Note: This is still in experimental state and might change in the future!
GraphQL server configuration
gqlgen.yml: the configuration file for
gqlgen to generate Go code from
GraphQL schema specification
schema/: the GraphQL schema from which the codegen starts
GraphQL server code generation
graphql.go: Mostly empty, contains load bearing comment to make sure Go code
is generated by go generate ./... whenever schema changes
generated/: Contains files generated by go generate ./... that represents
the internals of the GraphQL interface, as defined by gqlgen (marshalling,
unmarshalling, type checking, etc.)
resolvers/: contains resolvers for GraphQL queries. These should be editable
whenever the schema changes. Of particular interest is
resolvers/resolver.go, the root resolver definition, which links to the
backends via Backend.
model/nodes.go: Contains Go structures that correspond to the GraphQL
interface types. Use these in resolvers. Not recommended to directly depend
on these from the rest of GUAC, use client GraphQL instead.
GraphQL Examples
examples: queries used to test the backend, from the playground