The date when the project was canceled. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` // Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack. SlackNewIssue *bool `json:"slackNewIssue,omitempty"` // Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack. SlackIssueComments *bool `json:"slackIssueComments,omitempty"` // Whether to send issue status update notifications to Slack. SlackIssueStatuses *bool `json:"slackIssueStatuses,omitempty"` // The sort order for the project in shared views. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type ProjectUpdateInteraction ¶
type ProjectUpdateInteraction struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that has interacted with the project update. User *User `json:"user"` // The project update that has been interacted with. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate"` // The time at which the user read the project update. ReadAt DateTime `json:"readAt"` }
Holds information about when a user has interacted with a project update.
type ProjectUpdateInteractionConnection ¶
type ProjectUpdateInteractionConnection struct { Edges []ProjectUpdateInteractionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []ProjectUpdateInteraction `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ProjectUpdateInteractionCreateInput ¶
type ProjectUpdateInteractionCreateInput struct { // The identifier. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The id of the project update that has been interacted with. ProjectUpdateId string `json:"projectUpdateId"` // The time at which the user read the project update. ReadAt DateTime `json:"readAt"` }
type ProjectUpdateInteractionEdge ¶
type ProjectUpdateInteractionEdge struct { Node *ProjectUpdateInteraction `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type ProjectUpdateInteractionPayload ¶
type ProjectUpdateInteractionPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The project update interaction that was created or updated. ProjectUpdateInteraction *ProjectUpdateInteraction `json:"projectUpdateInteraction"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ProjectUpdatePayload ¶
type ProjectUpdatePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The project update that was created or updated. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency ¶
type ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency string
The frequency at which to send project update reminders.
const ( ProjectUpdateReminderFrequencyWeek ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency = "week" ProjectUpdateReminderFrequencyTwoweeks ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency = "twoWeeks" ProjectUpdateReminderFrequencyMonth ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency = "month" ProjectUpdateReminderFrequencyNever ProjectUpdateReminderFrequency = "never" )
type ProjectUpdateUpdateInput ¶
type ProjectUpdateUpdateInput struct { // The content of the project update in markdown format. Body *string `json:"body,omitempty"` // The content of the project update as a Prosemirror document. BodyData *JSON `json:"bodyData,omitempty"` // The health of the project at the time of the update. Health *ProjectUpdateHealthType `json:"health,omitempty"` // Whether the diff between the current update and the previous one should be hidden. IsDiffHidden *bool `json:"isDiffHidden,omitempty"` }
type ProjectUpdateWithInteractionPayload ¶
type ProjectUpdateWithInteractionPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The project update that was created or updated. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The project update that was created or updated. Interaction *ProjectUpdateInteraction `json:"interaction"` }
type PushSubscription ¶
type PushSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` }
A user's web browser push notification subscription.
type PushSubscriptionConnection ¶
type PushSubscriptionConnection struct { Edges []PushSubscriptionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []PushSubscription `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type PushSubscriptionCreateInput ¶
type PushSubscriptionCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The user identifier of the subscription. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // The data of the subscription in stringified JSON format. Data string `json:"data"` // Whether this is a subscription payload for Google Cloud Messaging or Apple Push Notification service. Type *PushSubscriptionType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type PushSubscriptionEdge ¶
type PushSubscriptionEdge struct { Node *PushSubscription `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type PushSubscriptionPayload ¶
type PushSubscriptionPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The push subscription that was created or updated. Entity *PushSubscription `json:"entity"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type PushSubscriptionTestPayload ¶
type PushSubscriptionTestPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type PushSubscriptionType ¶
type PushSubscriptionType string
The different push subscription types.
const ( PushSubscriptionTypeWeb PushSubscriptionType = "web" PushSubscriptionTypeApple PushSubscriptionType = "apple" PushSubscriptionTypeAppledevelopment PushSubscriptionType = "appleDevelopment" PushSubscriptionTypeFirebase PushSubscriptionType = "firebase" )
type RateLimitPayload ¶
type RateLimitPayload struct { // The identifier we rate limit on. Identifier *string `json:"identifier,omitempty"` // The kind of rate limit selected for this request. Kind string `json:"kind"` // The state of the rate limit. Limits []RateLimitResultPayload `json:"limits"` }
type RateLimitResultPayload ¶
type RateLimitResultPayload struct { // What is being rate limited. Type string `json:"type"` // The requested quantity for this type of limit. RequestedAmount float64 `json:"requestedAmount"` // The total allowed quantity for this type of limit. AllowedAmount float64 `json:"allowedAmount"` // The period in which the rate limit is fully replenished in ms. Period float64 `json:"period"` // The remaining quantity for this type of limit after this request. RemainingAmount float64 `json:"remainingAmount"` // The timestamp after the rate limit is fully replenished as a UNIX timestamp. Reset float64 `json:"reset"` }
type Reaction ¶
type Reaction struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Name of the reaction's emoji. Emoji string `json:"emoji"` // The issue that the reaction is associated with. Issue *Issue `json:"issue,omitempty"` // The comment that the reaction is associated with. Comment *Comment `json:"comment,omitempty"` // The project update that the reaction is associated with. ProjectUpdate *ProjectUpdate `json:"projectUpdate,omitempty"` // The user that created the reaction. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
A reaction associated with a comment or a project update.
type ReactionConnection ¶
type ReactionConnection struct { Edges []ReactionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Reaction `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type ReactionCreateInput ¶
type ReactionCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The emoji the user reacted with. Emoji *string `json:"emoji,omitempty"` // The comment to associate the reaction with. CommentId *string `json:"commentId,omitempty"` // The project update to associate the reaction with. ProjectUpdateId *string `json:"projectUpdateId,omitempty"` // The issue to associate the reaction with. IssueId *string `json:"issueId,omitempty"` }
type ReactionEdge ¶
type ReactionPayload ¶
type RelationExistsComparator ¶
type RelationExistsComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *bool `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not equals constraint. Neq *bool `json:"neq,omitempty"` }
Comparator for relation existence.
type ReleaseChannel ¶
type ReleaseChannel string
Features release channel.
const ( ReleaseChannelInternal ReleaseChannel = "internal" ReleaseChannelBeta ReleaseChannel = "beta" ReleaseChannelPrerelease ReleaseChannel = "preRelease" ReleaseChannelPublic ReleaseChannel = "public" )
type Roadmap ¶
type Roadmap struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the roadmap. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the roadmap. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The organization of the roadmap. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The user who created the roadmap. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // The user who owns the roadmap. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The roadmap's unique URL slug. SlugId string `json:"slugId"` // The sort order of the roadmap within the organization. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` // The roadmap's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Projects associated with the roadmap. Projects *ProjectConnection `json:"projects"` }
A roadmap for projects.
type RoadmapArchivePayload ¶
type RoadmapArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Roadmap `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type RoadmapCollectionFilter ¶
type RoadmapCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the roadmap name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the roadmap slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the roadmap creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the roadmap. And []RoadmapCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the roadmap. Or []RoadmapCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some roadmaps. Some *RoadmapFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all roadmaps. Every *RoadmapFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Roadmap collection filtering options.
type RoadmapConnection ¶
type RoadmapConnection struct { Edges []RoadmapEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Roadmap `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type RoadmapCreateInput ¶
type RoadmapCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the roadmap. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the roadmap. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The owner of the roadmap. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The sort order of the roadmap within the organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The roadmap's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` }
type RoadmapEdge ¶
type RoadmapFilter ¶
type RoadmapFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the roadmap name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the roadmap slug ID. SlugId *StringComparator `json:"slugId,omitempty"` // Filters that the roadmap creator must satisfy. Creator *UserFilter `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the roadmap. And []RoadmapFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the roadmap. Or []RoadmapFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Roadmap filtering options.
type RoadmapPayload ¶
type RoadmapToProject ¶
type RoadmapToProject struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The project that the roadmap is associated with. Project *Project `json:"project"` // The roadmap that the project is associated with. Roadmap *Roadmap `json:"roadmap"` // The sort order of the project within the roadmap. SortOrder string `json:"sortOrder"` }
Join table between projects and roadmaps.
type RoadmapToProjectConnection ¶
type RoadmapToProjectConnection struct { Edges []RoadmapToProjectEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []RoadmapToProject `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type RoadmapToProjectCreateInput ¶
type RoadmapToProjectCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the project. ProjectId string `json:"projectId"` // The identifier of the roadmap. RoadmapId string `json:"roadmapId"` // The sort order for the project within its organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type RoadmapToProjectEdge ¶
type RoadmapToProjectEdge struct { Node *RoadmapToProject `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type RoadmapToProjectPayload ¶
type RoadmapToProjectPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The roadmapToProject that was created or updated. RoadmapToProject *RoadmapToProject `json:"roadmapToProject"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type RoadmapToProjectUpdateInput ¶
type RoadmapToProjectUpdateInput struct { // The sort order for the project within its organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type RoadmapUpdateInput ¶
type RoadmapUpdateInput struct { // The name of the roadmap. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the roadmap. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The owner of the roadmap. OwnerId *string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"` // The sort order of the roadmap within the organization. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` // The roadmap's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` }
type SLADayCountType ¶
type SLADayCountType string
Which day count to use for SLA calculations.
