Kubectl Grep
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Filter Kubernetes resources by matching their names
- Kubernetes 1.17.0+
- Kubectl 1.17.0+
- Krew 0.4.0+
please refer to Kubernetes version policy and CHANGELOG for supported version matrix.
Example: kubectl-grep
build with Kubernetes-1.19.x should be compatable with Kubernetes cluster version 1.18, 1.19, 1.20.
Why we need it?
playing with Kubernetes is my daily job, and I normally search pods by pipe
, --label
, --field-selector
, etc. while hunting abnormal pods, but
typing such long commands are quite annoyed.
Before change, we usually filter pods by the following commands,
$ kubectl get pods | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -o wide | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -n "my-ns" | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -A | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -l "key=value" | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -l "key=value" -n "my-ns" | grep "keyword"
$ kubectl get pods -l "key=value" -A | grep "keyword"
With this plugin installed, you can filter pod with kubectl grep
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword"
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -o wide
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -n "my-ns"
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -A
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -l "key=value"
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -l "key=value" -n "my-ns"
$ kubectl grep pods "keyword" -l "key=value" -A
Supported Resources
- ConfigMaps
- DaemonSets
- Deployments
- HPAs
- Ingresses
- Jobs
- Nodes
- Pods
- Secrets
- StatefulSets
Installation via krew
$ kubectl krew version # make sure you are running 0.4.0+
$ kubectl krew install grep
$ kubectl krew upgrade
Manual Installation
$ export KUBECTL_GREP_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/guessi/kubectl-grep/releases/latest | jq -r .tag_name)
$ curl -L -O https://github.com/guessi/kubectl-grep/releases/download/${KUBECTL_GREP_VERSION}/kubectl-grep-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz
$ tar zxvf kubectl-grep-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz
$ mv kubectl-grep /usr/local/bin
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-grep
List all pods in default namespace,
$ kubectl grep pods
List all pods in all namespaces,
$ kubectl grep pods -A
List all pods with specific keyword, under specific namespace,
$ kubectl grep pods -n star-lab flash
How to get developer build?
$ go get -u github.com/guessi/kubectl-grep
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/guessi/kubectl-grep
$ make all
How do I check the tool's version?
$ kubectl grep version
Any plan to support Kubernetes version before 1.10.0?
sorry, it only support Kubernetes 1.10.0+
I'm now running Kubernetes 1.10.0, do I need to upgrade my cluster?
nope, the only requirement is to upgrade your `kubectl` to 1.13.0+
Can I run Kubernetes 1.12.0 with kubectl 1.13.0?
sure, no problem