Connect to SysAp, get all changes for specific channel types and send them to an influxDB.
So you can use grafana to draw them.
This tool is build on top of the package guckykv/freeathome-go-fahapi.
For a short introduction call fahinflux -h
so you get a list of
the config variables and a short description.
You can store them into a json file, or set the corresponding environment variables.
Example configuration:
"Host": "192.168.XX.YY",
"Password": "XXXXXXXXX",
"InfluxUrl": "http://192.168.XX.YY:8086",
"InfluxDB": "smarthome"
If you start fahinflux
without any further option it will establish
a websocket connection to the SysAP and runs forever (till you kill it).
If you only want to read and write the state once to influx, use option -n
Then the command will read in the whole configuration, write the data to influxDB and then quits.
If you want use fahinflux as debugging tool to see, what changes are happening in your free@home
network, start the program with the -d
option. This disables the InfluxDB part and
only print outs all changes it reads from the websocket connection.
Output Control
Normaly the programm send every change it gets from the SysAp to stdout.
With -q
you stop that.
With -v
you also get every 5 minutes the complete state of all (configured) devices.
If you send a SIGHUP signal (kill -1 PID
) to the running command, you force it
to print out the current device state.
All room temperature controller messages go to table rtc
The window or door sensors go to bc
And the weather station go to weather