const ( SLADayCountTypeAll SLADayCountType = "all" SLADayCountTypeOnlybusinessdays SLADayCountType = "onlyBusinessDays" )
type SendStrategy ¶
type SendStrategy string
const ( SendStrategyDesktopthenpush SendStrategy = "desktopThenPush" SendStrategyDesktopandpush SendStrategy = "desktopAndPush" SendStrategyDesktop SendStrategy = "desktop" SendStrategyPush SendStrategy = "push" )
type SentrySettings ¶
type SentrySettings struct { // The slug of the Sentry organization being connected. OrganizationSlug string `json:"organizationSlug"` }
Sentry specific settings.
type SentrySettingsInput ¶
type SentrySettingsInput struct { // The slug of the Sentry organization being connected. OrganizationSlug string `json:"organizationSlug"` }
type SharedSlackSettings ¶
type SharedSlackSettings struct { string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` EnterpriseName *string `json:"enterpriseName,omitempty"` }TeamName *
Shared Slack integration settings.
type SlaStatusComparator ¶
type SlaStatusComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *SlaStatus `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *SlaStatus `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []SlaStatus `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []SlaStatus `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` }
Comparator for sla status.
type SlaStatusSort ¶
type SlaStatusSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue SLA status sorting options.
type SlackAsksSettings ¶
type SlackAsksSettings struct { // Slack workspace name TeamName *string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` // Slack workspace id TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // Enterprise name of the connected Slack enterprise EnterpriseName *string `json:"enterpriseName,omitempty"` // The mapping of Slack channel ID => Slack channel name for connected channels. SlackChannelMapping []SlackChannelNameMapping `json:"slackChannelMapping,omitempty"` // The user role type that is allowed to manage Asks settings. CanAdministrate UserRoleType `json:"canAdministrate"` }
Slack Asks specific settings.
type SlackAsksSettingsInput ¶
type SlackAsksSettingsInput struct { // Slack workspace name TeamName *string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` // Slack workspace id TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // Enterprise name of the connected Slack enterprise EnterpriseName *string `json:"enterpriseName,omitempty"` // The mapping of Slack channel ID => Slack channel name for connected channels. SlackChannelMapping []SlackChannelNameMappingInput `json:"slackChannelMapping,omitempty"` // The user role type that is allowed to manage Asks settings. CanAdministrate UserRoleType `json:"canAdministrate"` }
type SlackAsksTeamSettings ¶
type SlackAsksTeamSettings struct { // The Linear team ID. Id string `json:"id"` // Whether the default Asks template is enabled in the given channel for this team. HasDefaultAsk bool `json:"hasDefaultAsk"` }
Tuple for mapping Slack channel IDs to names.
type SlackChannelConnectPayload ¶
type SlackChannelConnectPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The integration that was created or updated. Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // Whether the bot needs to be manually added to the channel. AddBot bool `json:"addBot"` // Whether it's recommended to connect main Slack integration. NudgeToConnectMainSlackIntegration *bool `json:"nudgeToConnectMainSlackIntegration,omitempty"` // Whether it's recommended to update main Slack integration. NudgeToUpdateMainSlackIntegration *bool `json:"nudgeToUpdateMainSlackIntegration,omitempty"` }
type SlackChannelNameMapping ¶
type SlackChannelNameMapping struct { // The Slack channel ID. Id string `json:"id"` // The Slack channel name. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether or not the Slack channel is private. IsPrivate *bool `json:"isPrivate,omitempty"` IsShared *bool `json:"isShared,omitempty"` // Whether or not we the Linear Asks bot has been added to this Slack channel. BotAdded *bool `json:"botAdded,omitempty"` // Which teams are connected to the channel and settings for those teams. Teams []SlackAsksTeamSettings `json:"teams"` // Whether or not top-level messages in this channel should automatically create Asks. AutoCreateOnMessage *bool `json:"autoCreateOnMessage,omitempty"` // Whether or not using the :ticket: emoji in this channel should automatically create Asks. AutoCreateOnEmoji *bool `json:"autoCreateOnEmoji,omitempty"` // Whether or not @-mentioning the bot should automatically create an Ask with the message. AutoCreateOnBotMention *bool `json:"autoCreateOnBotMention,omitempty"` // The optional template ID to use for Asks auto-created in this channel. If not set, auto-created Asks won't use any template. AutoCreateTemplateId *string `json:"autoCreateTemplateId,omitempty"` }
Object for mapping Slack channel IDs to names and other settings.
type SlackChannelNameMappingInput ¶
type SlackChannelNameMappingInput struct { // The Slack channel ID. Id string `json:"id"` // The Slack channel name. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether or not the Slack channel is private. IsPrivate *bool `json:"isPrivate,omitempty"` IsShared *bool `json:"isShared,omitempty"` // Whether or not we the Linear Asks bot has been added to this Slack channel. BotAdded *bool `json:"botAdded,omitempty"` // Which teams are connected to the channel and settings for those teams. Teams []SlackAsksTeamSettingsInput `json:"teams"` // Whether or not top-level messages in this channel should automatically create Asks. AutoCreateOnMessage *bool `json:"autoCreateOnMessage,omitempty"` // Whether or not using the :ticket: emoji in this channel should automatically create Asks. AutoCreateOnEmoji *bool `json:"autoCreateOnEmoji,omitempty"` // Whether or not @-mentioning the bot should automatically create an Ask with the message. AutoCreateOnBotMention *bool `json:"autoCreateOnBotMention,omitempty"` // The optional template ID to use for Asks auto-created in this channel. If not set, auto-created Asks won't use any template. AutoCreateTemplateId *string `json:"autoCreateTemplateId,omitempty"` }
type SlackChannelType ¶
type SlackChannelType string
const ( SlackChannelTypeDirectmessage SlackChannelType = "DirectMessage" SlackChannelTypeMultipersondirectmessage SlackChannelType = "MultiPersonDirectMessage" SlackChannelTypePrivate SlackChannelType = "Private" SlackChannelTypePublic SlackChannelType = "Public" )
type SlackPostSettings ¶
type SlackPostSettings struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` ChannelId string `json:"channelId"` ConfigurationUrl string `json:"configurationUrl"` ChannelType *SlackChannelType `json:"channelType,omitempty"` }
Slack notification specific settings.
type SlackPostSettingsInput ¶
type SlackPostSettingsInput struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` ChannelId string `json:"channelId"` ConfigurationUrl string `json:"configurationUrl"` ChannelType *SlackChannelType `json:"channelType,omitempty"` }
type SlackSettings ¶
type SlackSettings struct { // Slack workspace name TeamName *string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` // Slack workspace id TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // Enterprise name of the connected Slack enterprise EnterpriseName *string `json:"enterpriseName,omitempty"` // Whether Linear should automatically respond with issue unfurls when an issue identifier is mentioned in a Slack message. LinkOnIssueIdMention bool `json:"linkOnIssueIdMention"` }
Settings for the regular Slack integration.
type SlackSettingsInput ¶
type SlackSettingsInput struct { // Slack workspace name TeamName *string `json:"teamName,omitempty"` // Slack workspace id TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // Enterprise name of the connected Slack enterprise EnterpriseName *string `json:"enterpriseName,omitempty"` // Whether Linear should automatically respond with issue unfurls when an issue identifier is mentioned in a Slack message. LinkOnIssueIdMention bool `json:"linkOnIssueIdMention"` }
type SourceMetadataComparator ¶
type SourceMetadataComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the sub type. SubType *SubTypeComparator `json:"subType,omitempty"` }
Comparator for issue source type.
type SourceTypeComparator ¶
type SourceTypeComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Equals case insensitive. Matches any values that matches the given string case insensitive. EqIgnoreCase *string `json:"eqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Not-equals case insensitive. Matches any values that don't match the given string case insensitive. NeqIgnoreCase *string `json:"neqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Starts with constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWith *string `json:"startsWith,omitempty"` // Starts with case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWithIgnoreCase *string `json:"startsWithIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't start with constraint. Matches any values that don't start with the given string. NotStartsWith *string `json:"notStartsWith,omitempty"` // Ends with constraint. Matches any values that end with the given string. EndsWith *string `json:"endsWith,omitempty"` // Doesn't end with constraint. Matches any values that don't end with the given string. NotEndsWith *string `json:"notEndsWith,omitempty"` // Contains constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string. Contains *string `json:"contains,omitempty"` // Contains case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string case insensitive. ContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"containsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string. NotContains *string `json:"notContains,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string case insensitive. NotContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"notContainsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` }
Comparator for `sourceType` field.
type SsoUrlFromEmailResponse ¶
type StringComparator ¶
type StringComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Equals case insensitive. Matches any values that matches the given string case insensitive. EqIgnoreCase *string `json:"eqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Not-equals case insensitive. Matches any values that don't match the given string case insensitive. NeqIgnoreCase *string `json:"neqIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Starts with constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWith *string `json:"startsWith,omitempty"` // Starts with case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that start with the given string. StartsWithIgnoreCase *string `json:"startsWithIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't start with constraint. Matches any values that don't start with the given string. NotStartsWith *string `json:"notStartsWith,omitempty"` // Ends with constraint. Matches any values that end with the given string. EndsWith *string `json:"endsWith,omitempty"` // Doesn't end with constraint. Matches any values that don't end with the given string. NotEndsWith *string `json:"notEndsWith,omitempty"` // Contains constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string. Contains *string `json:"contains,omitempty"` // Contains case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that contain the given string case insensitive. ContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"containsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string. NotContains *string `json:"notContains,omitempty"` // Doesn't contain case insensitive constraint. Matches any values that don't contain the given string case insensitive. NotContainsIgnoreCase *string `json:"notContainsIgnoreCase,omitempty"` }
Comparator for strings.
type SubTypeComparator ¶
type SubTypeComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *string `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *string `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []string `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []string `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Null constraint. Matches any non-null values if the given value is false, otherwise it matches null values. Null *bool `json:"null,omitempty"` }
Comparator for source type.
type SynchronizedPayload ¶
type SynchronizedPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` }
type Team ¶
type Team struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The team's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The team's unique key. The key is used in URLs. Key string `json:"key"` // The team's description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The icon of the team. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The team's color. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The organization that the team is associated with. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // Whether the team uses cycles. CyclesEnabled bool `json:"cyclesEnabled"` // The day of the week that a new cycle starts. CycleStartDay float64 `json:"cycleStartDay"` // The duration of a cycle in weeks. CycleDuration float64 `json:"cycleDuration"` // The cooldown time after each cycle in weeks. CycleCooldownTime float64 `json:"cycleCooldownTime"` // Auto assign started issues to current cycle. CycleIssueAutoAssignStarted bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignStarted"` // Auto assign completed issues to current cycle. CycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted"` // Auto assign issues to current cycle if in active status. CycleLockToActive bool `json:"cycleLockToActive"` // How many upcoming cycles to create. UpcomingCycleCount float64 `json:"upcomingCycleCount"` // The timezone of the team. Defaults to "America/Los_Angeles" Timezone string `json:"timezone"` // Unique hash for the team to be used in invite URLs. InviteHash string `json:"inviteHash"` // The issue estimation type to use. Must be one of "notUsed", "exponential", "fibonacci", "linear", "tShirt". IssueEstimationType string `json:"issueEstimationType"` // Whether issues without priority should be sorted first. IssueOrderingNoPriorityFirst bool `json:"issueOrderingNoPriorityFirst"` // Whether to allow zeros in issues estimates. IssueEstimationAllowZero bool `json:"issueEstimationAllowZero"` // Where to move issues when changing state. SetIssueSortOrderOnStateChange string `json:"setIssueSortOrderOnStateChange"` // Whether to add additional points to the estimate scale. IssueEstimationExtended bool `json:"issueEstimationExtended"` // What to use as an default estimate for unestimated issues. DefaultIssueEstimate float64 `json:"defaultIssueEstimate"` // Whether triage mode is enabled for the team or not. TriageEnabled bool `json:"triageEnabled"` // Whether an issue needs to have a priority set before leaving triage. RequirePriorityToLeaveTriage bool `json:"requirePriorityToLeaveTriage"` // The default workflow state into which issues are set when they are opened by team members. DefaultIssueState *WorkflowState `json:"defaultIssueState,omitempty"` // The default template to use for new issues created by members of the team. DefaultTemplateForMembers *Template `json:"defaultTemplateForMembers,omitempty"` // The id of the default template to use for new issues created by members of the team. DefaultTemplateForMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForMembersId,omitempty"` // The default template to use for new issues created by non-members of the team. DefaultTemplateForNonMembers *Template `json:"defaultTemplateForNonMembers,omitempty"` // The id of the default template to use for new issues created by non-members of the team. DefaultTemplateForNonMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForNonMembersId,omitempty"` // The default template to use for new projects created for the team. DefaultProjectTemplate *Template `json:"defaultProjectTemplate,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are set when they are opened by non-team members or integrations if triage is enabled. TriageIssueState *WorkflowState `json:"triageIssueState,omitempty"` // Whether the team is private or not. Private bool `json:"private"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been opened as draft. DraftWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"draftWorkflowState,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been opened. StartWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"startWorkflowState,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a review has been requested for the PR. ReviewWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"reviewWorkflowState,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR is ready to be merged. MergeableWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"mergeableWorkflowState,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been merged. MergeWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"mergeWorkflowState,omitempty"` // Whether to group recent issue history entries. GroupIssueHistory bool `json:"groupIssueHistory"` // Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack. SlackNewIssue bool `json:"slackNewIssue"` // Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack. SlackIssueComments bool `json:"slackIssueComments"` // Whether to send new issue status updates to Slack. SlackIssueStatuses bool `json:"slackIssueStatuses"` // Period after which issues are automatically closed in months. Null/undefined means disabled. AutoClosePeriod *float64 `json:"autoClosePeriod,omitempty"` // The canceled workflow state which auto closed issues will be set to. Defaults to the first canceled state. AutoCloseStateId *string `json:"autoCloseStateId,omitempty"` // Period after which automatically closed and completed issues are automatically archived in months. AutoArchivePeriod float64 `json:"autoArchivePeriod"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when they are marked as a duplicate of another issue. Defaults to the first canceled state. MarkedAsDuplicateWorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"markedAsDuplicateWorkflowState,omitempty"` // [INTERNAL] Whether new users should join this team by default. JoinByDefault *bool `json:"joinByDefault,omitempty"` // Calendar feed URL (iCal) for cycles. CycleCalenderUrl string `json:"cycleCalenderUrl"` // Issues associated with the team. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` // Number of issues in the team. IssueCount int32 `json:"issueCount"` // Cycles associated with the team. Cycles *CycleConnection `json:"cycles"` // Team's currently active cycle. ActiveCycle *Cycle `json:"activeCycle,omitempty"` // Team's triage responsibility. TriageResponsibility *TriageResponsibility `json:"triageResponsibility,omitempty"` // Users who are members of this team. Members *UserConnection `json:"members"` // Memberships associated with the team. For easier access of the same data, use `members` query. Memberships *TeamMembershipConnection `json:"memberships"` // Projects associated with the team. Projects *ProjectConnection `json:"projects"` // The states that define the workflow associated with the team. States *WorkflowStateConnection `json:"states"` // The Git automation states for the team. GitAutomationStates *GitAutomationStateConnection `json:"gitAutomationStates"` // Templates associated with the team. Templates *TemplateConnection `json:"templates"` // Labels associated with the team. Labels *IssueLabelConnection `json:"labels"` // Webhooks associated with the team. Webhooks *WebhookConnection `json:"webhooks"` // Settings for all integrations associated with that team. IntegrationsSettings *IntegrationsSettings `json:"integrationsSettings,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] Whether to move issues to bottom of the column when changing state. IssueSortOrderDefaultToBottom bool `json:"issueSortOrderDefaultToBottom"` }
An organizational unit that contains issues.
type TeamArchivePayload ¶
type TeamArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *Team `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type TeamCollectionFilter ¶
type TeamCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the roadmap. And []TeamCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the roadmap. Or []TeamCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some roadmaps. Some *TeamFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all roadmaps. Every *TeamFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
Roadmap collection filtering options.
type TeamConnection ¶
type TeamConnection struct { Edges []TeamEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Team `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
func FetchTeams ¶
type TeamCreateInput ¶
type TeamCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the team. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the team. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The key of the team. If not given, the key will be generated based on the name of the team. Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // The icon of the team. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the team. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The organization associated with the team. OrganizationId *string `json:"organizationId,omitempty"` // Whether the team uses cycles. CyclesEnabled *bool `json:"cyclesEnabled,omitempty"` // The day of the week that a new cycle starts. CycleStartDay *float64 `json:"cycleStartDay,omitempty"` // The duration of each cycle in weeks. CycleDuration *int32 `json:"cycleDuration,omitempty"` // The cooldown time after each cycle in weeks. CycleCooldownTime *int32 `json:"cycleCooldownTime,omitempty"` // Auto assign started issues to current active cycle setting. CycleIssueAutoAssignStarted *bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignStarted,omitempty"` // Auto assign completed issues to current active cycle setting. CycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted *bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted,omitempty"` // Only allow issues issues with cycles in Active Issues. CycleLockToActive *bool `json:"cycleLockToActive,omitempty"` // How many upcoming cycles to create. UpcomingCycleCount *float64 `json:"upcomingCycleCount,omitempty"` // Whether triage mode is enabled for the team. TriageEnabled *bool `json:"triageEnabled,omitempty"` // Whether an issue needs to have a priority set before leaving triage. RequirePriorityToLeaveTriage *bool `json:"requirePriorityToLeaveTriage,omitempty"` // The timezone of the team. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Whether issues without priority should be sorted first. IssueOrderingNoPriorityFirst *bool `json:"issueOrderingNoPriorityFirst,omitempty"` // The issue estimation type to use. Must be one of "notUsed", "exponential", "fibonacci", "linear", "tShirt". IssueEstimationType *string `json:"issueEstimationType,omitempty"` // Whether to allow zeros in issues estimates. IssueEstimationAllowZero *bool `json:"issueEstimationAllowZero,omitempty"` // Whether to move issues to bottom of the column when changing state. SetIssueSortOrderOnStateChange *string `json:"setIssueSortOrderOnStateChange,omitempty"` // Whether to add additional points to the estimate scale. IssueEstimationExtended *bool `json:"issueEstimationExtended,omitempty"` // What to use as an default estimate for unestimated issues. DefaultIssueEstimate *float64 `json:"defaultIssueEstimate,omitempty"` // Whether to group recent issue history entries. GroupIssueHistory *bool `json:"groupIssueHistory,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default template for members of this team. DefaultTemplateForMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForMembersId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default template for non-members of this team. DefaultTemplateForNonMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForNonMembersId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default project template of this team. DefaultProjectTemplateId *string `json:"defaultProjectTemplateId,omitempty"` // Internal. Whether the team is private or not. Private *bool `json:"private,omitempty"` // Period after which issues are automatically closed, in months. AutoClosePeriod *float64 `json:"autoClosePeriod,omitempty"` // The canceled workflow state which auto closed issues will be set to. AutoCloseStateId *string `json:"autoCloseStateId,omitempty"` // Period after which closed and completed issues are automatically archived, in months. 0 means disabled. AutoArchivePeriod *float64 `json:"autoArchivePeriod,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when they are marked as a duplicate of another issue. MarkedAsDuplicateWorkflowStateId *string `json:"markedAsDuplicateWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` }
type TeamFilter ¶
type TeamFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team key. Key *StringComparator `json:"key,omitempty"` // Comparator for the team description. Description *NullableStringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Filters that the teams issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the team. And []TeamFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the team. Or []TeamFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Team filtering options.
type TeamMembership ¶
type TeamMembership struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that the membership is associated with. User *User `json:"user"` // The team that the membership is associated with. Team *Team `json:"team"` // Whether the user is the owner of the team. Owner *bool `json:"owner,omitempty"` // The order of the item in the users team list. SortOrder float64 `json:"sortOrder"` }
Defines the membership of a user to a team.
type TeamMembershipConnection ¶
type TeamMembershipConnection struct { Edges []TeamMembershipEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []TeamMembership `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type TeamMembershipCreateInput ¶
type TeamMembershipCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the user associated with the membership. UserId string `json:"userId"` // The identifier of the team associated with the membership. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // Internal. Whether the user is the owner of the team. Owner *bool `json:"owner,omitempty"` // The position of the item in the users list. SortOrder *float64 `json:"sortOrder,omitempty"` }
type TeamMembershipEdge ¶
type TeamMembershipEdge struct { Node *TeamMembership `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type TeamMembershipPayload ¶
type TeamMembershipPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The team membership that was created or updated. TeamMembership *TeamMembership `json:"teamMembership,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type TeamNotificationSubscription ¶
type TeamNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team subscribed to. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The user view associated with the notification subscription. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A team notification subscription.
type TeamPayload ¶
type TeamRepoMapping ¶
type TeamRepoMapping struct { // The Linear team id to map to the given project. LinearTeamId string `json:"linearTeamId"` // The GitHub repo id. GitHubRepoId float64 `json:"gitHubRepoId"` // Whether the sync for this mapping is bidirectional. Bidirectional *bool `json:"bidirectional,omitempty"` // Whether this mapping is the default one for issue creation. Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` }
Mapping of Linear teams to GitHub repos.
type TeamRepoMappingInput ¶
type TeamRepoMappingInput struct { // The Linear team id to map to the given project. LinearTeamId string `json:"linearTeamId"` // The GitHub repo id. GitHubRepoId float64 `json:"gitHubRepoId"` // Whether the sync for this mapping is bidirectional. Bidirectional *bool `json:"bidirectional,omitempty"` // Whether this mapping is the default one for issue creation. Default *bool `json:"default,omitempty"` }
type TeamSort ¶
type TeamSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue team sorting options.
type TeamUpdateInput ¶
type TeamUpdateInput struct { // The name of the team. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The description of the team. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The key of the team. Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // The icon of the team. Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // The color of the team. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // Whether the team uses cycles. CyclesEnabled *bool `json:"cyclesEnabled,omitempty"` // The day of the week that a new cycle starts. CycleStartDay *float64 `json:"cycleStartDay,omitempty"` // The duration of each cycle in weeks. CycleDuration *int32 `json:"cycleDuration,omitempty"` // The cooldown time after each cycle in weeks. CycleCooldownTime *int32 `json:"cycleCooldownTime,omitempty"` // Auto assign started issues to current active cycle setting. CycleIssueAutoAssignStarted *bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignStarted,omitempty"` // Auto assign completed issues to current active cycle setting. CycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted *bool `json:"cycleIssueAutoAssignCompleted,omitempty"` // Only allow issues with cycles in Active Issues. CycleLockToActive *bool `json:"cycleLockToActive,omitempty"` // [DEPRECATED] Whether the first cycle should start in the current or the next week. CycleEnabledStartWeek *string `json:"cycleEnabledStartWeek,omitempty"` // The date to begin cycles on. CycleEnabledStartDate *DateTime `json:"cycleEnabledStartDate,omitempty"` // How many upcoming cycles to create. UpcomingCycleCount *float64 `json:"upcomingCycleCount,omitempty"` // The timezone of the team. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Whether issues without priority should be sorted first. IssueOrderingNoPriorityFirst *bool `json:"issueOrderingNoPriorityFirst,omitempty"` // The issue estimation type to use. Must be one of "notUsed", "exponential", "fibonacci", "linear", "tShirt". IssueEstimationType *string `json:"issueEstimationType,omitempty"` // Whether to allow zeros in issues estimates. IssueEstimationAllowZero *bool `json:"issueEstimationAllowZero,omitempty"` // Whether to move issues to bottom of the column when changing state. SetIssueSortOrderOnStateChange *string `json:"setIssueSortOrderOnStateChange,omitempty"` // Whether to add additional points to the estimate scale. IssueEstimationExtended *bool `json:"issueEstimationExtended,omitempty"` // What to use as an default estimate for unestimated issues. DefaultIssueEstimate *float64 `json:"defaultIssueEstimate,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a draft PR has been opened. DraftWorkflowStateId *string `json:"draftWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been opened. StartWorkflowStateId *string `json:"startWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a review has been requested for the PR. ReviewWorkflowStateId *string `json:"reviewWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR is ready to be merged. MergeableWorkflowStateId *string `json:"mergeableWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been merged. MergeWorkflowStateId *string `json:"mergeWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack. SlackNewIssue *bool `json:"slackNewIssue,omitempty"` // Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack. SlackIssueComments *bool `json:"slackIssueComments,omitempty"` // Whether to send issue status update notifications to Slack. SlackIssueStatuses *bool `json:"slackIssueStatuses,omitempty"` // Whether to group recent issue history entries. GroupIssueHistory *bool `json:"groupIssueHistory,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default template for members of this team. DefaultTemplateForMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForMembersId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default template for non-members of this team. DefaultTemplateForNonMembersId *string `json:"defaultTemplateForNonMembersId,omitempty"` // The identifier of the default project template of this team. DefaultProjectTemplateId *string `json:"defaultProjectTemplateId,omitempty"` // Whether the team is private or not. Private *bool `json:"private,omitempty"` // Whether triage mode is enabled for the team. TriageEnabled *bool `json:"triageEnabled,omitempty"` // Whether an issue needs to have a priority set before leaving triage. RequirePriorityToLeaveTriage *bool `json:"requirePriorityToLeaveTriage,omitempty"` // Default status for newly created issues. DefaultIssueStateId *string `json:"defaultIssueStateId,omitempty"` // Period after which issues are automatically closed, in months. AutoClosePeriod *float64 `json:"autoClosePeriod,omitempty"` // The canceled workflow state which auto closed issues will be set to. AutoCloseStateId *string `json:"autoCloseStateId,omitempty"` // Period after which closed and completed issues are automatically archived, in months. AutoArchivePeriod *float64 `json:"autoArchivePeriod,omitempty"` // The workflow state into which issues are moved when they are marked as a duplicate of another issue. MarkedAsDuplicateWorkflowStateId *string `json:"markedAsDuplicateWorkflowStateId,omitempty"` // Whether new users should join this team by default. Mutation restricted to workspace admins! JoinByDefault *bool `json:"joinByDefault,omitempty"` }
type Template ¶
type Template struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The entity type this template is for. Type string `json:"type"` // The name of the template. Name string `json:"name"` // Template description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Template data. TemplateData JSON `json:"templateData"` // The organization that the template is associated with. If null, the template is associated with a particular team. Organization *Organization `json:"organization,omitempty"` // The team that the template is associated with. If null, the template is global to the workspace. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user who created the template. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // The user who last updated the template. LastUpdatedBy *User `json:"lastUpdatedBy,omitempty"` }
A template object used for creating entities faster.
type TemplateConnection ¶
type TemplateConnection struct { Edges []TemplateEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Template `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type TemplateCreateInput ¶
type TemplateCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The template type, e.g. 'issue'. Type string `json:"type"` // The identifier or key of the team associated with the template. If not given, the template will be shared across all teams. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The template name. Name string `json:"name"` // The template description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The template data as JSON encoded attributes of the type of entity, such as an issue. TemplateData JSON `json:"templateData"` }
type TemplateEdge ¶
type TemplatePayload ¶
type TemplateUpdateInput ¶
type TemplateUpdateInput struct { // The template name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The template description. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The identifier or key of the team associated with the template. If set to null, the template will be shared across all teams. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The template data as JSON encoded attributes of the type of entity, such as an issue. TemplateData *JSON `json:"templateData,omitempty"` }
type TimeSchedule ¶
type TimeSchedule struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the schedule. Name string `json:"name"` // The schedule entries. Entries []TimeScheduleEntry `json:"entries"` // The identifier of the external schedule. ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The URL to the external schedule. ExternalUrl *string `json:"externalUrl,omitempty"` // The organization of the schedule. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The identifier of the Linear integration populating the schedule. Integration *Integration `json:"integration,omitempty"` }
A time schedule.
type TimeScheduleConnection ¶
type TimeScheduleConnection struct { Edges []TimeScheduleEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []TimeSchedule `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type TimeScheduleCreateInput ¶
type TimeScheduleCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The name of the schedule. Name string `json:"name"` // The schedule entries. Entries []TimeScheduleEntryInput `json:"entries"` // The unique identifier of the external schedule. ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The URL to the external schedule. ExternalUrl *string `json:"externalUrl,omitempty"` }
type TimeScheduleEdge ¶
type TimeScheduleEdge struct { Node *TimeSchedule `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type TimeScheduleEntry ¶
type TimeScheduleEntry struct { // The start date of the schedule in ISO 8601 date-time format. StartsAt DateTime `json:"startsAt"` // The end date of the schedule in ISO 8601 date-time format. EndsAt DateTime `json:"endsAt"` // The Linear user id of the user on schedule. If the user cannot be mapped to a Linear user then `userEmail` can be used as a reference. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // The email, name or reference to the user on schedule. This is used in case the external user could not be mapped to a Linear user id. UserEmail *string `json:"userEmail,omitempty"` }
type TimeScheduleEntryInput ¶
type TimeScheduleEntryInput struct { // The start date of the schedule in ISO 8601 date-time format. StartsAt DateTime `json:"startsAt"` // The end date of the schedule in ISO 8601 date-time format. EndsAt DateTime `json:"endsAt"` // The Linear user id of the user on schedule. If the user cannot be mapped to a Linear user then `userEmail` can be used as a reference. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` // The email, name or reference to the user on schedule. This is used in case the external user could not be mapped to a Linear user id. UserEmail *string `json:"userEmail,omitempty"` }
type TimeSchedulePayload ¶
type TimeSchedulePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` TimeSchedule *TimeSchedule `json:"timeSchedule"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type TimeScheduleUpdateInput ¶
type TimeScheduleUpdateInput struct { // The name of the schedule. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The schedule entries. Entries []TimeScheduleEntryInput `json:"entries,omitempty"` // The unique identifier of the external schedule. ExternalId *string `json:"externalId,omitempty"` // The URL to the external schedule. ExternalUrl *string `json:"externalUrl,omitempty"` }
type TimelessDate ¶
type TimelessDate string
Represents a date in ISO 8601 format. Accepts shortcuts like `2021` to represent midnight Fri Jan 01 2021. Also accepts ISO 8601 durations strings which are added to the current date to create the represented date (e.g '-P2W1D' represents the date that was two weeks and 1 day ago)
type TimelessDateComparator ¶
type TimelessDateComparator struct { // Equals constraint. Eq *TimelessDate `json:"eq,omitempty"` // Not-equals constraint. Neq *TimelessDate `json:"neq,omitempty"` // In-array constraint. In []TimelessDate `json:"in,omitempty"` // Not-in-array constraint. Nin []TimelessDate `json:"nin,omitempty"` // Less-than constraint. Matches any values that are less than the given value. Lt *TimelessDate `json:"lt,omitempty"` // Less-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are less than or equal to the given value. Lte *TimelessDate `json:"lte,omitempty"` // Greater-than constraint. Matches any values that are greater than the given value. Gt *TimelessDate `json:"gt,omitempty"` // Greater-than-or-equal constraint. Matches any values that are greater than or equal to the given value. Gte *TimelessDate `json:"gte,omitempty"` }
Comparator for timeless dates.
type TitleSort ¶
type TitleSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue title sorting options.
type TokenUserAccountAuthInput ¶
type TokenUserAccountAuthInput struct { // The email which to login via the magic login code. Email string `json:"email"` // The magic login code. Token string `json:"token"` // The timezone of the user's browser. Timezone string `json:"timezone"` // The identifiers of the teams to auto-join. TeamIdsToJoin []string `json:"teamIdsToJoin,omitempty"` // An optional invite link for an organization. InviteLink *string `json:"inviteLink,omitempty"` }
type TriageResponsibility ¶
type TriageResponsibility struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The action to take when an issue is added to triage. Action TriageResponsibilityAction `json:"action"` // Set of users used for triage responsibility. ManualSelection *TriageResponsibilityManualSelection `json:"manualSelection,omitempty"` // The team to which the triage responsibility belongs to. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The time schedule used for scheduling. TimeSchedule *TimeSchedule `json:"timeSchedule,omitempty"` // The user currently responsible for triage. CurrentUser *User `json:"currentUser,omitempty"` }
A team's triage responsibility.
type TriageResponsibilityAction ¶
type TriageResponsibilityAction string
Which action should be taken after an issue is added to triage.
const ( TriageResponsibilityActionAssign TriageResponsibilityAction = "assign" TriageResponsibilityActionNotify TriageResponsibilityAction = "notify" )
type TriageResponsibilityConnection ¶
type TriageResponsibilityConnection struct { Edges []TriageResponsibilityEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []TriageResponsibility `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type TriageResponsibilityCreateInput ¶
type TriageResponsibilityCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The identifier of the team associated with the triage responsibility. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` // The action to take when an issue is added to triage. Action string `json:"action"` // The manual selection of users responsible for triage. ManualSelection *TriageResponsibilityManualSelectionInput `json:"manualSelection,omitempty"` // The identifier of the time schedule used for scheduling triage responsibility TimeScheduleId *string `json:"timeScheduleId,omitempty"` }
type TriageResponsibilityEdge ¶
type TriageResponsibilityEdge struct { Node *TriageResponsibility `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type TriageResponsibilityManualSelectionInput ¶
type TriageResponsibilityManualSelectionInput struct { // The set of users responsible for triage. UserIds []string `json:"userIds"` // [INTERNAL] The index of the current userId used for the assign action when having more than one user. AssignmentIndex *int32 `json:"assignmentIndex,omitempty"` }
Manual triage responsibility using a set of users.
type TriageResponsibilityPayload ¶
type TriageResponsibilityPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` TriageResponsibility *TriageResponsibility `json:"triageResponsibility"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type TriageResponsibilityUpdateInput ¶
type TriageResponsibilityUpdateInput struct { // The action to take when an issue is added to triage. Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` // The manual selection of users responsible for triage. ManualSelection *TriageResponsibilityManualSelectionInput `json:"manualSelection,omitempty"` // The identifier of the time schedule used for scheduling triage responsibility. TimeScheduleId *string `json:"timeScheduleId,omitempty"` }
type UpdatedAtSort ¶
type UpdatedAtSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue update date sorting options.
type UploadFile ¶
type UploadFile struct { // The filename. Filename string `json:"filename"` // The content type. ContentType string `json:"contentType"` // The size of the uploaded file. Size int32 `json:"size"` // The signed URL the for the uploaded file. (assigned automatically). UploadUrl string `json:"uploadUrl"` // The asset URL for the uploaded file. (assigned automatically). AssetUrl string `json:"assetUrl"` MetaData *JSONObject `json:"metaData,omitempty"` Headers []UploadFileHeader `json:"headers"` }
Object representing Google Cloud upload policy, plus additional data.
type UploadFileHeader ¶
type UploadPayload ¶
type UploadPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Object describing the file to be uploaded. UploadFile *UploadFile `json:"uploadFile,omitempty"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type User ¶
type User struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user's full name. Name string `json:"name"` // The user's display (nick) name. Unique within each organization. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The user's email address. Email string `json:"email"` // An URL to the user's avatar image. AvatarUrl *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` // Reason why is the account disabled. DisableReason *string `json:"disableReason,omitempty"` // Unique hash for the user to be used in invite URLs. InviteHash string `json:"inviteHash"` // [DEPRECATED] Hash for the user to be used in calendar URLs. CalendarHash *string `json:"calendarHash,omitempty"` // A short description of the user, either its title or bio. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The emoji to represent the user current status. StatusEmoji *string `json:"statusEmoji,omitempty"` // The label of the user current status. StatusLabel *string `json:"statusLabel,omitempty"` // A date at which the user current status should be cleared. StatusUntilAt *DateTime `json:"statusUntilAt,omitempty"` // The local timezone of the user. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` // Organization the user belongs to. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // The last time the user was seen online. If null, the user is currently online. LastSeen *DateTime `json:"lastSeen,omitempty"` // Whether the user is a guest in the workspace and limited to accessing a subset of teams. Guest bool `json:"guest"` // Whether the user account is active or disabled (suspended). Active bool `json:"active"` // User's profile URL. Url string `json:"url"` // Issues assigned to the user. AssignedIssues *IssueConnection `json:"assignedIssues"` // Issues created by the user. CreatedIssues *IssueConnection `json:"createdIssues"` // Number of issues created. CreatedIssueCount int32 `json:"createdIssueCount"` // Teams the user is part of. Teams *TeamConnection `json:"teams"` // Memberships associated with the user. For easier access of the same data, use `teams` query. TeamMemberships *TeamMembershipConnection `json:"teamMemberships"` // Whether the user is the currently authenticated user. IsMe bool `json:"isMe"` // Whether the user is an organization administrator. Admin bool `json:"admin"` }
A user that has access to the the resources of an organization.
type UserAccount ¶
type UserAccount struct { // The models identifier. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the model was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The time at which the model was updated. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the model was archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user's name. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The user's email address. Email string `json:"email"` // The authentication service used to create the account. Service string `json:"service"` // Whether not to send email auth links in the email auth emails. AuthTokenLinkDisabled bool `json:"authTokenLinkDisabled"` }
A user account.
type UserAccountEmailChange ¶
type UserAccountEmailChange struct { // The model's identifier. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the model was updated. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the model was archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user account's current email. OldEmail string `json:"oldEmail"` // The timestamp the old email was verified at. OldEmailVerifiedAt *DateTime `json:"oldEmailVerifiedAt,omitempty"` // The new email the user account wants to change to. NewEmail string `json:"newEmail"` // The timestamp the new email was verified at. NewEmailVerifiedAt *DateTime `json:"newEmailVerifiedAt,omitempty"` // The timestamp the verification codes expire at. ExpiresAt DateTime `json:"expiresAt"` // The timestamp this verification challenge was canceled at. CanceledAt *DateTime `json:"canceledAt,omitempty"` }
[INTERNAL] An email change verification challenge.
type UserAdminPayload ¶
type UserAdminPayload struct { // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type UserAuthorizedApplication ¶
type UserAuthorizedApplication struct { // OAuth application's ID. Id string `json:"id"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Information about the application. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Name of the developer. Developer string `json:"developer"` // Url of the developer (homepage or docs). DeveloperUrl string `json:"developerUrl"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Whether the user has authorized the application for the given scopes. IsAuthorized bool `json:"isAuthorized"` // Whether the application was created by Linear. CreatedByLinear bool `json:"createdByLinear"` // Whether or not webhooks are enabled for the application. WebhooksEnabled bool `json:"webhooksEnabled"` // Error associated with the application needing to be requested for approval in the workspace. ApprovalErrorCode *string `json:"approvalErrorCode,omitempty"` }
Public information of the OAuth application, plus whether the application has been authorized for the given scopes.
type UserCollectionFilter ¶
type UserCollectionFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's display name. DisplayName *StringComparator `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's email. Email *StringComparator `json:"email,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's activity status. Active *BooleanComparator `json:"active,omitempty"` // Filters that the users assigned issues must satisfy. AssignedIssues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"assignedIssues,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's admin status. Admin *BooleanComparator `json:"admin,omitempty"` // Filter based on the currently authenticated user. Set to true to filter for the authenticated user, false for any other user. IsMe *BooleanComparator `json:"isMe,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the user. And []UserCollectionFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the user. Or []UserCollectionFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by some users. Some *UserFilter `json:"some,omitempty"` // Filters that needs to be matched by all users. Every *UserFilter `json:"every,omitempty"` // Comparator for the collection length. Length *NumberComparator `json:"length,omitempty"` }
User filtering options.
type UserConnection ¶
type UserContextViewType ¶
type UserContextViewType string
const (
UserContextViewTypeAssigned UserContextViewType = "assigned"
type UserFilter ¶
type UserFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's display name. DisplayName *StringComparator `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's email. Email *StringComparator `json:"email,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's activity status. Active *BooleanComparator `json:"active,omitempty"` // Filters that the users assigned issues must satisfy. AssignedIssues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"assignedIssues,omitempty"` // Comparator for the user's admin status. Admin *BooleanComparator `json:"admin,omitempty"` // Filter based on the currently authenticated user. Set to true to filter for the authenticated user, false for any other user. IsMe *BooleanComparator `json:"isMe,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the user. And []UserFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the user. Or []UserFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
User filtering options.
type UserFlagType ¶
type UserFlagType string
The types of flags that the user can have.
const ( UserFlagTypeUpdatedslackthreadsyncintegration UserFlagType = "updatedSlackThreadSyncIntegration" UserFlagTypeCompletedonboarding UserFlagType = "completedOnboarding" UserFlagTypeDesktopinstalled UserFlagType = "desktopInstalled" UserFlagTypeTeamspageintroductiondismissed UserFlagType = "teamsPageIntroductionDismissed" UserFlagTypeJointeamintroductiondismissed UserFlagType = "joinTeamIntroductionDismissed" UserFlagTypeDesktopdownloadtoastdismissed UserFlagType = "desktopDownloadToastDismissed" UserFlagTypeEmptybacklogdismissed UserFlagType = "emptyBacklogDismissed" UserFlagTypeEmptycustomviewsdismissed UserFlagType = "emptyCustomViewsDismissed" UserFlagTypeEmptyactiveissuesdismissed UserFlagType = "emptyActiveIssuesDismissed" UserFlagTypeEmptymyissuesdismissed UserFlagType = "emptyMyIssuesDismissed" UserFlagTypeTriagewelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "triageWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeCyclewelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "cycleWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeProjectwelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "projectWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeProjectbacklogwelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "projectBacklogWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeProjectupdateswelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "projectUpdatesWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeAnalyticswelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "analyticsWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeInsightswelcomedismissed UserFlagType = "insightsWelcomeDismissed" UserFlagTypeInsightshelpdismissed UserFlagType = "insightsHelpDismissed" UserFlagTypeFigmapromptdismissed UserFlagType = "figmaPromptDismissed" UserFlagTypeIssuemovepromptcompleted UserFlagType = "issueMovePromptCompleted" UserFlagTypeMigratethemepreference UserFlagType = "migrateThemePreference" UserFlagTypeListselectiontip UserFlagType = "listSelectionTip" UserFlagTypeCanplaysnake UserFlagType = "canPlaySnake" UserFlagTypeCanplaytetris UserFlagType = "canPlayTetris" UserFlagTypeTryinvitepeopledismissed UserFlagType = "tryInvitePeopleDismissed" UserFlagTypeTryroadmapsdismissed UserFlagType = "tryRoadmapsDismissed" UserFlagTypeTrycyclesdismissed UserFlagType = "tryCyclesDismissed" UserFlagTypeTrytriagedismissed UserFlagType = "tryTriageDismissed" UserFlagTypeTrygithubdismissed UserFlagType = "tryGithubDismissed" UserFlagTypeHelpislandfeatureinsightsdismissed UserFlagType = "helpIslandFeatureInsightsDismissed" UserFlagTypeDuedateshortcutmigration UserFlagType = "dueDateShortcutMigration" UserFlagTypeSlackcommentreactiontipshown UserFlagType = "slackCommentReactionTipShown" UserFlagTypeIssuelabelsuggestionused UserFlagType = "issueLabelSuggestionUsed" UserFlagTypeThreadedcommentsnudgeisseen UserFlagType = "threadedCommentsNudgeIsSeen" UserFlagTypeDesktoptabsonboardingdismissed UserFlagType = "desktopTabsOnboardingDismissed" UserFlagTypeMilestoneonboardingisseenanddismissed UserFlagType = "milestoneOnboardingIsSeenAndDismissed" UserFlagTypeProjectboardonboardingisseenanddismissed UserFlagType = "projectBoardOnboardingIsSeenAndDismissed" UserFlagTypeAll UserFlagType = "all" )
type UserFlagUpdateOperation ¶
type UserFlagUpdateOperation string
Operations that can be applied to UserFlagType.
const ( UserFlagUpdateOperationIncr UserFlagUpdateOperation = "incr" UserFlagUpdateOperationDecr UserFlagUpdateOperation = "decr" UserFlagUpdateOperationClear UserFlagUpdateOperation = "clear" UserFlagUpdateOperationLock UserFlagUpdateOperation = "lock" )
type UserNotificationSubscription ¶
type UserNotificationSubscription struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The user that subscribed to receive notifications. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // The contextual custom view associated with the notification subscription. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the notification subscription. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual label view associated with the notification subscription. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the notification subscription. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The team associated with the notification subscription. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user subscribed to. User *User `json:"user"` // The type of view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which the notification subscription context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` // Whether the subscription is active or not. Active bool `json:"active"` // The type of subscription. NotificationSubscriptionTypes []string `json:"notificationSubscriptionTypes"` }
A user notification subscription.
type UserPayload ¶
type UserRoleType ¶
type UserRoleType string
The different permission roles available to users on an organization.
const ( UserRoleTypeAdmin UserRoleType = "admin" UserRoleTypeGuest UserRoleType = "guest" UserRoleTypeUser UserRoleType = "user" )
type UserSettings ¶
type UserSettings struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The notification channel settings the user has selected. NotificationPreferences JSONObject `json:"notificationPreferences"` // The email types the user has unsubscribed from. UnsubscribedFrom []string `json:"unsubscribedFrom"` // The user associated with these settings. User *User `json:"user"` // Hash for the user to be used in calendar URLs. CalendarHash *string `json:"calendarHash,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to changelog email or not. SubscribedToChangelog bool `json:"subscribedToChangelog"` // Whether this user is subscribed to DPA emails or not. SubscribedToDPA bool `json:"subscribedToDPA"` // Whether this user is subscribed to invite accepted emails or not. SubscribedToInviteAccepted bool `json:"subscribedToInviteAccepted"` // Whether this user is subscribed to privacy and legal update emails or not. SubscribedToPrivacyLegalUpdates bool `json:"subscribedToPrivacyLegalUpdates"` // Whether this user is subscribed to unread notifications reminder emails or not. SubscribedToUnreadNotificationsReminder bool `json:"subscribedToUnreadNotificationsReminder"` // Whether to show full user names instead of display names. ShowFullUserNames bool `json:"showFullUserNames"` }
The settings of a user as a JSON object.
type UserSettingsFlagPayload ¶
type UserSettingsFlagPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The flag key which was updated. Flag string `json:"flag"` // The flag value after update. Value int32 `json:"value"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type UserSettingsPayload ¶
type UserSettingsPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The user's settings. UserSettings *UserSettings `json:"userSettings"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type UserSettingsUpdateInput ¶
type UserSettingsUpdateInput struct { // The user's settings. Settings *JSONObject `json:"settings,omitempty"` // The types of emails the user has unsubscribed from. UnsubscribedFrom []string `json:"unsubscribedFrom,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to changelog email or not. SubscribedToChangelog *bool `json:"subscribedToChangelog,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to DPA emails or not. SubscribedToDPA *bool `json:"subscribedToDPA,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to invite accepted emails or not. SubscribedToInviteAccepted *bool `json:"subscribedToInviteAccepted,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to privacy and legal update emails or not. SubscribedToPrivacyLegalUpdates *bool `json:"subscribedToPrivacyLegalUpdates,omitempty"` // Whether this user is subscribed to email notifications reminder or not. SubscribedToUnreadNotificationsReminder *bool `json:"subscribedToUnreadNotificationsReminder,omitempty"` // The user's notification preferences. NotificationPreferences *JSONObject `json:"notificationPreferences,omitempty"` // [Internal] The user's usage warning history. UsageWarningHistory *JSONObject `json:"usageWarningHistory,omitempty"` }
type UserUpdateInput ¶
type UserUpdateInput struct { // The name of the user. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The display name of the user. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"` // The avatar image URL of the user. AvatarUrl *string `json:"avatarUrl,omitempty"` // Whether the user account is active. Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` // Reason for deactivation. DisableReason *string `json:"disableReason,omitempty"` // Whether the user account has admin privileges. Admin *bool `json:"admin,omitempty"` // The user description or a short bio. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The emoji part of the user status. StatusEmoji *string `json:"statusEmoji,omitempty"` // The label part of the user status. StatusLabel *string `json:"statusLabel,omitempty"` // When the user status should be cleared. StatusUntilAt *DateTime `json:"statusUntilAt,omitempty"` // The local timezone of the user. Timezone *string `json:"timezone,omitempty"` }
type ViewPreferences ¶
type ViewPreferences struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The view preference type. Type string `json:"type"` // The view type. ViewType string `json:"viewType"` }
View preferences.
type ViewPreferencesCreateInput ¶
type ViewPreferencesCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The type of view preferences (either user or organization level preferences). Type ViewPreferencesType `json:"type"` // The view type of the view preferences are associated with. ViewType ViewType `json:"viewType"` // View preferences object. Preferences JSONObject `json:"preferences"` // The default parameters for the insight on that view. Insights *JSONObject `json:"insights,omitempty"` // The team these view preferences are associated with. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // The project these view preferences are associated with. ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"` // The roadmap these view preferences are associated with. RoadmapId *string `json:"roadmapId,omitempty"` // [Internal] The initiative these view preferences are associated with. InitiativeId *string `json:"initiativeId,omitempty"` // The label these view preferences are associated with. LabelId *string `json:"labelId,omitempty"` // The cycle these view preferences are associated with. CycleId *string `json:"cycleId,omitempty"` // The custom view these view preferences are associated with. CustomViewId *string `json:"customViewId,omitempty"` // The user profile these view preferences are associated with. UserId *string `json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type ViewPreferencesPayload ¶
type ViewPreferencesPayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The view preferences entity being mutated. ViewPreferences *ViewPreferences `json:"viewPreferences"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type ViewPreferencesType ¶
type ViewPreferencesType string
The type of view preferences (either user or organization level preferences).
const ( ViewPreferencesTypeOrganization ViewPreferencesType = "organization" ViewPreferencesTypeUser ViewPreferencesType = "user" )
type ViewPreferencesUpdateInput ¶
type ViewPreferencesUpdateInput struct { // View preferences. Preferences *JSONObject `json:"preferences,omitempty"` // The default parameters for the insight on that view. Insights *JSONObject `json:"insights,omitempty"` }
type ViewType ¶
type ViewType string
The client view this custom view is targeting.
const ( ViewTypeInbox ViewType = "inbox" ViewTypeMyissues ViewType = "myIssues" ViewTypeMyissuescreatedbyme ViewType = "myIssuesCreatedByMe" ViewTypeMyissuessubscribedto ViewType = "myIssuesSubscribedTo" ViewTypeMyissuesactivity ViewType = "myIssuesActivity" ViewTypeUserprofile ViewType = "userProfile" ViewTypeUserprofilecreatedbyuser ViewType = "userProfileCreatedByUser" ViewTypeBoard ViewType = "board" ViewTypeCompletedcycle ViewType = "completedCycle" ViewTypeCycle ViewType = "cycle" ViewTypeProject ViewType = "project" ViewTypeProjectdocuments ViewType = "projectDocuments" ViewTypeLabel ViewType = "label" ViewTypeTriage ViewType = "triage" ViewTypeActiveissues ViewType = "activeIssues" ViewTypeBacklog ViewType = "backlog" ViewTypeAllissues ViewType = "allIssues" ViewTypeCustomview ViewType = "customView" ViewTypeCustomviews ViewType = "customViews" ViewTypeCustomroadmap ViewType = "customRoadmap" ViewTypeRoadmap ViewType = "roadmap" ViewTypeRoadmaps ViewType = "roadmaps" ViewTypeRoadmapall ViewType = "roadmapAll" ViewTypeRoadmapclosed ViewType = "roadmapClosed" ViewTypeRoadmapbacklog ViewType = "roadmapBacklog" ViewTypeInitiative ViewType = "initiative" ViewTypeInitiatives ViewType = "initiatives" ViewTypeProjects ViewType = "projects" ViewTypeProjectsall ViewType = "projectsAll" ViewTypeProjectsbacklog ViewType = "projectsBacklog" ViewTypeProjectsclosed ViewType = "projectsClosed" ViewTypeSearch ViewType = "search" ViewTypeSplitsearch ViewType = "splitSearch" ViewTypeTeams ViewType = "teams" ViewTypeArchive ViewType = "archive" ViewTypeQuickview ViewType = "quickView" ViewTypeIssueidentifiers ViewType = "issueIdentifiers" )
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // Webhook label. Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // Webhook URL. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Whether the Webhook is enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The team that the webhook is associated with. If null, the webhook is associated with all public teams of the organization. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // Whether the Webhook is enabled for all public teams, including teams created after the webhook was created. AllPublicTeams bool `json:"allPublicTeams"` // The user who created the webhook. Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` // Secret token for verifying the origin on the recipient side. Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` // The resource types this webhook is subscribed to. ResourceTypes []string `json:"resourceTypes"` }
A webhook used to send HTTP notifications over data updates.
type WebhookConnection ¶
type WebhookConnection struct { Edges []WebhookEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []Webhook `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type WebhookCreateInput ¶
type WebhookCreateInput struct { // Label for the webhook. Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Whether this webhook is enabled. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // A secret token used to sign the webhook payload. Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` // The URL that will be called on data changes. Url string `json:"url"` // List of resources the webhook should subscribe to. ResourceTypes []string `json:"resourceTypes"` // The identifier or key of the team associated with the Webhook. TeamId *string `json:"teamId,omitempty"` // Whether this webhook is enabled for all public teams. AllPublicTeams *bool `json:"allPublicTeams,omitempty"` }
type WebhookEdge ¶
type WebhookPayload ¶
type WebhookUpdateInput ¶
type WebhookUpdateInput struct { // Label for the webhook. Label *string `json:"label,omitempty"` // A secret token used to sign the webhook payload. Secret *string `json:"secret,omitempty"` // Whether this webhook is enabled. Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // The URL that will be called on data changes. Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // List of resources the webhook should subscribe to. ResourceTypes []string `json:"resourceTypes,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowCondition ¶
type WorkflowCondition struct { // Trigger the workflow when an issue matches the filter. Can only be used when the trigger type is `Issue`. IssueFilter *IssueFilter `json:"issueFilter,omitempty"` // Triggers the workflow when a project matches the filter. Can only be used when the trigger type is `Project`. ProjectFilter *ProjectFilter `json:"projectFilter,omitempty"` }
A condition to match for the workflow to be triggered.
type WorkflowCronJobDefinition ¶
type WorkflowCronJobDefinition struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the workflow cron job. Name string `json:"name"` // The description of the workflow cron job. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The team associated with the workflow cron job. Team *Team `json:"team"` // The user who created the workflow cron job. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // Cron schedule which is used to execute the workflow cron job. Schedule JSONObject `json:"schedule"` // An array of activities that will be executed as part of the workflow cron job. Activities JSONObject `json:"activities"` // The sort order of the workflow cron job definition within its siblings. SortOrder string `json:"sortOrder"` }
type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionConnection ¶
type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionConnection struct { Edges []WorkflowCronJobDefinitionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []WorkflowCronJobDefinition `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionEdge ¶
type WorkflowCronJobDefinitionEdge struct { Node *WorkflowCronJobDefinition `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type WorkflowDefinition ¶
type WorkflowDefinition struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The name of the workflow. Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the group that the workflow belongs to. GroupName *string `json:"groupName,omitempty"` // The description of the workflow. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The type of the workflow. Type WorkflowType `json:"type"` // The type of the event that triggers off the workflow. Trigger WorkflowTrigger `json:"trigger"` // The object type (e.g. Issue) that triggers this workflow. TriggerType WorkflowTriggerType `json:"triggerType"` // The conditions that need to be match for the workflow to be triggered. Conditions JSONObject `json:"conditions"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // The team associated with the workflow. If not set, the workflow is associated with the entire organization. Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` // The user who created the workflow. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // An array of activities that will be executed as part of the workflow. Activities JSONObject `json:"activities"` // The sort order of the workflow definition within its siblings. SortOrder string `json:"sortOrder"` // The contextual label view associated with the workflow. Label *IssueLabel `json:"label,omitempty"` // The contextual cycle view associated with the workflow. Cycle *Cycle `json:"cycle,omitempty"` // The contextual user view associated with the workflow. User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` // The contextual project view associated with the workflow. Project *Project `json:"project,omitempty"` // The context custom view associated with the workflow. CustomView *CustomView `json:"customView,omitempty"` // The type of view to which this workflow's context is associated with. ContextViewType *ContextViewType `json:"contextViewType,omitempty"` // The type of user view to which this workflow's context is associated with. UserContextViewType *UserContextViewType `json:"userContextViewType,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowDefinitionConnection ¶
type WorkflowDefinitionConnection struct { Edges []WorkflowDefinitionEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []WorkflowDefinition `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type WorkflowDefinitionEdge ¶
type WorkflowDefinitionEdge struct { Node *WorkflowDefinition `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type WorkflowState ¶
type WorkflowState struct { // The unique identifier of the entity. Id string `json:"id"` // The time at which the entity was created. CreatedAt DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // The last time at which the entity was meaningfully updated, i.e. for all changes of syncable properties except those // for which updates should not produce an update to updatedAt (see skipUpdatedAtKeys). This is the same as the creation time if the entity hasn't // been updated after creation. UpdatedAt DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` // The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived. ArchivedAt *DateTime `json:"archivedAt,omitempty"` // The state's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The state's UI color as a HEX string. Color string `json:"color"` // Description of the state. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The position of the state in the team flow. Position float64 `json:"position"` // The type of the state. One of "triage", "backlog", "unstarted", "started", "completed", "canceled". Type string `json:"type"` // The team to which this state belongs to. Team *Team `json:"team"` // Issues belonging in this state. Issues *IssueConnection `json:"issues"` }
A state in a team workflow.
type WorkflowStateArchivePayload ¶
type WorkflowStateArchivePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` // The archived/unarchived entity. Null if entity was deleted. Entity *WorkflowState `json:"entity,omitempty"` }
A generic payload return from entity archive mutations.
type WorkflowStateConnection ¶
type WorkflowStateConnection struct { Edges []WorkflowStateEdge `json:"edges"` Nodes []WorkflowState `json:"nodes"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type WorkflowStateCreateInput ¶
type WorkflowStateCreateInput struct { // The identifier in UUID v4 format. If none is provided, the backend will generate one. Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // The workflow type. Type string `json:"type"` // The name of the state. Name string `json:"name"` // The color of the state. Color string `json:"color"` // The description of the state. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The position of the state. Position *float64 `json:"position,omitempty"` // The team associated with the state. TeamId string `json:"teamId"` }
type WorkflowStateEdge ¶
type WorkflowStateEdge struct { Node *WorkflowState `json:"node"` // Used in `before` and `after` args Cursor string `json:"cursor"` }
type WorkflowStateFilter ¶
type WorkflowStateFilter struct { // Comparator for the identifier. Id *IDComparator `json:"id,omitempty"` // Comparator for the created at date. CreatedAt *DateComparator `json:"createdAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the updated at date. UpdatedAt *DateComparator `json:"updatedAt,omitempty"` // Comparator for the workflow state name. Name *StringComparator `json:"name,omitempty"` // Comparator for the workflow state description. Description *StringComparator `json:"description,omitempty"` // Comparator for the workflow state position. Position *NumberComparator `json:"position,omitempty"` // Comparator for the workflow state type. Type *StringComparator `json:"type,omitempty"` // Filters that the workflow states team must satisfy. Team *TeamFilter `json:"team,omitempty"` // Filters that the workflow states issues must satisfy. Issues *IssueCollectionFilter `json:"issues,omitempty"` // Compound filters, all of which need to be matched by the workflow state. And []WorkflowStateFilter `json:"and,omitempty"` // Compound filters, one of which need to be matched by the workflow state. Or []WorkflowStateFilter `json:"or,omitempty"` }
Workflow state filtering options.
type WorkflowStatePayload ¶
type WorkflowStatePayload struct { // The identifier of the last sync operation. LastSyncId float64 `json:"lastSyncId"` // The state that was created or updated. WorkflowState *WorkflowState `json:"workflowState"` // Whether the operation was successful. Success bool `json:"success"` }
type WorkflowStateSort ¶
type WorkflowStateSort struct { // Whether nulls should be sorted first or last Nulls *PaginationNulls `json:"nulls,omitempty"` // The order for the individual sort Order *PaginationSortOrder `json:"order,omitempty"` }
Issue workflow state sorting options.
type WorkflowStateUpdateInput ¶
type WorkflowStateUpdateInput struct { // The name of the state. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // The color of the state. Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` // The description of the state. Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` // The position of the state. Position *float64 `json:"position,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowTrigger ¶
type WorkflowTrigger string
const ( WorkflowTriggerEntitycreated WorkflowTrigger = "entityCreated" WorkflowTriggerEntityupdated WorkflowTrigger = "entityUpdated" WorkflowTriggerEntitycreatedorupdated WorkflowTrigger = "entityCreatedOrUpdated" WorkflowTriggerEntityremoved WorkflowTrigger = "entityRemoved" WorkflowTriggerEntityunarchived WorkflowTrigger = "entityUnarchived" )
type WorkflowTriggerType ¶
type WorkflowTriggerType string
const ( WorkflowTriggerTypeIssue WorkflowTriggerType = "issue" WorkflowTriggerTypeProject WorkflowTriggerType = "project" )
type WorkflowType ¶
type WorkflowType string
const ( WorkflowTypeSla WorkflowType = "sla" WorkflowTypeCustom WorkflowType = "custom" WorkflowTypeViewsubscription WorkflowType = "viewSubscription" )
type WorkspaceAuthorizedApplication ¶
type WorkspaceAuthorizedApplication struct { // Application name. Name string `json:"name"` // Image of the application. ImageUrl *string `json:"imageUrl,omitempty"` // Scopes that are authorized for this application for a given user. Scope []string `json:"scope"` // OAuth application's ID. AppId string `json:"appId"` // OAuth application's client ID. ClientId string `json:"clientId"` // Whether or not webhooks are enabled for the application. WebhooksEnabled bool `json:"webhooksEnabled"` // Total number of members that authorized the application. TotalMembers float64 `json:"totalMembers"` // UserIds and membership dates of everyone who has authorized the application with the set of scopes. Memberships []AuthMembership `json:"memberships"` }
[INTERNAL] Public information of the OAuth application, plus the userIds and scopes for those users.
type ZendeskSettings ¶
type ZendeskSettings struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` // The subdomain of the Zendesk organization being connected. Subdomain string `json:"subdomain"` // The URL of the connected Zendesk organization. Url string `json:"url"` // The ID of the Linear bot user. BotUserId *string `json:"botUserId,omitempty"` }
Zendesk specific settings.
type ZendeskSettingsInput ¶
type ZendeskSettingsInput struct { // Whether an internal message should be added when a Linear issue changes status (for status types except completed or canceled). SendNoteOnStatusChange *bool `json:"sendNoteOnStatusChange,omitempty"` // Whether an internal message should be added when someone comments on an issue. SendNoteOnComment *bool `json:"sendNoteOnComment,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is completed. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCompletion *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCompletion,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when its linked Linear issue is cancelled. AutomateTicketReopeningOnCancellation *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnCancellation,omitempty"` // Whether a ticket should be automatically reopened when a comment is posted on its linked Linear issue AutomateTicketReopeningOnComment *bool `json:"automateTicketReopeningOnComment,omitempty"` // The subdomain of the Zendesk organization being connected. Subdomain string `json:"subdomain"` // The URL of the connected Zendesk organization. Url string `json:"url"` // The ID of the Linear bot user. BotUserId *string `json:"botUserId,omitempty"` }